2 Blue Spinel from the Luc Yen District of Vietnam
Boris Chauviré, Benjamin Rondeau, Emmanuel Fritsch, Phillipe Ressigeac,
and Jean-Luc Devidal
pg. 3
Offers geological context and gemological characterization of this increasingly popular
vivid blue spinel from northeast Vietnam.
44 Mozambique: A Ruby Discovery for the 21st Century
Merilee Chapin, Vincent Pardieu, and Andrew Lucas
Explores the geology, production, and yield of the world’s most important
pg. 86 commercially important ruby deposit.
31 The Dr. Edward J. Gübelin Most Valuable Article Award
56 2015 Gems & Gemology Challenge
58 Lab Notes
Pink and reddish purple cobaltocalcite • Analysis of melee diamonds using FTIR spectroscopy • Irradiated color-
change diamonds • Diamond in diamond • Concerns over use of Tridacna shell in imitation pearls • Large natural
quahog pearl • HPHT synthetic melee in high-end jewelry piece • Large HPHT synthetic diamonds examined in
GIA’s Hong Kong lab • Synthetic moissanite melee in colored diamond bracelet
The Luc Yen district of northern Vietnam is a very productive gem province and the leading source of
vivid blue spinel. This study characterizes the origin and gemological properties of these spinels, espe-
cially the cause of their unusually bright color, which is directly related to their value. Chemical and
spectroscopic analyses indicated that the blue color is due to cobalt (Co2+), with some iron contribution.
Petrographic examination identified the context of the gem’s formation, which appears to be linked to
intense metamorphism during successive orogenies. The carbonate platforms in the ancient Paleo-Tethys
Ocean were sandwiched and highly deformed during this orogeny, leading to marble and spinel for-
mation. The authors propose that the cobalt (and to a lesser extent the iron) necessary for the blue color
were transported by fluids during metamorphism of the sedimentary sequence.
lue spinels are mined in Sri Lanka, Tanzania, LOCATION AND ACCESS
Myanmar, Pakistan, and Vietnam (Shigley and The Luc Yen district is located in the Yen Bai
Stockton, 1984; Delaunay, 2008; Pardieu and province, in the north of Vietnam. Luc Yen’s capital
Hughes, 2008). Vietnam’s two major spinel deposits, of Yen The (22°6 ′ 38.84″ N, 104°45 ′57.80″ E) is a five-
Luc Yen and Quy Chau, were discovered at the end or six-hour drive from Hanoi on a 160 km expanse of
of the 1980s. The Luc Yen deposits have mostly been good road. All of the district’s blue spinel mining
mined since the 1990s (Pardieu and Hughes, 2008; sites lie within 20 km of Yen The. Several hours of
Senoble, 2010). This area, known for its gem-quality walking or biking are needed to access these mines.
ruby, red spinel, and sapphire (Webster, 1994;
Hauzenberger et al., 2003; Long et al., 2004; Senoble,
2010; Huong et al., 2012), has also been a notable pro-
ducer of vivid blue spinels since the 2000s (figure 1). In Brief
Bright, saturated blue gems are very popular, as evi- • Over the past two decades, Luc Yen, Vietnam has be-
denced by the classic appeal of sapphire and the more come a notable source for blue spinel.
recent trend of Paraíba tourmaline and bright blue • Vietnamese blue spinel may have resulted from the
apatite in the same color range. Therefore, the bright involvement of evaporitic rocks during post-collision
blue color of some spinels has increased the popular- metamorphism.
ity of this gem overall (Delaunay, 2008; Senoble, • Cobalt (Co2+) is the main chromophoric element in
2010). In this article, we investigate the gemological blue spinel, though iron (Fe2+) is also a factor.
characteristics of Vietnamese blue spinels and the ge-
ology of the deposits to gain a better understanding
of this gem source.
The blue spinel deposits are Bai Gou, May Trung, Bai
Son, Bah Linh Mot, Khe Khi, Kuoi Ngan, Khao Ka,
Lung Thin, Lung Day, Khin Khang, and Chuong Tran
See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 2–17, (figure 2). Of these, only May Trung, Bai Son, and Bah
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.51.1.2. Linh Mot are primary deposits; the others are second-
© 2015 Gemological Institute of America ary placer deposits. Bai Son, reported by Senoble
Figure 1. The Luc Yen
district of Vietnam has
become a major source
of top-quality blue
spinel, including these
two rough crystals (45
and 70 ct) and the 5 ct
faceted stone. Photo by
J.B Senoble; © Senoble
& Bryl.
(2010), was no longer being mined as a primary de- the Indosinian orogeny, led to the collision of the
posit during our visit in February and March 2012. main shields (Yangtze and Indochina) during the
May Trung is divided into two sites located about Permo-Triassic at about 240–245 Ma (Kušnír, 2000;
150 meters from each other: a marble cliff that is Lepvrier et al., 2008; Huong et al., 2012). In the later
mined for red and lavender spinels, and a second site orogeny, the Himalayan collision during the Tertiary
that is mined for blue spinel from a vein in marble. period, the terrains were strongly reworked. These
terrains are primarily composed of metamorphic
GEOLOGY rocks, mainly medium-grade mica schist, marble,
The rich tectonic history of Southeast Asia is inher- and granulitic gneisses (Kušnír, 2000; Leloup et al.,
ited from several deformation episodes related to the 2001; Hauzenberger et al., 2003).
closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and, later, to the Northern Vietnam has been studied extensively
Himalayan orogeny. The geology of northern Viet- to understand how a continental collision (in this
nam is dominated by metamorphic rocks inherited case, between India and Eurasia) induced crustal
from these two major orogenic events. The first one, wedges to extrude laterally into the surrounding
Yen The
2 km
Figure 2. Most Viet-
namese blue spinel
Khin Khang
deposits are confined to
Luc Yen District May Trung a 30 km² area in the Luc
Khe Khi
Yen district of northern
Bah Linh Mot
Anh Pha Vietnam. The circles
LAOS represent placer deposits,
Kuoi Ngan
Lung Thin while diamonds indi-
cate primary deposits in
Bai Son
Khao Ka
Thac Ba Lake
plates. (Tapponnier et al., 1982, 1990; Leloup et al., micaschist, and amphibolite. These metamorphic
1995, 2001; Jolivet et al., 2001; Anckiewicz et al., rocks are sometimes intruded by granitic and peg-
2007). During the Oligo-Miocene (from 35 to 17 Ma), matitic dykes (Leloup et al., 2001; Garnier et al.,
the Indo-Eurasian collision induced strong rock de- 2005, 2008). The marbles are mainly calcitic and in-
formation over all of Southeast Asia. The Indochi- terlayered with Al-, V-, and Cr-rich amphibolites.
nese block was extruded toward the southeast, and Blue spinel is found in a layer of marble more than
this induced the Red River Shear Zone, extending 500 meters thick. It occurs in discontinuous series of
from the Tibetan plateaus to the China Sea for more lenses, tens of millimeters thick and meter-sized in
than 1,000 km (Jolivet et al., 2001; Leloup et al., 2001; length, roughly following the regional foliation. These
Hauzenberger et al., 2003; Anckiewicz et al., 2007). marble lenses are remarkably rich in forsterite (mag-
The Yen Bai province is formed by two different ge- nesian olivine). The gem is often associated with cal-
ological units separated by a fault that is part of the cite, forsterite, pargasite (sodi-calcic amphibole),
Red River shear zone. To the northeast lies the Lo sulfides, and chlorites (magnesian chlorite and
Gam zone, and to the southwest the Day Nui Con clinochlore). Remarkably, blue spinel in these primary
Voi range (figure 3). deposits is not associated with ruby or red spinel.
All of Luc Yen’s gem deposits are located in the
Lo Gam zone (again, see figure 3). The structure of MINING
this unit results from the deformation of the Hi- The three primary deposits at May Trung (22°1′48.9″
malayan orogenesis superimposed on the preexisting N, 104°48′42.7″ E), Bai Son (21°59′47.3″ N, 104°40′9.9″
Indosinian structure (Garnier et al., 2002, 2005). The E), and Bah Linh Mot (22°1′23.7″ N, 104°48′42.8″ E)
Lo Gam formation consists of a sedimentary series are located on a mountain range composed of marble,
metamorphosed into marble, gneiss, calc-silicates, standing about 600 meters high. Each site is mined by
a handful of locals, mainly farmers trying to earn extra and sorted inside the cave and brought up to the sur-
income. The blue spinel is extracted from the marble face, where they are sorted under daylight. In second-
using hand tools (figure 4, top) and a jackhammer. ary deposits, blue spinel is found together with ruby,
Secondary deposits (figure 4, bottom left and bot- red spinel, sapphire, tourmaline, and occasionally gold.
tom right) yield most of the blue spinel production.
Some lie in the valley to the east of the spinel-rich PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION
mountain range. These include Kuoi Ngan (22°0′7.8″ In secondary deposits, blue spinel is a by-product of
N, 104°50′41.1″ E); Khao Ka (21°59′6.5″ N, 104°50′52.5″ ruby and red spinel mining. Even so, some large
E); Lung Thin (22°0′12.8″ N, 104°49′31.5″ E); Lung Day parcels contain more than a thousand carats of mil-
(21°59′51.3″ N, 104°49′23.3″ E); and Khin Khang limeter-sized, very saturated blue spinel (see Pardieu,
(22°1′46.7″ N, 104°50′9.3″ E). Khe Khi (22°1′36.8″ N, 2012). Some dark grayish blue stones weighing ap-
104°48′41.2″ E) and Bai Gou (22°4′43.2″ N, 104°47′5.5″ proximately 5 ct have been faceted, but far fewer
E) are located in the mountain in a small secondary than ruby and red spinel.
basin. Miners use a water hose and a sluice to sort the Blue spinels from primary deposits are found in
gem-bearing gravels (figure 4, bottom left). Some sec- two different forms. Usually miners encounter them
ondary deposits are localized in karst caves inside mar- in “pockets” as centimeter-sized crystals, occasion-
ble (figure 4, bottom right). Heavy gravels are washed ally with a pleasing, well-defined octahedral shape
Figure 3. This geological map of Luc Yen shows two different geological formations: the Day Nui Con Voi Range in
the southwest and the Lo Gam zone in the northeast. The blue spinel deposits are located in the Lo Gam zone.
Adapted from Garnier (2003) and Long et al. (2004).
Lo Gam zone
Tan Lap
Quaternary sediments
Figure 4. Gem-quality
blue spinels are ex-
tracted from primary
deposits by locals using
hand tools, as shown in
Bai Nua Doi (top). Sec-
ondary deposits are ex-
ploited in the valley
with a sluice box to sort
the minerals according
to their density (bottom
left). In the karstic envi-
ronment, caves trap the
gem-rich gravel (bottom
right). These special
secondary deposits are
also processed with
sluice boxes. Photos by
Boris Chauviré.
with some portion containing gem material, or as ag- from one deposit to the next. In the secondary Bai Gou
gregates of small octahedral crystals of varying qual- deposit, the crystals have a very dark blue color and
ity. These are broken down or cobbed by miners to often reach 10 ct. In Chuong Tran and Bai Son, the
extract a small amount of gem spinel. These gem spinel has a bright blue color (Senoble, 2010; Overton
blue spinel can reach 5 ct, but they are often frac- and Shen, 2011) and can reach 5 ct. Crystals from May
tured. Spinels are also found as millimeter-sized oc- Trung and Khe Khi have a very saturated cobalt blue
tahedra or twins in the marble. color but are quite small (rarely larger than 1 ct).
The blue spinel’s hue, tone, and saturation vary Millimeter-sized blue spinels from the primary
deposits are often kept in marble so that the whole All spinel samples were observed under a 6 W A-
piece can be carved. This is done directly at the min- Krüss Optronic 240 UV light, and we also tested their
ing site, and the carvings are taken down to the val- Chelsea filter reaction. Color was documented under
ley to be sold as decorative pieces. normalized daylight (D65) and a normalized incan-
descent light (A).
Spectroscopic Measurements. UV-Vis-NIR absorp-
Sample Collection. In early 2012, two field trips were
tion spectra of each sample (window plates) were
organized to collect samples and map the main blue
taken with a Cary 5G Varian spectrophotometer in
spinel deposits within the Luc Yen district. The first
the 200–1500 nm range with a sampling interval of
expedition enabled us to visit most of the corundum
1 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 1 nm maximum
and spinel deposits and to understand the geology of
(sampling and spectral bandwidth were sometimes
this area. We also made contact with local merchants
reduced to 0.25 nm to obtain better resolution).
and miners for the second expedition just one month
Raman spectra were collected on gem samples using
later. On the second field trip, we visited only blue
both a Jobin-Yvon Labram with a 514 nm, 50 mW
spinel deposits and collected whole rock and gem-
laser excitation, and a Jobin-Yvon Spex Horiba
bearing samples. Most of the rock samples were col-
T64000 with a 647 nm, 50 mW laser excitation. The
lected at the mining site. Unfortunately, we did not
spectral range extended from 40 to 1500 cm–1 with a
observe gem samples at the mining sites. All gem
blue spinels for spectroscopic and gemological meas- two-second exposure.
urements were procured from several local mer-
Chemical Composition. LA-ICP-MS chemical analy-
chants in Yen The.
sis was conducted at Blaise Pascal University (Cler-
Materials. From the 55 carats of blue spinel we col- mont-Ferrand, France) using an Agilent 7500
lected from local merchants, six representative rough spectrometer with a Resonetics M-50E laser (193 nm
crystals were selected and prepared in parallel-win- ablation wavelength, 5 Hz frequency with an energy
dow plates for gemological and spectroscopic inves- between 10 and 12 J/cm2). For these analyses, four in-
tigation. The least included and fractured samples dentations (about 73 µm in diameter) were ablated on
were chosen for spectroscopic analysis. A polished each sample, and 27Al was used as the internal stan-
window was prepared on each one to facilitate gemo- dard. Data was processed with the GLITTER 4.4.2
logical and microscopic examination. One additional software. To complement these analyses, we used a
sample similar to SATBLU1 in color and saturation RIGAKU NEX CG energy-dispersive X-ray fluores-
(labeled SATBLUchem) was prepared as a polished cence (EDXRF) spectrometer operating at 25 kV and
section for laser ablation–inductively coupled 0.10 mA. The detection limit for the major elements
plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) chemical (Al, Mg) is about 0.1 wt.%, and below 0.01 wt.% for
analysis. Four additional samples from a later field the minor elements. Each sample was measured for
trip by author EF were added to complete this study. 90 seconds.
These were also purchased from local merchants.
