Volume 18 Number 4
ABOUT THE COVER: This unusual quartz egg, measuring 3 in. x 5 in. (7.6 c m x 12.7 cm) is
covered with 416 triangular facets and has been hollowed out so that the walls are only 3
m m thick. The techniques used b y Harold and Erica Van Pelt to fashion this unusual art
object are described by Dr. John Sinkankas in this issue. The egg is resting on a 363-ct
aquamarine pedestal, and the quartz base sits on four 5-ct aquamarine cabochons. Photograph
1982 Harold and Erica Van Pelt, Los Angeles, CA.
Composition for Gems & Gemology is by Printed Page Graphics, Fullerton, CA. The color
separations are done b y Effective Graphics, Compton, CA. Printing is b y Waverly Press, Easton, MD.
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John Koivula
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Gems a) Gemology is published quarterly by the Gemological Institute of America, a nonprofit educational
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Richard T . Liddicoat, Jr.
Associate Editor
Peter C. Keller
Any opinions expressed in signed articles are understood to be the views of the authors and not of the publishers
obert M. Shipley, Jr., the elder son of the founder of the Gemological Institute
of America, passed away on September 10 after a long illness. He was 69 years
old. Bob Jr., as he was known to many of his friends in the gemological field, was
a great asset to his father in the early days of GIA. He came west from Wichita to
join his father in 1933, and his expertise in the laboratory field and in the development of instrumentation for gemologists quickly became apparent. The younger
Shipley soon became Director of the GIA Laboratory and was instrumental in establishing its reputation across the nation.
In many respects, Robert Shipley, Jr., was a genius in instrumentation. Prior to his
efforts, gemologists were largely dependent on instrumentation from the mineralogical field. Shipley decided that dark-field illumination would be of great benefit
. for examining the interior of gemstones and that low-power stereoscopic magnification would be a boon to the gemologist. In 1937, he applied for a patent on the
combination of binocular magnification with dark-field illumination for the examination of gemstones; 'the patent was granted in 1938. The stoneholder that he
developed for that early Diamondscope is still in use today, almost unchanged from
the original design.
When Edwin Land developed Polaroid, Shipley immediately saw the advantages
over the expensive and small Nicol prisms and made, with Raoul Francouer, a
French tool and dye maker, the first gem polariscope. Other instruments Shipley
developed include the original optical colorimeter, an electronic colorimeter, a universal motion immersion stage, a vertical equivalent of the endoscope for testing
drilled pearls, an analyzing refractometer, a pocket refractometer, and a gemological
polarizing microscope.
Shipley also assisted his father in the preparation of GIA1s Home Study courses,
particularly the course on advanced gemology. He taught many classes and acted
for a number of years as Director of Education as well as Research.
An officer in the Air Force reserve, Shipley was called to active duty in 1941. He
served in the U.S. and England during World War I1 and was given a medical discharge in 1944. After World War 11, he founded an instrument manufacturing company, which was sold to GIA around 1951. He then moved to Cloverdale, California,
north of San Francisco, where he continued his inventive ways with a research laboratory. He developed tree shakers for the fruit industry of northern California and
also equipment to pick up the fruit after it had fallen. He subsequently sold the
research laboratory to a large midwestern manufacturing firm.
Robert Shipley, Jr., is survived by his wife Mary and two sons.
Winter 1982
By Peter C. Keller
With th e recent drastic decline in
production from th e classic ruby m ine s of
Burma, Th ailand has become th e wo rld 's
major source of gem ruby. The majority
of the ruby produ ction, as w ell as som e
significant sapphire produ cti on, comes
from th e provin ces of Ch an tliabut i an d
Ttat in south eastern Thailand. Thi s
article reviews th e geology of th ese
all uvial deposi ts and describes the wide
range of methods used to mine th e
corundum . Gemologically, the Th ai
rubies are distinguished by their violet
overtone , inhibit ed fluor escence, and
ch aracteris tic inclusion s. Also discussed
is the heat treatment of corundum to
enhance color, which ha s becom e a major
industry in Clianthaburi. Th e newest
produ ct, "golden" sapphire, is examined,
including the apparent sta bility of the
color produced and clues to the det ection
of the heat treatment.
Dr. Keller is director of educa tion at the
Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica,
Acknowledgments: The author wishes to
thank the many people who con tributed to
this article in a variety of ways. John Koivula
and Chuck Fryer help ed ident ify many of the
inclusions. The trip into the mining region
would have bee n very difficufl if not for the
ge nerous office of Henry Ho, of the AIGS in
Bangkok, and the two knowledgable guides,
Narong Saeovi .and Dick Hughes. Sp ecial thanks
also go to Dr. George Rossman of the
California Institute of Techn ology for
sharing his insights into the heal
Ireatment of corundum . This study was made
po ssible by a grant from Ihe Western
Foundati on of Vertebrate Zoology.
))1983 Gemolo gical Institute of America
Winter 1982
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
Gem mining in the Chanthaburi-Trat area was
first reported at Khao Ploi Waen, also lznown as
'Pagoda Hill" or the "Hill of Gems," in 1850.
Khao Ploi Waen is about 8 lzm southwest of
Chanthaburi, near the village of Bang Kha Cha.
In 1850, the Shans and Burmese were mining sapphires here (Pavitt, 1973). According to Bauer
(1904))a missionary report dated 1859 stated that
it was possible to collect a handful of rubies from
the "Hill of Gems" in half an hour. Interestingly,
the pagoda that Bauer cites still stands.
Bauer (1904) described the state of the ruby
and sapphire deposits in the Trat Province (then
lznown as Krat) in the 1870s and 1880s. He divided the district into two groups, roughly 50 lzm
apart: Bo Nawang, an area of about 40 square lzilometers; and Bo Channa, 50 lzm to the northeast
and a little over one square kilometer in extent.
Bauer noted that the mines at Bo Nawang were
small, typically pits one meter deep, and sunk in
coarse yellow-brown sand overlying a bed of clay.
The rubies occurred at the base of the sand unit
in a layer 15-25 cm thick. These mines have been
worlzed since about 1875.
In 1895, an English company, The Sapphires
and Rubies of Siam, Ltd., obtained the rights to
mine in what was then Siam. This company was
an extension of E. W. Streeter, a famous London
jeweler with a Burmese gem-mining operation
known as Burma Ruby Mines Ltd. The company
was not successful in the Chanthaburi-Trat area
(Bauer, 1904).
At Bo Channa, the mines were vertical shafts
extending to a depth of 7 to 8 m until they reached
a gem gravel 15-60 c m thick. The Bo Channa
mines have been worlzed since about 1885. Both
Bo Channa and Bo Nawang were worlzed by the
Burmese. Bauer estimated that about 1250 miners
worlzed the two areas at the time.
Since the introduction of the Siam Mining Act
in 1919, all gem mining has been limited to Thai
nationals. Today, about 2,000 people mine in the
Khao Ploi Waen-Bang Kha Cha area, and at least
20,000 people work between Bo Rai, Bo Waen,
Nong Bon, and the deposits at Pailin in Kampuchea. Interviews at Bo Rai revealed that at least
1,000 miners from the area cross into Kampuchea
every day.
Because of the deep chemical weathering and subsequent rapid erosion that is typically associated
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
Quaternary alluvium,
eluvium, valley fill,
and river gravel
Tertiary ChanthaburiTrat basalts
Cretaceous granite
and granodiorite
Triassic granite
and granodiorite
. .. . ,
..... .: ..
Figure 2. Geologi
sketchmap of th
Chanthaburi-Trat arec
showing major ruby un
sapphire mines. Modifie
from Vichit et 01. ( 1 97fi
and lwunaphet ( 1 969
From 9- petrographic point of view, the Chanthaburi-Trat basalts are fine-grained, olivine-bearing alkaline basalts; they have been called "basanitoids" by Vichit et al. (1978)and "basanites"
by Berrange and Jobbins (1976).These basalts locally contain spinel-rich lherzolite nodules, which
may, in fact, be the ultimate source for the corundum. Lherzolite nodules are thought to form
in the upper mantle of the earth, at depths of
about 50 lzm, and may be unrelated to the magmas that brought them to the surface. The basalts
contain augite, pyrope garnet, calcic plagioclase,
zircon, spinel, and magnetite. The magnetite has
been reported as megacrysts up to 6 cm in diameter. Spinel, which along with olivine and enstatite is typical of lherzolite, is locally abundant
but rarely of gem quality.
The structural and historical geology of the
Chanthaburi-Trat area is essentially identical to
that outlined by Jobbins and Berrange (1981) for
the Pailin area of what is now Kampuchea, which
could easily be considered part of the Chanthaburi-Trat district. Jobbins and Berrange note that
during the Himalayan orogeny of early to middle
Tertiary times, the region, which is largely underlain by Jurassic-Triassic sandstones and Devonian phyllites, was uplifted and intruded by
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
The methods used to mine ruby and sapphire in
the Chanthaburi area reflect all levels of technological sophistication, from the simple rattan basket to the most advanced bulldozer. The mining
in the Khao Ploi Waen area is typical of Thailand's most primitive extraction methods. Independent miners lease land from the local owners.
A vertical shaft about 1 m in diameter is then dug
to a depth of about 10 m, where the gem gravels
are usually intersected. No ladder is used; the
miner simply digs footholes into the side of the
shaft. The soil is lifted to the surface using a large
bamboo crane and rattan baskets. When the gem
gravels are encountered, they are washed in artificial pools and sorted by hand in round rattan
sieves (figure 3).According to Pavitt (1973),about
2,000 people work using these simple methods in
the Khao Ploi Waen area alone.
Just to the south of Khao Ploi Waen, at Bang
Kha Cha, which is famous for its black star sapphires and blue and green sapphires, a different
style of mining is found. Here, the sapphires are
recovered from the muddy tidal flats of the Gulf
of Siam, which is located about 5 lzm to the south.
The gem miners take boats out into the flats at
low tide and fill them with the gem-bearing mud.
They then take the mud to shore where it is
washed with the standard rattan sieves. There are
more sophisticated operations at Bang Kha Cha,
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
gravels exit
F I K I I 5Y.~After the
the pipe, thuy are run over a long
sluice. The heavier corundum
concentrate collects in a jig at
the end.
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
Figure 8. Independent miners sorting rough rubies at Bo Rai. Note the bottle of "ruby
oil," essentially a coloring agent, which 'is sometimes used to temporarily enhance the
appearance of the gem rough.
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Winter 1982
thaburi without considering as well the nowcommon use of heat treatment in that area. The
heat treatment of corundum has developed into
a major industry in Thailand, primarily in Bangkok and Chanthaburi. Estimates of the number
of heat-treatment facilities run from the hundreds
to the thousands. These facilities treat not only
the local production, but large quantities of material from Sri Lanka, Australia, Kampuchea, and
Burma as well. Nassau (1981) and Crowningshield and Nassau (1981)examined the technical
aspects of heat treatment and its detection in
ruby and sapphire in quite some detail. They limited themselves to those questions relating to enhancing asterism or improving the color of ruby
and blue sapphire, however. Abraham (1982) discussed some of the practical aspects of this growing industry in Bangkok, but again limited his
article to the commercially important blue sapphires, rubies, and sapphires exhibiting asterism.
