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sea Poorman to cOIoEATA [owe [ese | Sm’ | eng [ne | [ETT [a [ean mane | mel 2 [ww lm |e] [eectaol ole Ts ums EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12:SEP-019.00K / 204K ; Technip kernyes PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘AIG PIPING SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT RAY. Decumant Cas TI Focus ane slap D2 reecouranr anew ES treeteeemite Ds rercommr erin i seer D1 reneman cy a ee SS eS ee apw et—3 20} dars Bumorg ye / Bueup surewuco 8 WO} OLgM JOD» ‘inibe jo uoneaquan send 0u 3 aes voTonsue> eh ide seu payound jo soueieoa poe uBnosuinen 180] assed eye eso euop 04 vetweg uijoods niin 30 vo pavodas Ueyjensve5 Nal Aa poor 1 9049 ephy-ud |_voneoussn pe sopnour dou eyo wed ue I } ON IaaHS NOUWoWUSNr BSNodsSY waaNIONA SiNanoo Anvanoo oN 3804 | TESS SINAHOD ‘eyes YEN IM Uosieg UoRoY pee? KuedUOD vezuoozony ananzomen v coma eit oe0%e Nod 1534 oNY 1831 Sunssaud WIShS DNs oY on vom squny Bion arse nu, Bien wunoog ‘ess uuvaniayrdLosore oewzm0 vasszeevnronrosone | rioemieo “asi nuvaivansntocors ea ova. eatuBHE, YOLDYELNOD | oo sovesjo email. ANVaNOD | Five LWT 41338 NOILN10834 SINSWHOD ONIMVa /NaMNZO A ‘8cré «N LOBrOwd lav NEV NHiOSL firey Tapa MIrOZOMOO-6L0-daS~Z}-ST-Ode "ON LOVELNOO VAWSY. ohh 419370¥d (GHMALNBOTWH 3H Hod SyalOm Daae107 000g Pe) pausjaid ov; s: Bujoqe7 ‘aIsonbaT Se PaVaTYEH Hue FayeIaU way OTe ue UoUeUod ou ose pue seu0 146 ‘voie 10) ant sawed COT TOE OTERO LETS ‘Bupsy yound pio ped 191 ip Jo sseUa}}sw0D | uO OD AUEdIOD Jo rtuied ‘usted oul ~ "ez poppy 124 young pue uBnaypien so} y20q ev tued WoL 04740 eeoupeos oxy seyuen 00 lo}enUOg = F's POPPY ze POPPE / PoULnO #1 peysseiD=p Jo 859 pue OOM PAION | AP ogee ‘a ae “ON 133HS Nowvolsuisne /3sNodsau ¥BaNIONa SINaWMO9 ANYANOO ron oBea “SHS SINaANOD 33H NOLLMIOS=y SINSAMOD ONIMYa / INZWNZO ‘O60¥6 eN LO3POwd IBVHG navy dINHOAL huey ‘WI-0Z0/MOO'6L0-d3S-Z}-STOda “ON LOVHANOO WANS ar duyear 405roud (@HMTALNGOTWH BHI BOs SyRIOM Daa =sie abeg ( Bue Uns) SuoRIpUSD jejveuTuGHAUE ew S| VORBIARISIOS Aue SaL 9 soueidansy ys9) oyoade © you e104) doip eunssad 40} 8 (eequnu | | ans ewes yim eed ow aie oso) ¢'¢9 t8u09| Leo | 99'S 01 €'5'G woy poBueyo iso, o7E}S0IEKH ‘posney, 5S I ToRETIOD TOSED BURG INS Tr eS ue oye oj Bupos sj wo ofeop aPC eae (panne 208) Pou Wlog NSO UM HOLOVELNOD Aq poUyap $1 s}e¥S25 Jo uIPOD 40109, ‘nun eeuyBinuied fg > poquausydus 24 pious woisks Susner0) 950 S10 ‘ON LaHS NoWWOIJUSor '3SNOdS=Y WEBNIONS SANSWHIOD ANVaNOD ren abea Sais EINSHNOD 4133H8 NOLNIOS=Y SINSMOD ONIMYua / ANZWNZOG 26086 .N LO3rOud lava Nav INO hire Wales 2 9z0D400"8|0-g35°2)-S1Dda "ON LOVLNOD VANE sax210 y of ve. uonee) isoreupKy seue Pasian | 40 (y voce) ismosphy aiojag : ul adh aus Yau | O1# IEG Teer Oy TapuRaay yueauaM pyoooIey ppesinsei| 40} Jo198} Aiduynus enbicy 30} jDauI0g 0} odkL| GH IUIOE (SPT ZFC aL "Goupronoe popu vseg se zo HEI enordde pue mana Jo} 400 jenoidde Aueduod 10) anss, ‘2uop jse} aunssexc smo PreuBue aq pines suo! 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Project Speciation 44 Projet Procedures 5 TESTING AcriVTiES 5.1 Tost Deion 5.2.General 5. Test Package: 54 Test Preparation 55 Test Execution {56 Reinstatement Medications ‘Appendix 7.1 ~Test Pack Numbering ‘Appendix: 72 Pneumatic Leak Test ‘Append 73 — Baltes Connections ‘Appendix 74 ~ PunctvCheck ist ‘Append 7.5 — Method of Statement for Golden Jom ‘Appendix 7.8 Test Pack Flow Chart ‘Appendix 7.7 ~ Applicable QCF (las revision)a we [2] ova ee _| ee Pe ni __EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT kan KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12 SEP-O10-00K /C204K P emya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 4 inTRODUCTION ‘Al-lball Petrochemical Company KEMYA nas contracted TECHNIP — Franee Abu [Dhabi (TECHNIP to pertorm the EPC Werks forthe Helobuy! (HEI Project as pat ofthe Saud Elastomer Program (SEP). ‘The Halobuty Facity is a pat of a lager Saudi Elastomer Project (SEP) venture betwoon ExxonMebil and SABIC intonded te procuce an ary ol chemical feed stocks, elastomers and related products. Ths is @ Greenfield olan sta adjacent to ‘an evicting operating plant, to be situated wahin the Alsiibal Petrochemical ‘Company Complex a KEM, lestad in A-Jubal Insbial Ci, Kngdor of Saud arabia ‘The scope of this Project inctudes only the Helabutyl Fact. The proses for the Holobuty| Facily employs the leense from Excnivebl Chemsal Technelegy sensing EMCTL) 2 PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this Procedure is to define Company, Contractor ani Subcontractor ules and responsibilies cn AG Pring Preseure Tet preparation, execution, sr Feinstatement atthe eonenstion ate ‘This procedure makes reference to the Project Speciation and Coses ised below in the pera 4, ging additonal requirements and defring the Management ofthe Test Diagrams and eated Prong Pressure Test. ‘This Procedure does not api the piping services such 2s HVAC & plumbing (under Bullsing Quay Canal Pian), and sewer (under Givi Quality Cental Plan, ‘This procedure wil apply to EPC-LS-12.SEP.020:K contracts (WORK executed at i ove nll Sao ia i ‘he roca sabe ted ncnsa norte COMPANY ethect, | roe tb ae poet von ses i FX rnovocr i The eon eto ative are non prey. i Hat patton i conPan hal Peter Copan Kea i contract ferent Doria rd moet Spectesin if CONTRACTOR: ‘TECHNIP — France Abu Dhabi (TECHNIP) Hy SubContacor A company engaged. by CONTRACTOR for | h EOMMP FRANCE Ae Ohad 20557 -EMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONPIDENTIL, mo |e [on | me [0 woe [we [re] es | 3] Lins __EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT = KEMVA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12-SEP-O18-00K/0201K emye! Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT secaized enareerng or constucbon seve, iPr, intelectun Property rotation Requterents Licensor Exvonkcbil Chemical Technology Licensing, LLC ener), Plant Holobuty_ Facity es desorbed in PROJECT ‘SPECIFICATION Project Specification Collection of documents enited “Saud Elastomers Project, Halobuty Fact" ssued to CONTRACTOR by COMPANY, proving detaled descrptin of WORK and PLANT ste {All locations at which CONTRACTOR performs any portion of the wok (Construction and inetalaion) WoRK EPC actviies of PLANT by CONTRACTOR as ‘described in Project Spectioston 32 Abbreviations/Acronyms cs Bolted Connection Joint comme CCetfed Material Test Report Mert ‘ExxonMobil Chemeal Technelogy Lionsng o olden Joint He. Hatobuty HSE Heath, Safety & Enuionment emt Integrated Project Management Team PP Intellectual Property Protein NCR 'Non-Conformance Repart NOE Non Destuetve Examination NoT "Non Destuetve Testing PaiD Piping & Instrumentation Design PL Punch List Put Positive Materia entation PP Project Procedure POR Procedure Qualification Record Psv Pressure Saety Vabe PwHr Pst Weld Heat Treatment an ‘Qualty Assurance ac ‘Qvalty Control ace ‘Quality Control PianSSeMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL, 1 t 1 a Lint —__EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT ESS KEMVACONTRACTNG EPCLSABOEPOIROOR oO emya Technip PRESSURE TEST ANO TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘acre att Conta Form anise ‘ua, Hat, Safety and Envronment rr Request Fer specton sac Saud Base Indsties Corporation ser South Easton Project 7 Test Digram teat Creu ee Text Pack Coot TPF Tet Pack Flier res “est Pace Tracking Shoat wes Wiking Procedure Spctcaon 4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 41 COMPANY Documents Fatoweg Retro are many contained ino the nection tis package: 178 Reference Part rj Spctestions;Sacton 4 je Execution inven, Santon? Guaty ‘acurnce & Gully Cora Sexton V5 0, Ordar of Precedence Cony of a the stove mentoned references, evenly updas a6 por The ‘ental, hab ket vetele ree! promis buh at heme fice ards. 42 Codes ASME B91 3 Press Ping 42 Project Specticstions Povess Presto Testing and Layp Procedures rovers Saety Inston Sets roveat Ceanrg Regremens cf Ping Systems rosea bur Code Cron Pro.cor Feld Fasten ond Erection Parcot Swoon of BoteEIA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENT, EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT a KEMVA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12 SEP-O18-00K /O204K emya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 28.601 Pipe Joints a4 Project Procedures Refer tothe Projact Procedure Mari! S406C-R10-PP-100 forthe ul averview of ‘he whole Project Procedures Follewing ae lstad nly the Project Procedures montoned inthis document 4050-10-PP-200 Site IPP Pen 4080 R10-PP-04 (Contractor Punch Uist 94090-R10-PP-820 Field Engineering Procedure o400c-R10.PP-822 Ste Welding and Weldess Management ‘94000-810-PP-850 ‘Site Quality lan 405-810-7853, “Treceabilty Procedure ‘09¢-R10-PP-900 Pre-commissoning Execution Plan 94080: R10-PP.902 Project Systm st 94090-R10-PP-903 Precommissioning Quaty Control Pan 4090-180 1300.04 Spec for Piping Fabricatonrection pice ‘occ: Spteteaton for Caer Coding For Pina R10-NM 00221001 Mechanical Line List Piping feigned ieee. Ue Ut in (Fee War, Coan gent an ‘ace 1320.02 Construction Qualty Cont Plan - Pld and ISO DrawingsEMA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENT REET AER [aber comenree —]—— SS | EGET Lins 4s Epc WORKS FoR THe HALoBUTY. (ts) pRovECT [NE KENWACONTRACTNG EPCLSZSEHOTS-OOK C20 emnya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT & _TESTNG Acrwmes 64 _TeatDetinton Th proce sppos the folowing dentin: ‘ext Diagram felines te tts of ping ont exiomort cet crean fated ch noe tse bt te teat gram Shall ince as rach ppng leg 3 posible lone ter ser a) Test Pack Folder dossier collecting drawings, QC Reports, and ‘documents belong tothe seme piping ines (Testing ‘Creu tobe Preebure Tested together Piping System Interconnected ping (Testing Cicut) autect tothe same set or sts of design condos tobe Pressure ‘Tested Pressure Test + Hydrostatic Test: a pressure fst cordcted sing water or ether approved quis athe est ‘moat ‘+ Strength Test: a pressure test at an itemal pressure deteranod in accordance wih this Standard and the applicable code to very the integrity of he pping systems for serve ste eign pressure, Tie cefiniion appl fo a hnytestatic leak est in B31.3 *Phoumatic Leak Test: a pressure tes conducted Using arr other approved gas as thetest tectum “+ Hyarostatle Proumatic Leak Test: 2 combsnation of Hyostae-Preumalc oak Test accorcing fo requrements of clause 3456 of ‘ASME B31 3. (EXCLUDED) + Sensitive Leak Test: 2 low pressure test ‘conducted using gas ae medium as pe clause ‘346.8 of ASME-B 91.3. (EXCLUDED) + Tightness Test: a pressure testo ence tightness of the piping system (ie no aks inthe system) al the test pressure Sorvice lak Test This is atest conducted using the service id a the {est fid. The lest pressure shall_be_ operating pressure of tho syetom. This teste appenble only to Ding in catopory D Mid. service at the Owners ‘ontlon, Fr other deals refer to clause # 348.13) of ASMEB 31.2 VisualLeakTest Piping System visually examined when the pipng & operating at atmosphere conditions Such as ven, 0 8007657 - UNEKEMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ETA DELETE ESF DONT —— mo [2 [om [me | o ci sl =e | Lins __EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT ia KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12SEP-018.00KC201K emye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Akein and piping downstream of pressure raving fevces that eischarge ec ote atmosphere 52 General 524 Thewhole Pressure Test execution spit in several man actives and phases, a¢ folowe > TestPackage _(Enginering) paras 3 TestPreparaion —{Constueton) pares > TestExecaion” —(Constucton) para % Renstatement (ConstetonPrecom) para 6 522 Allactiles related othe hytotestng shal be corse bythe Tet Pack Cooranatr (TPC). The TPC wil be fespansib to lon up al worn ph such a: > Coontinaton ofthe Engnsoring sity Conte, nd Cenarion tam, > Coordination ofthe signature of the ivelved persaoel en TP Tracking Sheet, Coordination othe aces of punch Ist and reated clearance, Updating te stustion of test pace, } Althoizaten ofthe Pressure eet % ‘dhorcaton ofthe Reinstatement } Aushotaten of contolately valve rerstatn, > ‘Authorization of nsirumentsiComponens ensiaiatin, > Clearance nd Closure ofthe Tea Pack Folser, 523 Both Subcontacor and Contractor will appoint a Test Pack Coordar in their organization 53 Test Package (Engineering Phase) 531 TestPackage Foider (TPF) 1 At care of the Sucontracto the Test Pack Fader (QCForm W54) shat be propared before Test xeovton and will incude information during and after hyrotest, and the ‘olowing documents » Test Pack Tracking Shoo, o collect Inspectors signature (QCForm WS10) > & ded marked up (Test Diagram), with sation lms ertied (Bind postionad) 180 red marked up cony including the weld map, wth bind pastioned, manifold vents, drainages, gages. eventual feuble comecions between various Ines pat ‘ofthe same tos)KEWYA PROPRIETARY AND COMEDIAN, m0 z 007 PR 7 ‘saoac [R10 | PP a -1™ ni) EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (hs) PROJECT APL ghiyA CONTRACT No: EPCLSZSEP-O1BOOK 020K) Kemya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Test Symbos Isolation Bn List (QCForm W618) Reinslalatio List, after Pressure Test (QCForm WBIA) Craving for no standard support, of special paces GGacket instalation arc bolting torque vriicaten (QCForm WS1C) ‘Threeded Joints (@CForm Wis) razed Joints (@CForm W138) ‘Wed History Sheet by EasyPlant (WPSINDE/AWHTITTPMI 8. Traceabilty) Cries fang inteay ground -(QCF orm W34) Fororcing pad, tested «(@CForm W31) Puneh it befoelarter Prossure Test (AGForm W'14) ‘Support ana Dimensional & Check List (@CFoxm WIA) ‘Mechanica! Lino it wh fos fel ana test pressure value to be applied, Erection Cleantinessverfieston (@¢Fam WE1D) ‘Maniold pressure tested ~(@GForm W138) Praseure gauge ealiorated~certicate PSV caltrated —certieate ‘Water test certticate, (max ppm of) cetifcate Pressure Test Repos{acrarm W13) 532 Test Package Tracking Sheet ‘The Subcontractor wil issue one ariginal TP Foer only 2-The frst page of the Folder shal be the TP Tracking Sheet (QCFcrm W510) that ‘hal collec al signatures ofthe invaived representatives of each working phase a6 feted and plane by Test Pack work sequence 529 Test Package Folder ieeue 4-Belore insu the TP Folder for Contactor revow the Suscortracter wil entity the compe interconnected ping (Testing Cru) to be tested based en the Pant System prepared by Ste Management 2-The tox mts vl be shown in the Pale’ andthe postion ofall temporary testing binds fo: lindo wil be red marked onthe ISO. 3-The (declassfia) P&lds and ISO (red marked up copy) attache in the TP Fedor must be the lates vision, ‘4h nes inetd in the test shal be sted inthe frm QCForm W13 suelo fr test, pressure record 6-The engineering ofthe Contactor wil review the TP Felder forKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL wore [Pegi | ame’ [Ser [mie | PRE] SF | pe [ete | mo[ 2 | om [mm | o woes [ wo [we | 3 | lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT bok KEMVA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-IZ-SEP-018.00K 020K fernyel Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT confemation ofthe last revision of IO, 5 verfcaton of 890 against P&I (rose check of status revisor, 5 verticaton ofthe fesbily ofthe test ereuts, \erification of the test ifarinds poston feclaton bind fat ~ QC Form wst9), > vericaton of spectic boing toque is requested other than SES P27 able (@C FormW5tC, and ebe 7:2, append? 3), > verteaton ofthe test pressure and medum (mechanical ines) Warning To fect to sate hos othe fon bg sha be corded iin @ tested ost (0? E15 7.3) > vacation of eddtena precautions tobe ken suchas temporary support andor for rer dung pneumate texting, Wa ho sha bo akon th fargo Bin. wales pcg whore srosoe ‘hore Bo eto! al may rcoed hoe calcd far senice nua 6.Afer review of the TP Falder, the engineering ofthe Contractor wisn the tracking sheet for acceptance or comment, “Tin case ofthe comment, the Subcortracor wil vie and re-iseuelhe TP Folder. 53.4 Tost Package Folder management ‘Only one TP Foler original wil be propared and iesuod, The TP Folder wil cculaie among al perzonnl in charge of reviow or punching. Acare cf the TP Coordinator the erga TP feldor wil be transmitted tothe appointed personne 2-To fact the caorinaion of the TP Folders the Subcontractor, Contractor, and Company personnel wl tend the daly meeting to schedule the now acy tS bo performed based on the folow up ofthe activity before scheduled, 54 Test Preparation (Constuction Phase} 4-Once the construction ofthe piping eyctom to bo totod is completo and the TPF has been Issued and reviewed bythe piping engineer, the Subconvstor, Contractor fd Company should start the actone needed Sofore tet exscuton tet are! > Punch Listing, 2 acrevewing, > Test Preparation,KENYA PROPRIETARY AND COMDEITAL EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12-SEP-018-00K ! 020-1 kernye Techi PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 2-During the dally mosting forthe folow up cf the whole testing eettos, tho Tost Pack Coordinator wil assign tothe Inspeclrslsupervsors the TP Folders o be punched & reviewed, and tose to bo sot up forest exzcuton. 