This document provides a template for preparing papers to submit to the Indonesian Scholars Journal. It outlines the formatting requirements for sections like the title, author list, abstract, body, figures, tables, references, and appendices. Mathematical expressions and other elements are also formatted as shown in examples. Pseudo-code is to be written without programming languages.
This document provides a template for preparing papers to submit to the Indonesian Scholars Journal. It outlines the formatting requirements for sections like the title, author list, abstract, body, figures, tables, references, and appendices. Mathematical expressions and other elements are also formatted as shown in examples. Pseudo-code is to be written without programming languages.
This document provides a template for preparing papers to submit to the Indonesian Scholars Journal. It outlines the formatting requirements for sections like the title, author list, abstract, body, figures, tables, references, and appendices. Mathematical expressions and other elements are also formatted as shown in examples. Pseudo-code is to be written without programming languages.
This document provides a template for preparing papers to submit to the Indonesian Scholars Journal. It outlines the formatting requirements for sections like the title, author list, abstract, body, figures, tables, references, and appendices. Mathematical expressions and other elements are also formatted as shown in examples. Pseudo-code is to be written without programming languages.
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INDONESIAN SCHOLARS JOURNAL Paper Number (Will be replaced wit !
"lume a#d paper #umber i$
te ma#u%cript i% accepted& Preparation of Papers for Indonesian Scholars Journal (February 2013) 1,2 First Author, 1 e!t Author " 2 #ast Author $ 1 Authors Affiliation 2 Authors Affiliation Abstract% This template is a Word 2010 version of paper template for Indonesian Scholars Journal (ISJ). The authors ho intend to su!mit manuscripts to ISJ are recommended to use this template directl"# $lease remove the unnecessar" te%t in this template and replace it !" the te%t ori&inated !" the authors. 'or a!stract( the re)uirements are as follos# * pt Times +e ,oman fonts for !od" of the te%t ith one spacin& !eteen lines( and 12 pt spacin& for the ne%t headin&. The folloin& re)uirements are mandator" in the a!stract# the o!-ective of the or.( the proposed solution( the summar" of results. /inimum len&th is 200 ords and ma%imum len&th is 000 ords. &ey'ords( Use 9 pt; lower case; italic; Times New Roman; write alphabetically in 4-6 words )*+,#A-./+ (if necessary) W/, # Wheeled /o!ile ,o!ot i
# 1istance !eteen the i-th ro!ot to the &oal.
# ,eal space I-/)0.,-I) The section title uses 11 pt( !old( Times +e ,oman( title case ith 2 pt spacin& to the !od" te%t. 3se 10 pt( Times +e ,oman for !od" of the te%t( ith sin&le spacin& !eteen lines( no spacin& !eteen para&raph and 12 pt spacin& for the ne%t headin&. 1 To set the st"le( simpl" use this template and follo the instructions on section 4. I*P)/-A- /+1.I/+*+-S $ara&raphs The para&raphs in !od" te%t use 1.2* ch. left ta!. $lease start each para&raph from the left ta! stop. /athematical 'ormulation 'or e)uation( there are four ta! stops# 2 ch. left ta! stop( 0 ch. left ta! stop( 5 ch. left ta! stop( and 22.6 ch. ri&ht ta! stop. The first left stop is used to start a lon& e)uation. The third left stop for a short e)uation. 7ach e)uation must !e num!ered consecutivel" startin& ith (1) from the 22.6 ch. ta! stop. The folloin& e%ample can !e adopted. 2 2 2 z y x = + (1) $lease define the definition of each s"m!ol after their first appearance in the paper. 