Grade 7 Math Module Quarter1

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Purok 2, Gamaon District,
Mangagoy, Bislig City

First Quarter

Exploring the Real
Number System
In studying this module, you will examine these questions when you take the following
Lesson No. Title You’ll learn to
Illustrate well-defined sets, subsets, union and
intersection of sets and the different of two sets.
1 Basic Idea of Sets Solve problems involving sets with the use of
Venn Diagram
Illustrate the different subsets of real numbers.
Represent the absolute value of a number on a
number line as the distance of a number from
Arrange real numbers in increasing or
decreasing order and on a number line.
Perform fundamental operations on integers.
2 Real Number System Illustrate the different properties of operations
on the set of integers.
Express rational numbers from fraction form to
decimal form and vice versa.
Perform operations on rational numbers
Represent real-life situations and solves
problems involving real numbers.
Describe principal roots and tells whether they
are rational or irrational.
3 Square Roots Determine between what two integers the
square root of a number is.
Estimate the square root of a whole number to
the nearest hundredth.
4 Scientific Notation Write numbers in scientific notation and vice

Direction: Answer the following question.

1. Which of the following is a well – defined set?

A. The set of happy people.
B. The set of good teachers.
C. The set of enjoyable subjects.
D. The set of Philippine Presidents.

2. Which of the following is an INFINITE set?

A. {a,b,c,d,e}
B. {2,4,6, 8,…,800}
C. (xIx is an integer between -60 and 60}.
D. {xIx is a whole number greater than 20}
3. Which of the following numbers is the smallest?

4 4 4
A. B. C. D.
0.4 0.44 0.444
4. What are the two square roots of 169?

A. -12 and -12

B. -13 and -13
C. -12 and +12
D. -13 and + 13
5. Which number is NOT a perfect square?

A. 121 B. 132 C. 169 D. 196

6. It is a number that cannot be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
A. Square Root
B. Perfect square
C.Rational number
D. Irrational number

7. Find the product: ¿)
7 3
A. - C.
40 40
3 8
B. - D.
40 40
8. Which of the following statements is always TRUE?
A. Some whole numbers are not rational.
B. All rational numbers are integers.
C. All whole numbers are integers.
D. All integers are whole numbers.
9. When (19 + 2) + 14 is expressed to associative property, which of the
following expressions is this equal to?
A. 2(14 + 19) C. 19 + (2 + 14)
B. 19(2 + 14) D. (19 + 2) + (2 + 14)
10. What is the absolute value of 7?
A. –7 B. 0 C. 7 D. 14


Lesson 1

The Basic Idea of Sets


The goal in this section is to enhance your learning and understanding of key concepts
of sets and its operation, and subsets of real numbers using Venn diagrams.

In this lesson you are expected to:

1. Know the basic ideas of sets and subsets.

2. Illustrates the basic ideas of sets and subsets.
3. Appreciate the basic ideas of sets and subsets.

Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge

1. Are you familiar with these people?

2. Can you name them?
3. Do you think they are related to each
other? Why?
4. What is their ultimate goal when they are
still in their terms?

What is a Set?

Math concept Description Examples

Characteristic of a set Well- defined:
 collection or group of
 A set of Philippine
 it is well-defined
 well–defined means
 A set of dishes
that it is possible to
determine whether an
 A set of counting
object belongs to a
given set or not.
How to Write and Name a Set  A set of odd
A set is represented by a capital Examples:
Not well-defined:
Elements are usually represented A = {a, e, i, o, u }
by small letters, numbers, words,  The set of all large
or representations of the numbers.
members of a given set.  The set of good
Braces are used to enclose the The set of nice people in
elements. your class.

Commas are used to separate the

K = { red, blue, yellow }
R = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … }
P = { +, - , , )
Three Ways to Describe a Set

Ways Description Examples

 Listing each element of the
1.The Roster A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set inside the symbol { }.
Notation or B = {p, h, i, l, n, e, s}
 Each distinct element is
Listing Method C = {5, 10, 15, …}
listed once and the order of D = {Oppo, Vivo,
listing the elements does not Samsung}
Distinct element means
unique elements or has no
duplicate elements.

2. The Verbal  A method of describing a set 1. Set A is the set of

Description in words. counting numbers
Method less than 5.
2. Set B is the set of
letters in the word
3. Set C is the set of
positive multiples of 5.
4. Set D is the set of
mobile phones.

3. The Set Builder  A method that lists the rules 1. A = { x l x is a

Notation or that determine whether an counting number less
Rule Method object is an element of the than 5 }.
set rather than the actual “read as “the set of
elements. all x’s such that x is
a counting number
less than 5”.
The vertical bar (  )
after the first x is
translated as
“such that”.
2. B= {x l x is a letter in
the word “Philippines”}
3. C= {x I x is a positive
multiple of 5}
D= {x I x is a mobile

The following are notations and symbols used in sets.

Notations and Symbols

Symbols Meaning Example How to Read

Set A contains 5
∈ Element If A = {5, 10, 15, 20} then 5∈A n(A) = 5.
 EElement means 5 ∈ A, 10 ∈ A, 15 ∈ A, “5 is an element
that it belongs to of A”
20 ∈ A.
a given set or
member of a set.

∉ Not an element If A = {5, 10, 15, 20} then a∉A

∉ A, and 7 ∉ A. “a is not
an element of A”

Cardinality of A A = {a, e, i, o, u}, n(A) = 5

“The cardinality
of set A is 5.”
 The number of
elements in the
≈ Equivalent Sets A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and A≈B
B = {m, a, t, h}

 Two sets that  Both sets contain four  SSet A is

contain the elements. equivalent to
same number set B.
of elements.

Equal Sets C = {a, e, i, o, u} and C=D

D = {e, o, i, u, a}

 Two sets that  Sets C and D contain  SSet C is

contain the the same elements. equal to set D.
same elements.
Notations and Symbols
Symbols Meaning Example How To Read
⊆ A⊆B
Subset 1.{ 9,14,28 } ⊆ { 9,14,28 }
A ⊂B 2. If A = { 2, 4, 6, 8, …}
 Every element
⊄DB and B = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  A is a
in A is also an subset
B … }, then A ⊆ B.
element in B. of B.

⊈ Not a Subset If A = { 2, 4, 6, 8 } and A⊈B

 Set A does not B = { 1, 3, 5, 7 }, then  A is not
belong to A ⊈ B. a subset
Set B.
of B.

⊂ Proper Subset A = {a, b, c} and A ⊂B

B = {a, b, c, d},

 There is at  SSet A is a
 Each element in A is
least one proper
also an element in B.
element in B subset
 There is at least one
not included to set B.
element in B not
in A.
contained in A and
that element is “d”.

⊄ Not a Proper C = {1, 2, 3 } and D= C ⊄D

Subset { 1, 2, 3}
 All elements in D are  SSet C is
 The elements also elements in C. not
in C are equal a proper
to the subset
elements to set B.
in D.
Most set of numbers are parts of other sets of numbers. Venn diagrams (invented
by John Venn, an English mathematician) are used to show relationship between
sets. Venn drew a rectangular region to represent
the universal set U. He used circular regions within the rectangle to represent subsets
of U.

The diagram below shows how counting numbers, whole numbers, integers, and
rational numbers are related.
Diagram # 1

Questions to Answer:

1. How does the set of counting numbers differ from the set of whole numbers?
2. How would you describe the relationships of the sets of numbers as illustrated in
the diagram?

Practice and Application

Activity 1 Identify Me
Direction: Answer the following. Choose the correct answer in the box.

Cardinality Set Universal Set

Equal Set Verbal Description Method

Subset Well-defined set Distinct Element

Null Set Element

1. A set that does not contain any element.

2. It is a unique element or has no duplicate element.
3. The number of element in the set.
4. It is a collection of elements, numbers or objects.
5. A set whose members are all contained in another set.
6. It is possible to determine whether an object belong to a given set or not.
7. Representation of the members of a given set.
8. A set that contains all objects under consideration.
9. A method describing a set in words.
10. Two sets that contain the same element.

Activity 2 Fill Me Up
{apple, banana, cherry, date}
List Number of subsets
zero elements {}
One element
Two element
Three element
Four element

1. Give 3 example of well defined set.
2. Let B= 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. List all the possible subsets of B.
3. How many subsets does a set of n element have?

In this lesson, you can differentiate the union of set, intersection of set, a complement
of a set, cartesian product of a set and set of difference. And solves problems by using
the venn diagram.

