Great Turnout For Community Design Plan: WWW -

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When a new community is being planned, its important to hav thos in th vi!init" a#$ to hav a sa" in %hat %i$$ # & v $op & th r ' Thats %hat happ n & on F #r(ar" )* %h n mor than +,- r si& nts pa!. & th m tin/ room at th Ri!h!ra0t R !r ation Comp$ 1 2anata 3RRC24 to vi % th , p$ans that !am o(t o0 an ar$i r m tin/ %h n /ro(ps o0 r si& nts o(t$in & +5 pot ntia$ & si/ns' L ttin/ r si& nts $ivin/ n ar th n % !omm(nit" .no% a#o(t it is important to m , as Iv a$%a"s 0o(n& that r si& nts hav /oo&, !on!r t i& as that improv an" !omm(nit" p$an' Cons 6( nt$", I visit & a#o(t 7-- hom s on !o$& F #r(ar" &a"s to sho% th m %hat is propos & an& r !omm n& that th " p(t th ir i& as 0or%ar&' The plans should now be on the City website at a$on/ %ith in0ormation on ho% to s(#mit "o(r opinions an& i& as' For 1amp$ , "o( ma" hav a s(// stion 0or a transition 8on a&9a! nt to 1istin/ hom s' Yo( ar as. & to s(#mit "o(r i& as #" Mar!h +-' Th " %i$$ th n # !onsi& r & in th & v $opm nt o0 on pr 0 rr & option 0or pr s ntation, 0ina$ !omm nts an& a&9(stm nts in a#o(t ) months' Th !on! pt is 1p !t & to /o to P$annin/ Committ an& Co(n!i$ 0or approva$ #" A(/(st' It %i$$ ta. s v ra$ " ars a0t r that 0or & tai$ & p$ans to # s(#mitt &, !on&itions impos &, an& s rvi! s 3%at r, sanitar" s % rs, &raina/ s"st ms, h"&ro, phon , roa&s, si& %a$.s4 insta$$ &' Thank you to the residents who attended, for "o(r tho(/ht0($ 6( stions, 0or th !ons($tants an& Cit" sta00 %ho provi& & !$ ar r spons s, an& 0or th m m# rs o0 th !omm(nit" a&visor" /ro(p %ho hav h $p & to shap th !ons($tativ pro! ss'

Ive ust received a plan to make the section of !londike "oad from #arch to $andhill safer for pedestrians p n&in/ r !onstr(!tion o0 th roa& n 1t " ar' This sprin/ th north si& sho($& r %i$$ # improv &, a %hit $in paint & to & si/nat th p & strian ar a, an& si/na/ insta$$ &' 2$on&i. %i$$ r main as a t%o %a" roa&'

Councils approval on driveway widths r tains th ma1im(m 5-< 0ronta/ 0or spa! , %hi$ p rmittin/ an" 1t nsion to th si& o0 th &riv %a"' An" 1t nsion m(st # int r$o!. or som oth r $an&s!ap mat ria$ 3not aspha$t4' For narro% to%nho(s 0ronta/ s, an" a&&ition %o($& # s$i/ht' 2 pin/ 5-< in $a%n is to prot !t $an&s!apin/, in!$(&in/ tr s, an& to ns(r no si/ni0i!ant !han/ in r(n o00 that !o($& !a(s 1! ssiv %at r, $ a&in/ to possi#$ 0$oo&in/ &o%nstr am' It a$so . ps som ar a avai$a#$ 0or sno% stora/ ' F($$ in0ormation on &riv %a" %i& nin/ %i$$ # on th Cit" % #sit on! th app a$ p rio& is ov r 3a#o(t * % .s4' P$ as $ t m .no% i0 "o( n & an" a&&itiona$ in0ormation'

The diagnosis only gets worse for the pool at the %oulbourn "ecreation Comple&. 'rom routine maintenance such as repainting, to discovery of mould in the roof and then in the walls, and now rust in the structural steel, the work continues with no opening date in sight. This has added a lot of pressure on the ""C!, with swimming lessons for more than ()) additional individuals transferred from %oulbourn. With the planned closure of the *eisure Centre in #arch +for safety upgrades,, the pools will only get more crowded. 'ull local use of the pool area of the ""C! is delayed until the %oulbourn -ool opens. That date is still unknown as City staff work out a means to make the substantive repairs to the pool area. UPCOMING MEETINGS> #arch ./, (01) 2 301) pm, #into "oom, ""C!0 !nudson 4rive 5rea Traffic #anagement $tudy #arch .6, 7 2 8 pm, #into "oom, ""C!0 #onthly Town 9all #eeting

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