On a recent visit to Chanthaburi, the author
had the opportunity to interview Mr. Sammuang
Koewvan and Mr. Jonk Chinudompong, two of
the leading treaters. They were very cooperative
and helpful, and essentially confirmed what Abraham (19821 presented in his recent article. The
author was, however, especially interested in the
relatively large amount of high-quality brownish
to orangy yellow-referred to here as goldensapphire that they were generating, largely from
Sri Lanlzan rough (figure 13). (While significant
quantities of blue sapphires have been heat treated
for at least the last 10 to 15 years, and rubies for
the last three to five years, the heat treatment of
golden sapphires on a large scale appears to be relatively new.) T o date, very little has appeared in
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
the literature concerning these stones. Crowningshield (1982) reported that light yellow stones
were produced by heat treating colorless sapphire
seven or eight years ago, but that these were subject to fading. These stones were not the same as
the orangy yellow ones observed in this study,
which definitely did not fade on prolonged exposure (over several months) to light,
There was a great-deal of concern on the part
of the gem dealers in Thailand about these sapphires because such a golden color may also be
produced by irradiation, and the irradiated stones
have been found to fade rapidly when exposed to
heat or ultraviolet radiation. Because of this concern, dealers routinely place a suspect stone under a flame for one minute. If the stone has been
irradiated, it will fade. If, however, the sapphire
has been heat treated, it will temporarily darken
and, upon cooling, return to its golden color. (In
a recent personal communication, Robert Crowningshield noted that the GIA Gem Trade Lab in
New York prefers to place a suspect stone in sunlight for approximately four hours, since natural
yellow sapphires from Sri Lanka may temporarily
fade at a fairly low temperature.) In a paper by
Lehmann and Harder (19701, it was pointed out
that the yellow color in sapphire was generally
due to trivalent iron impurities. There were, however, some yellow sapphires that owed their color
to "irradiation color centers." The authors noted
that these sapphires "bleach completely within
a few days even in the dark."
The actual heat-treatment process for these
golden sapphires appears to be quite simple. Most
of the sapphires treated are colorless stones from
Sri Lanka. These sapphires are typically very clean
and free from the "silk" or rutile that provides the
Winter 1982
+ 0, + 2 Fe203
This conversion results in a yellow sapphire (Lehmann and Harder, 1970). Specifically, to produce
this change, the colorless sapphires'are heated for
about 12 hours at 1000 to 1700 in two crucibles, one placed inside the other (figure 14).The
corroded surface of the treated rough suggests
that the temperatures are at the high end of this
estimate. The variation in color is dramatic, some
stones remaining colorless while others become
a dark, rich golden color. The treaters interviewed
were very adamant that no chemicals are used in
the crucible with the sapphire. Theoretically, no
chemicals are necessary for the conversion of divalent to trivalent iron. The treated rough does
show signs of very localized partial melting; this
is possibly due to a spattering of the borax in
which the corundum-bearing crucible is packed
during the heating process. (The borax would be
an excellent flux to promote melting in the corundum, as it is in the diffusion treatment of this
Winter 1982
Chanthaburi-Trat, Thailand
Abraham J. (1982)Heat treating corundum: the Bangkok operation. Gems as) Gemology, Vol. 18, pp. 79-82.
Aranyakanon P., Vichit P. (1979)Gemstones in Thailand. Unpublished report for the Economic Geology Division of the
Ministry of Industry of Thailand.
Bauer M., Spencer L.J. (1904)Precious Stones (trans, of 1896
German text). Charles Griffin & Co., London.
Berrangi J.P., Jobbins, E.A. (19761 The geology, gemmology,
mining methods, and economic potential of the Pailin ruby
and sapphire gem-field, Khmer Republic. Institute of Geological Sciences Report No. 35, London.
Carmichael l., Turner F., Verhoogen J. (1974)Igneous Petrology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY.
Chang F. (1969)A trip to Chantaburi, Thailand. Lapidary Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 1020-1024.
Charaljavanaphet, J. (1951) Gem deposits at Bo Na-Wong,
Tok-Phrom, Bo-Rai in ~ h a n t h a b u r iand Trat provinces.
Geologic Reconnaissance of the Mineral Deposits of Thailand: Geological Survey Memoir, Vol. 1, pp. 148-150.
Crowningshield R., Nassau K. (1981)The heat and diffusion
treatment of natural and synthetic sapphires. Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 17, pp. 528-541.
Crowningshield R. (19821 Sapphire. In Gem Trade Lab Notes,
Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 18, p. 48.
Gubelin E. (1940)Differences between Burmese and Siamese
rubies. Gems as) Gemology, Vol. 3, pp. 69-72.
Gubelin E. (1971) New analytical results of the inclusions in
Siam rubies. Journal of Australian Gemmology, Vol. 12,
NO, 7, pp. 242-252.
Javanaphet J.C. (1969)Geological map of Thailand 1:1,000,000.
Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, Thailand.
Jobbins E.A., Berrangi J.P. (1981)The Pailin ruby and sapphire
gemfield, Cambodia. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 17, No.
8, pp. 555-567.
Lehmann G., Harder H. (1970) Optical spectra of di and trivalent iron in corundum. American Mineralogist, Vol. 55,
pp. 98-105.
Moreau M, (1976) Nong Bon ou Ie rubis de thailande. Revue
de Cemmologie a.f.g., No. 47, pp. 10- 12,
Nassau K. (19811 Heat treating ruby and sapphire: technical
aspects. Gems as) Gemology, Vol. 17, pp. 121-131.
Pavitt J.A.L. (1973)Sapphire mining in Chantaburi (Thailand].
Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 13, pp. 302-307.
Pavitt J.A.L. (1976)Thailand-gem cutting and trading. Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 12, pp. 307-319.
Stamm D. (1981)A star is born: new facets of Thailand's gem
trade. New Look Investor, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 8-20.
Taylor G.C., Buravas S. (1951) Gem deposits at Khao Ploi
Waen and Bang Ka Cha, Chanthaburi Province. Geologic
Reconnaissance of the Mineral Deposits of Thailand: Geological Survey Memoir, Vol. 1, pp. 144-148.
Vichit P., Vudhichativanich S., Hansawek R. (1978)The distribution and some characteristics of corundum-bearing
basalts in Thailand. Journal of the Geological Society of
Thailand, Vol. 3, pp. M4-1-M4-38.
Winter 1982
By E. Gubelin and K. Schmetzer
Winter 1982
Figure 1. Color change visible in an 8.07-ct alexandrite from Sri Lanka, from natural or
fluorescent light (left) to incandescent light (right). Stone courtesy of the Los Angeles
County Museum of Natural History. Photo b y Tino Hammid.
from the gemiferous Sri Lanlzan district of Ratnapura displaying a very similar change of color
came onto the market in the 1960s (the senior
author acquired his first specimen, 5 ct, in 1968).
Subsequently, alexandrite-like garnets were found
in the Umba Valley of Tanzania as well as in Bohemia, Norway, and Yakutia. They were either
chrome-rich pyropes or, more commonly, vanadium and/or chrome-bearing spessartite-rich pyropes (Amthauer, 1976; Schmetzer and 0tteinann, 1979).
Although well-informed gemologists have
known for some time that an alexandrite effect
may be produced in synthetic corundum by adding 20% chromium oxide or traces of vanadium
oxide (Barks et al., 19651, natural corundum from
Thailand and Colombia displaying a similar effect has only recently been described in detail
(Schmetzer et al., 1980).These gems contain Vgo3,
Fe203,and T i 0 2 in addition to C r a . A few examples of natural spinel from Sri Lanlza showing
a change of color from bluish violet in daylight to
red-violet in incandescent light have also appeared
on the market. The one such crystal examined
by the authors contains approximately 2% FeO
as well as small amounts of Cr203 and V20:,
(Schmetzer and Gubelin, 1980). To complete this
record, it may be mentioned that an alexandritelike fluorite, from Cherbadung in Switzerland,
was studied by H. A. Stalder (1978), an alexandrite-like kyanite from East Africa was described
by Bosshart et al. (19821, and an unusual alexandrite-like monazite from North Carolina was described by Bernstein (1982).
The following discussion reviews the current
knowledge on gemstones with the alexandrite ef-
Winter 1982
structure; yet some Cr3+ions are nevertheless incorporated into the second and narrower aluminum sites (Al,).It will be shown that not only the
amount of chromium in the chrysoberyl lattice,
but also the distribution of the chromium ions
between these two aluminum sites, as reflected
in the spectrum, is responsible for the characteristic color change and especially for its intensity.
The spectrum for alexandrite (figure 2a) shows
a transmission maximum at about 490 n m (i.e.,
in the blue to blue-green region), an absorption
maximum at 570 nm (i.e., in the yellow region),
and a second transmission maximum after about
600 nin in the red region and beyond in the adjacent infrared. This spectrum is primarily dependent on the presence of the Cr^ ions, which occupy 65% to 80% of the A12 lattice sites (Solntsev
et al., 1977; Matrosov et al., 1978).The presence
of the CrW ions in Al, sites effects the widening
and eventual displacement of this absorption
maximum, yet the corresponding Cr3+ bands remain weaker than the bands for the Cr3+ in A12
sites. The ratio of the Crl+ ions in these two A1
sites varies from crystal to crystal, and thus explains the variance in hue and intensity of the
color change observed in different specimens from
daylight to incandescent light.
The tr'ansmission of alexandrite for visible light
is high in the blue-green as well as in the red region of the spectrum. In daylight, in which the
blue short-wave components predominate (figure
3)) green to blue-green results. This effect is amplified by the optimal sensitivity of the human
eye for green light. In incandescent light, however, in which the long-wave spectral components predominate, the human eye perceives a red
hue because of the transmission in the spectral
section of minimal red absorption. The iron ion
does not directly contribute to the alexandrite effect, although it enhances the brownish cast of
certain alexandrites from Sri Lanka.
Crowningshield (1970) was the first author to
mention this new type of garnet. Garnets belong
to the group of neso-silicates with the general formula X^Yr[SiO.,].}, which indicates that the silicate anion is combined with a divalent metal ion
X and a trivalent metal ion Y. The alexandrite
effect is displayed only by some pyrope garnets
(Mg:,A12[SiO4I3)and some mixed crystals between
Wavelengths in nm
Winter 1982
Wavelengths in nm
Violet - Visible region
n-A :
curs in iron-rich pyropes with no spessartite molecules when they contain relatively high contents
of chromium (e.g., 8% or more Cr^Oy).