In this lesson you are expected to:
1. Solves problems involving sets with the use of venn diagram

or Symbol Meaning Venn Diagram Examples

Union of Sets
1. Find the union

 The set of of A = { 2, 3, 4}

elements that and

belongs to set B = { 3, 4, 5}.

A or set B or
A B = { 2, 3, 4,

A B is shaded


more sets can be combined to form new sets. Two of these new sets are the union
(sum of sets) and intersection (product) of the sets. These sets are best illustrated
using the Venn diagrams.
Diagram #2 ( yellow green color) Diagram #3 ( green color)

How would you describe the union of two sets? How would you describe the
intersection of two sets.
A union B, written as (AUB), is the set consisting of all elements that are found in A or
in B or in both.
AUB = { x/x € A or x € B }

Using the diagram #4 below, find CUD by listing the elements or members.
C U D =?
Diagram #4

Answer: C U D = {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10}

Questions to Answer:

1. How are the elements of the union of two or more sets determined?
2. In what real-life situations will this idea of the union of sets make sense?


Given any sets, whether they are sets of insurance policy holders, sets of numbers, or
sets of other objects, it is often useful to ask, “What members, if any, do the sets have
in common?” The set containing elements common to two or more sets is called the
intersection of sets.
Definition: The intersection of A and B, written as A∩B, is the set consisting of all
elements that are found in both sets A and B.
In symbols we write this as A∩B = { x / x € A and x € B }

Referring to diagram 4, find C∩D by listing the members. Answer: { 2,4 }

Study further the examples below.
Given sets: A = { 1, 3, 5 }, B = { 3, 6 } and C = { 2, 4 }.
a. AUC b. AUB c. A∩B d. A∩C e. (A∩B)UC

a. AUC is the set of those elements that are in A, in C or in both sets. { 1, 3, 5

} U { 2, 4 } = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
b. AUB is the set of those elements that are in A, in B or in both sets.
Common elements are listed only once. Thus, { 1, 3, 5 } U { 3, 6 } = { 1, 3,
5, 6 }. So, AUB= { 1, 3, 5, 6 }

c. A∩B is the set of elements common in A and B. The only element common
to both A and B is 3. { 1, 3, 5 } ∩ {3, 6} = { 3 }. So, A∩B = { 3 }. A∩C have
no element in common. So, A∩C = Ø.

d. (A∩B)UC = { 3 }U{2, 4}. So, (A∩B)UC = { 2, 3, 4 }


Look at the diagram below. What are the elements of U? What are the
possible subsets? Is set A a subset of U? What are elements of U that are not elements
of A? These elements comprise the complement of a set. In set-builder notation, AC or
A’ = { x/ x U and x  A }. In the diagram below, AC or A’ = { 1, 2, 5 }

Diagram #5

If U is the universal set, the complement of S with respect to U is written as S c or S’

( read as “S prime“ ) is the set consisting of all elements of U that cannot be found in S.
If U = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } and S = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 }, what do you think are the
elements of S’ or SC ?

Practice and Application

Activity 1 Find My Elements!
Direction: Using the Venn diagram below, list the elements containing the set.

1. U Answer: U = {red, black, blue, yellow, pink, maroon,

orange, green, violet, white, indigo }
2. A 6. A’ 10. A ‘∩ B
3. B 7. B’
4. A ∪ B 8. A – B
5. A ∩ B 9. B – A

Directions: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write the answer in
your Mathematics notebook.

1. What is the symbol used for intersection?

A. ∪ B. ∩ C. ⊆ D. ∈

2. What is the complement of ∅?

A. { } C. U
B. {1} D. {0}
3. What is the meaning of “the difference of P and Q”?
A. The set of elements in P but not in Q.
B. The set of elements is common to both P and Q.
C. The set of elements in the universe that not in P and Q.
D. The set of elements that is in P or Q or both P and Q.
4. What is the complement of {3, 4}, if U = {1, 2, 3, 4}?
A. { } C. { 1 }
B. { 0 } D. { 1, 2 }
5. What is A ∪ B, if A= {0, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11} and B = {2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10}?
A. {0, 4 11} C. {6, 8, 9, 10, 11}
B. {2, 3, 6, 9} D. {0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 }
6. If P = {a, b, c, d, e}, Q = {a, c, e, d, t } and R = { t, d, c, b, e }, then
what is P∩ Q ∩ R?
A. {a, c} C. {c, d}
B. {a, c, e} D. { c, d, e }
7. Given U = {a, d, c, r, f, v, t, w}, H= { a, d, c, v } and J = { r, c, f },
what is H ∩ J’?
A. {c } C. { a, d, v, t }
B. {a, d, v} D. {a, d, r, f, v, t }
8. What is (A ∪ B ) – C, if A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, B = { 2, 4, 5, 6 } and
C = {1, 2, 4, 6 }?
A. { } C. { 3 }
B. { 2 } D. { 3, 5 }
9. Which of the following represents the shaded area in the Venn Diagram

A. B’ C. B – A
B. A D. A – B
10. What does the shaded region below represent?

A. (A ∪ B) ∩ C C. A U (B – C)
B. A ∩ B ∩ C D. A’ ∪ B ∩ C

Questions to Answer:
How’ are your classification skills?
What can you now say about your understanding of the concepts of sets? How can
sets be useful to solving real-life problems? 3-2-1-CHART
3 Things I Learned In This Lesson…
2 Things I Found Interesting…
1 Question I still Have…
Lesson 2 WEEK 3
Real Number System
(Initial motivational statements and questions will be given for students to focus on.)

Numbers are everywhere and we can use them anytime, most especially in counting
and simple operations. But have you ever wondered how we arrive with the correct
answer when we operate numbers? What are the rules or properties when we do
operations on real numbers? How do we use these properties get right outcomes?
What do these properties show about real numbers? How can the knowledge of real

numbers help us solve problems in daily life? Let us find the answer in this topic.

1. Represent the absolute value of a line as the distance of a number
from 0.
2. Perform fundamental operation on integers.

Understanding Integers and Absolute Value

This lesson focuses on the introduction to integers and the concept of absolute
value using the number line

Take Note What are they? Examples
An integer is  Numbers on the right of
any number (neither
zero. positive nor
How to negative)
The 3 dots from the set  Greater than zero Number
means { …–4, –3, –2,  written with or without line
continues –
1, 0, 1, 2, 3, Positive {1, 2, 3, 4,...}
without end.
4…}  Value increases as
numbers move farther from
Negative  Numbers on the left of
 Less than zero {– – – –
4, 3, 2,
 Written with a (-) sign
 Value decreases as
numbers move farther from
 Neither negative nor
Zero positive 0
 no (-) or (+) sign.
Think of this
The (+) and (–) are symbols used to indicate addition and subtraction,
but in number line, they indicate the direction of a point from the 0-point,
not as operations to be performed. In the number line, ( +) and (–) are used
as signs of directions. Thus
read +2 “as positive 2” not “plus 2”
read –2 as “negative 2” not “minus 2”

A number line is a line drawn starting from zero and which extends
to both sides without ends. This means that there are infinitely many
numbers on both sides from the origin of the number line.

Positive numbers

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Negative numbers
Take Note!
Number line can also be drawn like this to show larger numbers.

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

-50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

represent integers
In real life, there are situations where you can represent integers. Study the table

Situation Integers

Weight loss of 28 kilograms 28

Increase of Php 500 allowance 500

Situation Integers

Altitude of 1200 ft 1200

Spending Php500 500

12 steps backward 12
Comparing Integers
You can always compare integers. On the number line, an integer is always
less than to the numbers on its right side and greater than to numbers on its left side.
Ordering Integers

You can also arrange integers either in ascending or descending order. In

ascending order, integers are arranged from least to greatest while in descending
order, integers are arranged from greatest to least. It is easier to arrange integers in
order by plotting them on the number line. Here is an example.
Arrange the integers –1, –6, 4, 2, 0, –3 and 5 in descending and ascending


Ascending order: –6, –3, –1, 0, 2, 4, 5

Descending order: 5, 4, 2, 0, –1, –3, –6

Remember This:
When ordering numbers using the number line:
 In ascending order, numbers are arranged from left to right
 In descending order, numbers are arranged from right to left
Absolute Value
Another important idea to be learned from this module is the absolute value.
Take Note Example Show me
An absolute value of Find the The distance from 0 to 5 is 5
a number is the absolute
distance on the value of 5
number line between and –5. -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the number and zero Answer = 5

without any regard to The distance from 0 to -5 is 5

its direction, so the

absolute value of any
number is a non-
negative number.
Remember This!
For any number n,
n if n is a positive number
|n| 0 if n is zero

n if n is a negative number
 Opposite integers have the same absolute value since they have the same
distance from 0.
 Absolute value of an integer is always positive because there is no
negative distance.
 Absolute value is denoted by ||.
 The absolute value of 0 is 0.

