The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (commonly
referred to as ICD) is an extensive list of (alpha-numeric) codes used since 1900 to classify
diseases and conditions and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints,
social circumstances and external causes of injury or disease. The ICD is published by the World
Health Organization (WHO). The ICD is used worldwide for morbidity and mortality statistics,
reimbursement systems, and automated decision support in medicine.
The United States is required to use the ICD for the classification of diseases and injuries that are
reported on the death certificate under an agreement with WHO. By using the ICD, the U.S. and
all vital records registration areas collect, process, and disseminate coded mortality data in a
similar way to other countries around the world. This permits comparison of mortality (cause of
death) data across and within countries. Periodically, new revisions are developed to reflect
advances in medical science.
The latest version or ICD-10, as it is commonly known, was first used in 1999 to codify and
report information from death certificates in the United States. ICD-11 is planned for 2015 and
will be revised using Web 2.0 principles. Annual minor updates and three-yearly major updates
are published by WHO.
ICD codes are assigned to all causes and conditions reported by the certifying physician, medical
examiner or coroner on the death certificate. That information is then used to determine the
underlying cause of death to report aggregate and comparable mortaility statistics.
See Underlying Cause of Death and Major (Leading) Causes of Death on this site for more
information on these other commonly used vital statistics terms directly linked to the use of ICD
The NCHS ICD-10 site provides numerous links, documents and data examples for ICD codes
including International Classification of Diseases - 10th Revision (NCHS brochure)
View/download PDF 209 KB and A Guide to State Implementation of ICD-10 for Mortality,
Part I
An electronic version of ICD-10 and more detailed information on the ICD system is available at
the World Health Organization's site.
Hardcopy versions of the three-volume set of ICD-10 are available from:
WHO Publications Center USA
49 Sheridan Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Tel: 1-518-436-9686
Fax: 1-518-436-7433
5. Technical Notes:
• The process of converting to a new ICD revision affects many aspects of the mortality
data system including revision of instruction manuals, medical software, and
analyses. See the above link to the NCHS ICD-10 web site for more information on this
• When revisions to the ICD occur, it is important to develop and use comparability ratios
to understand and instruct data users about the differences. Of particular concern is the
external cause of injury coding for 1999 and later, based on the ICD-10 classification
system, which is notably different from external cause coding (E-codes) for 1998 and
earlier years, based on the ICD-9 classification system. You may not be able to compare
numbers of deaths and death rates computed for some external causes of injury based on
1999 and later data to those based on data from 1998 and earlier. Consequently, use
caution when doing trend analysis of numbers of injury deaths and injury death rates
across these years. Go to the NCHS Comparability web site for more information on
this issue. A comparability table across all revisions for leading causes is also available.
• While the ICD is used for coding causes and conditions reported on the death certificate,
the ICD-CM (Clinical Modification) which is a more detailed list of codes (six digits as
opposed to the four digits used for ICD) is used primarily for coding of diagnoses and for
reimbursement purposes by the medical professions/clinicians, healthcare facilities, and
third party health insurance payors. More information on ICD-CM can be accessed at the
NCHS web site separately for ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM (with an anticipated
implementation date of October 1, 2013).
• In addition to ICD and ICD-CM, ICD-O (International Classification of Diseases for
Oncology) is used by tumor or cancer registries for coding the site (topography) and the
histology (morphology) of the neoplasm. The latest version is ICD-O-3 (third
edition) and the coding structure is similar to ICD-10. In fact, the ICD-O topography
codes or rubrics C00-C80 are based on the malignant neoplasm section of ICD-
10. However, ICD-O includes morphology (M) codes to further define the kind of tumor
that has developed and how it behaves. ICD-O codes are used for defining and reporting
cancer incidence while ICD-10 codes are used for defining and reporting cancer
mortality. Go to the National Cancer Institute’s SEER (Surveillance Epidemiology and
End Results) web site for more information on the ICD-O.
• The dates of use for the first ICD and all revisions are as follows:
o ICD-1 (1900-1909)
o ICD-2 (1910-1920)
o ICD-3 (1921-1929)
o ICD-4 (1930-1938)
o ICD-5 (1939-1948)
o ICD-6 (1949-1957)
o ICD-7 (1958-1967)
o ICD-8, adapted (1968-1978)
o ICD-9 (1979-1998)
o ICD-10 (1999 – present)