York Rick Suzanne 2006 Dom - Rep.
York Rick Suzanne 2006 Dom - Rep.
York Rick Suzanne 2006 Dom - Rep.
May 4, 2006
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Suzanne and I are enjoying our furlough time in the United States,
visiting supporting churches and family while we are here. We will be
the missionaries for the summer at Rainbow Christian Camp in Con
verse, Indiana all summer, so please pray for us as we are working
As we begin to plan for the new church plant in the Punta Cana
area of the Dominican Republic, on the far eastern tip of the island, we
are analyzing what our needs will be and one of the first needs will be
for a new pickup truck. Our 1995 Chevy S-10 has been a real workhorse
and has been so handy to have for teams and for construction projects
but it now has about 200,000 Dominican miles, which means it has hit a
Jot of potholes over the years!
We are estimating that a new truck will cost between $18,000 and
$22,000 US. Importing one from the USA is not really a good option as
the import tax is so high that it makes it more expensive and more has
sle to bring in a vehicle from the USA.
Many of you have been to the Dominican and know how important
a reliable vehicle is and so we are sending out this appeal to raise the
funds we need. We have a special "Vehicle Fund" account set up with
our forwarding agent in Clinton, IL. All funds should go to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Rt. 2 Box 265
Clinton, IL 61727
Please be sure to designate your check to the "Vehicle Fund"
We're sure that there are many friends and supporters that could give
gifts of $1000 or $500 and so we are confident that the funds will be
raised. Any help you can give will be a blessing for us and for the work
in the Dominican Republic. Thanks so much!
In Christ,
Rick and S
Rick and Suzanne York, Missionaries
Dominican Update
This issue:
La Romana Church Continues to
Flourish . . . Truck Fund Almost
Complete . . . Wedding Bells in La
Romana . . . EDCM Board Meeting
in September... New Church Plant
in Punta Cana ... Final Notes
August 2006 / Volume 32, Number 1
Dear Friends in Christ,
Suzanne and I are happy to greet you once again but this time not from the Dominican Republic. We have
been in the United States since the end of March and have seen many of you and shared in your churches or will
do so before we leave for home on September 25th.
We've been in a whirlwind of activities and travel centered around our time at the Rainbow Christian Camp
in Converse, IN, where we were the missionaries in residence for the summer camp season. We really enjoyed the
10 weeks of camp, often having three camps running simultaneously. The staff at the camp helped create a typical
Dominican store where the campers came and experienced a little bit of the culture and food from the island. On
the weekends we were free to visit our supporting churches so we have been on the go!
La Romana Church
Continues to Flourish!!!
We have been so pleased with all of the reports
we have received from the church in La Romana
in our absence. When we left in March we had
just completed a six-month transition process
where we had completely turned over all of our
responsibilities to the
the results
have really
us. They recently
a revival with Benito I
Martinez being the 'I
Evangelist and there
were three baptisms. '
We just received -
another e-mail this I ^ K
moming(August 15) K\
from Victor Jimenez, ^^ ^
the preacher, that they j
are preparing some
more folks for baptism!
We're so thankful that
the Lord has continued to guide them. When we
return in September we will not step back into our old
leadership roles, but will continue to advise and help
when asked. We will begin our concentration on the
new church plant in Punta Cana.
Leadership Team in La Romana!
Truck Fund
Almost Complete!
Many thanks for all of you who have
responded so generously to our appeal a
couple of months ago for help in purchasing
a new pick-up for the work in the eastern
Dominican Republic. The response from
individuals and the churches has just been
tremendous and we should be able to purchase
a new truck when we go back. Several have
asked about purchasing a truck here in the
United States and shipping it down. That is
sometimes done, but the import taxes and the
uncertainty of shipping and actually being
able to get the truck out of customs really
make buying one there much easier and much
less of a hassle. If you have not been able to
contribute but would like to, please send any
funds to;
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Rt. 2 Box 266
Clinton, IL 61727
Please make sure to mark your check
"Truck Fund" so that it will be applied to the
right account.
EDCM Board Meeting
in September
We'll be meeting with the Eastern Dominican Christian
Mission board on September 14-16 in Clinton, IL. We'll be
discussing the past year's activities and achievements and
plan especially for the new church plant in Punta Cana. Our
board members are:
Rick and Suzanne York
Joni Colle, Westside Christian Church, Springfield, IL
Larry Travis, Plum Creek Christian Church, Butler, KY
Randy Gordon, Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Neil Webster, Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Jeff Lane, Crossroads Christian Church, Danville, IL
Ken Rutledge, Little Galilee Christian Assembly, Clinton, IL
Scott Muhlhauser, Parkside Christian Church, Cincinnati, OH
Becky Dobbins, First Christian Church, Tarpon Springs, FL
Board Members in La Romana in 2005
Wedding Bells in La Romana!!
iru 1 \
Emily and Ryan Hughes at their Reception in Spokane!
