Kan2021 Article EffectsOfCarboxylatedMulti-wal
Kan2021 Article EffectsOfCarboxylatedMulti-wal
Kan2021 Article EffectsOfCarboxylatedMulti-wal
Xu-Xiang Zhang 2
Carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-COOH) exerts strong adsorption capacity for pentachlorophenol
(PCP) and they inevitably co-occur in the environment, but few studies have characterized the effects of MWCNT-COOH on
the bioavailability of PCP and its oxidative and tissue damages to fish. In this work, we assessed the PCP accumulation in
different organs and the induced oxidative and tissue damages of goldfish following 50-d in vivo exposure to PCP alone or
co-exposure with MWCNT-COOH. Our results indicated that PCP bioaccumulation in goldfish liver, gill, muscle, intestine
and gut contents was inhibited after co-exposure with MWCNT-COOH in uptake phase. PCP exposure alone and co-
exposure with MWCNT-COOH evoked severe oxidative and tissue damages in goldfish bodies, as indicated by significant
inhibition of activities of antioxidant enzymes, remarkable decrease in glutathione level, simultaneous elevation of
malondialdehyde content, and obvious histological damages to liver and gill. The decreased accumulation of PCP in the
presence of MWCNT-COOH led to the reduction of PCP-induced toxicity to liver tissues, as confirmed by the alleviation of
hepatic oxidative damages. However, co-exposure groups had higher concentrations of PCP in the tissues than PCP
treatment alone (p < 0.05 each) in the depuration phase, revealing that MWCNT-COOH-bound pollutants might pose higher
risk once desorbed from the nanoparticles. These results provided substantial information regarding the combined effects of
PCP and MWCNT-COOH on aquatic species, which helps to deeply understand the potential ecological risks of the
emerging pollutants.
Keywords Bioaccumulation Hepatic oxidative stress Joint toxicity MWCNT-COOH Pentachlorophenol
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and human beings. For example, carboxylated multi-walled ethinylestradiol to zebrafish under 3.0–12.1% of C60 co-
carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-COOH) can be used as exposure. However, limited information is currently avail-
adsorption filters to remove contaminants from drinking able for the effects of CNTs on bioavailability of PCP and
water (Rajabi et al. 2016), facilitating the exposure of CNTs their health damages to aquatic animals.
to human beings through drinking water. Although the oral In this study, goldfish were exposed to relatively low
toxicity study reported no death or abnormal clinical concentrations of PCP (~50–100 μg/L) for 64 d, which is a
symptoms in rats after exposure to SWCNTs (2000 mg/kg reasonable simulation of natural aquatic environments due
body weight) and mice (1000 mg/kg body weight) (Miya- to the relatively long exposure phase and the low con-
waki et al. 2008; Kolosnjaj et al. 2010), MWCNTs have centrations of PCP. It is reasonable to expect that the
been found to affect antioxidant enzyme activity, serum interactions of PCP with MWCNT-COOH can lead to dif-
hormone and biochemical stress biomarkers, hematological ferent effects on organisms from what would be observed
parameters, histopathology, and growth performance of from the individual chemicals. The objectives of the study
carp (Rezaei Tavabe et al. 2020). However, both MWCNTs were (1) to investigate the impact of MWCNT-COOH on
and SWCNTs can be easily accumulated in fish gut (Maes tissue distribution and depuration of PCP in goldfish; (2)
et al. 2014), and functionalized CNTs can enter the skull of and to assess the effect of PCP and MWCNT-COOH co-
a fish (Soubaneh et al. 2019). It has been found that exposure on hepatic oxidative stress and histopathological
SWCNTs are toxic to respiratory system of fish but cannot damages in goldfish. This study may extend our knowledge
induce severe damages to anti-oxidative system and regarding the combined toxicities of CNTs and PCP in
osmoregulatory physiology (Smith et al. 2007; Freixa et al. water environment, which may provide a scientific basis for
2018). the establishment of environmental standards for the
As a pesticide, pentachlorophenol (PCP) has been widely emerging pollutants.
