Sect Prop 28
Sect Prop 28
Sect Prop 28
SECTION PROPERTIES breadth (mm) depth (mm)
Spreadsheet for the derivation of the bt 500.0 tt 50.0
section properties of a plate girder tw 49.5 hw 900.0
symmetrical about the y-y axis. bb 500.0 tb 50.0
N.B. check code limitations, on how B 500.0 H 1000.0
thin all 3 plates can be, in order for them
to act as a section.
Cross Section
n.a. hw H
tw tb
b d a y ay h bd3/12 ah2 S
X-X (mm) (mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm3) (mm) (mm4) (mm4) (mm4)
top flange 500.0 50.0 25000 975.0 2.44E+07 475.00 5.21E+06 5.64E+09 5.65E+09
web 49.5 900.0 44550 500.0 2.23E+07 0.00 3.01E+09 0.00E+00 3.01E+09
bot flange 500.0 50.0 25000 25.0 6.25E+05 475.00 5.21E+06 5.64E+09 5.65E+09
S 1000.0 94550 4.73E+07 3.02E+09 1.13E+10 1.43E+10
b d a x ax w db3/12 aw2 S
Y-Y (mm) (mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm3) (mm) (mm4) (mm4) (mm4)
top flange 500.0 50.0 25000 250.0 6.25E+06 0.00 5.21E+08 0.00E+00 5.21E+08
web 49.5 900.0 44550 250.0 1.11E+07 0.00 9.10E+06 0.00E+00 9.10E+06
bot flange 500.0 50.0 25000 250.0 6.25E+06 0.00 5.21E+08 0.00E+00 5.21E+08
S 1000.0 94550 2.36E+07 1.05E+09 0.00E+00 1.05E+09
Elastic Plastic
ytop(mm) 500.0 Ztop(mm3) 2.86E+07 ytop(mm) 500.0 Z (mm3) 3.38E+07
ybot(mm) 500.0 Zbot(mm3) 2.86E+07 ybot(mm) 500.0
S 1000.0 S 1000.0
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SectProp28.xls Ver 01/06/2004 Made by Checked Approved
Engineering Client Name of Client
Excel 2000 Free copy ABC DEF GHI
Street Address Description of the Design Job no. Revision Page no. Address Descript.
Town, Postcode 111 222 2
Assumptions and formulae
1) Closed sections :-
a) closed sections use polar moments of inertia :-
J = Ix + Iy
b) torsional stress = t = (Torsion.ymax)/J, where for a pipe, ymax = do/2, which is the distance to the extreme fibre
c) For pipes J = p(do4-di4)/32
Therefore torsion modulus Zt = J/ymax = p(do4-di4)/32 x 2/do = p(do4-di4)/( 16do )
2) Open sections :-
a) open sections use torsional resistance R, this gives much more accurate predictions of torsional rotations,
than polar moment of inertia J, ( see Blodgett, Design Of Welded Structures, 1982, section 2-10, table 1 )
Rzz = S bn(bn.dn3)
b/d 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 infinity
b 0.141 0.196 0.214 0.229 0.249 0.263 0.281 0.299 0.307 0.313 0.333
N.B. we have assumed on this spreadsheet, that at b/d = 20, then b = 0.333.
b) torsional stress = t = (Torsion.tmax)/R, where tmax, is the thickness of the thickest plate
c) For an I section the Rzz value will be :- bt.tt3/3 + hw.tw3/3 + bb.tb3/3, if the slenderness of each plate >= 20
Therefore torsion modulus Zt = R/tmax
3) Rotational deflections :-
f ( rads ) = T.L/( Es.J ), where T = Torsion, L = length of shaft, Es = youngs modulus,
J = polar moment of inertia J for closed section, or torsional resistance R for an open section
SectProp28.xls Ver 01/06/2004 Made by Checked Approved
Engineering Client Name of Client
Excel 2000 Free copy ABC DEF GHI
Street Address Description of the Design Job no. Revision Page no. Address Descript.
Town, Postcode 111 222 3
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