3rd Sem - Civil Engineering
3rd Sem - Civil Engineering
3rd Sem - Civil Engineering
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Surveying
Course code: CE Course Duration: 6 semester Subject offered in Semester: Third
Subject Code: Question Code: Marks :100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : 3 lecture per week CT- 20
Tutorial: Nil Attendance, Assignment & Quiz -10
Practical: Nil End Semester Exam(ESE) - 70
Credit :- 3 Total Marks 100
1. Developing the surveying skill required for civil engineering.
Objective :-Students will be able to:
1. Use the survey instruments.
2. Take linear and angular measurements.
3. Measure the area of land.
4. Prepare layouts and maps.
5. Set out alignments for roads, railways, canals, pipelines, tunnels etc.
6. Prepare contour map.
7. Compute area and volume from given contour map.
Pre-Requisite :-
Student should be perfect in drawing and sketching.
Sl No Topic
1 Unit -1 Types Of Survey 2 6
2 Unit -2 Measurement of horizontal distance 9 12
3 Unit 3 Compass Survey 9 14
4 Unit 4 Levelling 14 14
5 Unit 5 Contouring 4 8
6 Unit 6 Area measurements 4 10
7 Unit 7 Plane Table Surveying 6 6
TOTAL = 48 70
Contents: Theory (Surveying) 3Hrs/week
Unit -1Types of Survey
Definition, objects of surveying, principles of surveying, uses of survey, classification of surveying -
primary plain, geodetic, secondary based on instruments, method, object, nature of field.
Unit -2 Measurement of horizontal distance
2.2 Methods of measuring horizontal distance pacing, odometer reading, tacheometry, electronic
distance measurement, chaining and taping
2.3 Principles of chain surveying and accessories for chaining and taping - chain, tape, ranging rod,
arrows, pegs, cross staff, optical square, ranging rod, plumb bob, object rod
2.4 Measurement by chain on level ground and on sloping ground, reduction to measurement in
slope, ranging direct and indirect ranging
2.5 Systematic errors in linear measurement by chain or tape incorrect length, tape or chain not
horizontal, fluctuation in temperature, incorrect tension or pull, sag and incorrect alignments and
chain or tape not straight, necessary corrections, numerical problems
2.6 Chain and tape survey of a field - survey lines, check lines, tie lines, base line. taking offsets
perpendicular and oblique offset, long and short offset, degree of offset, error in offset, limiting length
of offset, points to be considered in selecting station
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2.7 Setting out right angles a. by instruments (cross staff, optical square, their working methodology
and specific use in field) b. by chain or tape
2.8 Obstacles in chaining obstacles to ranging but not chaining, obstacles to chaining but not
ranging, obstacles to both chaining and ranging, numerical problems
2.9 chain & cross staff survey for finding area of a field (numerical problems)
2.10 Field work for chain survey, booking the field work, conventional signs related to survey, degree of
accuracy of chaining
Unit 3Compass Survey
3.1 Brief introduction to different types of horizontal angles and directions, Principle of compass
survey, bearing of lines meridian true, magnetic, and arbitrary bearing, fore bearing, back bearing,
whole circle bearing, quadrantal bearing system and reduced bearing, conversion of bearings, finding
included angles from bearings, declinations, dip of the magnetic needle. (Numerical problems)
3.2 Prismatic compass, and trough compass component, construction and use.
3.3 Local attraction, causes, precautions to be taken to avoid local attraction and correction of
bearings affected due to local attraction, calculation of included angles.
3.4 Traversing open traverse, closed traverse, check on open and closed traverse, Graphical
adjustment for closing error.
3.5 Numerical problems on calculation of bearings, angles and local attraction.
3.6 Error in compass surveying instrumental error, personal error and natural error, permissible
value of error
Unit 4Levelling
4.1 Definitions level surface, level line, horizontal line, vertical line, datum surface, mean sea level,
reduced level, bench mark and its types.
4.2 Study and use Engineers' level a. dumpy level components, construction b. tilting level and c.
automatic level or self levelling level
4.3 Terms used in levelling - line of sight, line of collimation, bubble tube axis, leveling staff
telescopic and folding type, foresight, back sight, intermediate sight, change point, height of
collimation, fundamental axes and their relationship, recording in level book, temporary adjustments
of dumpy level, procedure for permanent adjustment
4.4 Method of reduction of levels height of instrument method and rise and fall method- relative
merit and demerits, arithmetical checks, numerical problems, computation of missing readings.
4.5 Classifications of leveling - simple, differential, profile, cross sectional, fly and check levelling
(numerical problems)
4.6 Sources of errors in levelling instrumental error, personal error and natural error, precautions
and reducing errors and eliminating mistakes in levelling, error adjustment, permissible error in
levelling, difficulties faced in levelling.
Unit 5Contouring
5.1 Definitions contour, contour interval, horizontal equivalent.
5.2 Characteristics of contours (e.g. pond, cliff, overhanging cliff, etc) method of locating contours
indirect method of contouring (interpolation of contours), direct contouring methods, establishing
grade contours.
5.3 Uses of contour maps, interpretation of typical contour sheets.
Unit 6Area measurements
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6.2 Methods of measuring areas
6.2.1 Area of a tract with irregular boundaries graphical method, mid ordinate rule, average ordinate
rule, trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule (only formula and their applications) numerical problems
6.2.2 Use of planimeter for measurement of area
Unit 7 Plane Table Surveying
7.1 Introduction principle of plane table surveying
7.2 Equipment and accessories in plane table surveying, their use
7.3 Working with plane table fixing, levelling, centering, orientation by trough compass and by back
7.4 Different methods of plane tabling work: a. radiation, b. intersection, c. traversing and d. resection
three point problem
7.5 Advantage and disadvantage of plane table survey, errors in plane table survey instrumental, in
plotting and due to manipulation and sighting.
Assignment shall consist of record of all practical and projects in field book and drawing of
Project work on full imperial size drawing sheets.
1) Measurement of distances with chain & tape on ground with direct or indirect ranging.
2) Construction and use of optical square and open cross staff for setting out perpendicular and
running a survey line for locating details .
3) Measurement of area by chain and cross staff survey.
4) Use of prismatic compass and observing fore bearing and back bearing.
5) Measuring fore bearing and back bearing of 5-6 side closed polygon. Identifying stations affected by
local attraction and calculation of corrected f.b. & b.b.
6) Measuring fore bearing and back bearing for an open traverse (5 to 6 sided). Calculate direct angles
between successive lines.