With regard to the absorption spectra for these
stones, the chromium and vanadium ions behave
similarly in all garnets. For instance, in Mn-rich
crystals, the specific absorption is partially superimposed by Mn2+bands; they appear between
408 and 422 nm. In the garnet crystal lattice, the
CrW ions (as well as the V+ ions) substitute for
some of the A13+,while Mn^ replaces Me,2+.Further details concerning the interpretation of the
spectra of alexandrite-like garnets may be consulted in the articles by Arnthauer (1976) and
Schmetzer and Ottemann (1979). The article by
Stockton ( 1982) illustrates some interesting colorchange garnets from East Africa.
Corundum is crystallized alumina [a-A120:J.
Pure corundum is colorless; the partial replacement of A13+by one or another of the transition
elements will introduce a wide variety of colors.
Corundum forms a continuous isomorphous series of mixed crystals with chromium oxide,
(Al,-xCrJzO:J.Small amounts of chromium impart a red color; greater amounts impart green.
Thus, a 20% CrgO:, content renders corundum
green in daylight and pink in incandescent light.
The absorption maxima of synthetic alexandritelike corundum lie at 415 and 568 nm. The spectrum of vanadium-bearing synthetic corundum is
also conspicuous by two strong absorption maxima at 571 and 398 nm. The stones are gray-green
in daylight and amethyst-like reddish violet in
artificial light.
Natural corundum with alexandrite effect [figure 2c) develops transmission maxima at 633 nm
(red) and 483 (blue-green).The alexandrite effect
thus materializes the same as in alexandrite itself. Alexandrite-like sapphire from Thailand,
which has less chromium, displays only a weak
change of color; while the blue sapphire from the
Umba Valley, which turns violetish red under incandescent light, possesses a greater amount of
chromium and hence shows a stronger color
change. This suggests that the intensity of the
color change depends on the concentration of the
transition-element atoms present [Schmetzer et
al., 1980).Figure 4 illustrates the color change in
a blue sapphire with alexandrite effect.
Winter 1982
Figure 4. Color change evident i n a 9.54-ct sapphire, purportedly from Sri Lanlza, from
natural or fluorescent light (left) to incandescent light (right). Stone courtesy of the Los
Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Photo by Tino Hammid.
Spinel is a combination of a divalent cation, typically magnesium in gem spinels, with alumina
(MgAlaOd).Characterized by a dense cubic stacking of oxygen atoms, the tetrahedral interstices
between the oxygens are filled in with bivalent
metal ions (e.g., Mg2+,Fe2+),while trivalent ions
find their places in the octahedral
coordinated lattice points.
The only alexandrite-like spinel described so
far [Schmetzer and Gubelin, 1980) has a color
change from violet-blue in daylight to red-violet
in artificial light. This unusual spinel, which originated in Sri Lanlza, contains 2.27% FeO as well
as lesser concentrations of Cr203(0.06%) and V2o3
(0.03%). Transmission maxima of equivalent intensities are observed at 490 and 440 nm; absorption maxima are at 571 and 633 nm (figure 2d). In
contrast to the more typical blue spinel, which is
rich in iron (without traces of Cr and V), the chromium and vanadium ions in the alexandrite-like
variety strengthen the intensity of the absorption
maximum at 571 nm, while the transmission
maximum in the blue region is simultaneously
weakened by the same ions. This means that the
spectrum displays transmission in the blue-violet
and red regions with an absorption maximum in
the yellow regions, thus producing the alexandrite effect.
Kyanite (A12SiOs),
which occurs in various shades
Winter 1982
in this rare gem, the conditions leading to an alexandrite effect are fulfilled by the particular
spectral features generated by the chromium and
assisted by the iron content, in that the a-ray
mainly transmits the red rays of the incandescent
light, whereas the /3- and y-rays transmit the strong
greenish blue rays of daylight.
Winter 1982
m u r e ti. Color change apparent i n a 28.33-ct tfuorlte from lingland, from natural or
fluorescent light (left) to incandescent light (right). Photo by Tino Hammid.
are influenced by minute traces of chromophorous ions within the individual crystal. Nature
possesses an enormous repertoire of such complex occurrences. It would, therefore, hardly be
astonishing if more gemstones with such a color
change were to appear in the future.
Amthauer G . (1976) Kristallchemie und ~ a i b echrornhaltiger
Granate. Neues fahrbuch fur Mineralogie A bhandliingen,
Vol. 126, pp. 158-186.
Bank H., Gubelin E. (1976) Das Smaragd-Alexandritvorkommen von Lake ManyardTansania. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 25, pp. 130-147.
Barks R.E., Roy D.M., White W.B. (1965) Sub-solidus equilibria in the system ALOn-CrzOaand optical spectra of crystalline solutions. Bulletin o f the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, pp. 317-319.
Bernstein L.R. (1982) Monazite from North Carolina having
the alexandrite effect. American Mineralozist,
- Vol. 67,. -pp..
Bill H., Calas G. (1978) Color centres, associated rare-earth
ions and the origin of coloration in natural fluorites. Phys.
ics and chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 3, pp. 117-131.
Bosshart G., Frank E., Hanni H.A., Barot N. (1982)Blue colourchanging kyanite from East Africa. Journal of Gemmology,
Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 205-212.
Carstens H.(1973)The red-green change in chromium-bearing
garnets. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol.
41, pp. 273-276.
Crowningshield R. (19701 Alexandrite-like garnet from Tanzania. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 162.
Gubelin E. (19681 Die Edelsteine der lnsel Ceylon. Edition
Scriptar, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Gubelin E. (1976a) Zum Problem des Farbenwechsels im Alexandrit. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 25, pp. 96-102.
Gubelin E. (1976b)Alexandrite from Lake Manyara, Tanzania.
Gems d Gemology, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 203-209.
Hassan F., El-Rakhawy A. (19741Chromium 111 centers in synthetic alexandrite. American Mineralogist, Vol. 59, pp.
159-1 65.
Koksharov N.V. (1861) Materialien zur Mineralogie Riisslands. Bd. 4, St. Petersburg, pp. 56-72.
Leithner H. (1980)Alexandrit aus den Ural. Lapis, Vol. 5, pp.
Matrosov V.N., Bukin G.V., Solntsev V.P., Tsvetkov E.G.,
Eliseev A.V., Kharchenko E.I. (19781 The growth and examination of optical properties of gem-alexandrite. Eleventh General Meeting of the International Mineralogical
Association, Novosibirsk 1978, Vol. 3, pp. 57-58.
Schmetzer K. (1978)Vanadium 111als Farbtrager bei naturlichen
Silikaten und Oxiden-ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie des
Vanadiums. Dissertation, University of Heidelberg, 1978.
Schmetzer K., ~ a n H.,
k Gubelin E. (19801 The alexandrite effect in minerals: chrysoberyl, garnet, corundum, fluorite.
Neues lahrbuch fur Mineralogie Abhandl~mgen,Vol. 138,
pp. 147-164.
Schmetzer K., Gubelin E. (1980) Alexandrite-like natural spinel from Sri Lanka. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie Abhandlungen, Vol. 9, pp. 428-432.
Schmetzer K., Ottemann G. (19791 Kristallchemie und Farbe
vanadiumhaltiger Granate. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie A bhandlungen, Vol. 136, pp. 146-168.
Solntsev V.P., Kharchenko E.J., Matrosov V.N., Burkin G.V.
(1977) Distribution of chromium ions in the chrysoberyl
structure (in Russian). Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo
Obshchestva Akademii Nauk SSSR, Trudy IV. Vsesoyuznogo Symposium Isomorphismu, part 2, pp. 52-59.
Stalder H.A., Embrey P., Graeser S., Nowacki I.W. (19781Die
Mineralien des Binntales. Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern.
Stockton C.M. (1982)Two notable color-change garnets. Gems
a) Gemology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 100-101.
White E.W., White W.B. (1967) Electron microprobe and optical absorption study of coloured kyanites. Scienc'e, Vol.
158, pp. 915-917.
White W.B.., Rov
, R.., Crichton Y.N. (19671
, The "alexandrite
effect": an optical study. American Mineralogist, Vol. 52,
pp. 867-871.
Yeremenko G.K., Polkanov Yu.A. (1972) Thermochromatic
effect in pyrope. Doklady Akademii Naiik S S S R , Earth Science Section 203, pp. 129-131.
Winter 1982
By D. Vincent Manson and Carol M. Stockton
rossular garnet occurs in a diversity of colors, including tones of orange, yellow, and green. Until
recently, this garnet species encountered little popularity
as a gemstone, and then only in its brownish orange variety hessonite. About 10 years ago, however, a large deposit of vivid green grossular was discovered in east
Africa (Bridges, 1974). Popularization of this material
followed the coining of the trade name "tsavorite" (now
accepted as a variety by mineralogists), and grossular
emerged as a significant gem species. More recently, another new east African garnet, tagged with the trade name
"malaya" and easily confused with hessonite, has brought
new attention to bear on grossular (Stockton and Manson,
Hessonite and tsavorite illustrate the inconsistency
that surrounds the definition of many gem varieties.
Hessonite is the name traditionally applied to the yellow, orange, or brown transparent variety of grossular.
However, color descriptions of hessonite are varied and
vague: "cinnamon-colored and "yellow" (Dana, 1911))
"yellowish and brownish red" (Deer et al. 19631, "brownish-yellow, through a brownish-orange to aurora-red"
(Webster, 1975), "orange-brown" [Anderson, 19591, "light
yellow to dark yellow shades" (Arbunies-Andreu, 19751,
"yellow-brown to orangy-brown" (Shipley, 1974), "orangy-yellow to orangy-brown" (Liddicoat, 1981). In addition to the lack of agreement we encountered on the precise range of hues associated with this variety, nowhere
could we find mention of the saturation of color to which
these various hues referred.
The original description of tsavorite as being similar
in color to emerald (Bridges, 1974)is also rather vague. At
what point does green grossular have sufficient depth and
intensity of color to be considered tsavorite? This is much
the same as the familiar question, At what stage does
green beryl become emerald? The net result of this lack
Winter 1982
Figure 1 . This selection of stones used in the grossular portion of the garna study
illustrates' the range of colors examined.
Winter 1982
Physical and Optical Data. Comparison of the
ranges we obtained for refractive index and specific gravity with the values quoted by three other
gemological references (table 1) reveals that the
ranges we found in our 105 samples are somewhat
broader than one might presume on the basis of
the gemological literature. A graph of the relationship between refractive index and specific
gravity among our 105 specimens (figure 2) suggests that, of the nongrossular components present, andradite appears to have the strongest effect
on the departure of these propertiesfrom the values for pure grossular: 1.731 (McConnell, 1964)
and 3.594 (Skinner, 1956), respectively. However,
the scattering of points to either side of the grossular-andradite trend suggests that other influences, such as other end-member components,
are present, as one might expect (Ford, 1915;
Fleischer, 1937).
