The beam design meets all requirements for reinforcement ratios and bending moment capacity. The clear spacing between parallel bars meets the minimum requirement. The bending moment capacity is 1054.99 kNm, which exceeds the required capacity of 405.00 kNm. The steel/concrete shear capacity is also sufficient.
The beam design meets all requirements for reinforcement ratios and bending moment capacity. The clear spacing between parallel bars meets the minimum requirement. The bending moment capacity is 1054.99 kNm, which exceeds the required capacity of 405.00 kNm. The steel/concrete shear capacity is also sufficient.
The beam design meets all requirements for reinforcement ratios and bending moment capacity. The clear spacing between parallel bars meets the minimum requirement. The bending moment capacity is 1054.99 kNm, which exceeds the required capacity of 405.00 kNm. The steel/concrete shear capacity is also sufficient.
The beam design meets all requirements for reinforcement ratios and bending moment capacity. The clear spacing between parallel bars meets the minimum requirement. The bending moment capacity is 1054.99 kNm, which exceeds the required capacity of 405.00 kNm. The steel/concrete shear capacity is also sufficient.
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Summary Results 10 March, 2011
Clear spacing between parallel bars meet requirement
Meet minimum reinforcement ratio requirement Meet maxiimum reinforcement ratio requirement Steel/Concrete shear capacity ok Minimum Capacity, 1.2 M cr 159.49 kNm Minimum with (min. steel ratio), M min 274.89 kNm Bending Moment Capacity M u = 1054.99 kNm Required Capacity M z max = 405.00 kNm Capacity Status PASS Cross-Section Dimensions Depth of Beam h = 800 mm Width of Beam b = 400 mm MATERIAL STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR(Flexural) f = 0.9 STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR(Shear) f = 0.85 REINFORCE BAR f y = 500 MPa CONCRETE f c ' = 25 MPa CLEAR COVER c= 40 mm Clear spacing between two layers 25 mm Reinforcement data Number of layers N Lay = 1 First layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars (1) N = 3 BAR (1) SIZE d b(1) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (1) A b(1) = p/4*d b 2 (1) = 491 mm2 Number of Reinforce Bars (2) N = 1 BAR (2) SIZE d b(2) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (2) A b(2) = p/4*d b 2 (2) = 491 mm2 Second layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(2nd layer) 4 Bar size d b(2nd layer) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(2nd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (2nd layer) = 491 mm2 Third layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(3rd layer) 0 Bar size d b(3rd layer) = 31.8 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(3rd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (3rd layer) = 794 mm2 Fourth layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(4th layer) 0 Bar size d b(4th layer) = 31.8 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(3rd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (4th layer) = 794 mm2 Total Area of Tensile Reinforcement Bars A s = 3927 mm2 Sharing steel STIRRUP SIZE d b(stirrup) = 10 Spacing S (stirrup) = 150 mm Leg 2 Total Area of Shearing steel A v = 157.08 mm2 FLEXURAL CAPACITY CALCULATION Check limits for reinforcement, based on 7.6, ACI 318-99 66.67 mm Clear spacing between parallel bars meet requirement BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY 0 Center of gravity of steel d cg = 87.50 mm EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF BEAM d= 712.50 mm STEEL RATIO r = A s /(b d) = 1.38% MINIMUM STEEL RATIO r min =1.4/f y = 0.28% Meet minimum reinforcement ratio requirement Factor b 1 based on b 1 = 0.850 Reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain condition r b = 0.85b 1 f c '/f y (600/(600 + f y )) = 1.97% MAXIMUM STEEL RATIO r max = 0.75 r b = 1.48% Meet maxiimum reinforcement ratio requirement Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block a = A s f y /(0.85 f' c b) = 231.00 mm Bending Moment Capacity M u = f A s f y ( d - a/2) = 1054.99 kNm SHEAR CAPACITY CALCULATION Check limit of spacing Shearing strength capacity of the section, Vc V c = 0.85*0.166*(f'c)^ (1/2) = 201.1 kN Shearing strength provided by concrete, Vs V s = A v *f y /bs