7) Use of dumpy level, temporary adjustments and taking reading on levelling staff. Recording readings
in field book.
8) Differential levelling practice, reduction of level by h.i. method.
9) Differential levelling practice, reduction of level by rise & fall method.
10) Carrying bench mark from one point to another point about 200 m by fly levelling with dumpy
level/tilting Level.
11) Use of auto level and taking observation.
12) Measurement of area of irregular figure by polar planimeter/Measuring area enclosed by closed
contours on contour map prepared earlier, by simple digital Planimeter
12) Using accessories carry out temporary adjustments of plane table. Locating details by method of
13) Locating details with plane table by method of intersection.
Note: during initial phase of implementation of curricula number and nature of jobs within the
assignment work may be compromised. However lacuna should be rectified at the earliest.
Text books:
Name Authors Publisher Editions
Surveying and Levelling R. Subramanian Oxford University
Fundamental of surveying S.K.Roy PHI
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Plane surveying A.M.Chandra New age
Surveying and Levelling
vol. I and II
S. K. Duggal TATA MC GRAW-
Surveying and Levelling
vol. I and II
Dr. B. C. Punmia Laxmi Plublication
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Building Material and Construction
Course code: CE Course Duration: 6 semester Subject offered in Semester: Third
Subject Code: Question Code: Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : 3 lecture per week CT- 20
Tutorial: Nil Attendance, Assignment & Quiz - 10
Practical: Nil End Semester Exam(ESE) - 70
Credit :- 3 Total Marks 100
Aim:-Developing the conceptual knowledge in building material, construction, problems and its
1. Identify various components of buildings and their functions.
2. Mark layout of building on ground.
3. Know the procedure for execution of various constructions activities.
4. Check line, level and plumb of various construction activities.
5. Prepare checklist of operations for supervision of various construction activities.
6. Identify & suggest rectification the various defects in civil engineering works.
1. Student should be able to read the building plans.
2. Student should be able to think over the construction problems and their remedies.
3. Student should know the basic properties of material being used in the construction of the building.
Sl No
Building components and materials
1.1 Building components and types of structure
8 14
1.2 Masonry materials
Unit 2 Construction of substructure 8 12
Unit 3 Construction of superstructure 12 14
Unit 4. Building finishes 11 14
Unit 5 Wall Finishes 3 8
Unit 6 Building maintenance 6 8
TOTAL = 48 70
Contents: Theory (Building Materials &Construction) 3Hrs/week
Unit -1 Building components and materials
1.1 Building components and types of structure
Building components & their function, Substructure foundation, plinth, Superstructure walls, sill,
lintel, doors & windows, floor, roof, parapet, beams, columns; Types of structures load bearing
structures, framed Structures, composite structures.
1.2 Masonry materials
Building stones- classification of rocks (physical, chemical), requirement of good building stone,
dressing of stones, quarrying of stones, artificial or cast Stones
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Bricks conventional bricks, standard bricks, composition of clay brick, strength of bricks,
proportions of burnt clay bricks, testing of bricks, special bricks (fire clay brick, refractory brick,
hollow blocks, fly ash bricks).
Mortars classifications, lime mortar, cement mortar, composite mortar, special mortars, functions of
mortar, proportions, properties of mortar and tests for mortar.
Timber & Timber based material - Use of timber, characteristics of good timber, defects in timber,
plywood, particle board, veneer, sun mica, artificial timber, rubber wood.
Miscellaneous materials - Glass, plastic, fibers, aluminum, steel, galvanized iron, asphalt bitumen
etc, micro silica, pvc, cpvc, ppf, waterproofing and termite proofing materials, admixtures in concrete,
bonding agents, epoxy resins, polishing materials etc
Unit 2.Construction of substructure:
2.1 Job layout
Site clearance, preparing job layout, layout for load bearing structure and framed structure by center
line, precautions while marking layout on ground.
2.2 Earthwork
Excavation for foundation, Shoring and strutting, earthwork for embankment, material for plinth
filling, tools and plants used for earthwork.
2.3 Foundation
Types of foundation open foundations, shallow foundation, stepped foundation, isolated and
combined column footing, raft foundation, deep foundation and pile foundation; Pumping method of
dewatering, cofferdams, bearing capacity of foundation soil, under reamed pile foundation.
Unit 3 Construction of superstructure
3.1 Stone masonry - Terms used in stone masonry facing, backing, hearting, through stone, Corner
stone, uncoursed rubble masonry, coursed rubble masonry, point to be observed in construction of
stone masonry, mortars for stone masonry, tools and plants used for stone masonry, col-grout
3.2 Brick masonry - Common terms used in brick masonry, requirements of good brickwork, bonds in
brick masonry (English, flemish, stretcher and header bonds, junction of wall main wall to main wall
and main wall to partition wall only), brick laying, line level and plumb of brickwork, striking and
raking of Joints, lead and lift, precautions in brick masonry, tools and plants used in brick masonry,
pointing, comparison between brick and stone masonry. Hollow concrete block Masonry, composite
masonry, Cavity wall- purpose and construction.
3.3 Doors and windows
Doors -components and construction of panelled doors, battened doors, flush doors, collapsible doors,
rolling shutters, revolving doors, glazed doors, sizes of door, PVC door
Windows - component and construction of fully panelled, partly panelled and glazed, glazed wooden,
steel, aluminum windows, sliding windows, louvered window, ventilators, cement grills, protective
treatment for doors and windows, fixtures and fastenings for doors and window, sill, lintel and weather
shed - functions, types and construction.
3.4 Vertical communication - Means of vertical communication stair case, elevator, ramp,
requirement of good staircase, types of staircase, fabricated stair.
3.5 Scaffolding and shoring- Purpose, types of scaffolding, process of erection and dismantling;
purpose and types of shoring, underpinning, safety precautions.
Unit 4 Building finishes
4.1 Floors and roofs - floor finishes - shahabad, kota, marble, granite, kadappa, ceramic tiles,
vitrified, mosaic tiles, chequered tiles, glazed tiles, pavement blocks, concrete floors, tremix floor,
skirting and dado, terrazzo flooring, IPS flooring; Process of laying - process of laying and construction,
finishing and polishing of floors.
4.2Roofing materials ac sheets, G.I sheets, plastic sheets, fibre sheets, mangalore tiles etc. Steel
trusses. Timber trusses, R.c.c. slab
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4.3Water Proofing Treatment
Introduction, material required for water proofing and its specification, Water proofing of water closet
and bath room, procedure & Cross section, Terrace and basement water proofing, Precautions to be
taken while water proofing.