Comparison of our data with references in the
mineralogy literature sometimes reveals discrepancies that result from the particular nature of
our samples. Gem specimens are relatively inclusion-free, transparent, single crystals, while mineralogical specimens are frequently fractured and
included such that they are not transparent even
as single crystals. For example, data cited by Ford
(1915) resulted in a low estimate of the specific
gravity of pure grossular (3.530 rather than the
3.594 found by Skinner in 1956). It is recognized
now that, as stated by Deer et al. (1963, p. 811,
"garnets commonly have small inclusions of
quartz or other minerals which cause the composite grain to have a low specific gravity." In
fact, their data reflect this bias when compared
with our results.
Refractive index
Shipley (1974)
1.74 -1.75
Webster (1975)
Liddicoat (1981 ) approx, 1.735
Manson and
Stockton (present study)
Specific gravity
approx. 3.65
approx. 3.61
Winter 1982
Chemistry. It has long been considered that grossular is chemically continuous with andradite
and uvarovite and forms a subgroup with them
(Winchell and Winchell, 1951).While the amount
of andradite in the 105 gems we analyzed ranged
from approximately 0 to 19%, the most uvarovi te
we encountered was 1.5%. In fact, no single endmember component other than andradite exceeded 7% in any of the gem grossulars we analyzed (table 2).The relative quantities of grossular
and andradite compared to all the remaining components can be observed in the ternary diagram
of these three divisions (figure 5).
Although examples of stones containing less
than 75% and more than 20% grossular have been
cited (e.g., Deer et al., 1963))we personally have
observed no gem-quality stones in that range.
Grossular appears to be chemically less inclined
to mix with other end-member components to
End member
Weight %
Ca3Tiy(Fe3+,Si)30,2 Schorlomite
0 02- 2,14
- 19.07
- 3.05
- 6,91
- 1.51
- 2.19
- 3.15
77.71 -97.91
0 - 3.35
Winter 1982
Winter 1982
Figure 7. The green-through-orange region of the CIE chromaticity diagram with the 105
garnets positioned according to their x-y coordinates.
Figure 8. The green-through-orange
region of the CIE chromaticity
diagram with the color trend lines
used to approximate changes in
color of the 105 grossulars.
Winter 1982
Winter 1982
The gem species grossular presents few problems
in description or identification. All of the gems
we examined in this study contain more than
70% of the component Ca3A12SiaOiz,
more than the 50% required to assign them to a
gem species. Mineralogical evidence based on nongem-quality material has shown that there is indeed a continuous chemical series between grossular, andradite, and uvarovite, but the grossulars
examined in this study suggest that there is a gap
in this series with regard to gem-quality grossular
garnets. Until we receive evidence to the contrary, then, we can regard gem grossulars as discrete with respect to any other gem garnet species. Gem grossulars have been observed in this
study to possess refractive indices from 1.731 to
1.754 and specific gravities of 3.57 to 3.67. The
hand spectroscope revealed no characteristic absorption bands for the 105 grossulars examined,
in support of past observations.
Considering the effect that the application of
varietal names has on the appreciation of gemstones, the precise definition of gem varieties is
of some importance. The two gem varieties of
grossular, hessonite and tsavorite, lack such def-
Winter 1982
Winter 1982
Manning P.G. (1972) Optical absorption spectra of Fe3+ in octahedral and tetrahedral sites in natural garnets. Canadian
Mineralogist, Vol. 11, pp. 826-839.
Manning P.G. (1973)Intensities and half-widths of octahedralFeJ+ crystal-field bands and Racah parameters as indicators
of next-nearest-neighbor interactions in garnets. Canadian
Mineralogist, Vol. 12, pp. 215-218.
Manning P.G., Tricker M.J. (1977)A Mossbauer spectral study
of ferrous and ferric ion distributions in grossular crystals:
evidence for local crystal disorder. Canadian Mineralogist,
Val. 15, pp. 81-86.
Manson D.V., Stockton C.M. I19811 Gem earnets in the redto-violet color ranee.
a> ~ e m o -.
l o kVol. 17. No. 4,
pp. 191-204.
McConnell D. (1964) Refringence of garnets and hydrogarnets.
Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 8, pp. 11-12.
Shipley R.M. (1974)~ i c t i o n a of
r ~&s and Gemology. Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica, CA, p. 89.
Skinner B.J. (1956) Physical properties of end-members of the
garnet group. American Mineralogist, Vol. 41, pp. 428-
Amthauer G. (1975)Zur Kristallchemie und Farbe gruner und
brauner Grossulare aus Tansania. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 61-72.
Amthauer G. (1976) Kristallchemie und Farbe chromhaltiger
Granate. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Abhundlangen,
Vol. 126,No. 2, pp. 158-186.
Anderson B.W. (1959) Properties and classification of individual garnets. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-7.
Arbunies-Andreu M., Bosch-Figueroa J.M., Font-Altabi M.,
Traveria-Cros A. (1975) Physical and optical properties of
garnets of gem quality. Fortschritte Mineralogie, Vol. 52,
pp. 531-538.
Bank H. (1980) Granate aus Mexiko. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 29, Nos. 3 and 4, pp.
Stockton C.M., Manson D.V. (1982)Gem garnets: the orangeto red-orange color range. In International Gemological
Symposium Proceedings 1982, Gemological Institute of
America, Santa Monica, CA, pp. 327-338.
Switzer G.S. (1974) Composition of green garnet from Tanzania and Kenya. Gems a> Gemology, Vol. 14, No. 10, pp.
Wight W., Grice J.D. (1982) Grossular garnet from the Jeffrey
Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada. Journal of Gemmology,
Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 126-130.
Winchell A.M., Winchell H. (1951)Elements of Optical Mineralogy, Part 11, Descriptions of Minerals. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, pp. 483-489.
Winter 1982
B y John Sinkunkus
Harold and Erica Van Pelt of Los Angeles are known
worldwide for their superb color photography of
gems and minerals. A well-kept secret, however, has
been their remarkable proficiency i n the lapidary
arts, specifically in the production in traditional
styles of many important rock crystal objects,
including candlesticks, vases, paperweights, and
polished quartz crystals containing various mineral
inclusions. Agate, amethyst, and other gemstones are
also employed. For the most part, the machinery
used to create these objects was designed or
modified by the Van Pelts themselves and includes
devices for sawing, grinding, and polishing. A stepby-step procedure for making a hollow ostrich egg,
completely covered by triungulur facets, is explained.
Winter 1982
Figure 1. The Van Pelt quartz egg measures 5 in. (12.7 cm) high x 3 in. (7.6 crn) i n
diameter. The top has 176 facets, and the bottom 240. The walls of this hollow egg are
3 rnrn thick. Photo 1982 Harold and Erica Van Pelt, Los Angeles, CA.
Winter 1982
Winter 1982
Winter 1982
Menzhausen I. (1968) The Green Vaults. Edition Leipzig,
Michel H. (1960) Cristal de roche et cristalliers. Memoires
Academic Royale Belgique, classe de beaux-arts, Vol. 11,
No. 3, 52 [2] pp., 24 plates.
Morassi A. (19631 Art Treasures of the Medici. New York
Graphic Society, Greenwich, CT.
Winter 1982
By Herbert S. Pienaar
Gem-quality friedelite was discovered b y chance
during shaft-sinking operations i n a new, deep
manganese mine near Kuruman. This article reports
on the general geology and mineralization of the
friedelite, speculates on the age and origin of the
deposit, and describes the gemological properties of
this material.
The friedelite was found during shaft-sinking operations at the Middelplaats mine in the Kalahari
manganese field, near Kuruman, northern Cape
Province, Republic of South Africa (figure 1).It is
associated with the lower manganese ore zone indicated in figure 2. The ore itself is a fine-grained
mudstone into which the ore mineral, braunite,
is incorporated in a highly disseminated state
(Middelplaats Manganese Ltd., 1981).
Koekemoer, a mineral dealer, relying on information supplied by the miners who removed the
friedelite from the shaft, originally placed the occurrence in the upper portion of the 25-m-thick
ore zone at a depth of about 395 m below the surface and a distance of about 75 m from the main
shaft (personal communication, 1981). Subsequent follow-up investigations by Zaayman, the
resident mine geologist, placed the friedelite locality at the base of the lower ore body near the
old ventilation shaft. Unfortunately, the precise
underground position could not be determined,
inasmuch as that portion of the mine, once it was
worked out, had been converted into maintenance workshops and all the rock faces covered
by "shotcrete," a cement aggregate applied at high
pressure. Nevertheless, small fragments of friedelite were subsequently found in this vicinity
(Zaayman, personal communication, 1982).
On the basis of information received from the
miners, it is estimated that originally two to three
tons of low-grade manganese ore were collected,
from which about 100 kg of friedelite (then
thought to be a variety of rhodochrosite) and ganABOUT THE AUTHOR
Mr. Pienaar is lecturer in gemology at the De Beers
Laboratory, University of Stellenbosch, Republic of South
Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank Crystal World
Inc., Los Angeles, for specimens; the Geology Department of
the Middelplaats manganese mine for supplying relevant
information: and the technical staff of the Department of
Geology, Stellenbosch University, for processing the
Winter 1982
Figure 1. Locality m a p of
mines i n the Kalahari
manganese field, Republic
o f South Africa.
The friedelite mineralization tends to follow the general bedding of the sediments, with a
slight cross-cutting relationship in places. Consequently, the origin of the friedelite occurrence
is not clear. It could be metasomatic and associated with the nearby 1750-m.y.-old basic dykes,
or it could be the metamorphic product of a discrete layer within the original banded ironstone
formation. It is, however, definitely younger than
the 2220-m.y.-old Ongeluk volcanic rocks onto
which the banded ironstone formation was
Two forms of gem-quality friedelite have been
found. The one is evenly colored and translucent,
and has a rose red to carmine red appearance (figure 3).The other form is also predominantly rose
red to carmine red, but it is streaked by pink and
white veinlets of rhodochrosite and other carbonate minerals. It is referred to here as matrix friedelite (figure 4).
Ideally, the chemical composition of friedelite
is MnaSi(,O,g(OH,Cl),o.
However, according to the
accompanying electron probe analysis by D. H.
Cornell of the Department of Geology, University
of Stellenbosch, the friedelite from this occurrence has some of the manganese replaced isomorphously by iron and magnesium (table 1).
Thus far, no discrete crystals have been found
in this locality. All the material examined was
cryptocrystalline and optically anisotropic; it produced a typical aggregate reaction when exam-
Winter 1982
Figure 3. Cryptocrystulline
friedelite cubochons, 16 x
10.1 m m (5.42 ct) and 10.4
x 8.8 m m (3.83 ct). Photo
by Tino Hammid.
Winter 1982
Arem J.E. (1977)Color Encyclopedia of Gemstones. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY.
Bertrand E. (1876) Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de France, Vol. 82, p. 1167.
Frondel C., Bauer L.H. (1953)Manganpyrosmalite and its polymorphic relation to friedelite and schallerite. American
Mineralogist, Vol. 38, pp. 755-760.