641 Punch Lieting 4 Once the construction is compltec a ointy wa thrcugh ofthe Bras pertaining to ‘he same Test PaciTest Creut should be pertommed by Subconrscor, Contractor and ‘Company superisorsinspectors. Conzactor OC verifies the readiness of Test Pack for \walktvough and Punch List Purpose ofthis walk through is overly the constuction against the oo and P&lds 2-Allactvies no compote oo be rete shal elite in he GC Ferm Wi, wie the QC Form WIM fs the Ist oe used as guidance during he walktrough. (Gee appends 7.5) 3+ actions Kite shall be identified a8 “A or “A1™ pint, thats: > Allpoints“A* must be cleared before the prssure test (an genera a actives routing welng cee on pe wall and a NDTPUT) > Alloints ‘At should be cleated after the pressure test and before the ‘mechanical completion (ith efron fo PP S04, the punched tom sha be managed tough the QCFem, Wi up tothe Test Peck Fliercloge et Ate tino tho otter romani AT" toms shal be receostmaonged wth EasyPlant labs) In adaition al points must be: "> Cleary sented by Ine/ISOfarea and location. > hoary ented; > Generle desciptonshequects are net admitted auch as: ‘= taxivap tobe conned Irs obo done ‘onoling of ine number and Rw doctor rset of rtramonts > Cleary state: ther sno punched item and QC Form W14 ned, 5 Omitted when te rnctatoment actly done by Precomyrislonng tam {coe below 8.) > Omitted when there is ancther moitring orgenizationvsumnary frm, suchas: ‘item to be resales afer pressure test as tod in tha GCF WE1A, {Bott conrecton vetfedmoritored by QCForm WEIC ard as explained boiew (600, «Sprig setting verfiodimonitoes by Precommissioning team > Cleared bythe same organization who detected them Signed off only by the authorized persons. FRANCE Abu Dhabi PO 807057 - UAEEMVA PROPRIETARY AND CONFDENTUA, ao [2 | wm [er | o [esc Lavo [rr | ee [0 | Lint 4s EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT TES weMWA ConTeactho: PCL SZ SEP-077.00K 020K ; emnyes Technip 542 PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT The folowing reinstatement actions should not be obec of puncistng because thore ae Precommissloning activities, such as: > Car Seal instalation (ack ps0) Valve Lock OpeniClse. face Ps) > Spung Hanger Pin removal & seting (ace Pa) 5 Giles Pate netataton (FE, RO, FO) (ace Ps) > Rupture/Burst Disk instalation (ace Ps) 2c Reviewing 4-The Subcontractor QC is responsible to cobect al infermation read othe ines Iiterested othe same Test Pack such as "> aking map updated wit the last ISO revision (red makes up copy) > Test Pack content against the QC Form W5t > Wielding completed and accepted, 5 NDE complated, scospted, and veried against tho “Piping NDE Matroe append: 2 of PP 852 (updated with QC! NO), PHIM completed, accepted, and verfed again! te ‘Pong NDE Matic sppendi: 2 of PP 852 (updated wth QC NOT), Pil and raceabaty completed, accepted, and veried again! SES QO'-TO7 > Wald History Shee! by EasyPtant and all ather CC Formsleer cates completed and sianed, 2. The Contractor QC i response to very the completeness ofthe Test Pack Folder {hats ll informaton’@C Forms and Cerficaes attached in the Folds. “The QC is aso rsponsbe fo very n pair "> Wilding completed and accopte, >> NDE completed, accepted and verifed against “Piping NDE Matis’ appendlc 2 (of PP 882 (updated wth GCI N97), > PWHTIHT completed, aecoptod, and verified against “Piping NDE Mati ‘ppenchc 2 of PP 852 (updated with QCI N.C?) 7 "in and vaceabity completes, accepted, and vedied against SES C1107, > Wield History Sheet by EasyPlant ard alother QC Forms caticates ‘completed and signed '3- The Company QCis responsible to very the completeness ofthe Test Pack Folder oro punch isingKENYA PRORRETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL, os ‘owe | ato | pe | wa | 0 | ins EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT aa KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPOLSH2SEPOHD.00K/ 024K kernya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 543 Test Preparation 4-Cleaning- The Subcontractor i responsible to fush the piping systems under testing. ‘eet orcut chal be leaned of oes scale and debris of Seraped pret staring of resoure testing. Care shal be exeroeed to eneUre al ppe spool are internal lean before instalation (Poretsp.77.12) 2isolation Limits- The Subcontractors responsible to instal pale binds or Spectace Blinds (and rates gasket ptm seam fo Solate te test section provided thoy shall be the serve clace rating othe systom or may be fabicated based on sponte cautions Warning 1: Use of ho cose block valves (at, lobo, lv, abl) shout be trove io elle equtmon'or ping octane Whon& beck vahe used (Company Soproval roused) or isaleg test scons tho foro presure os the ‘rive sat shal ot exoed he Sat et pressure dong ross etn and hal at ‘cob te ed at pressure din ness fst th sdes Wis valve sl be rotste ty re valves ng tne fest POLETS 7.13) Warning 2 Rotating equipment nozzles canno! bo used a ion trite. The ‘Subconvotor wl roi fo remove er fate he poraotaing equipment to ee tha ine suctontischarge connacton sabe weed ae sation ts ‘2.No Standard Testing Blind Fiangos-The Subconrseto is responsible to issue a procedure for classification, identification, valdation and handing of he non standard blind tages > Validation: the Subcontractor wil prove the material es cettcate according to EN 10204 (21) and calculation for thickness verieaonloccestance > Welding: te Subcontractor wi issue the aplcable WPS wih a suitable reneatng Post. nesting of nczzleweldeg. The wading jan shal beveled by PUNT. ARF wil be issued > Handing: the Subcontractor wil provide @ colour code to iertly the base material 1 suitable tckness agains the tet pressure > Precaution the Subeoatractor cannot use the OS or Ferttc material bind ‘anges in contact eh austnie Stainess Stes, Duplex SS, > Hastboy C276 piping materia 4-Gaskat & Botting - The Subcontractor foc each ppg system to ba tested shal issue 2 Gasket netalation and boting torque verfleaion” let (QCFOrm WEIG} fo onsue that ‘iveach bated connacion has been installed he ight fal gasket a the permanent bot aro tightened aecordng to fables /.3 277 ABT? (s09 Appondx 7 3) or as speeiiea/dofined by he Engncering during Test Pack verficatonENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONE lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT APL ahiyA CONTRACT No EPCLSAZSEP-OIBOOK | 020K kemyet Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > The Subcontractor wil install aways permanent gasket and toting bofore the hhyeotest with the following exceptions: ‘Bolted conrecton af tho Iolton Limits, Alltenporary insted equipmendoomponent, On tne instruments, Slaic mixer or Ejectors installed and protected by bind anges, Tien on tho Batory Limits Psy, ‘Dummy specs, ‘Any time ie instalation fs considered as temperary > The Subcontractor after gasket installation and bot torque wil issue a RF to Contractor Team or veriicalon a valdaion of Boted Gamecton Joints before hyarotost > The Contracior Precammissioning Team wil monitor that Boled Connection Joints are provided wih Permanent Gasket and Bots and ensure the right instalaten and torae ilng and signing off tha QC Form WEIC aready Inntazod bythe Subcontractor > Imadlton tothe QC Form WSC the Subcontractor wilissut a procedure tracking a nstataten and toque phases to ensure tata anporary gaskets have been replaced by the final ight ones and go tho pormanent and ight bos have been stalled and ghtened as requested. One ofthe fallow ‘system shoul be implamantod ‘= By paintingmarker, + Bystexer + By labeling (prefered) I Warning: Pant markers, ar sicker eve shal be oc halegan (ome, ern, ‘vnne i), ead, se caxiur,mereuy or compcuns amt 0S ‘Storias Stoo Diplo and Hasiaey C275 toro bo Aghigod ‘The folowing color code has to be fotowed: 1 White: tomporary gaskets insted 1 Red: temporary bos are installed (ew gaskot has tobe instal), 1 Groen: permanont gasket and bots ao incaled and verted + Yollow jt to be reightened (new gasket has tobe nstalles). Waring 2 Pain markers, an steer Selb eed on hei ee ges at ‘Srl bo vie om pata or locdet. > EasyPlant wil fst al Bolted Connection Joints (BC) ord wi rack the {emporatypeanent done by Consttucton of Precommissioning team, > Gaskets: the Subcontractor sha very ‘The specication for ype, siz, material and clcur ceding +The alignment of the tanges, i TECHNIP - FRANCE Abu Dnabl PO Sot TUNEKENYA PROPRIETARY AND cOMFDENTAL | FES RUFEOSTRENT RAR —[ Lin 45 —___EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT £2 chiy CONTRAST No EROS TE SEP-O1BOOK 020K kemya PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘+The euipment specfcation for type and materia > Bolted bots: he Subcontractors vert “The spacication fer ype, size, mateial and dimensions, 1 The equipment spectestion for tho Mange bolting torque or tensioning recurements, “the arece and yes levels onthe bots orange and mechanical joint hhave not been excooded, “+ Stud boks must nave equal projection bayend rus ‘-Vont & Drain - The Subcontractor in aditon tothe process vent & drain as quested bythe P Bld should instal esting vont & dra needed > Vents: shallbe provided a al high pons ofthe piping system under testing, Warning 1h pins om sesostc faces req vn 0th Yn man of ‘sth int stom dng yer testing can 60 mnie Wiaming 2-Fting the ts sytem shal nly be stared aflorit has teen verted to oh pnt vent oper > Drains: shall be proved at I ow points ofthe piping system Warning ¥ Low pts win to syste shout be swat a cae! areas such as rave, spre fos or branch eonrectons. Pps work shoul alow fe aranago anoy From dead ends suchas ee arangemerts, 1 proven hy ts arom coloring Warning 2 Drainage shally be slated ator ths Boon vet he vents ro coon Warming 3: ™e rte cf drainege shal be cond in respect ths tow fa ro testing system prevent famaton a a vcuum ox part vate, | i | | i i | | i | i | Warning 4: The ping syst shou conan a aut rumber kw poot canst ‘have a nowaler remains happed ater shea Warning 5 Drains sha be mmecatly ove check valves which