Rajkumar Biology Unit - 5 by Rajat
Rajkumar Biology Unit - 5 by Rajat
Rajkumar Biology Unit - 5 by Rajat
All the living organisms require the presence of energy to do various functions of life. They
get this energy from the food they eat. Food is also needed for growth and development of the
body. Nutrition is defined as, the substance in total from which an organism derives its energy to
do work and other materials for its growth, development and maintenance of life.
Alimentary canal is a tube present in all higher animals starting from mouth and reaching
up to anus. Various glands located on its wall produce digestive juices that help in the process of
digestion. Two glands namely liver and pancreas are also associated with it. They also produce
the digestive juices. The digested food is also absorbed into the alimentary canal and undigested
and indigestible food is passed out of the body through anus.
Mammalian Alimentary System:
In man the total length of alimentary canal is about 21 feet and consists of the following
Mouth leads into a buccal cavity. The opening of the mouth is provided with lips. At
the floor of the buccal cavity a muscular tongue is present. It helps in the ingestion, mastication
and swallowing of food. It has got taste buds on its surface. Most of the mammals possess teeth
on both the jaws. They are present in the cavity or socket of gums (thecodont dentition). The
number and types of teeth vary in mammals. In man, there are 32 teeth of four different types
namely incisors, canines, premolars and molars. This type of dentition is known as heterodont
dentition. Their number can be represented by the dental formula: In each half of jaw;
Upper jaw I(2); C(1); PM(2); M(3)
----------------------------------------------Lower jaw I (2); C (1); PM (2); M (3)
= 32
The incisor teeth are chisel-shaped and have sharp cutting edges. Canines are dagger-shaped and
pierce the food. They are very large and well developed in predatory animals. Premolars and
molars are broad and strong crushing teeth. Thus the incisors are used for biting; the canines for
tearing the food; and premolars and molars for grinding the food. With the help of the teeth,
tongue and jaw movements, food is chewed and mixed with saliva in the mouth.
Salivary glands:
There are three pairs of salivary glands namely parotids, submaxillary (submandibular) and
sublingual glands. Their secretion is collectively known as saliva that is poured into the buccal
cavity. Saliva usually contains enzymes and mucin. The enzyme present in saliva is known as
ptyalin that helps in the digestion of carbohydrates; while mucin helps to lubricate the food for
The mouth leads to a funnel-shaped pharynx, which communicates with a long muscular
tube called oesophagus. The oesophagus opens into a muscular sac like structure called as
stomach. In man, it is somewhat J-shaped and occupies the left side of the abdomen. The
stomach opens into the small intestine. The stomach has many glands on its wall. Stomach wall
produces gastric juice, which chiefly contains HCl, mucin and two protein digesting enzymes
rennin and pepsin. The muscles of the stomach wall churn and mix the food with gastric juice.
Stomach through its pyloric region opens into small intestine. It is differentiated into three
regions viz., duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Duodenum is U-shaped and gets the common bile
duct and pancreatic duct from the gall bladder and pancreas. Jejunum is longer and more coiled.
Ileum is the last part of small intestine and opens into the large intestine. Its wall has numerous
long, finger-like projections called villi, which enhance absorption. Small intestine is the main
region where digestion and absorption of food occurs. It has large number of tubular glands that
produce the intestinal juice containing a number of enzymes, which digest various types of food.
Digestion of different nutrients is completed in the small intestine by the action of pancreatic
juice, intestinal juice and bile juice. The end products of digestion are then absorbed from the
small intestine.
The small intestine opens into the large intestine. It is comparatively much shorter and
wider than the small intestine. It does not have villi. It is also differentiated into three regions:
caecum, colon and rectum. Caecum is a small pouch-like structure and its main part is
vermiform appendix. However, caecum is very well developed in herbivorous animals like
horse and ass. The colon is longest and has four parts; ascending colon, transverse colon,
descending colon and pelvic colon. The pelvic colon opens into the rectum. Rectum is the last
part of large intestine. Both in colon and rectum most of the water is reabsorbed back while the
undigested food is removed from the body as faecal matter through anus. This is known as
Glands associated with alimentary canal:
Pancreas: It is located in between the loops of duodenum. It is the second largest gland of the
body. It secretes pancreatic juice that contains large number of digestive enzymes for digesting
starch, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. The pancreatic juice is released into the pancreatic
duct, which joins with the common bile duct.
Liver: It is the largest gland of the body lying immediately below the diaphragm in the right
upper part of abdomen. The cells of the liver (hepatic cells) produce bile juice that contains bile
pigments and bile salts. These bile salts help in the digestion and absorption of fats. Bile juice
does not contain any enzyme. Bile juice flows out of the liver through hepatic ducts forming the
common bile duct that opens into the duodenum (when the food is present in the duodenum).
When there is no food in the duodenum, then bile juice is stored in the gall bladder. The gall
bladder is a small elongated, muscular sac below the liver. When the food comes into
duodenum, it contracts to release the bile juice.
Digestion of Carbohydrates:
In the mouth cavity, the food is mixed with saliva. It contains an enzyme called salivary
amylase or ptyalin. Salivary amylase acts on starch and convert it into maltose, isomaltose and
small dextrins or `limit dextrin(disaccharides). Chewing and mastication of food increases the
action of salivary amylase on starch by increasing the surface area of food on which the enzyme
acts. About 30 percent of starch present in food is hydrolysed in the mouth. The action of
salivary amylase continues for sometime even in the stomach but soon HCl present in the gastric
juice destroys the entire enzyme.
Starch -------------- Maltose + Isomaltose + Dextrin
Pancreatic juice and intestinal juice also contain carbohydrates digesting enzymes.
Pancreatic juice contains pancreatic amylase that acts on starch to digest it into maltose,
isomaltose and dextrin. Intestinal juice contains number of carbohydrates like maltase,
isomaltase and sucrase and lactase. Maltase and isomaltase act on maltose, isomaltose and
dextrins and convert into glucose; sucrase acts on sucrose to convert it into glucose and fructose;
and lactase acts on lactose to convert it into glucose and the galactose.
Starch ------------ Maltose + Isomaltose + Dextrin
Maltose + Isomaltose + Dextrin ------------Glucose
Sucrose ------------ Glucose + Fructose
Lactose ----------- Glucose + Galactose
Only human being can digest lactose present in the milk. But with advancing age, they
also cannot digest milk. This is because less of lactase is produced. In them, lactose remains
undigested and gets fermented in the intestine producing gases and acids. This results in
intestinal disorder and diarrhoea. So these persons must consume curd or yoghurt (sweetened
curd) as lactase is fermented to lactic acid in them. This will not pose any digestive problem to
Many of the herbivorous animals can digest cellulose by the microorganisms (bacteria
and protozoa) present in their alimentary canal. These microbes ferment cellulose into short
chain fatty acids such as acetic acid and propionic acid. These acids are then absorbed and
utilized by the animal. This is, thus, an example of symbiotic digestion. Microbes may be
present in the rumen and reticulum part of stomach (cow and buffaloes); or in the large intestine
(horse and donkeys).
Digestion of proteins:
Proteins are complex organic compounds made up of single units called amino acids. In
the process of digestion, proteins are broken down to amino acids. Enzymes that hydrolyze
protein are collectively known as proteases or peptides. Many of these enzymes are secreted in
their inactive form or proenzymes. These inactive enzymes are converted to their active form
only at the site of action.
Protein digestion starts in the stomach. The gastric glands of stomach produce a light
coloured, thin and transparent gastric juice. It contains hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen. The
H+ ions present in HCl converts pepsinogen into pepsin. The presence of HCl makes the
medium highly acidic so that pepsin can act on proteins to convert them into peptones. HCl also
helps to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms that may be present along with the food. Calf
gastric juice contains another milk coagulating protease, called rennin. It is secreted as inactive
pro-rennin. In the presence of HCl, the inactive prorennin is converted into their active form,
i.e., rennin. Rennin acts on the casein protein of milk and converts it into paracasein, which in
the presence of calcium ions forms calcium paracaseinate (curdling of milk). The function of
rennin is then taken over by pepsin and other milk-coagulating enzymes. Adult cows or human
infants do not produce rennin.
Both pancreatic juice and intestinal juice are poured into small intestine. Pancreatic juice
contains trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, carboxypeptidases, lipases, amylases, DNAases and
RNAases. All these enzymes of pancreatic juice can act only in the alkaline medium. This
change in the medium of food, from acidic to alkaline, is done by the bile juice. Therefore, bile
juice acts on the food before the action of pancreatic juice. In the intestinal lumen, pancreatic
and intestinal juices mix together. Then a protease of intestinal juice, called Enteropeptidase or
Enterokinase acts in coordination with pancreatic proteases. This enterokinase converts inactive
trypsinogen into active trypsin. In predatory animals, trypsins can hydrolyse fibrinogen of blood
into fibrin leading to blood coagulation. But it is unable to bring about coagulation of milk. The
inactive Chymotrypsinogen is activated to chymotrypsin by trypsin. Chymotrypsins can
hydrolyse casein into paracasein, which then coagulates to form calcium paracaseinate. But it
acts in the alkaline medium. Chymotrypsin acts on other proteins and converts them into
peptides. Carboxypeptidase hydrolyses the terminal carboxyl groups from peptide bonds to
release the last amino acids from the peptides thus making the peptide shorter.
Fat digestion starts only when the food reaches the small intestine. It starts with the
action of bile juice from liver. Bile juice contains bile salts, which are secreted by the liver in the
bile. Bile salts break down the bigger molecules of fat globules into smaller droplets by reducing
the surface tension of fat droplets. This process is known as emulsification of fats.
Lipase is the enzyme that acts on emulsified fats. It is present both in the pancreatic juice
and intestinal juice. Lipase converts emulsified fats into diglycerides and monoglycerides
releasing fatty acids at each step. At the end of digestion, all fats are converted into fatty acids,
glycerol and monoglycerides.
During the process of digestion proteins are changed to amino acids, carbohydrates to
glucose, fructose and galactose, fats to fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides. These end
products of digestion are finally absorbed in small intestine. So absorption can be defined as a
process by which nutrient molecules are taken into the cells of the body. For this purpose,
intestine has vast surface area of absorption by the presence of numerous villi. Further, this area
is increased by microvilli present on the free surface of epithelial cells.
Passive absorption: When the nutrients are absorbed by simple diffusion, then it is known as
passive absorption. Various amino acids and monosaccharides diffuse into the blood capillaries
of villi. This is dependent on the fact that these nutrients are more in concentration in the
intestine than in the cells. Further, these molecules are small and water soluble. All the amino
acids and monosaccharides are not absorbed in this way.
Water is absorbed from the intestine to the intestinal cells and finally to the blood by the
process of osmosis. This occurs when the solute concentration in the blood is higher
(hypertonic). Thus, whenever any solute is absorbed from the intestine, it also results in the
absorption of water.
Active absorption: This process occurs against the concentration gradient, i.e., nutrients may be
more in intestinal cells than in the lumen of intestine. It requires the expenditure of energy i.e.,
ATP. Various nutrients like amino acids, glucose, galactose, Na+ ions can be absorbed by active
transport. After their passive absorption, they are completely absorbed by active transport. For
the active absorption of Na+ ions, a mechanism of sodium pump operates in the cell membranes.
As the fatty acids and glycerol are insoluble in water, the intestine cannot directly absorb
them. So they cannot reach the blood stream directly. Instead, they are passed into lymph
capillaries of the villi called lacteals. Digested fats are first incorporated into small, spherical
droplets called micelles with the help of bile salts and phospholipids in the intestinal lumen. In
the lacteals, fats are resynthesised into very small fat molecules called chylomicrons. An
obstruction in the bile duct may prevent the entry of bile juice into the small intestine
(obstructive jaundice) as a result unabsorbed fats are removed from the body along with the
faecal matter. Thus bile plays an important role in the absorption of fats.
