Three-Dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry: Experimental Error Analysis of A Digital Angular Stereoscopic System
Three-Dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry: Experimental Error Analysis of A Digital Angular Stereoscopic System
Three-Dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry: Experimental Error Analysis of A Digital Angular Stereoscopic System
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1997 Meas. Sci. Technol. 8 1455
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PII: S0957-0233(97)86173-5
1. Introduction
The measurement of fluid flows in engineering has
continually generated innovative techniques varying from
a simple Pitot tube [1] to complex laser techniques [2].
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a recent but well
established, non-intrusive technique for the measurement
of mean and instantaneous fluid velocity from a single
plane of interest [3, 4]. PIV in its simplest form involves
placing a pulsed laser sheet into the measured fluid flow
plane and recording the position of seeding particles by
the use of double-exposure photography. This results in a
transparency consisting of a large number of particle image
pairs whose average displacement over each small region
of the photograph is a measure of the mean velocity at
the corresponding point in the fluid. From the developed
transparency, a two-dimensional (2D) velocity map is then
extracted by using optical or digital spatial correlation
analysis to determine the particle displacement within each
small region of the flow [5, 6].
The application of PIV to increasingly complex
fluid flows [7, 8] has resulted in the demand for threedimensional (3D) measurements and the development
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N J Lawson and J Wu
Figure 2. (a) Left-hand CCD image of calibration grid.
(b) Right-hand CCD image of calibration grid ( = 45 ).
N J Lawson and J Wu
R2 (, )i,j =
R2 (, 0)i,j j =1,Ncal
R1 (, 0)i,j j =1,Ncal
R2 (, 0)i,j j =1,Ncal
1zcal i,j
R1 (0, )i,j j =1,Ncal
R2 (0, )i,j j =1,Ncal
1ycal i,j
a1 (X1i , Y1 )
a2 (X2i , Y2 )
b1 (X1i , Y1 )
b2 (X2i , Y2 ) =
c1 (X1i , Y1 ) =
c2 (X2i , Y2 ) =
Figure 4. Illustration of data processing procedure used to calculate 1x , 1y and 1z particle displacements.
j =1,N
R1 (0, )|i,j f
j =1,Nf
R2 (, 0)|i,j
1Y2 (X2i , Y2 ) =
j =1,Nf
R2 (0, )|i,j
1Y1 (X1i , Y1 )
1X2 (X2i , Y2 )
Y1 = Y1 (xi , yi )
= X2 (xi , yi )
Y2i = Y2 (xi , yi ).
N J Lawson and J Wu
MN 1zcal
u M,N
u X
[1zcal 1z(xi , yj )]2 .
i=1,j =1
Errors outside two standard deviations of the data [1xcal
1x(xi , yj )] and [1zcal 1z(xi , yj )] were rejected to filter
out spurious measurements and 4000 gridpoints were used
for the analysis. To compare the results to previous
theoretical analysis [23], the experimental error ratio, er ,
was found from:
er =
rms (1z)
rms (1x)
The next section will now show the results from the
error analysis for a range of camera angles and fluid
3. Results
Considering the assumption of linearity, we must first
examine this characteristic for a range of camera angles
and test block translations. Figure 5 shows the a and b
calibration coefficients obtained at x/d0 = 0.1 or the edge
of the image where maximum distortion will occur. In each
case two sets of test block translations were made from 200
to 800 m in the x axes and z axes. These results show,
for camera angles of = 15 and = 30 , that the system
clearly behaves with acceptable linearity in both axes.
If we now examine the individual displacement errors
in x and z it can be seen from figure 6 that significant
errors in the z component begin to occur as the camera
angle is decreased from = 45 to = 10 . For example
the rms error in z at = 45 is 4% rising to a maximum
of 13% at = 10 . In contrast the x component error
slowly increases with camera angle from around 1% at
= 10 to 34% at = 45 . These counteracting effects
are caused by the geometric and imaging properties of
the system. In z the error will mainly be dependent on
camera geometry since an increase in camera angle will
result in greater imaging sensitivity to a z displacement and
hence a lower measurement error. In x, however, greater
camera angles will cause increased imaging problems such
as aberrations with a resultant increase in the x error.
Therefore a compromise must be sought between acceptable
imaging quality and the required z accuracy and these initial
results suggest the optimum range of camera angle to be
20 < < 30 .
Figure 5. Graph to show linearity of system for a range of PIV test block translations and camera angles (x /d0 = 0.1).
Figure 6. Graph to show PIV system performance in terms of x and z rms errors.
N J Lawson and J Wu
Figure 7. Graph to show experimental and theoretical error ratios for a range of camera angles and particle displacements.
Figure 8. Graph to show the deviations in the theoretical prediction of error ratio.
Figure 9. Graph to show the variation of error ratio across the image plane ( = 45 ).
N J Lawson and J Wu
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