More Examples Numerical Representations

 The absolute value of –17 and 17 |17|=17|−17|=17
is 17 |20|=20|−20|=20
 The absolute value of 20 and –20 |100|=100|−100|=100
is 20
 The absolute value of 100 and –100
is 100

Operation on Integers
Have you at a certain time asked yourself why integers exist? Where do we use
them? How can integers help us solve problems in daily life? If they are used a lot, what
kind of operations do we do and what are the steps involved. Find out the answer to
these questions in this module.

In this lesson, you will examine this question when you take the following topics:

Addition of Integers
Subtraction of Integers
Multiplication of Integers
Division of Integers

Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge
Early Monday morning, Ana, a grade 3 pupil, has 24 pesos in her wallet. Upon leaving
for school, her mom gave her 50 pesos for the day’s allowance. She spent 32 pesos
during break time and 12 pesos during lunch. In the afternoon, her friend Amy paid
Ana 25 pesos for the money she owed. On the way home, she spent 8 pesos for the
fare. How much money does Ana have at the end of the day?

Show how you will go about answering this problem.

Study Questions:

1. What is your initial idea on how to solve the problem?

2. What methods did you use?
3. How did the concept of integer help you in solving?
4. Do you think learning integers is important in our daily life? Why?


In ADDING INTEGERS, check the sign of the integers:

Rule 1: If the integers have the same sign, ADD, then COPY the COMMON SIGN.
Rule 2: If the integers have unlike signs, SUBTRACT, then COPY the SIGN of the
LARGER integer.

( 3 ) + (6) = ( +9) (-3) + ( 5 ) = (+2)
(-3 ) + (-6 ) = ( - 9 ) ( 5) + ( -7) = ( -2 )

*LARGER is used here as a quick way to describe the integer with the greater absolute
value (distance from zero). In each of the examples above, the SECOND integer has a
greater Absolute Value. Note that 3 is the same as +3




STEP 1: Change the sign of the subtrahend (the one written after the minus sign).

For example: ( -8 ) - (+ 2 )

First copy the problem exactly ( -8 ) + ( +2) =

1. The first number stays the same ( -8 )
2. Change the operation ( -8 ) +
3. Change the sign of the subtrahend ( -8 ) + ( -2 )
4. Follow the rules for addition ( -8 ) + ( -2 ) = - 10


RULE 1: If the integers have like signs, then the PRODUCT or QUOTIENT is a positive
RULE 2: If the integers have unlike signs, then the PRODUCT or QUOTIENT is a
negative integer.

For example:
(8) (9) = 72 (-8) (9) = -72
(-72)÷(-9) = 8 (-72) ÷ (9) = -8
Practice and Application
Activity 1 Represent me
Direction: Write the correct integer on the space provided.

1. 12 steps forward _______

2. weight loss of 8 kg _______
3. a gain of 500 pesos _______
4. 155 ft below sea level _______
5. going up the stairs by 8 steps ______
Activity 2 Analyze Me
Direction: Answer the following problems. Identify the operation/s used to answer the
1. Teddy spent 4 hours for his internet game. If he is charged of 12 peso per hour, how
much should he pay for the use?
2. Rita bought the following items at the school canteen during her break. 2 pcs of ball
pen at 6 peso each, 3 chocolate bars at 15 peso each, 3 bottles of drinks
at 12 peso each, and 2 hamburgers at 20 peso each. How much did she
pay at the cashier? If she gave 500 peso bill, how much was her change?
3. Roy, a 7th grader, has the following scores in his 3 Math quizzes: 88, 94,&
86. What score should he get in the 4th quiz to get an average of 90?
4. In a school exam, Rohan’s score was up to 500 points. Then he scored -100 in the
words category. What was his score then?
5. A submarine was situated 800 feet below sea level. If it ascends 250 feet, what is its
new position?

How wide is the scope of the application of integers? Construct at least two word
problems involving integers for each situation. Present and justify a solution for each
1. In the market
2. In the school
3. In a department store
4. In a resort
5. In a business meeting

Write your answer in a long bondpaper.

RUBRIC of the Performance Task (Evaluation tool)

4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Satisfactory) (Progressing) (Needs
Accuracy Demonstrate d close Demonstrate d Demonstrate Demonstrate d
(40 %) attention to close attention d close no concern
accuracy, providing to accuracy in attention to for
a justification all accuracy in accuracy in this
or explanation (most) problems some problems task
for each but
problem lacked precision
in others
Relevance/ Problems Problems Problems Problems
Appropriaten constructed constructed constructed constructed
es applies applies applies applies all
s varied different number number
(30%) number number operations operations in
operations operations but uses an incorrect
in a non (the some of way (limited
routine concepts of them in an concepts of
way integers) incorrect way integers)
(extensively (few
the concepts concepts of
of integers) integers)
Realistic Problems Problems Problems are Problems are
(30%) appear appear somewhat confusing
realistic, and realistic realistic

Week 4
There are properties of integers which determine its operations. These properties
help us solve many equations. To recall, integers are any positive or negative numbers
including zero which can be represented by letter Z.
Z = {…,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,…}
The integer properties will help you simplify and solve a series of integers easily.
1. Illustrates the different properties of operation on the set of integers
Setting the Context
Activating Prior Knowledge
I’m so fast you can’t see me, though everyone else can see
straight through me. I don’t stop until the day you die.
What am I?

_____ _____ _____ _____ Eye.
92 -110 43 -15 -36

A Property is a Mathematics rule that is always true. Observe the following

Properties Definition Symbols Examples

Closure Closure If a and b are Example 1.

Property property integers then, 7 + 8 = 15
under a + b is an
addition and integer and a – Integer
subtraction b is an integer.
states that Example 2.
the sum or (16) + (-7) = 9
difference of
any two
integers is Integer
also an
integer. Example 3.
(-45) + (-13) =


Example 4.
7 - 8 = -1

Example 5.
(-23) – (-4) = ?
(-23) + 4 = -19


Associative Associative If a, b, or c are Example 1.

Property property of integers then, (9+6)+(2)=9+(6+
addition (a+b) + c = a + 2)
states that if (b+c). 15 + 2 = 9 + 8
three 17 = 17
integers are Example 2.
added, it (-8+4)+7=-
makes no
difference 8+(4+7)
whether -4 + 7 = -8 + 11
which two 3=3
are added

Take note: If a, b, and c are Example:

2 - [5-(-1)] ≠ (2-5) -
Subtraction integers then,
a – (b-c) ≠ ( a-b) – (-1)
is not 2 – (6) ≠ (-3)+1 -4
associative in c.
≠ -2

Commutativ property of If a and b are Example 1.
e Property addition integers then, 12 + 6 = 6 + 12
states that, a + b = b + a. 18 = 18
two integers Example 2.
can be (-6)+(-3)=(-3)+(-
added in any 6)
order. -9 = -9
If a and b are Example 3.
integers then, 16+(-5)=(-5)+16
Take note:
a – b ≠ b – a. 11 = 11
is not
for integers Example:
12 – 6 ≠ 6 – 12
6 ≠ -6

If a is an integer Example 1.
Identity Identity
then, a + 0 = a 39 + 0 = 39
Property property of
or 0 + a = Example 2.
states that 0 + 39 = 39
any integer Example 3.
added to the -94 + 0 = -94
element Example 4.
zero(0) will 0 + (-94) = -94
Zero (0) is
the identity
element of

Inverse If a is an integer Example 1.

Inverse property of then, a + (-a) = 6 + (-6) = 0
Property addition 0 Example 2.
states that or (-a) + a = 0. (-6) + 6 = 0
the sum of Example 3.
an integer 73 + (-73) = 0
and its Example 4.
additive (-73) + 73 = 0
site) is the
.ent 0.
a and (-a)
are additive

Rational and Irrational Numbers

1. Expresses rational numbers from fraction form to decimal form and vice versa.

Think of This! Representation Examples

Rational Number is any a
number that can be written b
⃒ a∧b are integers ,b ≠ 0 } 6 3
in the form , where a , ,0.5 ,
b Let a,b be an integer, then a 12 4
and b are integers, and b is rational number is defined as
not equal to 0. a
, where b is not equal to 0.
Let us classify each given number whether it is a rational or not.

