The document provides guidelines for ShopRite employee dress code and appearance including:
- Name badges must be visible and worn at all times.
- Red, white, or black undershirts can be worn under red polo shirts but hoodies are prohibited.
- Blue or black jeans are allowed but visible body piercings other than earrings are prohibited.
The document also lists upcoming company events and training sessions in October and reminds employees about guidelines for Halloween costumes.
The document provides guidelines for ShopRite employee dress code and appearance including:
- Name badges must be visible and worn at all times.
- Red, white, or black undershirts can be worn under red polo shirts but hoodies are prohibited.
- Blue or black jeans are allowed but visible body piercings other than earrings are prohibited.
The document also lists upcoming company events and training sessions in October and reminds employees about guidelines for Halloween costumes.
The document provides guidelines for ShopRite employee dress code and appearance including:
- Name badges must be visible and worn at all times.
- Red, white, or black undershirts can be worn under red polo shirts but hoodies are prohibited.
- Blue or black jeans are allowed but visible body piercings other than earrings are prohibited.
The document also lists upcoming company events and training sessions in October and reminds employees about guidelines for Halloween costumes.
The document provides guidelines for ShopRite employee dress code and appearance including:
- Name badges must be visible and worn at all times.
- Red, white, or black undershirts can be worn under red polo shirts but hoodies are prohibited.
- Blue or black jeans are allowed but visible body piercings other than earrings are prohibited.
The document also lists upcoming company events and training sessions in October and reminds employees about guidelines for Halloween costumes.
resenting the company to our customer; therefore your per- sonal appearance is essential for maintaining good customer rela- tions. All associates need to be ready for work before clocking in. Name badges need to be visi- ble and worn at all time. A red, white or black turtleneck, ther- mal shirt, sweater or sweatshirt may be worn UNDER the red polo. HOODIES/HOODED SWEATSHIRTS ARE PRO- HIBITED. Blue or Black Jeans may be worn, Any form of visible body piercing including tongue rings and gages other than earrings is prohibited. Letter from Mark Dress Code
Dolsons Review O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4
October 13th Columbus Day
October 16th Power Jack class 4pm-8pm With James
October 16th 4 Hour Food Safety @ 211 1pm-5pm
October 15th 8:30am-4:30pm CGO Basic class @ Chester #242 October 19th Breast Cancer walk @ Wood- bury Commons
October 23rd Power Jack class with James 4pm- 8pm
October 28th and 29th 16 hour Food Safety @ home office 8:30am-4:30pm
October 31st Halloween
Fall is in the air and so are the winds of change. The days are shorter and the nights cooler. October also offers a lot excitement for selling and selling is what we are all about. For floral its all about Mum and their vibrant colors, Bakery with fresh made cider donuts. Produce has all sorts of apples and fresh cider, not to mention pumpkins. October also has a few key holidays, Columbus Day on the 13 th The very important Na- tional Bosss Day on the 16 th and Halloween on the 31st which falls on Friday night this year which will be very advantageous for some creative displays and great sales.
As for employee Halloween costumes, I encourage all to dress up and be creative and have fun with the theme. But I have to lay out some guidelines. Dress up day is only 10/31/2014 otherwise its our usual uniform. For all those that work in food service areas (Deli, Meat, Fish, Bakery) no costume or accessories can be worn that would possibly cause a safety haz- ard. Masks are not allowed at all.
Partners In Caring Join me in congratulating the winners to our cashier fundraising contest 1) Alex 2) Kristina 3) LaDonn Many thanks to all those that helped make this fundraiser one of our best yet.
October is also the start of a new business year for us. As you may know many corporations run their fiscal business year October to October. What this brings to us is a whole new set of budgets and goals. Bottom line: its all about the sales. Think of it like this, most every cus- tomer comes in looking to buy and spend money. All we have to do is keep the items full, fresh, clean, and well-priced. Throw in some creative displays. Lets not forget our warm friendly smiles and helpful sprit; our customers will practically be throwing their money at us.
Efectve October 25, 2014 the two-cent and fve-cent bag rebate program will be discontnued. This program was designed to encourage our customers to consider reusable bags when shopping. Over the past seven years, our customers have reused more than 321 million bags! Thanks to your support and partcipaton, our goal of educatng customers and encouraging bag reuse has been met. Please know that we remain commited to sustainability, conserving resources and supportng organizatons that work to improve our environment. To learn more about ShopRites commitment to the environ- ment, visit htp:// or call us at 1-800-ShopRite (1-800-746-7748).
D o n t fo r g e t t o c h e c k o u t
t h e H u b
M e m b e r .w a k e r fe r n .c o m
October Babies Tami B Brandon Christine Garry Tevin Serena Daquana Carlos T Mike C Shawn Hope Angel Frank Chavree Dan M Mariah W Alexis Luis Jhavon Amanda Silvia Melissa HAPPY BIRTHDAY Please see Megan or Noelle for any Questons. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER AT THE WOODBURY COMMONS ON 10/19/2014