Review Characteritic and Possible Heanlth Effects
Review Characteritic and Possible Heanlth Effects
Review Characteritic and Possible Heanlth Effects
DOI: 10.1111/ina.12646
Department of Material Analysis and Indoor
Chemistry, Fraunhofer WKI, Braunschweig, Abstract
Germany Many studies have shown that the use of laser printing devices (LPDs) contributes
Institute and Outpatient Clinic for
to the release of particles into the indoor environment. However, after more than
Occupational, Social and Environmental
Medicine, Inner City Clinic, University two decades of research, the physicochemical properties of LPD-emitted particles
Hospital of Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-
and the possible health effects from exposure to particles are still heavily debated.
Universität, Munich, Germany
We therefore carried out a critical review of the published studies around emissions
and health effects of LPD-emitted particles, aiming at elucidating the nature of these
Tunga Salthammer, Department of Material
Analysis and Indoor Chemistry, Fraunhofer particles and their potential health risks. Realizing the varying methodologies of the
WKI, Braunschweig 38108, Germany.
studies, a classification of the reviewed studies is adopted, resulting in three cat-
Email: [email protected]
egories of emission studies (chamber experiment, office/room measurement, and
Funding information
photocopy shop measurement), and three types of health studies (in vitro/animal
Fraunhofer WKI, 38108 Braunschweig
studies, human studies in the real world, and human studies in controlled settings).
The strengths and limitations of each type of study are discussed in-depth, which in
turn helps to understand the cause of divergent results. Overall, LPD-emitted par-
ticles are mainly condensed or secondary-formed semi-volatile organic compounds
(SVOCs), while solid toner particles account for a very small fraction. The health risk
from exposure to LPD-emitted particles is small compared with the health risk from
exposure to ambient particles.
emission, exposure, indoor air quality, laser printer, particulate matter, risk
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Indoor Air published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
396 | Indoor Air. 2020;30:396–421.
GU et al. | 397
“hazard,” “exposure,” “risk,” “epidemiology,” “toxicity,” and “toxico- resins, magnetizable metal oxides (usually iron oxide), pigments, and
logical.” A total of 597 publications were found. They were screened a variety of additives. Bello et al24 analyzed the constituents of two
to remove any irrelevant studies. Studies purely on the health ef- toners and obtained the following results: 70%-74% organic carbon
fects of pristine toner powder or particles were not included. After (OC), 5%-6% elemental carbon (EC), 2%-6% iron, and 13%-15% other
screening, 23 studies on health effects were obtained. Combined elements (silicon (Si), sulfur (S), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn)) (see
with the references from a previous review by Pirela et al, a total Table 1). The typical particle sizes of flowable toner powders lie be-
of 31 studies were evaluated. tween 2 µm and 30 µm. In a laser printer chassis, in the technical
components and in the commonly used papers, there are a variety
of chemical compounds. Lubricants (usually silicon oils) are used in
3 | PA RTI C LE E M I S S I O N A N D a printer's moving parts, and the plastic parts often contain organic
C H A R AC TE R IZ ATI O N flame retardants. Besides the fiber content, paper contains bond-
ing agents and resins, impregnation agents (paraffin, waxes), filler
Particles are ubiquitous in the outdoor and indoor air. There are vari- materials (calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, titanium dioxide, kao-
ous indoor sources contributing to the particles in the indoor envi- lin, talcum, etc), and diverse additives. Papers may also have special
ronment.10,16 In addition, penetration from outdoor is an important coatings to achieve particular printing effects. 25
source of indoor particles. As a result, when identifying the laser
printer particles, it is crucial to account for the particles in the back-
ground and of other sources. Figure 1 shows the various sources of 3.2 | Results from chamber experiments
particles and gaseous pollutants in an office or a photocopy center.
For the printing device itself, one needs to distinguish between dif- 3.2.1 | Particle size distribution
ferent cases. In the normal operation mode, volatile particles will
be emitted during the printing process. Maintenance, especially the The characteristics of particles released from LPDs can be well ana-
cleaning of printers, may lead to the release of dust. Finally, a mal- lyzed in a test chamber. Table 2 summarizes the chamber studies
function may cause the release of coarse particles, if jammed paper on particle emission from LPDs. The typical size distribution over a
covered with unfixed toner power is removed from the device by printing time of 10 minutes is shown as a contour plot in Figure 2.
unexperienced users. During the printing phase, the particle spectrum changes little: The
The emission of particles from LPDs has been extensively range measured with a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer (FMPS) lies be-
studied. Most of the studies fall into three categories: chamber tween 30 and 70 nm. Once the printing phase is over, there is a clear
experiment, office/room measurement, and measurement in occu- shift toward larger particles. This is due to the typical condensation
pational settings (such as photocopy shop or center). The aims and processes as are known from atmospheric aerosols. 26 The size dis-
experimental settings of these studies differ from one to another. tribution of particles from LPDs has since been independently ana-
The chamber experiments were typically conducted in a well-con- lyzed by many groups. They all came to the conclusion that particles
trolled environment (eg, predefined climate parameters and mini- with a diameter < 200 nm are clearly dominant.9,12-14,27-32
mized particle background concentrations), therefore, minimizing Early chamber studies found an increase of PM10 (particulate
the influence of other sources. It is a powerful tool for characteriz- matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 µm), and the poor transfer
ing particles from LPDs. The measurements at home or office with efficiency between the toner drum and paper surface may have led
printers represent the exposure to consumer use scenarios, and to the PM10 increase.33 He et al34 found very low PM2.5 (particulate
the measurements in photocopy centers/shops represent the oc- matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 µm) emissions from one
cupational exposure scenario for the photocopy center employees. laser printer, and no emissions for two other printers. Salthammer et
However, the home, office, or photocopy center environment could al10 found no evidence of emissions of PM2.5 and PM10 from LPDs.
be diverse. Many parameters influence the particle concentrations, Pirela et al14 came to different results. With the aid of a cascade im-
which include climate parameters, room size, and air exchange rate. pactor, increases in concentration of PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 (particulate
Moreover, indoor particles are a mixture of particles from various matter with aerodynamic diameter between 2.5 and 10 µm) were
indoor sources and penetration of outdoor particles. These add gravimetrically ascertained in a 0.52-m3 chamber during a 60-min-
complexity and difficulty when identifying the particles from laser utes laser printing period. However, activities such as changing of
printing from field measurements. toner cartridges and clearing paper jams during printing may have
contributed to the elevated PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 concentrations.14
F I G U R E 1 Schematic of the multiple
Indoor air Gas/particle conversion
sources of particles and gaseous
Gas/surface reactions
pollutants in indoor environment with
Gaseous pollutants
Ambient air
Printing device
(normal operation)
Printing device
Printing device
(malfunction) Other sources
Dust on surfaces
and total particle decay rate in the chamber. Using a mathematical Morawska et al44 measured particle emissions from 297 printers
separation method called deconvolution, the measured PNC can be in offices and a chamber, and found that 56.6%, 34.7%, 4.7%, and
expressed as a product of emission rate function (A) and the decay 4.0% were non-emitters, low emitters, medium emitters, and high
function of the chamber (B), as shown in Equation (1) 35: emitters, respectively, in terms of particle emission. Ten years earlier
(2007), the respective percentages were 60%, 10%, 3%, and 27%.34
t Morawska et al conclude that there has been a shift, with more
A ∗ B = ∫ A(x)B(t − x)dx (1)
0 printers being low emitters and fewer high emitters. To distinguish
between printer particle emission rates, He et al34 used the ratio of
By solving Equation (1), the emission rate by time (SER(t)) is ob- the particle concentration in an office immediately after the printer
tained as a function of PNC in the chamber air (c(t) and c(t-Δt)), the printed one page, compared to the background office concentration.
total particle decay constant k, and the loading factor L. The investigated printers were then catalogued into non-emitters
(ratio ≤ 1), low emitters (ratio > 1 and ≤5), medium emitters (ratio > 5
c(t) − c(t − Δt)e−kΔt and ≤10), and high emitters (ratio > 10).
