The gravitational force of the
Sun keeps planets in orbit
around the Sun and controls
the rest of the motion of the
solar system.
The mass of an object and the distance between
objects determine the force of gravity. Inertia and
gravity work together.
The gravitational attractions of the planets, either
individually or as a group are small because of the
distances between the planets.
Surface features
Atmospheric features
Atmosphere is defined as the mass of gases
surrounding a planet. Atmospheres can
consist of many different gases. These gases
cause different atmospheres on planets.
Size relative to earth: smaller
than earth
Surface features: many craters
and high cliffs
Atmospheric features: no
Relative distance from the sun:
closest planet to the Sun
It cannot support life
Size relative to earth: Close to the earths size
Surface features: Hottest planet (can melt lead)
Atmospheric features: Contains Carbon dioxide
Relative distance from the sun: Second planet
from the sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Inner planet; sometimes called
Earths twin because of its earth-like
characteristics; a day is longer than a year due
to its slow spin; spins clockwise; brightest
object in the sky after the sun and moon
Surface features: Has canyons, craters,
mountains, volcanoes; more than 70%
of the surface is covered by water
Atmospheric features: Contains Oxygen
(O2) and Nitrogen (N2)
Relative distance from the sun: Third
planet from the sun
Only planet known to support life
Other facts: Inner planet; Has one moon
Size relative to earth: Smaller in size than the
Surface features: earth-like characteristics;
all water is frozen; once had active volcanoes
Atmospheric features: Thinner atmosphere than
earth made mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2)
Relative distance from the sun: Fourth planet
from the Sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Inner planet; called the red planet
because of rusted soil; has severe dust storms
at hurricane speed
Size relative to earth: Larger than the earth
Surface features: Gaseous planet
Atmospheric features: Contains mostly
Hydrogen (H2) and Helium (He)
Relative distance from the sun: Fifth planet
from the Sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Outer planet; largest planet;
faint ring of dust; spins the fastest; has 63
moons; has a large red spot
Size relative to earth: Larger than earth
Surface features: Surface is fluid; it is the least
dense planet
Atmospheric features: Contains mostly
Hydrogen (H2) and Helium (He)
Relative distance from the sun: Sixth planet
from the Sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Outer planet; Gaseous planet; 1
year equals 29 Earth years; Largest, most
impressive ring system; Second largest planet
in the solar system
Size relative to earth: Larger than earth
Surface features: planet of ice and gas so it
really does not have a surface (you would sink
into the liquid icy center)
Atmospheric features: Contains mostly
Hydrogen (H2), Helium (He), and Methane (CH4)
Relative distance from the sun: 7th planet from
the Sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Gaseous planet; Third largest
planet; Tipped on its side
Size relative to earth: Larger than earth
Surface features: Coldest planet and has large
storm systems like the Great Dark Spot; not a
solid surface
Atmospheric features: Methane (CH4)
Relative distance from the sun: 8th planet from
the sun
It cannot support life
Other facts: Outer planet; Gaseous planet