Kadirbilisik 2009
Kadirbilisik 2009
Kadirbilisik 2009
Textile Research Journal Vol 79(14): 1331–1343 DOI: 10.1177/0040517509104275 © The Author(s), 2009. Reprints and permissions:
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TRJ 1332 Textile Research Journal 79(14)
these requirements, the important factors are high-per- hand, when increasing the number of layers of the ballistic
formance fiber, fabric formation and layered structures [1– structure, the effect of projectile geometry becomes negligi-
6]. ble [21].
The ballistic performance of material is defined as its Traditional ballistic structures are layered without
capability to absorb energy locally and to spread out stitching. However, in some applications they are stitched
energy fast and efficiently [7–9]. For this reasons, fibers with an orthogonal stitching pattern [22] or a bias stitching
demonstrate low density and high strength properties [10, (diamond) pattern [23, 24]. It has been reported that dia-
11]. The structures from these fibers could provide better mond stitching affects the ballistic properties of the lay-
energy absorption and light weight. It can be pointed out ered fabric structures [25]. Recent studies on ballistic soft
that the energy absorption rate increases with fiber modu- structures have concentrated on biaxial two-dimensional
lus but that decreased ductility at high modulus may result (2D) [26–28] and multiaxis three-dimensional (3D) struc-
in optimum fiber stiffness for transverse critical velocity [7, tures where there is no crimp inside the structures [29, 30].
8]. For instance, for fiber-based armor, the modulus and The objective of this study is to develop ballistic struc-
elongation at rupture of the fiber are important fiber param- tures where some of them are multiaxially oriented to each
eters. They are defined as the sonic velocity in the fiber (Vs other and are connected together with orthogonal and bias
= (E/ρ)0.5, where E is the material modulus and ρ is the stitching while other structures are not stitched. The devel-
material density) and the specific energy absorption capabil- oped structures are tested to find the ballistic performance
ity (Esp= 0.5σrup εrup/ρ, where σrup is the tensile breaking for further analysis.
strength and εrup is the elongation at rupture) [7, 8].
When the ballistic fabric layer structures are impacted
upon, two waves, longitudinal (in plane) and transverse
(out of plane), are generated in a fiber [12]. The transverse
Material and Method
wave results in a pyramidal shaped deformation of the
fiber which spreads out from the point of impact, and later Ballistic structures have been designed and implemented
is more conical in shape [13]. The longitudinal strain wave by using the woven fabric. Woven fabric consists of para-
propagates at a much higher velocity along the fiber and it aramid types of fibers (Kevlar® of DuPont). Two types of
reflects to the impact points [4, 14]. fibers were used: Kevlar 29 and 129. The fiber properties
Another study has shown that it is necessary to under- are given in Table 1 with other fibers generally used in bal-
stand the mechanism of yarn pull-out and the role of yarn listic areas. As we can see in the table, the tensile modulus
pull-out friction in the fabric to enhance ballistic perform- and strength of the Kevlar 129 are higher than those of the
ance. Yarn pull-out is defined as one end of the yarn pulled Kevlar 29 by about 17% and 40% respectively.
out of the fabric structure by the motion of the penetrator.
The force required to pull the yarn from the fabric structure
Ballistic Fabrics
is the sum of the frictional forces between the yarn sets at all
the intersecting points [14–17]. Two types of fabrics were used as given in Table 2. These
Gel-spun, ultrahigh molecular weight, high perform- are Kevlar 29 (style number 713) and Kevlar 129 (style
ance polyethylene (HPPE) fabric coated with elastomer number 802). Both types of fabrics were received from Du
has been analyzed and it has been claimed that multi-hit Pont de Nemours International S.A., Switzerland. Both
fire performance of the elastomer coated fabric panel was fabrics were plain weave and warp and filling yarn counts
enhanced [18]. Ballistic fabric from para-aramid (Kevlar were about 112 tex. The densities of the warp and fillings
129®, DuPont) and unidirectional structure from HPPE were about 12 and 8 ends per centimeter respectively. Both
(Dyneema SK60®, Toyobo) were impacted upon to deter- fabric unit areas weighed 280 and 190 g/m2, respectively.
mine the failure mechanism. Two types of failure mode The number of warp and filling ends per centimeter with
were observed as a transmitted stress wave and shear fail- Kevlar 129 is given in Table 2. However, the experimental
ure. At low-impact energy, para-aramid fiber failure is by fabrics were designed so that they can have the same densi-
fibrillation, and that of HPPE is by shear [19, 20]. ties (number of ends per centimeter, 12 for K29 and 8
The effect of the projectile geometry on the ballistic struc- K129) which results in lighter Kevlar 129 woven fabric
ture upon impact was also studied experimentally. When the compared to the Kevlar 29 woven fabric. It was found that
projectile speed was increased regardless of projectile geom- the tensile properties of the Kevlar 129 woven fabric was
etry (sharp pointed, semi-spherical or blunter), out-of-plane almost equal to that of the Kevlar 29 woven fabric. Water
deformation of the ballistic projectile increased. However, repellent treatment was also applied to both fabrics.
the deformation generated from the blunter projectile was
small compared to that of the other projectile geometries,
since the blunter projectile contacted more fiber during
impact and more impact energy was absorbed. On the other
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1333 TRJ
Table 1 Properties of high modulus fibers used in ballistic structures [7, 8].
Fibre type Fibre diameter Fibre density Tensile Tensile Elongation Melting
(µ) (g/cm3) strength modulus at rupture point (ºC)
(GPa) (GPa) (%)
High performance
Polyethylene-HPPE 3.8 0.97 3.51 110 3.5 150
(Dyneema SK60®, Toyobo)
Ultrahigh strength 381. 0.97 2.59 117 3.6 147
(Spectra 900®, Honeywell)
Kevlar 29® (713) Plain 112.85 111.88 12.3 12.0 270 280 Water repellent (wrt)
Kevlar 129 (802) Plain 111.50 111.88 8.3 8.3 185 190 Water repellent (wrt)
Ballistic Structures oriented at 0° (warp) and 90°(filling) to each other. The last
one had the top of the structure as 12-layer Kevlar 29 ori-
The developed ballistic structures were divided into two ented ± 45° to the fabric axis and the bottom of the struc-
main groups: unstitched and stitched structures. Both struc- ture as 2-layer Kevlar 129. The structure density (weight per
tures had a further four substructures. The first two were unit area) was heaviest for the totally layered Kevlar 29 and
totally layered Kevlar 29 fabric and Kevlar 129 fabric ori- the lightest for the totally layered Kevlar 129. The other two
ented at 0° (warp) and 90°(filling) to each other. The third structures were somewhere between them. The developed
one was half layered Kevlar 29 and half layered Kevlar129 structures are presented in Table 3 and Figure 1(a).
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TRJ 1334 Textile Research Journal 79(14)
Table 4 Threat types and properties according to National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standards.
Threat Label Projectile dimensions(caliber) Projectile Projectile Projectile Number of Shooting
type and ammunition types mass (g) velocity (m/s) energy (J) shots distance (m)
I Ia 0.22 12.58 315 1128 1 16
Ib 0.38 round nose 10.23 255 1332 1 16
II IIa 9 mm full metal jacketed 18.03 353 1500 1 16
IIb 0.357 jacketed soft point 10.23 419 1898 1 16
III III 7.62 full metal jacketed 2411. 760 6931 1 25
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1335 TRJ
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1337 TRJ
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TRJ 1338 Textile Research Journal 79(14)
The specific energy absorption based on the structure tion. TI-d and TII-d, TI-c, and TII-c are between those
density is defined for each structure and presented Fig- structures. This also indicates that stitching does not
ure 7. Similar results are observed in which again TII-b is affect the energy absorption properties of the developed
the best and TI-b is the worst in terms of energy absorp- structures.
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1339 TRJ
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1341 TRJ
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TRJ 1342 Textile Research Journal 79(14)
The conical depth (back face signature) of the each A similar tendency was observed with regard to SEADL
structure was drawn and presented in Figure 8(a). It can be – conical depth and diameter on stitched and unstitched
observed that the stitched structures have lowest conical ballistic structures for threat type yb. However, conical
depths compared to those of the unstitched structures diameters in the stitched structures are less than those of
regardless of fiber types. Also, the highest conical depths the unstitched structures. These results are shown in Fig-
were recorded at structures having Kevlar 129 fiber com- ures 10(c) and 10(d).
pared to those of the structures having Kevlar 29 fiber.
This indicates that stitching makes the structure stiffer
compared to that of the unstitched structure and somehow SEASD – Conical Depth and Diameter
prevents large transverse deformation. On the other hand, Relation for Threat Types ya and yb in the
reducing the structure density for Kevlar 129 woven fabric Ballistic Structures
(i.e. warp and filling ends per centimeter) results in a light Specific energy absorption based on structure density is
structure but high transverse deformation. It seems that almost the same for unstitched and stitched structures for
the same energy absorption performance is received from threat type ya. This indicates that stitching does not improve
the Kevlar 29 and Kevlar 129 fabric structures but the Kev- the ballistic performance of the structure, but conical depth
lar 129 ballistic structure has less weight. When Kevlar 129 is less in all stitched structures than that of the unstitched
woven fabric structures are multiaxially stitched, they show structures. It can be concluded that stitching absorbs the
nearly the same conical depth compared to that of the Kev- same energy compared to that of the unstitched case but
lar 29 woven fabric structures, which might be of critical prevents large deformation in a direction out of the plane
importance in some defense-related areas. of the structures as seen in Figure 11(a). On the other
In the conical diameter case, there are significant conical hand, there is no obvious relation found between conical
diameter differences in the structures between low, xa and diameter and structure types for threat type ya as shown in
xb, and high, ya and yb, level threats; low level energy threats Figure 11(b).
make deformations of small diameter in the ballistic struc- In threat type yb, a similar tendency was observed with
ture whereas high level threats make deformations of large regard to SEASD – conical depth compared to threat type
diameter in the ballistic structure as seen in Figure 8(b). ya on stitched and unstitched ballistic structures. However,
The structural density against SEASD for each threat conical diameter in the stitched structure appears to be less
type is plotted and presented in Figure 9. The lightest struc- than that in the unstitched structure. These results are
ture Kevlar 129 structure is the best for specific energy shown in Figures 11(c) and 11(d).
absorption compared to that of the Kevlar 29 structure. As
seen more closely in developed unstitched structures, coni-
cal depth is also the highest in Kevlar 129 fabric structures
compared to that of the Kevlar 29. This is improved by Conclusions
multiaxially stitching, especially for the Kevlar 129 struc-
tures. However, the wearing comfort of the multiaxially Multiaxially stitched ballistic structures have been devel-
stitched Kevlar 129 structure should be tested in a real life oped. The impact properties of these structures have been
environment. compared to those of the unstitched structures. The results
have shown that there were no significant energy absorp-
tion differences between multiaxis stitched and unstitched
SEADL – Conical Depth and Diameter structures. However, multiaxis stitched structures have low
Relation for Threat Types xa and yb in the conical depth (back face signature) compared to that of the
Ballistic Structures unstitched structures.
On the other hand, although woven fabric from Kevlar
The values of SEADL on unstitched structures are higher 129 is lighter than that of woven fabric from Kevlar 29,
than those of the stitched structures because the layers in the upon impact Kevlar 129 fabric in the layered structure has
unstitched structures change freely their positions upon a high level of conical depth compared to that of Kevlar 29
impact whereas layers in the stitched structure are locked by fabric in the layered structure. This is improved by multi-
stitching yarn in their positions. This limits the movement of axis stitching of the layered structure of the Kevlar 129 fab-
the layers upon impact. However, the conical depths in the ric which brings the results to the level of the unstitched
stitched structures are less than that of the unstitched struc- layered structure of the Kevlar 29 woven fabric. This might
tures because stitching makes the structures stiffer and be of particular importance, especially for the design of a
reduces the conical depth upon impact. On the other hand, lighter soft vest.
there is no obvious relation found between conical diameter
and structure types for threat type ya. These results are
shown schematically in Figures 10(a) and 10(b).
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Multidirectional Stitched Layered Aramid Woven Fabric Structures A. K. Bilisik and Y. Turhan 1343 TRJ
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The authors would like to thank Du Pont de Nemours nism for Dissipation of Ballistic Impact Energy in Kevlar KM-
International S.A. for providing the Kevlar fabrics for this 2 Fabric, Part I: Quasi-static Characterization of Yarn Pull
research work. They also appreciate their invaluable sup- Out, Army Research Laboratory ARL-CR-537 (2004).
port to Istanbul Etiler Police Academy. The authors thank 16. Kirkwood, K. M., Kirkwood, J. E., Lee, Y. S., Egres, R. G.,
Research Assistant Miss. Gaye Yolacan for helping during Wetzel, E. D., and Wagner, N. J., Yarn Pull-out as a Mecha-
preparation of the manuscript. nism for Dissipation of Ballistic Impact Energy in Kevlar KM-
2 Fabric, Part II: Prediction of Ballistic Performance, Army
Research Laboratory ARL-CR-538 (2004).
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