SER(t) = (2)
The emission rates reported from the literature differ widely (see 3.2.3 | Particle chemical composition
Table 2). The study by Scungio et al36 demonstrated emission rates
for 110 printers from seven manufacturers ranging from 108 to 1012 The main chemical components of laser printer-emitted particles
particles/min. The emission rates can be compared using a standard- include hydrocarbons, esters, and a small amount of inorganic ele-
ized test protocol in a 10-minute print run as per DE-UZ-205.37 The ments.10-13,15 For obtaining specific information on organic com-
recommended test value as determined according to the DE-UZ 205 pounds, Schripp and Wensing11 conducted gas chromatography/mass
is 3.5 × 1011 particles per 10 minutes of printing. spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of LPD particles and found alkanes
A number of factors influence the particle emissions. He et al and siloxanes to be the main organic components. Figure 3 shows the
measured emissions from 30 printers in the chamber and found result of a GC/MS analysis of printer-emitted particles. The alkanes’
that the particle emission rates positively correlated (in the form of chain lengths were between C21 and C45, and homologous rows
a power law) with the average temperature of the fuser. A similar normally had chain lengths between C31 and C40. Alkanes between
relationship between particle emission rate and fuser temperature C30 and C40 are often used as waxes and hydrophobing agents.
was found by Wensing et al,39 Park and Park,40 and Wang et al.41 The vapor pressures calculated with SPARC range from 10−8 Pa to
Toner coverage influences the particle emission rates. Color print- 10−10 Pa (298 K). Other non-volatile organic compounds were also
ing with 20% coverage was found to cause higher particle emis- identified such as bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) long-
sion rates than monochrome printing at 5% coverage on the same chain carboxyl acid esters, and flame retardants10 (see Table 1).
printer. However, another study found that UFP concentrations In order to identify inorganic components, particles were col-
were increased when printing with 0% toner coverage, and the level lected on transmission electron microscope (TEM) grids and an-
was comparable to printing with 5% toner coverage.42 The particle alyzed using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
emissions with 0% toner coverage, as reported in several studies, (EDS). The following elements were found regardless of the printer
can be explained by evaporation of deposited SVOCs from previ- and paper used: aluminum (Al), chlorine (Cl), calcium (Ca), cobalt
ous printing jobs.41 Higher printing speed was associated with lower (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), potassium (K), magne-
PNCs but increased particle diameter.43 sium (Mg), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), nickel (Ni), phosphorus (P),
400 | GU et al.
TA B L E 1 Chemical composition of particles from laser printing, toner powder, and the paper
EDS: energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; GC/MS: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; ICP-MS: inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; XRF: X-ray fluorescence.
sulfur (S), silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), and zinc (Zn).10,28 However, these TEM. This implies that the airborne particles are re-condensed
inorganic constituents only totaled to 1%-2% of the overall particle semi-volatile organics, but not fugitive toner particles. Sung et al12
composition. Barthel et al conducted a detailed analysis of particle found carbon and oxygen being the main components (>70%) of the
size-segregated inorganic components from 10 different printers. emitted particles with TEM/EDS, with remaining contents includ-
They collected the particles with a 13-stage cascade impactor on ing oxides of Ti, Fe, Sn, and Si as inner coagulant. They observed
polycarbonate surfaces and analyzed them using EDS. By way of ad- differences in the GPC peaks between toner particles and emitted
ditional analyses of toner materials, papers, and fuser housing units, particles. It was inferred that emitted particles were formed from
a variety of the detected elements could be attributed to potential (evaporated) gaseous pollutants, rather than pristine toner particles.
sources (see Table 1). It is assumed that Ca (from CaCO3) and Cl are
primarily emitted from the paper. Fe, Cr, Ni, and Zn are components
of the toner, and bromine (Br) comes from the printer itself—prob- 3.2.4 | Particle physical properties
ably as flame retardant agent components from the plastic chassis.
No specific sources were identified for Ti (probably from the white The physical characteristics of the particles released from LPDs were
pigment TiO2) and Si. The research of Barthel et al9 also found that studied independently by several working groups and they reach
the share of solid particles is only between 0.2% and 1.9%. the similar conclusion that laser printer particles are largely volatile.
In addition, studies found that printer particles showed differ- Morawska et al28 analyzed the hygroscopic behavior and the ther-
ent behaviors as toner powder particles using TEM or gel perme- mal disintegration of the particles with the aid of a volatilization and
ation chromatography (GPC) analysis. Wang et al13 collected LPD humidification tandem differential mobility analyzer (VH-TDMA).45
particles on an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) sampler and analyzed They found that the particles are hydrophobic and evaporate from
with TEM/EDS. They found airborne particles from LPDs evaporate approximately 100°C. It can be concluded that the particles gener-
quickly under TEM analysis. This behavior is different from nano- ally consist of semi-volatile organic components. Using Knudsen's
meter-sized toner particles (10 nm polymer), which are stable under theory on the evaporation of particles in air and taking into account
TA B L E 2 A summary of the published studies on particle emissions from LPDs in chambers (AER, air exchange rate; CMD, count median diameter; PSD, particle size distribution)
References Study category Chamber, AER PSD Particle emission rates Results Note
GU et al.
Nies et al Chamber 9-m chamber; Range ca. 10-90 nm - Three color photocopiers and three color laser printers were Low air exchange rate
(2000)104 experiment (AER = 0.0025 h- (Printer 1); 90-300 nm tested; PNCs increased except for one device
) (Printer 3)
Lee et al Chamber 2.4-m3 chamber - - PM10 concentrations were between 41 and 65 µg/m3 for No UFP measured,
(2001)33 experiment laser printers and an all-in-one office machine no emission rates
calculated. Two laser
printers, two inkjet
printers, and one all-
in-one office machine
were tested
Rockstroh et Chamber Chamber - - A test method was developed for reliable and reproducible The aim of the study
al (2004)105 experiment determination of emission rates for dust, ozone, and VOCs is to develop a
from laser printers and photocopiers test method; UFP
measurement was not
Jann et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber - - Dust emission rates were determined (gravimetric method) Dust emission rate was
(2005)106 experiment (AER = 4-5 h-1); and were below the limit value of 4 mg/h not reported; no UFP
24-m3 chamber was measured
(AER = 1 h-1)
He et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber Mean size: 35-94 nm number: 0.04 - Measurements of laser printer emissions in office and
(2007)34 experiment and 120-m2 1.59 × 1011 particles/ chamber were conducted. Four types of printers were
and office office min; mass: non- identified concerning emissions: non-emitters, low
measurement detectable—0.29 µg/ emitters, medium emitters, and high emitters. Chamber
min studies found that particles were emitted immediately
after the printer started operating. Particles showed
monodisperse size distribution and were dominated by
UFPs (<100 nm)
Kagi et al Chamber 0.56-m3 chamber PSD mode: 50 nm - No particle was measured in the chamber experiment. In
(2007)27 experiment (AER = 1.1 h-1); (point 2 and 3) the room test, UFPs were measured at three points (point
and office 120-m3 room 1 above the printer, point 2 at the printer exhaust opening,
measurement (AER = 2.1 h-1) and point 3 150 cm away from the printer). Following
gradient was found for PNCs: point 1 > point 2 > point 3
Géhin et al Chamber 2.36-m3 chamber; PSD mode: 21 nm below detection limit - Four emission tests were conducted in total. Only in one
(2008)96 experiment (AER = 46.8 h-1) 2.30 × 1010 particles/s test, PNC was measured, and in three tests, PNCs were
below the detection limit
Schripp et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber - - The particle emission rates were determined using a
(2008)29 experiment (AER = 3 h-1) method of deconvolution. Size-dependent particle decay
coefficients were determined. The association of particle
emission behaviors with toner coverage and pages printed
was evaluated
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
References Study category Chamber, AER PSD Particle emission rates Results Note
Wensing et al Chamber 1-m chamber PSD mode 1: - Emission tests were conducted in chambers according
(2008)30 experiment (AER = 3 h-1); <10 nm; PSD mode to ECMA 328 protocol. Two types of particle emission
and office 72-m3 room 2:40-100 nm behaviors were identified, that is, “constant” and “initial
measurement (AER = 0.35 h-1) burst” types. The heating of fuser unit was an important
step in the generation of UFPs. Particle filters removed the
UFPs with efficiencies between 21% and 84%
Kim et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber 20-200 nm - Measurements were performed 1) when fuser system was
(2009)107 experiment (AER = 4.8 h-1) heated but the heating roller without development and 2)
with 0% and 5% toner coverage, respectively. Increased
PNCs were observed during the heating of fuser to 190°C,
and with 0% and 5% toner coverage. The sources of UFPs
were rubber of the heating roller, paper, and the toner
Morawska et Chamber Chamber and CMD < 100 nm - Particles mainly consisted of organic compounds were
al (2009)28 experiment flow tunnel volatile and hydrophobic. Particles are formed by
nucleation of SVOC and secondary particle formation.