used in China to fight against schistosomiasis. The con-
centrations of PCP in the Yangtze River reach 0.6 mg/L
(Gao et al. 2008), and its maximum level is about 103.7 mg/ Materials and methods
L in Dongting Lake (Zheng et al. 2000). High concentra-
tions of PCP in water may lead to high risk of exposure and Materials
adverse health effects on aquatic organisms and human
beings (Yu et al. 2014). It is known that exposure to PCP at MWCNT-COOH was purchased from Nanotech Port Co.,
low levels (no more than 30 μg/L) can induce production of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The nanoparticles are char-
malondialdehyde (MDA) in zebrafish larvae (Fang et al. acterized with diameter of 20–40 nm, length of less than
2015). In the offspring of PCP-exposed zebrafish, the rate of 5 μm, ash content of less than 3%, purity of 97%, and
malformation (spinal curvature) was significantly increased special surface area of 30–50 m2 g−1. PCP (98% purity) was
after exposure to PCP at even lower levels (9 μg/L) (Yu purchased from Sigma Aldrich, and PCP solution (1 g/L)
et al. 2014; Ge et al. 2017). The induction of high toxicity was prepared from dimethyl sulfoxide.
by low-dose exposuremay result from the strong bio-
concentration capacity of PCP in animal bodies, as Kondo Preparation and characterization of MWCNT-COOH
et al. (2005) indicated that the bioconcentration factors samples
(BCFs) of PCP ranged from 2.1 × 103 to 4.9 × 103 for
Japanese medaka after 60-d exposure. The nanoparticles were ultrasonic dispersed in deionized
Many studies have shown that CNTs can strongly adsorb water for 8–9 h (electrified for 5 s, disconnected for 3 s,
organic chemicals, such as 1, 2-dichlorobenzene (Peng et al. 60–80 W), and the MWCNT-COOH water suspension was
2003), trihalomethane (Lu et al. 2005), and xylene (Chin prepared using ultrasonic cell interferers (Nanjing Emma-
et al. 2007). Due to the strong sorption affinity for a wide nuel Instrument Equipment Co., China), until the absor-
range of organic contaminants, CNTs can inevitably affect bance at 520 nm remained unchanged. A further sonication
their bioavailability and toxicity once released to the for 1 h was performed immediately prior to use. High-
environment. For example, SWCNTs significantly concentration MWCNT-COOH solution was diluted
increased the accumulation of pre-adsorbed phenanthrene in directly with deionized water. Microscopic analysis of
a Japanese medaka by 2.1 fold after 72-h exposure (Su et al. carbon nanotubes was performed using transmission elec-
2013). In contrast, fluoranthene pre-adsorbed on MWCNTs tron microscopy (TEM) with a JEM-200CX electron
was no longer bioavailable to fathead minnow, even after microscope (JEOL Co., Tokyo, Japan). The content of
the CNT-fluoranthene was ingested and retained in the carboxyl groups on the surface was measured using the
digestive tract (Linard et al. 2015). Park et al. (2010) also Boehm titration method (Oickle et al. 2010) (details shown
observed significant reduction in bioavailability of 17α- in Method S1 of the Supplementary Materials). Zeta
Effects of carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bioconcentration of pentachlorophenol and. . .
potential of MWCNT-COOH suspensions was determined content were sampled for all the fish before removing the
using a Zeta potential analyzer (Zeta PALS, Brookhaven intestinal contents. All tissue samples were rinsed in deio-
Instruments Corp) (details shown in Method S2 of the nized water and immediately stored at −20 °C for sub-
Supplementary Materials). UV-visible spectroscopy was sequent analysis.
used to quantify the dispersibility of CNTs following the
method recommended by Shieh et al. (2007). To avoid the Biochemical assays, PCP analysis and
interference of matrices, a wavelength of 520 nm was histopathological observation
selected for the quantification of MWCNT-COOH in the
test water, according to the absorption spectrum (Fig. S1). On Days 7, 14, 21 and 28, five fish were randomly sampled
The suspended concentration of MWCNT-COOH was from each group, and dissected on ice to obtain liver tissue.