Balanced diet: To maintain normal functioning of our body, we need varieties of food so that
all the systems are well maintained. A diet, which contains adequate amount of all the essential
nutrients, is known as balanced diet. It varies according to age and occupation. A balanced diet
should have the following three qualities:
It must be rich in various essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and some amino acids.
It should provide enough raw materials needed for the growth and development, repair and
replacement of cells, tissues and organs of the body.
It should provide the necessary energy required by the body.
Disorders of Digestive System:
1. Jaundice: The liver is affected; skin and eyes turn yellow due to the deposit of bile pigment.
2. Vomiting: It is the ejection of stomach contents through the mouth and controlled by the
centre in the medulla oblongata.
3. Diarrhoea: Abnormal bowel movement and the faecal discharge with more liquidity, which
leads to dehydration.
4. Constipation: the feces are retained within the rectum due to irregular bowel movement.
5. Indigestion: food is not properly digested leading to a feeling of fullness due to inadequate
enzyme secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, over eating nd spicy food.
Every living cell requires continuous expenditure of energy for various life processes like
growth, development and multiplication. This energy is derived from the oxidation of organic
compounds. The biological oxidation of these compounds constitutes the process of respiration.
Respiration is thus defined as, the biochemical oxidation of organic compounds like glucose
to yield energy.
In simple animals like Amoeba, Paramecium, the body organisation is very simple, so gases
can diffuse in and out from the general surface of the body. The air diffuses across the
membrane from the side where its partial pressure is more to the side where its partial
pressure is less. However, there are no special organs of respiration.
There are no special organs for respiration in Hydra as the body organisation is very simple
and the cells are more or less directly exposed to the environment. Dissolved oxygen enters
into the cells of Hydra through the general body surface, as there is less oxygen
concentration within the cells. Carbon dioxide produced after respiration also comes out in a
similar way. This process is termed as diffusion.
There are no special respiratory organs in earthworms and leeches but the exchange of gases
occurs through the skin (cutaneous respiration). The skin is always kept moist by the
secretions of mucous glands, and is richly supplied with blood capillaries. Oxygen from the
atmosphere dissolves into mucous and diffuses in. It is then transported to the body tissues
by hemoglobin of the blood. In them, hemoglobin is dissolved in plasma and not present in
the corpuscles unlike other animals.
In insects, gas exchange occurs through a tracheal system because in them the integument
has become impermeable to gases to reduce the water loss. Trachea are fine tubes that open
to the outside by spiracles. Each trachea branches into tracheoles that again branch
extensively in the tissues and finally end into air sacs.
Inspiration and expiration occur through the spiracles. When the abdominal muscles
relax, the air is drawn into the spiracles, trachea and tracheoles. This then diffuses through
the body fluids to reach the cells. When the abdominal muscles contract, the air is driven out
through the tracheal system via the spiracles. Thus in insects expiration is an active process
but inspiration is passive.
In the marine annelid Nereis respiration occurs by the whole body surface, but more
specially by thin, flattened lobes of parapodia, which possess extensive capillary network.
They are richly supplied with blood capillaries and are highly permeable to respiratory
Aquatic animals like prawns, fishes and tadpoles (of frog) respire with the help of gills. Gills
are richly supplied with blood and can readily absorb oxygen dissolved in water. The
surface of the gills is increased by the presence of gill plates. Each gill plate has many flat
and parallel membranes like gill lamellae. Water moves over these gills in single direction
only. The oxygen absorbed by the gills from the water is taken by blood and carbon dioxide
is given out into the water.
In amphibians like frogs and toads, some cutaneous respiration takes place across their moist
and highly vascular skin, particularly during hibernation. However, they mainly respire
through the lungs and the moist mucus membrane of the buccal cavity.Toads have less of
cutaneous respiration than frogs.
All mammals have lungs for the purpose of respiration. This is known as pulmonary
respiration. The mammalian respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx,
larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and lungs.
1. Nasal cavity: It is a large cavity lying dorsal to the mouth and is lined by mucous secreting
epithelium. The nasal cavity opens outside through a pair of external nostrils or nares.
Bones and cartilages support the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is divided into two parts by a
nasal septum. The cavity opens inside into pharynx through two internal nostrils. Air while
passing through the nasal cavity is filtered, and only the clean air free from dust particles and
foreign substances enters the pharynx. The air also gets warmed and moistened in this
chamber. It is important to note that air can also be inhaled through mouth directly, but this
is not advisable because the air will not be filtered, warmed and moistened. This gradually
will harm the respiratory system.
2. Nasopharynx: It is a chamber situated behind the nasal cavity. At the level of soft palate, it
becomes continuous with the mouth cavity or oral pharynx. It also receives the openings of
eustachian tubes on its lateral sides and is thus connected to the middle ear.
4. Trachea: It is a tube starting from larynx running through the neck and the thoracic cavity.
The trachea runs through the neck in front of the oesophagus. The trachea or windpipe is
about 12 cm long and divided into two bronchi in the thoracic region.
5. Bronchi and bronchioles: The two bronchi enter into right and left lungs of either side.
Inside the lungs they further branch into many smaller bronchioles with a diameter of about
1 mm. These bronchioles further divide into terminal and then into respiratory bronchioles.
Each respiratory bronchiole divides into a number of alveolar ducts that further divide into
atria, which swell up into air sacs or alveoli.
6. Lungs: A pair of conical shaped lungs is situated in the double walled sacs called pleural
cavities. They are spongy and richly supplied with blood vessels and capillaries. They have
about 300-400 millions of alveoli through which exchange of gases occur. Lungs have
various bronchioles ending into alveoli where exchange of gases occurs. The alveoli are thin
walled pouches the walls of which have epithelial linings supported by basement membrane.
Mechanism of breathing or pulmonary respiration:
Inspiration: During this process, some intercostal muscles contract thus pulling the ribs
upwards and outwards. Lateral thoracic walls also move outwards and upwards. At the same
time the diaphragm becomes flattened as it moves down towards the abdomen. This results in
the increase in the volume of thoracic cavity thus lowering the pressure in the lungs. To fill up
this gap, air from outside rushes in to bring about inhalation or inspiration. Hence, inspiration is
brought about by contraction of the diaphragm and some intercostal muscles; these muscles are
known as inspiratory muscles.
Expiration: During this process, the ribs return back to their original position, inwards and
backwards, by the relaxation of intercostal muscles and also the diaphragm becomes domeshaped again. Lateral thoracic walls also move inwards and downwards. This decreases the
volume of the thoracic cavity thus increasing the pressure inside the lungs. So the air from the
lungs rushes out through the respiratory passage bringing about expiration or exhalation.
A person breathes about 12 to 16 times per minute while at rest. However, this breathing
rate is higher at the time of muscular exercise and in small children.
vital capacity, the greater will be the capacity for increasing the ventilation of lungs for
exchange of gases. It is more in athletes and mountain dwellers.
3. Residual volume: It is the volume of air that remains inside the lungs and respiratory
passage( about 1.5 litres ) after a maximum forced exhalation.
4. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): It is the volume of air that can be taken in by forced
inspiration over and above the normal inspiration or tidal volume. It is about 2,000 ml to
3,500 ml.
5. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): It is the volume of air that can still be given out by
forced expiration over and above the normal inspiration or tidal volume. It is about 1,000 ml.
6. Total lung capacity: It is the volume of air in the lungs and respiratory passage after a
maximum inhalation effort. It is equivalent to vital capacity plus residual volume. It is
about 5,000 to 6,000 ml in adult males.
In most of higher animals including man, the air from outside reaches up to the alveoli of
lungs in the process of breathing. This inspired air contains about 21 per cent oxygen, 0.04 per
cent carbon dioxide, 78.6 per cent nitrogen and small amounts of other gases and atmospheric
moisture. In this inspired air the partial pressure of oxygen (Po 2) is 158 mm Hg; and that of
carbon dioxide (Pco 2) is 0.3 mm Hg. The lungs and alveoli also contain some air even after
expiration. But this air has more of carbon dioxide and less of oxygen than the inspired air. So
when this air mixes with the inspired air the partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air now
becomes 100 mm Hg and that of carbon dioxide becomes 40 mm Hg. However, the percentage
of oxygen now becomes 13.1% and that of carbon dioxide 5.3%.
The pulmonary artery contains deoxygenated blood and this has Po 2 much less (40 mm
Hg) than that of alveolar Po 2. So oxygen from the alveolar air diffuses into the blood capillaries
(oxygenation). This oxygenated blood is collected from alveoli of lungs by the pulmonary
veins. It has a Po2 of about 95 mm Hg and at this partial pressure, the oxygenated blood has
19.8 per cent oxygen. Further, the deoxygenated blood in the pulmonary artery has a Pco 2 of 46
mm Hg and Pco2 of alveolar air is 40 mm Hg. So the blood while passing through the alveoli of
lungs also unloads carbon dioxide. The pulmonary vein carrying oxygenated blood, thus, has
carbon dioxide at the partial pressure of 40 mm Hg. At these partial pressures the carbon
dioxide contents of the blood decreases from 52.7 per cent to 49 per cent.
form oxyhemoglobin is a physical process. There is no change in the valency of iron atom; it is
ferrous in oxyhemoglobin and also in hemoglobin. This reaction, therefore, is an oxygenation
process and not oxidation. When fully oxygenated, hemoglobin has about 97 per cent of
oxygen. Hemoglobin is dark red in colour; whereas oxyhemoglobin is bright red in colour.
Inside the tissues, as the partial pressure of oxygen is less, oxyhemoglobin gets
dissociated into oxygen and hemoglobin. Further, as Po2 is much lower and Pco2 is much
higher in active tissues than in passive tissues, so much of oxygen is released from
oxyhemoglobin in active tissues. High tension of oxygen favours the formation of
oxyhemoglobin while low tension of oxygen favours its dissociation. However, very little of
oxygen is found in the blood plasma. Each decilitre of blood releases up to 4.6 ml, of oxygen in
the tissues, 4.4 ml from oxyhemoglobin and 0.17 ml from the dissolved oxygen in the plasma.
Carbon dioxide is produced in the tissues as an end product of tissue respiration. For its
elimination, it gets dissolved in tissue fluid and passes into the blood. In the tissues, 100 ml of
blood receives about 3.7 ml of carbon dioxide. It is transported both by the plasma and
hemoglobin of blood. From the tissues, carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood plasma and forms
carbonic acid (H2CO3-) in the presence of an enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Inside the
erythrocytes, some of the carbonic acid forms bicarbonates and is thus transported. As carbonic
acid, carbon dioxide is transported by blood plasma.
Carbonic anhydrase
CO2 + H2O \================\ H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
H+ + HCO3- (bicarbonate)
If all the carbon dioxide produced by the tissues is carried by blood plasma in this way,
then pH of the blood will be lowered to about 4.5. This would immediately cause death. So only
about 10% of the CO2 produced by the tissue is actually transported as carbonic acid.
About 20% of the total CO2 produced is transported by the hemoglobin of blood as
About 70 % of the total CO2 produced is transported as bicarbonate ions of the blood.
Bicarbonates are formed both in the erythrocytes and in the plasma of blood.
In erythrocytes. CO2 from the plasma enters the erythrocytes and combines with water to
form carbonic acid in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic acid soon
dissociates to form H+ and HCO3 - ions.