The spinels were divided into three different parcels Petrographic Examination. Thin sections of rocks
according to their color category (detailed in “Gemo- were observed with a standard Wild Makroscope
logical Characteristics” below). The sample names M420 petrographic microscope, and a JEOL JSL-5800
consisted of the color category (GREBLU, SKYBLU LV scanning electron microscope (SEM) operating at
and SATBLU) followed by a number; see table 1. 20 kV and 0.3 nA electron beam, with a 37° take-off
Moreover, 73 rock samples were collected in the field angle of the detector. Mineral compositions of the
from 11 different mining sites. From these, 19 thin samples and their inclusions were first determined
sections were prepared for petrographic examination. by energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) using an
IMIX-PTS detector. This detector uses a high-resolu-
Methods. Gemological Properties. Specific gravity tion (115 eV) Ge crystal and an ultrathin polymer
was measured hydrostatically with a Mettler Toledo window, detecting elements ideally down to boron,
JB703-c/FACT (with a precision of 0.001 ct). Internal if it is a major component of the material. The cali-
features were observed with a standard gemological bration standards used were either pure elements or
microscope. Refractive index was measured with a simple compounds. The PGT software applies phi-
PФ-І refractometer with Rayner SVLS orange light. rho-z data correction for the effect of X-ray absorp-
TABLE 1. Characteristics of gem blue spinels from Luc Yen, Vietnam.
Weight (ct)1 2.076 0.91 0.24 0.18 4.076 2.538 2.863 0.28 0.23 0.09
Dimensions 10.8 x 5.2 7.6 x 4.6 3.8 x 2.7 2.9 x 2.4 14.9 x 7.1 9.8 x 5.4 9.7 x 5.5 2.8 x 1.1 3.9 x 2.7 3.1 x 1.9
(mm)2 x 4.3 x 2.7 x 1.5 x 0.5 x 4.1 x 2.8 x 3.1 x 2.1 x 1.4 x 1.4
Origin Khao Ka Khao Ka Unknown Unknown Bai Son Bai Son Bai Son Khe Khi Unknown Unknown
Refractive index 1.712 1.712 1.714 1.710 1.718 1.713 1.711 1.712 1.716 1.714
Specific gravity 3.583 3.584 3.594 3.596 3.578 3.598 3.583 3.410 3.673 3.645
Chelsea Pink- Pink- Red Red Pink- Pink Pink Red Red Red
reaction orange orange orange
For SKYBLU4 and SATBLU1, the weight is the sum of the weights of the pieces from the sample.
For SKYBLU4 and SATBLU1, the dimensions are an average of the measurements of each piece from the sample.
tion in the analyzed material, taking into account all phenomena, nowadays identified separately: classical
the matrix effects. Oxygen was calculated from the color change with lighting, and Usambara effect
spectrum, not based on stoichiometry. (change of color with thickness). We observed that
the color change is more pronounced in stones with
GEMOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS a more saturated color. While examining numerous
Visual Appearance. We separated the spinel samples parcels in Yen The, we observed that most of the
into three categories according to their color descrip- grayish blue spinel—and some of the very saturated
tions: blue material, contrary to our other observations—
did not show any color change.
• SATBLU samples: medium to medium dark Blue spinel from secondary deposits (except Khe
tone, strong to vivid saturation, and blue to vi- Khi) is rounded and can reach several tens of carats.
oletish blue hue In Khe Khi, blue spinels are found as millimeter-
• SKYBLU samples: medium light to very light sized octahedra.
tone, strong to very vivid saturation, and blue
hue Optical and Physical Properties. The samples’ refrac-
• GREBLU samples: medium light to light tone, tive index ranged from 1.711 to 1.718, and their spe-
grayish to slightly grayish saturation, and blue cific gravity was from 3.578 to 3.673. They were
to bluish violet hue isotropic, with no anomalous double refringence, and
inert under both short- and long-wave UV light. Under
All of the rough samples were slightly fractured the Chelsea filter, all the samples appeared pink to red
and contained very few inclusions. Color was homo- (see table 1 for details). We observed that the darker
geneous in each stone, and most showed a subtle the spinel, the redder the Chelsea filter reaction.
color change from blue under daylight-equivalent
normalized light (D65) to violetish blue under incan- Microscopic Characteristics. Conchoidal fractures and
descent light (see table 1). The authors avoid the “fingerprint” healed fractures were often present in
commonly used term “color shift” (Senoble, 2010), our samples (figure 5, left). Some showed elongated
which Manson and Stockton (1984) defined in gar- tubes, while others contained groups of parallel tubes.
nets while observing the combination of two color We observed birefringence in some of these tubes,
Figure 5. Blue spinels (here, GREBLU3) often show healed fractures (fingerprints, left), and some samples contain
irregular opaque black crystals associated with elongated tubes (center and right). Photos by Boris Chauviré; field
of view 1 mm (under daylight equivalent light on the left, plane-polarized light in the center, and cross-polarized
light on the right).
which suggested that they consisted of an anisotropic PETROGRAPHY AND CHEMISTRY OF HOST
solid phase (figure 5, middle and right). Black, opaque, ROCKS
irregular to hexagonal crystal inclusions less than 1 Minerals. The marble that hosts blue spinel is
mm, reminiscent of graphite, were also found in some mainly composed of calcite (sometimes magnesian)
samples (figure 5, middle and right). GREBLU1 was and dolomite. The major additional phases are
the only sample that had yellowish fractures covered olivine and pargasite (figure 6). Several accessory
by red crystals (probably ferric oxide hematite). phases were identified using the petrographic micro-
Figure 6. These views of thin sections from rocks bearing blue spinel (under plane-polarized light) show that blue
spinel is always associated with olivine (forsterite) and pargasite in calcite matrix. Clinochlore surrounds all main
minerals (left, field of view 1.5 mm). In the matrix, graphite and pyrrhothite are common accessory minerals
(right, field of view 0.5 mm). Cc = calcite, Clh = clinochlore, Gph = graphite, Ol = olivine, Pg = pargasite, Pyr =
pyrrhotite, Sp = spinel. Photomicrographs by Boris Chauviré.
Cc Pg
Cc Sp Dol
Pen Clh
Figure 7. An inclusion of apatite in pargasite exhibits intergrowth with calcite (slightly magnesian; left, magnifica-
tion 750×). In most cases, pyrrhotite inclusions have exsolutions of pentlandite, a sulfide with higher nickel con-
tent (center, magnified 1200×), which also contains cobalt. Using scanning electron microscopy with
backscattered electron imaging, sensitive to the atomic number, a petrographic thin section of marble-bearing
blue spinel shows that spinel and olivine are surrounded by clinochlore. The marble is composed of calcite and
dolomite (right, magnified 65×). Ap = apatite, Cc = calcite, Clh = clinochlore, Dol = dolomite, Ol = olivine, Pen =
pentlandite, Pg = pargasite, Pyr = pyrrhotite, Sp = spinel.
scope or EDS with SEM. These included titanite, ru- ite crystals, SEM imaging revealed inclusions of zircon
tile, zircon, graphite, apatite, several sulfide minerals and pargasite. Therefore, titanite probably represents a
(again, see figure 6), and phyllosilicates. The sulfides later stage of mineralization. Clinochlore crystals sur-
were mainly pyrrhotite (Fe1–xS; monoclinic) with round all the other minerals (figure 7c), meaning it
pentlandite exsolution lamellae ((Fe,Ni)9S8; cubic) probably crystallized later during a hydration phase,
and violarite (FeNi2S4; cubic). Raman spectroscopy and possibly during exhumation.
helped to distinguish between different phyllosili-
cates, mainly clinochlore and phlogopite. Humite CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
was not observed in the marble, although this min- Spinel. The composition of the three types of spinel
eral is associated with red or purple spinel, as well as crystals was measured in thin sections using EDS,
ruby (Hauzenberger et al., 2003; Garnier et al, 2008). and all rough samples were analyzed by EDXRF.
These analyses identified them as spinel sensu
Texture. The marble that hosts blue spinel has a gra- stricto (MgAl2O4). Table 2 presents LA-ICP-MS
noblastic texture, with millimeter to centimeter chemical analyses on representative samples of the
grain size. SEM imaging with a backscattered elec-
tron detector showed exsolution features between
calcite and dolomite, and intergrown apatite and cal- TABLE 2. Trace-element composition of three spinel
cite (figure 7a). Pentlandite lamellae in pyrrhotite samples, measured by LA-ICP-MS.
present two different morphologies. The first con- Element Detection
sists of parallel flat lamellae less than 500 nm thick, (ppma) Limit (ppma) SKYBLU1 GREBLU2 SATBLUchem
crossing some pyrrhotite crystals from end to end.
Li 4 2778 6030 2120
The second is lens-shaped, more than 1 µm thick and
Be 10 552 946 32
about 3 µm long, often associated with parallel flat
Ti 2 3 3 202
lamellae (figure 7b).
V 1 11 6 362
Paragenesis. Blue spinel is observed only in olivine-rich Cr 3 16 8 1111
lenses, associated with dolomite and calcite (figure 8). Mn 5 238 106 287
No blue spinel is observed in the marble when olivine Fe 20 11,009 9362 12,794
is absent. The spinel-rich lenses are elongated nearly Co 0.2 84 22 1236
parallel to the regional foliation: roughly 45° toward Ni 1 85 29 2514
the northeast. Spinel and pargasite show inclusions of Cu 1 4 4 4
apatite and sulfides similar in shape and composition
Zn 4 7242 4887 1047
for both host minerals. This suggests that apatite and
Ga 0.2 299 1088 234
sulfides preexisted spinel and pargasite. In some titan-
10 cm
5 mm
Figure 8. In Vietnam, primary blue spinel deposits appear as approximately lens-shaped bodies rich in olivine.
These lenses are hosted in marble, and pargasite is found throughout the surrounding marble. Photo and drawing
by Boris Chauviré.
three color categories. The main impurities detected part of the spectra, in the violet to blue region (400–
were Li, Fe, and Zn. Significant traces of Be, Ti, V, Cr, 500 nm) and in the red region (670–700 nm). We also
Mn, Ga, Ni, and Co were also detected. All analyzed observed several weak peaks between 300 and 500 nm
spinels had concentrations of Ga, Zn, and Li, consis- at about 371, 386, 418, 427, 455, 460, and 480 nm. The
tent with those observed only in natural blue spinel bands at 427 and 460 nm are not visible on the spectra
(Muhlmeister et al., 1993; Krzemnicki, 2008; Sae- that show the most intense main band between 500
seaw et al., 2009). All the samples presented nearly and 670 nm (samples SKYBLU2 and SATBLU1). Ad-
uniform concentration in iron and in copper: around ditionally, we noted a large, weak band centered at
10,000 ppma (equal to 1 atomic percent) and 4 ppma, about 440 nm only on the SKYBLU samples. For sam-
respectively. The other elements showed strong vari- ples GREBLU1 and SATBLU1, we also note an in-
ation among samples. Sample SATBLUchem (satu- creasing absorption from 450 nm toward the UV.
rated blue) was enriched in Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni
compared to the other samples. Samples SKYBLU1 Raman and Luminescence. The Raman spectra were
and GREBLU2 were enriched in Be and Zn compared typical of spinel, with weak peaks at 405, 665, and
to SATBLUchem. GREBLU2 is also enriched in Li 766 cm–1 (figure 10a; Fraas et al., 1973). The 405 cm–1
and Ga compared to the two others. peak was 9 cm–1 wide, evidence that the analyzed
spinels were natural and unheated (Krzemnicki,
Host Rocks. The chemical composition and charac- 2008; Saeseaw et al., 2009). However, this Raman sig-
teristics of associated minerals were also examined nal of spinel was overwhelmed by luminescence
with EDS analysis. Olivine is 99% pure forsterite with the two available excitation wavelengths (514
(Mg2SiO4). Pargasite is rich in titanium, sodium, and or 647 nm). The luminescence band was centered at
chlorine. Apatites are fluorapatites with up to 20% 107 cm–1 for the 647 nm excitation wavelength, cor-
chlorine in substitution of fluorine. In two thin sec- responding to a 650 nm emission (figure 10b). In this
tions, we analyzed one REE-rich unknown mineral case, the sample showed a strong red luminescence
and several molybdenum- and tungsten-rich un- (figure 10b, inset) consistent with a broad band emis-
known minerals. Cobalt was found in sulfides, as high sion centered at 650 nm. In addition, many weak
as 1.5 wt.% in pentlandite and 3.5 wt.% in violarite. peaks between 673 and 710 nm, grouped in apparent
triplets, were visible: 685, 687, and 689 nm; 696, 697,
SPECTROSCOPIC PROPERTIES OF BLUE SPINEL and 700 nm; and 704, 707, and 709 nm (figure 10b).
UV-Vis Absorption Spectra. All UV-visible spectra
showed a broad, intense absorption band between 500 DISCUSSION
and 670 nm composed of several narrower bands at Primary Geological Origin. Red and blue spinels are al-
about 545, 550, 560, 580, 590, and 625 nm (figure 9). ways found in marble (figure 11). Garnier et al. (2008)
Two transmission windows were seen in the visible proposed that this marble originated from an old car-
above 550°C for a CO2-rich system; Bucher and Frey,
Band due to Co 2+ 1994; Janardhan et al., 2001; Proyer et al., 2008). Par-
12.0 Band due to Fe2+ gasite is ubiquitous in marble, also representing a
Band not allocated
high-temperature phase. Pargasite, olivine, and spinel
are nearly contemporaneous, and they may have
crystallized from the destabilization of diopside with
6.0 increasing pressure and temperature in a prograde re-
4.0 action (Proyer et al., 2008; Ferry et al., 2011).
We detected some fluorine and chlorine in apatite
and pargasite, and some sodium, lithium, and beryl-
0.4 27.5
0.3 25.0
0.2 22.5
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 15.0 405
455, 460, 480, 560, and 590 nm are due to Fe2+.The 35.0
685 nm
bands at 545, 550, 580, and 625 nm are due to Co2+. 687 nm
The band at 427 nm is not allocated. 673 nm
675 nm 689 nm
25.0 Co 2+ : 650 nm
697 nm
20.0 696 nm 700 nm 707 nm
bonate platform (considered Precambrian to Permo-Tri- 15.0
704 nm 709 nm
assic), which later metamorphosed. Graphite crystals
in these Vietnamese marbles likely derive from
metamorphism of organic matter (Giuliani et al., 5.0
Cr 3+
Garnier et al. (2008) did not observe evidence of a
fluid circulating through the marble. They proposed
that aluminum and chromium originally sedimented
within the carbonate platform. These elements were
mobilized due to the presence of halogen elements
(fluorine and chlorine) from evaporitic rocks. We pro-
pose that the mobilization of Ni and Co happened
through the same process. Another hypothesis is that
Ni and Co were mobilized from amphibolitic rocks
interlayered in the marble (observed by Garnier et al.,
2006) via halogen-rich fluids. Fluids can be formed
by the metamorphism of clay minerals, evaporate,
and organic matter (Giuliani et al., 2003; Garnier et
al., 2008).
Figure 12. A gem mer-
chant examines a blue
spinel from the Luc
Yen district. Photo by
Vincent Pardieu/GIA.