quantified by standard solutions with gradient concentra- Hepatic activities of total antioxidants-superoxide dismutase
tions (Fig. S2). (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx),
and the content of glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde
Adsorption and desorption experiments (MDA) were determined using the Diagnostic Reagent Kits
(Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute, China)
Before the exposure assay, the adsorption and desorption of according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sample pre-
PCP on MWCNT-COOH were investigated at 25 °C by treatment, biochemical analysis and activity/content calcu-
batch experiments (details shown in Method S3 of the lation were described in detail in a previous study (Wang
Supplementary Materials). The adsorption experiment was et al. 2015). The concentrations of PCP in the fish tissue
carried out in a 40 ml spiral-covered glass vial lined with (liver, gill, muscle, intestine and gut content) were also
polytetrafluoroethylene. A weighing adsorbent (4 mg of determined for three fish randomly selected from each
MWCNT-COOH) and sufficient volume of the background group on Days 1, 3, 6, 15, 28, 50, 57, and 64. Details about
solution were added to the vial. Then it was sealed with a tissue collection, sample treatment and instrumental analy-
spiral cap lined with aluminum foil and oscillated at sis are shown in Method S5 of the Supplementary Materi-
150 rpm and 25 °C for 5 d to achieve adsorption equili- als. Tissue sections of liver and gill were prepared to
brium. The concentration of soluble PCP was determined by investigate the histopathological damages following the
centrifugation at 3000 g for 5 min (details shown in Method method recommended by Kan et al. (2015).
S4 of the Supplementary Materials). Bottles without
MWCNT-COOH showed a PCP loss of less than 5% of the Statistical analysis
initial concentration throughout the process.
Tissue PCP concentrations were calculated from triplicate
Fish culture and exposure experiments samples, expressed as mean and standard deviation (n = 3).
BCFs is expressed as the ratio of the cumulative PCP
A total of 150 juvenile Carassius auratus were purchased concentration in selected tissues to the concentration in the
from Fisheries Research Institute of Nanjing (Nanjing, water under the pseudo-stable state. The homogeneity of
China), and the fish feeding prior to exposure experiment variance was examined and a one-way analysis of variance
was conducted following the patterns of our previous report (ANOVA) was hereafter performed to evaluate the sig-
(Kan et al. 2015). The fish were divided into five treatments: nificance of the differences in PCP levels and biochemical
[1] control, no PCP and no MWCNT-COOH; [2] PCP(50), indices between any two different groups, any two different
50 μg/L PCP and no MWCNT-COOH; [3] PCP(50) + CNT tissues, or any two different exposure durations. The dif-
(100), 50 μg/L PCP and 100 μg/L MWCNT-COOH; [4] ference with p < 0.05 was considered statistically
PCP(100), 100 μg/L PCP and no MWCNT-COOH; and [5] significant.
PCP(100) + CNT(100), 100 μg/L PCP and 100 μg/L
MWCNT-COOH. After the absorption period of 50 d, the
fish were transferred to another tank for purification for 14 Results
d, and the fresh water was renewed every day. Throughout
the bioaccumulation period (50 d) and purification period Characterization of MWNT-COOH in the test water
(14 d), fish particles were fed at a rate of 1% of body weight and PCP adsorption and desorption
per day, and abnormal behavior, disease and mortality were
checked daily. On Days 1, 3, 6, 15, 28, 50, 57 and 64, three TEM images of MWNT-COOH nanoparticles before and
fish were randomly selected from each group, and their after sonication showed that the bundled bulk MWNT-
weights and lengths were recorded before they were killed COOH aggregates were broken up and well dispersed as
by a blow to the head. Liver, muscle, intestine, gill and gut smaller aggregates or even a single CNT after 8-h probe
