Lesson Plan 6

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Brianna Rumley

School: Boltz Middle School Grade /Leel: 6/ !"#loration$ %ontent &rea:
Title: 'ood in Latin &merica Le$$on (: 6
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the
1) %ommunication in Lan*ua*e$ +ther than !n*li$h
2) ,no-led*e and .nder$tandin* o/ +ther %ulture$
4) %om#ari$on$ to Deelo# 0n$i*ht into the 1ature o/ Lan*ua*e and %ulture
Understandings: (Big Ideas)
'ood #lay$ a hu*e #art in culture) 0t tell$ u$ ho- and -here #eo#le lie) 0n Latin &merica2 #eo#le
don3t 4u$t eat to lie2 they lie to eat) 0t3$ ho- they connect and ho- they #a$$ on tradition$)
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating no!ledge at end of the unit of instruction"
select a##lica$le questions from standard)
5hat do you ima*ine /ood /rom Latin &merica i$ li6e7
8o- i$ it $imilar or di//erent /rom that in the .)S)7
5hich diet i$ 9etter and -hy7
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)
Every student will be able to: (Create your o!n lesson o$%ecti&es from the standard" follo!
the 'BC( format)
Student$ -ill 9e a9le to com#are /ood and diet$ /rom Latin &merica to that in the .nited State$)
Student$ -ill 9e a9le to name /ruit$ and e*eta9le$ in S#ani$h)
Student$ -ill 9e a9le to di$cu$$ rea$on$ -hy culture$ eat certain /ood$ #roidin* rea$on$ $uch
a$ *eo*ra#hical location)
ssessment o! Evidence Outcomes: ()o! !ill you assess the selected lesson o$%ecti&es
(general e*#lanation" you !ill go into more detail at the end of the lesson #lan)
Student$ -ill /ill out a ,5L chart that -ill 9e turned in at the end o/ cla$$) They -ill al$o need to
name : /ruit$ and : e*eta9le$)
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
"lanned #esson ctivities
ctivity $ame Should $e a creati&e title for you and the children to associate !ith the acti&ity+
0ntro to 'ood
%%ro&' (ime )o! long do you e*#ect the acti&ity to last,
;0 Minute$
ntici%atory Set The -hoo. to gra$ students/ attention+ These are actions and statements $y the teacher to relate the e*#eriences of the
students to the o$%ecti&es of the lesson" To #ut students into a rece#ti&e frame of mind+
To focus student attention on the lesson+
To create an organi0ing frame!or for the ideas" #rinci#les" or information that is to follo! (ad&anced organi0ers)
'n antici#atory set is used any time a different acti&ity or ne! conce#t is to $e introduced+
They -ill /ill out the , and 5 #art o/ their chart)
((irect Instruction)
(Select the most
a##ro#riate model
for teaching" direct
instruction is a
$asic e*am#le)
Includes1 In#ut" 2odeling and Checing for 3nderstanding
4+ In#ut1 The teacher #ro&ides information needed for the students to gain the no!ledge through lecture" film" etc+
5+ 2odeling1 6nce the material has $een #resented" the teacher uses it to sho! students e*am#les of !hat is
e*#ected as an end #roduct of their !or+ The critical as#ects are e*#lained through la$eling" categori0ing"
com#aring" summari0ing" etc+
7+ Checing for 3nderstanding1 (etermination of !hether students ha&e -got it. $efore mo&ing on+ It is essential that
the students #ractice doing it right so the teacher must no! that the students understood $efore #roceeding to
#ractice+ If there is any dou$t that the class has not understood" the conce#t or sill should $e retaught $efore
#ractice $egins+
8+ 9uestioning Strategies1 3tili0ing the Bloom/s Ta*onomy of Educational 6$%ecti&es: 9uestions should #rogress
from the lo!est to the highest of the si* le&els of the cogniti&e domain (no!ledge" com#rehension" a##lication"
analysis" synthesis and e&aluation)
1) &$ a cla$$2 -e -ill -atch ideo$ that $ho- di//erent ty#e$ o/ /ood throu*hout Latin &merica
2) &/ter the ideo$2 0 -ill hae the $tudent$ $hare $ome thin*$ they thou*ht they 6ne- a9out /ood in
Latin &merica)
:) 5hen they then tal6 a9out -hat they learned or thin*$ that they thou*ht -hich -ere -ron*2 it -ill
$ho- me that they under$tand)
