Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
PARTS OF SPEECH: Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts
of Speech, according to their use; that is, according to the work they do in a sentence. The
parts of Speech are eight in number:-
. !oun. ". #d$ective. %. &ronoun. '. (erb.
). #dverb. *. &repositions. +. ,on$unction. -. .nter$ection.
. A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, thing; as,
#kbar was a great /ing.
,alcutta is on 0ooghly.
The rose smells sweet.
The sun shines bright.
0is courage won him honour.
Note: The word thing includes 1i2 all ob$ects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell; and
1ii2 something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.
". #n Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun; as,
0e is a brave boy.
There are twenty boys in this class.
%. # Pronoun is a word used instead of noun; as,
3ohn is absent, because he is ill.
The books are where you left them.
'. A Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or thing; as,
The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.
,alcutta is a big town.
.ron and copper are useful metals.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
). #n Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an ad$ective, or
another adverb; as,
0e worked the sum 4uickly.
This flower is very beautiful.
She pronounced the word 4uite correctly.
*. # Preposition is a word used with noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing
denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else; as,
There is a cow in the field.
The girl is found of music.
# fair little girl sat under a tree.
+. # Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences; as,
5ama and 0ari are cousins.
Two and two make four.
. ran fast, but missed the train.
-. #n nterjection is a word which e6press some sudden feeling; as,
0urrah7 We have won the game.
#las7 She is dead.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
The Noun: !inds of Nouns
# NO"N is a word which is used as the name of a person, animal, place or thing.
!ouns are divided into ) kinds: #$ Co%%on Noun$ &$ Proper Noun$
'$ Co((ective Noun$ )$ *ateria( Noun +$ Abstract Noun$
#shoka is a /ing.
5ani is a girl.
8og is an animal.
8elhi is a city.
A co%%on noun is a na%e ,iven co%%on(- to ever- person. ani%a(. p(ace or thin, of
the sa%e c(ass or /ind$
The words king, girl, animal, city 9 can be applied to any king, girl, animal or city commonly.
Therefore such nouns are called Co%%on Noun.
A proper noun is the na%e of a particu(ar person. ani%a(. p(ace or thin,$
.n the e6ample Ashoka is a king, the word Asoka is the name of a particular king. Rani is the
name of a particular girl. Delhi is the name of a particular city. So such nouns which refer to
particular persons, animals, places or things are called Proper Nouns.
5emember, proper nouns are always written with capital letter at the beginning.
:6: #shoka, #kbar, ;andhi, 8elhi, Tommy, Tiger, Ta$ <ahal, ,harminar etc.
A co((ective noun is the na%e of a number or collection of persons or things ta/en
to,ether and spoken of as a whole$
:6: ,rowd, mob, army, fleet, navy, air force, class, herd, family, committee, assembly,
parliament etc.
The word army stands for a collection of soldiers.
=leet stands for a collection of ships.
,lass stands for a collection of boys and girls.
#ssembly stands for a collection of people.
A %ateria( noun is the na%e of a %eta(. %ateria( or substance$
:6: .ron is a useful metal.
Wood is used to make doors and windows.
;old is a noble metal.
Words like iron, gold, wood are names of metal or material from which things are made. Such
nouns are called <aterial nouns.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
An Abstract noun is usua((- the na%e of a 0ua(it-. action. or state considered apart
fro% the object to 1hich it be(on,s; as,
:6: >ravery, kindness, cruelty, brightness, childhood, youth, love, truth, honesty, health, $oy,
pleasure, sorrow, pain.
Such nouns which describe the 4uality, action, and feeling of persons are called #bstract
The Pronoun: !inds of Pronouns
# word that is used instead of or in the place of a noun is called Pronoun.
There are S.? kinds of pronouns.
. &ersonal &ronouns. ". 5efle6ive &ronouns. %. 8emonstrative &ronoun.
'. 8istributive &ronouns '. .nterrogative &ronouns. *. 5elative &ronouns.
#$ Persona( pronouns:
@ook at these sentences:
. love. We love.
Aou love. Aou love.
0e 1she, it2 loves. They love.
.n these e6amples, the pronouns I, we, you, he, she, it and they are called &ersonal pronouns.
They are so called because they stand for the T05:: &:5SB!S 9 ., .. and ....
., we, me, us, mine, ours 9 . personal pronouns.
Aou, yours 9 .. &ersonal pronouns.
0e, she, it, they, his, him, her, hers, them, theirs 9 ... &ersonal pronouns.
&$ 2i3 Ref(e4ive Pronouns:
:6: . hurt myself.
0e will hurt himself.
She will hurt herself.
The &ronouns 9 myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves 9
are all Reflexive Pronouns, because the action done by the sub$ect reflects upon the sub$ect.