A. is a rational number because it is a quotient of two integers and the
denominator is not 0. (a = 3 and b = 2)
A. 1.73205… is an irrational number because it cannot be written in the form
20 40 80
B. 20 is a rational number since it can be written as , , , etc.
1 2 4
25 1
C. 0.25is a rational number since it can be written as or .
100 4
D. 0.4́ is rational number and it can be written as .

An irrational number is a number which cannot be written as a quotient (or

ratio) of two integers.
Here are some examples:

Many square roots are irrational, like

= 1.4142135623730950488016887… (and more)

= 1.7320508075688772935274463415059… (and more)

But not all square roots are irrational. Some are rational like = 2. Other irrational
numbers are:
pi ( ) = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (and more...)

Euler’s Number (e) = 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 (and more)

Golden Ratio (φ ) = 1.61803398874989484820... (and more ...)


Converting Fractions to Decimals (with Terminating Decimals)

Remember: We can convert fraction to decimal by simply dividing the

numerator by the denominator.
Example 1 Example 2
Vinculum or Bar

1Repetend 3
Convert to decimal form. Convert to decimal form.
4 4

Therefore, =
0.75 1
Therefore, =


Fractions in Examples 1 and 2 produce terminating decimals.
Terminating Decimal Examples:
a decimal with finite number of 1 1 1
digits. = 0.5 , = 0.2 , = 0.125
2 5 8

Converting Fractions to Decimals (with Non-Terminating

Example 3 Example 4
1 5
Change to decimal form. Change to decimal form.
3 3
Solution: Solution:

1 5
Therefore, = 0.33 … Therefore, = 1.66…
3 3
Note: Fractions in Examples 3 and 4 produce non-terminating decimals.

Non-terminating Decimal Examples:

a decimal number that 2 5 22
= 0.66…, = 0.833… , = 7.3́
continuous infinitely 3 6 3
Remember: Repetend is the digit
that repeats itself. 22
= 7.3́

Converting Repeating or Non-terminating Decimal into Fraction

To convert non-terminating Example 1 Example 2
decimal fractional Form, Change the 0.333… to Change 1.666… to
perform the steps below: fraction form. fraction form.
Step 1: Step 1:
Let n be your given Let n = 0.333… Let n = 1.666…
decimal number
Step 2: Step 2:
Multiply the equation by a Multiply n by 10. Multiply n by 10.
power of 10 depending on (10) (n = 0.333…) (10) (n = 1.666…)
the place value of the 10n = 3.333… 10n = 16.666…
given decimal.

Step 3: Step 3:
Subtract the first equation 10n = 3.333… 10n = 16.666…
to the new equation to - n =0.333… - n = 1.666…
obtain a whole number as 9n = 3 9n = 15

Step 4: Step 4:
Find the value of n by 1 1 1 1
( )( 9 n)=3( ) ( )( 9 n)=15( )
applying the multiplication 9 9 9 9
property of equality (MPE). 3 3 15 5
n= = n= =
9 9 9 3
Step 5: Step 5:
Finalize your answer.
Therefore, Therefore,
3 1 3 1
0.333… = or 1.666… = or
9 3 9 3
Converting Terminating Decimal Form into Fractional Form
Finalize your answer. Step 4: Step 4:
Example 1 Example 2
To convert terminating Therefore, 0.3 = 3 Therefore, 0.75 =
75 3
decimal to fractional form, do 10 100 4
Change 0.3 to Fraction. Change 0.75 to Fraction
the following steps:

Step 1: Step1:
Let n be your given decimal Let n = 0.3 Let n = 0.75
Step 2: Step 2:
Multiply the equation by 10. Multiply the equation by 100.
(100) ( n = 0.75)
Multiply the equation by a (10) ( n = 0.3) 100n = 75
power of 10 depending on the 10n = 3
place value of the given
Step 3: Step 3:
Find the value of n Find the value of n
Find the value of n in a 1 1 1 1
(10 n) = 3( ) (100 n) = (75)
fraction. 10 10 100 100
3 75 3
n= n= =
10 100 4
Practice and Application

Activity 1 Who’s Who

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to the item number in the appropriate box

1. - 384 + 0 = - 384 T Inverse Property
2. 73 + ( - 94 ) = - 21 N Identity Property
3. (-56) + (37) = (37) + (-56) E Closure Property
4. (-126) + (126) = 0 O Distributive Property
5. 8(34 - 15)=8(34) - 8(15) N Associative Property
6. [16+(-9)]+(-11) = 16+[(-9)+(-11)] W Commutative Property

Who was the English Mathematician widely recognized as the greatest scientist
of all time?
1 2 3 4 5 6

Activity 2 Self-Practice
A. Direction: Convert the following terminating and repeating non-terminating decimals
into fractions.
1. 0.48
2. 10.848484…..
3. 12.248
4. 0.858585….
5. 4.375

B. Complete the table below by supplying the decimal forms of the given
fractions. Classify your answer by writing, TD for terminating decimals or NTD for
non-terminating decimals. Write the answers in your Mathematics notebook.

Fractional Form Decimal Form Classifications

Assessment – Recording one’s thoughts and feelings.
Direction: Fill-out the given 3-2-1 diagram with regards to this lesson

3. things I learned 2. things that interest 1. question in mind

1. 1. 1.

2. 2.



In this lesson, you will be able to learn/master the nature of rational numbers and its

1. Performs operations on rational numbers

Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge

Lilliana was born as half – Filipino, half – Indian girl. During the current
pandemic, she was asked by her mother to take charge in preparing bread that will be
21 13
given to their neighbors. She received kilos of flour from her grandmother and
4 2
kilos of flour from her Aunt Ishtar. How many kilos of flour did she receive altogether?

The fundamental operations do not only apply to integers but also in fractions. As you
can see, we have the processes shown bel0w.
Addition of Fractions
Mathematical Concept If a, b, c are integers, and b ≠ 0,
a c a+c
then + =
b b b
Similar fractions are Examples
fractions Multiplication
with the sameDivision of Fractions of Fractions
denominators. If a, b, c and d are3integers, 5 where 1 b 5≠ 0 and d ≠ 0,
then If a, b, c and d 4areandintegers, where
4 6
and b ≠ 0, c ≠ 0 and
add similar
Concept Concept
a c a x c a c a xd
just add the numerators d ≠ 0, then x = .
and copy the denominator. Further Explanations b d b xd b ÷ d= b x c .
3 1 4
To multiply Example 1 + =
To divide fractions, Example 1 5 5 5 Example
Example2 2
Note: Expressfollow
fractions, all your
perform the form.Multiply 1 and 2 26 a = quotient remainder 53 44 .
the steps in insteps
its simplest
below: below:
Divide by . b. Multiply
Divide and
divisor by
DissimilarMixed fractions
Form are 3 5 57 68 58
fractions havingthedifferent Since is in its simplest form already,
 MMultiply Solution:
You 1: 5only transform Solution: Step
the 1: fraction into
Rememberof mixed 1 if2the
therefore 2 improper
it isfinal
an 4
answer isfraction. .5 3x 44 = 20 or
the two fractions x2 = 6 5
Given: 3 5÷ 15 6 ÷8 48
and multiply
(1) Copy the firstthe fraction, 5 7 5 8 5
denominators of 3 1 1 3 4 3
get the reciprocal ofTwo Forms of
and Fractions , 12
and , and
the two 2 5 10 4 8 7 14
the second fraction Since is in its simplest
 To Fraction
Proper add dissimilar 15 Example
2 7 1Examples Example 3 5 2
then proceed do formthe
to already, then x it is the x
final answer. 52 6 4 3 8 4 2
steps: Add and . Add and .
multiplication. whose 12 1 6 1 Since 2 the 4GCF
3 of 20
16 and
numerator is less Notice that operation , 8 , Notice , 5 that the5 operation
(1) Find than the Least
its Step 1: 3 483 isStep4, then
1: is the
changes when you are changes when 12 you are
denominator. Denominator 20
(LCD). simplest form of 2 .
Reciprocal is the getting the2reciprocal.+
4 getting the
+ 48
 Least Common 12 6 4 16
Denominatorof exchanging
- the Fraction
smallest number Since the denominators Examples Since the
the numerator and the
that is divisible by the 6 7
12 and 6, then the denominators
are becomes 4 5 are 4
fraction whose becomes
denominator of all 7 LCD is 12. 65 9 58 and 4 16, then 4the LCD
numerator is greater
fractions being 3
, 8
, ,
5 316.
than its
(2) The LCD will be the Step 2:
denominator. Step 2:
(2) Follow the steps inTo Step 2:
new denominator. Step 2:
multiplying a
fractions. new 214 4 3 2
numerator, divide the 2 7 + 7 3 5 +15 5
x =12 6or x 4= 16 or
LCD by the given 5 6 30 15 8 4 (16 48÷ 4) 3 16
(12 ÷12)2 (12 ÷6) 4 +
denominator then + 16
12 12
multiply the quotient to (16 ÷ 16)2
2 8
the given numerator. + 1615
1412 12
Note: YouSimplify now your have Since is divisible Since 12 is 2divisible by
similar fractions. 30 48 +
answer if possible. 16 16
by 2, then the simplest 3, then the simplest form
(3) Using the new Step 3: Step 3:
expression, just simply 2 78 10 5 12
5 + 2 = 14 or 7
form is + .= or is .
add the new 12 15 12 12 6 16
16 16 16 8
numerators and copy Since 10 and 12 are both Since 14 and 16 are
the common divisible by 2, then its divisible by 2, then its
denominator. 5 7
simplest form is .
simplest form is . 8
Recall that just like integers and fractions, we can also add, subtract, multiply and
divide decimals.