Hoffmann A., Slavik F. (1909)Bulletin Acta Bohbme, Vol. 14,
p. 4.
Ingelstrom L.J. (1891)Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie, Vol. 21,
p. 94.
Kuyapova M.M. (1960) Friedelite from the iron-manganese
deposits of Dshumart and Kamya in Central Kazahkstan.
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 135, pp. 416-418.
Kuyapova M.M. (1968)Friedelite and its ferrous varieties from
deposits of the Atasui region of Central Kazahkstan. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, Vol.
97, pp. 342-348.
Lindstrom G. (1891) Geologiska FOteningens i Stocl&olm
Forhandlingar, Vol. 13, p. 81.
Middelplaats Manganese Ltd., Department of Geology (1981)
A brief description of the Middelplaats manganese deposit.
Unpublished report.
Palache C. (1910)Contributions to the mineralogy of Franklin
Furnace, New Jersey.American Journal of Science, Vol. 29,
pp. 177-187.
Palache C. (1935)The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill,
Sussex, New Jersey. U.S. Geological Survey Professional
Paper 180, pp. 88-90.
Sinkankas J. (1959) Gemstones of North America. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY.
Sinkankas J. (19621Gem Cutting, 2nd ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY.
Sinkankas J. (1968)Standard Catalog of Gems. Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co., NY.
Vargas C.,Vargas M. (1969) Faceting for Amateurs. Vargas,
Thermal, CA.
Vargas G., Vargas M. (1979)Descriptions of Gem Materials.
Vargas, Palm Desert, CA.
Webster R. (1978) Gems, Their Sources, Descriptions and
Identification, 3rd rev. ed. Butterworth, London.
Winter 1982
By John I. Koivula
This article reports the identification of tourmaline
crystals as inclusions in emeralds from Zambia, i n
south-central Africa. T o understand the paragenesis
responsible for this unusual association, the geology
of the area is reviewed. The gemological properties o f
these emeralds are also noted.
T o date, a variety of interesting mineral inclusions have been reported in the emeralds from the
deposits at Milzu-Kafubu, in Zambia (Sinlzanlzas,
1981).These include the micas biotite and phlogopite, rutile, and apatite. Recently, the author
had the opportunity to study three rough emeralds and one faceted stone from this locality with
inclusions that appeared to be tourmaline, a mineral that' has been reported as inclusions i n emeralds from the Urals in the Soviet Union and
from the Habachtal mine in Austria (Sinlzanlzas,
1981; Gubelin, 1974)but has not previously been
noted as occurring in Zambian emeralds.
If the inclusions the author observed are in
fact tourmaline, then a new paragenetic relationship could be established and a new species added
to the list of known inclusions in Zambian emeralds. To this end, the geology of the area is reviewed and the inclusions themselves described
in detail. Also, the gemological properties of these
stones are compared to those previously reported
for Zambian emeralds.
The main emerald-producing area in Zambia
comprises two deposits, Milzu and Kafubu, which
lie within a few kilometers of each other. This
emerald field is located in the Kitwe district of
northern Zambia, approximately 32 lzm southwest of Kitwe and 40 lzm west-northwest of Luanshya, near the entrance of the Miku River into the
Kafubu River (Bank, 1974).Both Miku and Kafubu
produce excellent, gem-quality emeralds; some
crystals weigh well over 100 ct.
Winter 1982
One faceted and three rough emeralds were examined. The faceted stone was an emerald cut
that weighed 0.91 ct, and the largest rough crystal
section weighed 3.48 ct. The emeralds varied in
color from a bluish green of medium intensity to
a dark, intense bluish green.
Using the GEM ColorMaster, the color of the
0.91-ct faceted stone was dialed in as 00 red, 43
Figure 1. A black-appearing crystal of dravite
green, and 22 blue using the E modifier. This readtourmaline in a Zambian emerald is decorated
ing calculated as 0.230 x, 0.586 y, and 5.72 z for
by numerous small tension fractures, some
the coordinates on the CIE color chart, giving a
of which are stained by limonite. This
very slight bluish green by CIE standards.
photomicrograph was taken using a
Refractive index and optic character were decombination of low-intensity transmitted light
using a Duplex I1 refractometer and a
and oblique illumination, magnified 2 0 ~ .
sodium vapor light source. Refractive indices of
= 1.581 and M = 1.588 were noted, which gives
orange limonite. In cross section, as in figure 2,
an optic character and sign of uniaxial negative
the tourmalines display typical trigonal or trianand a birefringence of 0.007.
gular outlines. No crystallograpl~icallydictated
The emeralds were studied for their visible
alignment was noted between the tourmaline inlight absorption characteristics using a Beck
clusions and their host.
wavelength prism spectroscope and the GEM
Noted gemologist Chuck Fryer scraped one of
spectroscope unit. In the direction of the ordinary
the inclusions that reached the surface and obray, parallel to the c-axis, sharp absorption lines
tained enough powder for X-ray diffraction analcould be seen at approximately 479 nin, 610 nm,
ysis. The inclusion was found to correspond to
638 nm, and 670 nm, with a single, somewhat
tourmaline in the schorl-dravite series, schorl
thicker band at approxin~ately682 nnl.
having the chemical composition Na(Fe,Mn).jAl,jBs
A general absorption band was also noted beSi,A7(OH,F),,and dravite, NaMg3~BB.jSi,j027(OH,F).i.tween 580 nin and 610 nm. At 90from the c-axis,
The diffraction pattern obtained matched dravite
only four distinct absorption lines were observed:
more closely than schorl, but a detailed chemical
638 nm, 650 nnl, 670 nin, and 690 nm. All of the
analysis would be necessary to conclusively place
absorption points in these emeralds can be corthese tourmalines in their proper position in the
related to known chromium absorption peaks
schorl-dravite series.
(Sinl<ankas, 1981).
Winter 1982
not yet been found included in Zambian tourmalines, it can be inferred that the emeralds may
be geologically younger than the tourmalines.
In reviewing the suite of inclusions now known
to occur i n Zambian emeralds, we find striking
similarities to inclusions in emeralds from other
schist-type deposits. In fact, the emeralds from
the mica schist in Habachtal, Austria (Gubelin,
1956, 1974), are known to play host to all of the
minerals so far found as inclusions in Zambian
emeralds. Such comparable parageneses support
the view that schist-type emeralds all undergo
similar stages of genesis.
Editor's note: An attractive example o f a faceted
Za~nbicinemerald if, illustrated in the Gem Trade
Lab Notes section o f this issue.
Bank H. (19741 The emerald occurrence of Miku, Zambia.
journal of Gemmology, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 8-15.
Gubelin E J . (1956) The emerald from Habachtal. Gems es)
Gemology, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 295-309.
Gubelin E.J. (1974) Internal World of Gemstones. ABC edition, Zurich, Switzerland.
Sinkankas J. (19811 Emerald and Other Beryls. Chilton Book
Co., Radnor, PA.
Winter 1982
Chuck Fryer
GIA, Sanla Monica
Uem trade
Robert Crowntngshield
Gem Trade Laboratory, New York
Karin N . Hurwit
Gem Trade Laboratory, Santa Monica
Robert E. Kane
Gem Trade Laboratory, Los Angeles
"Chameleon" Diamond
Perhaps the most striking color
change of a diamond is in the socalled chameleon. These diamonds
were discussed, but not illustrated,
in the Winter 1981 issue of Gems
&> Gemology. It was noted at that
time that these stones glow red
while hot from being on the wheel,
then on cooling appear to be fancy
yellow before changing on exposure
to light to the dull yellow or graygreen usually associated with chameleon diamonds.
Figure 1 shows a particularly attractive dark yellow-green emeraldcut diamond seen recently in the
New York lab. The stone displayed
strong yellow fluorescence and phosphorescence. Also observed were a
weak pair of absorption lines at approximately 4155 A and 4190 A in
the spectroscope. Figure 2 shows the
same stone while i t is still warm
from an alcohol flame. In this phase,
it would be considered a fancy, intense orange-yellow. Unfortunately,
few future owners will ever see this
color, as the diamond returned in
seconds to its "normal" green as
soon as it was exposed to light.
Crusader Diamond
What's new in diamond cutting? In
New York, we had the opportunity
to examine a seven-sided modified
brilliant resembling a crusader's
shield, complete with a white cross
Lab Notes
Diamond Oddities
Only rarely have we seen needle-like
inclusions in diamonds, and even
more rarely have we seen them in
patches resembling those found in
natural corundum. Figure 4 shows
two long rows of needles as viewed
through the crown of a round brilliant that came into the New York
lab. When viewed from the pavilion,
the needles take on a more scat-
Figure 3. Shield-shaped
diamond with cross on the
table. Magnified 10 X.
tered appearance, with brilliantly
reflected spots along some of them.
A naturally yellow fancy diamond that also came into the New
York laboratory for a complete quality analysis was puzzling to the
graders because of what appeared to
be the blackish outlines of all the
Winter 1982
Figure 4. Needle-like
inclusions in diamond.
Magnified 30 X.
Lab Notes
Winter 1982
~ v I o L E T V B & B L U E
V G ~ Y 0
Ll G \ G R E E N +
Lab Notes
V G t V
Winter 1982
The 11.77-ct translucent, white, asteriated, oval double cabochon shown
in figure 11 was recently brought to
the Los Angeles laboratory for iclentification. When the stone was examined in a polariscope, a "bullseye" uniaxial interference figure
was obtained, thus proving it to be
The phenomenon of asterism in
quartz was discussed in some detail
in the Winter 1981 issue of Gems
a) Gemology, on page 230. The unusual feature about this stone, reportedly from Sri Lanka, was the
fact that the r~itile needles that
evoked the asterisin were relatively
large, and were even visible to the
unaided eye. When examined with
the n~icroscope, the rutile needles
were strikingly enhanced by interference colors that changed as the
stone was moved (see figure 12).The
iridescence produced by the interference of light with the rutile
needles was easily visible to the unaided eye as the stone was rotated
under a single light source.
. .
- --
Lab Notes
Winter 1982
Lab Notes
Winter 1982
The Gem Trade Laboratory in Santa
Monica was recently asked to issue
identification reports on two rather
interesting man-made items. The
first was a singly refractive, transparent, green, rectangular piece of
rough material that had one of the
most intricate internal patterns we
have yet encountered. The pattern,
as can be seen in figure 21, showed
the isometric nature of the host. The
refractive index was 1.39, and the
specific gravity was approximately
2.64. The material, which showed
perfect cleavage in two directions,
fluoresced a very strong yellow to
Lab Notes
Winter 1982
Editorial Forum
1 notice that you marked the statement "WORLD'S
LARGEST TAAFFEITE?" (Gem Trade Lab Notes, Spring
1982, p. 49) with a question mark, and I appreciated
your caution in this matter. Of the five taaffeites in my
private collection, the largest weighs 11.24 ct. It is
pink, has a faceted oval cut, and contains a yellowish
brown inclusion of monazite. Even this taaffeite is not
the largest in the world, as the largest known to me
weighs 13.22 ct. It is flawless and has a pleasing mauve
color. It is cut oval and faceted. This very rare and beautiful collector's item is in the possession of Mr. R. Fonseka in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
E. Giibelin
Meggen, Switzerland.
