SST6Chapter23outline PDF
SST6Chapter23outline PDF
SST6Chapter23outline PDF
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c. What forms the floor of the nasal cavity and separates it from the oral
cavity? ____________________
d. The nasal septum is composed of:
1. Anterior part is ____________________
2. Posterior part consists of:
a. ____________________ bone
b. Perpendicular ______________________________
e. What are the conchae? ________________________________________
1. Where are they located in the nasal cavity? ____________________
f. What is a meatus? ___________________________________________
g. The paranasal sinuses open into ______________________________
h. The nasolacrimal duct opens into ______________________________
B. Pharynx
1. Common opening for both ____________________ & __________________
2. Inferiorly connected to:
a. Respiratory system at the ______________________________
b. Digestive system at the ______________________________
3. Nasopharynx
a. Superior part of the pharynx and extends from ____________________ to
b. What is the uvula attached to? ______________________________
c. Functionally the soft palate prevents ______________________________
d. Mucus containing trapped particles from the nasal cavity moves through
the nasopharynx and is ____________________
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2. Conducting Zone
a. Extends from the ____________________ to ____________________
b. How many generations of branching are present? ___________________
c. Functionally the conducting zone is a ___________________________ &
contains epithelial tissue that helps _______________________________
d. The trachea divides into the __________ & ________________________
1. Compared to the left primary bronchus, the right primary bronchus is:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
e. The primary bronchi divide into __________________________________
1. How many in the left lung? ____________________
2. How many in the right lung? ____________________
f. The secondary bronchi divide into _______________________________
g. The bronchi continue to branch giving rise to _______________________
h. Several more subdivisions finally become _________________________
As the tubes divide the amount of cartilage and smooth muscle changes:
1. Primary bronchi have ______________________________________
2. Secondary bronchi have ____________________________________
3. Terminal bronchioles have __________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________
F. Lungs
1. What is the shape of a lung? ______________________________________
2. What is the hilum? ______________________________________________
3. What is the root of the lung? _______________________________________
4. How many lobes does each lung have?
a. Right lung has ____________________
b. Left lung has ____________________
5. What separates the lobes of the lung? _______________________________
6. Internally each lobe is supplied by a ____________________ bronchus
7. The lobes are subdivided into _____________________________ which are
supplied by ______________________________
8. Bronchopulmonary segments are subdivided into ____________________
that are supplied by ______________________________
G. Thoracic Wall and Muscles of Respiration
1. The thoracic wall consists of the:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________
2. How is the thoracic cavity defined? _________________________________
3. The associated muscles are responsible for __________________________
4. The muscles of inspiration include:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
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b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________
4. List and describe the pulmonary capacities:
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________
5. List factors that cause variations in pulmonary volumes and capacities:
6. Do males or females have a larger vital capacity? ______________________
7. The vital capacity is usually highest at what age? ______________________
8. What is the forced expiratory vital capacity? __________________________
C. Minute Ventilation and Alveolar Ventilation
1. Define minute ventilation: _________________________________________
2. Minute ventilation is equal to ______________________________________
3. The anatomic dead space is the part of the respiratory system where gas
exchange ______________________________
4. What structures make up the anatomic dead space? __________________,
___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, & ___________
5. What is physiologic dead space? ___________________________________
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e. List a few examples of conditions that can cause such fluid accumulation:
2. Diffusion Coefficient
a. What is the diffusion coefficient? _________________________________
1. This takes into account:
a. Solubility ________________________________________
b. Size ________________________________________
b. Does oxygen or carbon dioxide diffuse more easily? _________________
c. Damage to the respiratory membrane interferes with the diffusion of
__________________ more than the diffusion of ___________________
d. Extensive oxygen therapy can result in large blood increases of ________
3. Surface Area
a. What is the normal surface area of the respiratory membrane of a healthy
adult? ______________________________
b. What diseases might decrease surface area? ______________________
c. Small decreases in surface area affect the ability to exchange gases
during ______________________________
d. The ability to exchange gases becomes a problem even under resting
conditions when the surface area is decreased by ___________________
e. List examples of how surface area for gas exchange can be reduced:
4. Partial Pressure Difference
a. Define partial pressure difference: _______________________________
b. Net diffusion occurs from the ____________________ partial pressure to
____________________ partial pressure
c. Normally the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) is higher in _____________
than the ______________________________
d. Normally the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) is higher in
____________________ than the ______________________________
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e. How can the partial pressure difference for oxygen and carbon dioxide be
raised? __________________________________________________
f. A lower than normal partial pressure difference is caused by:
D. Relationship Between Ventilation and Pulmonary Capillary Blood Flow
1. Regular ventilation of the alveoli and normal blood flow through pulmonary
capillaries allows effective ____________________ between air and blood
2. During exercise effective gas exchange is maintained because:
a. Ventilation ____________________
b. Cardiac output ____________________
3. The normal relationship can be disrupted in two ways:
a. Cardiac output is ____________________ and therefore not enough
blood flows to the lungs to pick up the available oxygen
b. Ventilation is ______________________________ to provide enough
