General Requirements For Welding of Piping

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Welding of piping

LS 145-10

General requirements

Part 01
Page 1 of 7

Scope ................................................................2
References ........................................................2
2.1 Normative references ........................................2
2.2 Informative references ......................................2
Abbreviations and definitions ............................2
Requirements for the CONTRACTOR ..............3
4.1 Health and safety ..............................................3
4.2 Quality management system.............................3
4.3 Subcontracting of work......................................3
4.4 Welding specifications .......................................3
4.5 Welding qualifications .......................................3
4.6 Welding consumables .......................................5
Performance of work .........................................5
5.1 General requirements .......................................5
5.2 Welding supervision ..........................................6
5.3 Weld marking ....................................................6
5.4 Postweld heat treatment ...................................6
Testing / examination ........................................6
Documentation ..................................................6
Annex A
(normative) Forms..................................7
Annex B
(normative) Normative documents for
application in the People's Republic of
China .......................................................7

Remarks on the current issue:

Revision: general revision
Previous issues: 08.95, 08.98, 10.00, 05.01, 11.04, 05.07, 07.10
Responsible department(s) for the technical content: GCQ
Confidentiality class 2 in accordance with LS 104-03: For project specific use only



GCQ / Henn

GCQ / Helmreich

LEHQ-ENM1S / Alekseev



GC-QM / Henn

GC-QM / Helmreich

TAW-N / Alekseeva



TM-Q / Henn

TM / Walser

TAW-N / Schmitt







Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division

Issue 07/08.2012

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 2 of 7


This Linde Standard (LS) contains general minimum requirements for the welding of piping made of metallic
materials for fabrication in workshops and on site including prefabrication. It shall apply to fabrication of new as
well as to repair and modification of existing pipe systems and piping. These minimum requirements do neither
release the CONTRACTOR from the adherence to the general acknowledged rules of technology nor from the
observance of over ranking standards and codes requirements.
Project-specific requirements have priority over this LS. Deviation from this LS shall be approved by COMPANY
in writing in advance.



Normative references

This LS contains provisions which, through dated or undated references in this text, constitute provisions of
other publications. The normative references are cited at the respective place in the text and the publications
are listed below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do
not apply. For undated references, the issues valid at the effective date of contract shall apply.
ISO 3834-2

Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive

quality requirements
Quality management systems - Requirements
Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys
Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys
Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code - Section IX: Welding and brazing qualifications
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive
quality requirements
Welding of piping Welding consumables

ISO 9001
ISO 9606-2
ISO 9606-4
EN 287-1
GB/T 12467.2-2009
LS 145-10 Part 02


Informative references

ISO 4063
EN 10204

Welding and allied processes - Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers

Metallic products - Types of inspection documents

Abbreviations and definitions



LINDE AG, Engineering Division

The party which is awarded a contract from COMPANY
The party which is awarded a contract from CONTRACTOR

Manual metal arc welding (metal arc welding with covered electrode);
shielded metal arc welding. Reference number 111
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding using inert gas and solid filler material
(wire/rod). Reference number 141
Gas Metal Arc welding using active gas and flux cored electrode.
Reference number 138

according to
ISO 4063

Designation followed by a dimensionless number for the nominal diameter acc. to DIN/EN
Non Destructive Examination
Designation followed by a dimensionless number for the nominal diameter acc. to ASME
Procedure Qualification Record
Welding Procedure Specification

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division

Issue 07/08.2012

Requirements for the CONTRACTOR


Health and safety

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 3 of 7

National health and safety regulations / standards with regard to welding shall be observed.


Quality management system

The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of an adequate quality management system, e.g. according to
ISO 9001 or
shall fulfill the requirements of ISO 3834-21 as a minimum.
COMPANY reserves the right to review the implementation of the quality management requirements.


Subcontracting of work

Subcontracting of welding work, heat treatment and examination of welds by the CONTRACTOR needs the
approval in writing by COMPANY. The adherence to all requirements stipulated by contract including the
observance of this LS remains the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. COMPANY reserves the right to audit


Welding specifications

For welds on pressure bearing piping, incl. repair welding and tack welding, qualified welding processes acc. to
the specified code with relevant WPS shall be used. These documents prepared by the CONTRACTOR incl. a
summary list (WPS-List) shall be submitted to COMPANY for review prior to start of fabrication.
WPS documents and the WPS-List shall contain an allocation of applicable pipe classes to the WPS.