Here are the steps to follow in adding and subtracting decimals:

Addition of Decimals
To add decimals, follow the Example 1 Example 2
steps below:
Add 2.5 + 3.14 Add 5.84 + 3.81
(1) Align the given decimals Step 1: Step 1:
according to their 2.50 5.84
corresponding place values. + 3.14 + 3.81
If the numbers don’t have the same number of
decimal places, add zero to help you align
(2) Add the decimal numbers Step 2: Step 2:
just like whole numbers. 2.50 5.84
+ 3.14 + 3.81
Note: Affix the decimal point.
5.64 9.65
Subtraction of Decimals
To subtract decimals, perform Example 1 Example 2
the following steps below:
Subtract Subtract
65.03 - 26.732 141.5 - 101.5
(1) Align the given decimals Step 1: Step 1:
according to their place 65.030 141.5
values. - 26.732 - 101.5
(2) Subtract the decimal Step 2: Step 2:
numbers just like whole 65.030 141.5
numbers. - 26.732 - 101.5
38.298 40.0
Note: Affix the decimal point.

Multiplication of Decimals
To multiply decimals, follow Example 1 Example 2
the steps below:
Multiply Multiply
3.24 x 0.56 6.25 x 8.6
(1) Arrange the decimal Step 1: Step 1:
numbers in column. 3.24 6.25
x 0.56 x 8.6
(2) Multiply the decimal Step 2: Step 2:
numbers just like 3.24 2 Decimal 6.25 2 Decimal
multiplying whole places places
numbers, then count the x 0.56 2 Decimal x 8.6 1 Decimal
total number of decimal places places
places and show it in the 1944 3750
product. +1620 +5000
000 53.750 3 Decimal
1.8144 4 Decimal Places
Division of Decimals
To divide decimals, perform Example 1 Example 2
the following steps below:
Divide Divide
3.666 ÷ 23.5 99.414 ÷ 1.26
(1) Multiply both the divisor Step 1: Step 1:
and the dividend by the Dividend: 3.666 Dividend: 99.414
same multiple to make Divisor: 23.5 Divisor: 1.26
the divisor a whole *Since the decimal place of *Since the decimal place of
number. divisor ends in the tenths divisor ends in the
place, then the multiple to be hundredths place, then the
Note: The multiple to be multiplied in both dividend multiple to be multiplied in
multiplied is based on the and divisor is 10. both dividend and divisor is
last decimal place of the 100.
divisor. Dividend: Dividend:
3.666 x 10 = 36.66 99.414 x 100 = 9941.4
Divisor: Divisor:
23.5 x 10 = 235 1.26 x 100 = 126
2. Divide just like in
dividing whole Step 2: Step 2:
number and put the 0.156 78.9
decimal point in the 235 36.660 126 9941.4
quotient directly - 235 - 882
above the decimal 1316 1121
point in the dividend. - 1175 - 1008
1410 1134
- 1410 - 1134

Step 3: Step 3:
3. Check the answer by 0.156 78.9
multiplying the quotient and x 235 x 126
the divisor. 4734
0780 + 1578
+ 0468 789
0312 9941.4

Practice and Application

Activity 1 Solve Me
Direction: Perform the indicated operations. Show your solution.

68.9 + 4.5 89.3 - 21.5 71.2 X 6.1

(A) ____________ (B)___________ (C)____________

3 5 3 1
83.2 ÷ 52 + x
2 2 5 2

(D) ____________ (E) ___________ (F) ___________

1 2 4 5
− ÷
2 3 5 2

G) (___________ (H) ____________


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the answer.

2 5
1. What is the sum of and
9 9
2 5 7 9
A. B. C. D.
9 9 9 5
11 5
2. Find the difference of and .
12 12

6 4 3 1
A. B. C. D.
12 12 2 4

3. What is the sum if 7.2 will be added to 3.25?

A. 10.45 B. 10.5 C. 42.7 D. 72.3

4. Aira collected Php 125.50 for their voluntary contribution in the classroom. They
spent Php 87.45 for the classroom decoration. How much money is left?

5. A pad of intermediate paper costs Php 46.50. How much will you pay for 12
A. Php 495.00 C. Php 558.00
B. Php 500.00 D. Php 560.00

6. What is the quotient if 5.67 is divided by 9?

0.43 B. 0.53 C. 0.63 D. 0.73

2 3
7. What is the product if is multiplied by ?
3 4
6 8 10 11
A. B. C. D.
12 9 9 9
8. Which of the following should be considered in adding dissimilar fractions?

A. Find the LCD C. Find the LCM

B. Find the GCF D. All of the above

9. What is reduced to lowest term?
1 2 2 4
A. B. C. D.
5 5 5 5
10. A pizza is cut into 8 equal pieces. After dinner only 1 piece was left. What part of
the pizza was eaten?
2 4 5 7
A. B. C. D.
8 8 8 8

Principal Root of
Rational Numbers

1. Describes principal roots and tells whether they are rational or irrational
Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge

Who Am I?
“I am not human but Mr. Bean treated me as his best friend.”

1. √3 −343

2. √4 81
3. √ 2 Y 15 D 1.4
A -4 E -3
T 1.7 D 13
4. √5 32

5. √ 3
Answer T
1 2 3 4 5
Principal Root can be determined whether it is rational or irrational number. So, let
us now discuss on how to determine the principal root of a rational numbers.
Term Definition

 IIrrational Number a
any number that cannot be expressed in the form ,
where a and b ≠ 0

Note: Irrational number is known as the non-repeating

and non-terminating number that is why it has to be
estimated up to four decimals.

Form of Irrational

Radical Form
√ 2 , √ 3 , √3 10
Remember This! Examples

To understand if a √2 2= √2 21 1.4142 2
√ 3= √ 31 =1.7320
principal root is an
irrational number, Since the radicand is not a the principal root of √ 3
determine if the radicand perfect nth power then, the is irrational.
is not a perfect nth power principal root of √ 2 is
of a number. irrational.

Note: Estimation on irrational numbers will be

discussed further in the next module. The values of √ 2
and √ 3 are only given to show that the two examples
are non-terminating.

Aside from rational number, we also need to

determine the principal root of not rational numbers which is
referred to in Mathematics as irrational number. Study and
learn from the table below.

Term Definition
Rational Number number that can be expressed in a form
, where a and b are integers, and b ≠ 0
Forms of Rational Numbers Examples

0.4, 4.84 , 0.125 Terminating Decimals

In Decimal Form
0.33..., 0.123... Repeating Decimals

Terminating and repeating decimals are
numbers that can be expressed in a form .
Thus, these are considered as rational numbers.
49 1 4 1 5
, , , ,
100 8 5 6 9
In Fraction Form

Radical Form
81 3
√ 361 ,
√ 144
, √−1331

Remember This! Examples

To understand that a principal 3

√3 27= √ 3 3 = 3 2 9 2 3
root is a rational number,
determine if the radicand is a
√ √
5 2
perfect nth power of a number. Thus, the principal Thus, the principal
root of √3 27 is 2 9
rational. root of

Lesson 3:
Square Root

Have you ever wondered if you can apply your knowledge and skills in square
root to real life situations? How can the knowledge of square roots help us solve
problems in daily life? Find out the answers in this lesson.