Printer fuser temperature control is important in terms of
particle emission
Schripp et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber PSD mode 1:5.6- - Particle emission tests were conducted in 1-m3 and 24-m3 CFD modeling showed
(2009)35 experiment (AER = 3 h-1); 20 nm; PSD mode chambers as well as in an office room. “Initial burst” emitter that for a mechanically
24-m3 chamber 2:20-200 nm (A) and “constant emitter” (B) were distinguished from the ventilated office
(AER = 1 and time-dependent particle emission rates. The total emitted environment, the
2 h-1); 55-m3 particles were comparable for printer A between different air circulation was
office room test environments, but not for printer B usually not uniform.
(AER = 0.35 h-1) The particle may be
localized, and not well
distributed over the
room space
Wensing et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber - - Emission tests were conducted. The volatility of particles
(2009a)108 experiment (AER = 3 h-1) was studied using a thermodenuder heated to 400°C. No
particles were detected at 400°C, indicating no presence
of solid components of UFPs
Wensing et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber - - Emission tests were conducted at different fuser
(2009b)39 experiment (AER = 3 h-1) temperatures. A change in the fuser temperature of 10 K
considerably changed the number of UFPs emitted
He et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber - number: 45 emission tests were carried out on 30 laser printers from
(2010)38 experiment 1.70 ± 1.20 × 1010 - various manufacturers. Fuser roller temperature was the
8.10 ± 5.29 × 1010 strongest factor controlling particle number emission rates,
particles/min; but not statistically correlated with PM2.5 and ozone
PM2.5:0.52-736 µg/
GU et al.
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
References Study category Chamber, AER PSD Particle emission rates Results Note
GU et al.
3 6
Barthel et al Chamber 1-m chamber ca. 10-80 nm (Printer Number: 2.7 × 10 - Emission tests were conducted on 10 printers and size- Ca, Cl, and Ti were
(2011)9 experiment 7); 20-100 nm (Printer 7.6 × 109 particles/ segregated particles during printing were collected for XRF related to the paper.
10) page analysis. About 99% of the UFPs consist of SVOCs, and Fe, Si, Ti, S, Zn, Ni, and
evaporate under 400°C. Elements including Si, S, Cl, Ca, Cr were associated
Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, and Zn were associated with toner and paper, with toner. Br was
and contributed up to 2% of the particles. Trace amount of attributed to the
inorganic elements were attributed to the toner, paper, or printer structural
printer housing components
Wang et al Chamber 27.2-m3 chamber PSD mode: 20-150 nm - The emitted aerosol mainly consisted of carbon-based In TEM/EDS analysis,
(2011)13 experiment (AER = 5.6 h-1) nanoparticles, likely formed through ion-induced airborne particles
nucleation of vaporized organic compounds. The fugitive evaporate rapidly
toner particles and paper coatings were not important under TEM, indicating
particle sources particles were
presumably organics
Byeon and Chamber 5-m3 chamber Mean diameter: mass: 0.007 mg/h Particle emission tests were conducted at three printing
Kim (2012) 43 experiment (AER = 1.0 h-1) 50-244 nm (5 ppm); 0.039 mg/h speeds (5, 24, and 38 pages per minute). Due to
(24 ppm); 0.449 mg/h coagulation, particle diameters were proportional to the
(38 ppm) printing speed. But PNCs were inversely proportional to
printing speed. Particle mass emission rates increased with
higher printing speed
Castellano et Chamber 1-m3 glove- Particle size increased - Measurements of particle emissions were conducted in Chamber was opened
al (2012)109 experiment box chamber from 10 nm (printing the chamber during 3500 pages of printing. The size- every 120 prints,
(AER = 2.5 h-1) starts) to 30-40 nm segregated particle chemical composition analysis was roughly about 28 times
(after 120 prints) conducted. From ICP-MS and SEM-EDS analyses, Ba, Zn, B, to achieve 3500 pages
K, Sr, and Na were detected (attributed to the toner); while of prints. Activities
Ca, Zn, and Mg in 0.56-1 µm were associated with paper of reloading papers,
occurrence of paper
jams, or change of
cartridges were not
Jayaratne et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber CMD 46 nm at the end number: 4.2 × 10 8- Charged particles were measured. UFP emission rates were
(2012) 47 experiment of printing 3.1 × 109 particles/ 4.2 × 10 8-3.1 × 109 particles/page, and the positive ion
page emissions were 6.0 × 106-6.9 × 107 ions/page printed
Salthammer et Chamber 1-, 24-, and 48- Vast majority of number: approx. Emission tests of printers were carried out following
al (2012)10 experiment m3 chambers particles < 100 nm 3 × 1010 -4 × 1012 ECMA 328 protocol. Particle intake in the human lung
and exposure (AER = 3, particles/page was calculated using emission data and ICRP model. The
assessment 1, and 0.5 h-1, calculated alveolar deposition of the particle surface area
respectively) when sitting for 8 h was 96 mm2 and 320 mm2 in 48-m3
chamber and office, respectively
Seeger Chamber 1-m3 chamber PSD range: 5-300 nm - Particle filters reduced the concentrations of UFPs emitted
(2012)110 experiment (AER = 4 h-1) from printers
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
References Study category Chamber, AER PSD Particle emission rates Results Note
Wang et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber PSD mode: 45 nm - The experiment confirmed that ozone reacted with printer-
(2012) 48 experiment (AER = 0.5 h-1) generated VOCs to form secondary aerosols. Squalene
and styrene were the most likely precursors of secondary
organic aerosols
Park and Park Chamber 5-m3 chamber - - Emission tests of 13 printers were conducted according to
(2013) 40 experiment (AER = 2.0 h-1) ECMA 328 protocol. The fuser temperature was strongly
correlated with particle emission rates for a specific printer.
