Comparison of The Properties of Knitted Fabrics Produced by Conventional and Compact Ring-Spun Yarns
Comparison of The Properties of Knitted Fabrics Produced by Conventional and Compact Ring-Spun Yarns
Comparison of The Properties of Knitted Fabrics Produced by Conventional and Compact Ring-Spun Yarns
Key words: ring-spun yarn, compact ring-spun yarn, conventional ring-spun yarn, knitted
fabrics, fabric properties.
the fibre bundles before they leave the processes, as well as fabric performances
drafting system in the conventional such as pilling, surface appearance etc.
ring spinning system. This should offer [1-5, 12-16]. These works showed that
a significant advantage for ring spin- compact yarns have a much less hairy
ning when competing with its rivals, as yarn surface, and they do not tend to
it claims to offer many advantages in entangle in weaving as expected. It has
terms of yarn structure (i.e. yarn hairi- also been reported that compact yarns
ness, appearance, strength etc.), leading perform better in terms of strength, ir-
to a much better idealised yarn structure regularity and breaking extension. In
[3,4]. However, the production costs of terms of the cost benefit of such systems,
this system were significant at this early it is possible to work with a much smaller
stage of the development, but recent amount of twist with compact yarns to
claims indicate that these costs can be obtain the same strength level of con-
significantly reduced [6]. ventional ring-spun yarns [15,17]. More
recently, Artzt has indicated that compact
As a result of improvements in yarn spinning system offers new perspectives
structure, various compact spinning for using these systems for spinning both
designs by different textile machinery man-made fibres as well as woollen fi-
manufacturers are on the market. For bres [13].
instance, in Air-Com-Tex 700 by Zinser,
a perforated apron is added to the clas- Interestingly, Ethridge, Hequet and Krifa
sical drafting system of a ring machine reported that there are no significant dif-
[7], while ComforSpin by Rieter uses a ferences in the irregularities of the yarns
n Introduction perforated drum to condense fibres in the produced on the Suessen Fiomax 1000
drafting region [8,9]. On the other hand, compared to the conventional ring-spun
It is well known that one of the weakest
the EliTe system from Suessen differs yarns [14]. However, more recently
points of the ring spinning system is the Cheng and Yu indicated that the compact
significantly from both systems [10,11].
spinning triangle. For this reason, fol- yarns produced on Rieter K44 had much
lowing previous research works which higher irregularity [12]. In the same
The number of independent research
focused on this particular problem, a work, it is also reported that Rieter’s
works about the pros and cons of com-
new approach known as compact ring compact spinning system is only suitable
pact systems is small, since many of the
spinning was developed by ITV of Ger- for producing finer yarns (i.e. beyond Ne
available publications come from the ma-
many. First exhibited at ITMA 1995, this 60) using longer staple cottons, indicat-
chinery manufacturers themselves.
system is regarded as being entirely new, ing that it has some limitations in terms
although it still has the classical spinning The works reported so far mainly deal of yarn count and quality. Similarly, Ox-
components of ring spinning [1,2]. with the comparison of compact and con- enham indicates that the compact system
ventional ring-spun yarn properties (e.g. has not been well received in the USA,
This new concept is aimed at diminish- hairiness, strength, irregularity etc.), the although it is claimed to have made some
ing the spinning triangle by condensing performance of the yarns in downstream significant inroads in Europe [18].
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2005, Vol. 13, No. 1 (49) 47
Table 1. Properties of the fibre blend used in yarn production. COM4, were spun on a Rieter K44.
Table 1 shows the properties of the fibre
Parameter Conventional ring spun yarns COM4 yarns blend used in yarn production. As the
data in the table show, both yarns have
%2.5 SL 29.06 29.43
similar raw material properties, while
Micronaire 4.32 4.66
Unf. ratio 82.8 84.08
the cotton of the COM4 yarn appears
Tenacity, g/tex 31.20 29.16
stronger, cleaner and has fewer neps.
Elongation of break, % 7.5 6.12
+b 10.09 8.43
Yarn particulars
Rd 76.56 77.6 In this research work, single yarns of
Colour grade 31-3 31-3 carded ring and carded compact yarns of
SFC 23.3 18.3 20 tex were produced. Table 2 gives the
Maturity ratio 0.89 0.90 details of yarn properties. The data in the
Nep, cnt/g 239 75 table indicates that the COM4 yarns show
Dust, cnt/g 916 688 less irregularity, higher strength, much
fewer thin and thick places and neps.
48 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2005, Vol. 13, No. 1 (49)
8.0 Ring (compact) spun yarn
Ring (conventional) spun yarn
0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29
Loop yarn length, cm Loop yarn length, cm
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2005, Vol. 13, No. 1 (49) 49
to give a better idea of how the hairs on the loop length increases, so the differ- cover factor is also important for
the fabric’s surface contribute to pilling. ences between two types of fabrics is not bursting strength, as is yarn strength.
very significant as the loop lengths in the
Comparison of colour fabrics increase. This result indicates that
the bursting strength of fabrics is mainly
We also wanted to see if there was any Acknowledgement
colour difference between the knitted affected by yarn strength, but that fabric
cover factor is also an important factor. The authors would like to thank the Turkish
fabrics of these two types of yarns, so textile companies Anteks, Sunteks and Eko-
we tested the samples on a spectropho- ten for permitting us to use their production
tometer under daylight conditions (D65). n Conclusions and Discussions and testing facilities.