Welding qualifications

Applicable regulations and standards for qualification of welding processes, welding supervisors and welding
personnel / operators shall be taken from the project specifications.
Prior to start welding on sites or on prefabrication places each welder shall pass a welder performance test for
the materials to be welded and for the welding processes to be used. The CONTRACTOR bears the costs. The
test shall take place in presence of COMPANY; the CONTRACTOR is responsible for provision of test pieces
and welding consumables as well as for testing and evaluation of the test pieces (test piece dimensions and
welding positions see Figure 1 and 2).
As a part of the welder site approval, the first 3 pipe welds of each welder shall be radiographed resp. ultrasonic
tested in addition to the specified scope of non-destructive testing. The CONTRACTOR bears the costs.
The conditions for welder performance test specified in Table 1 shall apply to welders who have already been
qualified for welding according to project related code requirements. The test pieces shall be welded according
to valid WPS.
The record 'Welder performance test' according to LS 145-10 Part 01, Form 01 shall be used for the
documentation of the welder performance test.

For application in the People's Republic of China see Annex B

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division

Issue 07/08.2012

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 4 of 7


a) Pipe axis horizontal

b) Pipe axis vertical

Figure 1: Test piece DN 150 / NPS 6

a) Pipe axis horizontal

b) Pipe axis vertical

Figure 2: Test piece < DN 150 / NPS 6

Table 1: Welder performance test

Conditions and
Welding process

1), 6)

Material of test piece

Unalloyed and lowalloy steel

( 2,5% Cr, 1%Mo)
Carbon steel

Materials to be welded
(3,5% bis 9% Ni)
(austenitic and


(> 2,5% Cr)





DN 150 / NPS 6 (1 test piece acc. Fig. 1), length 350mm
and FCAW:
< DN 150 / NPS 6 (2 test pieces acc. Fig. 2), length 350mm
- Pipe axis horizontal, welding positions: flat, vertical-up, overhead acc.
GTAW/SMAW to Figure 1a.
and FCAW:
- Pipe axis vertical, welding pos. horizontal acc. to Figure 1b.
Welding positions
- Test piece 1: pipe axis horizontal, welding positions: flat, vertical-up,
overhead acc. to Figure 2a.
- Test piece 2: pipe axis vertical, welding pos.: horizontal acc. to Figure 2b.
Distance of the test piece to the floor max. 600 mm
- Visual: excessive root and cap penetration < 2mm, no negative root, single undercuts < 0.5mm
Evaluation 5)
- Radiography: acc. to applicable Code
LS 145-10 Part 01, Form 01 shall be used and filed by CONTRACTOR.
At acceptance of the combined process GTAW/SMAW a separate GTAW-testing is not required.
- GTAW with CrNi/Al-backing ring or
- GTAW both-sides simultaneously welding or
- GTAW one-side welding
Tests shall be performed for welding processes concerned.
The most critical material of each group shall be used.
GTAW with backing ring: DN 150 / NPS 6 (1 test piece):
- Pipe axis horizontal, welding positions: flat, vertical-up, overhead acc. to Figure 1a.
- Pipe axis vertical, welding position horizontal acc. to Figure 1b.
GTAW both-sides simultaneously: DN 300 / NPS 12 (1 test piece) acc. to Figure 1a:
- Pipe axis horizontal, pipe rotating, welding position vertical-up.
GTAW one-side welding: < DN 150 / NPS 6 (1 test piece) acc. to Figure 2a:
- Pipe axis horizontal, pipe rotating, welding position flat.
No grinding of root or top layer accepted after completion of weld.
The use of other welding processes requires approval by COMPANY.
Test piece

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division


Issue 07/08.2012

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 5 of 7

Welding consumables

The welding consumables shall be suitable for the welding processes and the materials to be joined.
CONTRACTOR shall provide an inspection document, e.g. 'Test report 2.2' according to EN 10204. The
mechanical properties and the resistance against corrosion of the weld deposit shall meet the requirements of
the base metal. The temperature limits of the welding consumables shall correspond with the design
temperatures of the piping. Manufacturer's recommendations shall be observed as far as storage and handling
of the welding consumables are concerned.
For welding consumables recommended by COMPANY see LS 145-10 Part 02.