Particle emission rates were not related to the fuser type
and printing speeds
Pirela et al Chamber 0.52-m3 glove- Mainly < 100 nm; PSD - An exposure platform was developed for sampling laser A test consisted of
(2014)14 experiment box chamber mode: 49-208 nm printing emitted particles for toxicological study. High continuous printing
PNCs in the chamber were observed. PM2.5 and PM10 for 60 minutes. The
concentrations increased during printing use of self-sufficient
flow rate (~30 L/min,
inflow = outflow) may
lead to concentrated
particle levels. It used
the gloves to handle
printers inside the
chamber (change toner
cartridge, add papers
and clear paper jams)
Varnskuhler et Chamber 1.25-m3 - Number: 3.1 × 1011 Emission tests of a laser printer were carried out according
al (2014)111 experiment chamber and particles/min; TSP: to the RAL-UZ 171 protocol. Office measurement found
and office a unventilated 1.84 mg/h very low concentrations of metals (Fe, Ti, Va, Mn, Cr).
measurement office About 1.2% of UFP were linked to solid toner components
Pirela et al Chamber 0.52-m3 glove- Mainly < 100 nm; PSD - Physicochemical and morphological characterization of The argument that
(2015)15 experiment box chamber mode: 49-208 nm particles from laser printing was conducted. Chemical LPD-emitted UFPs
composition of printer-emitted particles shared some are engineered
similarity (but still quite different) with toner and paper nanomaterials was
composition based on plausible,
but not convincing
Scungio et al Chamber 1-m3 chamber PSD mode: 30-60 nm Number: 3.39 × 10 8- 110 printers were tested for particle emission rates.
(2017)36 experiment 1.61 × 1012 particles/ Exposure to laser printer particles was modeled. A dose
and risk min of 2.7 mm2/day was obtained for office employees. Laser
assessment printing is a minor source of indoor particles
GU et al.
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
References Study category Chamber, AER PSD Particle emission rates Results Note
GU et al.
3 9
Sung et al Chamber 5-m chamber Mainly < 100 nm number: 1.2 × 10 - Emission tests were conducted for 15 printers according
(2017)12 experiment 2.3 × 1010 particles/ to ECMA 328 protocol. UFPs were mainly organic
min compounds, attributed to toner components that
formed via evaporation, nucleation, and condensation.
The fuser temperature influenced UFP emission rates.
Electromagnetic field reduced UFP by 40%. TEM/EDS
analysis detected C, O (>70%), Ti, Fe, Sn, and Si. GPC (gel
permeation chromatography) indicated that particles may
be formed from (evaporated) gaseous pollutants, rather
than pristine toner particles
Wang et al Chamber 0.8-m3 chamber Mainly 80-120 nm - It studied the influence of toner coverage, number of pages
(2017) 41 experiment printed, fuser temperature, and cartridge rotation on UFP
emission. Toner coverage and cartridge rotation influenced
the particle emission. Particle emission rates increased with
fuser temperature
Zhao (2017)32 Chamber 0.53-m3 chamber Mainly < 100 nm - UFP emissions were associated with the printer operating
experiment parameters. UFP emissions showed non-linear relationship
with printed pages and page coverage
Serfozo et al Chamber 7.56-m3 chamber Vast majority ˂ 50 nm - Nanoparticles < 50 nm increased during laser printing. Fine It is argued that excess
(2018)31 experiment and in printing with PSD mode particle number and mass concentrations were low during and residual toner on
and room room at ~ 15 nm chamber measurements (5 particles/cm3 and 0.44 µg/m3). fuser roller caused
measurement Human dose was increased compared with background the emission of
during printing: 3.0 × 10 8-3.5 × 109 particles/5 min nanoparticles
Koivisto et al Aerosol Aerosol dynamic CMD 42 nm - Modeled results: at AER of 2.0 h-1, the 6-h average PNC in
(2010)112 modeling modeling for the office increased from 2.3 × 103 to 3.9 × 10 4 particles/
a 62-m3 office cm3. The peak PNC was 2.5 × 105 particles/cm3
406 | GU et al.
the Fuchs correction,46 it can be estimated that the evaporating toner coverage12,42 or without toner on a modified laser printer,30 im-
substances must have a very low vapor pressure (approx. <10 Pa plying that UFP could be emitted even without toner. Therefore, this
at 298 K). Barthel et al9 tested 10 LPDs and found that about 99% newly proposed mechanism needs to be verified. Nonetheless, when
of the particles evaporate below a temperature of 400°C. Similar nanometer-sized materials are added in the printer toner, the direct re-
experiments on the volatility of particles were performed on 19 dif- lease of toner particles to the air deserves further studies.
ferent printers with a thermodenuder by Salthammer et al. At a
temperature of 400°C, no more particles were detected at the ther-
modenuder outlet. This confirms the theory that LPD particles are 3.3 | Results from office/room measurements
largely volatile in nature. Jayaratne et al47 found around 1% of the
emitted particles are charged (always positively). A list of studies on office/room measurements is provided in Table 3.
Pirela et al15 measured the morphologies of toner particles and Many studies showed increases of UFP concentrations in offices
LPD-emitted particles. The bulk toner powders were characterized during printing. 27,34,35,42,52-54 McGarry et al52 screened 107 printers
as regular and irregular spheres of a size range 10-15 µm. Airborne in five office buildings and classified 45 as emitters (ratio of PNC
particles around 100 nm with near-spherical shape, and agglomer- peak value to background PNC > 1). During printing, the peak PNC
ated particles around 300 nm were detected. More information on levels could be much greater than the local background.
particle properties from the reviewed studies is provided in Table 2. In contrast, the measurements of particle mass (PM10, PM2.5, and
PM1.0) resulted in a mixed picture.
Tang et al55 reported a slight increase in PM2.5 and PM10 in
3.2.5 | Particle formation mechanisms offices where laser printers were in use. The differences were,
however, not significant and were smaller than the measurement
Based on current knowledge on the particle physical and chemical precision tolerances for the gravimetric method. Horemans and Van
properties, it is generally considered that LPD particles are predomi- Grieken5 measured PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 in offices next to a major
nately formed through the nucleation and condensation of SVOCs, street. Particles > 1 µm were lower indoors than outdoors, mainly
which evaporated during the fusing processing. Figure 4 shows a sche- composed of crustal elements, and were related to dust resuspen-
matic diagram of the particle formation mechanism. Morawska et al28 sion. In contrast, indoor particles < 1 µm exceeded more often the
studied the physicochemical properties of particles emitted from laser outdoor concentrations. The authors attributed it to the use of of-
printing and suggested (a) nucleation and condensation of SVOCs, and fice printers; however, they should have excluded the measurements
(b) secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation being the two main par- with smoking, a strong source for particles < 1 µm. Another study by
ticle formation mechanisms. The former mechanism was confirmed by Ch. and Gokhale found that PM1.0 in a working office in India was in
many chamber studies.9-13 In addition, Wang et al48 demonstrated that most time lower during the working hours (day time, 138-154 µg/
laser printing emitted VOCs could react quickly with ozone and form m3) than the non-working hours (night time, 134-204 µg/m3), which
SOA in the nanometer size range. This reaction could occur inside or the authors attributed to the use of air conditioning during working
outside the printer. In a real indoor environment, ozone concentrations hours and the closed ventilation during non-working hours.56 This
3 49
of 20-30 µg/m are not uncommon and the emitted VOCs may react study demonstrated the strong influence of other factors on PM lev-
quickly with ozone. The formation of SOA from gas-phase and surface- els, and the difficulty of distinguishing the PM contributions from
related reactions between ozone and unsaturated VOCs is well de- laser printing from high background levels.
scribed in the indoor environment.50 Figure 5 shows the time series of PNCs in the size range of 0.3-
Pirela et al came up with a new particle formation mechanism 20 µm in a 55-m3 office room during four cascade laser printing.10
that UFPs are emitted as pristine engineered nanoparticles present in Increased PNC (0.3-20 µm) was observed with opening the win-
the toner powder. The argument was mainly based on two findings of dows, but not during the printing process.