CO2 + H2O ------------ H2CO3 \==============\ H+ + HCO3-
Hence, carbon dioxide is carried in the blood in three major forms; bicarbonates in
plasma and erythrocytes, carbaminohemoglobin in erythrocytes, and small amounts of dissolved
carbon dioxide in plasma.
In the tissues, gases are exchanged by diffusion (as in the lungs). In tissues, as the partial
pressure of oxygen is very low (about 40 mm Hg), so the oxygen gets unloaded here. When the
blood leaves the tissues it has Po2 of 40 mm Hg. However, for carbon dioxide it is just the
reverse. The blood entering into tissues has Pco 2 of 40 mm Hg; while Pco 2 of tissues is 46 mm
Hg. So some of carbon dioxide from tissues gets loaded into the blood.
Distinguish between:
Inspired air is the air taken inside the lungs during inspiration. It contains about 21%
oxygen and 0.03% carbon dioxide. This air now mixes up with the air already present inside the
lungs, which has more of carbon dioxide and less of oxygen. This mixed air is now called as
alveolar air and it has 13.1% oxygen and 5.3% carbon dioxide.
Explain why the following things happen:
1. Far more oxygen is released from oxyhemoglobin in a more active tissue than in a less
active one.
The dissociation of oxyhemoglobin to oxygen and deoxyhemoglobin depends upon the partial
pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the tissues. In a more active tissue, the Po 2 is lower
and Pco2 is higher as compared to that of a less active tissue. So far more oxygen is released
from oxyhemoglobin in a more active tissue than in a less active one.
2. Oxygenation of blood promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the blood in the lungs.
The oxygenation of blood in the lungs depends on the partial pressures of oxygen in the
pulmonary artery and in the alveolar air. Further, the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin is enhanced
with the fall in partial pressures of carbon dioxide that results from the elimination of carbon
dioxide from the blood into the lungs. In the lung alveoli, hemoglobin is exposed to high Po 2
and less Pco2.
3. Oxygen leaves the blood from tissue capillaries, but carbon dioxide enters the blood in
tissue capillaries.
Inside the tissue capillaries, there is more of Pco2 and less of Po2. The blood coming to tissues
has more of Po2 and less of Pco 2. So oxygen is unloaded from the blood and carbon dioxide is
loaded to the blood in the tissue capillaries.
4. Erythrocytes can carry out anaerobic metabolism only.
Erythrocytes can carry out anaerobic metabolism only because they lack mitochondria.
5. Gaseous exchanges continue in the lungs without interruption during expiration.
Gaseous exchanges continue in the lungs uninterrupted because some air is always present inside
the lung alveoli even during expiration.
6. Contraction of inspiratory muscles causes inspiration while relaxation causes expiration.
Contraction of inspiratory muscles increases the volume of pleural cavities; while expiration is
brought about passively by the relaxation of those muscles. As the muscles relax, the diaphragm
moves up towards the thorax and the intercostal muscles move the lateral thoracic walls inwards
and downwards. This decreases the volume of pleural cavities and the air rushes out.
7. Oxygen enters the blood from the alveolar air but carbon dioxide leaves the blood to enter
the alveolar air.
Inside the alveoli of lungs, there is more of Po 2 and less of Pco2 .The blood coming to lung
alveoli has more of Pco 2 and less of Po2. So oxygen is loaded to the blood and carbon dioxide is
unloaded from the blood in the alveoli of lungs.
All parts of the body require nourishment and oxygen, and metabolic wastes need to be
removed from the body. So there is a need to transport various substances like digested food
materials to provide energy and growth of the body, hormones, metabolic wastes, enzymes,
various gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) etc. from one part of the body to other. These
functions are carried out by an extracellular fluid, which flows throughout the body. This flow is
known as circulation and this transport of substances is done by a system is called circulatory
layers viz., tunica externa, tunica media and tunica interna. All these layers have got smooth or
involuntary muscles. Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles alter the diameter of arteries
and thus regulate the flow of blood through them. Capillaries are extremely fine, thin blood
vessels the walls of which are made of a single layer of endothelial cells. The muscles and
elastic fibers are absent in them. These capillaries are highly permeable to water and small
macromolecules. Various nutrients, respiratory gases, metabolites and other substances are
exchanged between the blood and tissues through these capillaries.
Blood flows towards the heart.
Blood flows smoothly and with less
Structurally veins resemble arteries except that the three layers are very thin and more elastic. In
the veins the muscles and elastic connective tissues are poorly developed. But the collagen
fibers of the outer layer are very well developed. In most of the veins the middle coat is
extremely thin with practically no muscles. In many veins semilunar valves are present in their
lumen. These valves allow the flow of the blood only in one direction i.e., towards the heart.
The heart :
The heart is the central pumping organ of the blood vascular system. It is a hollow
muscular structure and is made up of cardiac muscles. It works throughout life rhythmically
without getting tired. It is enclosed in a double membraneous sac called pericardium that is
filled with pericardial fluid. Mainly there are two chambers in a heart auricle or atrium that
receives the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body; and a ventricle that distributes
the oxygenated blood to the body. The number of these chambers varies in different animals.
In fishes, the heart is only two chambered one auricle and one ventricle. Both these
chambers contain deoxygenated blood.
In amphibians, the auricle is divided into right and left auricles. The blood after
oxygenation from lungs is returned back to left auricle. Right auricle receives deoxygenated
blood from various parts of the body. However, in the ventricle there is mixing up of
deoxygenated and oxygenated blood.
In reptiles (except crocodiles), the division of the ventricle also starts but it is not
complete. So the heart is incompletely four-chambered. However, there are two auricles- left
and right auricles. In them the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are kept separate. But in the
ventricle, this separation is not perfect.
Crocodiles, birds and mammals have a complete four-chambered heart. In them the
ventricle septum is complete so that there is no mixing up of oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood at all.
A structure called sinus venosus is present in the hearts of fishes, amphibians and reptiles.
It receives deoxygenated blood from anterior and posterior caval veins and then that blood is
poured into the heart. There is no sinus venosus in mammals.
Human Heart :
The mammalian heart including man is a hollow, cone-shaped, muscular structure that
lies in the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm and in between the two lungs. It is about the size
of a fist measuring about 12 cm in length and 9 cm in breadth. It weighs about 300 grams. It is a
four chambered organ-two atria or auricles and two ventricles. Deoxygenated blood is received
into right auricle by superior vena cava (from anterior region) and inferior vena cava (from
posterior region) of the body. These vena cavae open directly into right auricle as there is no
sinus venosus. Right auricle also gets blood from coronary veins (from the heart muscles itself).
The right and left auricles are separated by interauricular septum. Similarly, right and left
ventricles are also separated by interventricular septum. Deoxygenated blood is then passed
from the right auricle to the right ventricle through the atrioventricular aperture guarded by
tricuspid valve (having three flaps). The blood is then pumped into lungs for oxygenation via
pulmonary artery. After oxygenation, the blood is brought back into left auricle via four
pulmonary veins. From left auricle, blood (now oxygenated) goes to left ventricle through atrioventricular aperture and this opening is regulated by bicuspid (having two flaps) or mitral valve.
The left ventricle has also got chordae tendinae and papillary muscles which prevent the valves
(both bicuspid and tricuspid) from being pushed into auricles at the time of ventricular
contraction. Thus the walls of left ventricle are thicker than the walls of right ventricle. The
oxygenated blood from left ventricle is then distributed to all parts of the body with the help of
aorta. The openings of the aorta and other major arteries are guarded by semilunar valves that
prevent the back flow of blood.
Course of Circulation through Mammalian Heart :
During a heart beat, there is contraction and relaxation of auricles and ventricles in a
specific sequence. The contraction phase is known as systole, while relaxation phase is known
as diastole. Various series of events that occur during a heart beat is known as cardiac cycle.
When both the auricles and ventricles are in relaxed or diastolic phase. This is referred to
as joint diastole. During this phase, the blood flows into the auricles from the superior vena cava
and inferior vena cava. The blood also flows from the auricles to their respective ventricles
through the atrio-ventricular valve. There is no flow of blood from the ventricles to the aorta and
its main arteries as the semilunar valves remain closed in this phase.
At the end of joint diastole, the next heart beat starts with the contraction of atria (atrial
systole). In this phase, it now forces most of its blood into the ventricle, which is still in the
diastolic phase. During auricular systole, the blood cannot pass back into the superior and
inferior vena cava because they are compressed by the auricular contraction and their openings to
the auricles are blocked. Thus auricles act as main vessel to collect and pump the venous blood
into the ventricles. Thus at the end of auricular systole, the auricles get empty.
After the atrial systole is over, the auricular muscles relax and it enters into auricular
diastolic phase. During auricular diastole, it again gets filled up with the venous blood coming
from the superior and inferior vena cavae. Along with the auricular diastole, the ventricular
systole starts. This results in an increased pressure of blood in the ventricle and it rises more
than the pressure of blood in the auricle. Soon the atrio-ventricular valves are closed and thus
the back flow of blood is prevented. This closure of AV-valve at the beginning of ventricular
systole produces a sound lubb and is known as the first heart sound. Initially, when the
ventricle starts contracting, the pressure of blood within it is lower than the pressure of blood
within the aorta and so the semilunar valves do not open. Therefore, the ventricle contracts as a
closed chamber. As the ventricular systole progresses more, the pressure of blood within the
ventricle increases more than that of aorta as a result the semilunar valves now open and blood
flows (with a speed) into the aorta and its main branches. The back flow of blood in the auricles
is prevented, as the AV-valves remain closed.
Now at the end of ventricular systole, ventricular diastole starts. As the auricles are still
continuing with their diastole, so all the four chambers are now in diastole. This is known as
joint diastole. In the ventricular diastolic phase, the pressure of blood in the ventricles falls
below the pressure of blood in the aorta, so the semilunar valves get closed to prevent the back
flow of blood from the aorta to the ventricles. This closure of semilunar valves at the beginning
of ventricular diastole produces a sound dup and is known as the second heart sound. After the
closure of the semilunar valves, the ventricles become closed chambers again. Also, as the
ventricular pressure is more than the atrial pressure, so the AV-valves remain closed. However,
as the ventricular diastole continues, the pressure of blood in the ventricles falls below the
pressure of blood in the auricles. At this point, the AV-valves open and blood starts flowing
again from the relaxed auricles to the relaxed ventricles. Now when the joint diastole is over, the
auricular systole starts and the blood is pumped into the ventricles.
originates. It is also called as pace maker and is richly supplied with blood capillaries. A wave
of contraction (systole) originates from it and spreads over to the whole heart.
At the junction of right atrium and right ventricle, a tissue called auriculo-ventricular
node (AV-node) is present that picks up the wave of contraction propagated by SA-node. This is
also known as bundle of His. Branches of this spread over the ventricle forming the Purkinje
system. The wave of contraction spreads over the ventricle through AV-node and its Purkinje
The heart is supplied with vagus (parasympathetic) and sympathetic nerve fibers. The
vagus nerve is inhibitory and so when stimulated slows down the heart beat; while the
sympathetic nerve is acceleratory and so when stimulated fastens the heart beat. This happens
because these nerves release chemicals (hormones) when stimulated.
In vertebrates, the heart pumps blood into a closed circulatory system. The left ventricle
ejects blood into the aorta, which gives off arteries to tissues and organs(except lungs), then the
blood is returned from these tissues and organs through two veins, superior and inferior vanae
cavae to the right atrium. This is known as the systemic circulation. The right ventricle pumps
blood into the pulmonary trunk which divides into pulmonary arteries going to the lungs; then
blood is returned to the left atrium from the lungs through the pulmonary veins. This is called
the pulmonary circulation.