Regarding the markings you show and describe on the
pink topaz, peridot, and seed pearl panire shown on
page 121 of the Summer 1982 Gems s) Gemology, I
may be of some assistance. The owl marking you described applies to gold items which are being imported
into France for which earlier French provenance cannot
be absolutely guaranteed, or items which were proved
to come from countries other than those which had
been French colonies. In order for a jewellery item to
be resold in France legally, it had to be marked with
Editorial Forum
this control mark. T h e swan marking you have photographed is the corresponding control mark for items
made of or partially made of silver. These two markings
were in use from July 1, 1893, until 1970. It is therefore
possible that the suite was imported into France anytime from 1893 to 1970.
There would also appear to be a good possibility
that some of the stone settings are actually made of
silver and that this has been obscured by the later plating process.
The mark with the letters and umbrella is in all
probability either an original maker's mark or the mark
of the firm which had the pieces for resale and therefore
had the control marks put on. Of the two possibilities,
the more likely would be that this is the later retailer's
or importer's mark. The box shape and the fact that it
is an applied plate lead m e to believe that it was a
French firm. The double struck marking of the ram appears to be the gold guarantee mark of Paris 1819-1 838,
as per the Book of Old Silver by Seymour B. Wyler,
page 336.
By the design and style, it is certainly possible that
the jewellery was made in France, 1819-1838, purchased by someone who moved out of the country, and
many years later brought back into France for resale.
For further reference on international precious metals markings, I would suggest Poincons d'or et de 1'10tine and Poincons dlArgent by Tardy, 21 Rue des Boulangers, Paris, S.E., which contain textual explanations
of various French import and export marks as well as
international guarantee marks.
Debra Fraleigh, G.G.
Fraleigh Jewellers & Gemmologists
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Winter 1982
Dona M . Dirlam, Editor
Miriam K. Cybul
GIA, New York
Stephanie L. Dillon
GIA, Santa Monica
Bob F. Effler
GIA, Santa Monica
Joseph 0 . Gill
Gill & Shortell Ltd., San Francisco
Caroline K. Goldberg
GIA, Santa Monica
Joseph P. Graf
Gem Trade Lab, Inc.,
Los Angeles
Fred L. Gray
GIA, Santa Monica
Elizabeth R. Hardy
GIA, New York
Gary S. Hill
GIA, Santa Monica
Jill M. Hobbs
GIA, Santa Monica
Steven C. Hofer
Santa Monica
Karin N. Hurwit
Gem Trade Lab, Inc.,
Santa Monica
Noel P. Krieger
GIA, Santa Monica
Ernest R. Lalonde
GIA, Santa Monica
Shane F. McClure
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Mark W. Patterson
G ~ ANew
Michael P. Roach
Andin International, New York
Gemological Abstracts
Gary A. Roskin
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Michael L. Ross
GIA, Santa Monica
Andrea L. Saito
GIA, Santa Monica
James E. Shigley
GIA, Santa Monica
Frances Smith
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Carol M. Stockton
GIA, Santa Monica
Barbara J. Taylor
Asian Institute of Gemmological
Sciences, Los Angeles
Evelyn Tucker
Anchorage, Alaska
Kerry J. Werner
GIA, Santa Monica
Winter 1982
Gemological Abstracts
Winter 1982
The Australian wild card is now DeBeersl ace in the
hole, part I. DeBeers and the Australian diamond
connection, part 11. E. Farrell, Goldsmith, Vol. 161,
1982: No. 2, pp. 39-50; No. 3, pp. 57-61.
There has been much speculation in the diamond in-
Gemological Abstracts
dustry about the new Australian diamond mine at Argyle. Who will market the output? What effect will this
new deposit have on the world marlzet? Eileen Farrell
attempts to answer these and other frequently asked
questions in two consecutive articles.
It now seems that some sort of agreement will be
reached between the Ashton Joint Venture, the developers of the mine, and DeBeers's Central Selling Organization. DeBeers will most likely distribute the
majority of the diamonds, as they must to perpetuate
their dominance of the marlzet, but they will malze several unprecedented concessions for this privilege. The
Australians are firm in wanting a local cutting industry
and in marketing part of the gem and near-gem production themselves.
The Argyle pipe is expected to yield approximately
35% of the world diamond production in quantity, but
only about 4% by value, because of the low overall
quality of the diamonds and their small size. If the valnations of the initial samples are correct, and there has
been some disagreement about these figures, the market should not be upset by this new influx of diamonds.
Ms. Farrell's articles, which malze interesting reading, are well researched.
Diamond collecting in northern Colorado. D. S. Collins, Mineralogical Record, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1982,
pp. 205-208.
The occurrence of diamonds in lzimberlite is usually
associated with the classic areas of diamond production
in Africa, but similar occurrences are lznown. Within
the United States, for instance, the diamond locality
near Murfreesboro, Arkansas, has been recognized since
the early 1900s. This article describes a recent discovery of diamonds in the northern Front Range of the
Wyoming-Colorado border, between Laramie and Fort
As in other areas, the diamonds at this locality occur in lzimberlite, a type of olivine- and pyroxene-rich
ultramafic igneous rock lznown as peridotite. Within
this particular area of the Front Range, some 90 separate lzimberlite bodies have been identified in Precambrian granitic rocks. The lumberlite pipes were emplaced along several major fault zones. Fission-track
dating of zircons recovered from the lzimberlite gave an
average value of 377 million years, which indicates a
Devonian age for these diamond-bearing pipes.
Since 1975, a small number of diamonds have been
found in the weathered lzimberlite at this locality. These
stones average approximately 1 mm in diameter; the
largest recorded diamond is a distorted octahedron
weighing 0.06 ct. Some of these stones are of gem quality. They may occur as crude crystals, or as rounded or
broken fragments, white or pale yellow in color.
The future prospect for diamond recovery from this
area is not known at present. The author considers the
area to be a potentially rich find on the basis of un-
Winter 1982
Gemological Abstracts
Winter 1982
Gemological Abstracts
An occurrence of gem-quality elbaite from Glenbuchat,
Aberdeensliire, Scotland. B. Jackson, Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1982, pp. 121-125.
This brief article describes the first reported occurrence
of gem-quality elbaite tourmaline in Scotland. The locality is near the town of Glenbuchat in Aberdeenshire,
where a sequence of metamorphic schists has been intruded by pegmatite and aplite dikes of granitic composition. In this area, only one pegmatite has so far produced gem tourm-1' 1'me.
Elbaite crystals up to several centimeters in length
(average 1 c m ] have been found in limited quantity associated with lepidolite, in~iscovite,and quartz within
the inner zone of the pegmatite. These crystals exhibit
a range of colors and are usually of gem quality. Some
of the larger crystals, however, have central cores which
contain abundant fractures and cavities, or are partly
replaced by muscovite.
The author presents some mineralogic data on both
the schorl and the elbaite from this locality. Partial
chemical analyses obtained with an electron microprobe are consistent with other published data on tourmaline. Refractive index and specific gravity also agree
with published data.
T o date, there is no indication that faceted stones
have been cut from this elbaite. Further investigation
will be necessary to determine the nature, extent, and
gem-producing potential of these pegmatites.
Winter 1982
Gemological Abstracts
Cellini, Faberge and me. T. Hoving, Connoisseur, Vol.
210, NO. 842, 1982, pp. 82-91.
"Me" is Jean Schlumberger, the 75-year-old creator of
"splendid baubles": a peridot-studded cucumber-shaped
golden box, a foot-high clock of gold and lapis lazuli
that resembles a turban, a 100-ct Kashmir sapphirecentered golden flower, bestrewn with emeralds and
diamonds, growing out of a clay flower pot. Schlumberger is not exaggerating when he likens himself to
the other two great jewelers of the Western world, as
the 20 astonishingly beautiful color photographs reveal.
This article gives us a rare glimpse of riches both
material and spiritual in this brief account of Schlumberger's life and art. "My goal was-and is-happiness," he says, and "I try to make everything look as
if it were growing." Elsewhere, h e speaks of a desire to
"elevate. . . an a r t . . . which ought to be called something more than 'charming, elegant, ravishing, and
chic,' a desire it is plain he has fulfilled.
Photography for metalsmiths. Part one: What's wrong
with this picture? L. F. Brown, Metalsmiih, Vol. 1,
NO. 4, 1981, pp. 48-54.
Drawing from his experiences in metalsmithing and
jewelry design and as a professional darkroom technician and photographer, Leslie Brown has created a mini-
Winter 1982
course to help struggling metalsmiths produce technically accurate photographs of small metallic objects.
As the first in a series, this article focuses on the basic
question: What are the characteristics of a quality photograph and how does one attain them? Brown discusses what film to use, how to operate the camera's
meter, and what other equipment is necessary. Although each of the subjects is covered well in relatively
simple language, a useful appendix has been thoughtfully provided for readers not familiar with photography terminology.
Mike Havstad
Pre-Columbian art of Costa Rica. B. Braun, Museum,
Vol. 2, No. 6, 1982, pp. 51-55.
The art exhibition "Between ContinentsIBetween Seas:
Pre-Columbian Art of Costa Rica," which is touring
the U.S. in 1982 and 1983, is cohesively thematic in its
examples of sculpture and jewelry that uniquely represent the archaeological history of the cultures and
regions inhabited by pre-Columbian civilizations.
Unlike the dominant civilizations from Mesoamerica in the north and from the northern Andes in the
south, no one great state or civilization seemed to establish itself in Costa Rica. The article indicates, rather,
that the snare environment resulted in chiefdom-like
cultures, occupying three main regions: GuanacasteNicoya in 'the north, the Central Highland-Atlantic
watershed in the east, and Diquis in the southwest.
Indicative of the priorities of the chiefdom society
are objects recovered from the grave sites of high-ranking officials. Frequently, these were "three-legged metates (or grinding stones), elegant jade pendants known
as axe gods, and hardstone clubs called maceheads."
Such objects symbolized the importance of land, its
acquisition, defense, and labor, all of which were related to power. These relics, which offer an interesting
and beautiful view of early Costa Rican history, span
a period from 500 B.C. to 1550 A.D. The exhibition
shows a progression of archaeological finds that differ
not only in meaning but also in content, as gold replaces stone and jade.
loyce Law
Cartier-two centuries of records. 28 Karati International, Vol. 12, No. 57, 1982, pp. 70-79.