(a) nanoparticles were observed (with TEM) to be attached on the mi-
crometer-sized toner particles, and (b) the size of the airborne particles
in TEM/EDS analysis was similar with the size distribution measured 3.4 | Results from photocopy shop measurements
by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) (mean diameter 34-53 nm).
The reasoning by Pirela et al15 is not adequate as it failed to recognize A limited number of measurements have been carried out in photo-
that most particles are volatile, as shown by, for example, Salthammer copy shops (Table 3). Most of them focused on the PNCs. Increased
et al10 and Barthel et al,9 and could not survive the TEM/EDS analysis.13 PNCs were reported when compared with background. 24,51,57-60
Therefore, the remaining particles detected by TEM may not be rep- PNCs were 9.78 × 103 particles/cm3 (weekdays) and 6.89 × 103 par-
resentative for all the emitted particles. Secondly, they did not discuss ticles/cm3 (weekends) during operating hours compared with non-
the role of nucleation, condensation, or secondary aerosol formation operating hours of 5.45 × 103 particles/cm3. 51 Weekly geometric
in their study, which have been demonstrated to be the main UFP for- mean PNCs between 3.3 × 103 particles/cm3 and 3.4 × 10 4 parti-
mation pathways. Lastly, other studies have demonstrated cles/cm3 were measured at eight photocopy centers. 58 Grgic et al59
that UFP concentrations were highly increased when printing with 0% obtained the mean PNCs between 3.6 × 103 and 6.5 × 103 particles/
GU et al. | 407
cm3 during working hours in three photocopy rooms. Jamen and toner cartridges are being replaced, paper jams are cleared or other
Abdullah conducted measurements in 12 printing rooms and maintenance is performed, there can be contact with toner con-
found average PNC of 2.2 × 10 4 particles/cm3 and lung deposited stituents.62,63 For normal users of LPDs and copiers, however, con-
2 3
surface area (LDSA) of 43 µm /cm . In some cases, however, lower tact with toner powder generally occurs in copy centers with a high
indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios (<1.0) were also observed. Martin et al61 density of machines. Many studies17-19,64 have demonstrated that a
found nine of 16 photocopy centers with I/O PNC ratios < 1.0. part of indoor PM2.5 and PM10 were of outdoor origin. In addition
The PM mass concentration was reported by a few studies. Lee to main components of OC, sulfate, and nitrate, many metals such
and Hsu57 found PM2.5 in the photocopy centers increased on aver- as Fe, Si, Al, Ca, Mg, Ti, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cu can be found in outdoor
age by 40 µg/m3 during the 8-h operation period than before oper- air, depending on the locations and sources. Bello et al24 and Martin
ation. Bello et al reported the mean PM 0.1 (particulate matter with et al58 did not account for the outdoor and indoor background par-
an aerodynamic diameter of up to 0.1 µm, referred to as ultrafine ticles; therefore, their results represent occupational exposure but
particle fraction) and PM0.1-2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic cannot be regarded as emission characterization.
diameter between 0.1 and 2.5 µm) concentrations of 5 and 7.1 µg/
m3, respectively, in a university photocopy center.
Betha et al51 measured particles in the chamber and a photocopy 4 | H E A LTH E FFEC T S O F PA RTI C LE S FRO M
center and found increased PNC during printing. By analyzing the re- L A S E R PR I NTI N G
lationship between BC and PNCs, they argued that the direct release
of UFPs from the toner is unlikely. Bello et al24 sampled airborne par- Emissions from laser printing systems are sometimes erroneously
ticles in a photocopy center and analyzed their chemical composition. equated with “toner dust.” In various articles, potential health im-
The particles were collected on one set of cascade filters for 2-3 weeks pairments through organic and inorganic constituents of toners have
with about 180 m3 sampled air. The major particle components by mass been described,65-67 while at that time, the chemical composition of
were OC (~50%) and inorganics (~50%), of which S (5.7%), Si, (0.6%), Fe airborne particles from LPDs was not yet known in detail. A num-
(0.42%), Ca (0.23%), Zn (0.22%), Al (0.12%), and Ti (0.12%) were main ber of studies later showed that the particles released by correctly
elements. Metal oxides were found in nano-sized airborne particles. functioning LPDs are vaporizable and, therefore, volatile. As stated
They also found alkanes between C17 and C40 in various particle frac- earlier, the proportion of metallic components is only 1%-2%.
tions. Ring-shaped and chain-shaped siloxane structures consisting Table 4 summarizes the reviewed papers on health effects. From
of (Me)2SiO units were observable. The cyclic siloxanes display rings a temporal point of view, literature can be roughly divided into two
sized from 10 to 21 (Me)2SiO units. Martin et al58 obtained PM0.1 mass phases. In the years 2006 to 2012, primarily results on physical and
concentrations between 1.8 and 6.4 µg/m3 from 8 photocopy centers. chemical characterization of particle emissions were published.
They found PM0.1 contained 6%-63% OC, <1% EC, and 2%-8% metals. From 2010, investigations on effects of these particles on organ-
These measurements in the photocopy centers provided good isms followed. These studies, in turn, can be classified into four
occupational exposure data, but due to the limitations of this kind categories:
of study, it is difficult to ascribe all the observed particles as being
emitted from printing. There are many factors influencing the par- a. Studies on cell cultures and animals concerning exposure to toner
ticle levels in the photocopy shop, such as infiltration from outdoor material
air, resuspension, and handling of toners and papers. During normal b. Studies on cell cultures and animals concerning exposure to
printer use, these particles are not released into the air—but when printer emissions (from chambers and real rooms)
F I G U R E 3 GC/MS chromatogram (retention time in min) of the SVOCs in the chamber air during laser printing. The figure is taken from
Schripp and Wensing11 with the permission for reproduction
c. Human studies in real-world settings (copy centers, offices) local background particle exposures. Scungio et al36 evaluated the
d. Human studies under controlled conditions employees’ exposure to particles from laser printing using emission
rates from 110 laser printers. The daily particle dose of 2.7 mm2 was
One of the first studies on risk assessment through nanopar- obtained for typical printing conditions. The printing scenario used
ticles from LPDs was performed by Hänninen et al. The authors by Scungio et al36 was 50 pages of print/employee/day; printing
calculated alveolar deposition rates from 0.15 µg/d (8 mm /d) to speed of 31.5 pages/min; 5 employees in one office; and an office
0.44 µg/d (22 mm2/d) for diverse exposure scenarios. McGarry et space of 13.2 m2/employee. Overall, these studies all found rela-
al52 performed measurements of exposures to particles in office tively low exposures to laser printer particles, and from both the ep-
buildings and identified 45 printers as emitters (PNC ratio ≥ 1 to idemiological and the toxicological standpoint, the mortality risk is
background) out of 107 printers. Although the peak PNCs were in- significantly lower than for exposure to particles in the ambient air.
creased during printing, the 8-hour time-weighted average printer Pirela et al21 criticized that the analysis of Hänninen et al68
particle exposure was much lower than the 8-hour time-weighted might possibly underestimate the risks as a result of the special
Water vapor
p Aerosol
H2O H O 5-100 nm
Lubricants H2O 2 H2O
component F I G U R E 4 Schematic diagram of the
Paper particle formation mechanism from laser
TA B L E 3 A summary of the published studies on particle emissions from LPDs in office/room and in photocopy shops/centers
GU et al.
Office/Room measurement
Gemenetzis et al Office 40 rooms in Thessaloniki, - PM2.5, PM10, and particle chemical composition No information of laser printer availability
(2006)113 measurement Greece were measured in university rooms. PM2.5 and total and using frequency was provided
elemental concentrations were increased with smoking.