In some cases, before the blood can finally return to the heart, a vein returning blood
from a system of capillaries divides again into a second capillary system in the tissues. Such
type of vein is called as portal vein; and it constitutes a portal system along with the capillary
system to which it supplies blood.
Veins after collecting deoxygenated blood from the organs normally pour the blood into
right auricle. But sometimes, they pour their blood into some other organ by the portal veins
before the heart. The blood from that organ is then collected and poured into the heart. For
example, a hepatic portal vein returns blood from the intestine and breaks into a portal system of
capillaries in the liver. This helps the absorbed nutrients from the small intestine to reach first
into the liver via the hepatic portal vein. The cells of the liver can take up these nutrients.
Similarly, the blood coming from hypothalamus may be poured into anterior pituitary by a
hypophysial portal vein. This portal system enables the hormones of hypothalamus to reach the
anterior pituitary.
Contraction of muscles and changes of body posture compresses the veins to move the blood
inside them. During this both cases, blood moves towards the heart only, because the venous
valves prevent the blood flow in the opposite direction. This is a major process for venous blood
For example, if a person stands immobile for a long time, blood flow in the leg veins remains
suspended. This may lead to an accumulation of fluid in his leg tissues and a consequent
swelling of his feet. If he walks for some time, the swelling subsides as blood begins to circulate
again in the veins.
Some of the tissue fluid enters tiny channels called lymph vessels and the fluid collected
in them is called lymph and this system is known as lymphatic system. These lymph vessels
unite to form larger lymph vessels which ultimately drain into two large lymph vessels called
thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. These open into veins returning the lymph finally
into venous blood and so in the general circulatory system. This movement of lymph is mainly
due to the squeezing action of the surrounding muscles. So the lymphatic system is slow and
uncertain. Exercise increases the rate of lymph circulation.
Generally, the rate of lymph formation is equal to the rate of its return to the blood stream. But
sometimes, the formation rate of lymph exceeds the rate of its return to blood. The increased
volume of fluid around the cells then creates a swelling, called dropsy or oedema.
Functions of Lymph:
1. It serves to return interstitial fluid into blood.
2. The plasma proteins macromolecules synthesized by the liver cells, cannot pass into the
blood vessels, but can diffuse into the lymph vessels through their wall and they come to the
blood through lymph.
3. It also carries absorbed fats and lipids from the small intestine to the blood in the form of
chylomicron droplets.
Disorders of Circulatory System:
1. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): It is the term for blood pressurethat is higher than
normal of 120/80. In the instrument 120 is Systolic / pumping pressure, 80 is Diastolic,
resting pressure. If repeated check which shows 140/90 and higher shows Hypertension. It
may leads to heart diseases and also affect vital organs like brain and kidney.
2. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) : it is also known as Atherosclerosis, due to damage in the
blood vessels of heart tissues. Basically it it due to, deposition excess of Calcium, fat,
cholesterol and fibrous tissues which makes the lumen of arteries narrower.
3. Angina: It is also known as angina pectoris, it is symptom of acute chest pain due to less
oxygen supply to heart.
4. Heart Failure: It is the state when heart is not pumping blood effectively to other organs of
the body.
All plants and animals produce harmful substances due to a number of metabolic activities
occurring in their body tissues. Carbon dioxide produced during respiration is removed by lungs.
Ammonia is the chief nitrogenous waste produced as a result of metabolism of proteins and
amino acids. This is a highly toxic substance to the body tissues and is eliminated as such by
aquatic animals. While on land, ammonia combines with carbon dioxide to form a less toxic
substance called urea which eliminated from the body. Thus the process of excretion can be
defined as the elimination of waste products from the body which otherwise are toxic if retained
within the system. The organs that are involved in this process constitute the excretory system.
Nitrogen Excretion:
The elimination of nitrogenous waste products is a major function of the excretory system. The
nitrogenous products varies from species to species. Most of the nitrogenous wastes are formed
due to the catabolism of proteins. Normally, according to the species, proteins are catabolised
into ammonia, urea or uric acid.
Ammonotelic organisms are those which eliminate their nitrogenous metabolic wastes mainly as
ammonia. Ammonia is constantly produced in the organisms by the deamination of amino acids
and it is highly toxic if retained in the system. So it must be immediately removed from the body
as soon as it is formed. Elimination of ammonia requires large amounts of water. This can be
done only in aquatic forms of life. In aquatic animals (like aquatic invertebrates, body fishes and
aquatic amphibians etc.), it is quickly eliminated in the surrounding water because it is highly
Ureotelic organisms are those which eliminate their nitrogenous metabolic wastes mainly as
urea. Urea is formed in the liver by combining ammonia with carbon dioxide and is
comparatively less toxic than ammonia. The synthesis of urea from ammonia requires the
expenditure of energy. The elimination of urea requires less water. It is the main product of
excretion in man and all other mammals, aquatic mammals like whales and seals, and desert
mammals such as camel and kangaroo, terrestrial and semiaquatic amphibians like toads and
frogs, cartilaginous fishes such as sharks and sting rays. Some animals can concentrate the
amount of urea present in their urine. Man can concentrate urea in the urine more than hundred
times its concentration in the blood. Earthworms excrete ammonia when sufficient water is
present but eliminate urea when the conditions are dry. Tadpoles eliminate nitrogenous wastes
as ammonia but the adult frog mainly eliminates urea.
Uricotelic organisms are those which eliminate their nitrogenous metabolic wastes mainly as
uric acid. Uric acid is the least toxic nitrogenous waste product and requires very less water for
its elimination. Therefore, uric acid is formed only in those animals which have limited supply
of water. In the cloaca of reptiles and birds, uric acid accumulates and is further concentrated
there. It passes out of the body as whitish semi-solid substance. Uric acid is also eliminated by
insects. In man and other primate mammals, urine contains a little of uric acid in addition to
Excretory System:
The excretory system consists of organs and tissues participating in the removal of waste
products. Some of these excretory organs constitute the urinary system which forms and
eliminates urine and helps mainly in the excretion of nitrogenous waste-products, water and
some mineral salts. Apart from this urinary system, they have some accessory excretory organs
and tissues such as the skin, lungs and liver. The mode of excretion varies in different kinds of
Excretory Organs of Invertebrates:
The organs of excretion and osmoregulation vary greatly in different groups of animals.
Protozoans like Amoeba and Paramecium have got contractile vacuoles for osmoregulation. In
sponges, the metabolic wastes are eliminated from the body by the canal system. In Hydra, cells
release waste products into the coelenteron from which it goes out through the hypostomal
opening. In planarians and other platyhelminthes worms, there are special cells called flame
cells that perform the function of excretion. Annelids like Nereis,earthworm etc, have got
nephridia as the organs of excretion. Prawns have got green glands that serve as excretory
system for them. All insects, millipedes, spiders and scorpions have fine thread like tubules
called malpighian tubules at the junction of midgut and hindgut. These tubules lie freely in the
body cavity and can filter metabolic wastes from the hemolymph. These malpighian tubules are
60-80 in number and are arranged in 6 to 8 bundles. Each tubule is a fine hollow tube, about 16
mm long, and is lined by glandular epithelium. The epithelium collects the nitrogenous wastes
like uric acid from the hemolymph in which the tubules are bathed. The excretory wastes are
then poured into the hindgut from where they are thrown outside the body. Most of the water of
the excretory materials are reabsorbed into the rectum. Scorpions also have coxal glands as the
organs of excretion.
In vertebrates, kidneys are the urine-forming organs. In the case mammals, the urinary system
consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra.
Organs of excretion in man:
The excretory organs in man consist of the following parts:
1. Kidneys: They are a pair off bean-shaped structures lying in the abdomen, one on each side
of the vertebral column below the diaphragm. The left kidney is placed a little higher than
the right kidney. Human kidney is about 10 cm in length, 5 cm in breadth and 9 cm in
thickness. The outer surface of the kidney is convex while the inner surface is concave. In
the concave depression there is an opening called hilum through which blood vessels (renal
artery and renal veins), nerves, lymphatic ducts and ureters enter or leave the kidney. The
hilum, inside the kidney, expands into a funnel-shaped area called renal pelvis.
Two distinct regions can be seen in the kidney an outer granular portion called
the renal cortex and an inner medulla. In the cortex are present the malpighian bodies which
filter the waste products from the blood. The medulla portion contains the collecting ducts of
nephrons and thus passes the urine to the pelvis of the kidney. Conical pyramid-shaped
masses of medulla project into the pelvis and are called as medullary pyramids. They form
the major calyces and minor calyces.
2. Ureters: From each kidney arises a thin muscular tube called ureter. It emerges out from the
hilum of each kidney. It is about 30 cm in length. Urine enters the ureter from the rena l
pelvis and is passed down the ureters. These two tubes bring the urine downwards and open
into urinary bladder.
3. Urinary bladder: It is a single sac-like structure in which urine is stored for some time before
it is voided out. It is present in the pelvic region of the body. Both bladder and ureters are
lined by transitional epithelium, which may be considerably stretched and do not get torned
out even when bladder and ureters are completely filled with urine.
4. Urethra: The urinary bladder opens to the outside through a tube called as urethra. It arises
from the neck of the bladder and conducts urine to the outside of the body. In females, this
tube is about 4 cm long and serves as a passage for urine only; while in males, it measures
about 20 cm and functions as a common passage for urine and spermatic fluid. A muscular
sphincter keeps the urethra closed except during voiding of urine.
Micturition is a process of the accumulation of formed urine in the urinary bladder and
then elimination of the same from the bladder from time to time. It is controlled by the nervous
mechanism. Micturition may be voluntarily inhibited for a prolonged interval until the bladder
pressure rises too high. On the contrary, micturition may also be voluntarily initiated even
before sufficient urine has collected in the bladder.
Accessory Excretory Organs:
The urinary system is the main excretory organ. Apart from this, some other organs and tissues
like the skin, lungs and liver function as accessory excretory organs.
Excretory role of skin/integument:
In aquatic animals, integument is more permeable to nitrogenous wastes than in terrestrial
animals. Ammonia is mainly excreted out into the surrounding water by diffusion through the
skin. Terrestrial animals can prevent the loss of water through skin mainly in deserts.
Mammalian skin, including man, has two types of glands for secreting two fluids on its surface,
viz. Sebum from sebaceous glands and sweat from sweat glands.
Sweat is an aqueous fluid contains sodium chloride, lactic acid, urea, amino acids and
glucose. It excretes mainly water and sodium chloride, and small amounts of urea and lactic
Sebum is a wax-like secretion, which eliminates some lipids such as waxes, sterols, other
hydrocarbons and fatty acids on the skin.
They help to eliminate the waste products of respiration-the carbon dioxide from the body.
Along with carbon dioxide, some water in the form of vapour is also eliminated from the body.
The liver plays an important role in the excretion of cholesterol, bile pigments inactivated
products of steroid hormones, some vitamins and drugs. The bile pigments are produced by the
degradation of hemoglobin, some vitamins and drugs. The bile pigments are produced by the
degradation of hemoglobin of the dead red blood cells in the liver. Through the bile ducts, the
bile pigments are passed into the intestine and are eliminated along with the faecal matter.
Kidneys excrete nitrogenous waste products in the form urine. Hence kidneys secrete urine
continuously in their nephrons.
