Unit Plan Lesson 3 Final

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27 Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Hannah Lee Subject/ Topic/ Theme Our Purpose on Earth Grade: Kinder arten/ !irst Grade

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

"e #i$$ be connectin #hat #e $earned about anima$s $i%in on certain $a&ers o' the rain'orest to ho# #e are ha%e been put in a certain part o' the earth( #hich #i$$ $ead into #h& God has made us)

Learners will be able to#

Gi%e predictions as to #hat #i$$ happen ne0t in the boo1 #e are readin 2ame and describe some o' the anima$s that $i%e in the rain'orest ,nderstand 3and paraphrase4 that each anima$ is in a certain $a&er 'or a reason -pp$& the same idea to their o#n $i%es

co niti%e* + , -p -n E ./

ph&sica$ de%e$opment

socio* emotiona$

, + , -

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
")G2)55)56 7 "rites a brie' persona$ narrati%e usin pictures( #ords( #ord*$i1e c$usters( and/or sentences as support +)2T)56)58 7 9denti'& prob$em/so$ution( se:uence o' e%ents( and sense o' stor& 3be innin ( midd$e( end)4 ..SS)EL-*Literac&)")K); 7 #ith uidance and support 'rom adu$ts( respond to :uestions and su estions 'rom peers and add detai$s to stren then #ritin as needed) ..SS)EL-*Literac&)")6); 7 #ith uidance and support 'rom adu$ts( 'ocus on a topic( respond to :uestions and su estions 'rom peers( and add detai$s to stren then #ritin as needed) 32ote# "rite as man& as needed) 9ndicate ta0onom& $e%e$s and connections to app$icab$e nationa$ or state standards) 9' an objecti%e app$ies to particu$ar $earners #rite the name3s4 o' the $earner3s4 to #hom it app$ies)4 /remember( understand( app$&( ana$&<e( e%a$uate( create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Kno# about the anima$s and $a&ers that #ere discussed in the $esson be'ore Kno# that God created a$$ creatures o' the earth)
Pre-assessment (for learning):

Predictions and re%ie# o' the materia$ $earned in the $ast $esson Outline assessment activities 3app$icab$e to this $esson4
Formative (for learning): Formative (as learning):

.hec1in ; star sentences 3#hen students %o$unteer4 Summative (of learning4: =ourna$ entries
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Pro%ide options 'or perception* making information perceptible Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Pro%ide options 'or ph&sica$ action* increase options for interaction *Options in the mode o' ph&sica$ response) 3"ritin do#n their ans#er or o''erin their ans#er %oca$$& to the rest o' the c$ass)4 Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement Pro%ide options 'or recruitin interest* choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats *Options that increase indi%idua$ choice and autonom&) 3"ritin do#n their o#n purpose in their journa$s Pro%ide options 'or sustainin e''ort and persistence* optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

Pro%ide options 'or $an ua e( mathematica$ e0pressions( and s&mbo$s* clarify & connect language

Pro%ide options 'or e0pression and communication* increase me ium of e!pression


Pro%ide options 'or comprehension* activate, apply & highlight Pro%ide options 'or e0ecuti%e 'unctions* coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies Pro%ide options 'or se$'*re u$ation* e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

*Options that pro%ide or acti%ate bac1 round 1no#$ed e 3re%ie#in #hat #e $earned in the $ast $esson4

*Options that de%e$op se$'* assessment and re'$ection) 3Thin1in o' their purpose on earth #i$$ a$$o# them a se$'* re'$ection

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use" How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6#77 Com!onents /otivation 3openin / introduction/ en a ement4 3evelo!ment 3the $ar est component or main bod& o' the $esson4

