Report and Analysis Automation

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The main theme of this project is to reduce the manual work of
college student marks database. Every sort of task is performed by the
system such as registering, allocating different types of persons (ex: students
and professors) and enquires etc. this reduces much paper work and burden
of file storage. Also the information is available for students, officials and
executive whenever they required.

Where the system must be placed?

There is lot of benefits to the college by placing it in the local
network. At the same time the students also benefited by using system.

How to use the system?

Using system is as simple as using personal computer. Since the end
user computing is developing in our environment. It is beneficial to college
and students. Every step is clearly defined and help is provided through out
the application of user.

How it is beneficial to the college?

In this project, the system is used to enter the student details about
internal and external marks. The result of the student will be generated
automatically. The system represents the student by the student id, and this is
a main criterion how the student is recognized by these services.

The student information and the specifications are given by this report
automation like promotion of the students has to be done based on their

Report generation:
The report generating module contains:
Generating a report based on external marks and other criteria
such as number of student passed, number of students failed, over all pass
percentage and individual subject pass percentage.

System requirements:
Software requirements;
Front end


Back end

Excel,Sql server 2012


Microsoft Reporting services

Tool Used


Hardware requirements:

Intel Pentium 4

Hard disk

80 GB


2 GB

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