Square Root of a Number
In this lesson we will address these questions and look at some important real-life
application of square roots.

The square root of a number, n, written below is the number that gives n when
multiplied by itself. That is . = a, a2 = n

the symbol is √ called radical sign or the square root sign

n is called radicand it is the number inside the radical sign

Example: 12, because 12X12 =144

Irrational Numbers: Square Roots That Are Not Integers

In the previous lesson we saw that a perfect square is a number that has a positive
integer as a square root. Most numbers are not perfect squares. How do we determine
square of numbers that are perfect squares? What kind of numbers do they have for
their roots? How can we use the concept of perfect squares in approximating square
roots of positive rational numbers? How are the square roots of decimal numbers

Now look at the examples below.

Example 1. What is the square root of 12?

Since 12 is a non-perfect integer, its square root is not a rational number. So, we only
approximate the value. How? By finding two consecutive perfect square integers
between which the given number lies.

Which two consecutive integers will the square root of 12 fall between? 12 is between 9
and 16.

This implies that the square root of 12 is a number greater than 3 but less than 4.
Sharpen your skills in approximating the square root of a non-perfect square numbers
by determining two integers between which the square root of the given number lies.

Practice and Application

Activity 1 – Identify Me!

A. Direction: Classify whether the principal root of each number is rational or

irrational. If it is rational give its principal root, otherwise put not rational..
Classification Principal Root
1. √ 2.56 - ___rational___ = _____1.6_____
2. √ 37 - ____________ = ____________
3. √3 −24 - ____________ = ____________
4. √3 −729 - ____________ = ____________
5. √ 0.06 - ____________ = ____________
6. √ 0.64 - ____________ = ____________
7. √3 125 - ____________ = ____________
8. √4 90 - ____________ = ____________
9. √5 1 024 - ____________ = ____________
10. √ 0.1 - ____________ = ____________
Activity 2 Taking Square Roots

Direction: Analyze and complete the table below.

Find Process Answer

√81 √9 𝑥 9 = √92 9

Assessment - Recording one’s thoughts and feelings.

Direction: Fill-out the given 3-2-1 diagram with regards to this lesson

3. things I learned 2. things that interest 2. question in mind

1. 1. 1.

2. 2.



Approximating the Square Root into Nearest


1. Estimates the square root of a whole number to the nearest hundredth.

Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge

Pair Me!

1. Choose from the box the corresponding answer to each given square root.
Choose Here!


3.6 7.9

1. √ 12.96= ____3.6_____ 4. √ 67.24 = ___________

2. √ 4.8841= ____________ 5. √ 62.41 = ___________
3. √ 1.44 = ____________

Approximation is the method or process of estimating the solution of irrational and
rational numbers.

Mathematical Concept Example 1 Example 2

 To get the approximate A. Approximate √ 3 B. Approximate √ 75

value of a radical to the nearest to the nearest
expression to the hundredths hundredths
nearest hundredths, do
the following steps.
Step 1: Step 1:
1. Find the two
consecutive perfect
√ 3 lies between √ 1 and √ 75 lies between √ 64
4. and√ 81.
squares in radical form √
It is written as: It is written as:
where the given radical
1< 3< 4 √ 64 < √ 75<√ 81
expression lies in And read√as:√ √ And read as:
between. The square root of 3 is The square root of 75 is
between the square between the square root
root of 1 and the square of 64 and the square
root of 4. root of 81.

The symbol “<” in the given, √ 1<√ 3<√ 4
is not read as “less than” because we are
comparing three quantities. It will be read as “less
than” unless the comparison involves two

Step 2: Step 2:
2. Extract the principal
root of the two perfect
√ 1< √ 3< √ 4 √ 64< √ 75< √ 81
8 ¿ √ 75<¿9
1 ¿ √ 3<¿ 2
Step 3: Step 3:
3. Based on the extracted Since√ 3 lies between 1 Since√ 75 lies between
roots, list at least 4
and 2, list down 4 8 and 9, list down 4
estimated values to the
values to the nearest values to the nearest
nearest tenths. Square
tenths of 1, such as tenths of 8, such as
each estimated values
{1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8} {8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6}
written as radicand,
Then square each Then square each value
then get the radicands
value written as written as radicand.
where the given radical
expression lies in
√(1.5)2 =√ 2.25 √(8.4 )2 = √ 70.56
√(1.6)2 = √ 2.56 √(8.5)2 = √ 72.25
√(1.7)2 = √ 2.89 √(8.6)2 = √ 73.96
√(1.8)2 = √ 3.24 √(8.7)2 =√ 75.69
*The arrow indicates *The arrow indicates
the radicands where the that the square root of
given radical the number lies
expression √ 3 lies in between the two
between. numbers.

Thus, taking its Thus, taking its

estimated value to the estimated value to the
nearest tenths we have, nearest tenths we have,
√ 3 lies between 1.7 and √ 75lies between 8.6 and
1.8. 8.7.

4. Further estimation. Step 4: Step 4:

Following the same Since √ 3lies between Since we got,
pattern as the previous 1.7 and 1.8, √ 75 lies between 8.6
step, use its and 8.7.
conclusion to create Estimate further by
another list of listing values closer to Estimate further by
1.7 to the nearest listing values closer to
estimated values, but hundredths. So, 8.6 to the nearest
this time to the nearest {1.71, 1.72, 1.73, 1.74} hundredths. So,
hundredths in order to {8.63, 8.64, 8.65, 8.66}
obtain the closer
estimated value of the √ (1.71)2= √ 2.9241 √(8.64 )2=√ 74.6496
root. √(8.65)2=√ 74.8225
√(1.72) = √ 2.9584
√(8.66)2= √ 74.9956
√(1.73) =√ 2.9929
*You can show atleast (8.67)2=√ 75.1689
four (4) estimations in

your solutions until you
√(1.74)2 =√ 3.0276
*The arrow indicates
reach the closest
*The arrow indicates the closest value to the
estimated value of the
the closest value to the given radical
radical expression.
given radical expression, √ 75.
expression, √ 3.

Since,√ 74.9956 is closer

Since,√ 2.9929 is closer to √ 7 than √ 75.1689 ,
to √ 3 than √ 3.0296 , then
then √ 75 ≈ √ 74.9956 .

√ 3 √ 2.9929 .
Note: The symbol “≈ “is read as “is almost equal
to”, which means that the value given is closely
correct but not exactly the right value.

5. Finalize your Step 5: Step 5:

√ 3 ≈ √ 2.9929 √ 75 ≈ √ 74.9956
√ 3 ≈ 1.73 √ 75 ≈ 8.66

Thus, the approximated Thus, the approximated

value of √ 3 is 1.73. value of √ 75 is 8.66.

Plotting Irrational Numbers on a Number Line

1. Plots irrational numbers ( up to square roots) on a number line.

Setting the Context

Activating Prior Knowledge
R → √ 29 Q → 4 T → 7 I → √ 55

E → √ 68 A → 6 N → √ 42 A → 5

Complete, to Protect Me!

1. Consider the number line below.

2. Plot the given points as indicated in the set of values inside the box.
3. Arrange them based on their order on the number line, and write the
corresponding letter above the number line to find the hidden word.

Irrational numbers are not easy to plot on the number line.So, let us now learn
about plotting points on the number line.

Think of This!
Term/s Definition Illustration
 Number Line a horizontal or vertical
line used to show
between the real
numbers and points on
the line.
Take note:
Horizontal number line is
commonly used to plot
irrational numbers.
To plot irrational Example 1 Example 2
numbers on a Plot √ 21 on a number Plot √ 5 a number line.
number line, line.
please do the
steps below.
(1) Find the two Step 1: Step 1:
consecutive √ 21 is between the two √ 5 is between the two
perfect perfect squares 16 and perfect squares 4 and 9.
squares where 25.
the given Can be written as:
irrational Can be written as: √ 4 <√ 5<√ 9
number is in √ 16 <√ 21 <√ 25
between. Read as:
Read as: The square root of 5 is
The square root of 21 is between the square root of
between the square root 4 and the square root of 9.
of 16 and the square root
of 25.