4.4Termite Proofing
Introduction, general principles of termite proofing, Methods of termite proofing, Material used in
termite proofing treatment.
4.5Damp Proofing
Sources of dampness & its effects, Material used for damp proofing, Methods of damp proofing.
Damp proofing treatment, in building such as basement, floors, walls.
Unit 5 Wall finishes
5.1Plastering necessity of plastering, single coat plaster double coat plaster, neeru finishing and
pop, special plasters stucco plaster, Plaster board and wall claddings. Precaution to be taken while,
Plastering. Defects in plaster.
5.2Pointing necessity, types and procedure of pointing.
5.3Painting necessity, surface preparation, method of application, selecting suitable painting
material, white wash and colour wash.
Unit 6. Building maintenance
6.1 Cracks - causes and types of cracks, identification and repair of cracks, guniting and grouting, use
of epoxy and crack fills, remedial measures
6.2 Settlement - causes and remedial measures; Plinth protection necessity and materials used.
6.3 Demolition - Necessity, method of demolition-hand demolition, machine demolition, Controlled
blasting demolition, precautions during demolition.
6.4 Rebaring techniques - Necessity and equipment for rebaring techniques
List of assignment:
1. Preparing foundation plan and marking on ground layout of load bearing structure by face line
method from the given plan of the building.
2. Preparing foundations plan and marking on ground layout of framed structure by face line method
from the given plan of the building.
3. Checking and transferring line and level of plinth, sill, lintel, flooring, slab level of a building and
writing report of the process.
4. Checking verticality (plumb line) of formwork for column, beam and wall at construction site and
writing report of the process.
5. Laying and constructing the process of construction of brickwork and report writing of the process.
6. Observing the process of painting in residential / public building and writing a report with reference
to process and type of paint selected.
7. Observing and writing report of the process of plastering.
8. Observing and writing report of the process of water proofing of terrace or basement.
Observing the models, specimen of building materials kept in the model room for few building items
and writing a report for any five models/materials.
Text books:-
Titles of the book Name of authors Edition Name of the publisher
Construction Materials D.N. Ghose Tata Mcgraw-Hill
Building construction Engg Gurcharan Singh
Building Construction
Vol. I to IV
W. B. Mackay Pearson
Building Materials S. K. Duggal New Age International
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Engineering Materials Sharma Phi Publication
Building Construction S. P. Arora And Bindra Dhanpat Rai Publication
Building Construction B. C. Punmia Laxmi Publication
Building Construction S.K. Sharma Tata Mcgraw-Hill
Building Construction Sushil Kumar Standard Publication
Building materials NITTTR
A to z of BuildingConstruction
Mantri Construction Mantri Publication
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Course code: CE
Subject: Concrete Technology Duration :6 semester Course offered in Semester : Third
Subject Code: Question Code: Marks : 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : 3 lecture per week Mid Semester Exam- 20
Tutorial: NIL Assignment & Quiz - 10
Practical : NIL End Semester Exam(ESE) - 70
Credit :- 3 Total Marks - 100
1. Study of cement and concrete.
Objective:-The Students will be able to
1Determine the properties of concrete ingredients i.e. cement. sand. coarse aggregate
by conducting different tests.
2Use different types of cement as per their properties for different fields applications.
3Design economic mix proportion for different exposure conditions and intended
4 Supervise various concreting operations.
5 Carry out field and laboratory tests on concrete in plastic and hardened stage.
6 Use different types of admixtures to improve the properties of concrete for different
field applications.
7 Describe different types of concrete.
8 Infer the test results as per relevant I.S. Provisions.
1. Student should take survey of different types of materials used in building construction.
Sl No /
unit no
Topic Contact period Marks
Unit 1 Cement 2 4
Unit 2 Types, Properties and Testing of cement 5 8
Unit 3 Properties of Aggregates and Testing 5 8
Unit 4 Water 2 5
unit 5 Admixtures and Construction Chemicals 3 6
Unit 6 Properties of Concrete 5 8
Unit 7 Concrete Mix Design 9 8
Unit 8 Quality Control of Concrete 10 10
UNIT 9 Concreting under special circumstances
3 5
Unit 10 Properties of Special Concrete 4 8
Contents: Theory (Concrete Technology) 3 Hrs/week
Unit-1 Cement:
1.1 Chemical composition, hydration of cement, heat of hydration, cement compounds.
Unit-2. Types, Properties and Testing of cement:
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2.1 Physical properties, specifications as per relevant IS codes & field application of the following
types of cement:
(i) Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), (ii) Rapid Hardening Portland cement(RHPC), (iii) Low Heat Cement
, (iv) Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC), (v) Blast furnace slag cement, (vi) Sulphate resisting cement,
(vii) White cement, (viii) Quick setting Cement, (ix) Hydrophobic Cement
2.2 Testing of cement: (i) Fineness test(ii) Standard Consistency test (iii)Setting Time test(initial & final
setting times) (iv) Compressive Strength test (v) Soundness test. Different grades of OPC 33, 43 , 53 &
their specifications of physical properties as per relevant I. S. codes. Adulteration of cement (field test),
storing of cement at site, effect of storage of cement on properties of cement / concrete.
2.3 Field testing of cement
Unit -3Properties of Aggregates and Testing:
3.1 Properties of fine aggregates:
Classification, Concept of size, shape, surface texture, strength, specific gravity, bulk density , water
absorption, surface moisture, soundness, bulking impurities, alkali-aggregate reaction, source.
3.2 Determination of fineness modulus & grading zone of sand by sieve analysis, determination of silt
content in sand & their specification as per IS 383(simple problems on fineness modulus)
3.3 Bulking of sand, phenomenon of bulking, its effect on concrete mix proportion.
3.4 Properties of coarse aggregates :
Classification, Concept of size, shape, surface texture, water absorption, soundness, specific gravity &
bulk density
3.5 Determination of fineness modulus of coarse aggregate by sieve analysis, grading of Coarse
Aggregates and its effect on concrete mix proportion.
3.6 Determination of crushing value, impact value & abrasion value of coarse aggregate, flakiness
index & elongation index of coarse aggregate and their specification.