@oo1 7 AThe ,mbre$$aB b& =an @rett =ourna$s AS$o#$&( s$o#$&( s$o#$&(B said the S$oth b& Eric .ar$e Prepared :uestions to as1 the students durin and a'ter the boo1 Students #i$$ be sittin on the ru ( then the& #i$$ o bac1 to their seats to #or1 on their journa$ entries) !ina$$&( students #i$$ be ca$$ed bac1 to the ru to share their ans#ers) 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. *-s1 students i' the& remember the boo1 #e read t#o *-ns#er accordin to #hat the& remember $essons a o) -s1 #hich anima$s the& remember) Do &ou remember ho# man& $a&ers there are in the rain'orestC *Toda&( #e #i$$ be readin about some o' the same anima$s) *This boo1 is ca$$ed AThe ,mbre$$aB and it is #ritten b& =an @rett *Do &ou reco ni<e an& o' the anima$s on the co%erC *"hat do &ou thin1 is happenin on the co%erC *+ead throu h the boo1 and stop at certain pa es to as1 students i' the& reco ni<e the anima$s and #hat the& thin1 #i$$ happen ne0t) 3Toucan( =a uar4 *Toucan 7 #hich anima$ do &ou thin1 is comin up on the ne0t pa eC "e ha%enDt $earned about this anima$ &et) *=a uar 7 .an &ou name a$$ o' these anima$sC "hich anima$ do &ou see comin ne0tC *-'ter 'inishin the boo1( as1 the students: Ho# come .ar$os did not see an& anima$sC Do &ou thin1 the same thin #i$$ happen #hen .ar$os oes 'or his ad%enture a ain tomorro#C


*+aise hand and i%e ans#ers 'or anima$s that the& 1no#


*-ns#er based on o#n predictions and 1no#$ed e



6#:8 *Ean& o' these anima$s #e read about toda& #ere a$so in the boo1 #e read a coup$e da&s a o) +emember #hen #e ta$1ed about these anima$s $i%in in certain $a&ers o' the rain'orestC *"ho remembers ho# man& $a&ers there #ereC Do an& o' &ou remember the names o' the $a&ersC 6#;7 *=ust $i1e the anima$s $i%e in certain $a&ers o' the rain'orest( #e ha%e been p$aced on a certain part o' Earth b& our creator( God) God made us 'or a reason( his reason 'or ma1in us is ca$$ed our purpose) *Gi%e e0amp$es o' some purposes that ma& be app$icab$e to e%er&one) 3E& purpose is to be a ood dau hter( sister( 'riend( student etc)4 *-s1 students to #rite a short journa$ entr& about one o' their purposes on earth( a$on #ith an i$$ustration) *-s1 students to 'inish up and brin their journa$s to the ru *-s1 students to %o$unteer to share #hat the& ha%e #ritten) "hi$e sharin #hat the& ha%e #ritten( #e #i$$ a$so $oo1 at their sentences to see i' the& are ; star sentences) 6) Does it start #ith an upper case $etterC 2) -re there spaces bet#een the #ordsC 8) Does it ha%e an end mar1C F) Does it ma1e senseC ;) 9s it neatC

*Gi%e ideas o' their purposes) *"rite journa$ entr& #ith a persona$ purpose in mind


6#87 Closure 3conc$usion( cu$mination( #rap*up4

*Go$unteer to share #hat the& #rote #ith the rest o' the c$ass)

=our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 3"rite this a'ter teachin the $esson( i' &ou had a chance to teach it) 9' &ou did not teach this $esson( 'ocus on the process o' preparin the $esson)4 + ile I taug t t is lesson- I didn>t feel too confident about it- I was not too sure if all t e students understood. Even after t e assignment ad been e.!lained- some students still as*ed me w at t e( were su!!osed to write about. I ad tried to give e.am!les b( telling t em about ow one of m( !ur!oses is to be a good teac er and to !re!are lessons- materials- etc. I ended u! re! rasing b( sa(ing t at anot er wa( to sa( it is t at it>s one of t e reasons t at %od made us. 2 is el!ed t e students out a lot more. I s ould ave said t at earlier in t e lesson so t at it would ave made more sense to t e students. I would also be more careful of m( )uestions because t e( seem to be a bit roug in transitioning from eac ot er. At t e end w en t e students s ared t eir writing wit t e rest of t e class- I was reall( im!ressed wit w at t e( ad all come u! wit . /an( of t e students ad different ideas of !ur!oses. Along wit great !ur!oses- all of t e students ad eit er < star sentences or 8 sentences.


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