They are used as the ob$ect of the verb.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
2ii3 E%phasi5in, Pronouns 2or3 E%phatic Pronouns
@ook at these sentences:
. will do it myself.
. myself can do it.
We ourselves have done it.
She herself said so.
They themselves admitted their mistake.
.n all these e6amples, the &ronouns 9 myself, ourselves, herself, itself and themselves
are used $ust for the sake of emphasis. So they are called :mphasiCing or :mphatic &ronouns.
'$ 6e%onstrative Pronouns:
@ook at these sentences:
his is a gift from my mother.
hat is a gift from my uncle.
hese are better than those.
The pronouns 9 this, that, these, those 9 point out the ob$ects to which they refer. Therefore
they are called 8emonstrative &ronouns.
)$ 6istributive Pronouns:
@ook at these sentences:
!ach of the boys got the priCe.
"one of the girls got any priCe.
!ither of you can go to the party.
"either of the reasons is $ust.
The &ronouns 9 each, none, either, neither # refer to persons or things one at a time.
Therefore they are called Distri$utive Pronouns. >ecause they refer to one at a time, they are
always singular in number.
+$ nterro,ative Pronouns:
@ook at these sentences:
%ho is thereD %ho are youD
%hom do you wantD %hose is this penD
%hich do you wantD %hat do you wantD
.n these sentences, the pronouns 9 who, whom, which, whose, what 9 are used here to
ask &uestions. Therefore they are called Interrogative Pronouns.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
7$ Re(ative Pronouns:
@ook at these sentences:
. met /iran. /iran had $ust returned home.
. have found the pen. . had lost the pen.
0ere is the book. Aou are searching for it.
No1 (et us join these pair of sentences:
. met /iran who had $ust returned home.
. have found the pen which . had lost.
0ere is the book that you are searching for.
%ho, which, that 9 are pronouns. >ut they do functions here different from those of
%ho combines the two sentences. So it is a con$unction.
%ho stands for the noun going before it. So it does the work of a pronoun.
Same is the ease with which and that also.
#ll the pronouns here 2 work as a pronoun and also
"2 work as a con$unction.
They are called Relative Pronouns because they relate to some nouns gong before them. Such
nouns or pronouns are called #ntecedents.
Thus /iran is the #ntecedent of who.
&en is the #ntecedent of which.
>ook is the #ntecedent of that.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
The Verb: !inds of Verbs
# verb is a word which tells something about a person or thing. .t is the most important word
in a sentence.
0e takes coffee.
She drinks tea.
(erbs are divided into two kinds. . Transitive verb. ". .ntransitive verb.
5ead the sentences:
. The boy kicks the football.
". The boy laughs loudly.
.n sentence 1, the action kicks passes over to the ob$ect foot$all. Therefore the verb kicks is
said to be Transitive Verb. 1Transitive means passing over.2
.n sentences where the verb is Transitive, the ob$ect helps to complete the meaning.
What does the boy kickD EEEE.. The foot$all.
Without the ob$ect football here, the sense is not complete.
A Transitive Verb is a verb that denotes an action 1hich passes over fro% the doer or
Subject to an object$
.n sentence 2, the action denoted by the verb laughs does not pass over to an ob$ect.
Therefore the verb laughs is called an Intransitive Verb. 1.ntransitive means not passing over.2
0e ran fast.
The baby sleeps.
The baby seems happy
.n these sentences, the verbs ran, sleeps y themselves make complete sense.
An ntransitive Verb is a verb that denotes an action 1hich does not pass over to an
object. or 1hich e4presses a state or bein,; as
Note: Intransitive Verbs expressing being take the same cases after them as before them.
The .ntransitive (erb seems re4uires a word 1e.g., happy2 to make the sense complete. Such a
verb is called a Verb of nco%p(ete Prediction.
The word happy, which re4uired to make the sense complete, is called the Co%p(e%ent of
the Verb or the Co%p(etion of the Predicate$
Such verbs which re4uire complement are called verbs of nco%p(ete Prediction$
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
The Adjective: !inds of Adjectives
#n Adjective is a word used with a noun to add so%ethin, for its %eanin,$
Adjectives are divided into eight kinds:
. #d$ectives of Fuality. ". #d$ectives of Fuantity. %. #d$ectives of !umber.
'. 8emonstrative #d$ectives. ). .nterrogative #d$ectives. *. &ossessive #d$ectives.
+. 8istributive #d$ectives. -. &roper #d$ectives.
#$ Adjectives of 8ua(it- 26escriptive Adjective3 show the kind or ualit! of a person or
,alcutta is a large city.
0e is an honest man.
The foolish old crow tried to sing.