(again, see figure 9). Bands at 545, 550, 580, and 625 had an absorption coefficient greater than 10 cm–1, and
nm are due to cobalt (Co2+) substituting for Mg2+ in the iron optical absorptions observed were weak. For
tetrahedral sites of the spinel structure (Wherry, the parcel classified as SKYBLU, iron and cobalt opti-
1929; Pappalardo et al., 1961; Shigley and Stockton, cal absorption seemed to have a similar importance in
1984; Kuleshov et al., 1993; Muhlmeister et al., 1993; the optical spectra, reaching a maximum of 2 cm–1 as
Delaunay et al., 2008; Duan et al., 2012; Bosi et al., compared to SATBLU samples. GREBLU samples had
2012; D’Ippolito et al., 2015). The remaining absorp- the most significant iron band, but the main absorp-
tion bands (at 371, 386, 418, 455, 460, 480, 560, and tion band only reached 0.5 cm–1. We also observed a
590 nm) are allocated to iron (Fe2+) in tetrahedral sites correlation between the cobalt absorption bands and
of the spinel structure (Gaffney, 1973; Dickson and the color saturation.
Smith, 1976; Muhlmeister et al., 1993; Delaunay et SATBLU2 had a Fe/Co value of approximately 10
al., 2008; D’Ippolito et al., 2015). A weak band ob- (table 2), and the SATBLU samples had the most sat-
served at 427 nm is not attributed but may be linked urated color (table 1). GREBLUE2, with a Fe/Co ratio
with other measurable elements such as Ni. Conse- of about 425 (table 2), had a visible gray hue compo-
quently, the spectra show transmission windows be- nent (table 1). For intermediate Fe/Co ratios of about
tween 300 and 500 nm and between 700 and 900 nm 130 (measured on SKYBLU1; see table 2), the spinel
that explain the blue color. As expected, the spectra had a sky-blue color (table 1). Moreover, sample
show that iron (Fe2+) and cobalt (Co2+) are the main GREBLU1, which had the grayest color, showed
chromophore elements. The other trace elements de- more significant bands due to Fe2+. We propose that
tected either do not give rise to absorption in the vis- the GREBLU samples are colored mainly by iron and
ible range or are much less efficient absorbers than the SATBLU samples by cobalt. The SKYBLU sam-
cobalt. Chromium, which is the main chromophore ples’ colors arise from both iron and cobalt absorp-
for red and pink spinel, makes a significant contribu- tion. Hue differences are more significantly
tion to color if the concentration is above 1000 ppma. controlled by iron (with different species), while sat-
(Muhlmeister et al., 1993; T. Häger, pers. comm., uration is largely dictated by cobalt (D’Ippolito et al.,
2014). Cr concentration in SATBLU samples is bor- 2015).
derline, but the Co concentration is higher, too. The Using chemical and spectroscopic analysis from
contribution is considered negligible. eight of our samples, we calculated the molar absorp-
We observed that the SATBLU samples, which had tivity of cobalt in spinel (sensu stricto) for three ab-
the most saturated color, also had the most important sorption bands. At wavelengths of 545, 580, and 625
cobalt optical absorption. In addition, the main band nm, we took the apparent maximum of each band. We
determined a molar absorptivity of 530±29, 664 ±18, CONCLUSION
and 586±11 L·mol–1·cm–1, respectively. For the sake of We confirmed that the saturated “cobalt-blue” color
comparison, we calculated the molar absorptivity of of Vietnamese spinels (figures 12 and 13) is due pre-
iron in spinel (sensu stricto) for bands 371, 386, 480, dominantly to Co2+ substituting for Mg2+ in the tetra-
and 590 nm. These bands are attributed to ferrous iron hedral site of the spinel structure. For the most
(Fe2+) in the tetrahedral site. Our chemical analysis saturated blue spinel, cobalt is the main coloring
measured only the total iron content. Assuming all agent, even if iron is more abundant. Indeed, cobalt
iron was in the form Fe2+, we propose that the molar is a powerful coloring agent, with a molar absorptiv-
absorptivity of ferrous iron in the tetrahedral site had ity between 500 and 700 L·mol–1·cm–1 depending on
an order of magnitude of about 30 L·mol–1··cm–1 for wavelength, whereas iron (Fe2+ in the tetrahedral site)
each band. With this method, values of molar absorp- has a molar absorptivity of about 30 L·mol–1·cm–1.
tivity are not very accurate but provide a working as- The higher the iron/cobalt ratio is, the grayer the
sumption for our preliminary study. We recognize color. The red transmission window of these gems
that further investigation is needed to fully under- explains both their pink to red Chelsea filter reaction
stand the color in blue spinel. A Gaussian decompo- and their slight change of color from blue to “laven-
sition of spectra can improve the precision of these der” with a change of lighting environment. The red
values. Nevertheless, it is apparent that in spinel, luminescence is due to both Cr3+ and Co2+, and it may
Co2+ is approximately 20 times more efficient at ab- have a minor influence on the perceived color.
sorbing light, and thus creating color, than Fe2+ (con- This study offers clues to the definition of
sistent with D’Ippolito et al., 2015). “cobalt-blue” spinel. Cobalt is actually the main
Spectra have two transmission windows between chromophore, but the presence of iron is also signif-
350 and 500 nm (in the blue region) and between 670 icant. The term “cobalt-blue” can be clarified by fur-
and 900 nm (in the red region). This explains the pink ther investigations on the significance of each
to red reaction under the Chelsea filter and the color chromophore elements (iron and cobalt). These in-
change. Indeed, the Chelsea filter probes a transmis- vestigations can propose a limit on the ratio of
sion window in the red. The color change is also ex- iron/cobalt above which the term “cobalt-blue” can-
plained when the spectral composition of the not be used.
lighting environment is compared with the absorp- Spinels from Luc Yen contain few inclusions.
tion spectra of spinel, although this change is not ob- Fractures and fingerprints were the most common
served in every example. Compact fluorescent light inclusions found. Sometimes, we observed parallel
emits more in the blue region than in the red, and elongated tubes with black, irregular solid inclusions
therefore the spinel appears blue. Under incandes- associated.
cent light, which is richer in red, spinel displays a vi-
oletish blue color that is mostly blue with minor red.
Figure 13. Vietnam’s spinel production yielded this
Origin of Red Luminescence. Under laser excitation, 2.59 ct cobalt blue gem. Photo by Robert
our samples showed a strong red luminescence. In Weldon/GIA, courtesy of Palagems.com.
spectra acquired using a 647 nm excitation, we ob-
served several peaks (in groups of three) between 673
and 710 nm (at about 673, 675, 685, 687, 689, 696,
697, 700, 704, 707, and 709 nm; see figure 10b). These
peaks are known to be due to trivalent chromium
(Cr3+) substituting for aluminum in the octahedral
site (Burns et al., 1965; Wood et al., 1968; Skvortsova
et al., 2011). The broad band centered at 650 nm is
allocated to divalent cobalt in the tetrahedral site of
the spinel structure (Abritta and Blak, 1991;
Kuleshov et al., 1993). These luminescence behaviors
are consistent with our chemical analysis, as the
strongest luminescence was observed in the SATBLU
samples, which had higher concentrations of Cr3+
(1111 ppma) and Co2+ (1236 ppma).
From a geological standpoint, gem-quality blue form and evaporitic platform, was sandwiched be-
spinels are associated with intense metamorphism. tween the two continents. The collision led to the
Their marble host results from the metamorphism metamorphism of the evaporite rocks, in turn pro-
of an ancient carbonaceous platform. This platform ducing fluids mobilizing some elements, possibly in-
was located in the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, which sepa- cluding cobalt. Spinel grew in the marble during this
rated Indochina and China. During the convergence intense metamorphism. These processes of meta-
of these “paleo-continents,” the ocean closed off, ac- morphism and fluid interaction led to the crystalliza-
companied by the formation of evaporitic rocks. The tion of attractive blue spinels in the marble
ocean crust, associated with the carbonaceous plat- mountains of Luc Yen.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS preparation and progress of the expeditions. We thank Vincent’s
Mr. Chauviré ([email protected]) is a PhD student at contacts for acquiring blue spinel samples. We are grateful to Mr.
the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes, Chuãn, our guide, for his knowledge of the field and his logistical
France, and Dr. Rondeau is an assistant professor at the same support. We also thank Pham Van Long, director of the Center for
laboratory (CNRS Team 6112). Dr. Fritsch (CNRS Team 6502) is a Gem and Gold Research and Identification in Hanoi, for his logisti-
professor of physics at the University of Nantes, Institut des cal support and for exporting the samples collected. GIA’s labora-
Matériaux Jean Rouxel. Mr. Ressigeac is product manager for tory in Bangkok and its director, Kenneth Scarratt, provided
Montepuez Ruby Mining, Mozambique. Mr. Devidal is an engineer technical and logistical support. Jean-Pierre Lorand (LPGN-
specialist of ICP-MS-LA at the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, CNRS) generously shared his knowledge about sulfides. We
Clermont Ferrand, France. thank Alexandre Droux from the Laboratoire Français de Gem-
mologie for EDXRF measurements. We also thank Tobias Häger
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, for his help
We are grateful to Vincent Pardieu, senior manager of field gemol- with interpreting UV-Vis spectra. We also thank reviewers that
ogy at GIA’s Bangkok laboratory, for his valuable aid during the participated to improve this study.
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When the same gems and precious metals are used in jewelry, design is the element that ultimately dis-
tinguishes one piece from another. Real success is measured not only by the value of its materials but
also by the character and quality of the design and craftsmanship. Once considered a weak point of
China’s gem and jewelry industry, design has seen tremendous progress over the last decade. Benefiting
from the availability of more gem materials and the power of a rapidly growing consumer market, Chi-
nese designers now have the freedom to develop their design concepts and craftsmanship skills. De-
signers from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan share the bond of cultural identity and have
found ways to create jewelry that expresses the Chinese soul.
rom dangling hair ornaments to exquisite jade This lack of innovation caused a sense of stagna-
pendants and splendid crowns, jewelry has al- tion, which led some industry pioneers to find a new
ways served as personal adornment for the Chi- approach. Professional training and degree programs
nese people, from ordinary citizens to royal families
(figure 1). Throughout the civilization’s 5,000-year
Figure 1. In this replica of a Qing dynasty hairpin,
history, masters of jewelry design and manufacturing outlines of flowers, leaves, and other patterns were
have emerged continually, applying innovations created with very thin gold threads using the filigree
while developing their skills. technique. Kingfisher feathers mounted in the frame
China’s Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) fol- provide the bright blue color. Unlike dyes, the feath-
lowed more than a century of social and economic ers show natural color and shading as well as biologi-
upheaval that hindered almost every aspect of na- cal texture. Ruby cabochons are mounted as the
tional growth. During this period, jewelry came to center stones. Photo by Eric Welch, courtesy of
represent capitalism, and wearing it was considered Zhaoyi Xintiandi (Beijing) Jewelry Co., Ltd.
offensive. Designers and craftsmen avoided persecu-
tion by simply stopping their work.
In the last decades of the 20th century, the Chi-
nese gem and jewelry industry experienced a dra-
matic upswing. By the end of the 1990s, there were
about 20,000 jewelry businesses and some three mil-
lion people involved in the trade (Hsu et al., 2014).
The country’s jewelry markets became saturated
with similar products, many of low quality (J. Bai,
pers. comm., 2013).
cutting competitions feature these elements (Chen, Figure 5. This diamond and emerald bracelet is
2014). While several Western designers have em- from Dickson Yewn’s “Lock of Good Wishes” collec-
braced traditional Chinese symbols, they sometimes tion. The four corners of the lock panel are deco-
rated with simplified bat patterns, which symbolize
do not apply or combine them properly, making
good luck and happiness in Chinese culture. The
them less meaningful. According to Hong Kong jew-
clasp is a realistic recreation of an ordinary gate
elry designer Dickson Yewn, “Jewelry is a new way lock from ancient China. The concept is typically
to interpret a culture that has been suppressed for used in baby jewelry to make the wearer feel
decades.” He believes China is a fundamental re- blessed throughout life, and Yewn has successfully
source for jewelry design and that after prolonged so- applied it to adult pieces. Photo courtesy of Yewn.
cial upheaval, it is time to recapture its glory.
Trained as a painter, Yewn has always been inter-
ested in Chinese culture and history (figure 4). Hav-
ing spent years in the West, he has a deep
appreciation for its culture but prefers to create jew-
elry that is distinctly Chinese rather than mixing
cultural designs (World Gold Council, 2014). He is
also engaged in reviving traditional Chinese jewelry
While many designers focus on generating new
concepts, Yewn digs deeply into native traditions and
fuses them with contemporary luxury. His common
themes include lattice patterns, paper cutting,
Manchurian motifs, and peonies—the Chinese na-
This ring was a favorite of First Lady Michelle edge and skills, but she felt they were not enough to
Obama, who wore it in 2011 when President Obama make her a successful master goldsmith and de-
hosted a banquet for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince signer. Over the next 40 years, she perfected her tech-
Philip. The ring caught the attention of many notable nique in a filigree inlay art factory, where she was
guests that evening (Adducci, 2011). trained by older-generation master goldsmiths. In
2008, filigree inlay art was designated the Intangible
TRADITIONAL CRAFTSMANSHIP Cultural Heritage of China, and Master Bai was
China has a long history of using gold and silver in named the official Representative Inheritor. Master
jewelry design, and gold still dominates the domes- Bai’s participation in promoting filigree inlay art ac-
tic jewelry market. Imperial artisans were once able
to spend considerable time on a piece of jewelry
commissioned by the emperor. Today very few can In Brief
afford to practice time-consuming traditional crafts- • After years of stagnation, Chinese jewelry design has
manship. Yet the rise of mainland China’s luxury undergone a renaissance, combining innovative tech-
market is changing this by encouraging the adoption niques with culturally relevant motifs.
of classic techniques. • Individual designers are able to develop unique pieces
One of these is filigree inlay art (figure 7). This based on exposure to both Western methods and tradi-
combines two crafting skills: The first is filigree, the tional Chinese craftsmanship.
use of gold or silver threads of different weights. The • The growth of the Chinese jewelry market has led to a
second is inlay work, which involves setting stones greater presence in the international industry, particu-
and carving or filing precious metals around them. larly in the luxury market.
The artist responsible for the revival of this tech-
nique is Master Jingyi Bai (figure 8).
Master Bai’s interest in both painting and pattern celerated in 2009, after she began designing for well-
serves as the basis for her design life. As an art school known Chinese jade jewelry brand, Zhaoyi. These
student of precious metals, she gained some knowl- two events took her career to new heights.
Couture in 2013. Xu’s majestic garments and Ren’s REVIVAL OF GOLD-JADE CULTURE
matched jewelry suites reflect their shared identity Jade-mounted gold jewelry has a long history in Chi-
and heritage (figure 20). nese culture, where gold represents splendor and jade
Ren says his themes come from outings with fam- symbolizes elegance. Chinese people use the relation-
ily and friends, where he is inspired by people, archi- ship between gold and jade to symbolize a happy mar-
tecture, movies, and ancient fairy tales (Ren, 2011). riage. For political and economic reasons, the market
His jewelry suite “Journey to the West” is based fairy for this type of jewelry was very limited for many
tale that is considered one of the four great master- years (“Revival of gold-jade culture…,” 2014). After
pieces of Chinese literature. Baroque pearls represent the jade-mounted 2008 Olympic medals were an-
the four main characters on their expedition to the nounced, the market sensed an opportunity to revive
West, including the famous Monkey King (figure 21). what is known as the gold-jade culture.