Nephrons: Nephrons are the functional units of kidneys. Each kidney is made up of numerous
delicate uriniferous tubules or nephrons. Nephrons are held together by a little connective tissue
in which blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels are also present. There are about 1.2 million
nephrons in each kidney of man. Each nephron consists of two main parts: (1) Malphigian body
or renal corpuscle it has a cup-shaped depression called Bowmans capsule into which tufts of
capillaries called glomerulus are present. An afferent renal arteriole enters the capsule, divide
into capillaries forming glomerulus and leaves as efferent renal arteriole enters the capsule,
divide into capillaries forming glomerulus and leaves as efferent renal arteriole. Efferent renal
arteriole then supplies blood to the remaining part of tubule and join to renal vein. Blood is
filtered in the Malphigian body. (2) Secretory tubule starts after malphigian body and is
divisible into three distinct regions: 1. Proximal convoluted tubule(PCT) starts immediately after
bowmans capsule, makes a few coils in the cortex and proceed towards medulla of kidney; 2.
Loop of Henle-tubules make a U-turn in the medulla forming loop of Henle (thus it has a
descending and an ascending portion) ; and 3. Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) starts after loop
of Henle and joins the collecting tubule. These collecting ducts unite with each other in the
medulla to form the larger duct the duct of Bellini. These run through the renal pyramids and
open into renal pelvis. In these tubules, various substances from the nephric filterate are
reabsorbed back. There is a rich supply of blood vessels to the kidneys. It is estimated that total
length of blood vessels in the kidneys of man is about 160 kilimetres. A network of vessels
paralleling the loop of Henle is known as vasa recta.
Formation of Urine:
Composition of Urine: Urine is transparent, pale yellow in colour, aquous fluid which is usually
acidic in nature. The pale yellow colour of the urine is mainly dependent upon the presence of a
pigment urochrome. This colour also varies with the quantity and concentration of the urine
voided. In fever, it becomes dark-yellow of brownish in colour. Quantity of urine formed in 24
hours in an adult normal individual varies from 1000 ml to 1800 ml. Normally, it depends upon
water intake, diet, environmental temperature, mental state and physiological state of the person.
During summer months, when the body is exposed to warmth, skin perspires freely
because cutaneous blood vessels are dilated whereas the abdominal and renal blood vessels are
constricted causing less volume of urine. During winter months, cutaneous blood vessels are
constricted and elimination of water through perspiration is ceased but the abdominal and renal
blood vessels are dilated resulting in the increased flow of urine. Thus perspiration has got
inverse relation with the formation of urine.
Substances that increases the formation of urine are termed as diuretics. Tea, coffee and
alcoholic beverages have got diuretic effects.
The normal specific gravity of urine varies between 1.003 and 1.040. The odour of the
normal urine is slightly aromatic and is due to the presence of large number of volatile organic
substances particularly the bad smelling substance urinod. When allowed to stand for some
time, the urine smells of ammonia due to the bacterial decomposition of urea to ammonia.
Urea is the main nitrogenous constituent of human urine. Besides urea, it contains other
nitrogenous substances like ammonia, uric acid, creatinine and hippuric acid. Sodium chloride is
the principal mineral salt in urine. Small amount of inorganic salts like chlorides, sulphates and
phosphates of potassium, calcium and magnesium are also present. Non-nitrogenous organic
substances include small amounts of vitamic C, oxalic acid and phenolic substances. Glucose is
normally negligible in amount. Proteins, bile salts, bile pigments, glucose and ketone bodies
occur in urine in various pathological conditions.
Large particles like blood cells and protein macromolecules do not normally enter into the
glomerular filtrate. But smaller molecules like glucose, urea, creatinine, amino-acids and
mineral salts are filtered into the Bowmans capsule in concentrations more or less similar to
their respective concentrations in the plasma. Therefore, the filtrate almost resembles the
protein-free plasma in composition and osmotic pressure.
In proximal portion of convoluted tubule (PCT) most of the water re-enters into the blood
capillaries. About 80% of the water is reabsorbed here. Glucose, amino acids and vitamin C
are also reabsorbed back here. But this is an active reabsorption; while the absorption of
water is purely passive. About 70% of Na+ ions, 75% of K+ ions and large amounts of Ca++
ions are also reabsorbed here by the active transport mechanism.
In descending loop of Henle about 5 per cent of water comes out due to osmosis because of
high osmotic pressure of the medullary extracellular fluid. Sodium enters the tubules and it
increases the hypertonicity of the nephric filtrate.
In ascending loop of Henle sodium and potassium is reabsorbed actively and also some
amounts of Cl- ions. There is no reabsorption of water as its walls are thick and impermeable
to water. So the filtrate now becomes hypotonic as compared to the plasma when it flows
through this part of the nephron.
In distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and collecting duct there is active reabsorption of sodium
ions from the filtrate. The process of diffusion also reabsorbs some Cl- ions. Large amounts
of water are also reabsorbed. This make the nephric filtrate isotonic. This isotonic fluid
enters the collecting tubule and here it is more concentrated due to the further reabsorption of
2. Tubular reabsorption:
This occurs by two ways i.e., active and passive reabsorption. The important substances like
glucose, amino acids are reabsorped actively. This active reabsorption is rapid and continues
even when the concentration of the substance is far lower in the glomerular filtrate than in the
Some other substances are reabosrbed from the tubules slowly by the physical process of
diffusion, This passive reabsorption occurs only when their concentrations in the glomerular
filtrate exceed their respective concentrations in the blood. Hence, these substances can never be
totally reabosrbed from the urine, e.g. urea, ammonia, creatinine and ketone bodies.
3. Tubular secretion:
In addition to reabsorption, the renal tubules also secrete into their lumen many substances like
urea, creatinine, uric acid, para amino hippuric acid etc. Most of the K+ ions eliminated in the
mammalian urine are secreted by the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and the collecting ducts in
exchange to the reabsorption of Na+ ions. These substances are then removed from the body
along with urine. This tubular secretion is much significance in marine fishes and desert
amphibians. Because these animals possess no glomerulus in their nephrons; they form urine by
secreting solutes such as urea, creatinine and mineral ions into their tubules. Tubular secretion is
of less importance in mammals.
Thus, urine is formed in the nephron by a combination of glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption and tubular secretion.
Osmoregulation by Kidney:
The kidneys maintain the water and osmotic concentration of the blood. This
phenomenon is known as osmoregulation. In aquatic animals like fresh water fishes, or when the
animal is taking large amounts of water, the urine passed out of the body is more dilute than the
plasma of blood even. Thus they eliminate hypotonic urine in order to get rid off excess of
water. Most of the vertebrates including mammals can pass out hypotonic urine. In them, first
the isotonic glomerular filterate is formed in the Bowmans capsule and then from that filterate
some solutes are reabsorbed by the tubules of the nephron. Therefore, the urine passed out of the
body becomes hypotonic. It helps to raise the osmoconcentration of the blood to normal.
In those animals living in scarcity of water, urine passed out of the body is hypertonic to
the plasma of blood. This reduces the water loss from the body. Mammals and birds can excrete
hypertonic urine, which is more concentrated than their blood plasma. In them first an isotonic
glomerular filterate is formed in the Bowmans capsule and then from that filtrate most of the
water is reabsorbed by the tubules of nephron. However, some of the solutes are also reabsorbed
but this is not proportionate to the amount of water reabsorbed. Therefore, the urine passed out of
the body becomes hypertonic. It is a very effective mechanism to reduce the loss of urinary
Normally in summer months, when most of the water is lost from the body during
perspiration, the urine passed out is hypertonic, and in winter months as there is no perspiration,
the urine passed out is hypotonic. Largely the movement of Na+, Cl- and water regulates the fluid
volume and osmolarity at the kidney. When the protein-free fluid is filtered into the Bowmans
capsule from the blood, it has the same osmo-concentration as the blood plasma of the capillaries
surrounding uriniferous tubule. In PCT, Na+ gets actively reabsorbed, and Cl- gets reabsorbed
passively as it is attracted to the positive charge of Na+.
The concentration of urine is mainly dependent upon two factors: (i) the loop of Henle
the greater the ability of an animal to excrete hypertonic urine, the longer are its loop of Henle;
(ii) presence of vasa rectae in the kidneys these vessels occur as loops surrounding the loop of
Henle. The blood flows in opposite directions in the two limbs of each vasa recta, the blood
flowing in descending limb comes close to the blood flowing in ascending limb. This is known
as counter-current system and is mainly responsible for making the urine hypertonic.
The two limbs of loop of Henle also constitute the counter-current system. The nephric
filtrate flows in opposite directions in the descending and ascending loops of Henle. Na+ and
Cl- are reabsorbed from the ascending limb into the surrounding vasa recta. Moreover, water
cannot flow out of this limb as it is impermeable to water. Thus in ascending limb, urine
becomes hypotonic. But the walls of descending limb are permeable to both water and salts.
Thus the reabsorbed Na+ enters the descending limb and the water moves out. It makes the urine
Role of ADH in forming hypertonic urine:
It excretes waste products, specially formed due to protein metabolism. These waste
products are ammonia, urea and uric acid.
It helps to maintain water balance of the body and thereby plasma volume.
It helps to maintain the normal pH of the blood and other fluids of the body.
It helps to maintain the optimum concentration of certain constituents of blood by the process
of selective reabsorption in the kidney tubules.
It eliminates drugs and various toxic substances from the body.
It helps to maintain the osmotic pressure in blood and tissues.
Functions of kidney:
All living organisms show a characteristic phenomenon of either moving their whole body from one place
to another place (locomotion or locomotory movement), or only a part of the body while the whole body remains
fixed to a place (movement or non-locomotory movement). Various acts of the body like walking, running,
crawling, jumping, flying, swimming etc. are known as locomotory movements. The locomotion helps the organism
to shift its entire body from one place to another. Generally, the animals show locomotory movements in search of
food, mate and shelter. It also helps the animals to run from the adverse environmental conditions, and to move
away from the predators.
Movements of limbs, appendages, head and trunk serve to change the posture of the body and maintain
equilibrium against the gravity. For example, taking in of food involves the movements of tongue, jaws, snout,
limbs in man; movements of external ear and eyeballs help to perceive the informations from the outside
environments; movements of alimentary canal help to pass the food down; movements of heart circulate the blood in
the body; lungs are ventilated by the movements of thoracic muscles and diaphragm etc.
Besides such locomotion and movements of the body, multicellular organisms can also move their
individual cells like the movements seen in unicellular organisms. Some of the white blood cells and macrophages,
which are phagocytic in nature, move through the tissues by amoeboid movements to reach the places of infection.
Ciliary movements occur in the upper respiratory tract, fallopian tubes and vasa efferentia tubes of testes. A
mammalian sperm moves into the female reproductive tract by the flagellar movements. In sponges, flagellar
movements of some cells occur to maintain the water current in them.
Most of the multicellular animals have muscle fibres for locomotion, limb movements as well as
movements of internal organs. In all higher animals (vertebrates) there are mainly two systems that bring about
movement and locomotion of the body. These two systems are skeletal system and muscular system that work in
coordination with each other. The force generated by muscle contraction is utilised to move bones of the skeleton
like levers. This results in movements of limbs and appendages. So the muscles working with the skeletal system
are called skeletal muscles.
There are also many invertebrates like jellyfish, earthworm and leech, which are devoid of skeletons but possess
muscles for their movements.
Movements in Hydra:
Hydra lacks a well-developed muscular system. They have two types of contractile cells on its body wall, viz.
epitheliomuscular cells in the outer layer of the body wall and the nutritive muscular cells in the inner layer.
Contractions and relaxations of these cells, respectively, shorten and elongate their processes. Various types of
movements seen in Hydra are looping, somersaulting, climbing, shortening and elongation etc.
Movements in Annelids:
Earthworms and leeches have muscle fibres of the body wall that help these animals to crawl on land. These muscle
fibres are of two types longitudinal muscle fibres; and circular muscle fibres. In earthworms, the locomotion of
the body is brought about by alternate contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles, causing waves of thinning
and thickening to pass backwards. It involves partly a pushing of the anterior end and partly of the posterior end.
