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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Emma Steward Date: April 10, 2014

School: Loveland High School Grade Level: ! " #ontent Area: $%! Engli&h
Title: 'eader(& Theatre Le&&on ):*1* o+ *1*
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the
/re&ent in+ormation, +inding&, and &0pporting evidence clearl., conci&el., and logicall. &0ch that
li&tener& can +ollow the line o+ rea&oning and the organi1ation, development, &02&tance, and
&t.le are appropriate to p0rpo&e, a0dience, and ta&3,
Determine a theme or central idea o+ a te4t and anal.1e in detail it& development over the
co0r&e o+ the te4t, incl0ding how it emerge& and i& &haped and re+ined 2. &peci+ic detail&5
provide an o26ective &0mmar. o+ the te4t,
Anal.1e how comple4 character& 8e,g,, tho&e with m0ltiple or con+licting motivation&9 develop
over the co0r&e o+ a te4t, interact with other character&, and advance the plot or develop the
Appl. 3nowledge o+ lang0age to 0nder&tand how lang0age +0nction& in di++erent conte4t&, to
ma3e e++ective choice& +or meaning or &t.le, and to comprehend more +0ll. when reading or
Determine or clari+. the meaning o+ 0n3nown and m0ltiple-meaning word& and phra&e& 2a&ed
on grades 9-10 reading and content, choo&ing +le4i2l. +rom a range o+ &trategie&,
Understandings: (ig !deas)
St0dent& will ma&ter comprehen&ion o+ Act : o+ "omeo and #$liet thro0gh an activit. called
;'eader(& Theatre<,
Inquiry Questions: (Essential %$estions relating &no'ledge at end of the $nit of instr$ction(
select a))lica*le %$estions from standard)
How doe& Sha3e&peare relate or +ail to relate to modern li+e thro0gh it& 0&e o+ lang0age and
#an Sha3e&peare(& pla. 2e moderni1ed= & it po&&i2le to gain deeper comprehen&ion +rom
moderni1ing the pla.=
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
Every student will be able to: (Create yo$r o'n lesson o*+ecti,es from the standard( follo'
the -C. format( $sing st$dent ,oice)
All &t0dent& will 2e a2le to comprehend Act : o+ "omeo and #$liet thro0gh a9 per+orming and 29
viewing a live, &t0dent ver&ion o+ each &cene in cla&&,
ist o! "ssessments: (Write the n$m*er of the learning target associated 'ith each
Ever. &t0dent will &how ma&ter. o+ comprehen&ion o+ Act : 2. t0rning in a tic3et o0t the door,
>or each &cene that the &t0dent view& 8viewing +o0r, acting one9, the. will write two 3e.
happening&, +or a total o+ &i4 note& o+ comphrehen&ion,
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
#lanned esson "ctivities
$ame and #ur%ose o! esson
Sho$ld *e a creati,e title for yo$ and the
st$dents to associate 'ith the acti,ity/ Thin& of
the )$r)ose as the mini-rationale for 'hat yo$
are trying to accom)lish thro$gh this lesson/
Acting to Learn Sha3e&peare
"%%ro&' (ime and )aterials
0o' long do yo$ e1)ect the acti,ity to last and
'hat materials 'ill yo$ need2
Thi& activit. &ho0ld la&t ro0ghl. 7?-40 min0te&, will provide a 2ag o+ prop& +or
&t0dent& to 0&e to di++erentiate character&, St0dent& will need acce&& to cla&&room
te4t2oo3& a& well a& a &heet o+ paper and a writing 0ten&il,
"ntici%atory Set
The 3hoo&4 to gra* st$dents5 attention/ These
are actions and statements *y the teacher to
relate the e1)eriences of the st$dents to the
o*+ecti,es of the lesson( To )$t st$dents into a
rece)ti,e frame of mind/
To foc$s st$dent attention on the lesson/
To create an organi6ing frame'or& for
the ideas( )rinci)les( or information that
is to follo' (ad,anced organi6ers)
-n antici)atory set is $sed any time a different
acti,ity or ne' conce)t is to *e introd$ced/
$e: ;@3a. cla&&, toda. we(re going to read Act : o+ "omeo and #$liet, it ha& +ive
&cene&, Aho i& e4cited to read +ive &cene&=B< C groan& C $e: ;AellD don(t want
to read +ive &cene& either toda. &o let(& 60&t &crap that idea, n&tead let(& divide
into gro0p&, read onl. one &cene, and watch the other &cene& 2eing acted o0tB< C
cheer& C
(!ncl$de a )lay-*y-)lay acco$nt of 'hat st$dents
and teacher 'ill do from the min$te they arri,e
to the min$te they lea,e yo$r classroom/
!ndicate the length of each segment of the
lesson/ List act$al min$tes/)
!ndicate 'hether each is7
-teacher in)$t
-%$estioning strategies
-'hole-class )ractice
-gro$) )ractice
#la&& will 2e &tarted with thi& activit., will deliver the anticipator. &et and
e4pectation& in a2o0t ? min0te& 8teacher inp0t9, n gro0p&, &t0dent& will have 1?-
20 min0te& to read, delegate role&, and rehear&e their &cene& 8g0ided gro0p
practice9, Each gro0p will pre&ent a ? min0te per+ormance o+ their &cene 8g0ided
whole-cla&& practice9, D0ring each per+ormance the a0dience 8each &t0dent on
hi& or her own9 will 2e acco0nta2le +or writing two 3e. happening& that occ0rred
d0ring the &cene, Thi& will 2e m. ;chec3 +or 0nder&tanding< and 3eep the &t0dent&
acco0nta2le +or 0nder&tanding while the. watch, Thi& will 2e t0rned in a& a tic3et
o0t the door,
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-indi,id$al )ractice
-chec& for $nderstanding
Those actions or statements *y a teacher that
are designed to *ring a lesson )resentation to
an a))ro)riate concl$sion/ 9sed to hel)
st$dents *ring things together in their o'n
minds( to ma&e sense o$t of 'hat has +$st *een
ta$ght/ 3-ny :$estions2 ;o/ <=( let5s mo,e on4
is not clos$re/ Clos$re is $sed7
To c$e st$dents to the fact that they
ha,e arri,ed at an im)ortant )oint in the
lesson or the end of a lesson/
To hel) organi6e st$dent learning
To hel) form a coherent )ict$re and to
Ahile &t0dent& were wrapping 0p their tic3et o0t the door, will tran&ition to
watching the +ilm ver&ion o+ Act : 2. tal3ing 2rie+l. a2o0t how Sha3e&peare wrote
"omeo and #$liet, along with hi& other pla.&, to 2e acted in&tead o+ read &ilentl.
or alo0d, plan to &tart a &hort di&c0&&ion o+ how thi& ver&ion o+ ;reading< the pla.
compare& to act0all. reading &ilentl. or alo0d d0ring cla&& or a& homewor3, A&
&t0dent& gather their prop& 2ac3 to the 2ag and ret0rn their 2oo3& to the &hel+
will &et 0p the +ilm,
To modify7 !f the acti,ity is too ad,anced for a
child( ho' 'ill yo$ modify it so that they can *e
To e1tend7 !f the acti,ity is too easy for a child(
ho' 'ill yo$ e1tend it to de,elo) their emerging
will give &t0dent& the choice o+ ta3ing note& or the te4t 0p with them a& the.
per+orm their &cene, Thi& give& &t0dent& agenc. over 0&ing the 2e&t aid in their
E0e&t to rela. in+ormation and pre&ent their own 3nowledge o+ the &cene to their
cla&&mate a0dience,
0o' 'ill yo$ &no' if st$dents met the learning
targets2 Write a descri)tion of 'hat yo$ 'ere
loo&ing for in each assessment/
will collect and a&&e&& the data +rom the tic3et o0t the door, Here, and e4plicitl.
&tated to the &t0dent&, am e4pecting note& that demon&trate +0ll comprehen&ion
o+ the te4t, Thi& can 2e a&&e&&ed 2. the 3ind& o+ detail& and plot point& the. rela.,
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
#ost esson +e!lection
Toda. wa& one o+ the +ir&t time& +elt prepared and 0na+raid 8and ma.2e even a
little e4cited9 to deliver a le&&on, $. anticipator. &et reall. got the &t0dent& hoo3ed on
the activit. we &pent mo&t o+ the cla&& doing, which gave me con+idenceB E&peciall.
when 0&0all. drag them thro0gh grammar ever. time pre&ent a le&&on or activit.,
@verall thin3 the activit. wa& &0cce&&+0l, +0n, and learning wa& achieved, wa& torn
2etween giving more time +or &taging prop&, preparing, and rehear&ing and 3eeping the
activit. 2rie+ eno0gh +or ever. &t0dent to comprehend the main point& o+ Act : o+
"omeo and #$liet/ Ahile did thin3 that thi& reader(& theatre activit. wa& more
p0rpo&e+0l than reading the whole pa&&age, ne4t time might create a wor3&heet +or
more &tr0ct0re, detail, and e4pectation&, tho0ght the &t0dent& did great with the
direction& did give them, which happened to 2e more on the vag0e &ide 2eca0&e
wanted to &ee where the. wo0ld ta3e thi& activit., The wa. imagined holding &t0dent&
acco0nta2le +or 2eing attentive li&tener& 8and, there+ore, actor& too9 wa& 2. the tic3et
o0t the door activit.5 which wor3ed, !0t a wor3&heet wo0ld have given them direction
initiall. and cleared 0p &ome general con+0&ion that had to an&wer when wal3ing
aro0nd to each gro0p, !etween tal3ing with almo&t ever. &t0dent and then conver&ing
with $r, Fone& a+terward, reall. gained con+idence that the &t0dent& re&pect and
approve o+ me eno0gh to do the activitie& have planned, Thi& wa& great to &ee and
hear, and made teaching that da. a great e4perience, n the +0t0re will de+initel. ma3e
0&e o+ thi& activit. again,
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