The influence of laser printer was not mentioned
Valuntaite and Office A room with copy machines - Ozone and PNC in the size range of 0.4-2.0 µm were
Girgždiene (2008)114 measurement measured. Intensity of copying work largely determined
the air pollutants in the room
Fiedler et al (2009)53 Office 8 new offices in Dessau, - PNC in the size range of 10 nm–1 µm in the offices was
measurement Germany; office sizes range measured before and during the printing. Increased
from 11 to 86 m2 PNC was observed compared with before the printing
Horemans and Van Office Offices next to a major road - PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 were measured in offices next The authors attributed the increase
Grieken (2010)5 measurement in Antwerp, Belgium to a major street. Particles > 1 µm were lower indoors of PM1.0 to the use of office printers;
than outdoors, mainly composed of crustal elements, however, the measurements with
and were related to dust resuspension. Indoor smoking should have been excluded, as it
particles < 1 µm exceeded more often the outdoor is a strong source for particles < 1 µm
Yin et al (2010)115 Office Office (100 m to street Mode: 80 nm PNC was measured in an office environment. A peak in
measurement and 400 m to highway) in PNC time series was corresponding to laser printing of
Hangzhou, China 1.5 minutes.
McGarry et al (2011)52 Office Offices in a business unit in - Of the 107 printers assessed, 45 were emitters. During
measurement central business district of printing, the peak PNC levels could be much greater
Brisbane, Australia than the local background. The 8-h time-weighted
PNCs were significantly lower than the 8-h time-
weighted background PNC
Saraga et al (2011)116 Office Office in the urban - The I/O ratio for PM1.0 and PM2.5 ranged from 1.2 to 1.7 No information on the indoor activities
measurement background of Agia in office 2 (non-smokers’ office) was recorded
Paraskevi, Greece; 10 m
away from high traffic road
Tang et al (2012b)55 Office 63 offices in Gießen, - Measurements were conducted before, during, and after
measurement Freiburg, Trier, and Berlin, printing of 500 pages in the offices. Increase of UFP
Germany and fine particles were observed during and after the
printing processes
Ch. and Gokhale Office Working office in India - PM1.0 was measured in an office during working hours The high PM1.0 concentrations (134-
(2015)56 measurement and non-working hours. PM1.0 concentrations during 204 µg/m3) in non-working hours
working hours were in most scenarios lower than during indicated high background particle levels
non-working hours
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
References Study category description PSD Results Note
Chatoutsidou et al Office Mechanically ventilated - Particle size distribution and mass concentration
(2015)117 measurement offices in suburban area of were measured in offices. People with resuspension
Oslo, Norway activities were important sources of particles > 1 µm.
Printer is not found to be related to increased particle
Shi et al (2015) 42 Office, clean - - UFPs from 55 printers were measured in offices, of
room, and which 37 are high emitters, 4 medium emitters, 5 low
photocopy emitters, and 9 non-emitters. Tests in a clean room
center show increased PNC with blank paper as well as with
measurement 5% toner coverage
Chatoutsidou et al Office Printer room and offices - Cleaning activities and printing were the most important
(2017)54 measurement with HVAC in a university in indoor sources for indoor UFPs. Printing leads to
Chania, Greece increase of indoor concentration of PN < 1 µm. Physical
presence of occupants or walking caused the increase
of PM > 2.5 µm
Szigeti et al (2017)118 Office 9 mechanically ventilated - Particulate matter in office buildings in Europe was
measurement office buildings in 6 investigated. PM characteristics varied greatly among
European countries office buildings. No strong association was found
between printing and PNC values
Morawska et al (2019) Office, chamber Testing of 190 laser printers - Among the 297 printers tested, 57% were non-emitters,
measurement in office, and 107 printers in 34% were low emitters, 5% were median emitters, and
a chamber 4% were high emitters. Compared with 2007, there has
been a shift, with more printers being low emitters and
fewer high emitters
Photocopy shop measurement
Lee and Hsu (2007)57 Photocopy center 12 photocopy centers in - PNC, PM2.5, ozone, and selected VOCs were
measurement Taiwan, China measured. The average PM2.5 (background corrected)
concentrations were in the range of 10-83 µg/m3. PNC
increased during the first hour of photocopying, and
then decreased
Betha et al (2011)51 Photocopy center University commercial - PNC 5.6-50 nm increased significantly compared with
measurement photocopy center in non-operating hours, while PNC 100-560 nm did not
Singapore significantly change. BC was correlated well with PNC
100-560 nm, but not with PNC 5.6-50 nm. UFPs may
be secondary aerosols from ozone-induced oxidation
of VOCs
GU et al.
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
GU et al.
Particle number concentration (#/cm³) 160 Window open environmental emissions; in light of current knowledge, however,
the statements are somewhat speculative. The discussion by Pirela
Window open et al21 also highlights the fact that, depending on the chemical com-
120 Start Start Start Start position, nanoparticles behave differently in cell culture systems,
print 1 print 2 print 3 print 4
100 thereby making it difficult to compare the toxicity. A further prob-
lem is the type of exposure or deposition of particles in such systems
(instillation, air-liquid interface, etc). The fact that several studies at-
60 tempted to reduce the limitations of exposure of individual cell types
by means of co-culture systems with two cell types is also discussed.
Findings from in vitro studies on effects of laser printer emis-
20 sions on human cells include the formation of micronuclei,75 induc-
PM2.5 = 17.2 µg/m³; PM10 = 18.1 µg/m³
0 tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, cytotoxicity and apoptosis,62,76
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 and epigenetic effects.78 However, on the basis of experiences with
Time (min) cell culture systems, as well as with co-culture systems, the central
objection remains that cell culture systems always represent solely
F I G U R E 5 Number concentrations of particles (# denotes the
artificial, strongly reduced depictions of the natural environment,
number of particles) in the size range of 0.3-20 µm over a course of
4 cascade laser printing experiment in a 55-m3 office room. PM2.5 and can at best be deployed to investigate mechanisms; generally,
and PM10 concentrations were measured by filter sampling and however, a risk assessment is not directly possible. The entire reg-
gravimetric analysis. The figure is taken from Salthammer et al10 ulatory and immunological environment, including clearance mech-
with the permission for reproduction anisms, is lacking, as are, generally, flow and exchange of media as
well as other components.80 Therefore, while valuable basic insights
characteristics of printer emissions. This assessment, however, does into pathways possibly also relevant in vivo can be gained from cell
not appear plausible when considering the chemical composition culture studies, conclusions from these data still have to be drawn
and reactions of urban and rural aerosols.69 Furthermore, various with caution, including possible indications of epigenetic effects.
studies have shown that, at least in the home environment, com- On the other hand, epidemiological studies require a very care-
pared to other sources like household appliances and cooking ac- ful estimation of exposure and a reliable assessment of potential
tivities,16 exposure to LPD-emitted particles plays only a moderate effects. Whether this is still possible in view of, firstly, multiple ex-
to subordinate role. posures and variable living conditions and, secondly, “public aware-
On the basis of a case study, Theegarten et al70 postulated that ness,” is not discussed by Pirela et al. 21 In summary, the work of
inhalative exposure to carbon nanoparticles from toner dust may Pirela et al21 provides an excellent and also critical overview of the
lead to submesothelial deposition in the peritoneum. This notion, level of knowledge up to 2017, additionally comprising new research
however, seems to be based on an incorrect interpretation of the approaches. It does not, however, lead to a reassessment of the pos-
work of Wensing et al.30 Theegarten and colleagues were made sible health-related risks of LPD emissions but rather suggests that
aware that the cited work of Wensing et al does not contain any on the basis of currently available evidence the average health risk
references or conclusions whatsoever to carbon nanoparticles in for humans is quite low.