We took a dyed fabric sample consisting § Ring compact-spun yarns are claimed
of conventional ring-spun yarn of short to offer many advantages over con- References
loop length as the reference sample. The ventional ring-spun yarns in terms 1. Artzt, P., The Special Structure of Com-
test results are given in Table 4. They of yarn structure, and thus to have pact Yarns Advantages in Downstream
indicate that there is a significant colour a significant potential to change the Processing, Int. Text. Bull., 1997, 2, 41-48.
difference between the fabrics of conven- future of the conventional ring-spin- 2. Leary, R.H., ITMA 99 Survey 14: Short-
tional ring-spun yarns and compact spun Staple Ring Spinning, Textile Asia, 1999,
ning system. However, such claimed
yarns, although they were knitted and October 31-33.
advantages are reported mainly by the 3. Hechtl, R., Compact Spinning System-An
dyed under identical conditions. machinery manufacturers or by the Opportunity for Improving the Ring Spin-
institutions which developed this sys- ning Process, Melliand Textilberichte,
We also wanted to compare how the col- tem; thus properties of yarns and fab- 1996, 77, No. 4,188-189, (E37-38).
our shades of the fabrics change, so Ta- 4. Artzt, P., Auschejks, L., Betz, D and Zo-
rics still need to be extensively inves-
udiklik H., A New Yarn Spinning System
ble 5 shows the test results. The findings tigated by independent researchers. in Germany: Compact Spinning, ITV Den-
indicate that the fabrics of compact yarns § In this work, we first produced plain kendorf 11. Yarn Spinning Congress, 6-7
have darker shades compared to the knitted fabrics with different loop May 1997, Eningen-Germany.
fabrics of conventional ring-spun yarns. 5. Topf, Kompakt İpliklerin Yapısı, Yeni
lengths, using conventional ring-spun Eğirme Sistemleri-Yeni İplikler, Tekstil Ma-
This result reveal that much less dye can and compact ring yarns, which were raton Dergisi (Turkey), 1998, No. 4, 43-49.
be used for the fabrics of compact yarns, then processed under identical dyeing 6. Spinnovation-The Magazine for Spinning
so their dyeing cost might be lower for and finishing conditions. Then, the Mills, Spindelfabrik Suessen Publication,
the same depth of shade, in comparison fabrics were tested for their perform- Economic Advantages by Processing
to the fabrics of conventional yarns. Compact Yarns, 2000, No. 12, 18-19.
ance after several washing cycles for 7. Zinser Ring Spinning System: Air-Com-
pilling behaviour, bursting strength Tex 700, Comparison with Competitors,
Bursting strength and colour differences. Technical Documents, 1999.
The test results indicate that the bursting § The test results show that the fabrics 8. Rieter K40 Spinning System, Technical
strength of the fabrics produced from Documents, 1999.
of compact yarn maintain original 9. Rieter K44 Spinning System, Technical
compact yarns is generally higher than surface structure without any seri- Documents, 2002.
conventional yarns, as might be well ex- ous deterioration, while the fabric 10. Spinnovation-The Magazine for Spinning
pected since compact yarns have higher surfaces of conventional ring yarns Mills, Suessen EliTe Spinning System, 5,
strength (Figure 4). However, the burst- 1999.
become rather fuzzy. Similarly, the
11. Spinnovation-The Magazine for Spinning
ing strengths of these fabrics decrease as pilling tendency of the fabrics from Mills, Suessen EliTe Spinning System;
compact yarns is much better than the The Way to Spin Condensed Ring Yarns,
Table 4. Test results regarding colour conventional ones. 12, 1999.
difference (*DE values greater than 1.0 12. Cheng, K.P.S. and Yu, C., Textile Res. J.,
indicate significant colour difference § The test results regarding colour 2003, 73 (4), 345-349.
compared to the reference sample). difference indicate that there is a 13. Artzt, P., International Isparta Textile
significant colour difference between Congress-Istek 2003, Proceedings, 22-
Fabric type DE
the fabrics of conventional ring-spun 23 May 2003, 51-80, Isparta-Turkey.
Ring (medium loop length) 0.558
yarns and compact ring-spun yarns. 14. Ethridge D., Hequet, E., Krifa, M., Textile
Ring (long loop length) 0.646 Topics, 2002, Vol. 2, 2-8.
Furthermore, the results show that the 15. Ethridge, D., Krifa, M., (2003), Textile
Compact (short loop length) 1.216*
fabrics of compact yarns have darker Topics, 2003, Vol. 2, 2-8.
Compact (medium loop length) 1.261*
shades, even though they were dyed in 16. Jamil N.A., Mahmood N., Nawaz S.M.,
Compact (long loop length) 1.171*
the same bath. This indicates that fab- Saleem, M.S., Pakistan Textile Journal,
rics of compact yarn might need less 2003, July, 53-56.
Table 5. The change in the colour shade of 17.
dye to reach the same depth of shade 2001ConfDClapp.pdf
the fabrics. than the fabrics of conventional ring 18. Oxenham, W., International Isparta Te-
K/S yarns, which therefore contributes to xtile Congress-Istek 2003, Proceedings,
Fabric type 22-23 May 2003, 26-50, Isparta-Turkey.
(Colour yield) reducing the costs of dyeing.
Ring (long loop length) 5.76 from lighter
19. Smirfitt, J.A., J. Textile Inst., 56, 248
§ In terms of bursting strength, fabrics (1965).
Ring (medium loop length) 5.81 of compact yarn have generally higher 20. Postle,R., J. Textile Inst., 59, 65 (1968).
Ring (short loop length) 6.06 to strength, but the differences between 21. Kurbak, A., Doctoral Thesis, The Univer-
Compact (long loop length) 6.69 two types of fabrics become less sig- sity of Leeds, UK, 1983.
Compact (medium loop length) 6.27 nificant as the loop lengths in the fab-
Compact (short loop length) 6.54 darker Received 24.03.2004 Reviewed 05.11.2004
rics increase. This indicates that fabric
50 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2005, Vol. 13, No. 1 (49)