Unit 4Water:
4.1 Qualities of water and its use as per IS:456-2000.
Unit 5Admixtures and Construction Chemicals
5.1 General, Types of admixtures and its effect on properties of concrete.
Unit 6Properties of Concrete:
6.1 Introduction to concrete: Definition of concrete, necessity of supervision for concreting operation,
different grades of concrete (ordinary concrete, standard concrete & high strength concrete as per
provisions of IS:456- 2000), minimum grade of concrete for different exposure conditions, minimum
grade of concrete for R.C.C., water retaining structure & in sea water construction, durability of
6.2 Water cement ratio
Definition of w/c ratio, Duff Abraham w/c law, significance of w/c ratio
6.3 Properties of fresh concrete
Definition of workability, factors affecting workability of concrete. Determination of workability of
concrete by slump cone test, compaction factor test, vee bee consistometer & flow table tests. Range
values of workability requirement for different types of concrete works, cohesiveness, segregation,
harshness, bleeding.
6.4 Properties of hardened concrete
Definition of compressive strength, durability, impermeability, elastic properties of concrete, modulus
of elasticity of concrete. Creep, factors affecting creep, shrinkage, factors affecting shrinkage
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Unit 7Concrete Mix Design
Definition, Objectives of mix design, list of different methods of mix design ,study of mix design
procedure by I.S. method as per IS:10262-2009, determination of design mix proportion by mass for
M20 grade of concrete using I.S. Method for given data ( such as grading zone of sand, proportion of 20
mm & 10 mm aggregates, specific gravities of cement, sand & aggregates , water absorption , surface
moisture of fine &coarse aggregate, compacting factor and exposure condition).
Unit 8 Quality Control of Concrete:
8.1 Selection of ingredients of concrete, Batching, Volume & weigh batching, volume batching for
nominal mixes & weigh batching for design mix concrete, Different Types of Mixers( tilting & non-
tilting type). Different types of vibrators - needle vibrator, surface vibrator, table vibrator, principle &
application of each type of vibrator.
8.2 Transportation, placing, compaction & finishing of concrete:
Modes of transportation of concrete , precautions to be taken during transportation and placing of
concrete in formwork compaction of concrete, methods of compaction, care to be taken during
compaction, purpose of finishing, types of finishing & methods of application ( surface treatment,
expose aggregate finish, applied finish, coloured finish), requirement of good finish.
8.3 Curing of concrete:
Definition of curing, necessity of curing, different methods of curing and their application ( spraying
water, membrane curing, steam curing, curing by infra red radiations, curing by wet gunny bags,
ponding methods).
8.4Testing of concrete
Significance of testing, determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes at different ages,
interpretation & co-relation of test results
8.5 Non- destructive testing of concrete
Importance of NDT, methods of NDT - rebound hammer test & ultrasonic pulse velocity test, working
principle of rebound hammer and factors affecting the rebound index, specification for deciding the
quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity as per I.S. 13311 ( part 1 & 2 ). Determination of
rebound index & compressive strength of concrete by rebound hammer test as per I.S. 13311,
determination of quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity test
8.6 Waterproofing of concrete & joints in concrete construction:
Importance & need of waterproofing, methods of waterproofing & materials used for waterproofing,
types of joints, joining old & new concrete, methods of joining, materials used for filling joints.
8.7 Repair materials and rehabilitation of concrete structures.
Unit 9Concreting under special circumstances
9.1 Extreme weather concreting
Effect of cold weather on concrete, effect of hot weather on concrete, precautions to be taken while
concreting in hot & cold weather condition.
9.2 Under water concreting
Unit 10 Properties of Special Concrete:
Properties, Advantages & Limitations of the following types of Special concrete:-
i) Ready mix Concrete
ii) Steel-fibre reinforced Concrete
iii) Prestressed Concrete
iv) Precast Concrete
vi) Light weight concrete
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vii) High performance Concrete
viii) High strength concrete
ix) Polymer concrete
Text Books:-
Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the
A.R.Santhakumar Concrete Technology Oxford Univ.Press
M. S. Shetty Concrete Technology S. Chand Publication
M. L. Gambhir ConcreteTechnology Tata Mc Graw . Hill
Publishing Co.
Ltd. New Delhi
P. D. Kulkarni Text book of Concrete
M. H. Ghosh and
Phull publication
H.R. Rixom Chemical Admixtures for
Powells Books
Reference Books
A. M. Neville & J J
Concrete Technology
Pearson Education
( Singapore ) Pyt. Ltd.
New Delhi
Reference I.S. Codes:
A. 1. I.S.4031- ( Part 1 to Part 6 ) Indian standard method of physical tests for hydraulic
cement, BIS, New Delhi.
2. I.S.4031(Part 1) - 1996 Part 1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving.
3. I.S.4031(Part 2) -1999 Part 2 Determination of fineness by air permeability method.
4. I.S.4031(Part 3) -1988 (reaffirmed 2000 ) Part 3 Determination of soundness
5. I.S.4031(Part 4) - 1988 (reaffirmed 1995 ) Part 4 - Determination of consistency of standard
cement paste.
6. I.S.4031(Part 5 ) 1988, (reaffirmed 2000 ) Part 5 - Determination of initial and final setting
7. I.S:4031(Part 6 ) 1988, ( reaffirmed 2000 ) Part 6 - Determination of compressive strength of
hydraulic cement other than masonry cement
B. I.S:2386 (Part i to Part vi) 1963 Indian standard methods of test for aggregate for concrete.
BIS,New Delhi.
Part i - Particle size and shape. ( reaffirmed 1997 )
Part ii - Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities. ( reaffirmed 2002 )
Part iii - Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption & bulking. ( reaffirmed 1997 )
Part iv - Mechanical properties ( reaffirmed 1997 )
Part v - Soundness. ( reaffirmed 1997 )
Part vi - Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregate. ( reaffirmed 2002
C.I.S. : 383 1970 Indian standard specification for coarse & fine aggregates from natural sources for
concrete. B.I.S.., New Delhi.
D. I.S.:1911- 1959 ( reaffirmed) Indian Standard methods of sampling and analysis of concrete),
B.I.S.., New Delhi.
E. I.S. : 456 - 2000 Indian standard , plain and reinforced concrete code of practice.
( fourth revision ), B.I.S.., New Delhi.
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F. I.S. : 516 1959 Indian standard methods of tests for strength of concrete ( xii reprint December
1987 ), B.I.S.., New Delhi.