(2) Extract the Step 2: Step 2:

principal roots √ 16 <√ 21< √ 25 √ 4 <√ 5 < √ 9
of the two 2 <√ 5 < 3
perfect 4 <√ 21 < 5
(3) Get the Step 3: Step 3:
midpoint of the Add the two integers 4 Add the two integers 2 and
two integers. and 5, then divide it by 2. 3, then divide it by 2.
 Midpoint is the
Solution: Solution:
middle point of
4+5=9 9÷2= 2+3=5 5 ÷ 2 = 2.5
the two
integers. It can
The midpoint between 2
be obtained by
The midpoint between 4 and 3 is 2.5.
adding the two
and 5 is 4.5.
integers and
divide the sum
by 2.
(4) Square the Step 4: Step 4:
(4.5)2 = 20.25 (2.5)2 = 6.25
between the
two integers to
Since, 20.25 < 21, then √ 21 Since, 6.25 > 5, then √ 5 should
approximate should be plotted on the be plotted on the number line
the plot of number line more than its closer to 2.
irrational halfway.

(5) Plot the Step 5: Step 5:

irrational √ 21 √5
number on the
number line. 4 4.5 5 2 2.5 3

Practice and Application

Activity 1- Estimate Me!

1. Fill the empty spaces below to approximate √ 10 to the nearest hundredths.

Given Approximate √ 10 to the nearest hundredths.

Can be written as :
Step 1 The√ ¿¿ lies between √ ¿¿ and√ ¿¿ √ ¿¿<√ ¿¿<√ ¿¿

√ ¿¿ < √ ¿ ¿ < √ ¿¿
Step 2
___¿ √ ¿¿ <¿ ____

First Estimation (Nearest Tenths)

Step 3 (a )___________________ (c)_________________
(b)____________________ (d)_________________
Further Estimation (Nearest Hundredths)
Step 4 (a )___________________ (c)_________________
(b)____________________ (d)_________________
Since √ ¿¿ is closer to √ ¿¿ ¿ than √ ¿¿ , then
√ ¿¿ ¿ ≈ √ ¿¿

Step 5 Therefore, the approximated value of √ ¿¿ ¿ into nearest

hundredths is _______.

Directions: Read the statements below and choose the letter of your answer
in each item.

1. What line is used to order rational numbers?

A. Line segment C. Ray

B. Number line D. Straight line

2. If the length of a rope is equal to the square root of 548, what is the approximate
length of the rope?

A. 20.42 B. 22.27 C. 23.41 D. 24.40

3. Between what two integers does the √ 72lies?

A. 6 and 7 C. 8 and 9
B. 7 and 8 D. 9 and 10

4. Which of the points below best describe√ 18 ?

A. M B. N C. O D. P
5. The square of a certain number is 313. Between what two rational numbers
does the square root lies?

A. 17 and 18 C. 19 and 20
B. 18 and 19 D. 20 and 21

6. What is the approximated value of√ 11to the nearest hundredths?

A. 2.28 B. 3.32 C. 4.51 D. 5.19

7. The area of a square is determined by the formula, A=s (where s is the side). If
the area is 361m2, what is the measure of each side?

A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D. 19
8. What square root of a number is indicated in the given illustration?

A. √−2 B.√ 4 C. √ −8 D. Undefined

9. Between what two consecutive integers where√ 110 lies?

A. 8 and 9 C. 10 and 11
B. 9 and 10 D. 11 and 12

10. The following are possible values of √ 8EXCEPT

A. 2.80
B. 2.82
C. Between 2 and 3
D. 3.82
11. Arrange the following numbers in descending order,
√ 17, 21.31, √ 4 , 0.93,√3 64 .
A. √3 64 ,21.31, √ 17, √ 4 ,0.93 C. 0.93, √ 4 , √3 64 , √ 17,21.31
B. 21.31, √ 17,√ 64 , √ 4 ,0.93 D. 0.93, √ 4 , √ 17 , 21.31, √3 64

12. Which of the given expressions below is an irrational number?

A. √ 256 B. √ 327 C. √ 484 D. √ 729

13. Between what two integers is √ 145 lies?

A. 12 and 13 C. 14 and 15
B. 13 and 14 D. 15 and 16

14. Which of the following is a perfect square?

A. 248 B. 621 C. 999 D. 1,089

−6 6

15. What is the principal root of
3 −216

36 36
A. B. C. - D.
9 9 81 81

Subsets of Real Numbers WEEK 8

Mathematical knowledge should consist of a deep understanding of the
number system: the system of real numbers. We will study how each subset in
the mathematical system is dealt with. Let us take a look at the basic subsets as
they successively develop into the bigger set which is the set of real numbers.


1. Illustrates the different subsets of real numbers.

2. Arrange real numbers in incresing or decreasing order on a number line.

Let’s take a look at this family picture. It is said that “A family that connects to one
another, lasts forever.” This is just like the subsets of real numbers. Let us read the
The Real Numbers Family

F – Form a strong bond with all your rational and irrational members

A – Always remember integers and fractions may be in different places

M – Make whole fun and memorable moments

I – Ignore the negative differences

L – Love and count them while you can, life can be short
Y – You can’t be the zero, keep them together for happy ending
From the acrostic above, the underlined words such as rational, irrational,
integers, fractions, whole, negative, count and zero are the subsets of real numbers
which is our lesson for today.

The diagram shows the real number system and its subsets.

The Family Tree of Real Numbers

Real Numbers

Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers

Integer Fraction

Negative Integers Whole Numbers

Counting or
Zero Natural Numbers

To understand the diagram very well, study the family tree of real numbers summarized

Name Description Examples

Rational ● The set of rational numbers is
Numbers the set of all numbers which can
{−19 ,− 23 , 0 , 35 , 8}
be expressed in the form ,
b −19 8
where, a and b are integers and b −19= , 8=
1 1
is not zero.
Irrational ● The set of irrational numbers is =0.6 ,
Numbers the set of numbers whose decimal −2
representations are neither = −¿0.666...=−¿0.
terminating nor repeating. These
numbers cannot be expressed as {−√ 2 , √3 , π }
a quotient of integers.
−√ 2 = −¿1.414214…

√ 3 = 1. 73205…
π= 3.1416…

Integers ● Integers are formed by { …−3 ,−2 ,−1, 0 , 1 ,2 , … }

combining the negative integers
(opposites of counting numbers) {−¿19, −¿8, −¿5, 0, 2,}
and the set of whole numbers
√ 49 =7, √ 81 = 9

Fractions A fraction is a number that 1 3 2 4

represents part of the whole. This {2 , 4
, 7
, 3
is written in the form where q
q −5 −11 −1
≠ 0. { 7 , 4
, 3

Whole Whole numbers are formed by { 0 , 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , … }

Numbers adding 0 to the set of natural
numbers. {0 ,2 , 4 ,6 , 7 , 9 , 12 ,15 , }

√ 9= 3 , √ 16=4
Counting ● Counting or Natural numbers { 1 , 2,3, 4 , 5 ,6 ,7 , … }
or are numbers used for counting.
Natural { 2,4 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 12, 15 }
√ 4 =2, √ 36 = 6
Arranging Real Numbers on the Number Line
In the previous lessons, you learned a lot about real numbers. For this lesson,
you will learn how to arrange the real numbers on a number line.
“Bahay Kubo”
Arrange the vegetables found inside the box on the
blanks provided based on their order of arrangement in
the traditional folk song “Bahay Kubo.” Write your
answers on your Mathematics notebook. You can sing
the song while doing this activity. Number 1 is done fo ryou.
In the “Bahay Kubo” activity, vegetables are arranged based on their
arrangement in the folk song “Bahay Kubo”. Just like that, real numbers are also
arranged in ascending order (i.e, from left to right) or descending order (i.e, from right to
left) in the number line. Recall that on the number line, there is a point for every real
number and a real number for every point.
Numbers found on the left are smaller than the numbers found on the right. So, if
a real number 2 is less than a real number 4, then 2 is found on the left side of 4 (see
figure 1).

Otherwise, a real number 4 is greater than a real number 2, then 4 is found on

the right side of 2 (see figure 2 below).

Hence, in arranging real numbers on the number line, it is important to

remember that a real number with a smaller value is found on the left side of a real
number with a larger value. Furthermore, a real number with a larger value is found at
the right side of a real number with a smaller value.

We also use symbols to efficiently communicate relationships between numbers

on the number line such as:


greater than ¿ 5>2
less than ¿ −1<0
equal ¿ 5=5
not equal ≠ 0≠5
approximately ≈ π ≈3.1416
greater than or equal to ≥ 9
less than or equal to ≤ 1
1.2 ≤
Example 1: Arrange the real numbers found inside the box on a number

a. Convert fraction to decimal
The given fraction is .
=1÷ 2=0.5

b. Arrange the given real numbers on the number line.


Since −3←1.15< <3.75< 4 , then - 3 is found on the left side of -
1 1
1.15; - 1.15 is found on the left side of ; is found on the left side of
2 2
3.75; and 3.75 is found on the left side of 4.