#d$ectives of 4uality answer the 4uestion: of what kind"
&$ Adjectives of 8uantit- show how much of a thing is meant.
. ate some rice.
0e showed much patience.
0e has little intelligence
Aou have no sense
The whole sum was e6pended.
#d$ectives of 4uantity answer the 4uestion: #ow much"
'$ Adjectives of Nu%ber 2Nu%era( Adjectives3 are of three kinds:
2i3 6efinite Nu%era( Adjectives. which denote e6act number.
Bne, two three,E.etc These are called ,ardinals
=irst, second, third,E.etc These are called Brdinals
# ,ardinal denotes how many, and an Brdinal denotes the order of things in a series.
2ii3 ndefinite Nu%era(s Adjectives. which do not denote an e6act number.
#ll, no; many, few; some, any; certain, several, sundry.
2iii3 6istributive Nu%era( Adjectives.
WeGll discuss it later in kind + i.e., 6istributive Adjectives.
#d$ectives of !umber answer the 4uestion: #ow man!"
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
)$ 6e%onstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant.
his boy is stronger than that boy. . hate such things.
hese mangoes are sweet. All men are mortal.
8emonstrative #d$ectives answer the 4uestion: which"
+$ nterro,ative Adjectives: What, which, and whose when they are used with nouns to ask
4uestions are called Interrogative $d%ectives.
%hat kind of man is heD %hich way shall we goD
%hose book is thisD %hich way do you goD
7$ Possessive Adjectives: #d$ectives which are used to show possession are called
&ossessive $d%ectives.
What is your nameD . have borrowed his book
'y book is lost. They have lost all their property.
9$ 6istributive Adjectives: if every, each, either, neither are used as ad$ectives, they are
called 6istributive Adjectives
!ach boy must take his turn. !very word of it is false.
!ither pen will do. .ndia e6pects every man to do his duty.
"either book will serve the purpose. Bn either side is a narrow line.
-. Proper Adjectives are formed from proper nouns.
The (rench wine The urkish tobacco
The Indian tea The elugu language
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
The Adverb: !inds of Adverbs
#n #dverb is a word which adds to the meaning of a )er$, an Adjective or another Adver$.
There are eight kinds of #dverbs.
. #dverb of Time. ". #dverbs of =re4uency %. #dverbs of &lace
'. #dverbs of <anner ). #dverbs of 8egree or Fuantity
*. #dverbs of #ffirmation and !egation+. #dverbs of 5eason -. .nterrogative #dverb.
#$ Adverbs of Ti%e 1which show when2
. have heard this $efore. That day he arrived late.
We shall now begin to work. 0e called here a few minutes ago.
. had a letter from him lately. The end soon came.
0e comes here daily. . hurt my knee yesterday.
. have spoken to him already. Wasted time never returns.
0e once met me in ,airo; . have not seen him since.
<r. ;upta formerly lived here.
2&3 Adverbs of Fre0uenc- 1which show how often2.
. have told you twice. . have not seen him once.
0e often makes mistakes. 0e seldom comes here.
The postman called again. 0e always tries to do his best.
0e fre&uently comes unprepared.
2'3 Adverbs of P(ace 1which show where2.
Stand here. ;o there.
<y brother is out. The little lamb followed <ary everywhere.
,ome in. Walk $ackward.
0e looked up. .s <r. 8as withinD
The horse galloped away.
2)3 Adverbs of *anner 1which show how or in what manner2.
The Sikhs fought $ravely. The boy works hard.
. was agreea$ly disappointed. .s that soD
hus only, will you succeed. ;ovind reads clearly.
This story is well written. The child slept soundly.
*lowly and sadly we laid him down. Aou should not do so.
:Note;This c(ass inc(udes near(- a(( those Adverbs 1hich are derived fro% adjectives and end in ;(-$<
2+3 Adverbs of 6e,ree or 8uantit- 1which show how much, or in what degree or to what e6tent2.
0e was too careless. .s that any betterD
These mangoes are almost ripe. . am fully prepared.
Aou are &uite wrong. The sea is very stormy.
. am rather busy. 0e is good enough for my purpose.
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.
Swami Vivekananda Vidya Mandir
. am so glad. Aou are partly right.
Aou are altogether mistaken. Things are no $etter at present.
She sings pretty well.
273 Adverbs of Affir%ation and Ne,ation
*urely you are mistaken.
0e certainly went.
293 Adverbs of Reason
0e is hence unable to refute the charge.
0e therefore left school.
2=3 nterro,ative Adverb 1asking 4uestions2.
%here is #bhishekD %hen did you comeD
%hy are you lateD +ow did you solve the problemD
+ow many boys attend the testD
S.V.V Mandir, Katherapalli.