G. I.S. : 8112- 1989 Indian standard - 43 grade ordinary portland cement Specification
H. I.S. : 12269 1987 ( reaffirmed 1999 ) Indian standard specification for 53 grade O.P.C..
I.I.S. : 9103 1999 Indian standard concrete admixtures specification
J. I.S. : 455- - 1989 ( reaffirmed 1995 ) Indian standard Portland slag cement specification
K. I.S. : 1489 ( part 1) 1991 Portland Pozzolana Cement specification part 1 fly ash based
L. I.S. : 7861 ( part 1 ) 1975 ( reaffirmed 1997 ) Indian standard of practice for extreme weather
concreting part 1 recommended practice for hot weather concreting
M. I.S.: 7861 ( part 2 ) 1981 ( reaffirmed 1997 ) Indian standard of practice for extreme weather
concreting part 2 recommended practice for cold weather concreting
N. I.S. : 8041 1990 Indian standard rapid hardening Portland Cementspecification BIS- New
O. I.S. : 12330 1988 ( reaffirmed 1995 ) Indian standard specification forsulphate resisting
Portland cement
P. I.S. : 12600 - 1989 ( reaffirmed 1995 ) - Portland cement, low heat Specification
Q. I.S. : 10262 2009 Indian standard recommended guidelines for concrete mixDesign
R. SP 23 handbook on concrete mixes ( based on Indian standards)
S.I.S. 13311 (part-1 & 2)- 1992 methods of non-destructive testing of concrete.(part-1 ultrasonic
pulse velocity, part-2 rebound hammer
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Mechanics of Structures
Course code: CE Course Duration : 6 semester Course offered in Semester: Third
Subject Code: Question Code: Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : 4 lecture per week Mid Semester Exam- 20
Tutorial: NIL Assignment & Quiz - 10
Practical : NIL End Semester Exam(ESE) - 70
Credit :- 4 Total Marks - 100
Study of mechanics of the structures.
Objective: - The students will be able to:
1. Calculate stresses in simple and composite sections.
2. Calculate deformations of the specimen subjected to uni-axial, bi-axial &
3. Tri-axial stress system.
4. Analyse the truss by using different methods.
5. Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams.
6. Calculate moment of Inertia of standard plane section & their composites
7. Calculate shear stress & bending stress in beam cross section.
1. Student should be perfect in basic concepts of engineering mechanics and mathematical analysis.
2. Student should be sound in curricula of 'Strength of Materials' pursued in semester 2.
Unit no Topic Contact period Marks
1 Elastic Constants & Principal Stresses 6 5
2 Shear Force And Bending Moment 4 8
3 Stresses In Beams 6 8
4 Analysis of Trusses 4 9
5 Strain Energy 2 4
6 Direct and Bending Stresses 4 7
7 Slope And Deflection 4 8
8 Beams with one or both end fixed 8 8
9 Continuous Beam 8 8
10 Column 2 5
Contents :Theory (Mechanics of Structures) 4 Hrs/week
Unit -1: Elastic Constants & Principal Stresses
1.1 Volumetric strain due to uni-axial force and change in volume
1.2 Biaxial and tri-axial stresses and volumetric strain & change in volume
1.3 Definition of bulk modulus, volumetric strain.
1.4 Relation between modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus.
1.5 Definition of principal planes & principal stresses
1.6 Principal planes & stress due to bi-axial stress system & due to state of simple shear. (Analytical
method and by Mohrs circle diagram)[simple numerical problems]
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Unit 2 Shear Force And Bending Moment
2.1 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported beams, overhanging
beams and cantilever subjected to couples and uniformly varying load point of contra flexure
(simple numerical problem)
Unit 3 Stresses In Beams
3.1 Bending Stresses in Beams: Concept of pure bending, theory of simple bending, assumptions in
theory of bending, neutral axis, neutral plane bending stresses and their nature, bending stress
distribution diagram, moment of resistance.
3.2 Application of theory of bending to symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections. (rectangular, circular,
T-section and I-section)[simple numerical problems]
3.3 Shear stresses in beams: Shear stress equation(no deduction), meaning of terms in equation,
shear stress distribution for rectangular, hollow rectangular, circular and hollow circular sections, T-
section and I-section[Stresses In Beams]
3.4 Relation between max. shear stress and average shear stress. [simple numerical problems]
3.5 Introduction to concept of torsion, its formula (no deduction)and signification of notation used,
some practical application [simple numerical problems]
Unit- 4: Analysis of Trusses
4.1 Definition frames, classification of frames, perfect, imperfect, redundant and deficient frame,
relation between members and joints, assumption in analysis. Method of joint, method of section and
graphical method to find nature of forces
Unit 5: Strain Energy
5.1 Types of loading gradual, suddenly applied load & Impact load
5.2 Definition of strain energy, modulus of resilience and proof resilience.
5.3 Comparison of stresses due to gradual load, sudden load and impact load.
Unit -6: Direct and Bending Stresses
6.1 Concept of direct and eccentric loads, eccentricity about one principal axis, nature of
stresses, maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stress distribution diagram.
6.2 Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, limit of eccentricity, core of
section for rectangular and circular cross sections.
6.3 Columns, pillars and chimneys of uniform section subject to lateral wind pressure,
coefficient of wind resistance, stress distribution at bases
Unit -7 Slope and Deflection
7.1 Concept of slope and deflection, stiffness of beam
7.2 Relation between slope, deflection and radius of curvature, differential equation (no
derivation), double integration method to find slope and deflection of simply supported and
cantilever beam
7.3 Application of Moment area theorem for determining the slope and deflection at a particular
point of a simply supported and cantilever beam for point loading, UDL and moment.
Unit 8 Beams with one or both end fixed
8.1 Concept of fixity, effect of fixity, advantages and disadvantages of fixed beam.
8.2 Principle of superposition and its application in finding fixed end moments for beam subjected to
UDL over entire span, point load and moment at any point, drawing SF and BM diagram
Unit 9 Continuous Beams
9.1 Definition, effect of continuity practical example, nature of moments induced due to continuity,
concept of deflected shape
9.2 Clapeyrons theorem of three moment (no derivation)- its application maximum up to two
spans (one end may be fixed and with one overhanging span) and one unknown support moment
only, Support at same level, spans having same moment of inertia subjected to concentrated
loads and uniformly distributed loads over entire span
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9.3 Introduction to moment distribution methods, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness factor,
distribution factor - its application maximum up to two spans (one end may be fixed and with one
overhanging span) and one unknown support moment only, Support at same level, spans
