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33 PDF
*Osman Babaarslan,
Effect of Descriptive Parameters of Slub Yarn
**Deniz Vuruşkan on Strength and Elongation Properties
Çukurova University, Abstract
Vocational School of Adana, Strength and elongation have a great effect on slub yarn performance in production and
Textile Department, usage. The main aim of this study is to determine the statistically significant descriptive
01160, Beyazevler-Adana, Turkey parameters that have an effect on the breaking force and elongation of slub yarn using
E-mail: [email protected] the full factorial design method. In addition, the effects of the significant parameters on
*Çukurova University, the breaking force and elongation were investigated. Slub yarn samples were produced
Department of Textile Engineering, by using a ring spinning frame on which an original slub attachment was designed and
01130, Balcalı-Adana, Turkey mounted. After the samples were produced, dimensional measurements and image analysis
were made. Then quality tests were applied to all samples and the results analysed. As a re-
*Gaziantep University, sult, the parameters that have an effect on the breaking force of the slub yarn samples were
Department of Textile Engineering, obtained as the slub length, slub distance and base yarn count. The parameters affecting
27310, Gaziantep, Turkey the breaking elongation of the slub yarn samples were obtained as the slub multiplier, base
yarn count and twist coefficient. The relationship between the breaking force and elonga-
tion and the parameters selected have been explained by statistically significant regression
equations. It is concluded that slub pattern parameters should also be considered for slub
yarn performance.
Key words: slub yarn, breaking force, breaking elongation, full factorial design, effective
n Introduction is always more than the theoretical twist erties. Besides this, a regression model of
of slub yarn, which is mainly influenced the relationship between the slub yarn pa-
Slub fancy yarn is widely used in the tex- by the ratio of the slub length to the slub rameters selected and the breaking force
tile industry in order to produce prima- distance, and anincrease in the ratio will and elongation was found. In addition,
rily denim fabric, clothing and upholstery increase the twist in base yarn sections. the flat and slub yarns were compared to
fabric. It is known that the main descrip- Generally, the strength of the yarn is each other in terms of the breaking force
tive parameters of slub yarn (slub length, influenced more by the increased fibre and elongation. For this purpose, an
slub distance, slub multiplier, base yarn quantity in the yarn than by the decrease experimental design was formed in ac-
count, twist level etc.) have an effect on in slub twist. Therefore, the strength of cordance with the 2k full factorial design
the strength and elongation performance the slub is higher than that of the basic method. The slub yarn samples required
of the yarn [3, 9, 10]. The importance of yarn. The strength of the whole slub yarn were produced, B-force and elongation
slub yarns for the textile industry is bet- is very close to that of common yarn with tests were performed, and then the results
ter understood with every passing day. the same twist as base yarn [8]. were statistically analysed and evaluated.
In literature there have been a few stud- Consequently, the statistically significant
ies investigating the effect of the earlier effective parameters were defined and re-
The higher strength of slub yarns is re-
mentioned properties on yarn perform- gression models explain the relationship
quired in terms of both the performance
ance. Mahmood et al. [1] stated that the between the breaking force and elonga-
in weaving and the strength of fabric.
slub length, slub distance and twist cof- tion properties. Later the main effect and
Therefore, the weak points in slub yarn
ficient have a statistically significant ef- interaction plots were interpreted.
are not desired; they especially occur at
fect, whereas the slub multiplier has no
the beginning and end of the slubs, aris-
statistically significant effect on the yarn
ing from changing the draft level as a
strength. Nevertheless, it has been em- n Material and method
phasised that slub yarn samples produced function of time during all production.