H. Kan et al.
Fig. 1 Adsorption-desorption isotherms (Langmuir model) of PCP by Histopathological observation showed that 14-d exposure to
MWCNT-COOH. Data points are mean values that were calculated 50 μg/L PCP induced multifocal inflammation and cell
from triplicate samples
swelling in livers, and focal necrosis and cytoplasmic
vacuolization. More severe and irreversible type of damages
sonication (Fig. S3). The outer diameter of the tubulars was appeared in high frequency in PCP(100) group (Fig. 3). The
20–40 nm and the length ranged from several hundreds of hepatic tissue damages were also observed in the co-
nanometers to several micrometers. No aggregates or sedi- exposure groups (Fig. 3). Both PCP exposure alone and co-
mentation in the MWCNT-COOH solution were observed exposure with MWCNT-COOH were found to induce
after two weeks. Table S1 shows the actual concentration of aneurisms, oedema, epithelial lifting, and hypertrophy of
MWCNT-COOH in the test water, which confirmed the mucus cells in gills (Fig. 4).
stable dispersibility of MWCNT-COOH. This may account This study also investigated the hepatic oxidative
for the enhanced degree of surface carboxylization, as damages caused by PCP exposure alone or PCP and
confirmed by the much higher surface carboxyl content after MWCNT-COOH co-exposure for 7, 14, 21 and 28 d.
8 h high-power sonication compared to the control (Fig. Hepatic SOD, CAT and GPx activities and GSH level were
S4). Isothermal data of PCP adsorption on MWCNT- significantly inhibited in the groups treated with 50 or
COOH fit the Langmuir model well (R2 = 0.956). The 100 μg/L PCP alone (Figs. 5 and 6). Compared with the
constants Q0 and Kd were 54016.3 ± 1569.9 mg/g and control, PCP(50) group had notably increased MDA con-
1.0107 ± 0.1028 mg/L, respectively. The isotherms of tents in liver on Days 21 and 28, and PCP(100) group
MWCNT-COOH did not show significant adsorption- showed the similar changes at any sampling time points
desorption hysteresis (Fig. 1). (Fig. 6). The addition of MWCNT-COOH seemed to
obviously alleviate the hepatic oxidative damages induced
Effect of co-exposure with MWCNT-COOH on PCP by PCP exposure, because SOD, CAT and GPx activities
accumulation in fish and GSH level in the co-exposure groups were higher than
those exposed with PCP alone (Figs. 5 and 6), and the
PCP was not detected in fish from the control on any addition of MWCNT-COOH caused obvious increases of
sampling day throughout the 50-d exposure (uptake) period. MDA contents in comparison with PCP treatment alone
It should be noted that the concentration of PCP in liver (Fig. 6).
reached the maximum level on Day 15 in each exposure
group, while PCP uptake reached a pseudosteady-state on
Day 28 in other tissues (Fig. 2). PCP in intestines and gut Discussion
contents had significantly higher concentrations than those
in gills, muscle and liver. The addition of MWCNT-COOH This study revealed that the addition of MWCNT-COOH
notably inhibited the bioconcentration of PCP in different significantly reduced PCP bioaccumulation at pseudosteady
tissue samples (two-way ANOVA test, p < 0.05, Fig. 2), and state in all tissues. The high adsorption capacity of
BCFs of PCP in all types of tissues showed a decreasing MWCNT-COOH for PCP indicates that MWCNT-COOH
trend after the co-exposure with MWCNT-COOH, but may exert strong effects on the fate of PCP once released to
statistical analysis revealed that the co-exposure posed the the environment. Previous studies have demonstrated strong
significant inhibition effect on the PCP bioconcentration in sorption capacity of CNTs for a wide range of organic
only liver and gill (Table 1). Aqueous concentration of PCP contaminants (Yang et al. 2006b; Wang et al. 2009).
Effects of carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bioconcentration of pentachlorophenol and. . .