having same moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over
entire span
9.4 Drawing SF and BM diagrams for continuous beams.
9.5 Application of moment distribution method to single storey single bay symmetrical portal
frames, SF and BM diagrams
Unit 10 Columns
10.1 Application of Rankins and Euler theory, designing solid circular or hollow circular
List of assignment
1. Drawing of Shear force and Bending Moment diagrams on Graph Paper (6 Problems)
2. Graphical Solution and analytical solution of Two Problems on simple frames i) Cantilever ii) Simply
supported on A2 size sheet with their analytical solutions
3. Graphical solution and analytical solution of two problems on truss
Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the
Analysis of Structures Oxford University
Debabrata Nag and
Abhijit Chanda
Strength of Materials Wiley - India
Ramamrutham Strength of Materials Dhanpat Rai
I. B.Prasad Strength of Materials
Timoshenko Strength of Materials
S. B. Junarkar Mechanics of Structures- vol I
Vazirani & Ratwani, Analysis of Structures- Vol I Khanna Publishers
M. Chakraborty Strength of Materials
R.S. Khurmi Strength of Materials S.Chand &
Company Ltd, New
Reference books: - Nil
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :- Nil
Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :- Nil
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Hydraulics
Course code: CECourse Duration: 6 semesterCourse offered in Semester: Third
Subject Code: Question Code: Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : 3 lecture per week Mid Semester Exam- 20
Tutorial: NIL Assignment & Quiz - 10
Practical : NIL End Semester Exam(ESE) -70
Credit :- 3 Total Marks - 100
1. Study of hydraulics.
The student will able to:
1. Compute the total hydro static pressure & center of pressure.
2. Describe the principle of pressure measuring devices.
3. Identify the concept of fluid flow.
4. Compute the loss of water flowing through pipes.
5. Design most economical channel section.
6. Describe working of the velocity measuring devices.
Student should know the basic properties of fluid
Topic Contact
1 Properties of Fluid 4 6
2 Hydrostatic Pressure 8 10
3 Fundamentals Of Fluid Flow 6 8
4 Flow Of Liquid Through Pipes 11 16
5 Flow Through Open Channel 7 14
6 Flow Measuring Devices 8 10
7 Hydraulic Machines 4 6
Contents: Theory (Hydraulics)3 Hrs/week
Unit -1 Properties of Fluid
1.1 Definition of fluid, Difference in behavior of fluid with respect to solids. Introduction to fluid
mechanics and hydraulics, Historical background of development of the subject Fluid mechanics and
hydraulics, Branches of hydraulics- Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, Importance of Hydraulics with
respect to Irrigation and Environmental engineering.
1.2 Physical properties of fluid Mass density, Weight density, Specific volume, Specific gravity, Surface
tension and capillarity, capillary rise, Compressibility, Viscosity, Newtons law of viscosity Dynamic
and kinematics viscosity., classification of different types of fluid with respect to its viscosity, concept
of adhesion and cohesion and related physical phenomenon, Ideal and Real liquids
Unit -2 Hydrostatic Pressure
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2.1 Free liquid surface, Definition of pressure and its SI unit, Hydrostatic pressure at point, Pascals
law Variation of pressure in horizontal and vertical direction in static liquid, Pressure diagram,
concept of pressure prism and its use in determination of force developed on the immersed surface or
surface in contact with the liquid
2.2 Concept of pressure head and its unit, concept of gauge pressure, atmospheric pressure and
absolute pressure, Conversion of pressure head of one liquid in to other, devices for pressure
measurements in pipes Piezometer, U-tube manometer, Bourdons pressure gauge, their principle of
working and limitations, Measurement of pressure difference using differential manometer U-tube
differential manometer and inverted U-tube differential manometer. Numerical Problems.
2.3 Total hydrostatic pressure and center of pressure, Determination of total pressure & center of
pressure on vertical & inclined faces of dams, sluice gates, sides and bottom of water tanks,
determination of total hydrostatics pressure & center of pressure on sides and bottom of tank
containing two liquids, determination of net hydrostatic pressure and center of pressure on vertical
surface in contact with liquid on either side. Numerical Problems.
Unit 3 Fundamentals Of Fluid Flow
3.1 Concept of flow, Gravity flow and pressure flow. Types of flow steady and Unsteady, uniform and
non-uniform and their combination with practical example, Laminar and turbulent. various
combinations of flow with practical examples, Reynolds number and its application, one, two and three
dimensional flow, description of flow pattern - stream line, pathline, stream tube, streak line
3.2 Basic principles of fluid flow principle of conservation of mass, principles of conservation of
energy and conservation of momentum, concept of control volume, discharge and its units, Continuity
equation for fluid flow, Datum head, pressure head, velocity head and total head, Bernoullis theorem
(no deduction, statement only), Loss of head and modified Bernoullis theorem, limitation of bernouli's
theorem, Impulse momentum theorem, Numerical Problems based on the above principles.
3.3 Concept of flow net and its properties, stream line and equipotential line and their salient features
and practical use of flow net
Unit 4 Flow Of Liquid Through Pipes
4.1 Loss of head due to friction, Darcy-Weisbach Equation, Friction factor, relative roughness. Moodys
diagram and its use.Common range of friction factor for different types of pipe material.
4.2 Minor loss of head in pipe flow- loss of head due to sudden contraction, sudden expansion,
gradual contraction & expansion (no deduction), at entrance and exit of pipe, in various pipe fittings,
pipes in series and parallel equivalent pipe Dupuits equation, numerical problems
4.3 Hydraulic gradient line and Energy gradient line, Siphon, Water hammer in pipes cause effects
and remedial measures, Use of Nomograms for design of water distribution system, Numerical
Unit 5 Flow Through Open Channel
5.1 Types of channels- artificial & natural, purposes of artificial channel, Different shapes of artificial
channels, Geometrical properties of channel section wetted area, wetted perimeter, hydraulics
radius, Prismatic channel sections, steady- uniform flow through prismatic channel section.
5.2 Chezys equation and Mannings equation for calculation of discharge through an open channel,
common range of values of Chezys constants and Mannings constant of different types of channel
surfaces, Most economical channel section, conditions for most economical channel sections for
rectangular and trapezoidal section.
5.3 Concept of specific energy, Frouds number and its significance. Alternate depth, expression for
critical depth, critical velocity and minimum specific energy, Critical, sub-critical and supercritical flow
in channel, physical phenomenon, numerical problems, hydraulic jump its occurrence in field, uses of
hydraulic jump, equation for sequent depth, simple numerical problems.
Unit 6 Flow Measuring Devices
6.1 Velocity measuring devices for open channels, Floats-surface, subsurface and float rod Pitot tube
principle, expression for velocity, Current meter-cup type & propeller type (simple numerical problems)
6.2 Discharge measuring devices for channels Notches -Types of notches, expression for discharge.
Francis formula, end contraction and velocity of approach Weirs - Broad crested weir, ogee spillway
and expression for discharge. Flumes - Venturi flume, standing, wave flume, expression for discharge.