These weak points can be determined us- Experimental design
using the compact ring spinning system
are stronger than those produced by the ing B-force-elongation charts plotted us- Firstly the six descriptive parameters of
conventional ring spinning system. In ad- ing tensile test results as much as possi- slub yarn that may have an effect on yarn
dition, it is stated that some parameters ble. In literature, it is recomended to use strength and elongation were selected to
of slub yarn used as the weft in woven the breaking force (B-force, cN) instead use in the experimental design as inde-
fabric have a statistically significant ef- of the relative breaking force (Tenacity, pendent variables. The dependent vari-
fect on the weft-way strength of the cN/tex) for analysing the tensile test re- ables are the breaking force and breaking
fabric [1]. Lu et al. [8] analysed the in- sults of slub yarns [2]. The reason is that elongation (Table 1, see page 34).
fluence of four dimensional parameters the two slub yarn samples, with differ-
of slub yarns (base yarn diameter, slub ent counts, have got extremely different The 2k full factorial design method was
diameter, slub distance and slub length) breaking force levels but similar relative used to screen the yarn parameters select-
on the distribution of twist using a de- tenacity levels for all experiments. ed for their effect on yarn performance
veloped model. They stated that the twist and to see whether or not a mathematical
of slub measured is always less than the The main aim of this study is to define model could be found [7]. All statistical
theoretical twist. Here, the main effective the descriptive parameters that have a analysis was performed using Design
factor is the slub multiplier. The increase significant effect on the breaking force Expert 6.0.1 software. The full factorial
in the slub multiplier decreases the twist and elongation of slub yarns and to inves- design was formed as 26 so that each fac-
in slub sections. The twist of base yarn tigate how the parameters effect the prop- tor had 2 levels and 64 different combi-
İlhan İ, Babaarslan O, Vuruşkan D. Effect of Descriptive Parameters of Slub Yarn on Strength and Elongation Properties. 33
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012; 20, 3(92): 33-38.
Table 1. Selected independent and dependent variables with level values [3]. ratory. The rear and middle draft cylin-
ders are directly driven by servo motors
Variable Qualification Symbol Variables Unit Levels (low – high)
in the modernised ring spinning frame.
- Breaking force cN -
Dependent The frame is flexible to produce different
- Breaking elongation % -
A Slub length mm 50 – 100
yarn types on the right and left sides of
B Slub distance mm 80 – 150
the machine at the same time. The pro-
C Slub multiplier - 1.75 – 2.75 duction and slub dimensional data are
Independent entered into the system by means of a PC
D Ramp time ms 60 – 120
E Base yarn count tex 19.7 – 29.5 (Personel Computer) and the motors are
F Twist coefficient (αm) - 106.0 – 130.3 controlled with the assistance of a PLC
(Programming Logic Controller).
Table 2. Quality tests applied to slub yarn samples [3].
Measurements and quality tests
Experiments Instrument name Yarn properties Standard All the measurements and quality tests
Count test Count Measurement Wheel Average count, tex TS 244 EN ISO 2060 were performed under standard atmos-
MesdanLab Twist Measurement
Twist test
Twist level, t.p.m. TS 247 EN ISO 2061 feric conditions (temperature 20 ± 2 °C,
Breaking force, cN 65 ± 2% Rh). Before the quality tests, the
Tensile test Titan Universal Strength Device TS 245 EN ISO 2062 dimensional parameters of the slub yarn
Breaking elongation, %
samples were measured i.e. lengths (slub
lengths, slub distance) and slub multipli-
ers. A schematic represantation of slub
yarn is given with dimensional param-
eters in Figure 1.
34 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 3 (92)
For measuring of the yarn count, n Results and discussion
10 skeins (100 m per cop) from 10 cops
of each sample were wrapped by a wrap- Results of dimensional measurements average count
ping reel. The skeins were weighed by The dimensional descriptive param-
a precision balance with a 1/10000 g eters of the slub yarn, such as the slub
sensitivity, and then the average counts length, slub distance and slub multiplier
(tex) of all samples were obtained. Twist were measured in order to determine the
measurements were performed by means deviations from theoretical values. In
of a conventional twist tester designed the measurements, the average devia-
to determine yarn twist by the untwist/ tion of the slub length was obtained as
retwist method. Besides this, the helix 8% (4 mm) at the lower level and 2.5%
angles in the base yarn and slub sections (2.5 mm) at the higher level of the slub Figure 2. Comparison plot of slub multi-
plier measurements.
arising from the twist were measured us- length. The average deviation of the slub
ing the SDL Microscope System with distance was obtained as 4% (3.2 mm)
Digital Camera. at the lower level and 6.1% (9.15 mm)
at the higher level of the slub distance.
For measuring the B-force and elonga- In literature, it has been mentioned that
tion, a total of 100 measurements of each a deviation in length of about 10 mm is
combination of samples (10 tests from normal for the slub length and slub dis-
10 cops) were taken and the means ob- tance [4]. Thus we concluded that there
tained. All the tensile tests were manu- is not any problem with the deviation lev-
ally performed using a Titan Universal els. Results of the measurements for slub
Strength Device. For all the tests, the jaw multipliers are given in Figure 2. From Elongation at break, %
seperation was 500 mm, the test speed the plot, it seems that there are accept-
- 500 mm/min, and the pretension was able differences between the measured Figure 3. Scatter plot of the breaking force
0.5 cN/tex. and theoretical slub multipliers. For all versus elongation for slub yarn samples.
the measurements, the highest CV% was
Statistical analysis obtained as 14.11%. Twist measurement
All the statistical analysis was performed When the base yarn count of the slub
using Design Expert 6.0.1 packet soft- Results of quality tests yarn samples and the count of the flat
ware. Firstly, ANOVA was applied to Linear density measurement yarn samples were theoretically 29.5 tex,
the theoretical twist levels were estab-
the data obtained from the tests in order To define the deviation of linear density,
lished as 608 t.p.m. for αm = 106.0 and
to define the statistically significant pa- the theoretical count of slub yarn should
755 t.p.m. for αm = 130.3. When the base
rameters affecting slub yarn properties. be calculated. Because there have not
yarn count of the slub yarn samples and
Regression models that explain the rela- been any suggestion in literature, a math- count of the flat yarn samples were theo-
tionship between the parameters and the ematical equation was developed to cal- retically 19.7 tex, the theoretical twist
breaking force and elongation properties culate the theoretical average counts of levels were found to be 755 t.p.m. for
were established, and adequacy checking the slub yarn samples. Then we calculat- αm = 106.0 and 933 t.p.m. for αm = 130.3.
was made for validation. Then the 2D ed the differences between the measured The means of the twist deviations are
main factor and interaction plots were and theoretical counts [5]. The average 7.5 t.p.m. for slub yarns and 21.2 t.p.m.
obtained. Finally all the results of the sta- count deviation was obtained as 5.9% for for flat yarns. The mean CVm of the
tistical and image analysis and plots were 64 the slub yarn samples and 0.9% for the twists are 1.74% for the slub yarn sam-
discussed and evaluated. flat yarn samples. ples and 4.7% for the flat yarn samples.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 3 (92) 35
weak points have an effect on slub yarn statistically significant at α = 0.01. How-
strength, therefore we investigated the ever, the adequacy checking of the model
existance of weak points in all the sam- indicated a need for transformation. After
ples to avoid any weak point effect on the the Natural Log transformation was ap-
results of the study. Hence we obtained a plied to the first model, the final log mod-
scatter plot of the breaking force versus el equation with actual factors was found
the breaking elongation for the slub yarn in Equation 1.
samples in Figure 3 (see page 35) [2].
a) The scatter plot indicates that there is not Ln (Breaking force) = 3.6865 +
any weak point in all the slub yarn sam- + 5.709×10-3×A - 1.032×10-3×B +
ples owing to there being no point close + 0.4137×C - 0.04677×E + (1)
Elongation at break, %
36 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 3 (92)
a) b) c)
Figure 5. Main effect plots of significant factors for the breaking force.