Fig. 2 Accumulation and depuration of pentachlorophenol (μg g−1 dry and 100 μg/L MWNT-COOH; PCP(100) + CNT(100): 100 μg/L penta-
weight, dw) in liver (A), muscle (B), gut content (C), intestine (D) and gill chlorophenol and 100 μg/L MWNT-COOH. Bars with different letters
(E) of goldfish (Carassius auratus) with or without addition of MWNT- above them are significantly different among the different treatments with
COOH and the actual concentration of PCP in the exposure tanks (F). same exposure time (one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple compar-
Mean and standard deviation values were calculated from triplicate ison test, p < 0.05). Values that do not share the same superscript letters
samples. PCP(50): 50 μg/L pentachlorophenol; PCP(100): 100 μg/L (a, b, c or d) are significantly different (p < 0.05)
pentachlorophenol; PCP(50) + CNT(100): 50 μg/L pentachlorophenol
The reduced bioavailability of PCP in test water mainly et al. 2012). Furthermore, the adsorption of PCP on
accounts for the inhibition of PCP bioaccumulation in MWCNT-COOH appeared to reach an equilibrium within
goldfish by MWCNT-COOH, since it has been reported that few days, indicating the fast sorption rates of PCP on the
CNTs are capable of reducing bioaccumulation factors of amended MWCNT-COOH. Salam and Burk 2010 found
PAHs in Eisenia fetida (Petersen et al. 2009), Streblospio that PCP in aqueous solutions was eliminated by MWCNTs
benedicti (Ferguson et al. 2008), and biota-sediment (Shen within a very short time due to great sorption affinity. The
H. Kan et al.
Table 1 Estimated
Exposure groups Liver Muscle Gut content Gill Intestine
bioconcentration factors (BCFs)
of PCP in different types of PCP(50) 518.2 ± 45.9a 270.8 ± 59.6a 1184.5 ± 115.5a 491.9 ± 55.0a 583.8 ± 282.9
tissues of the goldfish after PCP
exposure alone or co-exposure PCP(50) + CNT(100) 374.5 ± 47.9 ab
226.4 ± 26.7 989.6 ± 193.3 350.2 ± 59.0a 762.6 ± 290.9
a a a b
with MWCNT-COOH PCP(100) 246.3 ± 50.0 163.1 ± 44.3 793.5 ± 114.2 361.5 ± 28.2 958.6 ± 228.6
PCP(100) + CNT(100) 223.2 ± 30.4b 110.6 ± 41.9 765.5 ± 270.5 321.3 ± 7.6b 808.0 ± 235.3
Mean and standard deviation values were calculated from triplicate samples. PCP(50): 50 μg/L
pentachlorophenol; PCP(100): 100 μg/L pentachlorophenol; PCP(50) + CNT(100): 50 μg/L pentachloro-
phenol and 100 μg/L MWNT-COOH; PCP(100) + CNT(100): 100 μg/L pentachlorophenol and 100 μg/L
The numbers with the same superscript letter in each column indicate that BCFs are significantly different
among the exposure groups for each type of tissues (p < 0.05)
Fig. 3 Histopathological
observation of liver damages
after 14-d exposure to no PCP
and no CNT (a), 50 μg/L PCP
and no CNT (b), 50 μg/L PCP
and 100 μg/L CNT (c), 100 μg/L
PCP and no CNT (d), and
100 μg/L PCP and 100 μg/L
CNT (e). Multifocal
inflammation (green arrow), cell
swelling (black arrow), and
vacuolization (yellow arrow),
and necrosis (red arrow) are
strong sorption of PCP on MWCNT-COOH may make it In the depuration phase, the concentrations of PCP in all
quite difficult to desorb in vivo, which decreased the tissues of the co-exposure groups were much higher than
bioavailability of PCP to goldfish. On the other hand, the those of PCP treatment alone, especially for the high-dose
zeta potential of MWCNT-COOH in test water at the pH of group. After the exposure, MWCNT-COOH was unlikely to
7.8 was negative (ζ = −43 ± 3.5 mV). Zhu et al. (2012) be completely eliminated by fish, and finally a small amount
indicated that the negatively charged Au nanoparticles were of them could remain in the gills, intestines, and the surface
taken up and digested by Japanese medaka more easily due of fish. Petersen et al. (2011) have indicated that SWCNT
to the electronic repulsion between Au nanoparticles and the have appreciable absorption into tissues of the intestine
intestinal mucus layers. tract, and Smith et al. (2007) and De et al. (2014) reported
Effects of carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bioconcentration of pentachlorophenol and. . .