Performance of work
General requirements
Prior to start of welding work the CONTRACTOR shall take care for appropriate protection against
atmospheric influences.
During welding of the root and 2nd layer the pipe ends shall be closed.
Pressure bearing butt welds and socket welds shall be min. 2-layer welds with weld-stops and-starts
staggered. Butt welds shall be performed as full penetration welds.
For metal temperatures < 5 C or at danger of condensate formation the weld zone shall be preheated to
at least 80 C.
During welding the earthing shall be fixed on the welded part besides the weld.
The alignment of piping or flange connections by means of welding or other heat input shall be defined in
a written procedure which requires prior COMPANY approval.
The inner diameters of circumferential welds shall be aligned by mechanical work, if required. A slope of
min. 1:3 shall be kept.
A non-slagging welding process shall be used for the root pass on single sided welds of process lines. For
field assembly welds only the GTAW process will be accepted for root welding.
Semiautomatic and automatic welding processes shall not be used for site welding. For pre-fabrication
workshops these processes may be accepted under the provision, that skill and experience can be
proven and US-testing shall be performed in addition to radiography in the specified extent.
The welds on orifice flanges shall be ground flush on the inside. This shall be documented by
CONTRACTOR on the isometric drawings and verified by COMPANY.
Temporary or permanent attachment welds on pressure retaining piping parts are subject to the same
requirements as for piping welds. The length of such welds shall be min. 20 mm.
The material of welded attachments to piping parts shall be identifiable.
In order to minimize the distortion of flange sealing surfaces, flanges DN 700 / NPS 28 should be
counter-flanged during welding.
Seal welding of threaded joints shall be carried out in such a way, that sealing agents (PTFE, sealing
paste etc.) are completely removed prior to welding. Threads shall be covered by the weld seam.
Interpass temperature for austenitic materials shall be 170C.
Austenitic pipes shall be purged with purging gas during the entire welding process. In case the specified
annealing colour (straw yellow) at the top layer or root zone can not be obtained, the CONTRACTOR
shall pickle relevant welds and heat affected zones at his own expense. Pickling agents containing
chloride shall not be used.
For the use of purging paper a written approval by COMPANY is required.
Valves shall be welded in the open position only.
After pressure testing welding work is not admissible on pressure-retaining parts of the piping system.
Longitudinal and circumferential welds which will be covered by welded attachments shall be subject to
radiographic or ultrasonic testing across the covered area prior to welding the attachment.
Crossing welds shall be avoided. If they can not be avoided, they shall be subject to radiographic or
ultrasonic testing.
Distance of butt welds: 6 x pipe wall thickness, however minimum 50 mm.
Prior to assembly, the inside of the piping shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Welding on piping exposed to external forces is not permitted.
Welding machines, heat treatment devices and electrode furnaces shall be checked regularly by experts
on their adjustment range. The devices shall be marked by a label with the due date of the next

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division


Issue 07/08.2012

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 6 of 7

Welding supervision

The CONTRACTOR is responsible for welding supervision performed by qualified personnel. An actual welders
list incl. welder start and stop dates with welder's qualification records shall be handed to COMPANY. The
welding repair rate per welder (number of welds volumetrically examined to welds repaired) shall be determined
and documented continuously by the CONTRACTOR. The applicable repair rates per material group shall be
reported to COMPANY on a weekly basis each for the reporting period and in total.


Weld marking

Each weld shall be marked with the welder mark and weld number directly beside the weld. For steel piping
( 5 mm wall thickness) the marking shall be hard-stamped using low stress stamps. Welds with wall
thicknesses < 5 mm as well as all non-ferrite materials (e.g. austenitic CrNi-steel, aluminium, CuNi-materials)
shall be marked by engraving. The weld marking shall be transferred to the welding documentation (see
Para. 7) and shall be maintained on the component until mechanical completion of the plant.