veil poston (POTETS p82) 6-Pressure Gauges -The Subcoriactor will mplment the folowing recommendation {orinetalation and ealbraton of the Pressure Gauges (Por-e15p 77-10) As ming the folowing minimum actions/consideaton shoud be taken: > one test gauge on ping circuit at ground nearby the test pump: 2 one or more (acting to circuit complexity) alo the poingcreut in the ghost porbon ofthe ne, aryway athe maemum cstance fom one another LTECHNIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi PO ox 857 UAENO CONFIDENTIAL, a z 0072 PR o wane | Rio | PP | ae) batted Linas EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT hoch KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LSA2-SEP-O1%00K 020K ernyel Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Waning 1 ressue tet gouges shal hove an adequate scale othe st resure.A ‘ager aha havea rare su al he et pressures with 9016 BOX fo fl ‘Waring 2: Open Frosue test gauges Sat be catyatedarce a nono ensue arsual eadnge. Steere shal be apps insoaing te ast calraton dae Waning 3. Pressure test gauges shall be Kent by moon of oa wt prossure test gage om and doe ot ctr. Vraning 4A minimum of to presse gages ar requires othe ws sytem. One ‘rocsrs gogo snal be onto fe pump hea) onto tt syst. Ter fssuacy Sha be wif 88 fone anathor Warning 4 Record gouges shal be us when where is neoxcayo keep a ‘Doman resort flr example when te lst drs exceeds ov hows cerns ‘S aqua by he standar ‘Testing Fluid -The Subcontractor il implement the flowing minmum ‘tonsioonsieration, 2s mrumum (POTS 79) > The hydaulc tet shal be cared out using water Warning 1: Duong prsssre Ws. Mis Weal expansion sha be foreseen, and thon ‘recat sa be taken by Sokeanact oaks overessue Warning 2: Do not use ay tor for hyo le the pf iass than 7 and the Sulla recucing bacteria (SRB) counts are greater than AC'pr ml ness aporoved by Comers. Waning 3 Won water rom mor han ono sour be use ensue tat mig the rooms intone sing Treat the as Rs coal cares ord bacteria wren ‘patel. Waning 4 Test wate shal rc exceed 14 cys contac whe pg under ost ‘an Onion Seavonge habe ade fet wae fre rate) taxoood 14 ‘hye to contig imo ath he water wit be mre fan 90 dys 8 meee) Cantal requnstos (POFEIBp 11249 8.) > Austenitic stainless steel, Duplex SS and Has‘loy 0276 piping system shal be hydroocted excluivly by use of ean, potabie water wh a content of Chloride fon nat greater than 50 ppm Very athe une of wien woo stom, ‘eco fr cane dein below (PONE TS 91) Waning 1 ust bo pH of te hee 6st watr to 10.5. 05 tthe ne Ineo inthe aytam, by aasng sadn ach(Soxkum eva) or cust (Sedum Ice). Warning 2 tn akon if th equipment conta! ine with wate eyo exceed 4 ‘hyset he Pyerasa et war wih youn SavageKEMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIENTA, EPC WORKS FOR THE WALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT SPL elivn CONTRACT No: EPCLS-12SEP-018- OOK | 204K Remy PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Waring 3 Aor teste wole shall ot reused er ctar Auton anos to, uor ana Hasty C276 peng system Warning 4 Teint soe i depend onthe cori level and pH of he est Mater many caso no sao rower sha bo used fr loan 2 teen, ‘Bigpocat fo nhbtr water mst be pa oa normentt ve Waring 5: The piping system must be coined immediately ater poesu fet Competed and acento, > Test fd othr than water shal be approved by Contratorompary. Warning 1 Labo and so! obey sol be hytested wah is ow eid Te est resus shalbe 15 tm te des presaue 7650 KPa whichever se great (roversned) ‘&Equipment & Components to be excluded -Excluing squpmert andor ‘componeni, the Subcontractor wil fll the aebonsiconsieraton, 25 minimum: Wiarning 1 instrument aed nes between th oct valve and he itunns, shal be “Supe the same pressure ts asthe ye equomet wit Oe posse ‘Psuments connected (POVE15p.640) > Components tic interfere wih fling, venting, draining or tusing shall rot be installed unl after ine fushing and pressure testing ae completed. These ‘reli oon plates, flow nozzles, slg glassas, vertu, ostive displacement and turbine meters and oher vine equipment. The Vord may be {eated due fo the remeval ofthese components rm the ne ding {estngiiuehing acts ehat bo eustabl fod wih temporary spo0() ronersprr te) > Equipment that shal be exes ftom the tesing(P01 E15 77.2: =. Rotating machinery, such 9s pumps, tres and compressors 2 Stanere and tr ees 1 Press rong donoes, suchas aptue ack and pressure reeves 2 Locay mounted icag pressire gauges whore te os prossur may terceed tor ae range, Bomesrel cnt valves, fe meter, ow rez, iw asses vntrb, rane, posire slacomert notes ord cher i ino nto ‘= Equpment nat cannet be crane. Insinment Davee. 2 Sottscote vives anc conte vl shal nat bo instaled st afore Ines awe Bon through Mashed (PORETSp.77. Le).KENYA PROPRIETARY an CONBIDENTAL ene [Beer | gee’ | PEP | we EY SE | Ora [see || wo [2 [wn [me | o wae | mio| re | ea | o | EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ho) PROJECT AP gun CONTRACT No: EPCLS 12 SEP OFB.OOK 020K . kemye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > Equipment may be included, after Company approval, inthe Tost Diagram (est Grout) the shop test pressures nat exceoded, howe shall ered {hat equpment wil rot be damaged by tot Waning $n accordenco wit ASME 8213 douse 345.43, whore tho tat posse of the apg exceeds he vassal We! presse ania eared prccable © ‘state hepa ra i vst, he ping en the vessel maybe fasted footer a! the vss est pressure jYovdd re cnr approves an the vase est presse S (otis tan 1796 ofthe pn es! possi castedn accoeance wih par. S420 8- Precautions - The Subcontractor is requested to taken all recauons needed to Imiimze the risks due tothe faire dorng the presure testo he ping syatom, such > Temporary supports-Pising has to be provided by Subcontractor wth ‘Stonal famporery supports, I noessary, to suppor the weight of est Fu Viarning 1 ferporay supports shoul be never welded to presi retsining pina: Ut be lonpovary suppor should be uted. horas weldec aoa tempt ptt dy lb a ny ahr Caer a, Waring 2:terporory support should not be removed unt ato to sytem has boon talc. Warning 3-lerporan support should be identtedbyyelow andre tis cob panting Waring 3- The ompoary suppers shat be note on me appre piping erawing ‘ant nde on th Tet Diograms (Toe! Creu) (POH 19.33). > Check valve: Unloss thee a by-pass, the check valve shall be tured to ett he fling and discharge spacer ofthe same size fs alae (Svoconractr undo approval Contactr could be use 2 ate aso fo bypass fe hock vl) Warning 1 fomporay removal oe dic (secur etached to the custo o te body) an bo evaluated me byte (POC 15 P7720), arming 2 ett he chock wave must ba rps acarg fhe Pi wh the inal asked proper tee, > Temporary connections shal be provided for de-pressuzrg and ding of the eystom to the sower or disposal area > Expansion joints and spring hangers or sping supports sal bo provided ‘wth temporary restrain ahete nened fo prevent excassvetravel or ‘formation under tha tost loads (POETS 4.8771), Warning 1p e980 Expansion dons, to afore reported at 46.33 of ASME 1831.3 Code have ata ne acounl by Subcontract TECHN - FRANCE Abu Dhabi PO Sx 7857 UAE i iKEIYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTAL wove [Pew [ me | Pea [evs | [PT] | Pe [ste | me | a las EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT (EES? EMVACONTRACTHO:EPCLE-BOEP-OTPOOR ODOM amy Technip -RESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > Overpressure-Syetom being presse tested shall be proteced agains the risk ofthe overpressure by the folowing Warning 1 Rete valves) o adequate capaci sto rtove a Soca atu tne test presse sabe ett Sing of as a! Yas sod ffs sallow the rogsreents uf AP 20 Pa The elt valve shal bo toed dae. ond fnoged whi one ont iors We test POTTS BTS). Warning 2n acon 1 the pressure rlewny deve, ied va sha be provided {opted top an euptant am overpresure_ Tne bleed vave shal he ‘sy snonabio n caso mesa doprassazton i equred POFETSP .32) Warning 3 An Isolation vave sabe proved between the presi toting manifold {nd te ftom bang testa eon vv sal be ale ao nana fet pressure when ne cased postion POFEISD 7.83) Warning 4 Setoreenployng he pressure tasting manifold th acts system Prost et sell sopra posto tod. last 12 mas tho Sytem es Prostre bu of le Ponte decane prose Otho pump used fe the reese testingKenya PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL wo_[ 2 | wa [ee | o wecee | EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12.SEP-019.00K ! 0204 Kernyet PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 55 Test xecution Consucon Phase) S54 Test Authortion Cony the Contractor Tast Pack Cooeenator has the controle author the testing of the ping system under vericaton, provided that > Punch List’: he Subconraor has cleaved all points classifies“ Cnitactor Supanisors/inspectors Rave signed of them, ane > NDEIPWHTIPMI tho Subcontractor has completed all welding activites wth feleted NDEIPWHTIPMI and Contractor Inepector has vrfiaigned off the Wield History Sheet > Testing Devices: a of them are availble, tested, calbetedby Subcontractor and veriad by Contractor Supervsolnspectr, > Safety Devices: he Subcontractor has implemented a safety precautions and arangoments as requested by the appleable Method Statement 552 Service Leak Test +The inteariy ofthe piping system shal be ensured by pressurzingthe system using the service Mud at the maximum attainable operating prassure 2.Ptantuilty piping shal be tested wih a sevice leak test as described fr Category D, ‘6 ceined ASME 831.3 p 345 12), subject to Company approval POETS 26-48. 