Fig. 4 Histopathological
observation of gill damages after
14-d exposure to no PCP and no
CNT (a), 50 μg/L PCP and no
CNT (b), 50 μg/L PCP and
100 μg/L CNT (c), 100 μg/L
PCP and no CNT (d), and
100 μg/L PCP and 100 μg/L
CNT (e). Aneurisms (red arrow)
and oedema (black arrow),
epithelial lifting (orange arrow),
and hypertrophy of mucus cells
(green arrow) are indicated
that secreted fish mucus rapidly aggregated previously associated with oxidative damages of goldfish liver. These
dispersed CNT on the surface of the gills, which carried results are in agreement with the data obtained from the
various pollutants. Therefore, the enhanced concentrations in vivo assays of earthworm by Zhang et al. (2014). A
of PCP in the tissues of co-exposure groups ascribed to its number of studies have reported the direct toxicities of low-
desorption from CNT particles. Sun et al. (2014) reported dose PCP exposure on fish, including oxidative damages
that MWCNTs had a significantly strong sorption capacity (Kan et al. 2015; Luo et al. 2009). However, in the presence
for PCP, and PCP desorption in the simulated digestive of MWCNT-COOH, the activities of SOD, CAT, GPx and
fluids was fast (Salam and Burk 2010). In this study, the the level of GSH were less suppressed whereas MDA levels
digestive fluid in goldfish gut could drive the desorption of were less enhanced. The reason may be that the decreased
PCP from adhered CNTs, thus facilitating PCP uptake by accumulation of PCP led to reduced toxicity to liver tissues
intestine tissues. Wu et al. (2013) indicated that desorption due to adsorption of PCP on the co-existed MWCNT-
of toxic chemicals from CNTs made these chemicals mobile COOH. Zhang et al. (2014) also indicated that the toxicity
and bioavailable in the environment, and consequently led of PCP-Na on E. fetida may be alleviated by the presence of
to increasing risk of both toxic chemicals and CNTs. MWCNTs.
The bio-accumulated PCP is more likely to be metabo- MWCNT-COOH was likely to be captured and aggre-
lized in liver, which makes the maximum uptake of PCP gate on the mucus layer covering the surface of gills, which
show up earlier than that in other tissues, and liver is the might alleviate the adverse effects induced by PCP. How-
most important organ for detoxification and metabolism of ever, the protective role of gill mucus secretion cannot be
xenobiotics (Zhang et al. 2012). This study revealed that sustained for longer time, as the severe damages such as
PCP exposure inhibited the activities of antioxidant aneurisms, oedema and epithelial lifting were observed in
enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GPx) and the level of GSH, but the gills after the co-exposure for 14 d. Gills are multi-
increased the level of MDA in liver, which were intimately functional and complex organs through which fish make
H. Kan et al.
groups in uptake phase. The decreased accumulation of
Bioaccumulation of PCP in goldfish bodies could be alle- PCP led to the reduction of PCP toxicity to organisms, as
viated by the presence of MWCNT-COOH for all exposure confirmed by the response of antioxidant enzymes. In the
Effects of carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bioconcentration of pentachlorophenol and. . .
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Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Natural Science Gao J, Liu L, Liu X, Zhou H, Huang S (2008) Levels and spatial
Foundation of Fujian Province (No. 2018J01438), the National Natural distribution of chlorophenols, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-tri-
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Author contributions HK, SG and XXZ conceived and designed the
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Kan H, Zhao F, Zhang XX, Ren H, Gao S (2015) Correlations of gut
performed the data analysis. HK, JH and XXZ wrote the manuscript.
microbial community shift with hepatic damage and growth
All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
inhibition of Carassius auratus induced by pentachlorophenol
exposure. Environ Sci Technol 49:11894–11902. https://doi.org/
Compliance with ethical standards 10.1021/acs.est.5b02990
Kolosnjaj TJ, Hartman KB, Boudjemaa S, Ananta JS, Morgant G,
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Ethics statement The fish were humanely treated in accordance with
Kondo T, Yamamoto H, Tatarazako N, Kawabe K, Koshio M (2005)
the National Institutes of Health Laboratory Animal Care and Use
Bioconcentration factor of relatively low concentrations of
Guidelines (China).
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