Postweld heat treatment

Postweld heat treatment such as stress-relieving shall be performed if required by Code or if required in addition
to Code, e.g. for fluid-specific requirements. The heat treatment parameters such as annealing temperature,
holding time, heating and cooling rates shall be taken from codes and/or material standards and shall be
qualified by welding procedure qualifications (PQRs).
The total annealing time (e.g. if further heat treatment cycle required after weld repair) shall be qualified by the
welding procedure qualifications (PQRs)
Unless specified otherwise, for unalloyed and low-alloy steels the hardness of the weld deposit and heat
affected zone shall not exceed the hardness of the base material +100.
For stress relieving of annealed base materials the temperature shall be minimum 30C below the annealing
temperature of the base material.

Testing / examination

Testing of welds shall be performed acc. project specifications by qualified personnel. The extent of the NDE as
well as test pressure shall be taken from the piping lists and/or piping documents. Pressure test medium shall
be agreed with COMPANY.
NDE shall always be performed in the course of fabrication covering all welders involved and proportionally preand field-fabrication welds.
At detection of a defect the requirements of applicable code shall apply. If the code does not stipulate
requirements, the following shall apply:

DN 300 / NPS 12: Two further welds (tracer welds) welded by the same welder and welding process,
shall be examined for each weld to be repaired. If a defect is found again, two further welds per
unacceptable tracer weld shall be examined.
> DN 300 / NPS 12: Two further welds (tracer welds) welded by the same welder and welding process,
shall be examined per defect found, in a critical area of min. 20% of the weld length. If a defect is found
again, two further welds per defect found shall be examined in a critical area of min. 20% of the weld

If a defect is found in the 2nd tracer weld selection, all welds of the welder and welding process involved
shall be examined.

Unacceptable welders shall be stopped immediately. COMPANY shall be informed in writing. Additionally
examined welds due to weld repairs shall be excluded from the specified testing scope and to the
CONTRACTORs account.


Directly after completion, the welds, the performed heat treatments and NDE shall be documented with a clear
correlation to each other. Extent and setup of the documentation to be supplied to COMPANY shall be taken
from the project specifications.

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)

Linde AG, Engineering Division

Issue 07/08.2012

LS 145-10 Part 01

Page 7 of 7

Annex A

Form 01



Welding of piping Welder performance test Record

02 / 08.2012

For editing the Form click on the title.

Annex B

Normative documents for application in the

People's Republic of China
Code / Standard referenced in the LS
ISO 3834-2 Quality requirements for fusion welding
of metallic materials - Part 2:
Comprehensive quality requirements

Code / Standard may be applied in the

People's Republic of China
GB/T 12467.2*) Quality requirements for fusion welding
of metallic materials - Part 2:
Comprehensive quality requirements

*) GB/T 12467.2-2009 are identical with ISO 3834-2:2005

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016.

File name:

LS 145-10.T01 (EN)


Welding of piping

Welder performance test

LS 145-10


Part 01
Form 01

Issue 02 / 08.2012

Page 1 of 1

Project No:

Project Code:


This Welder Performance Test shall prove the capability of the welder to perform acceptable weld seams under typical
welding conditions at construction/pre-fabrication site. The test shall be performed acc. to approved WPS prior to start of
production welding. This test shall not replace the welder qualification according to applicable Construction Code.
Stamp No.:

Name, Surname:
EN 287-1

Qualified acc. to

ISO 9606-2

ISO 9606-4


Performance test piece:

Welding process


Base metal


Welding position

Preheating temp. C

Welding consumable:
Standard designation

Trade name

Shielding gas
Other details


Backing gas
CrNi backing ring

Joint preparation:
Radiographic test:

CrNi+Al backing ring

Joint geometry, edge misalignment, gap, root face



Excessive root and cap penetration < 2 mm, no

negative root, single undercuts < 0.5 mm






Gamma Ray





Welders test certificates acc. Code have been verified

Signature / Date

Signature / Date


Linde AG

File name:

LS 145-10.T01-F01 (EN)

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