laser printer emissions.71 The critical and self-critical comments of Pirela et al21 concerning
The aforementioned study by Pirela et al21 offers a comprehen- data obtained in humans, both on case observations and on stud-
sive overview. A total of 54 studies were evaluated, of which 32 ies of collectives of exposed persons or exposure studies, do not,
concerned emissions and 22 addressed toxicological effects from unfortunately, go far enough. The final outcomes of many studies
categories (b) and (c). Work on exposure to toner was not taken into are irrelevant, as they exhibit methodological deficiencies and the
consideration, based on the notion that studies on the toxicity of influence of side effects can be massive. This applies to most studies
toner are only relevant in cases of direct contact with the mate- on groups of volunteers in normal life situations. It would also be
rial itself. The authors provide a very detailed overview with respect interesting to know how many surveys carried out on exposed per-
to components measured in printer emissions. In addition, the mech- sons were negative and not published. The fact that all the studies
anisms through which nanoparticles are formed and the conditions listed by Pirela et al21 claimed a positive effect may mean that the
influencing their formation are also discussed. data situation is unbalanced. In addition to the heterogeneity of the
Studies on cell cultures or on animals62,63,75-79 have attracted results, particularly in the case studies, the absence of studies into
comments from Pirela et al21 correctly emphasizing their inherent reproducibility as well as prospective data obtained under controlled
limitations and comprehensively discussing the relationship between conditions is perturbing.
experimental exposures and real-world exposures. Furthermore, Many studies are based on an insufficient number of test persons.
beyond the effects on the respiratory system, possible effects of Theegarten et al70 describe an individual case, while the study by
a translocation of nanoparticles, for example, into the nervous sys- Khatri et al81 refers to nine investigated persons who were exposed
tem or brain, have been considered. Such effects are discussed for to printer emissions for several hours in a copy shop. However, the
TA B L E 4 A summary of the published studies on possible health effects of laser printer emissions
Goud et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- 29 photocopy workers and 26 controls were tested for DNA damage The study did not address the influence of
(2001)121 control study, in India and repairs. Increased DNA damages and decreased DNA repair smokers. Of the 29 photocopy workers in the
efficiency were observed in the photocopy workers compared with DNA damage test, 14 were smokers. Smokers
the control group have much higher DNA damage (16.45) than
non-smokers (5.56)
Gadhia et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchange frequencies 12 photocopying machine operators and 12
(2005)90 control study, in India were evaluated from 12 photocopy machine operators who worked controls were included
full time for more than 5 years. Significant increases were found in the
percentage of aberrant cells, total aberrations, and total aberrations
excluding chromatid gaps, but not on the chromatid exchange
Jaakkola et al Health effects Epidemiological study—cross- The study included a random sample of 1016 adults in South Finland,
(2007) 86 sectional study, in south of whom 342 are office workers: "Exposure to paper dust and to FPP
Finland (Fumes from photocopiers and printers) is related to the risk of SBS
symptoms, breathlessness, and upper respiratory infections."
Balakrishnan and Health effects Epidemiological study—case- A group of photocopier workers (34 smokers, 32 non-smokers) Mean period of exposure of the workers to the
Das (2010)122 control study, in India were studied for the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (CA) photocopying machines was 9.73 years (non-
in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Significantly increased CAs were smokers) and 10.59 years (smokers)
observed in photocopier workers than the controls
Kleinsorge et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- Human health endpoints were measured in 26 photocopy machine
(2011)91 control study, in Argentina operators and 52 control subjects in Santa Fe, Argentina
Elango et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- Lung function and inflammatory markers in 81 photocopier operators Smokers were included (30% in photocopier
(2013) 84 control study, in India and 43 control subjects in India were studied: Long-term exposure workers and 19% in control group). High
was not associated with decreased lung function, but resulted in high background (ambient) particle concentrations
oxidative stress and systemic inflammation
Butt et al Health effects Epidemiological study, in Health symptoms like dry mouth and fatigue were found in 126 No control group was included
(2014)123 Pakistan photocopier operators in Pakistan
Awodele et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- Hematological parameters and oxidative stress were evaluated in 50 The study included 50 subjects and 10 controls
(2015)124 control study, in Nigeria photocopier operators and 10 controls. Significantly increased levels
of oxidative stress were found in the subjects, but no significant
differences for hematological parameters
Karimi et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- 150 photocopy workers and 116 controls were surveyed. Their
(2016)125 control study, in Iran pulmonary function indexes were tested: forced vital capacity (FVC)
and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) were significantly lower in
photocopy workers than controls; significant differences were found
for coughing and wheezing between two groups
Khatri et al Health effects Epidemiological study—case- Human health endpoints including inflammatory markers and oxidative Small sample size: 6 photocopiers and 11
(2017) 85 control study, in the northeast stress were measured on photocopiers and controls, respectively, controls were included in the study
United States by taking nasal lavage and urine samples; 5 out of 14 inflammatory
cytokines were elevated significantly in photocopier operators
TA B L E 4 (Continued)
TA B L E 4 (Continued)
Sisler et al Health effects In vitro study—use of human It investigated the toxicological effects of printer-emitted PM 0.1 was sampled in the 0.52-m3 chamber.
(2015)77 cells nanoparticles in a human alveolar-capillary co-culture model. Results:
printed-emitted particles at low, non-cytotoxic exposure levels are
bioactive and affect cellular response in an alveolar-capillary co-
culture model.
Lu et al (2016a)78 Health effects In vitro study—use of human It tested the toxicity (epigenetic effects) of printer-emitted engineered PM 0.1 was sampled in the 0.52-m3 chamber with
cells nanoparticles (PEPs), mild steel welding fumes (MS-WF), copper oxide printer B1, as described in Pirela et al (2014)14
(CuO), and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles. The exposure to
engineered nanoparticles has geno- and cytotoxic effects and affect
the epigenome of target cells
Lu et al (2016b)79 Health effects In vivo study—use of mice The epigenetic alterations due to CuO and printer-emitted particles PM 0.1 was sampled in the 0.52-m3 chamber with
(PEPs) in lung tissue, alveolar macrophages, and peripheral blood printer B1, as described in Pirela et al (2014)14
from intratracheally instilled mice were evaluated: “CuO and PEPs can
induce epigenetic alterations in a mouse experimental model,…”
Pirela et al Health effects In vivo study—use of mice The toxicity of PM 0.1 and PM 0.1-2.5 sampled in a photocopy center was PM was sampled in a university copy center
(2013)63 studied using mice. Three levels of particles, 0.2, 0.6, and 2.0 mg/ during working hours
kg bw, were intratracheally instilled. “Mice instilled with PM 0.1
(2.0 mg/kg bw) had significant increase in neutrophil number, lactate
dehydrogenase and albumin compared with vehicle control,” but no
significant effects observed for PM 0.1 with 0.2 and 0.6 mg/kg bw
instillation, nor for all three instillation levels of PM 0.1-2.5
Hänninen et al Risk Exposure and risk assessment The estimated daily uptake of laser printer particles was 0.15-
(2010)68 Assessment for scenarios of office, home 0.44 µg/d (1.1-1.3 × 109 particles/d). The estimated risk corresponds
office, and home. to 4-13 (for particle mass) or 12-34 (for particle number) deaths per
million persons exposed. The risk due to laser printer particles was
substantially lower than ambient particles
Chalbot et al Risk Risk Assessment Toner powder and printer-emitted particles were studied for the PM 0.1 was sampled in the 0.52-m3 chamber.
