Aasgeir Helland Peter Wick Andreas Koehler Kaspar Schmid Claudia Som
Aasgeir Helland Peter Wick Andreas Koehler Kaspar Schmid Claudia Som
Aasgeir Helland Peter Wick Andreas Koehler Kaspar Schmid Claudia Som
Technology and Society Lab, EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing
and Research), St. Gallen, Switzerland. Lerchenfeldstrasse 5, CH-9014 St. Gallen,
Switzerland. [email protected]
Laboratory for Biocompatible Materials, EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Institute for Occupational Health Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one of the most promising materials in
nanotechnology. The various synthesis, purification and postprocessing methods
produce CNTs with diverse physical characteristics, appliable in many fields. Their
extensive projected use makes it important to understand their potential harmful
effects. Besides showing a notable range of results of some toxicology studies, this
review concluded that: a) there are different types of CNTs; thus, they cannot be
considered a uniform group of substances; and b) in environmental compartments,
CNTs can be bioavailable to organisms. Their properties suggest a possible
accumulation along the food chain and high persistence. In organisms, CNT
absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity depend on the inherent
physical and chemical characteristics (e.g., functionalization, coating, length and
agglomeration state), influenced by external environmental conditions during CNT
production, use, and disposal. Thus, characterized exposure scenarios could be
useful in toxicology studies. However, upon reaching the lungs in enough quantity,
CNTs produce a toxic response (time and dose-dependent). The risks to human
health and environment should be identified for a successful introduction of CNTs in
future applications.
Key words: Carbon nanotubes, Cytotoxicology, Environment, Human health,
Os nanotubos de carbono(CNT)so um dos materiais mais promissores da
nanotecnologia. Os mtodos de sntese, purificao e ps-processamento produzem
CNT com diversas caractersticas fsicas e uso em vrias reas. A projeo de uso
abrangente do CNT urge a compreenso de seus possveis efeitos nocivos. Essa
reviso mostra um leque de resultados de estudos toxicolgicos e concluiu que: a)
h diferentes tipos de CNT; portanto, no pode ser considerado um grupo uniforme
de substncias; e b) em compartimentos ambientais,o CNT pode ser biodisponvel
aos organismos. Suas propriedades sugerem possvel acmulo na cadeia alimentar
e alta persistncia. Em organismos, sua absoro, distribuio, metabolismo,
excreo e toxicidade do dependem de caractersticas fsicas e qumicas inerentes
(e.g., funcionalizao, revestimento, comprimento e estado de aglomerao),
influenciadas por condies ambientais externas durante a produo, uso e