The teacher will teach a lesson on using "will" to make predictions and talk about future plans. During the lesson, students will practice speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. They will discuss vocabulary they have learned, act out dialogues, listen to a recording and answer questions, interview each other about future plans, and be assigned homework. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to use "will" for predictions and discussing future events.
The teacher will teach a lesson on using "will" to make predictions and talk about future plans. During the lesson, students will practice speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. They will discuss vocabulary they have learned, act out dialogues, listen to a recording and answer questions, interview each other about future plans, and be assigned homework. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to use "will" for predictions and discussing future events.
The teacher will teach a lesson on using "will" to make predictions and talk about future plans. During the lesson, students will practice speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. They will discuss vocabulary they have learned, act out dialogues, listen to a recording and answer questions, interview each other about future plans, and be assigned homework. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to use "will" for predictions and discussing future events.
The teacher will teach a lesson on using "will" to make predictions and talk about future plans. During the lesson, students will practice speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. They will discuss vocabulary they have learned, act out dialogues, listen to a recording and answer questions, interview each other about future plans, and be assigned homework. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to use "will" for predictions and discussing future events.
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Teacher Corbea Florina Mihaela
Date: 15 th March Class : 6 th
Level Elementary School Scoala Gimnaziala Schitu Textbook Snapshot Elementary Recent work : Vocabulary: Parts of the body Main Topic: !ou shouldn"t mo#e it Communication: Ma$e decisions Grammar: #erb %ill & %on''' "t for predictions and decisions Tpe o! lesson : ac(uirin) ne% information * teachin) %ill &%on"t future Lesson ai"s : by the end of the lesson students %ill be able to: + use will in order to e,press predictions + de#elop and practice the producti#e s$ills -%ritin). spea$in)/ and the recepti#e s$ills -listenin). readin)/ + reinforce #ocabulary. to promote discussion and to practice lan)ua)e in a particular conte,t + use %ill to tal$ about future plans + form (uestions&ne)ati#e statements usin) %ill &%on t Ob#ectives A$Co%nitive ob#ectives: a/ to chec$ and impro#e #ocabulary. b/ to encoura)e students to tal$ freely. c/ to help students tal$ about recent e#ents and future plans. d/ to )i#e students more practice on pronunciation. #ocabulary and the structures tau)ht0 &$A!!ective ob#ectives: a/ to create a %arm atmosphere. b/ to help students en1oy spea$in) En)lish0 Skills : spea$in). listenin). %ritin). readin) Materials : cards. te,tboo$. sheet of paper.#ideo clips Anticipated language problems: Pupils&students could become a bit noisy %hen %or$in) in pairs&)roups2 some of them -the dominant ones/ may try to ans%er too often and e,clude the others0 3n some cases. pupils may not understand the tas$ )i#en by the teacher2 Possible solutions: the teacher may as$ pupils simultaneously to spea$2 4e&She may repeat the tas$ in order to be clear for e#erybody2 Ti"in%:55 min Metho's: con#ersation . dialo)ue. e,ercise. )ame. e,planation. brainstormin). obser#ation. role play0 Location classroom STA(E O) LESSON T*E TEAC*ER+S ACT,-,T. T*E ST/DENT+S ACT,-,T. ,NTER ACT,O N S0,LLS TEAC*,N( TEC*N,1/ ES A,DS P/RPOSE A,M C4EC637G 899E7:87C E ;< + 9 )reets class and chec$s attendance + Ss )reet the 9 + the S on duty ans%ers 9+S S+9 Spea$in) Con#ersation 7one + to prepare the Ss for the lesson C4EC637G 4=ME>=?6 5< >8?M @P A< + the 9 as$s Ss to act out the dialo)ues they had to prepare + 9 propose the Ss to play a mime )ame and )uess&predict %hat acti#ity is )oin) to happen + 9 as$ a S to come in front of the