3-Contactoc Engineer wil define the png system cout be servicetested provided the accaptance ofthe Company, 553 VisualLeak Test 4-Preseute Leak Test may be replaced by a Visual Leak Test fo encure the ites of the piping system (or portion) when ping system isnot working under pressure such ‘3 vent, can and piping cownstream of pressure relovng devices hat discharge roto the atmospherelopen sewer. 2.1 the intra ning could be affect by the pressure test or whith pressure test is cared eu bore intemal ining apple (¢.. galvanization, FRE, rubber, ee.) the ‘Visual Leak Tost sal be dona ater the instalation Is completom0, Z| oor PR o ‘saooc | R10 | pr | ae: ie EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (He) PROJECT a KENYA CONTRAGT No: EPCLS¢2-SEP01D.00K 020K Kernye! Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 4 The Visual Leak Test hal be parrmod onl aftr daaraneeof he punched em ite 4 The Visual Leak Test shallb ecrded wth he some QCFomm Wt 554 Hydrostatic Test “The Subcontractor witimplement ho folowing actons/eonsteration, as minimum: 4 Last Veficationsinspections: Conractr Supervsofinspector efor test pressure stating should eany out te last verteation: Test gauges: idenfifed installed and cabated Rolle valve: dente, istaled and calbrate. Manifold: identified ard pre-tested by Subcontractor. Water Test Certifiate valid ceiicae sed Sefety barir. instal Blind Flanges: dntfed and installed. Spring Supports blocking pins sale, 2: Joints: The Subconitacor wil eave al ons unnsulated and expased for ‘examination dung the est, unless aumoraed by Company (POF-ETS.63). Warning 1 ons Wels thal re pleted maybe hyo testo witout pabt removal (ASHE D 51.3 couse 34531). Conractr and Congany anced thaijonts could be (med Btoehycotet proved that seni la tea rt rsted ‘3. Pressure Test: The Subcontractor wil connect the iin hose fom the pressure ‘onerator to the lowest ain post of he systom fo minimize entrapped air. > Filiag and pressurizing shal be done onthe upstream side o check valves in tho system. The test ul! anal be nected st tha lows! pointe sytem rminimize entrapped a, Allvents shall be opon during ling. PO1-E15p 781.9) > Aer the tet prossueisresched and before commencement of inspection ot the system, the iolstion valve betwoan the temporary test manfolt,o piping and the pping, oF equipment under pressure tes shall be ced andthe test pump decernocted (POE'S p7.a..0) > The toation valve shal be closed immediatly after th pressure tests feached and stablaod and the pressure generator shal be sconnectad Ali line valves f not uted ae teat lation valvos shall bo in an open peeton. (overop 840)RIYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Roe _| 2 [on | mo wane | Rio | PP === EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ho) PROJECT a KENYA CONTRACT No: EPCAS-12-9E°019.00K 204K : Kernyes Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ee > The test presoure shal bo voriod atthe highct point. Toe pressure ic speafedin the Mechanical ine Ist 4: Lube and sa! ppg shld pressure tested who. The et pressure ‘ha 6015 tine daa pressure or 650 KPa, whchver the ater iPoverspeat) Wining 2: Ping n vaca serie shal be pressu tested 1.5 tinos the ‘iterenta extemal resi, a ess Ven 00 KPa. (POT-ETS RES) > The amount of any static head acting inservice and in testing must be Considered The state pressure caused by the content of he ng ding orice andor testing does not noed te taken inte account does not, Increase the stress in tho wal by more than 5% > Test Records shalbe made for each tost by otis on prosswe tee report, and the applicable "Safely Instruction Sheet” per SES POI-E1G FOT-ET5p.7.6.2) 4 Tet Duration: The tna tet pressure shal bo mainsind to permit complete inspection of al jints for leakage or signe of falure, at east 30 minute. (poretsn82) Waring tn caso of toss pofomes ding rain prod, Coacter may, ar Unodjcarabl pian accoe or nel he os urd execu, a cas the ‘ig cel bois sted shal romain under peesre, a the sing vai. whut he catty of alurher sung or compresscn fora slfcent tie our) ‘Suecontaca wl proud ody to ois fo porn sua ing check he antzctorcmpany Sipenisnspectors 65- Test Acceptance: Any connection leaking ducing @ pressure test shall be repaired and retest to the spocfed tes pressure. Warming 1 f wots ae invetvedin aks andr pee meets, to entre ping {rout sal be doprestarzed, ake elminoled, NDE polrmed,etifeaton performed, nthe pong event sal be retested. Warning 2 tenged comoctions looks (Fo igtening canna rst te) the Felony sl be dor ator yar tat ‘chock ffango soar surace posse repa of uc suse, 1 Iepocomant of ashe. G-Aftar test Aor pressure testing as been successfuly campleted an approved by ContractoriCompany inspectors, Subconrator sal performs the fllowing operations: FRANCE Abu Ohabl PO x75 UAEKENYA PROPRIETARY AND COMDEDTAL oom [Pea | emer [ Pz | mesnim | [PRE] Sat | em ante | ce | OM wo _[ 2 [wn [pe | o woos [io] rr] ae | (| Lins 45 EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12-SEP-019.00K 020K Technip kernyet PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > Draining of Teat Flu. Reloaso of prossuro and draining chil be done on the domnstresm side of check vas. Al vers shal be opened tefore dain to facile drainage and to prevent formation of vacuum, No ts shal remain In ow pots. Pressure shal ba released in a manner and at rate 80 hot to endanger personnel or adjacent propery equipment. (°01-E75 p 78.1) > Test Vents end Drains. Vents and drains used ony forthe pressure tet shall be plugged and seal welded (POT-ETS p 7.9.2) 7-Disposst: Subcontractor for esposal of est water sal fol the requirements of the Contractor waste management procedure 9409C-R10-PP-838and PE 465 Fnronmeata Provection| > Aer testing, est water shall be recovered, othe extent possble, fr reuse, Warning 1: pomy stom whore he mati is Austante Stinks Stow (94,318, ‘304327, Duplex SS. ant asteley 0275 ot war could bo roused ony FCS, TreS, Getter nanmetae pg matt 554 Pneumatic Leak Test “The Pneumatic Leak Test shall be approved by Compary and perfomod whan pected nthe Machanical Line st NMUO22_ Subcontractor wl fll the ‘recommendation gwen by SES POT-E16 p8 (aoe also append 72) As remind the {olloning minimum setonsieonsideration should be taker j | i i i i i i ' ! i j 1 | | i { H Waring 1: Ecunmert fo be pnsmatclytesod sha be terauaMy cleaned and ree Folge dopo Waring 2: The required posse wi be supplied by @comprsso. The at amprssor sal be of aprtane pe and equpped or provided wah a rocever, ator oar al separator andre va. ‘Warning 3: The comerosse shal nc bo ft unatondo dir eles Warning 4: Flanged ont sha be prepared fe prea tesing by taping with Tape rt rc ie, ero i pga i Warning 5: The PV shoud be stato o release Ine mavioum compressor ow. 56 Reinstatement (Constucion/Procommissioning Phase) Once time the teat preseure ie done and accopted the Subcontractor wil proceed with the folowing actives before to anser the monitoring the acts tom Consiuction to Precommissioneg teameva PHOPRUETARY AND CONEIDEKTAL RO, z 0072 PR ° woe [ RIO | pr | wm | 0 | “i Lint 45 EpCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Hs) PROJECT FEES? EMWACONTRACTHONEPCLSESEPOIBOOK/ 020M ‘ernyes Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > Fully drainage and air blowing ofthe piping system under testing. Waming 1: pact care MUST BE ake on ping system whore ne ato s ‘astonbe Sinies Staal (30 316, ane 521), Duple SS, a Haseloy C278. Te ‘ping sytem muet be crined mediately fr posse fat cumple ard contd Waming 2 ping system caraoe shal be celiies The Subaontacor wilisv0 2 ‘calc to Contactor The coal (QCFrm WIR) must be countering ‘Sceeontectar and Canactor Tm > Hydrostatic Vent and Orain shall be weld sealed bythe Sutcortector according to the appicatie jb specication ‘Waring 1a se welds MUST BE PTANT tested The Subontador wise @ Socal Woming 2:0 PHT sha beep f requested th aplcableje speiicai). The Subcontract i sue a dedeatd RPL > Reinstatement 1 (ACF 518): the Subconracor wil provide the whole ‘einstalement according tothe P & Id wit he folowing consceratons/excetions: + Static Equipment: the nozzles shall be protected by sip ndings wth Temporary gasket ‘Rotating Equipment the nazzes shal be protected by ip bliin wih temporary gasket lthe bats shall be placed but no tightening perfumed (at care of {he precemmissioning mactinery curing the fal zig) = Static Mixer + Blinded curing te hyotest: stl binded + "Romoved during the hydrotet: shell bo renstated win nozzles ‘rotects by sp Bindinde wth temporary pact, of rtumed to the Contactor Warehouse, + Electors Blinded curing the tydrotet stil inde + Removed