Their adventures are treasured childhood memories Shanghai jewelry designer Kaka Zhang’s interests
for almost every Chinese person. and talents encompass art, science, and business (fig-
ure 22). She designs for the high-end, mid-range, and nese paintings (figure 23). She takes advantage of var-
commercial markets, using designs and jadeite qual- ious colors and patterns and is often inspired by the
ities to suit each market level. When she was three, jadeite carving itself. If its shape reminds her of
her father taught her painting. Her high school and something she has seen or heard—an old saying, a
university studies included science and technology poem, a scene, or a painting—she bases her design on
as well as gemology, leading her to a career in jewelry that theme (figures 24 and 25).
design and e-commerce. Jadeite is most often available as a carving whose
Ninety percent of Zhang’s business is on the In- beauty has been interpreted and revealed by the carver.
ternet, where she has a loyal and enthusiastic follow- The designer must consider the carving and envision
ing. She operates her design studio and website from the form or theme it will take. Although the gem can-
her home. Her jewelry is manufactured in Shenzhen, not be altered, the composition may be enhanced by
where skilled master jewelers turn her designs into precious metal craftsmanship and other elements to
finished pieces. express the theme in the designer’s inimitable style.
When Kaka Zhang purchased her first piece of Zhang believes that to achieve success, she must
jadeite jewelry as an adolescent, she never expected educate her customers about jewelry design, materi-
to become a designer in her own right. Along with als, and manufacturing. Her dream is to establish a
the highly desirable imperial jadeite, Zhang uses col- private jewelry club where she can create a relaxed
orless transparent jadeite, which has gained popular- environment and connect with each customer.
ity among young female consumers in the past
several years. THE FUTURE
Most of Kaka Zhang’s design inspirations come Over the past decade, Chinese jewelry designers have
from nature, also a major theme of traditional Chi- made great strides in matching the rapid growth of
the domestic gem and jewelry market. Many are now Haute couture has a long history in China,
well-known internationally. As Chinese designers though it was once limited to the royal family and
continue to gain recognition, many more jewelry the highest social classes. The high-end design mar-
professionals will consider a future in design. ket has seen more progress than other market sec-
Native designers have come to understand that tors in the past decade. Now all top brands—and
they must take advantage of their common cultural even some independent designers and small-scale
background, drawing from the heritage of time-hon- stores—offer high-end custom design services. De-
ored craftsmanship and respect for the Chinese signers now focus more on catering to the main-
philosophical system. In the luxury market of the
future, uniqueness will surpass high value (Yang,
2014). Figure 24. This small jadeite carving reminded Kaka
Zhang of a fish. She designed a fishing pole and
breaking wave around that theme and called the
Figure 23. The hairpin was one of the most important piece “Fishing Fun.” One Chinese adage describes a
personal decorations for women of ancient China, famous intellectual fishing with no bait and the hook
and the butterfly is the traditional symbol of the loy- above the water. Rather than forcing things to hap-
alty of love. The dangling butterfly can be easily de- pen, the true intellectual “goes with the flow.” Many
tached and worn as a pendant. Photo courtesy of Chinese consider this the highest spiritual state.
Kaka’s Gem Eyes. Photo courtesy of Kaka’s Gem Eyes.
Adducci S. (2011) Contemporary Chinese jewelry. Departures, Chinese gem and jewelry industry. G&G, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 2–
http://www.departures.com/articles/contemporary-chinese- 29, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS/50.1.2.
jewelry. Ren J. (2011) Luxurious Design: My Way of Designing Jewelry.
Chen W.H. (2014) Jewelry design contests. China Gems, Vol. 94, Zhejiang University Press [in Chinese].
pp. 24–29 [in Chinese]. Revival of gold-jade culture in the modern gem and jewelry indus-
Chinese jewelry firms design brighter future (2014) China Daily, try (2014) China Jeweler, http://biz.ifeng.com/zhubaowang/
October 3, http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-09/12/ zhubaohangye/tebiezhuanti/wdhjwzzhjzbzgf/detail_2014_06/09/
content_18587486.htm. 2400792_0.shtml [in Chinese].
Hofstede G., Bond M.H. (1988) The Confucius connection: From World Gold Council (2014) LoveGold meets Dickson Yewn. Love-
cultural roots to economic growth. Organizational Dynamics, Gold, http://www.lovegold.com/lovegold-meets/dickson-yewn.
Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 5–21. Yang F. (2014) Haute couture of jewelry (in Chinese). China Gems,
Hsu T., Lucas A., Qiu Zh. L., Li M., Yu Q.Y. (2014) Exploring the Vol. 95, pp. 158–161.
Second Place
Tao Hsu, Andrew Lucas, Zhili Qiu, Mu Li, and
Qingyuan Yu
Tao Hsu and Andrew Lucas were profiled in the first-
place entry. Zhili Qiu is a professor in the earth science Tao Hsu Zhili Qiu Mu Li Qingyuan Yu
department of Sun Yat-sen University. Dr. Qiu received
his doctorate in geology from Zhejiang University and has been devoted to gemological research and
education since the early 1990s. Mu Li is the vice chairman of the Diamond Administration of China
(DAC). Qingyuan Yu is the colored stone director of a global mineral company in Guangdong, China.
Third Place
Sudarat Saeseaw, Vincent Pardieu, and Supharart Sangsawong
Sudarat Saeseaw is a senior manager of colored stones at GIA’s
Bangkok lab. She obtained a master’s degree in analytical chemistry
Sudarat Saeseaw Vincent Pardieu Supharart Sangsawong
from Mahidol University in Thailand. Vincent Pardieu is senior man-
ager of field gemology at GIA in Bangkok. He has led 64 successful
field expeditions to gemstone mining areas in order to collect samples for the GIA reference collection. Supharart
Sangsawong is a research scientist at GIA in Bangkok. He earned his doctorate in analytical chemistry from Mahidol
Thank you to all the readers who voted. In additon to our winning authors, we
congratulate Richard Xu of Bakersfield, California, whose name was randomly drawn
from the entries to win a one-year subscription to G&G.
M Most Valuable
ARTICLE aArticle
eMs & GeMoloGy
sprinG 2015
N 36°
N 34°
N 32°
O Marrakesh Figure 2. This map
M shows the location of
the Boudi quarry (out-
lined in red), in the
Anti-Atlas mountain
range of Morocco. From
N 30° Faik (2005).
N 28° Continent
northeast of the town of Tata. Boudi is accessed by fractured area crossed by hydrothermal veins. The
taking National Road 12 for 40 km, followed by a sin- host rock is siltstone-sandstone belonging to the Is-
uous 14 km road and a newly built off-road track for safen Formation of the Lower Cambrian, a schist for-
the final 4 km. The region is mountainous, with an mation composed of mudstone with marl and
altitude ranging from 1,400 to 1,800 m, and set in a sandstone intercalations in the upper zone, dolomitic
very arid and forbidding environment (figure 3). The limestones (with stromatolites) in the middle, and
mine is located 6 km east of the Tagragra Tata Pre- purplish red mudstones in the lower part, again with
cambrian basement, a kind of erosive depression on intercalations of stromatolitic limestones and dolo-
the crest of an anticline, similar to a tectonic win- stones, all of these in stratigraphic contact. In the
dow. Figure 4 shows a simplified geological map of simplified geological map, the Issafen Formation is
the region; amethysts are found in the Lower Cam- below the Schist-Limestone and Limestone series of
brian Issafen Formation (Faik et al., 2001; Faik, 2005). Lower Cambrian age, and thus is not visible (again,
see figure 4).
GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY At Boudi, quartz is found either scattered in a silt-
The deposit is exposed along an eroded area on the sandstone matrix or within cavities of a complex
south side of an anticline formed by rock of Cam- fault and fractures system. Small openings are com-
brian age. It covers hundreds of square meters in a pletely filled with interlocking quartz crystals. In the
reddish mudstones, floating quartz specimens are al- and secondary. The authors hypothesize that the
ways found as single crystals without matrix, usually well-shaped quartz crystals originated in the faults
singly terminated but sometimes doubly. The and veins in the surrounding limestone, and then
amethyst clearly formed by hydrothermal deposi- eroded and redeposited in the residual mudstones.
tion, but the condition of the crystals suggests they
Conditions are challenging due to the location’s re-
In Brief moteness, the hot summer temperatures, and the
• Amethyst mined from Boudi, Morocco, features dis- lack of water and electrical power at the mine. Since
tinctive hourglass-shaped color zoning, double termi- the beginning of 2013, the open pit has been worked
nation, and red needle-shaped hematite inclusions. by an excavator and a loader that easily remove the
• These inclusions help to differentiate the formation fractured limestone and mudstone containing scat-
and the origin of the Boudi specimens. tered quartz crystals and fragments (figure 5). The
• Recent mechanized mining efforts have led to greater miners come from Boudi, Targuant, and other sur-
availability of gem-quality Boudi material, which rivals rounding villages, so the mine is an economic re-
“Siberian” amethyst in coloration. source for the area. Figure 6 shows a selection of the
production from the mine.
The quarried amethyst crystals vary in size, color,
and quality. Four-wheel-drive vehicles carry the pro-
were removed from the original site of crystallization duction to storage facilities. About 90% of the crys-
and subsequently encapsulated in the mudstones. tals are well formed and detach from the matrix as
The deposit could be regarded, then, as both primary individual crystals. High-pressure washing with a
SP Schist (Precambrian)
LLC DLP Dolomite-limestone (Proterozoic)
Extraction area
4 km
Figure 4. A simplified geologic map of the area hosting the amethyst quarry. The Issafen Formation lies below the
Limestone series of Lower Cambrian age and is not visible in the map. The red square indicates the mining area.
From Faik (2005).
brush and water gun removes the clays that cover the that characterizes the locality. Rhombohedral faces
crystals. Encrusted crystals are soaked for a short are well developed (figure 7). Euhedral crystals are
time in a mixture of diluted hydrochloric acid to dis- common, ranging from 1 to 10 cm in length and rarely
solve the residual limestone. up to 15 cm. The highest-quality material is in the 1–
5 cm range. The crystal faces are normally clean or
DESCRIPTION OF THE AMETHYST coated by carbonates and clay minerals.
Amethyst from Boudi displays a fairly typical mor- The color quality and distribution varies widely,
phology. The crystals have well-developed prism faces, from light purple to very deep purplish red, often
and in some cases they present the double termination showing sharp color concentration along the rhom-
scope, varied from weak to medium bluish purple to thetic amethyst, and their distribution and orientation
reddish purple. None of the samples showed any re- within the stone could help to identify their origin as
action to either short- or long-wave UV radiation. No the Boudi deposit. To the best of our knowledge, such
absorption spectra were observed using the Krüss inclusions have not been described in detail until now.
Fluid inclusions with a veil-like pattern (figure 10)
were common in the amethyst samples from Boudi. Figure 12. A 9.14 ct faceted amethyst from Boudi dis-
Individual fluid inclusions sometimes showed a playing red hematite needle inclusions. Photo by
moderate negative crystal form. Some of these inclu- Emanuele Costa and Fabrizio Troilo.
sions had a two-phase character, with liquid and gas
The red, elongated solid inclusions were also the
most interesting internal features and could be ob-
served in almost every specimen analyzed (figure 11).
The crystals’ near-colorless zones were permeated by
a series of fibrous red inclusions, approximately ori-
ented from the different crystal faces toward the col-
ored core, in which they gradually disappeared. The
orientation of the tiny fibers was not crystallographic,
but the general distribution of the fibers followed the
crystal growth direction (figures 12 and 13). The nee-
dles had different lengths, but their diameters were
quite consistent. Their microscopic appearance
showed a morphology that seemed less angular and
fragmented and more straight and continuous than
the hematite “beetle leg” inclusions (once believed to
be lepidocrocite) reported in the literature (Hyršl and
Niedermayr, 2003; Leon-Reina et al., 2011).
These inclusions distinguish the material from syn-
Figure 14. This Raman spectrum clearly indicates the peaks of hematite in the quartz matrix.
INTENSITY (counts)
5 Quartz
Hematite Quartz
Quartz Hematite Quartz Hematite
Anderson B.W., Jobbins E.A. (1990) Gem Testing. Butterworths, tion]. Version 5.64.15.
360 pp. Hyršl J., Niedermayr G. (2003) Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz.
Downs R.T. (2006) The RRUFF Project: an integrated study of the Bode Verlag, Haltern, Germany 240 pp.
chemistry, crystallography, Raman and infrared spectroscopy Leon-Reina L., Compana J.M., De la Torre A.G., Moreno R.,
of minerals. Program and Abstracts of the 19th General Meet- Ochando L.E., Aranda M.A.G. (2011) Powder diffraction analy-
ing of the International Mineralogical Association in Kobe, sis of gemstone inclusions. Powder Diffraction, Vol. 26, No. 1
Japan. O03-13. pp. 48–52, http://dx.doi.org/10.1154/1.3552672.
Faik F. (2005) Lithostratigraphie et structure de l’Anti-Atlas cen- Praszkier T., Rakovan J. (2012) Hourglass figures – Bou Oudi
tre-occidental : du rifting fini-protérozoïque a l’orogenèse her- amethyst. In H.A. Gilg, S. Liebetrau, G.A. Staebler, and T. Wil-
cynienne. Master’s thesis, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, son, Eds., Amethyst: Uncommon Vintage, No. 16, Lithogra-
Morocco, 176 pp. phie, Ltd., Denver, Colorado, pp. 102–105.
Faik F., Belfoul M.A., Bouabdelli M., Hassenforder B. (2001) Les Rossman G.R. (1994) Colored varieties of the silica minerals. In
structures de la couverture Néoprotérozoïque terminal et P.J. Heaney, C.T. Prewitt, and G.V. Gibbs, Eds., Silica: Physical
Paléozoïque de la région de Tata, Anti-Atlas centre-occidental, Behavior, Geochemistry, and Materials Applications. Reviews
Maroc: Déformation polyphasée, ou interactions socle/couver- in Mineralogy, Vol. 29. Mineralogical Society of America. pp.
ture pendant l’orogenèse hercynienne? Journal of African Earth 433–468.
Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 765–776, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ Wise R.W. (2005) Secrets of the Gem Trade: The Connoisseur's
S0899-5362(02)00053-2. Guide to Precious Gemstones. Brunswick House Press, Lenox,
Gotze J., Mockel R (2012) Quartz: Deposits, Mineralogy and An- MA.
alytics. Springer, Berlin, 377 pp. Wojdyr M. (2010) Fityk: a general-purpose peak fitting program.