= 373.1 kN Max. allowable shear strength by steel, Vs Vs = 0.664*(f'c)^(1/2)bd = 946.2 kN Steel/Concrete shear capacity ok Section shear capacity 574.13 kN 10 March, 2011 Scale 3 Max 800 Factor 0.00 Beam Stirrups x y x y x y x y 1 0 0 0.15 0.15 0 0 0 0 2 1.5 0 1.35 0.15 0 0 0 0 3 1.5 3 1.35 2.85 0 0 4 0 3 0.15 2.85 0 0 5 0 0 0.15 0.15 X-Axis 0.000 1.5 1.500 1.5 Y-Axis 0.75 0 0.75 3 LAYER 1 4 LAYER 2 LAYER 3 LAYER 4 Gap 3 Gap 3 Gap -1 Gap Clear 0.75 Clear 0.75 Clear 1.125 Clear Clear spacing 0.25 x y Clear spacing 0.25 x y Clear spacing -1.125 x y Clear spacing 1 0.234 0.234 1 0.23 0.421875 0 2 0.578 0.234 2 0.58 0.421875 0 3 0.922 0.234 3 0.92 0.421875 0 4 1.266 0.234 4 1.27 0.421875 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1.125 -1.125 x y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY Summary Results Clear spacing between parallel bars meet requirement Meet minimum reinforcement ratio requirement Singly Reinforced Beam - Use other worksheet Failure by tension yielding of steel Bending Moment Capacity M u = 1435.30 kNm STAAD.Pro Results M z max = 43.00 kNm Capacity Status PASS Cross-Section Dimensions Depth of Beam h = 750 mm Width of Beam b = 400 mm MATERIAL STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR(Flexural) f = 0.9 STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR(Shear) f = 0.85 REINFORCE BAR f y = 413 MPa CONCRETE f c ' = 25 MPa COVER c= 40 mm Clear spacing between two layers 25.000 mm Tensile Reinforcement data Number of layers N Lay = 1 First layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars (1) N = 4 BAR (1) SIZE d b(1) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (1) A b(1) = p/4*d b 2 (1) = 491 mm 2 Number of Reinforce Bars (2) N = 2 BAR (2) SIZE d b(2) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (2) A b(2) = p/4*d b 2 (2) = 491 mm 2 Second layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(2nd layer) 4 Bar size d b(2nd layer) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(2nd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (2nd layer) = 491 mm 2 Third layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(3rd layer) 0 Bar size d b(3rd layer) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(3rd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (3rd layer) = 491 mm 2 Total Area of Tensile Reinforcement Bars A s- A s' = 4909 mm 2 Compression Reinforcement Data Number of layers N Lay = 1 First layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars (1) N = 2 BAR (1) SIZE d b(1) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (1) A b(1) = p/4*d b 2 (1) = 491 mm 2 Number of Reinforce Bars (2) N = 2 BAR (2) SIZE d b(2) = 25 mm AREA OF ONE BAR (2) A b(2) = p/4*d b 2 (2) = 491 mm 2 Second layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(2nd layer) 0 Bar size d b(2nd layer) = 20 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(2nd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (2nd layer) = 314 mm 2 Third layer bars Number of Reinforce Bars(3rd layer) 0 Bar size d b(3rd layer) = 0 mm AREA OF ONE BAR A b(3rd layer) = p/4*d b 2 (3rd layer) = 0 mm 2 Total Area of Compression Reinforcement Bars A s' = 1964 mm 2 Total Area of Reinforcement A S = 6872 mm 2 STIRRUP SIZE d b(stirrup) = 12 Spacing S (stirrup) = 125 mm Leg 2 Total Area of Shearing steel A v = 226.19 mm 2 FLEXURAL CAPACITY CALCULATION Check limits for reinforcement, based on 7.6, ACI 318-99 45.20 mm Clear spacing between parallel bars meet requirement Center of gravity of steel d cg = 84.50 mm d = 665.50 mm EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF BEAM d' = 64.50 mm STEEL RATIO r = (A S - A S' )/(b d) = 1.84% r' = (A S' )/(b d) = 0.74% MINIMUM STEEL RATIO r min =1.4/f y = 0.34% Meet minimum reinforcement ratio requirement Factor b 1 based on b 1 = 0.850 Reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain condition r b = 0.85b 1 f c '/f y (600/(600 + f y )) = 2.59% MAXIMUM STEEL RATIO r max = 0.75 r b = 1.94% Singly Reinforced Beam - Use other worksheet CHECK FOR TENSION FAILURE r max =0.75 r b +r ' = 2.68% Total steel ratio, R = 2.58% Failure by tension yielding of steel Bending Moment Capacity Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block a = A s f y /(0.85 f' c b) = 238.51 mm M 1 ' = f A S ' f y ( d - d') = 438.63 kNm M 2 ' = f (A s - A S ') f y ( d - a/2) = 996.67 kNm Total Moment Capacity, M = 1435.30 kNm SHEAR CAPACITY CALCULATION Check limit of spacing Shearing strength capacity of the section, Vc V c = 0.85*0.166*(f'c)^ (1/2) = 187.80 kN Shearing strength provided by concrete, Vs V s = A v *f y /bs