during the hydotest. shell be ‘rotecte by sip Mnd/inds wh temporary gasket, © returned to the Contractor warenouse ‘Safety Valves: once the icup ofthe valve is done during tho SV int and ‘lt fe instalation, the PSV must be returned fo Cortractor Warehouse ‘valde for eairaton by Precammissining, ‘+ The rinstallaton wil be performed by Precommisiring 1 The SVs counter fangos onthe inlet piping shall remain protected athe time after aresure test. + The vale canbe released by Warehouse oy though @ voucher ‘signed by Precommissioning + On Line instruments (Rotameters, Venturi, Vortex LV, TV, PV, FV, PCV, XV, et.) they must bo relnstaleg wath rezzies poteced by Sip bindbinds wih temporary gasket LTECHNIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi - PO 807657 — UAEKEAVA PROPRIETARY aD CONF OENTA NA DESL GER | oe Sous [Ome [me | PRE] S| et [smite ae ro _[ 2 [wn [ee fo wens [mio tere | 0 | Lins 5 EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12.SEP-019-00K | 0204K kemya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Warning 1 skin lew intumansnetalaon & chooks ante ecu the Loop Chock vont. + Trim lines tim snes shouldbe tested before instalation, After testing ar ‘tore metalation the tim ines must be procommissloned and ceed by Contractor PrecemmissionnglCompany Toa. Warning? enc te ie tin ts ntled ae Subcontactormust protect he ‘ange (ey in or sini be corrected wh the stron + Tiesnn the Bettory Lim‘ stil blinded for Uv hydotest (AC Manager ‘and Interface Manager shal keep updated the Interface Lst and Fol with ‘etyinspecton cerifeatestreports done) > Reinstatement: the whole ppg reinstatement activities monitored by Contractor Presammissoring Team ae above listed (see 54.1.4 . MODIFICATIONS 64 MODIFICATIONS ‘te the test, modscation of he piping system could be needed. 2. The Contractor wil osue the QCFerm WI6 whee wil be explained the reasons of the modiicaton and inthe meantime wil define ithe modified pig system should bo ro ested an wnich NDE. PIVHT & PM! should be performed according tothe ob pecteaten, or, nateraive, the waded jonts (f ary) shal rot be re-nydrotested. In this case the wading procedure and further inspections shall be done according tothe ohn 6.2 “Golden Jon. 3 Subcontractor wil issue an addendum othe orginal Test Package Folder withthe {QcForm IV46 and al oer nepection forme, requested by the feworc cue to the 62 GOLDEN JOINTS (CLOSURE WELD) ‘Anytime is impractical to cary out the pressure test for construction reasons o ther, the Contactor wilssue or Compary approval the QCFo1m W'G be're proceeding ‘wt the welding and rlated NDE, PHT & PML as replacement of be pressure tes. 2. The whole constuction (welding ard relate inspection) must be managed as a Hold Point and the Subcontractors requosted to esuo a dedicated RFI foreach act, '3— The Contractor ane Subcontractor wll perform the procommissioning ctvty sueh ls learing. biowng, et. befoce fo procaed wit the welding and elated inspections.BERYA PROPRIETARY AND. nm Zz 0072 PR e waooc [Rio | pp | as | o |i lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT APL) giv CONTRACT Ho: EPCLS-12 SEP O1BO0K 704K ; kemye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘4 Contactor wil Keep updated the Golden Joint st Golden Joint ae specified inthe {QcForm W46 and requested when the pressure fst afar modfcaton should not be peiformed, “The Subcontractor wil mariain @ separate Golden Joint Folser collecting al inspection QCFonm WES duly filed and signed of by them and Contractor QC personnel {5 The method statements stachod inthe appendix 74KEY PROPRIETARY AND CONEDENTAL co Zz 0072 PR ° sox [R10 | PP ele Lint 4 —__epcworks ron THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT APL) ghey CONTRACT No: EPCLSIZSEPOBOOK 920K Kamyet Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7A {test pack numbering) ‘TECHN - FRANCE Abu Dhabi =O Box 78 UREKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ‘ora _[er | wane [mio] re | ax | o EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT er KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12.SEP-019.00K ! 020-1 PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.1 ‘st pack number) 4-The Test Package shal be enti by the progressive numbering as cated bow. 2-The identification numbering spit in tee groups wher: lust makes reference toe Subconvacot, “tho second refers to Project System “the thie one refers to the uid service with a progressive numbering 3.00 atachmonts (IO, tors, included in the same TP Folder sal be identified wth the same identification progressive numbering, 2, Test Peckage ientfcation numbering example: test package identification number rh oe. + + oo4 Subcontractor service | Project System Mase I 1 ‘TP-GSN-R20-RU-46-01-CWR-0001 TECHN - FRANCE Abu Dhabi Soe TS — URE i iKEWYA PROPRIETARY AND CONEDENTAL ESSE EES lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT APL egqiyh CONTRACT No: EPCLS-12SEPOFD.OOK 020K Kemya Techni PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.2 (pneumatic leak test) LTECHNIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi -PO x78 UAEsamersicuhi action, RID z ‘0072 PR e wae | mio | pp | a | o | lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT LPL gghivR CONTRACT No: EDCLSTZSEPIBOOK!O2DIK Kemye! Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.2 (pneumatic ok ti From Ses Poveiss {8 Preumatic Testing 1.4 Test Boundaries Cioee conta shal be maintained to Sn the stored energy (PV) and the eacton foe (PA) of gash ‘any single test system. The stored energy (PV) level shal be determined by multping the pneumatic {eat pressure, in KPe, bythe volume, in euble meters, ofthe proposed est system. he reaction faroe (PA} shall be determines by mulipving the preurste test pressure, n KPa, by th larpost cOss- sectoral area, in square meters. nthe proposed test system. The maximum energy level pressure x ‘volume recommended is 12500 of maximum reaction frce (pressure x area) ecormended Is 2500 [Rpproval by SABIC i roqured to excoed these Imation. 182 Cold Weather Proumatie Testing {3.2.1 Minimum Temperature. No p)plg shall be pneumaticaly tested when the meta temperature S Below 16°C, wih tree excoptone ‘3. First fr mata that have been impact certified, the test temperature may be as ow 3s ‘he impact conteaton tomporature ». Second fhe wal thickness i less than 25 mm and the test pressure doesnot excood 15 ereant of the atowable working pressure ofthe pipe, hen the metal termpeature may be as low ae mnus 20°C ‘6, Thi, the AISI Series 200 austentc stainless steo's may be tested at any tomporatura fsbove mies 100°C. 8.22 Teslina Wah Vessels. Where norimpac tested vessels are inthe cu, perm te test at {880 of above Impact ested vessels may be included in he test down fo thet mpact est temperatures. 2.2.3 Deviaons. Any deviations fom these rules must be approved by SABIC. 2.3 Tost Modia Use uty ar, instrument ar or ritogen fra ystems requiring @ pneumatstost when indicate, 8.4 Tost Pressure “ive lted test pressure for piping to be pneumatically tested shall be 110 percent ofthe desian pressure, 8.5 Method £2.51 Low Prosaure Teste, Proumatc testing shell be carefully supervised. When te tst pressure is ‘160 KPa, of less the rial pressure may be raised dec to the test pressure. 1 Tests. When the ost pressures great than 150 KPa, the system shall be intaly pressured to 150 KPa, All lds and connections shall be Inspected fr leaks by apnving 2 leak detecting solution to alo the joints and checking for bubbles. The pressure shal then be Increased gradual to 50 percent of he test pressure. This pressure shallbe maintained ai least 10wmvwe [Pea | fee’ [Ea [wee | [RSE] SF [ pe evan | in| mo[-2 | on [me [0 weet re |e | 3 | Lint) epcwoRKs FoR THE HALOBUTYL (He) PROJECT SP => hiv CONTRACTING: EPCLS 12 SEP-018- OK! 20:K kemyes PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT minutos. The pressure sho be further inoreesed in ctops of aporoximatoly 10 poreent of hotest Pressure uni he requted test pressure has been raached. £25. Design Prossure ast fer hoking the tos! pressure for 10 mines, the est pressure shall be Teduced to the design presaure and hod for a eficient te to permit an inspection for eaks ofall Piping welds and connections 8. Precautions £26 1 Degree of Test Pressurizing lines ard equipment fr tests may be done during nermal working houre te the extent afowee ae follows ll pneumatic pressure tests nexcore of he folowing ondtions shal be performed outside of normal working hous £2.52 No Area Isoation, Preumatic tests at less than 360 KPa may be performed ft al ppe sizes ‘uring norma working hours wehoutiostng tho arc involve, 1.6.3 Modium Size Testing. Pnoumatic tests up o 700 KPa may be performed durrg normal working hue wiheut lang te Sea involved, provided no piping In te system under tts ager than NPE 12 {6-4 solaion Required. Systeme containing piping larger than NPS 12 may be pressured upto 360- {700 KPa, but not over ene hatha final fest preeeue, for pelinsnaryexaminaton syd leak str, ‘The fil pneumatic taste wll bo performed outide normal werking hous (2.6.5 Included Vessals, Any