oxygen for the blood flowing through the pulmonary capillaries
4. What is shunted blood? ________________________________________
5. What is the anatomic shunt? ______________________________________
6. What is the physiologic shunt? _____________________________________
7. When a person is standing blood flow and ventilation in the lungs is effected
by ______________________________
8. When a person is standing most gas exchange occurs at ________________
9. There is decreased pressure at the ____________________ of the lungs
10. During exercise, cardiac output and ventilation ________________________
a. This __________________ pulmonary blood pressure throughout the lung
b. Blood flow _______________ most at the _________________________
c. Effectiveness of gas exchange increases __________________________
because of ________________________________________
11. If there is a low PO2 in one portion of the lung:
a. Causes arterioles to __________________________________ blood flow
b. This reroutes blood ___________________________________________
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4. Of the double Bohr effect. Describe what happens in the double Bohr
effect: ___________________________________________________
D. Transport of Carbon Dioxide
1. Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three major ways:
a. 7% ________________________________________
b. 23% ________________________________________
c. 70% ________________________________________
2. Carbon dioxide binds in a reversible fashion to the ____________________
of the ______________________________
3. What is the Haldane effect? _______________________________________
a. In the tissues ________________________________________________
b. In the lungs _________________________________________________
4. Chloride Shift
a. At the tissues:
1. Carbon dioxide diffuses into ______________________________
2. Some of the carbon dioxide binds to ________________________
3. Most of the carbon dioxide reacts with ____________________ to
form ______________________________
a. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme ____________________
4. The carbonic acid then dissociates into:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
5. In the chloride shift carrier molecules move:
a. Bicarbonate ions ______________________________
b. Chloride ions ______________________________
1. This exchange maintains ______________________________
6. Hemoglobin binds to ______________________________
a. In this fashion hemoglobin functions as a ____________________
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b. At the lungs:
1. Carbon dioxide ______________________________
2. Carbonic acid is converted to ______________________________
3. Bicarbonate ions join _________________ to form _______________
4. Bicarbonate ions _______ the red blood cell in exchange for ________
5. Hemoglobin releases ____________________
5. Carbon Dioxide and Blood pH
a. Blood pH refers to ____________________ not ____________________
b. Carbonic anhydrase is found on _________________________________
c. So in plasma carbon dioxide joins with ____________________ to form
______________________________ which dissociates to form
____________________ and ____________________
d. As carbon dioxide increases, hydrogen ions __________ & pH _________
e. The respiratory system regulates blood pH by ______________________
VII. Rhythmic Ventilation
A. Respiratory Areas in the Brainstem
1. The medullary respiratory center consists of:
a. Two _______________________________________________________
b. Two _______________________________________________________
1. Communication exists between _______________________________
2. Communication also exists between ___________________________
2. The dorsal respiratory groups are primarily responsible for _______________
a. The input they receive allows ______________________________
3. The ventral respiratory group is a collection of neurons that are active during
____________________ & ____________________
a. The neurons of the ventral respiratory group primarily stimulate:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
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2. Effect of pH
a. Cerebrospinal fluid bathes the ______________________________
1. The cerebrospinal fluid pH is altered by changes in _______________
2. Therefore the __________________ is indirectly sensitive to blood pH
b. The carotid and aortic bodies are directly sensitive to ________________
c. If blood pH decreases:
1. Respiratory center is ____________________
2. Results in ______________________________ &
3. ____________________ in blood pH back to normal
d. If blood pH increases:
1. Respiratory rate ____________________
2. Carbon dioxide levels ____________________
3. Causing blood pH to ______________________________
3. Effect of Carbon Dioxide
a. Blood carbon dioxide levels are a ______________________________
b. Even a small increase in carbon dioxide triggers ____________________
c. What is hypercapnia? ________________________________________
d. What is hypocapnia? ________________________________________
e. Carbon dioxide exerts its effect on the chemosensitive area by
f. If blood carbon dioxide levels increase:
1. Carbon dioxide diffuses _____________________________________
2. Carbon dioxide joins with water to form _________________________
which then dissociates into:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
3. The increased concentration of ____________________________ pH
and stimulates the ______________________________ which then
stimulates the ______________________________
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4. Resulting in ______________________________________________
5. This eliminates ____________________ from the body
g. The carotid and aortic bodies also respond to changes in carbon dioxide
because of __________________________________________________
h. Which is most important for regulating PCO2 and pH? ________________
4. Effect of Oxygen
a. What is hypoxia? _____________________________________________
b. The effect of oxygen on the regulation of respiration is _______________
c. Arterial PO2 must decrease to approximately ____________________
to have a large stimulatory effect on respiratory movements
d. Why is a small change in PO2 not a problem? _______________________
e. The carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors respond to decreased PO2 by
C. Hering-Breuer Reflex
1. What does the Hering-Breuer reflex accomplish? ______________________
2. The reflex depends on stretch receptors in the ________________________
3. Action potentials are initiated in the stretch receptors when ______________
4. The action potentials reach the medulla via the ____________________
5. The action potentials have an ____________________ on the respiratory
center and result in ______________________________
6. With expiration the stretch receptors are _____________________________
7. The decreased inhibitory effect on the respiratory center allows
IX. Respiratory Adaptations to Exercise
A. In response to training:
1. Vital capacity ______________________________
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