1o not use the same s"m!ol for different meanin&s. If necessar"( use su!script and superscript for differentiatin& an" to entities ith close definitions. 1 'or t"pin& footnote( simpl" choose Insert Footnote on the menu !ar( it nu2bered automaticall". e!initions" #roperties" $ss%mptions" Theorems" #ropositions" and &emmas If the authors need to define a terminolo&"( state an assumption( or descri!e some properties( please ma.e a ne line( and start ith 8e!inition9 (italic) folloed !" the num!er of definition (strai&ht( not italic)( as shon in the folloin& e%ample# e!inition 1# A path is defined as a set of points ) ( ( y x started from initial point ) ( ( 0 0 ' ( to a &oal point ) ( ( & & ' ( . #roperty 2# 'or a :;de&ree 4e<ier curve( there are 0 control points ) ( ( ) ) ' ( ( : (...( 0 = ) ( hich characteri<e the position of each point on the curve. To of them are specific# 1). The first control point( i.e.( ) = 0( is the start point. 2). The last control point( i.e.( ) = *( is the &oal point. :). The remainin& control points determine the shape of the curve. $ss%mption *# S"stem (1) is linear. If the authors intend to state a theorem( proposition( or lemma( the format is the same ith that in the case of definition( propert"( and assumption( !ut a proof must !e provided. The folloin& e%amples can !e adopted. Theory 0# Suppose that Assumption : is hold( therefore the control la (6) drives the s"stem (1) as"mptoticall" sta!le. #roo!# The theor" can !e proved as follos>. +ote that the num!er of definitions( properties( theorems( propositions( and lemmas is increased ithout considerin& hich entit" uses the num!er. 'or instance( in a paper( the se)uence of them from the !e&innin& of the paper is# 1efinition 1( ?emma 2( $roposition :( Theorem 0( Assumptions 6( $roposition 2( etc. #se%do-code $seudo;code is in particular needed !" authors for shoin& an al&orithm. The st"le of pseudo;code is descri!ed as follos. INDONESIAN SCHOLARS JOURNAL Paper Number (Will be replaced wit !"lume a#d paper #umber i$ te ma#u%cript i% accepted& $l+orithm 1# Name o! #rocess 1# $rocess level 1 2# $rocess level 1 :# For condition 1 then 0# $rocess level 2 6# For condition 2 then 2# $rocess level : @# If condition : then 5# $rocess level 0 *# +lse If condition 0 then 10# $rocess level 0 11# +lse 12# $rocess level 0 1:# +nd If 10# +nd For 16# 3hile condition 6 do 12# $rocess level : 1@# +nd 'hile 15# +nd for $lease do not rite ABACC( Java( $"thon( or an" pro&rammin& lan&ua&e codes in pseudo;code. $lease use &eneral pseudo;code e%pression to e%plain an al&orithm. Fi+%res and Tables 'i&ures must !e placed at the !ottom or top of the related pa&es. If the authors intend to place the fi&ures at the !ottom of pa&e( the other fi&ures must !e placed at the !ottom of pa&e as ell. All fi&ures and ta!les should !e centered and num!ered consecutivel". $lease follo the e%amples of fi&ure and ta!le !elo. Ta!le 1. Summar" of ph"sical parameters. +o Se&ments ?en&th (.m) 7levation (meter) 1 A;4 26 :0 2 4;A @6.16 10 : A;1 00.@6 60 0 1;7 @2.6 10 6 7;' 21.26 10 'i&. 1. The caption should !e t"ped in loer case. Ahoose center if the caption fit on one line. /+F+/+,+S ,I-A-I)S Within the te%t( references should !e cited !" &ivin& last name of the author(s) and the order num!er in the reference as# Whitson D2E has studied the resultin& e)uation is D1E# 2 2 2 z y x = + (:2) +ote that in the case of three or more authors( onl" the last name of the first author is cited and the others are denoted !" 