The coelomic fluid gives turgidity as it acts as a hydraulic skeleton making the body wall tough. The worm moves
at the rate of about 25 cm per minute.
Movements in Starfish:
Starfishes have got a water vascular system that help them in their locomotion. Each arm of the starfish has two
rows of tube feet underneath. Water enters into these tube feet by the muscular contractions and this moves the
animal over the surface of the substratum in water. Starfishes are bottom dwellers found in sea waters only.
Movements in higher vertebrates:
In higher animals, movements and locomotion depend on the association of skeletal muscles with the
skeletal system. The skeletal system consists of a specialised rigid connective tissue called bones. This skeletal
system consists of many parts, each made of one or more bones.
According to the shape and size, bones may be long (thigh bone and the upper arm bone); flat (breast bone
and the shoulder girdle bone); or irregular (bones of he vertebral column). In all, the skeletal system consists of 206
bones in man. Some major parts of human skeleton consist of the following numbers of bone skull or cranium (8),
face (14), each forelimb (30), each hindlimb (30), vertebrae (24), sacrum (1), coccyx (1), sternum (1), ribs (24),
pelvis (3), each shoulder girdle (2).
Fixed or immovable or fibrous joints: At these joints the bones are held firmly together and movements are
not allowed in between them. At these joints a dense and tough inextensible white fibrous tissue is present. For
example, sutures that join the various bones of the skull.
Slightly movable or cartilaginous joints: At these joints a dense disc of white fibrocartilage is present that
joins the opposite surfaces of the articulating bones. It allows only a little movement like bending and rotation.
These joints are seen in between the vertebrae.
Freely movable or synovial joints: In this type of joint there is a fluid filled synovial cavity in between the
movably articulated bones. The fluid is called as synovial fluid. A synovial membrane covers this fluid filled
synovial cavity forming the capsule. The articulating bones are provided with cartilage caps. Ligaments are
also present to hold the bones. It is of the following types:
Ball and socket joint. In this, one of the bones forms a globular head while the other forms a cup like
socket into which head fits in. It allows a free movement in all directions e.g., shoulder girdle and hip
girdle joints. Such joints may stretch (extend), fold (flex) and rotate the limb of the body. This may
allow the movement of the limb towards the body or away from the body.
Hinge joint. Here the two bones are fitted like the hinge of a door so as to allow to and fro movements
in one direction only. These joints are provided with strong ligaments. It is seen in elbow joint, knee
joint and joints between phalanges of fingers and toes.
Pivot joint. In this type of joint, one bone is fixed while the other moves freely over it. The movement
is, therefore, confined to a rotation around a longitudinal axis through the centre of the pivot e.g.,
movement of the skull over the odontoid processes of the first neck vertebra.
Gliding joint. It is a biaxial joint, the articulating bones of which can glide one above the other. It is
seen in wrist bones that can glide over forearm bones, in zygapophysis by which vertebrae can glide
one above the other e.g., some of the bones in the palm or in the sole of foot.
The junctions where two or more bones articulate with each other are known as joints. These joints allow
the movement of bones in different ways. According to the mobility they are of the following types:
Ellipsoid joints. They permit movements of articulating bones around two axes. Such joints are
formed between the toe bones and some bones in the sole of foot.
Movements are produced at joints by contractions of skeletal muscles inserted into the articulating bones.
Flexible connective tissue bonds called ligaments stabilise the joints by holding the articulating bones together.
Movements of Skeletal Muscles:
The skeletal muscles are made of striated muscle fibres and are under voluntary control. According to the
type of movements, skeletal muscles can be classified as under:
1. Flexor. A muscle that bends one part upon another (e.g., leg upon thigh)
2. Extensor. The muscles responsible for straightening out a part of the body are termed extensor muscles (e.g.,
muscles concerned with the extension of foot).
3. Adductor. The muscle that is concerned with the movement of a part of the body towards the midline of the
body is called the adductor muscle.
4. Abductor. The muscle which moves a part of the body away from the midline of the body is termed as abductor
5. Pronator. A muscle that brings about the rotation of body parts. For example, the rotation of fore arm to turn
the palm downward or backward.
6. Supinator. It helps to rotate the fore arm and thus make the palm face upward or forward.
Antagonistic muscles:
When the two muscles contract to bring out opposite movements at the same place, then they are called as
antagonistic muscles. For example, biceps muscles present in the arm is a flexor for the elbow joint; and the triceps
is its antagonistic muscle and acts as an extensor for that joints. During flexion movements the biceps contracts and
triceps relaxes; while during extension movements biceps relaxes and triceps contracts.
Threshold stimulus:
The skeletal muscle has got large number of muscle fibres. Each of these muscle fibres if supplied with a
motor nerve fibre. When the muscle contracts or shortens in length, it is due to the shortening of the individual
muscle fibres. A muscle always contracts in response to a given stimulus and then it relaxes back to its original
position. The stimulus to the nerve supplying the muscle can be thermal, electrical, mechanical or chemical in
nature. There should always be some minimum strength of stimulus that will make the muscle respond or contract.
This is known as threshold value of the stimulus. If the given stimulus is less than this threshold limit, the muscle
fibres will not respond at all. Further, on stimulation, each muscle fibre contracts to its full. If the strength of
stimulus is below the threshold value, then the muscle fibres will not respond.
If we increase the strength of stimulus beyond the threshold value, the muscle fibres will contract but the
level of contraction is same as that for the threshold value. That means if the strength of stimulus is increased, the
level of muscle contraction for the individual muscle fibre will be the same. This shows that either the muscle will
contract to a given stimulus or it will not contract at all. This is known as all-or-none law. However, this force of
contraction may depend upon other factors like changes in temperature, pH, or slight stretching of the fibre. But
under all such changed conditions, increasing the strength of stimulus cannot increase the force of contraction. This
all-or none law is also followed by smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and the nerve fibres.
Muscle twitch and Tetanus:
When an electrical stimulus is given to a nerve supplying a muscle, the muscle fibres contract. This
contraction of a single muscle fibre is known as muscle twitch. In this the muscle fibre contracts after an initial
latent period, and then it relaxes back.
When a muscle is given series of stimuli continuously then it shows tetani. In this the second stimulus is
given even before the muscle has relaxed from first, and the third stimulus is given even before the muscle has
relaxed from the second and so on. Such a response of the muscle is known as tetanus.
A voluntary muscle fibre consists of numerous myofibrils which have their units as sarcomeres. Each
myofibril is covered by the cisternae and tubules of sarcoplasmic reticulum at the I band; and at the junction of A
and I band by a T-tubule that communicates with the exterior of cell. A sarcomere consists of a half-light band and
a half dark band i.e., the distance between two Z-membranes. It also has primary and secondary filaments. The
primary filaments are made up of a protein called myosin while secondary filaments are of actin.
As the stimulus is given to the muscle, the secondary filaments slide over to the primary filaments thus
shortening the length of the light band or I-band. It is important to note that the length of dark band or A-band does
not change. The actual site where sliding of the filaments occur is known as cross bridges. Thus in response to a
stimulus, the overall length of the sarcomere and the myofibril decreases. A muscle never expands to a stimulus but
always contracts in its length.
ATP is the immediate source of energy for muscle contraction. Hence hydrolysis process occurs in the
contracting muscle to convert ATP to ADP with the release of inorganic phosphate and energy by myosin ATPase:
ATP+H2O ----------------- ADP + Pi
This energy released is used up in muscular contraction. For restoration of ATP, body muscles have also got
another compound called creatine phosphate (CP). This is also an energy rich compound. It helps in the conversion
of ADP to ATP again immediately. This happens at the end of muscular contraction.
ADP + CP ---------------- ATP + Creatine
Creatine formed during muscular contraction is again reconverted to creatine phosphate by the utilisation of ATP
generated by carbohydrate oxidation:
Under heavy strain of muscular work one feels fatigue. The muscular fatigue may be defined as inability of
muscular contraction after the prolonged stimulation. The fatigue occurs due to depletion of glycogen, oxygen and
ATP and accumulation of lactic acid. Under deficiency of oxygen, the lactic acid is not reconverted into glycogen
and is not oxidised to form water and CO2, then this lactic acid gets accumulated. When we allow resting for some
time, the fatigue is removed and the muscle can contract again.
In man and other vertebrates, the physiological functions are coordinated by both the nervous and
endocrine systems.
The system that receives the stimulus transmits it to other parts of the body and the corresponding
effect shown is known as a Nervous System. The nervous system performs three basic functions;
receives stimuli through sensory neurons from internal and external environment and passes to the
brain; where the input stimuli is processed and then response is given back to the body parts through
motor neurons.
It consists of brain, the ventral nerve cord and ganglia and nerves which arise from ganglia. The brain or
supraoesophageal ganglion is made of three fused ganglia of the head and present above the
oesophagus. The ventral nerve cord is composed of ten ganglia. The First one lies just below the
oesophagus and is known as Suboesophageal ganglion is connected with brain by a pair of
Circumoesophageal (Circumpharyngeal) Commissures. The thoracic ganglia are three and six abdominal
ganglia of which the last one is larger than the others.
Nervous System of Human:
The human nervous system consists of the following two major parts;
1. Central Nervous System (CNS): It Comprises of Brain and Spinal cord. It is the site of information
processing unit.
2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): The nerves which arise from the CNS (brain and spinal cord).
a) Somatic Nervous System (Voluntary): It consists of sensory / afferent neurons which
transmit impulse from the receptors to the CNS; and the motor / efferent neurons,
which transmit response from the CNS to the effector (skeletal muscles).
b) Autonomic Nervous System (Involuntary): It stimulates the glands and the other
muscles of the body and responsible for the involuntary actions.
c) Neuroendocrine System: It consists of a net work of endocrine glands and their
hormonal production is controlled by CNS.
A typical nerve has a tough outer covering called Epineurium. Inside the epineurium, axons of nerve cells
form bundles called fascicle. Each fascicle is wrapped with a layer called perineurium.
Multipolar nerve cells have many short dendrites and one long axon, eg., in cerebral cortex. A bipolar
nerve cell has a long axon extending on either side of the cell body, eg.in retina. Pseudounipolar nerve
cells have cell body in a side branch of the main axon, eg.,cells of dorsal root ganglion.
Conduction of Nerve impulse across neurons:
a) Resting potential:
The permeability of plasma membrane to K+ ions is greater than its permeability to Na+ ions. So the
surface of axon carries a positive charge relative to its interior; this electrical potential difference across
the plasma membrane is called resting potential and it ranges from 40 to 90 mV.
b) Action potential:
When a threshold stimulus is applied on the axon membrane, depolarization is caused by a rapid change
in membrane permeability. The membrane becomes more permeable to Na+ than to K+. The interior
becomes electropositive and the ECF becomes electronegative. The depolarization spreads, producing a
local current, which induces the nearby passive Na+ channels to open and to depolarize the nearby site.
c) Repolarisation:
After about 0.5 ms, permeability to K+ ion increases because the build up of positive charge inside the
cell opens the voltage gated K+ channels. Movement of K+ ions outward, down their concentration
gradient, then reestablishes the charge differences that existed before the stimulus occurred. The
exodus of K+ ions lowers the number of positive ions within the cell and the potential falls back towards
the resting potential.
The functional junction between two neurons, the axon of a neuron and the dendron/dendrite of
another neuron.
Types of synapse:
There are mainly two types of synapses based on the nature of transfer of information across the
synapse; a) electrical and b) chemical synapses.
a) In electrical synapses, the cells are separated by a gap of 0.2nm synaptic cleft, so an action potential
can sufficiently depolarize the postsynaptic membrane.
b) In chemical synapses, synaptic cleft gap is greater and neurotransmitter substance responsible for
the transmission of nerve impulse across the synapse.
