Scatter Correction Method For Cone-Beam CT Based On Interlacing-Slit Scan
Scatter Correction Method For Cone-Beam CT Based On Interlacing-Slit Scan
Scatter Correction Method For Cone-Beam CT Based On Interlacing-Slit Scan
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(Received 4 November 2013; revised manuscript received 3 March 2014; published online 16 July 2014)
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has the notable features of high efficiency and high precision, and is
widely used in areas such as medical imaging and industrial non-destructive testing. However, the presence of the ray
scatter reduces the quality of CT images. By referencing the slit collimation approach, a scatter correction method for
CBCT based on the interlacing-slit scan is proposed. Firstly, according to the characteristics of CBCT imaging, a scatter
suppression plate with interlacing slits is designed and fabricated. Then the imaging of the scatter suppression plate is
analyzed, and a scatter correction calculation method for CBCT based on the image fusion is proposed, which can splice
out a complete set of scatter suppression projection images according to the interlacing-slit projection images of the left
and the right imaging regions in the scatter suppression plate, and simultaneously complete the scatter correction within the
flat panel detector (FPD). Finally, the overall process of scatter suppression and correction is provided. The experimental
results show that this method can significantly improve the clarity of the slice images and achieve a good scatter correction.
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography, scatter correction, interlacing slits, image fusion
PACS: 81.70.Tx, 87.57.Q–, 87.64.Bx, 87.57.C– DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/9/098106
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 098106
mary ray modulation correction method. [26,27] In addition, in the plate needs to be larger than the detector’s imaging win-
someone has simulated the scatter from the perspective of sec- dow.
ondary radiation. [28] These methods, which are usually under The X-ray source of the experimental CBCT system is
some approximation assumptions, have achieved good scatter Y.TU 450-D02 of YXLON, whose focus is 2.5/5.5 mm and
correction results in the medical CT imaging. However, the maximum voltage is 450 kV. The FPD is PaxScan 2520 of
applicability of the methods used in the middle- and the high- Varian. Based on the above analysis, taking the ray shielding,
energy X-ray scans of the industrial CT imaging needs to be economy, and workability of the scatter suppression plate with
researched and tested further. interlacing slits into account, we designed the plate shown in
A new method of CBCT scatter suppression and correc- Fig. 1, with slit width W = 8 mm, slit spacing S = 15 mm, plate
tion based on the interlacing-slit scan is proposed in this arti- thickness T1 = 40 mm; the material used is lead-antimony al-
cle. This method can complete the scatter suppression outside loy (5% antimony).
the FPD and the scatter estimation within the FPD at the same
time, so the scatter correction result, which is more in line with L
the actual scatter condition in CBCT imaging systems, can be L1 L2 L1
obtained. The feasibility and practicality of this method are
verified through the experiments.
2.1. Design of the scatter suppression plate with interlac-
ing slits
The basic idea of scatter suppression based on the B
interlacing-slit scan is to make use of the good inhibition of (a)
the slits on the scatter ray, image the two slit regions respec-
tively (the slits of the two regions are interlaced), and then
splice out a complete set of scatter suppression projection im-
ages. According to the characteristics of the CBCT imaging X-ray
system based on an FPD, we analyze and design the scatter
suppression plate with interlacing slits from the following as-
pects. T1 T2
(i) The suppression plate must be sufficient to fully shield D
(a) (b)
in F2 to 1.
6) Obtain S1 by multiplying image 1 and F1 correspond-
ingly, and obtain S2 by multiplying image 4 and F2 corre-
position B
position C spondingly.
(b) 0 by adding S and S correspondingly.
7) Obtain Sw 1 2
0 200 400 600 8) Make a copy of Sw 0 , called S , calculate the neighbor-
Pixel sequence 0 , and
hood summation t of the pixel whose grayscale is 0 in Sw
Fig. 4. (color online) Grayscale comparison on the lines in Fig. 3(b): (a) slit the number of non-zero pixels in the neighborhood is n, then
imaging and open imaging on position A, (b) position B and position C.
the grayscale of the pixel is s = t/n, store s to the correspond-
Due to the existence of the inner scatter of the FPD, the ing location in Sw .
grayscale of the slit regions must include the contribution of (ii) Calculate fusion coefficient image R according to im-
the inner scatter. According to the experimental analysis, the age 1 and image 4 as follows.
distribution of the inner scatter is relatively smooth, so it is 1) Plus image 1 and image 4 correspondingly and then
possible to make use of the inner scatter of the blocker strip minus 2Sw to obtain image J.
regions in slits A and B to acquire the integral scatter within 2) Set up J as the average value of J, then Rx,y = J/Jx,y .
the FPD in some manner. It is noteworthy that the projection (iii) According to every corresponding angle projection
images of both slits A and B (regardless of including or ex- image of image 2 and image 3, which are called I1 and I2 ,
cluding the part) contain an inner scatter field. So it needs to calculate the inner scatter field Sy with the tested object as fol-
be removed in the calculation of the scatter correction. lows.