8et al.9 The same rule is also hold for header title in even pa&e. All references cited in the !od" te%t must !e listed in the end of the manuscript. $lease see the e%ample in the end of this template. *A.S,/IP- S-/.,-./+ Within the te%t( references should !e cited !" &ivin& last name of the author(s) and the order num!er in the reference as# The structure of the paper should !e in the folloin& order# Title of $aper Author names and affiliation A!stract +omenclature (if necessar") 4od" of the te%t (Introduction >>Aonclusion) Ac.noled&ements ,eferences APP+0I4 1 Appendices should !e located after the last section of the paper. A,&)3#+05+*+- If necessar" "ou can t"pe "our ac.noled&ement here. /+F+/+,+S D1E F. G. Houn&( 8S"nthetic structure of industrial plastics (4oo. st"le ith paper title and editor)(9 in #lastics( 2nd ed. vol. :( J. $eters( 7d. +e Hor.# /cFra;Iill( 1*20( pp. 16J20. D2E W.;K. Ahen( &inear Networ,s and -ystems (4oo. st"le).4elmont( AA# Wadsorth( 1**:( pp. 12:J1:6. D:E I. $oor( $n Introd%ction to -i+nal etection and /stimation. +e Hor.# Sprin&er;Lerla&( 1*56( ch. 0. D0E 4. Smith( 8An approach to &raphs of linear forms (3npu!lished or. st"le)(9 unpu!lished. D6E 7. I. /iller( 8A note on reflector arra"s ($eriodical st"leMAccepted for pu!lication)(9 I/// Trans. $ntennas #ropa+at.( to !e pu!lished. D2E I.;J. ?ee( 8'undamentals of Flo!al and ?ocal /appin& for Industrial ,o!ots ($eriodical st"leMSu!mitted for pu!lication)(9 I/// Transactions on Robotics.( su!mitted for pu!lication. D@E A. J. Kaufman( ,oc." /ountain ,esearch ?a!.( 4oulder( AG( private communication( /a" 1**6. D5E /. Houn&( The Techincal 0riters 1andboo,. /ill Lalle"( AA# 3niversit" Science( 1*5*. D*E J. van den 4er&( 8$ro!a!ilistic ,oad /ap ($eriodical st"le)(9 International 2o%rnal o! Robotics Research( vol. 1( no. 1( pp. :0J:*( Jan. 2012. D10E 4. 'ernande<( A. I. ,osen!er&( and ?. I. +&u"en( 8'luid;4ased Tra-ector" $lannin& in An Adversarial Wor.spaces(9 Robotics and $%tonomo%s -ystems( vol. 0( no. @( pp. 6@0J6@5( Jul. 200:. '(() A. K. $amosoa-i and K.;S. Ion& *Tra-ector" $lannin& and Aontrol for /ultiple;Lehicles S"stems(9 #roceedin+s o! the 3th International 4on!erence o! Ubi5%itos Robots and $mbient Intelli+ence 6UR$I 7899:( pp. 021;022( Incheon( Korea( +ov. 2:;22( 2011. D12E A. Suharso( 8Service ,o!ot (Thesis or 1issertation st"le)(9 $h.1. dissertation( 3niversitas Indonesia( Indonesia( 2012. INDONESIAN SCHOLARS JOURNAL Paper Number (Will be replaced wit !"lume a#d paper #umber i$ te ma#u%cript i% accepted& D1:E /. /ichelsson( 8$lannin& and Aontrol Inte&ration for /o!ile ,o!ots ith 3ncertainties in Aomple% 7nvironment(9 /.S. thesis( 1ept. 7lectron. 7n&.( Gsa.a 3niv.( Gsa.a( Japan( 2012. D10E J. $. Wil.inson( 8+onlinear resonant circuit devices ($atent st"le)(9 3.S. $atent : 220 12( Jul" 12( 1**0. D16E ,. 7. Ias.ell and A. T. Aase( 8Transient si&nal propa&ation in lossless isotropic plasmas (,eport st"le)(9 3SA' Aam!rid&e ,es. ?a!.( Aam!rid&e( /A ,ep. A,A,?;22;2:0 (II)( 1**0( vol. 2. D12E 7. 7. ,e!er( ,. ?. /ichell( and A. J. Aarter( 8G%"&en a!sorption in the 7arths atmosphere(9 Aerospace Aorp.( ?os An&eles( AA( Tech. ,ep. T,;0200 (020;02);:( +ov. 1*55. D1@E (Iand!oo. st"le) Transmission -ystems !or 4omm%nications" :rd ed.( Western 7lectric Ao.( Winston;Salem( +A( 1*56( pp. 00J20. D15E ;otorola -emicond%ctor ata ;an%al" /otorola Semiconductor $roducts Inc.( $hoeni%( AN( 1*5*. D1*E (4asic 4oo.B/ono&raph Gnline Sources) J. K. Author. ("ear( month( da"). Title (edition) DT"pe of mediumE. Lolume (issue). Availa!le# http#BB.(3,?) D20E J. Jones. (1**1( /a" 10). +etor.s (2nd ed.) DGnlineE. Availa!le# D21E (Journal Gnline Sources st"le) K. Author. ("ear( month). Title. 2o%rnal DT"pe of mediumE. Lolume(issue)( pa&in& if &iven. Availa!le# http#BB.(3,?) D22E ,. J. Lidmar. (1**2( Au&ust). Gn the use of atmospheric plasmas as electroma&netic reflectors. I/// Trans. #lasma -ci. DGnlineE. 796*:. pp. 5@2J550. Availa!le# http#BB.halc"on.comBpu!B-ournalsB21ps0:;vidmar