Horiba Jobin Yvon GmbH (2004, 2005) LabSpec [Software for Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1126–
Raman spectroscopic data analysis, acquisition and manipula- 1128, http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889810030499.
For online access to all issues of GEMS & GEMOLOGY from 1934 to the present, visit:
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Figure 1. In most cases, transparent gemstones owe their color to selective absorption of light. In the case of a yel-
low diamond, the blue portions of the incident white light are absorbed by the diamond, while the remaining por-
tions in combination are transmitted to the eye and interpreted by our vision system as a yellow color. In the
spectroscope, this selective absorption is seen as a darkening toward the blue end of the spectrum (below 425 nm).
Recording the spectrum with a spectrophotometer produces a graph of wavelength (horizontal scale) versus ab-
sorption (vertical scale). Greater absorption is represented by the higher portions of the spectrum trace, and greater
transmission by the lower portions. Below 425 nm, the height of the spectrum trace increases. In the case of this
yellow diamond, superimposed on this increasing absorption are several sharp absorption bands or peaks on the
spectrum trace between 415 and 478 nm due to the N3 optical center. Gemologists often refer to this set of dark
bands as the “Cape” absorption lines characteristic of type Ia yellow diamonds.
path length of light traveled within the gemstone. Yet visible absorption spectra provide a tool to under-
this relationship can be estimated by comparing ab- stand most causes of diamond coloration.
sorption peak height to the heights of some intrinsic The accompanying chart contains representative
absorption features. This relationship also provides visible spectra and photos of the major color cate-
an indirect way of comparing the visible spectra of di- gories of diamond. The spectra are shown over the
amonds of different sizes and faceting styles. Because
of internal reflection and longer path lengths within
the polished diamond, the face-up saturation of the
color may appear stronger than the intensity of the
In Brief
absorption features (i.e., height of the absorption • While lattice defects and physical causes such as min-
bands) in the visible spectrum would suggest. eral inclusions may contribute to diamond coloration,
most color perception is due to the selective absorption
Natural diamonds occur in all colors of the spec-
of white light.
trum. A few colors, such as yellow and brown, are
• The accompanying reference chart details the effect
very common, but most are very rare. Nitrogen is the
of light absorption patterns, recorded with a spectro-
most widespread and abundant impurity element in photometer, on diamond color.
diamond. It can be present in several optical defects,
all of which produce absorption toward the blue end
of the spectrum. These factors help explain the
prevalence of yellow diamonds in nature. While the 400–750 nm wavelength range. Relative absorption
face-up appearance of colored diamonds is also influ- is shown on the vertical scale of each graph, with
enced by their size and the choice of faceting style, light absorption increasing higher on the scale (and,
Shigley J.E., Breeding C.M. (2013) Optical defects in diamonds: A ABOUT THE AUTHORS
quick reference chart. G&G, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 107–111, Dr. Shigley is distinguished research fellow, and Dr. Breeding is a
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.49.2.107. research scientist, at the GIA Laboratory in Carlsbad, California.
GR1 from boron impurities
(type IIb)
General absorption
from plastic deformation
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
H3 luminescence
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
480 nm band
Hydrogen impurity defects
Hydrogen impurity defects
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Clouds of fine inclusions Fractures filled with natural materials, usually iron oxide
General absorption
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
In most cases, transparent gemstones such as diamond with a spectrophotometer, and then depicting the spectrum
owe their coloration to selective absorption of light. With as a line on a graph. The peaks on the graph correspond 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Hydrogen impurity defects a yellow diamond, the blue portions of the incident white to the dark lines or bands seen with the spectroscope.
light are absorbed by the diamond, while the remaining
portions are transmitted in combination to the eye and This chart illustrates representative visible spectra and
interpreted by our vision system as a yellow color. A photos of the major color categories of diamond. The
gemologist uses a spectroscope to detect this selective graphs are grouped in six columns and ranked in
absorption—the instrument separates light into its compo- descending order of occurrence. These colored diamonds
nent colors, and the portions of the spectrum that are were selected because their spectra (and colors) are prin-
absorbed as they pass through the gemstone appear as cipally the result of one main lattice defect (a disruption
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
dark lines or bands at particular wavelength locations. An of the atomic structure that causes selective light absorption This chart was published in conjunction with J.E. Shigley and C.M. Breeding, “Visible Absorption Spectra
© 2015 Gemological Institute of America alternative method involves recording the absorption by the diamond). of Colored Diamonds,” Gems & Gemology, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 41-43.
Figure 3. The GIA team that visited the Montepuez ruby deposit in September 2014 consisted of (left to right) Tao
Hsu, Vincent Pardieu, and Andrew Lucas. Photo by Stanislas Detroyat.
11° 11°
Montepuez Complex
Ocua Complex
39° 40°
parental magma interacted with the host rocks in a all scales, later cut by a number of shear zones trend-
low-silica environment. ing northeast to southwest.
The Montepuez operation consists of mostly sec- The MRM concession is located on one limb of a
ondary deposits, with only one primary deposit ex- fold with a subvertical axial plane striking east-west.
posed so far. The composition of the rocks in the At least four different deformation phases occurred in
Montepuez complex ranges from granitic to amphi- this area. The strong deformation history complicated
bolitic, while quartzite and marble can be found in- the rock units on all scales, making the exploration
side and outside the concession property. The rocks and prediction of the primary ore very complex.
are also strongly folded into tight isoclinal folds on The pit walls in Maninge Nice, where the only
Figure 5. Left: A clear contact between the topsoil and the ruby-containing amphibolite can be found on the walls
of the primary deposit pit. Photo by Andrew Lucas/GIA. Right: The top of the ruby-containing layer has been ex-
tensively weathered, and the rock is very fragile. Photo by Vincent Pardieu/GIA.
Ruby traps
Ruby traps
Figure 6. Left: River channel morphology changes constantly over time. Center: Rubies are trapped and concentrated
in certain areas along those channels. Right: Cross-sections of former river channels can be seen in the wall of pit 3.
Photo by Andrew Lucas/GIA.
primary deposit discovered so far is located, show an channels are quite recognizable and easy to work.
obvious contact zone between the topsoil and the MRM targets these as well as the richest paleochan-
weathered ruby-containing amphibolite, which is nels, where large reserves of fine rubies are buried.
very fragile and easily crumbled by hand (figure 5). Pit 3, the largest being worked by MRM, is lo-
Ruby is found in close association with white cated along one of the main paleochannels. On the
feldspar, mica, and dark green amphibole. Core wall of this pit, observers can see some superb cross-
drilling data indicate that the amphibolite extends sections of former river channels (figure 6, right).
about 30 meters below the surface and lies on top of Gravel size increases visibly from the edge to the bot-
the basement gneiss. The whole amphibolite unit tom of these “traps,” where gravity caused heavier
strikes roughly east-west. gravels to settle and concentrate at the bottom of a
Hundreds of millions of years of erosion have depression.
made the secondary ruby deposits in Montepuez far Larger gravels are better at slowing the water
easier to uncover and work than the primary de- speed. Since the specific gravity of ruby is relatively
posits. Rubies liberated from the host rock were high, it tends to settle along the bottom of a depres-
transported and concentrated by water and eventu- sion with other heavy minerals.
ally settled in the alluvial, colluvial, and eluvial de- Heavy mineral traps occur at different places
posits being worked today. along the river channel, wherever the water current
slows. The traps themselves work as natural jigs,
PALEOCHANNELS AND RUBY TRAPS usually leaving a higher concentration of ruby at the
Cycles of weathering and erosion are constantly bottom of the trap. These ruby “traffic jams” are
shaping the surface of the earth. Once the ruby-bear- ideal locations for gem hunters.
ing rock is weakened and broken down by physical Since there are numerous granitic rocks in the area,
and chemical weathering, it is ready for erosion. In the gravels are mainly quartz crystals and aggregates
Montepuez, rubies and other minerals liberated from of different sizes. Their shape and sharp corners indi-
the parent rocks were picked up and carried by water cate that they were not transported very far from their
and, due to their high specific gravity and hardness, source rocks. The focus of secondary deposit explo-
trapped and concentrated in certain locations along ration is to find old stream channels and better define
current or former river beds, above the weathered the distribution of this ruby-bearing gravel layer.
basement rocks.
River channel morphology has also changed con- THE MINE
stantly over time. Hundreds of millions of years ago, The MRM concession encompasses roughly 400
the stream channels were at different positions; square kilometers, with both primary and secondary
traces of their original flows are known by geologists deposits. Most of the bulk sampling takes place at the
as “paleochannels” (figure 6). secondary deposits, but sampling is planned for both
The concession has a well-developed drainage sys- types within the current fiscal year. The only area
tem. The local topography causes the water to flow with a primary deposit as well as secondary gravels is
generally from north to south. Present-day stream Maninge Nice, a local name given because of the
or destructive to the crystals. This type of weathered workers. From setting up the machine to refilling the
rock offers a tremendous advantage in keeping costs borehole, it takes about an hour to finish one spot. The
down and production high. Still, future sampling at goal is to finish eight to nine drill holes each day. The
the MRM concession will likely involve the extrac- sites are cleaned and prepared before the drilling starts.
tion of more primary rock at greater depths, increas-
ing the challenge.
Figure 10. Workers remove the soil and gravel that
FURTHER EXPLORATION come up with the auger and then dump the material
into a container for further processing. Photo by An-
The current bulk sampling and resource analysis drew Lucas/GIA.
stage is scheduled to be completed in 2016, which
should give a clearer picture of the potential produc-
tion figures and life of the mine.
Primary and secondary deposits require different
drilling methods and strategies. The goal of second-
ary deposit exploration is to better define the distri-
bution of the ruby-bearing gravel layer in the
concession. Contours of the gravel layer will be con-
structed from this, as well as data on the concentra-
tion of rubies.
Auger drilling, a method not typically seen by GIA
researchers, is used to explore the secondary deposits.
The auger consists of a rotating helical screw driven
into the ground. The screw blade is shaped to lift
earth up from the borehole. As earth is pulled out of
the hole, workers remove the loose gravel from be-
tween the drill blades (figure 10). This is different
from core drilling, which removes solid or fragmented
cores from hard rock. Auger drilling is considered an
efficient way to explore soft unconsolidated material
or weak weathered rocks.
Gemfields’ geologists have divided the target area
into blocks and plan to drill boreholes in 100-meter
grids. The drill bits and other equipment are hauled
by truck to drilling sites. Every exploration team is
composed of a geologist, a technician, and four or five
box, a rectangular case with an angled glass window and the corundum crystals are cleaned and sorted.
for viewing. This is the beginning of the process of The rough is divided into dark and light tones, repre-
separating ruby from the gravels and garnets. senting ruby and pink sapphire, respectively. The ru-
To reduce the possibility of theft, the sorters never bies are then classified into four further categories:
actually touch the rubies. They wear sleeves with rub- premium, facet-grade, translucent to opaque, and
ber gloves attached (figure 17). They drop the retrieved basic corundum.
stones into two holes, one for garnets and the other The grading of the premium ruby rough is done in
for corundum. The sorters base the identification on an adjacent room, first by color and then clarity. White
visual appearance, especially crystal morphology. tables provide the background, while windows just in
Next, a senior staff member and a member of the front of the graders provide ample daylight for color
security team unlock the box holding the gemstones, grading. The Gemfields ruby grading system is based
on the rough’s size, color, shape, and clarity (figure 18).
Figure 16. Two sluices, or jigs, are used for different-sized
gravel. The heavier material is trapped in the grooves of PRELIMINARY GEMOLOGY
the jig, while other material goes into the piles in front. Rubies from Montepuez are very important to the
Photo by Vincent Pardieu/GIA. trade because of the large quantities and the wide
range of qualities and sizes produced. Their colors
bridge the gap between those from the classic sources
of Burma (highly fluorescent, with low iron content)
and Thailand/Cambodia (weakly fluorescent, with
high iron content).
Rubies owe their red color to chromium, but their
color is modified by the presence of iron, which re-
duces the chromium-caused fluorescence. An interest-
ing aspect of rubies from the amphibole-related deposit
near Montepuez is their iron content, which ranges
from nearly as low as Burmese marble-type rubies to
as high as rubies found in basalt-related deposits along
the Thai-Cambodian border. This means they have the
potential to suit a range of different markets.
A small but significant percentage of the material
has a combination of color and clarity that requires no
heat treatment. Others lack transparency due to fis- COLLECTING REFERENCE SAMPLES
sures or the presence of inclusions. Heat treatment GIA’s Bangkok lab has been collecting reference sam-
transforms this lower-quality material so it can find a ples and mining information from sources since
market within the jewelry industry. Lead-glass filling 2008. A study of the gemological characteristics of
is used for heavily fractured stones, while more tradi- 131 ruby samples from Mozambique was completed
tional heat treatment (with or without borax-like ad- by the laboratory and published by Pardieu et al.
ditives) is performed on less-fractured stones with a (2013). Studies of inclusions and chemical composi-
milky or silk-like appearance (Pardieu et al., 2010). tion are in progress, and the results will be presented
Overall, treated products are much more readily avail- in future articles. The team’s current main focus is
able than unheated material (Scarratt, 2012). to collect and study ruby, sapphire, and emerald ref-
Each of Montepuez’s bulk sampling areas yields ru- erence samples following GIA protocols.
bies with slightly different appearances. The material At Maninge Nice, the team was allowed to search
Figure 19. Left: Rough rubies from the primary deposit at Maninge Nice have sharp edges and corners. Their color
is brighter because they contain less iron than other deposits in this area. Right: Classic secondary-deposit rubies
from the Mugloto area. Most are tumbled and clean from millions of years of weathering and erosion by the rivers.
The darker color is caused by their higher iron content. Photos by Vincent Pardieu/GIA.
the ground under the supervision of company security because they are “type A” samples. This means they
guards (figure 20). The host amphibolite was highly were obtained directly from the rock by the gemolo-
weathered, making it very easy to extract the rubies gists themselves. Samples that are collected by the
from the host rock. Using rock hammers, the team col- miners but not under the direct supervision of GIA
lected a fair number of high-quality samples that met researchers are classified as “type C” samples. These
the requirements for lab preparation and analysis. valuable reference samples will be important addi-
The specimens collected are especially valuable tions to the GIA reference sample database.
Boyd R., Nordgulen Ø., Thomas R.J., Bingen B., Bjerkgård T., (2009) Expedition report to the ruby mining sites in northern
Grenne T., Henderson I., Melezhik V.A., Often M., Sandstad J.S., Mozambique (Niassa and Cabo Delgado provinces).
Solli A., Tveten E., Viola G., Key R.M., Smith R.A., Gonzalez http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research-NR121709
E., Hollick L.J., Jacobs J., Jamal D., Motuza G., Bauer W., Daudi Pardieu V., Sturman N., Saeseaw S., Du Toit G., Thirangoon K.