In a brief history of La Maison Cartier, the author highlights the generations involved in the firm's management since the 1800s. The integration of colored stones
with fashionable gold enameling was created and popularized by Louis Francois Cartier, a skilled craftsman
who became popular with visiting aristocracy during
the 1867 Paris Exhibition. Although Louis was ruined
by the revolution in 1870, his son Alfred restored and
strengthened the business.
In 1898, Alfred and his sons established the present
headquarters in Paris and opened a house in London.
Gemological Abstracts
Growth of modified cat's-eye gemstones (MgTiOgsolid
solutions) by the floating zone method (in Japanese). I. Shindo, Journal of the Gemmological Society of Japan, Vol. 7, No. l, 1980, pp. 3-8.
Shindo, from the National Institute for Research in
Organic Materials, gives a preliminary report on a new
man-made cat's-eye material. The compound MgTiOli
Winter 1982
was selected because, unlike other magnesium-titanium compounds, heating of this compound produces
chatoyancy. In the experiment, MgTiOa crystals were
floated through zones in a halogen lamp image furnace.
The author contrasts this new method with that used
for YAG, GCC, etc., where the material to be crystallized is placed in a crucible, liquefied, and then cooled
slowly. Here, the solidification is unpredictable because
of the difficulty of maintaining an atmosphere. O n a
graph, Shindo illustrates what can occur i n this process.
In the floating zone method, two shafts are usedthe material rod positioned on the top and the seed rod
on the bottom. Placed within a quartz tube, these rods
are rotated in opposite directions. In the central region
is the fluid stage, which is contained by surface tension
only. A diagram illustrates the positioning of a halogen
lamp external to the quartz tube, all of which is enveloped by a mirrored furnace. Light and heat from the
lamp are focused on the area where crystal solidification occurs. Necessary in this operation are a lens and
a screen used to direct heat to the central part of the
quartz tube. The shafts rotate at 3 0 rpm with growth
measured at 2 mmlhr. When the crystals reach 50 mm,
which takes about 24 hours, the power is turned off and
the solution is cooled rapidly. A photograph of a boule
and an explanatory diagram accompany this description of the process.
The experiment was repeated several times, with
resulting boules ranging from 8 to 100 mm. Annealing
the boules at 1300 for 24 hours in an oxygen atmosphere induced transparency and a lighter color. Pictured are three boules in which the chatoyancy extends
approximately 2-4 cm. X-ray analysis revealed that
growth occurred mostly along the 1010 axis and
chatoyancy along the 0001 plane. A cabochon is also
Characteristics of crystal growth in nature as seen from
the morphology of mineral crystals. I. Sunagawa,
Bulletin d e M i n e r d o g i e , Vol. 104, 1981, pp.
8 1-87.
Even a cursory examination of the natural crystals of
zircon, topaz, beryl, quartz, and other gemstones quickly
demonstrates that some minerals display a wide diversity of crystal forms, or habits. This variation in the
geometrical shape of crystals is, in part, a result of mineral formation taking place over a range of physical and
chemical conditions in different geologic environments
in the earth's crust. In this review article, the author
discusses some of the factors that influence the morphology of natural crystals and, in s o doing, provides
Gemological Abstracts
Winter 1982
By /ales Roger Sauer, 136 pp., illus.,
published by 1. R. Saner, Rio de /aieiro, Brazil, 1982. US$20.00 '
Given the importance of Brazil's extraordinary gem wealth in the international n~arketplace,it is surprising that until now n o one book
Michael Ross, Editor
addressing the subject was available
to the gemologist. Brazil: Paradise
culty some authors have in getting
of Gemstones is an excellent begintheir work published, it is surprising
ning to the filling of this void. While
discover how easily pure drivel
the book does not go into great detail on each of the various gem spe- finds its way between hard covers.
The English, with their flair for
cies found in Brazil, it does give the
have always been
reader an adequate introduction. In
able to get away with printing comaddition, the book is beautifully iledy under the guise of serious inalustrated with superb photographs
terial. The Jewellery Book is to the
by Harold and Erica Van Pelt.
industry approximately what
The text is divided by gem speMrs. Malaprop was to the educacies. For each species, the author
tional system of Great Britain.
gives a brief gemological descripThe Jewellery Book was suppostion, including its possible color
written for the British layperrange, the derivation of its name,
son to give
- him a better idea of the
the causes of its color, and the like.
types of jewelry and a reason to buy
Following this gemological backjewelry. It is fiction laced with
ground, 'Sauer goes on to describe
- facts to fool the layman. . .
the major Brazilian deposits in which
the material has been found, along but for a n authentic gemologist, it
is fairly good comedy. Not Richard
with a brief history. This history
Sheridan, you understand;
may include detail on recent discoveries, such as the 1977 find of un- more like Woody Allen's surprising,
precedentedly large and fine rubel- off-the-wall humor.
Because I am not a gemologist, I
lite crystals near Conselheiro Peria
read i t much the same way a
in Minas Gerais. The only distraclayman would. As a writer and fortion to the book, a minor one, is that
mer jeweler, however, I a m appalled
the table of contents is in the rear;
at the amount of misinformation.
essentially doubling as a brief index.
The book was written with two
Brazil: Paradise of Gemstones
viewpoints (one from each author??)
will be an important introduction
that do not always coincide. O n page
to the casual reader, and delightful
the authors discuss the "misconreading for the gemologist, particularly as a reference for gem localities. ception . . . that the name on the
box is as important as the piece of
Director of Education, G1A jewellry (sic)itself." This would have
been their chance to stress the value
of a firm's reputation for quality. InTHE JEWELLERY BOOK
stead they state, ". . . trendy names,
By Susan St. Maur a n d Norbert
and the equally trendy prices they
Streep, 198 pp., illus., published by
charge, are a luxury few of us can
S t . Martins Press, New York, NY,
afford." Then, on page 57, after dis1981. W 9 . 9 5
cussing- the relative merits of buying
Over 35,000 book titles were pubfrom larger or smaller stores, they
lished in the United States last year.
say, ". . . jewellery prices don't vary
One would think that publishers
much from small shop to big shop."
would devote capital and energy to Perhaps the English market is differbooks of substance and veracity
ent, but most "trendyUstores in the 'This book is available for purchase at
rather than fluff written by people
United States are also larger firms, the GIA Bookstore, 1735 Stewart
posing as experts. Given the diffi- so the two statements appear to Street, Santa Monica, C A 90404.
Book Reviews
Winter 1982
Book Reviews
Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos,
Issac Asimov. Crown, 1982; 352
pp., n o illustrations; US13.95.
Nothing about gemology, but
reading this exuberant book about
the expansion of human lznowledge and experience will make
you sit back and marvel a t the
species to which you belong.
Gem and Jewellery Year Book 1982,
ed. V. Kala. G e m &> Jewellery
Information Centre of India
(A-95, Journal House, Junta Colony, Jaipur 302004, India); 854
pp; some blacl<-and-whitephotographs, line drawings, and
maps; US$26.00 (airmail), or
US$18.00* (seamail). The eighth
edition of the compendium includes information about the
Indian gem and jewelry trade,
gemological instruments and
lapidary equipment and suppliers, Indian customs regulations, the international gem
trade, foreign representatives in
India and Indian representatives
abroad, gem and jewelry organizations, and taxation. It also
includes a directory of Indian
Jewellery Today, Canadian Jewellers Association and Canadian
Jewellers Institute, 1982; 359 pp.;
5 color photographs, m a n y blackand-white photographs, some
line drawings; US$24.95.' The
new text for CJI's jewelry retailing course covers precious metals, diamonds, colored stones,
synthetics and imitations, pearls,
jewelry manufacturing, rings,
chains, flatware, holloware, ceramics, china, glassware, clocks,
appraising, merchandising, inventory control, advertising, insurance, and selling. Appendixes
give information about CJA and
CJI, Canadian precious metals
marking regulations, and British
A Pictorial Guide to Fossils, Gerard
Winter 1982
The quadrennial meeting of the International Mineralogical Association took place in Varna, Bulgaria, this
past September. A highlight of the meeting was the formation of a new Commission on Gem Materials, with
Professor Hermann Bank selected as its leader. Representing 30 member nations, the commission will
seek to achieve international accord on gemological
nomenclature, to promote gemological research among
mineralogists, and to encourage the exchange of information among scholars and laboratory personnel concerning synthetics and treatments.
The Third International Kimberlite Conference was
also held in September, in Clermont-Farrand, France.
The substance of the four-day meeting consisted of reports on geological studies of kimberlites from around
the world. Papers presented by two groups of scientists
concerning host rock of the West Australian occurrences, particularly Argyle Pipe AK-1, were of universal
interest. These reported that the host material is not
kimberlite, as scientists have assumed the source of all
diamonds to be. Instead, it is composed of two rock
types, kimberlitoid and lamprophyre.
Smitlisonian InstitutionIFreer Gallery of Art-12th Street and Jefferson Drive, S.W., Washington, DC
20560. Telephone: (202)357-2627.
"Chinese Art of the Warring States
Period: Change and Continuity,
480-222 B.C." is a selection of 151
examples of jade ornaments, lacquerware, bronze vessels, fittings,
and other metalwork inlaid with intricate gold and silver designs. These
are associated both with warfare and
with the industrial sophistication
and improved transportation systems that were developed during this
turbulent era. Opened October 1and
continues through February 15, 1983.
Smithsonian InstitutionICooperHewitt Museum-2 East 91st Street,
New York, NY 10028. Telephone:
(212)860-6898. "Faberge: Jeweler to
Royalty" consists of over 200 works
by Peter Carl Faberge, which are on
loan from British collections, including that of Queen Elizabeth 11.
As part of the "Britain Salutes New
Gem News
York" celebration of 1983, this exhibit marks the first showing of the
pieces in the United States. Presented March 22 through July 10,
The Tucson Gem & Mineral Society's 29th Annual Show will be held
February 10-13 at the Tucson Community Center, 260 South Church
Avenue, Tucson, Arizona. The featured mineral will be cerussite. Educational programs and displays will
bring together gem and mineral matcrials from all over the world. Special displays will include sculptured
quartz, agate cameo bowls from IdarObei-stein, an exhibit of a fanious
Colorado mining district, minerals
from Mibladen, Morocco, and a 667ct emerald crystal from the Muzo
mine. The Mineralogical Record will
hold silent auctions during the show,
as well as its regular auction of the
50 best contributions on February
12. A joint symposium of Friends of
Mineralogy and the Mineralogical
The American Gem Trade Association Fair and Conclave will be held
February 5-10 at the Doubletree Hotel, 445 South Alvernon Way,
Tucson, AZ 85711. "Put a little color
in your life" is the theme of the association's second annual show, featuring natural, colored gemstones.
There will be seminars, social
events, and a business meeting of
the association. Further information
may be obtained by contacting
Chairwoman Maureen Jones at (213)
990-2411, or Manager Don Elwood
at (213) 703-8671.