presse vessel included in any system tobe pneumataly tested or pressured dig normal working hours shall have had a prevous code hytes, and shal ot be Pressured te mote than 110 parce of allowable working pressure 2.6.6 Off Hours Testing Pressurng above the tations may ely be done during of shit or on weekends. Oni personnel aesocated wih the tesing sha be alowed nthe area £87 tnstrument Ai Piping 227.1 Test Medurn, The nerument a4 ys\em shall be sence tested with instrument ait. When is I ‘ot avaiable a uty ar source supped by a nonubricated compressor may Bo Usd. i 1 sal be diccrmeced allowing ato biow through to ensure that all ines fro clean before testing. The instrument a ub header ock. valvos adjacent thermain Reader sh be wosed, anc the union immediately downstream from the lock vaive broken open before testing the ‘alm insttument header.KENYA PROPRIETARY AND COMFDENTAL os EO jarve—) EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT ri KEMVACONTRAGTNOSEPCLSSZSEPO1B-00K/0201K ernye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.3 (bolted connection)ety PROPREE of 2 [we [pe | o wwese | Rio | Pr ats) EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT SP eghiva CONTRACTNG: EPCLS2SEP-O1S0OK O20:K Remya Techni PRESGURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.3 oles corecton ‘4-The Subcontractor or each bolt connection fs requested to install he right gasket. the right bots, and apply the ight torque value. 2-Te Subconiactor Is also requested to keep the record of the gaskets and bolts instalation filing the form WB1C tra he summary of tis acuity issued fr ach pipng system tobe tested. The ‘Susconracor val lin ad sign off the gasket and bot instalation fe each bot cornection according tothe folowing instuetions ‘3: GRSKETS BOLT INSTALLATION > Selection: aocording to plpng class for type, size, material and colour cong > Cleaning and examination of fasteners and flange surfaces: ‘9 Remove al foreign material and debris from the seating surfaces fasteners (ells or studs), nul, and washers, ‘9 Examine flange suraces for warping, rail scores, heavy tol mark. oF “anything prohiing proper gasket seating, ‘© Examine bots!studs, nuts, and washers fr defects such as bute or cracks, (2 Clean al bots/studs arc nuts, and ubricate wih an acceptaelbricant prior fo instalaton > Flange faces and bot holes shat be aligned without using excessive force. Any risallgamontchould be reported > Gasket installation should be: (© accorting othe specified size and materia © free of defects, ensuring the gasket isnt pinched or damaged ‘© careful incor and centeredbotween flanges, ‘© done avoitngjainting compounds or release agents onthe gasket or Seating srtaoasunlossspoctiod by he gasket manufacirer, > Bolt Installation: ‘© Should be accorsing ta the specie sie and materi, ‘©. Coat the entke thread length of the bot, ut fac, andwaster load-bearing surlaoasath bicant, Ensure isc doesnot come in contac wih the ‘atk! or flange faces. neve tuts are used coat rly the areas that come to contact wth the nut wih ubricant, Ineal bats nthe betom hat othe ange,eva PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Beams [ome [Pemr [omeme | [EY] St [Si [nae me | T [om fm | «| [ues [mol me |e EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTY. (He) PROJECT (DES? etn Contmactie EPCLSA@SEPO1BOOK 0201 ; ‘ernyal Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 1 Insal the gasket betwean the two mating flanges and tighten the ots so that the flange faces make contac! th the gasket Do nt fore the gasket nto position, © Insta the remaining bots and nuts fger it. Ensure tha! atleast one fl tread sve beyond the nut for ll bos, ‘© Tihten bots in sequential oder unt bots ae snug at and fanges are dose ting, Th slop may be assisted withthe use ofa wench. Do rot over Tighten he bots, (© Torque the bots in tree passes per the senuental order fr each pass. ADDY 30% ofthe fa target torque va ln the rst pass, 60% re secon pass, ‘and 100% inthe thd pase, ‘© Apply at least one final ful torque to all nuts a clock wise ection uni all torque f uniform. (Large lamer flanges may fequre acstbonalighening passes) 4 BOLTTIGHTENING METHODS ‘Bots shal be tghtened using one ofthe methods below specified and toque sequence is shown on he attaches table 7 3.1. The final torqua shal not bo below tho minimum or atove the maximum Valles provided table 7 3.2 > Manual Wrench without torque conto > Hand Torque-Measurlng Wrench: with an audible cick feature to signal when the ‘aid torque level has bean reached. Avorque wrench with a mutipler may be Used withthe approval af he Contractor > Pneumatic Wreneh: only nen-mpact types ae alowed. Torque vel acioved must beverfable > Hydrate Wrench: trque valve achieved must be vrtiable. This method i lowed ‘orteneionng Bot connections requiing spec torque valve oF Io be tnsionod should be highlighted by Fils Engineering during the Test Pack reviw. ‘Al manual, pneumatic, end hydau torque wrenches shall be calibrated prior o the start ofthe ‘work and every four months. Supeanttactor shall Keep the calibration recor halt shoud be avalable {or Contractor review 65- FLANGE DISASSENBLYSEOLTRE-TIGHTENING \Wnen csassembly of a joints required, the bots shal be loosened inthe seme sequence as prescribed fortghtenngKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL f ENA TSERNETEER “ronanascmenrmaRER —]—— RID Zz 0072 PR 7 Baooe [eo | pp | os | 0 |i Lint EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (He) PROJECT [AES MEMWACONTRACTNG:EPCLE-EOEP-OTBOOK/ODDM ‘ernyo! Technip {ESGURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT Loosen each nut by ¥ tum in proper sequence, Repeat the sequence atleast once bofre completly loosening any Dot ‘The beled connection shal be dertiied witha yelow colour. The previous grean shal be removed ‘The ofignal ghtering procedure shall be folowed to retightan the bots. Spal wound and double Jacksed gaskets must be replaced ‘Boted connection retighten shall be resoided inthe summary QC form 61Cand green label wil be ‘einstae! Ever effort shall be mede to avoid final torque o tensioning of joint that willbe cubsoquenty loosened crunbotedenya PRerUrTar AND CONFDENTIAL, wae [ee [meme [Seam Pm | [RET] S| [et | 0 z oa [PR o woos | Rio | pp | es ° _ Lint) EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (He) PROJECT ae KEMWACCONTRAGTN EFCLS4296R-019.008 020K Kernyet Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT. Tle 724: Blt Torque ~ Sequel & Rotational order 8017S 3] alee Stour earn 1-2 ‘+ eer 12-B0u1s, = ae ao 3 | ‘8 ia ule sequenna ——_eoqanona “See eae 16-8011 TECHN - FRANCE Abu Dhabi PO ox 7657— UAEeva pxorraerase aND CONFIDENTIAL ‘some | ca | ee |e | ye [seat | een EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12:SEP-019-00K ! 020: PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘owoee ‘ROE 24-BOLTS| FRANCE Abu Dhabi PO x75 UAE ‘SEQUENTIAL ROTATIONAL SEQUENTIAL ROTATIONAL “OROeR ‘onoerENYA PROPRECTIEY AND CONFIDENTIAL EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT aa KEMYA CONTRAGT No: EPC+S-2-9E019.00K [ 020:K : Kernyel Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT SEQUENTIAL ‘ORDER 28-BOLTS ‘i S 5 6 8 10 3 18 a 18 21 2 2 | 26 3 4 7 a 4 2 5 16 8 20 2 | 2 a7 | 2a NCE Abu Dhabi = PO ae 757 UAEKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONSIDENTAL mo [2 [wm {me | 0] [oocpao[ er |e] © (| Lins 5 ePe WORKS ron THE HALOBUTY. (He) PROVECT BES? wena CONTRAGTROCERCLSASERONDOOK IDIOM emye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 30 sequen, sorsnIONAL ‘Sete ore 32-BOLTSKEMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL a lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT APL gqiyA CONTRACT NO: EPCLSAZSEPOIDOOK 020K Kemya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT savers a7 36-BoUTS ce po ae ea 113 e\eKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL, mo [ 2 | wn [me | o wecc [mo] PP | ex | 0 EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT Rornya MENYACONTRACT Ho: eRe. ta-SRh-218.00K emma PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT era OTATIONAL Sonor nace 40-B0LTS ie TECHNIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi ~P0 ox 7657 — UAEKeita PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENT, eo [2 [wn [ee | o eae | mio | pr | as | a | EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT ae KEMVA CONTRAGT No" EPCLS-12-S6F-010-00K 0204K : Kernyet Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT omanonA 44-B0LTS-KeMva paorrarvany ano counoenTA, RO 2 | 007 PR o wuooe [Ro pr | as | o | | lias EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT tee KEMVA CONTRACT No" ERC-LS-12:SEP-019.00K /0204K : Kernyet Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 48-GOLTS TECHNIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi 0 Sox TT — UAEKEMVA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Geer =| esas: } nS EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT {LABS > hia CONTRAST Ne: EPC-LS12 SEP-018.00% O204K } kermye Tech PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT 52-B0LTS LTECHNIP - FRANCE Abu Dhabi =P Hox TUEKENYA PROPRIETARY AND-CONFIDERTAL RD Zz ‘0072 PR ° ‘aoc [rio | pp | am | o |S! Lins 25 EPCWORKS FoR THE WALOBUTY. (Hs) PROVECT SE EMA CONTRACT No: EPC-LSHBSEP-ODOOK! GBD kernye Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT “Table 7.2.2: BT - Torque Valve for A199 87787 Stud ots with A184 2H and 2AM Nuts (P2r-cottale = co 0 i ie ar “220 rm 380 70 738 oa 0st iaet [461 ists | 4708 “ise —23 Sant [ree ‘a51_| 5.88 iso | e918 ao2s7_[ sa gare —t4481 35301 Noe: The argue values used above are base on an average ftw {odor of O10. The felon Teco 2 conbnaton of varia onpanenls due to such as corséeratons as the eoaitons ofthe ‘tree the restonanp Detween te tange tothe rt baring sae ‘2nd the ype of brea cand. Thee varias mae up theft {Seto uhh can Wary om 0.040 020 oF ae mu as 500 poe.