E., Feitio P., Manhica V., Moniz A., Rosse D. (2010) The geology (2010) FAPFH/GFF treated ruby from Mozambique: A prelimi-
and geochemistry of the East African Orogen in northeastern nary report. http://www.giathai.net/pdf/Flux_heated_and_glass
Mozambique. South African Journal of Geology, Vol. 113, No. _filled_rubies_from_Mozambique.pdf
1, pp. 87–129, http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gssajg.113.1.87. Pardieu V., Sangsawong S., Muyal J., Chauviré B., Massi L., Stur-
Hsu T., Lucas A., Pardieu V. (2014) Mozambique: A ruby discovery man N. (2013) Rubies from the Montepuez area. GIA News
for the 21st century. GIA Research & News, www.gia.edu/ from Research, http://www.gia.edu/gia-rubies-from-mon-
gia-news-research-mozambique-expedition-ruby-discovery- tepuez-area.
new-millennium. Scarratt K. (2012) A discussion on ruby-glass composites & their
Hughes R. (2014) Ruby & Sapphire: A Collector’s Guide. Gem and potential impact on the nomenclature in use for fracture-filled
Jewelry Institute of Thailand, Bangkok. or clarity enhanced stones in general. http://www.giathai.net/
Pardieu V., Jacquat S., Senoble J., Bryl L.-P., Hughes R., Smith M. pdf/Ruby-Glass_Composites.pdf.
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Mark your choice on the response card provided in this issue or visit
gia.edu/gems-gemology to take the Challenge online. Entries must be
received no later than Monday, August 3, 2015. All entries will be
acknowledged with an e-mail, so please remember to include your
name and e-mail address (and write clearly).
1. Which city is the world’s largest D. Weight retention is more of a A. It may contain an extra FTIR
center for diamond sorting, concern with natural mate- absorption band around 1140
valuing, and selling? rial. cm–1.
A. Shanghai, China B. Its composition (stoichiometry)
B. Mumbai, India 4. Which of the following is a valid is ideal.
C. Antwerp, Belgium GIA diamond color grade? C. It does not contain water.
D. Gaborone, Botswana A. Fancy Intense red. D. It is most likely a synthetic.
B. Fancy Vivid purplish pink.
2. What happens if the c-axis is C. Fancy Vivid purplish red. 8. All of the following statements
parallel to the table facet of a D. Fancy Deep Vivid purplish are true of “Jedi” spinels except
strongly pleochroic stone? pink. ___________.
A. No pleochroism can be ob- A. there are other sources be-
served through the table. 5. In 2013, China was the world’s sides the Namya deposit in
B. A “bow tie” may be observed. largest consumer of ___________. Myanmar
C. For a biaxial stone, all three A. jadeite and platinum B. they have no dark tone
colors can be observed B. gold and diamonds C. they are sometimes found in
through the table, whereas C. diamonds and jadeite matrix
only two colors can be ob- D. jadeite, platinum, diamonds, D. they have lower iron content
served for a uniaxial stone. and gold on average than Mogok spinel
D. Only the ordinary ray is ob-
6. What determines the final color 9. The top three diamond producers
of treated amber? are:
3. Why do natural blue sapphire A. Presence of bubbles. A. Rio Tinto, Alrosa, BHP
and Verneuil synthetic blue B. Pressure during treatment. B. De Beers, Alrosa, Rio Tinto
sapphire often display differences C. Presence of liquid inclusions. C. Rio Tinto, Alrosa, De Beers
in pleochroism? D. Atmosphere during heating. D. Dominion Resources, Rio
A. The table facets are often ori- Tinto, De Beers
7. What can be said about an
ented differently.
emerald that contains a 10. The green and orange-red
B. The blue color is caused by
significant amount of alkali metal phosphorescence displayed by
different trace impurities.
impurities? natural and untreated type IIb
C. Verneuil material does not
display pleochroism. blue diamonds when exposed to
480 band
at approximately 1580 cm–1 was not
Figure 7. The UV-Vis spectra for the two chameleon diamonds show a observed in either. Raman mapping
broad absorption peak around 480 nm and an atypical GR1 feature at 741 showed that the full width at half-
nm. maximum (FWHM) of the inclusion’s
1332 cm–1 peak was different from
that of the host diamond (figure 9,
image. The actual dimensions of the crystal, and Raman analysis easily center). In the map, each colored pixel
entire included crystal could not be identified it as diamond. Both the host represents the FWHM value of the
determined. diamond and inclusion show sharp 1332 cm–1 Raman peak. The colored
The exposed crystal inclusion had 1332 cm–1 Raman bands, indicating pixels of the inclusion were decidedly
the morphology of a natural diamond high crystallinity. The graphite peak different from those of the host dia-
Figure 9. Left: This photomicrograph reveals natural etch channels with brown radiation staining, as well as an oc-
tahedral crystal inclusion (the inset shows the surface-breaking outline). Center: The Raman map of the 1332 cm–1
FWHM clearly outlines the surface break of the octahedral diamond inclusion. The inset in the left-side image rep-
resents the Raman mapping area. The image was taken in a grid pattern measuring FWHM of the diamond Raman
peak at 1332 cm–1. More than 300 Raman spectra collected at multiple points on the grid were translated into this
map by the software. Each colored pixel represents the FWHM value, and similar FWHM values will be shown in
similar colors. Noticeably different colors outlining the inclusion indicate that it is not part of the host diamond
and that it formed in a different geological environment. Right: DiamondView imaging shows that the diamond
inclusion was captured during the second phase of growth.
50 µm
Large Natural Quahog Pearl
A notable purple non-nacreous pearl 25000
(figure 13) recently submitted to GIA’s
New York laboratory measured 13.69 1086
× 11.80 mm and weighed 16.64 ct. It
mid-purple color.
Real-time microradiography re- 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
vealed a tight internal structure, a WAVENUMBER (cm–1)
common characteristic of certain
out on a Thermo Nicolet iN10 FTIR 452, 465, and 478 nm. This spectrum synthetic diamonds,” Winter 1995
microscope, which determined the di- is known as the “Cape series,” and G&G, pp. 256–264; J.E. Shigley et al.,
amond type classification of each such goods are commonly referred to “Gemological properties of near-col-
melee stone from its mid-IR absorp- as “Cape yellow.” orless synthetic diamonds,” Spring
tion spectra (C.M. Breeding and J. E. Two colorless stones were classi- 1997 G&G, pp. 42–53). The 0.00431
Shigley, “The ‘type’ classification sys- fied as type IaB, showing only pure B- ct yellow stone was removed from its
tem of diamonds and its importance in aggregate absorption; the remaining mounting for more comprehensive
gemology,” Summer 2009 G&G, pp. colorless stone was type IIa, meaning examination with the DiamondView
96–111). One melee was identified as it did not show IR absorption from (figure 17). Its cuboctahedral synthetic
an HPHT-grown (high-pressure, high- any nitrogen-related impurities. Fi- growth sectors were clearly seen from
temperature) synthetic diamond, based nally, a partially obscured yellow both the table and pavilion, confirm-
on its infrared spectrum as well as its stone near the bottom of the piece ing its HPHT synthetic origin.
color, fluorescence pattern, and phos- was type Ib, showing absorption due Although this could have been an
phorescence behavior. This 0.00431 ct to isolated nitrogen impurities, and isolated event, it underscores the need
melee was removed from the setting characterized by features at 1130 and for caution when buying melee parcels
to confirm its origin as HPHT-syn- 1344 cm–1. Isolated nitrogen centers or mounted pieces from unfamiliar
thetic. The rest were confirmed as also produce a broad absorption fea- sources. Nevertheless, it is important
natural diamonds. ture in the UV-visible range (approxi- to note that such stones can be un-
Of the 118 melee, 114 were classi- mately 270 nm), resulting in a equivocally identified as lab-grown.
fied as type IaA or type IaAB. These coloration often described as “Canary Colorless and near-colorless (D–N) un-
were characterized by absorption yellow.” Type Ib diamonds are very mounted diamonds larger than 0.01 ct
from aggregated nitrogen centers, rare, representing only 0.1% of all nat- can be tested using commercially
where A-centers (nitrogen pairs) and ural diamonds (R. Tappert and M.C. available testing equipment such as
B-centers (four nitrogen atoms sym- Tappert, Diamonds in Nature, the GIA DiamondCheck. Meanwhile,
metrically surrounding a vacant lat- Springer, Berlin, 2011). Conversely, colored diamonds, smaller stones, and
tice site) absorb infrared light at 1282 this diamond type is common in yel- mounted jewelry need to be tested by
and 1174 cm–1, respectively. These low synthetic diamonds. Due to the a reputable gemological laboratory. In-
spectra revealed sufficient A-center absence of A-centers, these four sam- creased industry awareness, combined
concentrations, eliminating the pos- ples required further testing. with diamond testing, may deter the
sibility of HPHT treatment, which Photoluminescence spectroscopy spread of undisclosed synthetics, ulti-
would have deaggregated the centers confirmed that the type IaB and IIa mately benefiting both sellers and
into isolated nitrogen atoms (A.T. stones were natural in origin. However, buyers of polished diamond goods.
Collins, “The colour of diamond and the type Ib stone (marked in figure 16) Rachel Sheppard, Ulrika D’Haenens-
how it may be changed,” Journal of was further examined with Diamond- Johansson, Kyaw Soe Moe,
Gemmology, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2001, pp. View imaging, which showed that it Tom Moses, and Wuyi Wang
341–359). Since A- and B-center ab- exhibited strong yellow-green fluores-
sorptions occur solely in the infrared cence under deep ultraviolet illumi-
range, their presence does not produce nation (wavelength <230 nm) and
color. Instead, the yellow color ob- indicated growth sector patterns typ- Large HPHT-Grown Synthetic
served in 57 of these type IaA/IaAB ical of HPHT synthetic diamonds, as Diamonds Examined in GIA’s
stones resulted from absorption from well as strong blue phosphorescence Hong Kong Laboratory
the N3 defect at 415 nm (a complex of inconsistent with natural yellow type Over the last decade, the jewelry in-
three nitrogen atoms surrounding a Ib diamonds (J.E. Shigley et al., “A dustry has seen rapid improvement in
vacancy) and associated peaks at 453, chart for the separation of natural and the quality of synthetic diamond
Figure 19. This fancy-color melee diamond bracelet contained two synthetic moissanites.
For online access to all issues of GEMS & GEMOLOGY from 1934 to the present, visit:
Unlike Myanmar, Mozambique does not carry the each gem weighing approximately 25 ct and measuring 19–
stigma of human rights abuses. The heat treatment of these 20 mm. The suite included aquamarine and an unheated
rubies is not an issue with consumers, either. As Bindra ex- purple copper-bearing tourmaline from Mozambique;
plained, the market for top natural unheated ruby has now rubellite, yellow beryl, green tourmaline, and Imperial
reached such rarified levels that buyers are very receptive to topaz from Brazil; peridot and kunzite from Pakistan; man-
high-quality heated rubies. (The current auction record is darin (spessartine) garnet from Nigeria; tanzanite from
held by an unheated 8.62 ct Graff ruby, of Burmese origin, Tanzania; green sphene from Sri Lanka; and “canary” tour-
which sold for $8,372,094—or $994,040 per carat—at a maline from Zambia (figure 21).
Sotheby’s Geneva auction in September 2014.) Purchasing
such expensive stones is a stretch even for the top 1% of
Figure 21. Constantin Wild displays a unique 290
consumers. By contrast, stones like the three Bindra showed
carat multicolored gem suite. Photo by Duncan
us wholesale in the region of $35,000 to $50,000 per carat.
He said gems like these are “quite consumable” and can be
the centerpieces of wearable jewelry, meaning they will oc-
casionally be seen outside of safe deposit boxes.
Bindra faces the same issue as many other colored stone
dealers in Tucson: scarcity of new rough production due to
intense competition between the U.S. market and buyers
purchasing for Chinese consumers. This is the major driver
for dealers looking for alternative sources of gems such as
recirculated goods, he said.
The new wealth in China has created a different dy-
namic. For more than 50 years, American and European
consumers have been the main buyers of fine gemstones,
he explained. Now these established markets have compe-
tition, and Bindra and many of his colleagues in the busi-
ness supply gems to these competitors as well. Besides
China, other cultures—India, for instance—have a rich
jewelry heritage, and consuming gems is ingrained. This
trend is not going to change, so there will be more wealthy
consumers in emerging markets that desire colored gems,
and current producers will struggle to meet demand.
In terms of demand at the show, Bindra reported that
rubies and unheated sapphires were quite strong. There
was demand for anything rare and exotic, goods that the
average consumer would not find elsewhere. He also saw
renewed demand for emerald. In the past, he noted a “cer-
tain favoritism” toward Colombian emerald, but increased
supplies of quality gems from Zambia have made it a much
more popular source and established the “Zambian brand”
in people’s minds.
Duncan Pay
Figure 28. Left: Some prefer tsavorite garnets with a brighter color, while others prefer a darker appearance. The
stone on the left weighs 9.50 ct. Right: This suite of three pear-shaped tsavorites totals 37.79 carats. The approxi-
mate asking price for such fine gems would be about $15,000 per carat. Photos by Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy of
Tsavorite Factory.
Oregon sunstone update. At the GJX Show, Nirinjan Khalsa the integrity of natural, untreated Oregon sunstone and pro-
(Suncrystal Mining, Lake and Harney Counties, Oregon) mote it to retailers and consumers as a rare and desirable
showed us a remarkable 35.50 ct rich orangy red Oregon “all-American” gemstone. Called the Oregon Sunstone
sunstone fashioned into a modern mixed-cut cushion by Miners Association (OSMA), the organization includes most
lapidary Jean-Noel Soni (Top Notch Faceting). This stone of the miners with working claims or mines in Lake and
(figure 30) resembled a fine ruby under the showcase lights Harney Counties (figure 32). OSMA also offers an associate
and was one of the most exquisite examples we had seen. membership for sellers of loose gems or jewelry. Anyone
At Khalsa’s request, we followed up with Soni after the purchasing sunstone from an OSMA member can be assured
show. He told us the original rough weighed 198.82 ct. As they are getting the natural, untreated Oregon product. The
is typical with Oregon sunstone, the rough contained spots intention is to expand the marketplace for this unique gem
of strong red or green color in the cores of otherwise yellow and maintain stability and consumer confidence in the
or near-colorless crystals. This crystal had two color spots, event of an influx of treated material from another source.
so he divided it, and this gem was the first of two he in- The association’s website is www.oregonsunstonema.com.
tended to cut. Rather than using CAD software to design At the AGTA show, John Woodmark (Desert Sun Min-
his gems’ faceting styles, Soni treats each rough as unique ing & Gems, Depoe Bay, Oregon) provided an update of his
and individual, cutting to maximize color and luster. He
explained that the pavilion had to be deep, due to sun-
stone’s relatively low RI (1.563–1.572). This produced a Figure 31. This 156.00 ct rough sunstone belongs to
63.00 ct preform, from which he faceted the 35.50 ct gem the Dust Devil mine’s Mark Shore and will likely be-
we saw. The asking price for this gem—reportedly from come a fine carving. Photo by Duncan Pay/GIA; cour-
one of the mines on Little Eagle Butte (in Harney Basin, tesy of Mark Shore.
near Plush, Oregon)—was in the region of $60,000.