The Accredited Gemologists Association will hold an educational
seminar February 10 and 11 at Palo
Verde Plaza Holiday Inn, 4550 South
Palo Verde Boulevard, Tucson, Ari-
Winter 1982
sions, and panel discussions concerning gem mining, cutting, marketing, and other gemological issues.
There will be exhibits of professional publications and contemporary instrumentation, as well as lapidary tours. The congress will be held
at the Tel-Aviv Hilton. Information
may be obtained from the Congress
Committee, Israel Precious Stones
& Diamonds Exchange, 1 Jabotinsky
Street, Ramat-Gan 52520, Israel.
Telephone: (03)2561 12. Telex:
341667 ATT PR STONES. "Israel
Jewelry Week" will be celebrated
concurrently, from April 11-14, by
over 100 exhibitors of jewelry at the
Laromme Hotel in Jerusalem.
Gem ~ e w s '
S 4.00 each
3.50 ecicli
3 .U0 e a t 1
5.00 each
Winter 1982
Volume 18
Numbers 1-4
T h i s i n d e x gives t h e first a u t h o r (in parentheses) a n d first page of t h e article o r Gem T r a d e
Lab N o t e s ( G T L N Jsection i n which t h e indexed subject occurs. T h e reader is referred t o
t h e a u t h o r index for t h e full title and t h e coauthors, w h e r e appropriate, of t h e articles cited.
Bangkok, Thailand
heat treating corundum in
(Abraham] 79
colored by vanadium (GTLN)44
Beryllium sodalite, see Tugtupite
"Black Ruby," see Spinel
Book reviews
Beyond the Glitter (Wykoff)243
Brazil: Paradise of Gemstones
(Sauer] 243
The Cambridge Encyclopedia o f
Earth Sciences (Smith, ed.] 182
G e m and Jewelry Fact Sheets
(Ross, ed.) 182
A n Illustrated Dictionary o f
Jewelry (Newman] 119
The Jewellery Book (St. Maur
and Streep] 243
Photographical Atlas of Detrital
Minerals (Devismes] 119
Broome pearl, see Pearls, cultured
amethyst, citrine, and green
'pearl" (GTLN) 169
Corundum, see Ruby and Sapphire
in opal (GTLN) 169
Cryogenic cooling
to enhance spectra in diamond
[Scarratt) 72
Cubic zirconia
cutting of [Kerr] 154
in shape of diamond crystal
[GTLN) 169
burned (GTLN)228
color-change garnet inclusion in
(GTLN] 169
cyclotron treated (GTLN) 102
with irregular finish on table
Diamond, colored
chameleon (GTLN]228
detection of natural from
cyclotron treated (Scarratt) 72
pink, blue, green, yellow, and
brown (Scarratt] 72
yellow, treated (GTLN)228
Diamond, cuts and cutting of
Barion emerald cut (Kerr) 154
modified brilliant [GTLN)228
Watermeyer split-facet cuts
(Kerr) 154
Diamond simulants
cubic zirconia in shape of
diamond crystal (GTLN] 169
Diffusion treatment
as a method of inducing color in
sapphires (GTLN) 169
of synthetic sapphires (GTLN)
Winter 1982
East Africa
color-change garnets from
(Stockton) 100
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan) 62
chatoyancy in (GTLN) 169
comparison of properties among
stones from various localities
(Gubelin) 123
fakes (GTLN)44, 102, 169
from Pakistan mines-geology,
mining, recovery, and cutting
of (Gubelin) 123
underwater archaeological
discovery (GTLN)44
Zambian, with tourmaline
inclusions (Koivula)225
Zambian, with unusual spectrum
Emerald, synthetic
Lennix flux-grown (GTLN) 169
with unusual inclusion (GTLN)
of rock crystal (Sinkankas)214
in Sri Lanka (Zwaan)62
Watermeyer split-facet cuts
(Kerr) 154
moonstone and cat's-eye
moonstone from Sri Lanka
Fibrolite, see Sillimanite
history, mineralization, and
gemology of (Pienaar)221
Gahnospinel, see Spinel
color-change (Stockton) 100,
(Gubelin) 197
color-change, as inclusion in
diamond (GTLN) 169
pyrope-almandite (Zwaan)62
see also Grossular
Greened amethyst, see Quartz
tugtupite deposits in (Jensen)90
orange-brown from Sri Lanka
physical and optical properties of
pink and green (GTLN) 102
Heat treatment
of diamond (GTLN) 102
of diamond, natural and
cyclotron treated (Scarratt) 72
and radioactivity (Rossman)87
of spodurnene By neutrons
apatite in kornerupine (GTLN)
in Chatham flux-grown orange
and flux-grown blue sapphire
(Kane) 140
in diamond, color-change garnet
(GTLN) 169
in diamond, needles (GTLN) 228
in emerald from Pakistan
(Gubelin) 123
in jadeite, nephrite, and jade
substitutes (Hobbs)3
in Knischlza synthetic ruby
(Gubelin) 165
in Lennix flux-grown emerald
(GTLN) 169
photography of (Koivula)83
in ruby from Pakistan (Gubelin)
shadowing as a technique to
enhance microscopic viewing
of (Koivula) 160
in spinel (GTLN) 102
in spinel from Pakistan (Gubelin)
in Sri Lanka stones (Zwaan] 62
in synthetic emerald (GTLN)44
in taaffeite (GTLN)44
in Thai ruby and sapphire
(Keller) 186
tourmaline in Zambian emerald
Inscription of gemstones
alexandrite (GTLN) 102
chatoyancy in (GTLN) 169
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan) 62
pinpoint illumination with
shadowing to enhance image
(Koivula) 160
Moonstone, see Feldspar
Nephrite, see Jade
discussion of jade, jadeite, and
nephrite (Hobbs)3
of gem-quality grossular garnet
carvings, symbolism in (Tucker)
carving of (Grussing) 95
common, carved (GTLN)44
doublet (GTLN) 102
Winter 1982
Palzistan (Swat and Hunza valleys)
emerald, ruby, and spinel from
(Gubelin) 123
Palygorski te
in opal (GTLN) 169
from Palzistan (Gubelin) 123
Parisite (GTLN)228
attached to shells (GTLN) 102
blister (GTLN)228
with odor (GTLN) 102
Pearls, cultured
Broome, cultured blister from
Australia (GTLN)44
growth of Biwa (GTLN)44
Mabe (Crowningshield)36
separation of Y4 cultured blister
pearl and Mabe
% cultured blister pearls
Pinpoint i,lluminator (Koivula) 83
Pleonast; see Spinel
Prasiolite, see Quartz
Pyrope-almandite, see Garnet
amethyst, cat's-eye, rock crystal,
rose, and smoky from Sri
Lanlza (Zwaan]62
amethyst, citrine, and green from
Nevada-California bordergeology of area and cause of
color (Paradise)39
rock crystal-as a material for
lapidary arts (Sinkankas)214
star (GTLN)228
in neutron-irradiated spodumene
(Rossman) 87
Rock crystal, see Quartz
from Chanthaburi-Trat,
Thailand-history, geology,
mining methods of, and
inclusions in (Keller)186
heating treating of (Abraham)79
from Pakistan-geology, mining,
properties of, and inclusions in
( ~ i b e l i n123
Ruby, synthetic
flux-grown, internal
characteristics of (Koivula] 160
blue, heat treatment of
(Abraham) 79
blue, pink, yellow, star, and
geuda from Sri Lanlza (Zwaan)
from Chanthaburi-Trat,
Thailand-history, geology,
mining methods of, inclusions
in, and heat treatment of
(Keller) 186
cutting of, in Australia (GTLN)
damaged by heat during repair
(GTLN) 102
diffusion treatment of (GTLN)
169, 228
with heat-induced star (GTLN)
with unusual spectrum (GTLN]
yellow, heat treatment of
(GTLN) 44, 228, (Keller) 186
Sapphire, synthetic
Chatham flux-grown orange and
flux-grown blue (Kane) 140
diffusion of (GTLN) 102
Shadowing, see Lighting methods
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan) 62
from Sri Lanlza (Zwaan]62
South Africa
discovery of gem-quality
friedelite in (Pienaar)221
of alexandrite and color-change
corundum, spinel, lzyanite,
fluorite, and monazite
(Gubelin) 197
of chameleon diamond (GTLN)
of Chatham flux-grown orange
and blue sapphire (Kane] 140
of color-change garnet (Stockton)
100, (Gubelin) 197
of colored diamonds (Scarratt)72
of diamond (GTLN) 102
of emerald (Gubelin) 123
of grossular garnet (Manson)204
of heat-treated "golden" yellow
sapphire (Keller) 186
of irradiated spodumene
of jadeite, idocrase, serpentine,
dyed-green jadeite, and
chalcedony (Hobbs)3
from Sri Lanlza (Zwaan)62
world's largest? (GTLN) 44
Bangkok, heat treatment in
(Abraham] 79
Chanthaburi-Trat gem field
(Keller) 186
from Sri Lanlza (Zwaan)62
cat's-eye (GTLN) 102
as inclusion in Zambian emerald
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan)62
Tsavorite, see Grossular garnet
Discovery, mineralogy,
crystallography, and current
status of (Jensen)90
Unclassified oddities
lithium fluoride (GTLN)228
potassium chloride (GTLN)228
Van Pelt collection (Sinkankas) 214
from Sri Lanlza (Zwaan)62
Winter 1982
This index lists, in alphabetical order, the names of authors of all articles that appeared in the
four issues of Volume 18 of Gems o) Gemology. Full citation is provided under the first
author only, with reference made from joint authors.
Abraham J.S.D.: Heat treating
corundum: the Bangkok
operation, 79-82
Crowningshield R.: Cultured %I
blister pearls, 36-38
Grussing T.: Carving gemquality opal, 95-99
Gubelin E.J.
Gemstones of Pakistan: emerald,
ruby, and spinel, 123-139
New synthetic rubies made by
Professor P. 0 . Knischlza, 165168
Gubelin E.J., Schmetzer K.:
Gemstones with alexandrite
effect, 197-203
Hobbs J.M.: The jade enigma, 3-19
Jensen A,, Petersen O.V.:
Tugtupite: a gemstone from
Greenland, 90-94
Kane R.E.: The gemological
Manson D.V., Stoclzton C.M.:
Gem-quality grossular garnets,
Paradise T.R.: The natural
formation and occurrence of
green quartz, 39-42
Petersen O.V., see Jensen A.
Qiu Y., see Rossman G.R.
Scarratt K.V.G.: The identification
of artificial coloration in
diamond, 72-78
Schmetzer K., see Gubelin E.J.
Sinkankas J.: Artistry in rock
crystal: the Van Pelt collection,
21 4-220
Stoclzton C.M.: Two notable colorchange garnets, 100-101
Stoclzton C.M., see Manson D.V.
Tucker E.: Jade forms from ancient
China, 20-31
Zwaan P.C.: Sri Lanka: the gem
island, 62-71
Indexes prepared b y D o n a D i r l a m
Winter 1982