Model Plan de Lectie Engleza

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Lesson Plan

Teachers name: School: Class: 9th E (4 classes/week) Textbook: Upstream pre-intermediate Lesson Topic: Moments in life Date: 18th March 2008 Approach: omm!nicati"e Objectives: B the en! o" the lesson the st#!ents sho#l!: kno$ an! spell the ne$ $or!s correctl #se vocab#lar relate! to shoppin%& secon!'han! items& shops an! pro!#cts& clothes& materials initiate a conversation on the topic Teachin% ai!s: ' (pstream pre'interme!iate& E#press p!$lishin% ' CD - CD pla er Skills involve!: speakin%& rea!in%& listenin% Proce!#re: Sta%e Teachers St#!ents activities )nteraction: Skills: Time: *aterials activities +arm'#p &fter checkin% the homework '( initiates a con"ersation with '-)s )peakin% 2* the )s a$o!t sports in %eneral

Pre' rea!in%

-'( asks )s to make predictions a$o!t the

- )s( make predictions a$o!t the lesson






Post' rea!in% Pre' listenin% +hile' listenin% Post' listenin% -ee!back home$ork

te#t startin% from the title and from the ima%e in the st!dent*s $ook( ' asks )s to read the te#t $, fra%ments and asks them -!estions for readin% comprehension ' asks )s to sol"e e#(2./.4.+ pa%e 20 in pairs ' asks )s to do e#(1.2 pa%e 21 '( pla,s the cassette a$o!t a film star and asks )s( to sol"e e#( /( pa%e 22( ' asks )s to sol"e e#(4. 4. + pa%e 22( ' asks )s to write an ima%inar, inter"iew with a star ( the inter"iew sho!ld $e p!$lished in a teena%ers* ma%a6ine7

)s read the te#t $, fra%ments and answer the -!estions )s work in pairs on the %i"en topic )s do the e#ercises )s listen to the te#t and do e#( /( pa%e22( 5n pairs. )s do the e#ercises(





'-)s )s-)s '-)s '-)s

)peakin% 0eadin% )peakin% 3ritin% )peakin% writin% )peakin% 3ritin%

1* 4* 10*



10* 2*

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