In a synapse, there is a narrow fluid-filled gap of 10-20 nm, called synaptic cleft. The nerve terminal has
a bulbous expansion called synaptic knob or synaptic button. In the cytoplasm of the synaptic knob,
numerous tiny membrane-bound synaptic vesicles are present. These synaptic vesicles contain as many
as 10,000 molecules of the neurotransmitter. When a nerve impulse reaches the presynaptic membrane,
the voltage-gated calcium channels concentrated in the synapse, open. Calcium ions from the fluid in the
synapse diffuse into the synaptic button and stimulate the vesicles to move to the terminal membrane,
fuse with it and then rupture to release the neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitters quickly diffuse to the
other side of the gap, combine with specific receptor molecules of the other nerve cell and cause sparking
a second electrical current, passing its signal.
Cerebral Cortex:
Human brain is covered by a tough tissue covering called meninges. The three layers of meninges are
the outer most duramater, middle arachnoid membrane and inner pia mater. A deep cleft called
longitudinal fissure divides the brain into two halves or the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres.
The outer surface of Cerebrum 2-6 mm thick and is known as Cerebral Cortex. It consists of Gray matter
(spindle and satellite neurons cell bodies).
The surface are of cerebral cortex is increased by numerous infoldings/convolutions called Sulci (small
groove), Fissure (large groove) and Gyri (swollen area between adjacent sulci/fissure). Two thirds of the
surface of the cerebral cortex is hidden in the sulci and fissure.
Beneath the cerebral cortex a large number of myelinated axons of cerebral cortex neurons from White
Cerebral cortex is the region of various activities and has 3 areas namely Sensory, Motor and
It is the second largest part of brain. It is also known as little cerebrum and present below the
Middle layer consists of large flask-shaped complex neurons called Purkinje cells.
It is also made up of two cerebellar hemispheres and has gray matter outside as 3 layers.
Three pairs of bundles of myelinated nerve fibres called Cerebellar Peduncles from the communication
pathways between the Cerebellum and other parts of the CNS.
Superior Cerebellar peduncles connect the cerebellum to the midbrain.
Middle Cerebellar peduncles have connection with Pons of Hind brain.
Inferior Cerebellar peduncles communicate with medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
Cerebellum is a large reflex centre and control involuntary actions and rapid muscular activities like
running, talking, typing, etc., and maintains posture.
Nuclei : collection of different kinds of neurons in brain.
Basal ganglia : collection of subcortical nuclei in the forebrain (below the cortex)
Corpus striatum : It is the largest nucleus in the subcortical nuclei and planning and execution of
stereotyped movements.
It is a region present at the centre of the forebrain and wrapped by cerebrum. All sensory informations
first pass through the thalamus. So it receives, determines their source, evaluates their importance and
interprets those sensory signals and then channels them to the appropriate cerebral cortex region.
It is present beneath the thalamus. It weighs around 4 gm and is highly vascularized. It contains the
nerve centres for temperature regulation, hunger, thirst, heart beat and respiration regulation and
emotions (like anger, love, cool, etc). It has connection with pituitary gland hence also controls growth
and sexual behaviour.
Limbic system:
It is a part, which connects cerebrum and the brain stem. It sends signals to brain and body parts to
regulate our behaviour.
1. Amygdala:
It is located above the hypothalamus and influences behaviour and activities so that
they are appropriate for meeting the bodys internal needs. These include feeding,
sexual interest, and emotional reactions such as anger. Hence it is responsible for
controlling our moods.
2. Hippocampus:
It is the swollen lower lip of the limbic fork. It involves with learning, the recognition
and memory. It also converts short term memory to long term memory; hence it plays a
vital role in learning.
3. Septum:
It is a part of hypothalamus has centre for sexual arousal.
The midbrain contains 4 little lobes called Corpora Quadrigemina. It has a pair of Superior colliculi
controls visual reflexes (to fix and focus on an object) and a pair of Inferior colliculi controls auditory
reflexes (locates and detects the source of a sound).
Brain Stem:
The area between thalamus and spinal cord is known as brain stem and it forms the region of
hind brain.
It forms the floor of the brain stem and links cerebral cortex and cerebellum.
Medulla oblongata:
It is the posterior most part and connects the spinal cord and various parts of the brain. This
medulla oblongata continues into the spinal cord. This brain stem controls various reflexes like
breathing, salivation, chewing, coughing, sneezing, etc.
Reticular formation:
It connects thalamus with major nerves of spinal cord and is the gatekeeper of consciousness.
Ventricles of he brain and cerebrospinal fluid:
There are four cavities in the brain called the two lateral ventricles, the third ventricle and the fourth
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fills the ventricles and the subarachnoid space.
Spinal cord:
42-45 cm long and 2 cm in thick (in mid thoracic region) and longer in larger in lower cervical
and lumbar regions. It grows till 4-5 yrs. It acts like a link between brain and various parts of the body.
Structure of Spinal cord:
In a cross section, spinal cord consists of butterfly shaped gray matter in the centre which
contains cell bodies and dendrites and synapse. This gray matter has dorsal, ventral and lateral horns.
This gray matter is surrounded by the white matter made of myelinated axons.
I&II sensory
12 pairs 10 pairs originate from brain stem. There are 3 types of CN sensory nerves (sensory fibres),
mixed nerves (has both) and motor nerves (motor fibres).
V cranial nerve (Trigeminal nerve) is the largest and branches into 3 pairs (to jaw, scalp and face).
1/3 (IX-XII) originate from medulla.
X cranial nerve (Vagus) controls and regulates the functions of thoracic and abdominal organs.
Spinal Nerves:
The preganglionic axons arise from The preganglionic fibres arise from midbrain
the thoracic and lumbar segments of and sacral segments of spinal cord, hence
spinal cord, hence called thoraco- called cranio-sacral outflow.
lumbar outflow.
are The autonomic ganglia occur individually in
interconnected and occur as two the visceral organs / tissues concerned.
lateral chains, one on either side of
the spinal cord.
Reflex Action:
Reflex actions are very rapid, involuntary automatic and stereotyped behaviour, in which some stimulus
evokes a specific, short-lived response at the unconscious level. There are more than two hundred
reflexes, which follow the sequence from stimulus to reflex, along a neural pathway called reflex arc.
Sense Organs:
The middle choroid is highly vascular and pigmented, that prevents internally reflected light within the
eye. Just behind the junction between cornea and sclera, the choroid becomes thicker and has smooth
muscles in it, forming the ciliary body. The iris extends from the ciliary body in front of the lens; it
contains radial and circular muscles that control the dilation or constriction of pupil. The lens is
suspended from the ciliary body, by suspensory ligaments; the lens and the suspensory ligaments divide
the cavity of the eye ball into an anterior and a posterior chamber. The anterior chamber is filled with
an aqueous clear fluid, aqueous humor and the posterior chamber has a gelatinous material, vitreous
humor. The innermost layer of retina is composed of several layers of cells; the photoreceptor layer
contains rods and cones, the intermediate layer has bipolar neurons, which synapse with retinal
ganglion cells and their axons bundle to form optic nerve. A tiny circular area called yellow spot or
macula lutea that acts as filter over fovea, where the vision is the sharpest. The place where the optic
nerve emerges from the retina is the blind spot. The image produced by the lens of eye on the retina is
inverted, but the brain interprets the image in the right way.
Structure of Human Ear:
Human ear consists of three parts, the external ear, middle ear and internal ear. The external ear
consists of a sound gathering trumpet, called auricle and the external auditory canal. The auditory canal
is lined by a mesh of hair and sebaceous glands; the sebum and the hair prevent entry of unwanted
particles and infection. The tympanic membrane separates the middle ear from the external ear. The
middle ear is an air-filled chamber, which is connected to pharynx by Eustachian tube. The middle ear
lodges three small bones, the ear-ossicles namely, the malleus, incus and stapes. They act as a lever
system and increase the force of vibration to transmit it to the endolymph in the inner ear. The middle
ear communicates with the internal ear through the oval window. The inner ear has bony labyrinth,
inside which a membranous labyrinth is floating in the perilymph. The labyrinth has three parts, the
semicircular canals, vestibule and cochlea. The cochlea, a shell-like part is composed of three fluid-filled
canals (vestibular canal, median canal and tympanic canal) separated by two membranes, Reissners
membrane and the basilar membrane. Receptors for hearing are tiny sensory hair cells that line the
basilar membrane; they are covered by tectorial membrane; these three constitute the organ of Corti.
The sensory hair cells are stimulated by the vibrations of endolymph that set off nerve impulses to the
auditory nerve. The vestibular system (semicircular canals, utricle and saccule) helps to maintain
balance of the body, i.e., orientation, acceleration and rotation to this system.
Organ of Smell:
Nose is the organ of smell sensation (olfaction) and contains olfactory epithelium. The olfactory
epithelium has three types of cells; a) Olfactory bipolar neurons b) Supporting columnar epithelium and
c) Bowmans glands. Each receptor cell bears twenty or so tiny sensory cilia, olfactory hair that extends
to the mucus. The mucus absorbs the odoriferous substances that stimulate the receptors. Bundles of
non-myelinated axons of the olfactory receptors unite to form olfactory nerve.
Organ of Taste:
Tongue is the organ of taste sensation (gestation). There are four basic types of taste namely sweet,
sour, salty and bitter, which are detected in distinct regions on the tongue. The tongue detects taste
through tiny organs called taste buds; each contains about 50 gustatory receptor-cells. A single
gustatory receptor cell is exposed to the external surface, through an opening called taste pore. Though
each receptor is more responsive to a particular substance, a broad range of chemicals can stimulate it.
The brain integrates the differential inputs from various taste buds into a complex flavors.
1. Steroid Hormone
Characteristics of Hormone:
Target organs / tissues
Specific in their action
Trace amount
Functions of Hormones
Metabolic activities
Morphogenic activities
Mental activities
Growth, maturation and regeneration
The hypothalamus is a region of the brain that controls an immense number of bodily functions.
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a roundish organ that lies immediately beneath
the hypothalamus
It composed of two distinctive parts:
The anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) & the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis).
Hormones have more or less a specific role. The spectrum of action varies with the hormone. Some
are highly selective, while others are more generalized.
Hormones are produced from a tissue or an organ, and then they act on different tissues or organs i.e.,
they have a target organ to act or their activity is at a remote rate.
Hormones can be easily transported via blood. They are poured into venous blood.
They are active in minute concentrations, only a few picograms (10-12 g) or a few microgram (10-6
g). The number of hormone molecules per unit target tissue is definite.
A hormone in its primary action affects one or a limited number of reactions and does not influence
directly all other metabolic activities of the cell.
Characteristics of hormones:
1. They are produced from glands without any ducts
(endocrine glands)
2. Chemically, they can be either proteins, steroids,
or biogenic amines.
3. They are used up during a metabolic reaction.
The mammalian endocrine system consists of the following organs and tissues : Hypothalamus pituitary,
thyroid, four parathyroids, two adrenals, two testes (male) or two ovaries (female), thymus, pineal, islet
tissue of pancreas, and hormonal tissues on gastrointestinal tract. The hypothalamus is a nervous system
of the brain, which is also integrated with the endocrine system and secretes hormones.
Hypothalamo-pituitary Axis:
the secretion
of growth
Inhibits the secretion of Growth hormone.
Sl. No.