4) 0 -ill a$6 the $tudent$ to name di//erent ty#e$ o/ /ood2 com#are the /ood they eat -ith the /ood -e
eat in the .nited State$2 0 -ill a$6 them to 4u$ti/y the eatin* o/ *uinea #i*$ in $ome area$ o/ <eru2
and a$6 them to *ie rea$on$ -hy they mi*ht eat the diet that they do)
Strategy: (;uided
'n o##ortunity for each student to demonstrate gras# of ne! learning $y !oring through an acti&ity or e*ercise under
the teacher/s su#er&ision+ The teacher mo&es around the room to determine le&el of mastery and to #ro&ide indi&idual
remediation as need+ (Praise" Prom#t" and Lea&e)
5e -ill then *o oer #icture$ o/ /ruit$ and e*eta9le$ a$ a cla$$ and li$ten to $on*$ in S#ani$h) 0 -ill $ho-
#icture$ and a$6 the $tudent$ to name the /ruit or e*eta9le $ho-n)
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
(This may not come immediately follo!ing each lesson)
6nce students ha&e mastered the content or sill" it is time to #ro&ide for reinforcement #ractice+ It is #ro&ided on a
re#eating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten+ It may $e home!or or indi&idual !or in class+ It can $e utili0ed
as an element in a su$sequent #ro%ect+ It should #ro&ide for rele&ant situation<not only the conte*t in !hich it !as
originally learned+
&$ $tudent$ learn a9out ariou$ /ood$2 they -ill 9e*in to /ill out a /ood #yramid in S#ani$h)
Closure Those actions or statements $y a teacher that are designed to $ring a lesson #resentation to an a##ro#riate conclusion+
3sed to hel# students $ring things together in their o!n minds" to mae sense out of !hat has %ust $een taught+ -'ny
9uestions, =o+ 6>" let/s mo&e on. is not closure+ Closure is used1
To cue students to the fact that they ha&e arri&ed at an im#ortant #oint in the lesson or the end of a lesson+
To hel# organi0e student learning
To hel# form a coherent #icture and to consolidate+
&t the end o/ cla$$2 0 -ill reie- -hat -e hae learned a9out /ood in Latin &merica and hae them name : /ruit$ and :
e*eta9le$ a$ their e"it $li#)
*aterials What do you need to do the acti&ity,
Smart9oard2 ideo$2 #icture$ o/ /ruit$ and e*eta9le$2 -hite 9oard2 #a#er2 #encil)
+i!!erentiation To modify1 If the acti&ity is too ad&anced for a child" ho! !ill you modify it so that they can $e successful,
To e*tend1 If the acti&ity is too easy for a child" ho! !ill you e*tend it to de&elo# their emerging sills,
To modify: 0/ the actiity i$ too hard2 0 can #roide the $tudent -ith #re=made /la$hcard$)
To extend: 0/ it i$ too $im#le2 0 can a$6 the $tudent$ to name more /ruit$ and e*eta9le$ and al$o to do an
inde#endent re$earch #ro4ect a9out the im#ortance o/ corn in the Latin &merican diet)
ssessment )o! !ill you record the child/s challenges and successes !ith this acti&ity, (E&en if this is !ritten !ithin your lesson #lan"
s#ecifically state it here+ )o! !ill you no! the students ha&e met the o$%ecti&e, 'ttach a co#y if a##lica$le+)
0 -ill a$6 a lot o/ >ue$tion$ and mea$ure their re$#on$e$ a$ a cla$$ 9ut al$o their /ood #yramid -ill 9e a *reat
indicator a$ -e learn ne- /ood$)
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
"ost #esson ,e!lection
1) (o what e&tent were lesson ob-ectives achieved. (3tili0e assessment data
to %ustify your le&el of achie&ement)
(he /0# charts showed that the students had a !irm gras% o! the im%ortance and
variety o! #atin merican !ood but also the di!!erences and similarities between
their !ood and ours' (heir e&it sli% also showed me that they were able to name a
variety o! !ruits and vegetables'
1' 0hat changes2 omissions2 or additions to the lesson would you ma3e i!
you were to teach again.
I thin3 I would add additional s%elling %ractice with !ruits and vegetables' 4or
e&am%le2 I may have them to white board races'
:) 0hat do you envision !or the ne&t lesson. (Continued #ractice" reteach
content" etc+)
4or the ne&t lesson2 I will continue to teach my students about di!!erent !oods and
continue having them !ill out their !ood %yramids'
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