image 1
slits A FPD scatter fusion
field image coefficients
image without object image
image 4
slits B
image 2 FPD
slits A+ scatter FPD scatter reconstru
object field scatter
images corrected cted with
images scatter
with images
image 3 object
slits B+
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 098106
1) Obtain S1 by multiplying I1 and F1 correspondingly, sion and correction projection images (FDK reconstruction al-
and obtain S2 by multiplying I2 and F2 correspondingly. gorithm commonly), the scatter corrected slice images of the
2) Obtain Sy0 by adding S1 and S2 correspondingly. tested object can be obtained. The overall flowchart of the
3) Make a copy of Sy0 , called Sy , calculate the neighbor- scatter correction based on the interlacing-slit scan is shown
hood summation t of the pixel whose grayscale is 0 in Sy0 , and in Fig. 5.
the number of non-zero pixels in the neighborhood is n, then
the grayscale of the pixel is s = t/n, store s to the correspond- 4. Experiment and analysis
ing location in Sy . Figure 6 is the images from the scatter suppression and
(iv) Plus I1 and I2 correspondingly and then minus 2Sy to correction experiment for the CBCT based on the interlacing-
obtain image C0 . slit scan. It can be seen that the grayscale of the scatter cor-
(v) Obtain the final scatter suppression and correction im- rected image decreases significantly, and the absolute value
age by multiplying C0 and R correspondingly. decreased in the blank area is a little larger than that in the
By the CBCT reconstruction with a set of scatter suppres- area with the tested object.
(c) (d)
0 200 400 600
Pixel sequence
Fig. 6. (color online) Experimental results of CBCT scatter suppression and correction based on interlacing-slit scan: (a) FPD scatter field image without
object, (b) FPD scatter field image with object, (c) fusion coefficient image, (d) FPD scatter corrected image, (e) scatter corrected image, (f) original projection
image, and (g) grayscale comparison on the same line A. Grayscale window: (a) [264, 325], (b) [128, 251], (c) [0.52, 1.3], (d) , (e), and (f) [98, 2827].
Figures 7 and 8 show the comparison of the 500th and rected slice images is amplified correspondingly.
the 572th slice images before and after the scatter correction, Table 1 is the numerical comparison of slice image qual-
where rectangle A is the comparison position of the signal to
ity of the 500th and the 572th slice images before and after the
noise ratio (SNR), [29] rectangle B is the comparison position
scatter correction in Figs. 7 and 8. It can be clearly seen from
of the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) [29] and average gradient
(AG), [30] and line C is the comparison position of grayscale. It the table that the SNR of the slice images processed by the
can be seen from the pictures that the contour sharpness of the scatter correction decreases significantly, and that of the 500th
scatter corrected slice images is improved significantly, and slice image, which comes from a thicker part, decreases more
this improvement is more outstanding in the parts of inner con- than that of the 572th slice image, which comes from a thin-
cave contours. On the other hand, we observe that the noise ner part. This is consistent with the previous analysis. While
in the scatter corrected slice images has a certain degree of
the other two evaluation items, CNR and AG, both increase
magnification, this is because the interlacing-slit scan method
obviously, especially in the parts of inner concave contours,
decreases the amount of X-ray photons received by the FPD
and the noise of the penetration rays is relatively stable, the AG has a great raise. This means that the scatter correction
proportion of the noise in the projection images is increased is directly effective to improve the sharpness of the internal
after the scatter correction, and the noise in the scatter cor- contour structures.
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 098106
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
0.06 original
0.02 0.02
0 (c) 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Pixel sequence Pixel sequence
Fig. 7. (color online) Comparison of the 500th slice image before and af- Fig. 8. (color online) Comparison of the 572th slice image before and af-
ter scatter correction (grayscale window: [–0.012, 0.068]): (a) original ter scatter correction (grayscale window: [–0.012, 0.068]): (a) original
slice image, (b) scatter corrected slice image, (c) grayscale comparison slice image, (b) scatter corrected slice image, (c) grayscale comparison
on the same location. on the same location.
Table 1. Numerical comparison of slice image quality before and after the scatter correction.
Slice number
value increased/% value increased/% value increased/%
original 13.08 / 6.095 / 0.001560 /
corrected 9.597 –26.63 6.810 11.73 0.003546 127.31
original 21.89 / 6.337 / 0.001157 /
corrected 18.66 –14.76 7.479 18.02 0.002168 87.38
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 098106
Table 2. Numerical comparison of slice image quality with different exposure levels.
Slice number
value increased/% value increased/% value increased/%
0.2178 mA·s 9.597 / 6.810 / 0.003546 /
0.2343 mA·s 10.19 6.18 6.915 1.54 0.003517 –0.82
0.2178 mA·s 18.66 / 7.479 / 0.002168 /
0.2343 mA·s 19.87 6.48 7.675 2.62 0.002138 –1.38
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