Also at the GJX show, Don Buford and Mark Shore (Dust
Devil Mining, Plush, Oregon) gave an update on their oper-
ations. They said 2014 was a good year at Dust Devil. They
uncovered a former dried creek bed where the basalt was ex-
tensively decomposed, which has allowed easier recovery of
the sunstones. Buford hopes to have the mine’s optical sorter
operational for the 2015 mining season.
Shore showed us an exceptional 156.00 ct “water-
melon” sunstone from recent production (figure 31). The
stone has a red center surrounded by a greenish “rind.”
Shore has made arrangements to have it carved by Dalan
Hargrave, winner of multiple AGTA Spectrum Awards.
At the 22nd Street show, Terry Clarke, co-owner of the
Dust Devil mine, explained a recent initiative to maintain
duces a substantial quantity of yellow and near-colorless like QVC are moving away from that concept, in essence
labradorite—material with little or no pink or red and no marketing the uniqueness of the gem rather than a unifor-
visible coppery reflections. One of the things Woodmark mity it can never provide. He cited a piece for which he sup-
has learned at this show is the importance of cutting style plied 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 mm calibrated gems. One was a
and quality on a gem’s perceived value. He sold 2 kg of yel- top-quality red sunstone, and the others were paler pink. In
low rough to another vendor at the AGTA show—Ken Ivey this way, the manufacturer does not have to match the
(Ivey Gemstones, Prescott, Arizona)—and was astonished stones and can use larger volumes.
at the result. Duncan Pay
Ivey’s use of concave cutting styles (figure 35) presented
the feldspar’s bright yellow color far more effectively than
conventional cuts. With conventional cutting, Woodmark Figure 35. The concave cutting style used on these
struggled to get a few tens of dollars per carat for yellow Oregon feldspars accentuates their yellow color and
goods. With only a modest investment in extra cutting raises the market value of the material. Photo by
costs for concave faceting—perhaps twice the expendi- Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy of Ivey Gemstones.
ture—the same material can sell for up to five times as
much. As the yellow rough sells for a couple hundred dol-
lars per kilogram, this is a potentially significant value ad-
dition in the finished product.
Another encouraging trend Woodmark sees is that de-
signers and jewelers are mixing calibrated sunstones of dif-
ferent shapes and colors in the same jewelry piece. The
casting is standardized, but because every combination is
unique there is no longer the need to match them. Volume
business with sunstone jewelry has always been hampered
by the perception that every stone in a piece has to match
and every piece must be uniform.
In Woodmark’s opinion, even home shopping channels
Larger optic disks. At the 2014 GJX show, Brian Cook (Na- ous directions the disk was suffused with bands of rich
ture’s Geometry, Graton, California) showed us innovative green, electric blue, or royal blue color.
optical disks made of colorless quartz featuring a drilled According to Cook, this new product takes the color
tube containing pieces of brightly colored gem and mineral and amplifies it. There is a chamber within the quartz,
rough. The tube is subsequently sealed with clear quartz. which he polishes before inserting the colors he wants. Be-
When the disk is viewed face up, the insert’s reflections cause no faceting is involved, all the colors are blended to-
permeate the disk with bright color. gether. Cook said his passion for Paraíba tourmaline was
For this year’s show, Cook’s “wheel of light” design the starting point.
evolved into larger sizes with more intriguing reflective ef- Cook unwrapped a larger disk, approximately 8 cm
fects. Seen front-on, the new disks produced concentric (3.15 in.) in diameter. Viewed edge-on, the chamber’s pat-
colored reflections. The first we saw measured approxi- tern of colored rough gems and minerals was revealed (fig-
mately 4 cm (1.57 in.) in diameter and featured Brazilian ure 44). Cook had arranged a complete spectrum of
emerald, Paraíba tourmaline, and haüyne insets (haüyne is rainbow colors in sequence: ruby, spessartine garnet, a gold
a brittle sodium calcium sulfate that provides rich blues). nugget, Paraíba tourmaline, and haüyne (figure 45).
One innovative feature is that the viewer could see differ- Cook also showed us a smaller optic disk set in a hand-
ent colors depending on the viewing direction. From vari- made platinum pendant set with diamond and melee-size
Paraíba tourmaline from the Brazil Paraíba mine in Parel-
has, Rio Grande do Norte. This piece combined the un-
Figure 46. This unique 303 carat “Snow White” tour-
usual optic effects of the center, which featured more
maline suite was reportedly carved in Idar-Oberstein
Paraíba tourmaline and haüyne, with a conventional suite,
in the 1970s. Photo by Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy Jan
which besides the pendant included a pair of earrings set
Goodman Co.
with similar optic disks.
Duncan Pay
Figure 51. This 7.61 ct “pastel pyrope” shows a strong pink color in warm incandescent light and a strong purple in
cool LED light. Photos by Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy of Tucson Todd’s Gems.
Donna Beaton
Figure 54. 52.96 ct and 19.16 ct chrysocolla in quartz,
Chrysocolla in quartz. The Rare Earth Mining Company obtained from Rare Earth Mining Company at the
(Trumbull, Connecticut) booth at the AGTA show dis- AGTA show. Photos by Jian Xin (Jae) Liao.
played a specialized inventory of unique and rare materials
available as finished gemstones, mineral specimens, and
fossils. Curt Heher, Rare Earth’s president of sales, reported
more than 300 companies placing orders in finished stones
alone: “We enjoyed our biggest Tucson show in 40 years.”
We obtained two cabochons of blue-spotted clear and
near-colorless quartz (figure 54) that were reminiscent of
“K2 stone” or “Raindrop azurite” seen in previous years
(Spring 2012 GNI, pp. 55–56). Heher’s father bought the
rough, which was crystallized around blue stalactites, at
auction in the 1980s. It remained in storage until recently.
The material was reportedly mined in Globe, Arizona, in
the 1970s.
Gemological examination of the 19.16 and 52.96 ct
cabochons revealed an RI of 1.54 to 1.55 in most areas, but
(172.88 grams), this necklace took more than two years to Chinese freshwater pearl culturing, overall market sum-
complete. There is always the temptation to keep improv- mary. Also at the AGTA show, Jack Lynch (Sea Hunt Pearls,
ing a piece, to make it “bigger and better.” As an example, San Francisco) offered his perspective as a pearl entrepre-
he showed us a large baroque specimen that measured 23.3 neur (figure 58). Over the years he has introduced many
× 28.6 mm and weighed 4 momme (15 grams), with superb trends in cultured pearls and pearl culturing techniques to
luster, that he would like to make the centerpiece of the
necklace. Prices for baroque cultured pearls are stable with
moderate demand, he noted, but sourcing high-quality Figure 58. Jack Lynch of Sea Hunt Pearls displays
goods is somewhat difficult. strands of baroque bead-nucleated Chinese freshwa-
Mastoloni said fine akoya cultured pearls are also in ter cultured pearls at his AGTA booth. Photo by Dun-
high demand. Once again, he faces competition from Chi- can Pay/GIA.
nese buyers purchasing for their domestic market. Accord-
ing to Mastoloni, pearl farmers in China are no longer
concentrating on smaller round pearls. They are not pro-
ducing enough 5, 6, or 7 mm diameter goods in sufficient
quality, in either akoya or freshwater types, to satisfy de-
mand. The result is increased competition, with Chinese
buyers competing at the source in Japan for akoya. This de-
mand is driven by the emerging wealth of Chinese con-
sumers. Their purchasing power and the sheer quantity of
consumers in the Chinese domestic market is fueling un-
precedented demand. They are looking for better quality,
and fine Japanese akoya pearls meet that need.
In terms of trends, Mastoloni noted that “long is in.”
Double- and triple-length necklaces from 32 to more than
50 inches are very popular, he said. He has also noticed that
basic necklaces are making a comeback, and more retailers
are asking him to supply “regular” necklaces for their in-
ventory. Mastoloni showed us a double-length necklace
that made clever use of soft-colored round Tahitian cul-
tured pearls in a variety of sizes. He called it the “Wave”
necklace (figure 57). “Swells” graduating from 7 to over 14
mm form waves in repeating color patterns along the
length of this necklace (approximately 36 inches), creating
a layered look. The repeating size and color patterns lend
a sense of movement and drama.
Duncan Pay
15.4–19.3 mm round necklace shown in figure 59 would Although Lynch carries a wide stock of Chinese fresh-
be $10,000 per strand, whereas these baroque multicolor water pearls, most of his resources go into purchasing
necklaces cost just a few hundred dollars per strand. Tahitian, South Sea, and akoya cultured pearl products. All
Lynch’s higher-quality baroque Chinese freshwater in all, he said, supply of every top-quality cultured pearl
pearls are larger and have smoother skins (figure 61), so the type is very limited, and competition for available product
price rises accordingly. The next examples he showed us is very high. The increase in Chinese consumption has
cost two to three times more. According to Lynch, they are drastically affected supply for U.S. and European whole-
very fashion-forward and still represent a tremendous salers. Fortunately, Lynch told us with a sense of relief, he
value for the size. has been a “pearl hoarder” for many years, so he has a sig-
The higher-quality baroque strands Lynch showed us nificant inventory to draw upon.
were also bead nucleated, but the bead had been positioned Lynch suggested that the Chinese domestic market
more conventionally, in the gonad of the mollusk. This tech- does not know what the market value of many products
nique produces a different type of pearl, known in the trade might be elsewhere. The Chinese have a different mindset
as a “fireball” (D. Fiske and J. Shepherd, “Continuity and
change in Chinese freshwater pearl culture,” Summer 2007
G&G, pp. 138–145, www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/summer- Figure 62. These tissue-nucleated Chinese freshwater
2007-continuity-change-chinese-freshwater-pearl- cultured strands resemble fine akoya cultured pearls.
culture-fiske). Photo by Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy of Sea Hunt
All the peach to pink colors in these strands are natural, Pearls.
Lynch told us. Bleaching produces the white product. Un-
like the soufflé pearls, which are typically hollow after
being drilled, these bead-nucleated pearls have impressive
heft. They sell very well, according to Lynch, and no two
necklaces are quite the same due to the uniqueness of
every pearl. As an aside, he told us that the weight of the
pearls he shipped to the show was around 489 pounds
(about 221 kg), much of that consisting of bead-nucleated
freshwater cultured pearls.
Next, he showed us some tissue-nucleated (non-
beaded) round freshwater cultured pearls (figure 62). These
5–6 mm spherical pearls were impressively uniform with
high luster and crisp reflections from smooth skins, mak-
ing them an excellent substitute for an akoya strand. Find-
ing this sort of quality is very difficult these days, Lynch
told us. These also cost a few hundred dollars per strand.
Figure 64. This superb spherical South Sea cultured Figure 65. This 19.7 mm Tahitian Sea cultured pearl
pearl measures 18.2 mm in diameter and weighs 8.25 weighs 2.45 momme (9.19 grams). It would make a
grams. Photo by Duncan Pay/GIA; courtesy of Sea fine centerpiece for an item of custom jewelry. Dun-
Hunt Pearls. can Pay/GIA; courtesy of Sea Hunt Pearls.
mittee (LMHC). The LMHC establishes consistent nomen- process. He presented visual evidence that “dust” from the
clature among international lab reports but does not address emeralds, laps, or abrasive powders can enter fractures dur-
standardization of criteria and testing procedures. The com- ing cutting and polishing, and he was concerned that they
mittee consists of seven international gemological labora- might be interpreted as clarity enhancement residues. It
tories, whose representatives meet three times per year by emerged during the discussion that although the stones
teleconference or in person. Information sheets that are might not have been intentionally clarity enhanced, the
under development include hydrophane opal, along with lubricating oil used in the cutting process, or the wax or
“pigeon’s blood” and “royal blue” designations for corun- nail polish used on rough to seal the fractures from dust,
dum. Topics under discussion include light sources, tanzan- could be the source of the clarity enhancement being de-
ite/zoisite nomenclature, and the problem of stones being tected by gemological laboratories.
treated soon after a laboratory report is issued. In the open session forum, participants pointed out that
McClure also presented additional color designations confidence in lab reports was waning for two reasons: (1)
for ruby that will be featured on GIA reports. He noted that the inconsistency in country-of-origin and treatment de-
“pigeon’s blood” would designate vivid red color on rubies terminations, and (2) the increasing prevalence of stones
with high fluorescence and low iron content, as typified by being altered or treated after receiving a favorable report
high-quality Burmese rubies. “Scarlet” and “crimson” (for instance, the re-oiling of emeralds).
would be used for fine-colored iron-bearing rubies with low The issue of hydrophane opal was revisited, with a call
fluorescence, in the slightly orangy to slightly purplish for nomenclature and comments, and perhaps a standard-
ranges, respectively. “Deep red” will be used for rubies of ized method of assessing and communicating the degree of
darker tone. There appeared to be different opinions among absorption and its impact on durability and color stability.
the participants about the definition of pigeon’s blood, and While trade in elephant ivory is prohibited in the U.S.,
no clear agreement about the proposed new terms. This the trade in extinct mammoth ivory has been severely re-
provoked a lively discussion as to whether “romantic” ter- stricted in New York and New Jersey, and on eBay. Nomen-
minology belonged on lab reports, and whether the use of clature to distinguish the two types needs to be developed,
advantageous vocabulary was a move by some labs to gain along with awareness of treatments to disguise modern
market share. ivory as mammoth or antique to circumvent restrictions.
Chris Smith of AGL spoke on the detection of low- Another issue raised was the treatment of spinel, once
temperature heat treatment of corundum. Smith defined considered a gemstone that was not treated. Participants
“low temperature” as less than 1300°C, a treatment range confirmed the routine heating of spinel from Myanmar and
where rutile (including silk) would still remain intact. The Tanzania, as well as the colored (red) oiling of both spinel
treatment has a long history and is still used to improve and corundum in Mogok. While microscopic examination
the color of pink, red, yellow, and orangy corundum, typ- does little to detect heating, photoluminescence and
ically by removing purplish or bluish components. Char- Raman spectroscopy are useful.
acterization of non-rutile mineral inclusions and IR Donna Beaton
spectroscopy are keys to detecting the treatment.