Pituitary is a small body, about the size of a gram located on the ventral side of the diencephalon region
of the brain. The pituitary hangs below the hypothalamus by a stalk called as infundibulum. The
pituitary has three different parts viz. anterior lobe or adenohypophysis, intermediate lobe and posterior
lobe or neurohypophysis. The adenohypophysis is compact and highly vascular. It is connected to the
hypothalamus by hypophyseal portal vessels. The neurohypophysis is connected to the hypothalamus by
nerve fibres. The anterior lobe of pituitary releases six hormones (all protein in nature) that control the
activities of various other endocrine glands also. They are given below:
1. Growth hormone or Somatotrophic hormone (GH or STH). It is secreted by the Somatotrophic cells
of anterior pituitary and regulates general body growth; increases the length of bones; control
carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism; muscles and viscera growth; may counteract insulin to
raise blood glucose levels etc. Its deficiency causes dwarfism in youngs, and acromicria (rarely) in
adults hypoactivity; while its excessive secretion hyperactivity causes gigantism in youngs, and
acromegaly in adults.
2. Adrenocortico-trophic hormone (ACTH). It is secreted by the Corticotrophic cells of anterior
pituitary and controls the growth and secretion of adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids cortisol,
cortisone etc. However, the secretion of mineralocorticoids by adrenal medulla is stimulated to a
much less degree.
3. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) or Thyrotrophic hormone or Thyrotropin. It is secreted by the
Thyrotrophic cells of anterior pituitary and controls the growth and activity of the thyroid gland. It
acts on thyroid to release its hormone thyroxine.
4. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). It is also secreted by Gonadotrophic cells of anterior pituitary
and increases the number and size (maturation) of graffian follicles in the ovaries in females; and
stimulates spermatogenesis in males.
5. Luteinising hormone (LH) or interestitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH). It is also secreted by
Gonadotrophic cells. In females: (i) it completes the development of graffian follicles to its secretory
stage and brings about ovulation along with FSH; (ii) it causes appearance, growth and maintenance
of corpus luteum; (iii) it stimulates the secretion of progesterone from the ovaries. In males: it
stimulates the development and functional activity of interestitial cells to produce testosterone.
6. Prolactin or Lactogenic hormone or Luteotrophic hormone (LTH). It helps in the growth of
mammary glands during pregnancy and initiates the secretion of milk after child birth.
The posterior lobe of pituitary releases the following two peptide hormones. Both these
hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and are carried to the posterior pituitary along with nerve
fibres where they are stored. From posterior pituitary, they are released into the blood.
1. Vasopressin or Pitressin or Antidiuretic hormone (ADH). It is released from posterior pituitary in
response to stress and dehydration. It increases the reabsorption of water in the distal convoluted
tubules and the collecting tubules of kidney. So its deficiency in the body increases the urine flow
causing diabetes insipidus. It also raises blood pressure by constricting the peripheral blood vessels.
Deficiency of ADH
Hypothalamic ("central") diabetes insipidus results from a deficiency in secretion of antidiuretic hormone
from the posterior pituitary.
The major sign of either type of diabetes insipidus is excessive urine production.
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus occurs when the kidney is unable to respond to antidiuretic hormone
2. Oxytocin or Pitocin. It is an important uterus-contracting hormone at the time of child birth. It also
acts on mammary glands and helps in the expulsion of milk at the time of suckling. It is, therefore,
also known as `milk-ejection hormone and `birth hormone. It decreases the blood pressure by
dilating the peripheral blood vessels (opposite to that of vasopressin).
Feed back inhibition of hormones:
Hypothalamus produces thyrotropin releasing factor (TRF) that acts on anterior pituitary to release
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This TSH then acts on thyroid to release its hormone thyroxine.
Now if the level of thyroxine in the blood is more, it will inhibit the hypothalamus to produce TRF, hence
less of TSH and thyroxine. And if thyroxine is less, more of TRF is produced. Hypothalamus may also
be inhibited or activated by the levels of TSH. This is known as feed back inhibition.
Thyroid Gland:
Thyroid hormones are derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine bound covalently to iodine.
The two principal thyroid hormones are: thyroxine (known affectionately as T4 or L-3,5, 3',5'tetraiodothyronine) triiodotyronine (T3 or L-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine).
Thyroid epithelial cells - the cells responsible for synthesis of thyroid hormones are arranged in
spheres called thyroid follicles. Follicles are filled with colloid, a proteinaceous depot of thyroid hormone
Thyroid is found on the ventral side in the neck region of the body. At the base of larynx, it has two
lateral lobes one on either side of trachea. Cells lining the thyroid follicles secrete two thyroid hormones,
thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Both are iodinated forms of an amino-acid called thyronine and stored in
the form of semifluid material (colloid) in the lumen of follicles. Whenever necessary, the hormones are
released from the colloid to the blood.
Thyroid hormones increase the metabolic rate of the body, enhance heat production and maintain
They also promote growth of body tissues-both physical growth and development of mental faculties
are stimulated.
They stimulate tissue differentiation; hence promote metamorphosis of tadpoles into adult frogs.
Graves disease (exophthalmic goitre):
An immune disease in which autoantibodies bind to and activate the thyroid-stimulating hormone
receptor, leading to continual stimulation of thyroid hormone synthesis edema behind eyes
(exophthalmos) with more often in females.
They are four pea-sized organs, clinging to the rear surface of thyroid, but are independent of thyroid
structurally and functionally. This gland secretes parathormone (PTH) whose functions are as follows:
a) It regulates the calcium and phosphate balance between blood and other tissues.
b) It inhibits synthesis of collagen by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts.
c) It helps in absorption of calcium from the intestine and reabsorption by kidneys.
a) Hypoparathyroidism:
It leads to deficiency of plasma calcium. Nerve and muscle action potentials rise leading to
muscle twitches, spasm, etc., and the condition is called hypocalcemia or parathyroid tetany.
b) Hyperparathyroidism:
It causes demineralization of bones leading to their easy fracture and deformation. It may lead to
osteitis fibrosa cystica.
Adrenals or Suprarenals:
There are two adrenal glands, one on the top of each kidney. Adrenal gland has an outer portion called
adrenal cortex, and an inner portion called adrenal medulla. Both these parts differ in the nature of
hormone produced and also with respect to their functions.
Adrenal cortex:
This part of adrenal gland is very important for the animal and its removal or destruction will kill the
It produces mainly three groups of steroid hormones viz., (i) glucocorticoids; (ii)
mineralocorticoids; and (iii) sex corticoids.
Glucocorticoids regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; they also increase
the blood glucose level e.g., cortisone, cortisol and corticosterone. The secretion of
glucocorticoid hormones is regulated by ACTH from anterior pituitary.
Mineralocorticoids are produced from the outermost cellular layer of the adrenal cortex. The
main hormone in mammals and birds is aldosterone that reduces the sodium loss from the body in
urine, sweat, saliva etc. by its active reabsorption from those fluids. It also increases the
excretion of potassium, in an exchange with the absorption of sodium; retain water in the body
along with sodium. Thus it regulates the ionic and water balance of the body. The secretion of
aldosterone is stimulated by three factors : (a) a fall in the sodium ions in the plasma of blood; (b)
a rise in the potassium ions in the plasma of blood ; (c) a fall in the volume of blood itself.
Gonadocorticoids: They stimulate the development of secondary sexual characters in males
Adrenal medulla:
It helps the body to prepare for stress or any emergency conditions. This part of adrenal, unlike
cortex, is not so vital for the survival of the organism and so its removal will not cause death.
It produces two hormones called as adrenaline or epinephrine and nor-adrenaline or norepinephrine. Both these hormones act on tissues and organs that are supplied by sympathetic fibres and
produce similar effects. Thus adrenal medulla and sympathetic system function as a closed integrated
unit and is known as sympathetico-adrenal system.
Pancreas :
The pancreas comprises both exocrine and endocrine parts. The endocrine part of pancreas forms the
islets of langerhans. They are small patches of cells present in the pancreas. They produce the following
two hormones:
The endocrine portion of the pancreas takes the form of many small clusters of cells called islets of
Pancreatic islets house three major cell types, each of which produces a different endocrine product:
Alpha cells (A cells) secrete the hormone glucagon.
1. Insulin. It is protein hormone produced by Beta-cells of islets of langerhans. It regulates the amount
of glucose in the blood by converting excess of glucose into glycogen (glycogenesis) which can be
stored in the liver and muscles. Lack of insulin, therefore, results in excess glucose in blood
(hyperglycemia) and it starts appearing in urine. This disease is known as diabetes mellitus.
Functions of Insulin:
It increases the utilization of glucose in the tissues and facilitates the storage of glucose as glycogen
in the liver and muscles. As a consequence, insulin lowers the blood glucose level in the body.
It increases the synthesis of fats in the adipose tissues from fatty acids and also from glucose.
It reduces the break down and oxidation of fats.
It promotes protein synthesis from amino acids in the body tissues.
It also reduces the breakdown of proteins in the body. Thus, insulin can be regarded as an anabolic
2. Glucagon. It is also protein hormone produced by Alpha-cells of islets of langerhans. It also
regulates the amount of glucose in the blood by converting glycogen back to glucose whenever
required. Thus its effect is opposite to that of insulin.
3. Somatostatin: It inhibits the secretion of glucagons and insulin.
Insulin Disorders
High blood Glucose level Breakdown of muscle tissue loss of weight tiredness.
The pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that
communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body. It is attached to
the roof of third ventricle in the rear part of brain. It functions as a biological clock and a neurosensory
transducer, converting the neural information.
It secretes thymosin, thymic factor and thymopoietin. It stimulates the entire immune system and hence is
called as throne of immunity. It stimulates the spleen and other organs, which have stopped functioning
to function again. Its secretion decreases with advancing age and entirely ceases by about 50 years.
In female:
The male gonad is testes and female gonad is ovary. Gonads produce reproductive cells and secrete
hormones, which control reproductive organs. These hormones are called as sex hormones. They start to
secrete from the age of puberty or sexual maturity.
a) Ovarian follicle Estrogen Development of female sexual characteristics and regulate the
menstrual cycle.
b) Corpus luteum Progesterone and Estrogen help in implantation and maintaining pregnancy,
Relaxin relaxes pubic symphysis to dilate uterine cervix
Inhibin / Actin Inhibition / activation of FSH and GnRH production.
a) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Stimulates progesterone release from the corpus luteum and
maintains it.
b) Human placental lactogen stimulates mammary growth.
In Male :
Eunuchoidism : Prostate, seminal vesicles and penis remain small infertility no secondary sexual
Gynaecomastia: Development of breast tissues in males due to increased estrogen during pregnancy
& puberty.
In Females : Infertility poor development of secondary sexual characters.
Pineal Gland
The pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that
communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body
Hormone from Heart:
The atrial wall of our heart secretes atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), when the blood volume and pressure
in the atria increase.
a) Gastrin: It is secreted by the mucosa of pyloric stomach and duodenum. It controls the
secretion of gastric juice by the gastric glands.
b) Secretin: It acts on the exocrine region of pancreas and stimulates the secretion of water and
bicarbonate ions.
c) Cholecystokinin (CCK): It is secreted by the intestinal mucosa. It acts on pancreas to secrete
pancreatic enzymes. It also acts on gall bladder to release bile juice into duodenum.
d) Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP): It is secreted by the mucosa of duodenum. It inhibits gastric
secretion and mobility.
The lipid soluble hormones can enter the cell through the bilayer of phospholipids and interact
with intra cellular receptors to regulate gene expression.
b) Peptide Hormones:
The water soluble hormones interact with a surface receptor. For example, insulin hormone has
a surface receptor, which is a hetero-tetrameric protein, consisting of four subunits. Of these two alpha
subunits protrude from the surface of the cell and bind insulin and two beta subunits span the
membrane and protrude into the cytoplasm. The following are the five steps in the hormone action: