Nozzle Type in Rotor

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Ebru Çoruh,

*Nihat Çelik
Influence of Nozzle Type on Yarn Quality
in Open-End Rotor Spinning
Department of Textile Engineering, Abstract
Gaziantep University, In this study we investigated the effect of the nozzle type as one of the most important parts
Gaziantep,Turkey of the open-end rotor spinning system on yarn quality. 100% Urfa Region cotton was used
E-mail: [email protected] for the production of yarns of 20 tex. Experimental studies were made on ten spinning units
of a Rieter R1 machine. Five different ceramic nozzle types were used: K4KK (plain with
Department of Textile Engineering,
Çukurova University, 4 grooves), K4KS (plain with 4 grooves and aggressive flute insert), K6KF (plain with
Adana, Turkey
6 grooves), K8KK (plain with 8 groves), and KSNX (spiral with soft flute insert). Apart
from the nozzle types, the yarn production conditions and machine parameters were kept
the same. All production activities were realized under the same mill conditions. For yarn
hairiness, yarn evenness and yarn imperfections, an Uster Tester 4SX and for yarn tenacity
an Uster Tensorapid 3 tester were used. The test results were analysed using the one way-
ANOVA statistical method of Design Expert 6.0.1. In one of the evaluations, it is clearly
seen that the nozzle type mostly affects yarn quality and yarn tenacity.

Key words: rotor spinning, nozzle type, yarn quality, yarn evenness, yarn hairiness, yarn

In the rotor spinning process, sliver is investigated. 100% cotton raw material
broken up so that individual fibres are was converted to rotor yarn by using five
fed by an air stream and deposited on the different nozzle types. Yarn production
inner surface of a rotating device driven was carried out for only knitting type
at high speed. As the fibres are drawn yarns. As well as in earlier studies, yarns
off, twist is inserted by the rotation of the were produced in commercial mills to
n Introduction rotor making a yarn [4]. achieve the most accurate results.
In recent years, textile and apparel
products from polyester, acrylic, viscose The rotor spinning system offers the op-
and modal have seen increased demand purtinity of determining the yarn param- n Material and method
in international markets. However, cotton eters by changing drafting and twisting In the study, 100% Urfa cotton was used
fibre continues to be the most basic and parameters, and can also be used as a ver- as raw material. Properties of the cotton
strategic raw material for the textile and satile method for yarn production. In this was tested by an Uster HVI 900, and the
apparel industry. In terms of the supply of system, by changing the rotor, spinning results were evaluated on the basis of sta-
raw materials, Turkey has the advantage nozzle and opening roller elements, short tistics [14]. Fibre and yarn samples were
of being one of the world’s leading staple yarn between 12 - 150 tex can be standard atmosphere conditioned, (tem-
producers of cotton, being the eight produced [5].
perature 20 ± 2 °C and relative humidity
largest after China, India, USA, Pakistan, 65 ± 2%) based on EN ISO 139 standard,
Brazil, Uzbekistan and Australia, with Various studies have been made on noz-
for 24 hours [15]. Collected from various
375 thousands tons of cotton production zle type, which has a significant effect
parts of the blend used in the production
in the 2009/2010 season. By the year on yarn structure, surface properties and
of the cotton fibre sample, the results are
2009/2010, the cotton production of yarn quality in rotor spinning.
the average of five measurements, given
Turkey was 375 thousand tons, while in Table 1.
cotton consumption of Turkey was 1100 A number of these studies [6 - 10] were
thousond tons [1]. made for 100% cotton fibre, as a result
Under the Uster statistics values for fibre
of which, it was found that nozzle types
properties, according to the HVI values,
When analysing the past 20 years, it is without grooves have an improving ef-
the irregularity of cotton fibre is regard-
seen that Turkey has an important role in fect on yarn irregularity, hairness and
short-staple rotor spinning. At the begin- strength. Two studies [11, 12] investi-
gated the effect of nozzle type on yarn Table 1. Fibre properties.
ning of 2005, Turkey had a capacity of
2.8 million tons of short staple spinning, quality for waste cotton. In these re- Fibre parameters Values
with 70%. 60% of the 620 yarn spin- searches similar results to those of the tested measured
ning mills producing cotton yarns i.e. the studies mentioned were observed. An- Upper half mean length,
UHML 14.33
whole short staple spinning industry of other investigation [13] was performed
Mean lenght, mm ML 29.35
Turkey consist of ring and open-end ro- for different raw material blends, such as
Microneire, µg/inç Mic. 4.9
tor spinning system. 58% of the total ca- cotton/polyester and polyester/viscose. CVm, % Unf. 48.8
pacity of short-staple spinning comprise In this study lower yarn hairness values Tenacity, cN/tex Str 24.83
the ring spinning system and 42% - the were obtained for flat surface nozzles. Elongation, % El. 9.9
open-end rotor spinning system [2]. The Yellow grade +b 9.47
open-end rotor spinning capacity of the In this study, as a contribution to the lit- Brightness Rd 76.60
world is as follows: Russia 26%, China erature, the effect of nozzle type, which Color grade CG 21 - 4
13%, USA 8%, respectively, followed is one of the most important elements in Number of
Dust 551
contamination, cnt/g
by Turkey with a rate of 6% [3]. rotor yarn spinning, on yarn quality was

38 Çoruh E, Çelik N. Influence of Nozzle Type on Yarn Quality in Open-End Rotor Spinning
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2013; 21, 2(98):
ed as „very good”, the strength value Table 2. Nozzle types and characteristics.
as „medium strength”, with a value of
Nozzle Nozzle
9.9% elongation - as „very high”, a fibre type specification
Raw material End use Nozzle drawing
fineness of 4.9 mg / inch Microner - as
„medium fine”, and a fibre length of
29.35 mm as a „medium-length” group. plain with 4 cotton, regenerate,
knitting and
A color diagram which identifies the col- K4KK grooves, viscose, polyester/acrylic,
ceramic polyester/cotton
our scale value of 9.47 and brightness
value of 76.60 correspond to 21-4 in the
„white cotton” group [14].
cotton knitting
During the production, five different plain with 4
grooves and
nozzle types were used from the Rieter K4KS aggressiveflute
machine company: K4KK (plain with 4 insert,
polyester/acrylic, polyester/ knitting and
grooves), K4KS (plain with 4 grooves cotton weaving
and aggressive flute insert), K6KF (plain
with 6 grooves), K8KK (plain with 8
groves), and KSNX (spiral with soft flute
insert) [16]. In Table 2 the end produc- plain with 6
knitting and
K6KF viskon, polyester/acrylic,
tion and types of nozzles are shown. In grooves, ceramic
this study 100% Urfa cotton was con-
verted to a 5 900 tex count sliver. Slivers
were fed through as pre-determined rotor
spinning units and produced on an open- cotton knitting
end rotor spinning machine. Spinning plain with 8
conditions and production parameters of K8KK groves,
the machine are given in Table 3. viscose, knitting and
polyester/acrylic weaving

100% cotton yarn samples were pro-

duced by a rotor spinning machine with
a rotor groove of type S and diamond
coated rotor, which is suitable for knit- spiral with soft
knitting and
KSNX fluteinsert, cotton
ting yarns. In order to minimise varia- ceramic
tions, the yarn production was done with
pre-determined rotor units by just chang-
ing the nozzle type, while all other ma-
chine production parameters were kept
constant. Table 3. Yarn and machine production parameters.

Yarn count (Linear density), tex 20

For yarn evenness, faults and hairiness Sliver number, tex 5900
an Uster Tester 4SX test device was Yarn parameters
Number of twist, t.p.m 840
used and the results were evaluated ac- Twistfactor,
m K 118.0
cording to Uster [17]. For each type of Rotor type 32 SD
nozzle five bobbins were tested and ten Rotor diameter, mm 32
measurements made for each bobbin. For Machine parameters
Rotor speed, r.p.m 102,360
yarn strength an Uster Tensorapid 3 tester Opening roller type OB 20
was used according to EN ISO 2062, and Opening roller speed, r.p.m 7,700
for each type of nozzle five bobbins were Nozzle types K4KK, K4KS, K6KF, K8KK, KSNX

tested. Five measurements were made for

each bobbin [18]. Table 4. Test results of yarn properties.

Nozzle types
Parameters of yarn tested
n Results and discussion K4KK K4KS K6KF K8KK KSNX
Uniformity, % Um 12.67 12.72 12.79 12.75 12.29
The effect of different nozzle types on Massvariationofcoefficient,%CVm 15.95 16.03 16.13 16.08 15.51
yarn quality parameters are given in Ta- Thin places (-% 50), 1/km 70.3 79.5 77.3 66.3 59
ble 4. Thick places (+% 50), 1/km 111.8 117.5 115.3 111.3 76.8
Neps (+% 280), 1/km 22.8 63.8 21.0 24.3 10.8
Yarn evenness Tenacity, cN/tex 10.43 8.86 11.7 10.34 10.24
The yarn evenness uniformity % Um Breaking strength, cN 205.3 174.5 230.4 203.6 201.7
and coefficient of mass variation %CVm Breaking work, cN/cm 269.5 212.3 312.3 256.5 266.5
Elongation, % 4.86 4.47 5.04 4.74 4.96
values provide information about the
Uster hairiness index, H 5.16 7.12 4.99 5.30 5.34
%CVm. Uster statistics classify yarn

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2013, Vol. 21, No. 2(98) 39
18 140
%U Uniformity % CVm Mass variation of coeficient
Thin places (-% 50/ km) Thick places (+% 50/ km) Neps (+% 280/ km)
Yarn evenness(%)


Yarn faults (%)

10 80
8 60
2 20

0 0

Nozzle types Nozzle types

Figure 1. Yarn evenness for different nozzle types. Figure 2. Yarn faults for different nozzle types.

quality values as less than 5%, 6 - 25%, 78 - 87% for all yarn types. For a num- but has a moderate effect on thick places
26 - 50%, 51 - 75% & 76 - 95%, up from ber of thin places of 76.8 on the KSNX . Also nozzle type has a significant effect
95%. The percentage increase in the nozzle, corresponding to 32%, the Uster on the nep results, with higher yarn hairi-
value worsened the quality of yarn. The percentile for the other nozzle types is ness, leading to the deteriotion of yarn ir-
quality percentile value of Uster statistics between 48 - 50%. For a nep value of regularity and nep values [9].
was determined according to test results 10.8 on the KSNX the value is 11%. For
given in Table 4. The CVm% for nozzle the K4KS the Uster percentile value was Yarn tenacity and elongation
KSNX 15.51 with 60% Uster percentile 77%. For the other types of nozzles for In Table 4, the yarn tenacity and elonga-
was identified as the value of yarn quality. Neps values they were the worst, corre- tion values are compared with test results
Other types of levels in terms of yarn qual- sponding to 35 - 41% [17]. of Uster statistics percentile in terms
ity for the values obtained from CVm%
of quality. In terms of yarn tenacity the
correspond to between 70 - 75% [17]. As a result of this analysis, the yarn faults highest value of 11.7 cN×tex belongs to
measured and Uster quality percentile K6KF, with a 55% Uster percentile. This
From Figure 1, the best yarn irregularity evaluation of the quality categories, we value is between 83 - 95% for other noz-
is seen for KSNX nozzle. Therefore the can state that the KSNX nozzle gave the zle types. Elongation values for all nozzle
irregularity value of the KSNX nozzle best results. types are in the range of 86 - 95% [17].
was taken as a basis for further calcula-
tions and the absolute relative difference Figure 2 shows the yarn faults meas- As presented in Figure 3, the best yarn
between other nozzle types was calcu- ured according to nozzle type. KSNX tenacity and elongation values were ob-
lated. Using the following expression, values were accepted as a starting point, tained for the K6KF nozzle. Therefore,
CVmD refers to the values of CVm% for and other relative differences between
other nozzle types. nozzle K6KF’s tenacity rating (MK6KF)
the values of the fault, respectively, thin on the basis of levels for other types of
places, thick places and neps for numbers tenacity values obtained from the relative
BF   100 in % (1) (2), (3) and (4) were calculated using the differences between the absolute, BF in %,
CVm KSNX equations. in the following number (5) was calcu-
Given Equation 1 there is no relative dif- lated using the expression. Here, MD,
ference in the type of expression levels BF   100 , in % (2) represents the values of strength for other
in KSNX, other nozzle types can be cal- nozzle types.
culated in the range 3 - 4%. Uster sta- K D  K KSNX
tistics for all levels in terms of CVm% BF   100 , in % (3) M D  M K 6KF
K KSNX BF   100 in % (5)
were examined according to the types, M K 6KF
with the quality of yarn ranging between N D  N KSNX
BF   100 , in % (4) The relative strength value of other noz-
51 - 75% . According to these values, the N KSNX
nozzle does not have a significant effect zle types varies between 10.9 and 24.3%.
on the value of yarn irregularity. Taking expressions ID, KD and ND, cor- Uster statistics are evaluated in terms
responding to the thin places, thick plac- of levels in other types of yarns from
Yarn Faults es and neps, except for KSNX nozzle, the class participated in a quality much
Yarn faults are expressed as thin places, accordingly, relative differences were worse. Nozzle type has a significant ef-
thick places and neps. Using Table 4, calculated as follows; for thin places fect on the strength, as concluded in ear-
with yarn quality values expressed as 12 - 35%, for thick places 45 - 53% and lier studies [13, 14]. On the other hand,
thin places (-% 50, 1/km), thick places for neps in the range of 95 - 490%. nozzle type does not have a significant
(+% 50, 1/km) and neps (+% 280, 1/km), effect on elongation.
the quality percentile values of Uster As a result of this study, according to
statistics were determined and com- evaluations made using Uster statistics, Yarn hairiness
pared. The Uster quality percentile for we can state that nozzle type does not Table 4 gives the results of yarn hairi-
thick places was calculated in the range have a significant effect on thin places ness. Uster yarn hairiness test results

40 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2013, Vol. 21, No. 2(98)
Tenacity, cNxtex Elongation, %



Nozzle types

Figure 3. Yarn tenacity and elongation for different nozzle types. Figure 4. Yarn hairiness index for different nozzle types.

measured with statistics and comparing n Statistical significance analysis range between 51 - 75%. Thus the ef-
the percentage levels were determined fect of nozzle type on yarn irregularity
according to the nozzle types in terms of The results of these experimental studies was not significant.
the quality of the yarns. The minimum were evaluated by a Design-Expert 6.0.1 2. With respect to yarn faults measured
statistical software package with one-way (thin places, thick places and neps)
level of yarn hairiness was achieved by
analysis of variance (ANOVA), where and Uster yarn quality in terms of a
the K6KF nozzle with a value of 4.99,
for factor F a level of significance of
representing 63% of the yarn quality comparative evaluation of the quality
α = 0.05 was preferred. Table 5 summa-
percentile; for the K4KK nozzle the yarn categories, the KSNX nozzle gave the
rises the results of the statistical analysis.
quality percentile value is 69%, and for best result. As a result of this study, ac-
Here a P value less than 0.05 is con-
the KSNX and K8KK nozzles, the yarn cording to the evaluations made using
sidered to be the result of factors that
quality values are 75% and 76%. The Uster Statistics, it can be concluded
show no significant effect on the value.
lowest yarn quality values were achieved that nozzle type does not have a sig-
We evaluated the results based on the
by the K4KS nozzle, which was around nificant effect on thin places, whereas
F-ratio and the probability of the F-ratio
95% [17]. for thick places there is a moderate
(prob > F). The lower the probability of
the F-ratio, the stronger the contribution effect. Also the nozzle type has a sig-
H D  H K 6KF of the variation and the more significant nificant effect on neps, resulting in
BF   100 , in % (6) higher yarn hairiness, which leads to
H K 6 KF the variable.
a deteriotion of yarn irregularity and
Figure 4 shows that the best yarn hairi- nep values.
ness value was obtained by the K6KF n Conclusions 3. The best yarn tenacity and elongation
nozzle. For this reason, for the K6KF values were obtained for the K6KF
In this study, yarn evenness, yarn faults,
nozzle (HK6KF), the absolute relative dif- nozzle type. Uster statistics are evalu-
yarn strength and yarn hairiness values
ference between the hairiness values, BF ated in terms of levels in other types
were tested and yarn quality values were
in %, in the following Equation 6 was classified according to nozzle types with of yarns from the class participated in
calculated using the expressions. Here, Uster statistics. The findings of the study a quality much worse. The nozzle type
hairiness values HD refer to the other and the results are summarised in the fol- has a significant effect on the tenacity,
nozzle types. lowing items. as concluded in earlier studies. On the
1. In terms of the comparative value, other hand, the nozzle type does not
The relative difference calculated for the the KSNX nozzle obtained the best have a significant effect on elonga-
other nozzle types varies between 3.4% yarn irregularity. The absolute relative tion.
and 42.7%. The type of nozzle has a sig- difference of the other nozzle types 4. The best yarn hairiness value was ob-
nificant effect on yarn hairiness, keeping are between 3 - 4%. The Uster qual- tained for the K6KF nozzle. The type
the Uster statistics in mind. ity percentile value of the yarn types of nozzle has a significant influence
on hairiness.
Table 5. Levels in the statistical analysis of the effect on the type of yarn properties.
Within the scope of the study, it was ob-
F P Level of effect, served that the structure of the nozzle has
Yarn properties R²
value value %
Uniformity, % Um 7.43 0.0001 0.3976 39.76
a significant effect on thick places, neps,
Massvariationofcoefficient,%CVm 8.21 <0.0001 0.4217 42.18 tenacity and hairness values of the yarn
Thin places (- % 50) 2.95 0.0301 0.2077 20.77 in open-end rotor spinning. An important
Thick places (+ % 50) 5.90 0.0007 0.3440 34.40 issue from this study is that the selection
Neps (+ % 280) 17.44 <0.0001 0.6079 60.79 of the nozzle has an effect on yarn quality
Hairiness (H) 215.9 <0.0001 0.9505 95.05 and specification.
Tenacity, cN/ tex 6.39 0.0018 0.5609 56.10
Elongation, % 3.10 0.0389 0.3825 38.25

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2013, Vol. 21, No. 2(98) 41
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Pomerania - Plast 2013 Conference ‘Polymer Materials’

4-7 June, Międzyzdroje, Poland
n Institut of Polymers, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering
n West Pomerania University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland

The Scientific Committee of the Conference is represented by 45 outstanding researchers

Chairman of the Organisinc Committee
Prof. Tadeusz Spychalski Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.

Scope of the Conference

n Polymer composites and compositions
n Polymer composites and nanocomposites
n New polimer materials (thermoplastic, elastomeric, chemo-and thermoreactive)
n Coating materials and glues
n Modificatorsandauxiliaryagents
n Polymers and the environment
n Biodegradable polymers
n Polymeric biomaterials
n Polymers and resins in water systems
n Recycling of polymer materials

Invited Lectures (selected)

n Andrzej K. Błędzki‘Cellulosefibressubstitudeofglassfibresinbiocomposites’
n Danuta Ciechańska‘Biomassasasourceoffunctionalpolymericmaterials’
n Zbigniew Floriańczyk‘Polimericmaterialsonthebasisofunorganic-organicpolymers’
n Andrzej Gałęski‘Compositesandnanocompositesonthebasisofpolilactide’
n Marek Kowalczuk‘Synthesisandpropertiesofbiodegradablepoli(ester-urethanes)andtheirapplica

For more information please contact:

Katarzyna Wilpiszewska, Ph.D., Eng.

Phone: +48 91 449-41-78
e-mail: [email protected]

42 FIBRES & TEXILS in Eastern Europe 2013, oV l. 21, No. 2(98)

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