class and to mime some acti#ities from the cards on 9<s des$ + t%o )roups of Ss act out the dialo)ues )i#en as home%or$ + S comes and mime the acti#ities + the other Ss try and ma$e )uesses and predict the acti#ity E,0 3 thin$ she&he %ill Ma$e some coffee play close the %indo% open the %indo% Ma$e some coffee 9+S Ss+Ss 9+S S+Ss Ss+9 Spea$in) :ialo)ue :ialo)ue Game Berb cards + to ma$e up a pleasant and %arm atmosphere CE8: 37 + 9 as$s Ss to loo$ the posters on the %all + loo$in) at the posters and + Ss loo$ the pictures and ma$e )uesses about the acti#ities they 9+S Spea$in) actin) out :ialo)ue 7oteboo$s + chec$ the understandin) of the items 5< P?8C93CE 6< P?E+ C3S9E737G A< the %ords. the teacher elicits the tar)et lan)ua)e by as$in) about the acti#ities they plan to do + 9 %rites the title on the blac$board and the model sentence to present the )rammar structure used to tal$ about future plans + 9 )i#es Ss a handout and as$s them to %rite do%n their ans%ers about the plans they ha#e + 9 as$s (uestions about the characters they %ill see in the film * the Ss are familiarized %ith plan to do + Ss %rite in their noteboo$s + Ss sol#e the e,ercise and read their statements + the Ss ans%er 9<s (uestions Ss+9 9+S Ss+9 G> 9+Ss 3> Spea$in) >ritin) >ritin) Spea$in) Con#ersation =ral e,position E,ercise
Con#ersation Posters 7oteboo$s Dlac$boar d 7oteboo$s 4andouts
C: already tau)ht + to ha#e a more rela,ed introduction of the theme of the lesson + to encoura)e Ss spea$ fluently about the topic + to chec$ the Ss< ability to form sentences usin) )i#en tips + to chec$ comprehensio n of the item tau)ht + to familiarize Ss %ith the recorded te,t + to chec$ the >43CE+ C3S9E737G 6< Cistenin) for specific information 6< P=S9+ C3S9E737G 6< the recorded te,t by ans%erin) the (uestions related to it: Who do you see in the picture? What do you think they will do? + 9 plays the mo#ie and as$s Ss to listen to it carefully follo%in) the script + 9 tells the students that they are )oin) to listen to the recordin) a)ain and this time they %ill ha#e to ans%er a fe% (uestions they ha#e in their handout + 9 as$s Ss to listen to the tape once a)ain and to chec$ their ans%ers and see if the information they ha#e is correct or not + 9 as$s the Ss to read their sol#ed tas$ + the Ss listen in order to find out %hat the inter#ie% is about and %hat are the %oman<s plans + the Ss listen to the recordin) a)ain and ans%er (uestions in their handout + the Ss listen to the recordin) a)ain and chec$ their ans%ers + the Ss %or$ in pairs and sol#e the tas$ 9+S Ss+9 9+Ss Ss+9 9+Ss Ss+9 9+Ss P> 9+Ss P> >ritin). Spea$in) Cistenin) >ritin) Spea$in) >ritin) Guided (uestions Con#ersation Controlled acti#ity Controlled acti#ity Controlled acti#ity Controlled acti#ity C: C: C:
4andout S<s ability to f ans%er (uestions0 + to chec$ Ss< ability to understand oral information + to chec$ Ss< ability to listen for specific information + to encoura)e Ss to ha#e P?=:@C93=7 5< 8SS3G737G 4=ME>=?6 1< FEE: D8C6 ;< + 9 as$s Ss to loo$ on the handouts they<#e recei#ed and. %or$in) in pairs. to ma$e the inter#ie% about their des$ mate<s future + 9 assi)ns home%or$ -e,ercise :. pa)e 55 in the 8cti#ity boo$/ + some pairs of Ss act out the inter#ie% + the Ss ta$e notes + the Ss listen and as$ (uestions if any Ss 9+Ss ?eadin) Spea$in) Cistenin) Spea$in) >ritin) Spea$in)
Cess controlled acti#ity Controlled acti#ity Class acti#ity Cess controlled acti#ity 4andouts 7oteboo$s 7one small con#ersations 2$Listen care!3ll the recor'in% an' !ill in the %aps$ 2 44444444rea' soon 5 6 $.es ,7777777777777777777$,77777777777777 rea' in 7777777777777777 8$ Mr *en'erson 77777777777777777soon5 9$ .es he 7777777777777$*e 7777777777777777be back in abo3t 7777777777777 :$77777777the train arrive soon5 .es it 7777777777777777,t 7777777777777arrive in 777777777777777 ;$ .o3777777777777777%et a postcar' ever'a $ < $ Don t worr abo3t a thin% we 77777777777777 !ine $ =$ , 777777777 "iss o3 "3" $ >$ ,777777777777777 be here on Mon'a 2?$ The 77777777777777777777in the o!!ice 22$ The 777777777777777 be in the o!!ice 26$ She 7777777777777777be here on )ri'a 28$ Do o3 think it 77777777777rain to"orrow 5Mabe it77777777777 or "abe it7777777 29$ Do o3 think , 777777777777be !a"o3s one 'a 5Mabe o3 7777777or "abe o3 777777777