‘Keuva PROPRIETARY AN CONF DITA EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT SP KEMYA CONTRACT Nor ERC-LS-12SEP049.00K 204K : kemye) Teehliip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT ‘Table 722: BT2 Friction Factors for Dilerent Lubricants (er Gotebiel)KEMYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL, 0 Zz ‘0072 PR o waco [RI | PP am] o |" EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HE) PROJECT APL ehiva CONTRACT No: EPCLS-12 SEP-019. 001 | 0201K : k Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 74 (punchicheck list)EMA PROPRIETARY AND CONERENTAL EPC WORKS FoR THE HALOBUTYL He) PROMECT APS ghVR CONTRACT NO EPCLETESEPSNO.OOK OOM kernya Technip PRESGURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.4 (punehichock it ‘Below are listed the minimum checks should be done bythe Inspectors during theiline punching walk ‘down. This st defines when the equesled actions should be cleared. before hyaraest (action "A) or ‘te est (acten “A1), The bs i shall be fead and implemerted my conuncton wih QCForm WIA ack acon co ec As u(t wo appar) = heck ie ang ‘check hat plumes, lvaba and wpe areas par EO. heck all weing are complied heck hat el NOT/Stess relewng dove Eecadad reba compleress oe ies pac tele heck piping or cored echodule anys ‘ec he marack number has been nplmerieSTeCoged ‘heck vallppingsze and mates hack he ‘abage forged ea Ege chock Wal talgaskel material corel hock ha i branch & corocty ealod check ha he bare renter exe heck weep hos ae aval check or erect tow tweugh Has Sate, Wap= check or earet fou trough check eles, ibe alas and oral aves cheok vve denfeaon an ts label check each screwed corneciens 6s pa speafsaon sheckthe ates wit fe meso Be opened moe Ta 50% 20 | check sa tgs of ceed ates 21 | heck het he toma of chock vals ave NOT boon eave a reniod 22 | check hal al extends spines requred fo specie valves have bao sted ‘2+ | seek Wat al proces nds a spades have Been cvtcty mls a per PAID ‘24 | check at spectai binds ao tho covet few postion x 25 | check ht spcted Boek valves have locking devers comely staled— 26|| check Mal chon wheels spocfedvaves covecy wstaled 2 | cack ta ave st ena 5 er conn x ‘28 cock vave bypac © nsalog ‘28 | check ha serpleconnechos ae hailed Freaaed 30 heck or cone ow tough ers and dar, aps check valves globe vlves | 32 3 34 3% 7 a a ck rae ype an oertation check he paring jlo apple chock tha al puri sutonstiahor have bee coastal heck farges pure psralelimn/sgnmen ee ved (ncanurlon wih Pea) ‘heekifFom WSTC fr bled conection jose sued thet he soigstat ans appropriate que 6 agpled af mahania |e chook at al pipe support are comptay nella (F wood) ‘check fppe suppl a scent heck archers ar stalled woke)EMA PROPRIETARY AND CONEIDENTIAL R10 a ‘oor pe | oO wacor [eo pp | em | 0 | ni) EPCWORKS FOR THE KALOAUTYL (He) PROJECT APL atiyn CONTRACTING: EPCLSZSEP-O1SOOK OZD5K Kernya! Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT kf gues we ned et) = x chock {proper shes riled and weed. shack lpr pe succor have been ope RSIS (eQUT=a) pp ips choos and guides on inos have bean corel real ‘hack flan welded supots are fsfaled heck ceerances fer rmulaton between reins, Gon Wing, SqUBmnL heck Welocveat ven ae roves = x heck tht oils fangos have requ upeiar & downetcam cbrareae ‘heck fice valve tap orton = fect ta th bows al ois ape have Born ground check tha cor! ales Rave been stair Ne covrect Now poston i ‘heck tata aro wo Rave Goon caret inetalod x ‘heck that valves cl pressure gauges hae been cored ntalod x ‘hecho aves a mete uns hae bess cel Wied ‘feet hata procees verte & rine tals check #erperary vot & dane or tein are egured tosing vers & rans be ested & NDEPWHT void heck walt lest crite (Cl x 50 pt) Erect pesrse sng gauges clan ie skesgegessseseeasKEMYA PROPIEETARY AND CONFDENTIAL, EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-L5-12-SEP-019-00K | 0204K ‘hnip farngal PREDOURE TEST AND TET PACK MAKADEMENT APPENDIX 75 (guideline for method statement for Golden Joint)euva PROPRIETARY SoeNTAL mene Poet | Ramer | Sere [mae | RR] S| amt (sete | eon | mez [wn [mo wos [rio] rr | | 0 | EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (HB) PROJECT a KENYA CONTRAGT No: EPCLS-12-9EP-19-00K 020. Keryal Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.5 (qvidsine for maths #atoment or Goon Joh) 4. The Contractor Field Engines wl issue and koop updated thelist the Golden dant or closure Joint). The Golden Joint could be spect afer th piping system pressure test due to modifica. 2- The Feld Engineer en the QC Form W'16 (Modification aftr Tost Proscure) wil assign the progressive numer GOK uiten the Golden Joint procedure shoul be implemerved, that means ‘onthe repiton of hyerotest cous be wawed. The waWer should be based on Unavatabity ofthe intercepting valves (00 fa) Ctcaty of the service (Hid, emporature and prose). LUnavatabity ofthe testing mecium. Cticaly of the Construction/Precammissioning tage (e, matotal uravallabity Temporary Constucton CConstuetabaty sequence 3: The inspections shal be ful winessed and spit in two steps: > Precommissioning acts: (© Inspection relates tothe activities coud not be perfommetatr the weno, sch us deanng, Blowing, of ec ‘© ThePrecommissioning Manager wl define which activites to be performed Inthe carie stage and wil sgn the QC Form 53 after nspecton and before the welding of te Golden Jon > Construction acivtes, ‘© Inspection relate tothe welding aces anther NDE, as applicable ©The NOEIPWHT shall be, as minimum, in accordance wit project “Piping [NDE Matis” appendix 2 of P 852 (upatod wih GCI NT} 4: Tha Subcontractor shall sue the RFI before Precommissioning and befere ont f-up. 65: The folowng Inspections shall be performed ane recorded on QC Form WSS: > Dimensional check of ts, > PIIMT after 1 pass. (cooling and pro-hosting shoud be strangly monitored) > PTINT after welding completion (cooing and post heating shoulc be strongly ‘motores, TECHINIP FRANCE Abu Dhabi - PO x 757 — UAEKENYA PROPRIETA AND CONE DENTAL wwe [Pea | See | Pa” | seme PE |S [Pe [see ae | mez | om |e | o | [swoc|mo| |e | 0 |" EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (He) PROJECT ABS eHyR CONTRACTING: EPCLSESEP-OTBOOKT OOK Kemyel Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT > RT after wolding completion, feasib > UT tier welding completion, feasible {6 The folowing data shal be verified and recorded on QC Form WSS. > Welsing Procoture Specification reference, Weiser 10, Dato and startingleompetion tne, Amperesivots at begining arc each third ofthe welding Heat input, each mm of piping wallthckness, PMI of Filer Meal (lest per batch can be accepted), Pl of Weld Mota! and wo adjacent Base Mts, Material Traceabilty or Fle Number, Pre-heating and Post heating, when appicabe, PWT and Harcnese Test, when applicableKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL wo [2 | om | pe | 0 eae [io] pr] aw | 0 | Lint EPCWORKS FOR THE HALOBUTYL (Ha) PROJECT [MESS KENVACONTRACTNG EPCLS-ZSEPOIBOOK OZOH ‘emnyed Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7.6 (see attached Test Pack Flow Chart)Lins eWACoMAcTIn CLS aba CCK OK Techinip airs ‘TEST PACKAGE FOLLOW-UPKENYA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Beep | pe | BST | neon Fea] | Beem seu, bevaee Lous EPC WORKS FOR THE HALOBUTY. (HB) PROJECT. ~ KEMYA CONTRACT No: EPC-LS-12-SEP.019-00K / 020K ‘ kermya Technip PRESSURE TEST AND TEST PACK MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7 (see attached applicable QCFs & SQ 104) ‘OOF [Wi3_| Piping Pressure Test Report Revo ‘QCF | W138_| Manfold Pressure Test Report Revo ‘OCF | Wid _| Punch List item Revo ‘cr | Wi4A_| Dimensional Lneviso Check Rev “AGF [W15 _| Threaded Joints Report Rev ‘QF |W18 | Modification Aor Pressure Test Rev 0 ‘QF | W31_ | Oriies Flange intemal Cieaning & Reinforcing Pad Text Report | Rev 0 ‘ocr | Ws1__| Piping Erecton Summary Report Rev2 ‘QC [WSIA | Reinstaision List Rev 0 ‘GF | W516 | Isoltion Bind List Revo ‘QCF | W5IC_| Bolted Connection Join Ut Rev2 ‘QF | WS3__| Golden Joint Report Rev 0 [ocr | w10_| Test Pack Tracking Sheet Revo ‘OCF | Ps4 | Ping Reinstatement (Precom). Rev ‘Qcr_[ P58 | Piping Spring Hanger Cold Setting (Preccm) Rev (SO TGSN-1OH [Caer cosng or bots, ni and gaskets RewA]
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