Christ's Chronicles Issue No.31
Christ's Chronicles Issue No.31
Christ's Chronicles Issue No.31
Issue No. 31
Remember to check
the School Bulletin for
more information.
Warm Clothing
Childrens Toys
Please bring all donations to the Chapel
the day at
students spent
In Collective Worship this week Mrs Kieran introduced students to our new behaviour for
learning focus which complements our Christian values of Love, Justice and Peace.
Students will hear READY RESPECTFUL SAFE a good deal this year as these are the
characteristics that all students are expected to demonstrate. Some examples of how
students might show off these qualities are listed below:To be READY to learn, to take exams, to develop skills and talents, to be a good citizen, to go
out into the big wide world and earn a living!
To be RESPECTFUL towards each other, towards the staff (whether they are the experts who
teach in the classroom or the wonderful support staff who help to keep the school running so
efficiently), towards the school itself and their environment
To stay SAFE to think before they act; to follow instructions for health and safety reasons; to
use social media responsibly
In addition students are being reminded that RESTORATIVE approaches underpin our
behaviour for learning practice. Consequently staff will have restorative conversations with
students when they need to be prompted about being READY RESPECTFUL and SAFE.
To celebrate and recognise those students who demonstrate that they are READY RESPECTFUL
and SAFE, staff will be making more positive phone calls home and writing positive postcards.
Lots of students have received these already so WELL DONE to those who have.
Homework Club
Printing in School
Students are given 1.00 at
the beginning of Year 7 and
thereafter must bring in
cash to top-up their print
account. Please note colour
can be selected, but is
more expensive and should
be used sparingly.
Matthew 5:9