a) b) c)
breaking force increases with an increase factors A & B are not statistically signifi- Breaking elongation = - 1.66566 +
in the base yarn count in tex. cant for the breaking elongation of the - 0.0150×A + 0.0283×B - 0.158×C +
slub yarn samples at α = 0.05. The regres- + 0.018928.E + 0.072597.F + (2)
Figure 6.a, in which there is the interac- sion model is statistically significant at + 6.173×10-4×A×E + 2.461×10-4×B×F
tion plot of AF factors, shows that the α = 0.05, and the adequacy checking does
breaking force increases with an increase not indicate any problem.
in the slub length at both levels of the The coefficient of determination
twist coefficient. However, an increase R2prediction is obtained as 0.8937 and
The regression model equation is given
in the twist coefficient has a tendency to R2adj as 0.8804. The inconsiderable dif-
in Equation 2. Factor D was not placed
increase the breaking force at a low lev- ference between R2 and R2adj indicates
in Equation 2 because it has not got any
el of the slub length, but at a high level significant main or interaction effect. that no unnessesary terms have been in-
of the slub length the breaking force is Hence we concluded that the ramp time cluded in the model. The model explains
decreased. Figure 6.b, in which there is (D) has not got any statistically signifi- about 89% of the variability in breaking
the interaction plot of BE factors, shows elongation for all observations in this
cant effect on the breaking elongation of
that the breaking force has a tendency to study. Later adequacy checking was per-
the slub yarn samples. Factors A (slub
decrease at a high level of the base yarn formed for the regression model, reveal-
length) and B (slub distance) have not
count (tex), but at a low level of the base ing no apparent problem for the regres-
got individually significant effects on
yarn count in tex with an increase in the
the breaking elongation of slub yarn, but sion model in Equation 2.
slub distance, there is no tendency to
change. Figure 6.c, in which there is the their interaction effects are statistically
interaction plot of CF factors, shows that significant at α = 0.05. Therefore they are The effects of the main significant factors
the breaking force decreases at a high in the model to preserve the hierarchy. are examined by plotting one factor plots,
level of the twist coefficent and increas-
es at a low level of the twist coefficent Table 5. Results of the ANOVA for the breaking elongation.
with an increase in the slub multiplier.
Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean
It seems that the longer and thicker the variance squares freedom squares
F Ratio P Ratio Comment
slubs are, the more they have the tenden- Model 26.53 7 3.79 67.26 0.0001 Significant
cy to decrease the breaking force with an A 9.10-4 1 9×10-4 0.016 0.8999
increase in the twist. This finding sup- B 0×047 1 0.047 0.84 0.3635
ports the results of the study peformed C 0.40 1 0.40 7.10 0.0101
by Lu et al. [6]. Therefore it is concluded E 6.59 1 6.59 116.98 0.0001
that the irregular distribution of twist on F 18.43 1 18.43 326.96 0.0001 Significant
slub yarn causes a loss of breaking force. AE 0.37 1 0.37 6.55 0.0132
BF 0.7 1 0.7 12.37 0.0009
Breaking elongation
Residual 3.16 56 0.056
The results of ANOVA are given in Ta-
Cor Total 29.69 63
ble 5, showing that the effects of main
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 3 (92) 37
Elongation at break, %
Elongation at break, %
Elongation at break, %
a) b) c)
Figure 7. Main effect plots of significant factors for the breaking elongation.
shown in Figure 7. Figure 7.a shows are statistically significant for the break- Acknowledgments
that the breaking elongation decreases ing force of slub yarn. The significant
The authors would like to thank the Scien-
slightly with an increase in the slub mul- two-factor interactions are obtained as tific and Technological Research Council of
tiplier. Figure 7.b shows that the break- the slub length (A) - twist coefficient (F), Türkiye (TÜBİTAK, Project No.107M134) for
ing elongation increases significantly the slub distance (B)-t base yarn count supporting this project.
with an increase in the base yarn count (E) and the slub multiplier (C) - twist
in tex. Figure 7.c indicates the strong ef- coefficient (F). The relationship between
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