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Velocity area method for measurement of discharge through open channels. Discharge measuring
devices for pipes. (simple numerical problems)
6.3 Venturimeter Component parts, principle of working, Study and use of venturi meter, Flow
through orifice Orifice- Definition and use, Types of orifice - based on various criteria. Coefficient of
contraction, coefficient of velocity and coefficient of discharge, Relationship between them. Discharge
through small sharp-edged circular orifice and large orifice (discharging free condition), Determination
of hydraulic coefficient of orifice, Orificemeter component parts, working principles, study and use of
orificemeter, Numerical.
Unit 7 Hydraulic Machines
Pumps - Definition and types, Suction head, delivery head, static head and manometric head,
Centrifugal pump - component parts and their functions, principle of working, priming, Reciprocating
pump - component parts and working. Submersible pump and Jet pump, Selection and choice of
pump, Computation of power required for pumps.
Turbines - Definition and types.
Text Books:-
Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the
C.S.P. Ojha & others Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Oxford University
Dr. P.N.Modi &
Dr. S.M.Seth
Hydraulics & Fluids Mechanics Standard Book
House, Dehli
A. K. Upadhyaya Hydraulics
S.Ramamrutham Hydraulics & Fluids Mechanics Dhanpat Rai & Sons,
Dr. Jagdish Lal Fluids Mechanics Hydraulics Metropolitan Book
Co. Private Ltd.
R.S.Khurmi A Text Book of Hydraulics, Fluids
Mechanics Hydraulics Machines
S.Chand & Company
Ltd. New
R.K.Rajput A Text Book of Fluids Mechanics
Hydraulics Machines
S.Chand & Company
Ltd. New Delhi
S.K.Likhi Hydarulics Laboratory Manual T.T.T.I. Chandhigrah
Reference books :-
Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the
Streter & Willey Fluid Mechanics McGraw Hill Co.
Messy Fluid Mechanics
Daugherty Fluid Mechanics McGraw Hill Co
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :- Nil
Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :- Nil
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Civil Engineering Drawing
Course code: CE Course Duration:6 semester Course offered in Semester: Third
Subject code: Question code: Marks : 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : Nil CT- 20
Tutorial: Nil Attendance, Assignment & Quiz: 10
Practical : Nil End Semester Exam(ESE) : 70
Credit :- Nil Total Marks 100
Aim :-
1. To develop the ideas, vision and its practical reality through engineering graphics.
2. Developing the approach of visualization, drafting, modeling and analysis.
3. To develop the concept and applicability of engineering graphics to construction sector.
Objective :-
The students will be able to
1. Read, interpret and draw the building drawings.
2. Prepare submission drawings for the building.
3. Prepare working drawings for the building.
4. Plan various types of buildings considering the functional requirements.
5. Apply the building rules, regulations and byelaws.
Pre-Requisite :-
1. Perfection in geometry and sketching.
2. The students should be perfect in plotting the geometrical shapes and skill of reading the
geometrical designs.
3. Students should be conversant with contend in 'Drawing' of semester 1 and semester 2
Topic Marks
1 Introduction 4
2 Planning of Building 12
3 Culverts 18
4 Steel connections 18
5 Steel Roof truss 18
Contents: Theory (Civil Engineering Drawing) NILHrs/week Marks
Unit 1 Introduction
Recapitulation of previous semester
Unit -2 Planning of Building
Note: single storeyed building shall comprise of two rooms, bath, WC, kitchen, front verandah
with a provision of staircase and mumty for utilisation of roof space. Same plan used in subject
Estimating and Costing is to be used.
2.1 Principles of planning of Residential and Public building.
2.2 Space requirements and norms for various units of Residential and Public building. Rules and
byelaws of local governing authorities for construction.
2.3 Drawing of line plans for Residential and Public building.
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2.4 Development of line plan ground floor plan and roof plan with provision for drainage layout
2.5 Elevation (front elevation)
2.6 Two Sectional elevation (section must pass through stair-case, bath WC, kitchen and front
2.7 Site plan (to be developed from a Mouza map for conception of location plan)
2.8 Foundation details (trench plan, section of main wall and a partition wall/ isolated footing with tie
beam if provided)
Unit 3 Culverts
3.1 Introduction to culvert & its different components and types and specific use along with
demonstration of a model
3.2 Half sectional plan and half sectional elevation and side view of a single span slab culvert
3.3 Half sectional elevation of a single span two hume-pipe culvert
Unit 4 Steel connections
4.1 Plan elevation and side view of stanchion connected with base plate with gusset plate in concrete
4.2 Connection of main beam with secondary beam in one side
4.3 Connection of beam with column
4.4 Unequal column splicing
4.5 Equal beam splicing
4.6 Column bracket
Unit 5 Steel Roof truss
5.1 Introduction to truss wooden (king post and queen post), steel (with angles and tubular truss)
along with demonstration of model
5.2 Details of a fink truss with welded/riveted joints and details of column connection
Assignments: Following exercises should be drawn:
1Drawing various types of doors and windows etc. used in construction
2 Measured Drawing of an his/her residential building (Load bearing/ Framed structure Type ),
showing Plan , Elevation, Sections, Construction notes, Schedule of openings, Site Plan,
3. Area statement and other details of building drawing in sheet 1
4 Working Drawing of building drawing in sheet 1
5. drawing of a wooden king post and queen post truss of the buiding drawing in sheet
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Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Civil Engineering Drawing
Course code: CE Course Duration:6 semester Course offered in Semester: Third
Subject code: Question code: Marks :50
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : Nil Term Work (TW)- 25
Tutorial: Nil Practical (PR) - 25
Practical : 6
Credit :- 3 Total marks in the semester - 50
1. To develop the ideas, vision and its practical reality through engineering graphics.
2. Developing the approach of visualization, drafting, modeling and analysis.
3. To develop the concept and applicability of engineering graphics to construction sector.
The students will be able to
1. Read, interpret and draw the building drawings.
2. Prepare submission drawings for the building.
3. Prepare working drawings for the building.
4. Plan various types of buildings considering the functional requirements.
5. Apply the building rules, regulations and byelaws.
1. Perfection in geometry and sketching.
2. The students should be perfect in plotting the geometrical shapes and skill of reading the
geometrical designs.