Example 2: Arrange the real numbers found inside the box on a number

a. Convert fractions to decimal
2 11
The given fractions are 2 and .
3 3
2 2
2 =2+ =2+ ( 2 ÷ 3 )=2+0.666 ≈ 2+0.67=2.67
3 3
and =11 ÷ 3=3.666 ≈ 3.67

b. Estimate the square root of a number

The given radical is √ 2, to estimate its square root:
Step1 : Find the perfect square numbers on either side of the radicand
The radicand 2 is found between the perfect square numbers 1 and
Step2 : Find the square root of the perfect square numbers.
√ 1=1 and √ 4=2
So, the √ 2 is found between 1 and 2. In symbols, 1< √ 2<2.
This means that √ 2 is a decimal number between 1 and 2.
Step3 : Plot the perfect square numbers on the number line.

1 2 3 4

In the figure above,

2 is closer to 1 than 4. Thus,
logically speaking, its square root must be closer to 1 than 2. That means
that √ 2 have to be somewhere between 1.01 and 1.5.

d. Arrange the given real numbers on the number line.


2 11
Since −1<0< √ 2<2 < , then −1 is found on the left side of
3 3
0; 0 is found on the left side of √ 2; √ 2 is found on the left side of 2 3 ; and
2 11
2 is found on the left side of .
3 3

Example 3: Arrange the real

numbers found inside the box
on a number line.
The given contains the irrational number π that is approximately
equal to 3.14. Then, follow the steps in example 2.

a. Convert fractions to decimal

5 1
The given fractions are −1 and .
6 3
5 5 5
6 6 ( ) ( )
−1 =−1 1 =−1 1+ =−1 [ 1+ (5 ÷ 6 ) ]=−1 ( 1+0.833333 )
≈−1 ( 1+0.83 )=−1 ( 1.83 )=−1.83 and
=1÷ 3=0.333 ≈ 0.33

b. Estimate the square root of a number

The given radical is √ 3. To estimate its square root:
Step 1: Find the perfect square numbers on either side of the radicand
The radicand 3 is between the perfect square numbers 1 and 4.
Step 2: Find the square root of the perfect square numbers.
√ 1=1 and √ 4=2
So, the √ 3 is between 1 and 2. In symbols, 1< √ 3<2. This
means that √ 3 is a decimal number found between 1 and 2.
Step 3: Plot the square numbers on the number line.

In the figure above, 3 is

closer to 4 than 1. Thus, logically
speaking, its square root must be closer to 2 than 1. That means that √ 3
have to be somewhere between 1.5 and 1.99.

c. Arrange the given real numbers on the number line.

5 1 5 1 1
Since −1 < < √3< 2< π , then −1 is found on the left side of ;
6 3 6 3 3
is found on the left side of √ 3; √ 3 is found on the left side of 2; and 2 is
found on the left side of π.

Word Problems
Arranging real numbers on a number line can also be applied in solving word
problems. Example of such is shown below.
Example 4: The Taguran family received rice from different sectors and
people. They received 10 kls of rice from their municipality, 5 kls from
3 11
their barangay, 7 kls from a private organization and kls from their
4 3
neighbour. Arrange the donors based on their donations in ascending order.

Step1 : Convert all the given fractions into decimal. The given fractions are
1 3 11
5 ,7 and . Thus we have,
2 4 3
1 1
5 =5+ =5+ ( 1 ÷ 2 )=5+0.5=5.5 ;
2 2
3 3
7 =7+ =7+ ( 3 ÷ 4 )=7+0.75=7.75 ; and
4 4
=11÷ 3=3.666 ≈ 3.67

Step2 : Arrange the given numbers 9, 8.5 and 15.5 on a number line.

can be
seen in the illustration above that 3.67<5.5<7.75< 10.

Step3 : Make a conclusion. Thus the answer is neighbour, barangay,

municipality and private organization.

Practice and Application

Activity 1 Check Me!
Direction: Check the set(s) to which each number belongs
Set of −3
Real -12 √ 21 5 3.45


Activity 2 Let’s Arrange!

Direction: Complete the number line by filling in the blanks. Choose

your answers from the numbers inside the box. Write
your answers in your Mathematics notebook.

AND 10


Do you know that the earth weighs 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons? Have

you heard that the human body contains 70,000 miles of blood vessels? Do you know
that it takes roughly 0.000000003 seconds for light to travel one meter? These are
some examples of big and small numbers facts. Do you think it is possible to read
and write these numbers in an easier way? What is the best way to represent very
large or very small numbers? Read on to find out!


1. Writes numbers in scientific notation and vice versa.

2. Represents real-life situations and solves problems involving real numbers.

AND 10


In writing numbers in scientific notation, the following steps are to be followed.

Step 1. Move the decimal point to 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
the right of a non-zero digit. Since the first nonzero digit of the
given number is 1, so the decimal
point is moved to the left.
Step 2. Count the number of places 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
you moved the decimal point. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Since the number of places the

decimal point moved is 11, so the
exponent of 10 is 11.
Step 3. The number of places the 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
decimal point moved is the 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5
exponent of 10. If the decimal point
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
is moved to the left the exponent is
In illustration 1, the exponent of 10
positive. If it is moved to the right,
is positive so, the answer is
the exponent is negative.
1.2x1011.. While in illustration 2, the
exponent is moved to the left, so
the exponent of 10 is negative. And
the answer is 2.5 x107

Writing Scientific Notation To Standard Notation

The following are the rules to follow in writing scientific notation to standard notation.
Rule: In writing scientific notation to Rule: In writing scientific notation to
standard form, move the decimal standard form, move the decimal
point to the right for positive point to the left for negative
exponent. exponent.
Example 1: Example 1:

3.128 x 103 = 3128. 3.9 x 10-2 = .039

Since the exponent is positive 3, we Since the exponent is negative 2, we

will move the decimal point three will move the decimal point two
times to the right, so our answer is times to the left, so our answer is
3128. 0.039.
Example 2:
Example 2:
6.4 x 104 = 64 000.
6.12 x 10-5
= .0000612
Since the exponent is positive 4, we
will move the decimal point four Since the exponent is negative 5, we
times to the right, so our answer is will move the decimal point five
64 000. times to the left, so our answer is

Practice and Application

Activity 1.
Write the following to standard notation. Write your answer on your Mathematics
1. 4.3 x 104 3. 1.08 x 10−4 5. 2x10-2

2. 3.05 x 10−6 4. 4 x 1011

Activity 2. Fill Me In
Direction: Fill in the blanks. Write your answers in your paper.

Standard Notation Scientific Notation

1. The estimated population of the Philippines is

110 000 000.

2. The average width of human hair is 0.0008m.

3. Average number of Region X students who

enjoyed Mathematics classes is 1,340.

Assessment - Reflect on this

Having studied this module on Scientific Notation, do you agree that Scientific notation
is the best way to represent very large or very small numbers? Cite specific evidences
to support your answer. Write your answer in paragraph form.

My Realizations on Scientific Notation

Direction: Answer the following question.

3. Which of the following is a well – defined set?

A. The set of happy people.
B. The set of good teachers.
C. The set of enjoyable subjects.
D. The set of Philippine Presidents.

4. Which of the following is an INFINITE set?

A. {a,b,c,d,e}
B. {2,4,6, 8,…,800}
C. (xIx is an integer between -60 and 60}.
D. {xIx is a whole number greater than 20}
3. Which of the following numbers is the smallest?
4 4 4
A. B. C. D.
0.4 0.44 0.444
4. What are the two square roots of 169?

E. -12 and -12

F. -13 and -13
G. -12 and +12
H. -13 and + 13
5. Which number is NOT a perfect square?

A. 121 B. 132 C. 169 D. 196

6. It is a number that cannot be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
C. Square Root
D. Perfect square
C.Rational number
D. Irrational number
7. Find the product: ¿)
7 3
A. - C.
40 40
3 8
B. - D.
40 40
8. Which of the following statements is always TRUE?
A. Some whole numbers are not rational.
B. All rational numbers are integers.
C. All whole numbers are integers.
D. All integers are whole numbers.

9. When (19 + 2) + 14 is expressed to associative property, which of the

following expressions is this equal to?
C. 2(14 + 19) C. 19 + (2 + 14)
D. 19(2 + 14) D. (19 + 2) + (2 + 14)
10. What is the absolute value of 7?
B. –7 B. 0 C. 7 D. 14

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