(2017)94 Assessment functional and molecular composition: “significant differences Hypothesis is proposed that the differences
between the abundance of non-exchangeable organic hydrogen of in the PAHs in the toner powder and printer-
toner powder and PEPs”; it found low molecular weight PAHs in the emitted particles are due to the catalytic
toner powder, and high molecular weight PAHs in PEPs; extremely oxidation
low PAH content was found in toner powder (7.2 ng/mg) and in PM 0.1
(16 ng/mg)
Su et al (2018)92 Risk Risk Assessment It measured the particulate matter and VOCs (formaldehyde, benzene,
Assessment toluene, and xylene) and ozone in printing rooms. US EPA inhalation
risk assessment model was used to assess the cancer and non-cancer
TA B L E 4 (Continued)
Zhang et al Health effects Risk Assessment Laser printer was operating in a 0.52-m3 chamber. The emitted PM 0.1 was sampled in the 0.52-m3 chamber with
(2019) 88 particles and vapors were studied for their abilities to generate printer B1, as described in Pirela et al (2014)14
short-lived reactive oxygen species (ROS) and H2O2. The transit metal
oxides contributed to a small fraction of constitutes of printer-emitted
PM 0.1, but are responsible for the majority of ROS
Theegarten et al Health effects Case report, in Germany A case report of a female office worker developed weight loss and Theegarten and colleagues were made
(2010)70 diarrhea. Submesothelial aggregates of carbon nanoparticles (CNP) aware that the cited work does not contain
was found. The authors attributed the CNP to the printer emissions any references whatsoever that carbon
based on an incorrect interpretation of the work by Wensing et al30 nanoparticles observed in laser printer
that laser printing is a source of CNP, while in fact it is not emissions.71
D'Alessandro et al Health effects Case report, in Germany A governmental clerk reported acute respiratory discomfort and cough It was caused by accidental inhalation of toner
(2013)126 after an accidental exposure to toner dust while changing a cartridge dust
Lucas and Maes Health effects Case study, review The review described the clinical picture of symptoms related to Note the conflict of interest
(2013) 87 exposure to laser printers and photocopiers (LP & P), and the possible
Dutta and Deka Health effects Survey, in India It conducted a survey on individual interview and resulted in 150 cases. A survey study
(2012)127 A number of symptoms were recorded including nausea, backbone
pain, eye irritation, loss of hair, and running of noses in the individuals
of long-term exposure to photocopier operation
Pirela et al Health effects Review A review on the particle emissions and health effects
Shin et al Emission and Measurement in a NanoHood Emissions from printing and paper shredding were measured in a
(2019)128 Health effects NanoHood. UFPs increased during printing while fine particles and
UFPs increased during paper shredding. Printing-emitted particles
contain elements including Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, N, K, P, S, and Si. Paper
particles contain Al, Br, Ca, Cl, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, N, Na, Ni, P, S, and Si.
Paper particles did not elicit cytotoxicity to BEAS2B and HBE1 cells
GU et al.
GU et al. | 417
conditions here were not standardized, the exposure of individuals The studies discussed so far are in categories (a) to (c). The results
was subject to strong fluctuations, and there was no control expo- of a human study under controlled conditions were first published
sure with the printers switched off. Mersch-Sundermann et al82 per- by Karrasch et al99 and Herbig et al.100 A total of 52 persons were
formed a pilot study in which they exposed six people to emissions each exposed to emissions from laser printers in a test chamber for
from operating laser printers. Despite extensive measurements of 75 minutes. Twenty-three persons were healthy, 15 persons (af-
the indoor air as well as lung-function parameters and inflammation fected) had reported symptoms related to printer emissions prior to
markers, the results of the clinical investigations were not homoge- the studies, and 14 persons were patients with mild asthma. Overall,
neous for the investigated subjects.83 For statistical reasons alone, the results of this study did not indicate that laser printer emis-
it is virtually impossible for a small number of test persons to reli- sions induce objectively measurable pathophysiological processes
ably prove or verify an effect. In general, statistical fluctuations can that correspond to the complaints described by those affected. No
simulate effects in groups containing only a few test persons; these specific alterations in lung function or inflammation markers attrib-
effects then disappear again with a larger number of subjects. utable to emissions were observed. One limitation of the study is
The published findings for persons who spend time in copy that the investigations covered only a relatively short period of both
centers or offices with printers are manifold. They range from ox- exposure and follow-up. However, while long-term monitoring of
idative stress and inflammatory reactions84,85 to sick building syn- human exposure and its potential effects would be highly informa-
drome (SBS) 86 and on to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).87 It should tive and relevant, this approach poses substantial practical difficul-
be noted that the work of Jaakkola et al86 refers to data collected ties regarding the control of potentially interfering influences. On
between 1997 and 2000. For the reported symptoms, Lucas and the other hand, the particle concentrations during the investigations
Maes87 suggest pharmacological treatment with cinnamon and hy- considerably exceeded the usual values at workplaces; that is, the
drogen on a purely speculative basis. Zhang et al88 reported on the probability of an effect was possibly increased. The psychological
formation of reactive oxidative species (ROS) in printer emissions. aspects of the study also revealed little evidence of differential ef-
The transition metal oxides, which accounted for approximately 3% fects between different emission levels on the variables recorded.
of the particulate mass, thereby contributed a significantly higher Findings rather indicated that the group of affected persons reacted
ROS formation potential than the organic compounds. Although this differently to the exposure situation itself than healthy persons or
is one of the first works to link printer emissions to ROS, the subject asthmatics independent of the exposure level.
itself is by no means new or unusual. The mechanisms, which lead to
the formation of ROS from nanoparticles, are well known. Transition
metals are probably involved in the formation of ROS via Fenton- 5 | CO N C LU S I O N S
type reactions.89
A whole series of studies address the exposure of persons in pho- In the present work, we critically reviewed the evidence on the emis-
tocopy centers and printing rooms.58,81,84,85,90-92 In some studies, an sion and characterization of particles emitted from LPDs, as well as
attempt is made to bridge the gap between particle exposure and the risk assessment and possible health effects due to exposure to
the chemical composition of the toner. 24,93,94 The measurement re- particles. Convincing evidence has shown that LPDs release only
sults themselves should not be questioned; however, the attribution very low amounts of toner constituents during regular function and
of observations to printer emissions as compared to other possible use.9,28 Particles emitted into the air primarily consist of condensed,
influences may be questioned. Many of the studies mentioned were and therefore re-vaporizable, semi-volatile organic compounds
carried out in megacities in countries such as India and Pakistan, in (SVOCs); the proportion of solid particles has been quantified to
which generally high concentrations of particles are observed in the range mostly below 2%.
outdoor air.95 However, outdoor air quality, that is, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, Risk assessment studies estimated that the contribution of
SO2, CO, and PAHs, is often not monitored or taken into account. LPD-emitted particles to the overall particles in typical office and
Also, protocols on printer maintenance, printer failures, presence of home scenarios was low compared with background exposure or
the general public, cleaning measures, and other emission sources other common indoor sources. From an epidemiological or tox-
are usually lacking. In the study by Elango et al,84 the measured icological standpoint, the mortality risk to be attributed to LPD
mean particulate background exposure in Indian copy centers was particles is significantly lower than for exposure to other parti-
PM10 = 242 µg/m3 and PM2.5 = 128 µg/m3, which complicates the cles in ambient air. While the technical quality of the measure-
comparative quantification of the role LPD emissions may play in ment data from the cited work is beyond dispute, it has to be kept
comparison.83 Martin et al61 have addressed the largely neglected in mind that experimental findings from cell culture and animal
problem of insufficient air exchange in copy centers. Different au- studies can often not be directly transferred to real-world settings
thors16,96-98 have shown that human activities and the operation of and carefully controlled human studies in realistic exposure set-
electronic devices can be expected to produce a wide range of gas- tings are much needed. Currently, the controlled human exposure
eous and particulate emissions. The complexity of the dynamics of study reported in Karrasch et al99 and Herbig et al100 represents
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