3. Students should be conversant with contend in 'Drawing' of semester 1 and semester 2
Topic Contact period Marks
1 Introduction 3 ----
2 Planning of building 24 12.5
3 Culvers 24 12.5
4 Steel Connections 21 12.5
5 Steel roof truss 24 12.5
Contents: Practical/Sessional (Civil Engineering Drawing) 6 Hrs/week Marks
Unit 1Introduction
Recapitulation of previous semester
Unit -2 Planning of Building (PLATE 1)
Note: single storeyed building shall comprise of two rooms, bath, WC, kitchen, front verandah
with a provision of staircase and mumty for utilisation of roof space. Same plan used in subject
Estimating and Costing is to be used.
2.1 Principles of planning of Residential and Public building.
2.2 Space requirements and norms for various units of Residential and Public building. Rules and
byelaws of local governing authorities for construction.
2.3 Drawing of line plans for Residential and Public building.
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2.4 Development of line plan ground floor plan and roof plan with provision for drainage layout
2.5 Elevation (front elevation)
2.6 Two Sectional elevation (section must pass through stair-case, bath WC, kitchen and front
2.7 Site plan (to be developed from a Mouza map for conception of location plan)
2.8 Foundation details (trench plan, section of main wall and a partition wall/ isolated footing with tie
beam if provided)
Unit 3 Culverts (Plate no 2) (problems to be supplied by the subject teacher(s)
3.1 Introduction to culvert & its different components and types and specific use along with
demonstration of a model
3.2 Half sectional plan and half sectional elevation and side view of a single span slab culvert
3.3 Half sectional elevation of a single span two hume-pipe culvert
Unit 4 Steel connections (Plate no 3) [riveted or welded] (problems to be supplied by the subject
4.1 Plan elevation and side view of stanchion connected with base plate with gusset plate in concrete
4.2 Connection of main beam with secondary beam in one side
4.3 Connection of beam with column
4.4 Unequal column splicing
4.5 Equal beam splicing
4.6 Column bracket
Unit 5 Steel Roof truss (Plate no 4) (problems to be supplied by the subject teacher(s)
5.1 Introduction to truss wooden (king post and queen post), steel (with angles and tubular truss)
along with demonstration of model
5.2 Details of a fink truss with welded/riveted joints and details of column connection
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:
1. Read and interpret the building drawings
2. Plan residential and public buildings
3. Apply the building rules, regulations and byelaws.
Motor Skills:
1. Prepare line plans of Residential and Public Buildings
2. Prepare Detailed Plans, Elevations, Sections and other working drawings for the buildings.
Plate 1 to 4 are to be submitted as 'Term Work' during semester
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Text Books:-
Titles of the Book Name of
Edition Name of the
Text Book of Building Drawing Shah, Kale,
Patki --
Elements of Building Drawing D. M. Mahajan
Planning and Design of Building. Y. S. Sane --
Civil Engineering Drawing Malik & Mayo
New Asian Publishers
New Delhi
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Name of Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Civil Engineering Lab I
Course code: CE Course Duration: 6 semester Subject offered in Semester: Third
Subject code: Question code: Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : NIL Term work (TW) 50
Tutorial: NIL Practical (PR) - 50
Practical : 6 Total marks - 100
Credit :- 3
Skill to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:
1. Analyze the given data
2. Select proper method for analysis
3. Interpret the results
Motor Skills :
1. Measure the quantities accurately
2. Handle instruments properly
Group I Physical tests on ordinary Portland cement:
Determination of fineness of cement preferably by Blaines air permeability apparatus or by
Determination of standard consistency of OPC/PPC
Determination of initial & final setting times of OPC/PPC.
Determination of compressive strength of OPC/PPC
Determination of soundness of OPC/PPC
Group II Physical tests on fine aggregate and coarse aggregate:
Fine aggregate:
Determination of silt content in sand by volume
Determination of maximum % of bulking of sand of a given sample
Determination of grading zone of a given sample of a
Determination of moisture content of a given sample of sand
Determination of specific gravity of sand
Coarse aggregate:
Determination of aggregate impact value.
Determination of aggregate abrasion value.
Determination of aggregate crushing value.
Determination of bulk density & specific gravity of a given sample of coarse aggregated.
Determination of flakiness index and elongation index of a given sample of coarse aggregate
Determination of surface moisture and water absorption of a given sample of coarse aggregate
Determination of grading zone of a given sample of coarse aggregate
Group III - Physical tests on Concrete
Determination of workability of concrete a. slump test b. compacting factor test and c. Vee-
Bee consistometer test
Compressive strength of concrete a. cylinder and b. cube mould
Group IV - Physical test of Bricks
Determination of physical properties of bricks a. size b. shape c. weight d. colour e. water
absorption f. efflorescence test g. crushing strength test
Group V - Brick bonding
1. Laying [1,3,5, & 2,4,6,...] to form
a. English bond (1 brick and 1and half brick thick)
b. Flemish bond ((1 brick and 1and half brick thick) including corner joint;
2. Laying of conventional brick to form a 200 mm thick wall; header and stretcher
bond; connection between a main wall and partition & partition wall & partition wall
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Name of Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering Subject: Professional Practices-I
Course code: CE Course Duration: 6 semesterSubject offered in Semester: Third
Subject code: Question code:Marks: 50
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : NIL Term work (TW) 25
Tutorial: NIL Practical (PR) - 25
Practical : 3 Total marks - 50
Credit :- 2
Aim :-
Development and evaluation of individual skills
Enhancement in soft skills through innovation.
Objective: Student will be able to:
1. Acquire information from different sources.
2. Prepare notes for given topic.
3. Present given topic in a seminar.
4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.
5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.
Pre-Requisite :- Communication skill must be perfect.
Contents 3Hrs/week
Unit -1Industrial Visits
Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the individual
student, to form a part of the term work. Industrial visits may be arranged in the following areas /
Building construction site
Unit -2 Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert be organized from ANY THREE of the following
Batching plant
Different types of construction machineries and equipment
Unit 3 Individual Assignments:
Any two from the list suggested OR Conduct ANY ONE of the following activities through active
participation of students and write report
Preparation of drawing of an existing structure
Plot measurement
Study of building rules in panchayat, municipality and corporation areas
Study of different fitting and fixtures and components of different types of shuttering
Unit 4 Modular courses (Optional):
A course module should be designed in the following areas for max. 12 hrs.Batch size min. 15
students. Course may be organized internally or with the help of external organizations.
Erection of shuttering
Total 48 Hrs.
Text Books:- Nil
Reference books :- Nil
Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :- Nil
Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :- Nil