Gabriel Angarita, ICA ambassador to Colombia and International Diamond School. In late January 2015, nearly
president of the Emerald Exporters Association, gave a 100 scientists (figure 67) gathered in the northern Italian
presentation on residues in emeralds caused by the cutting town of Brixen to attend the Second International Diamond
School (IDS). The program, titled “The Nature of Diamonds niques have been remarkably successful, partly because of
and Their Use in Earth’s Study,” was designed so that atten- the solid scientific research behind them.
dees from varied educational and professional levels could Jeff Harris (University of Glasgow, UK) reviewed the
learn from leaders in the field of natural diamond research. characteristics of lithospheric diamonds based on his ex-
The school successfully blended student and professional perience as a De Beers research director and his access to
perspectives, as well as the cross-disciplinary nature of the an unparalleled proportion of run-of-mine diamonds. He
participants and speakers. Over four days, IDS attendees from showed how different pipes produce distinct diamond size
a wide range of backgrounds—including experimental re- ranges and morphologies. He covered the age relationships
searchers, petrologists, mineralogists, crystallographers, iso- between inclusions and host diamond, inclusion chem-
tope geochemists, and diamond industry experts—were istry, formation pressures and temperatures, fluid inclusion
treated to a wide scope of lectures and workshops. Presenta- chemistry, and the abundance of different carbon and ni-
tions provided insight into diamond exploration, advanced trogen isotopes in diamond.
research-level analysis, diamond morphology, inclusion Michael Walter (University of Bristol, UK) discussed
chemistry, and geologic occurrences. the super-deep carbon geodynamics of Earth’s mantle along
George H. Read (Shore Gold Inc., Vancouver) presented with information provided by analysis of lower-mantle flu-
a recent history of diamond exploration, culminating with ids found as inclusions in “superdeep” (sublithospheric) di-
his company’s new Canadian diamond mine: Star-Orion in amonds from Brazil’s Juina field. He explained how new
Saskatchewan, a $2.5 billion project. He provided context thinking over the past five to six years has provided a
on production history, sources, and trading centers. He out- model for diamond formation by subduction of carbonate-
lined future diamond mining projects in Botswana, bearing hydrated oceanic crust in the transition zone of the
Canada, Lesotho, and India, concluding that the small mantle at depths of 440 to 600 km.
number of viable projects might signify a shortfall in rough Paolo Nimis (University of Padua, Italy) discussed ther-
supply. The complexity and financial risks involved with mobarometry, a technique that uses mineral phase diagrams
bringing new diamond mines online was made evident. to discover the original formation conditions (pressure, tem-
Bruce Kjarsgaard (Geological Survey of Canada, Ot- perature, and therefore depth) of rocks in the mantle. He also
tawa) reviewed kimberlite eruptive models based on 1970s related the possibility of applying similar techniques to in-
and 1980s research in South Africa. He explained the revi- clusions in diamonds to help determine their formation con-
sion of these models after new kimberlite discoveries in ditions. His talk explored the accuracy and precision of the
the 2000s in Canada’s Slave craton. He defined kimberlite different thermobarometers and where future improve-
as a strongly homogenized and “mixed-up” hybrid rock, ments are likely to occur.
representing a blend of crystallization out of the magma Ross Angel (University of Padua) discussed elastic
with country rock, that is often highly variable from place barometry for inclusions in diamonds. This new field uses
to place. In a second presentation Kjarsgaard examined the Raman shift or X-ray diffraction (lattice distortion) to
major techniques used for exploration for diamondiferous measure decompression effects on the surrounding dia-
kimberlites, focusing on the Canadian experience and its mond crystal caused by inclusions formed at high pressure
applicability to glaciated shield areas such as Canada, Rus- to estimate pressure of diamond formation.
sia, the northern United States, and Finland. These tech- Fabrizio Nestola (University of Padua) explained the ad-
Figure 69. Examination of the carving with a hand loupe revealed reflective liquid films (left), elongated
phase/short tubes oriented in one direction and aligned in planes intersecting each other at approximately 65/115°
(center), and parallel reflective films that appeared to be incipient cleavage (right). Photos by Gagan Choudhary;
image width 25 mm.
Figure 70. The carving’s
Raman spectrum
showed major peaks at
around 297, 425, 481,
600, 643, 797, 1011,
cm–1. The peaks at ap-
of the amblygonite-
montebrasite series.
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
No. 5, pp. 1109–1117). According to the RRUFF database, Amethyst from Morocco: An update. Most major sources
however, the peak for montebrasite is at 1047 cm–1 while of fine amethyst are located in Africa. Yet African
amblygonite’s is at 1060 cm–1. This is possibly due to dif- amethysts on the market, especially Zambian material,
ferent instrument settings. Although the ~3370 cm–1 peak tend to be dark and difficult to find in sizes larger than 10
was not studied here, the 600 and 1058 cm–1 peaks in this ct. Since the late 1980s, there have been additional discov-
carving suggested that it belongs to an intermediate state eries in Malawi, Tanzania, Namibia, Nigeria, and the Dem-
in the amblygonite-montebrasite series. ocratic Republic of Congo. The most recent African source
Amblygonite-montebrasite is known from many local- is Morocco (see Spring 2009 GNI, pp. 62–63), which has
ities, especially the United States and Brazil, but the client produced gem-quality amethyst with an appealing purple
did not know the source of the carving. A few faceted sam- color and sizes larger than 10 ct.
ples have been examined at this laboratory, but the carving GIA’s Bangkok laboratory recently examined several
documented here was exceptional for its large size and parcels of gem-quality Moroccan amethyst (figure 71) re-
transparency, despite its brittleness and tendency to crack. ceived from Tom Banker, a colored stone dealer. Gemolog-
Gagan Choudhary ([email protected]) ical properties obtained from the crystals and faceted stones
Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India were similar to those reported in the 2009 GNI entry.
Figure 73. Microscopic examination of the Moroccan amethyst samples revealed reddish brown hematite (left),
two-phase inclusions (center), and dolomite crystals (right). Photomicrographs by Charuwan Khowpong; magni-
fied 50×, 5×, and 80×.
very strong blue to colorless pleochroism in the blue min- to look for any prominent differences that might explain
eral inclusions. Raman analysis confirmed the identity of the variance in observed color. The most significant differ-
the needles as dumortierite. Also observed in one sample ence was in the magnesium content, which was almost 10
were colorless acicular crystals on a phantom plane, which times higher in the colorless dumortierite inclusions (1070
were also identified by Raman as dumortierite (figure 76). ppma, compared to 127 ppma Mg in the blue dumortierite).
Blue color in dumortierite has previously been reported While more research is needed to fully understand the role
to be caused mainly by Fe2+-Ti4+ charge-transfer (see this higher magnesium content has on color, the authors
http://minerals.gps.caltech.edu/FILES/Visible/dumortierite/ speculate that the titanium preferentially charge-compen-
Index.htm). The chemical composition of the blue and col- sates with magnesium instead of iron. If there is not
orless dumortierite inclusions was analyzed by LA-ICP-MS enough excess titanium relative to magnesium, it may not
be possible for titanium to pair with divalent iron, and this
would prevent the formation of blue color.
Figure 75. Clusters of vibrant blue acicular du-
mortierite were observed in this rock crystal quartz.
Note that some dumortierite crystals are brownish
due to epigenetic mineral staining along the interface Figure 76. Unusual pale blue to colorless needles of
of the quartz host and the dumortierite inclusions. dumortierite were also observed in the rock crystal
Photomicrograph by Nathan Renfro; horizontal field quartz. Photomicrograph by Nathan Renfro; horizon-
of view 7.38 mm. tal field of view 2.24 mm.
Jadeite with high albite content. With high prices and de-
mand from Chinese consumers for jadeite jade (or fei cui),
correctly identifying samples is a major challenge for gemo-
logical laboratories. Jadeite’s complex mineral composition
and its nature as a rock rather than a mineral further com-
plicate this problem. While jadeite is the main mineral in
jadeite jade, other pyroxene minerals such as kosmochlor, Figure 78. Two groups of minerals were observed on
omphacite, amphibole-group minerals, plagioclase (espe- the surface of this sample under brightfield illumina-
cially albite), and even some iron oxides may also be present. tion. One group is composed of the pale whitish sub-
Recently, the National Gold & Diamond Testing Center hedral to euhedral grains, the other of the creamy
(NGDTC) lab tested 29 bangles submitted as jadeite jade (fig- minerals in between. Photomicrograph by Li Jianjun;
ure 77). The results again raised the issue of nomenclature. magnified 30×.
The samples could be separated into two groups, one
group with finer texture and color (shown on the left in fig-
ure 77). Standard gemological tests were applied to all of samples were inert to UV, though six showed weak to
the samples, and the surface features were observed using moderate unevenly distributed bluish fluorescence. Under
a standard gemological microscope. The samples showed 30× magnification and brightfield illumination, two major
the characteristic 437 nm line with a handheld spectro- mineral groups with contrasting color, crystal shape, and
scope. Ten randomly chosen spot RI readings were recorded luster were revealed (figure 78).
on each bangle, and the results offered interesting insights. Transmission infrared spectra collected from the posi-
Two different readings of 1.52 and 1.66 were observed, in- tions that fluoresced weakly to moderately showed no
dicating the presence of two major components. The SG polymer-related features. To confirm the composition of
ranged from 2.99 to 3.34, while the referenced SG for the two major minerals, we collected micro-infrared re-
jadeite jade is 3.34 (+0.06–0.09). The low SG indicates a sig- flectance spectra from them (figure 79). The spectrum of
nificant amount of light minerals in these samples. An- the pale whitish mineral indicated jadeite, with the pres-
other observation was that the group of lesser luster and ence of the featured 1050 and 744 cm–1 bands in addition
color (shown on the right in figure 77) tended to have lower to the four bands between 400 and 600 cm–1. The IR spec-
SG than the higher-quality samples. Overall, most of the trum of the creamy mineral matched that of albite, with
the characteristic peak at 1040 cm–1 band assigned to the
Si-O stretching vibration in the SiO4 tetrahedral structure.
Figure 77. These 29 bangles were submitted to The multiple peaks in the 800–700 cm–1 region can also
NGDTC by a wholesaler as jadeite jade. The bangles help to distinguish albite from jadeite.
in the left column are slightly finer and of better The spot RI readings around 1.52 were consistent with
color. Photo by Li Jianjun. albite’s published RI of 1.528–1.542. The SG of albite is
2.60–2.65, considerably lower than that of jadeite. The
presence of albite as a major mineral component in this
material could account for the much lower SG in most of
the samples. Although albite is one of the common min-
erals in jadeite jade, the amount is usually very minor and
cannot be easily detected by standard gemological tests.
Because the lab could not destroy the samples, no quanti-
tative data were achieved.
Identifying these materials is not easy, especially when
the concentration of certain components cannot be quan-
titatively determined and there is no trade standard on the
boundaries for the different varieties. This study serves as
a reminder that in addition to the omphacite issue, the high
concentration of albite in some goods is a potential problem
facing laboratories. To better protect consumers, the
NGDTC recommends a clear statement regarding the pres-
Moldavite Chinese imitations
glass imitations
Moldavite 9.92 ct
Moldavite 29.57 ct
Imitation a
Imitation b
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
iridescence in reflected light (figure 85). Standard gemological light, these exsolution stringers proved to be the source of
testing of the 7.30 and 32.22 ct specimens revealed a spot RI the iridescent colors (figure 86, right). Similar material has
of 1.55 and a hydrostatic specific gravity of 2.67. Fluorescence been reported to occur in India, by G. Choudhary (Spring
was inert to long- and short-wave UV light. The stones also 2013 GNI, pp. 58–59), but the identity of the phenomenon
showed a very weak reaction to a strong magnet. causing inclusions was not determined.
Under magnification, the most distinctive internal Raman spectroscopy confirmed that the stones were
characteristic was the presence of dark brown exsolution scapolite. To identify the color causing inclusions, the
stringers of a secondary mineral. Larger tabular dark brown smaller stone was selected for destructive testing. Win-
crystals were also observed (figure 86, left). Under reflected dows were polished to expose some of the inclusions to the
surface of the stone. The exposed surface of the inclusion This scapolite with iridescence, also known in the trade as
showed a metallic luster (figure 87), which was identified rainbow scapolite, is a very interesting example of a phe-
as magnetite by Raman spectroscopy, and was explanatory nomenal gemstone.
of the magnetic reaction observed. Ziyin Sun, Nathan Renfro, and Aaron C. Palke
Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spec- GIA, Carlsbad
trometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis was used to further support
the identity of the inclusions. While the exposure of the in- Attractive composite quartz beads. The Gem Testing Lab-
clusions on the stone’s surface was too small for a clean oratory in Jaipur recently received a 145.70 carat string of
analysis without a contribution from the scapolite host, the attractive blue and golden brown spherical beads (figure 88)
results showed a significant increase in iron as the laser ab- measuring approximately 7.91–8.48 mm in diameter. The
lated through the brown inclusion and decreased afterward. beads were readily identified as artificial by their appear-
Scapolite occurs in a number of rock types as a product ance, which consisted of metallic golden brown veining
of regional metamorphism or metasomatism. The close as- and concentrations of blue color against a whiter body. Fur-
sociation of magnetite with scapolite has been noted before, ther tests were performed to identify the blue areas.
particularly in some skarn deposits and some hydrother-
The measured RI was approximately 1.54. The beads
mally altered volcanic formations (J.A. Naranjo et al., “Sub-
displayed a patchy chalky blue reaction to short-wave UV
volcanic contact metasomatism at El Laco Volcanic
Complex, Central Andes,” Andean Geology, Vol. 37, 2010,
pp. 110–120). Choudhary reported similar material, but the
inclusions that caused the iridescence were not identified. Figure 88. This string weighing 145.70 carats consists
of attractive blue and golden brown beads measuring
approximately 7.91–8.48 mm in diameter. The beads
Figure 87. Under reflected light, the exposed surface were identified as composites fashioned from pieces
of the inclusion showed a metallic luster. Photomi- of dyed quartzite held in a polymer matrix. Photo by
crograph by Ziyin Sun; field of view 0.25 mm. Gagan Choudhary.
Figure 90. Left: These growth planes were observed in a CVD synthetic diamond; fine pinpoints were found along
the growth planes. Photomicrograph by Meenakshi Chauhan; magnified 30x. Right: Pinpoints along the growth
plane were also visible from the table. Photomicrograph by Meenakshi Chauhan; magnified 10×.
rial more like plastic than paper, to prevent tearing. Pieces ers in place freed the hands to manipulate the focus more
are punched out of perforated sheets and assembled like precisely. Focusing was the biggest obstacle, and late in the
origami (figure 93). The kit also contained interchangeable research the author inadvertently scratched a lens while
low-magnification (140×) and high-magnification (400×) trying to focus on a 1 mm corundum culet.
lenses, a 3V LED toggled light source, and a surprise: a cou- It was possible to clearly distinguish between natural
pler to connect to a cell phone for photomicrography. Due and synthetic stones, because the magnification levels
to its complexity, assembling the Foldscope may take an were exceptional (figures 94–96). Yet the small fixed size
hour or two. The device was ingeniously constructed, but of the slide opening made it difficult to use with loose
would it work with gems? stones in tweezers, and gems more than 8 mm in depth
Stones between 1 and 3 mm could be mounted onto could not pass enough light to view. Opaque material was
glass slides for study. Larger stones were held with gem not visible at all.
tweezers in the slide opening, to test whether the Fold- Research details, photos, and feedback were sent to the
scope would work with loose stones as well. Stones that Prakash Lab, along with design recommendations for
were transparent and relatively small produced impressive making the device more ideal for gemological use. Sugges-
results. The use of a binder clip to hold the slide or tweez- tions included protection for the lens to prevent scratching