Suzanne and I were the proud parents of the bride
as our older daughter, Emily, was married to Ryan
Hughes, in a lovely ceremony at a small hotel outside
of La Romana. As you can see, they make a lovely
couple. They are living and working in Medford,
Oregon, and getting settled in. Ryan is from Spokane,
WA, and his parents, Lanny and Susan Hughes and his
brother. Lance, were able to be there for the wedding.
They arranged a wedding reception in Spokane on
April 1, so Suzanne and I were able to fly out for that
and had a great time meeting the rest of their family
and friends. When we were flying back we volunteered
to be "bumped" and received enough compensation
to be able to fly back out to see Emily and Ryan at
the end of August, Lord willing. Our other daughter,
Laurie, was the bridesmaid for her sister so we had a
great time being together with everyone.
New Church Plant in Punta Canal!
The Punta Cana area on the far eastern tip of
the Dominican Republic is the fastest growing
part of the country. The tourism industry has just
exploded since the first hotel was built there in 1979,
and today there are over 30,000 hotel rooms in the
area. Dominicans are moving there because of the
employment opportunities that exist, and there are very
few churches of any denomination in the area. We're
excited about the prospect of getting a new church
started in this booming area and ask for your prayers
for some key decisions that need to be made in the
next few months:
Please pray that God would lead us to the
right Dominican couple that will be willing
to move there and dedicate a number of years
ministering in this new church.
We also request your prayer as we look at
possible property acquisition for this new
work. Land is very expensive there and we
are praying for funds to be available to help
purchase a suitable and centrally located piece
of propeity that will allow the church to really
impact the community.
Please begin to pray for the contacts we'll
make in the area and the Bible studies that will
result. Pray that the Lord will lead us to the
right people at the right time.
Pray for creative outreach ideas to be
implemented-we're always searching for new
ideas to reach people for the Lord and to help
the church grow.
We're also looking for churches that would
like to partner with this project. Perhaps your
church is looking to help plant a new church in
an overseas environment-we'd love to provide
your church with additional information if they
are interested.
New housing development in Punta Cana
F i n a l N o t e s
T h a n k s t o a l l t h e m a n y f r i e n d s f o r y o u r g r e a t h o s p i t a l i t y d u r i n g o u r v i s i t t o y o u r a r e a . W e h a v e g a i n e d n e w
f r i e n d s a n d n e w w e i g h t - w e ' r e t r y i n g t o l o s e t h e w e i g h t , b u t n o t t h e f r i e n d s ! I
P r a y f o r o u r r e t u r n h o m e o n S e p t e m b e r 2 5 f r o m F l o r i d a - w e ' r e r e a l l y e a g e r t o g e t h o m e a n d w o r k i n g o n t h e
n e w c h u r c h p l a n t .
T h a n k s f o r y o u r c o n t i n u e d s u p p o r t a n d g e n e r o u s h e l p w i t h o u r s p e c i a l p r o j e c t s .
T h a n k s t o t h e L o r d f o r o u r s a f e t r a v e l t h u s f a r a n d t r u s t t h a t H e w i l l b e w i t h u s o n t h e r o a d a n d i n t h e a i r !
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Christopher powell, 03:00 PM 1/27/2005 -0600, RE: HORIZONS Page 1 of 1
Georgia Sharpe
From: Rick York [[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:40 PM
To: Earl Beaty
Subject: Back to the Dominican Republic
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Fort Lauderdaie! Suzanne and I are flying out tomorrow
morning to Puna Cana and are we ever glad to be heading home. We have had a
great time on our furiough and seen iots of friends and supporting churches, did
the summer camp at Rainbow Christian Camp in Indiana and saw a lot of family
members. We've been from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Florida to New York
and many places in between. We've been very well received by our supporting
churches and feel that the Lord will continue to use those churches to support
the works in the eastern Dominican Republic. We had our board meeting last
week and 9 of the 10 members were able to come-some from as far away as
Florida. We really enjoyed the two days of meetings and the plans that have
been laid for the new work in Punta Cana. We were able to develop a time line
for the next two years for this new project and that should help us organize our
time as effectively as possible for the new work In Punta Cana and what still
remains to be done in La Romania.
We're tired and have had a few too many good meals around the country
so it will be diet time when we get back home. We will be reconnecting our
phone and so we're not sure how long that will take but our cell phone number
should remain the same. We'll contact you with new information just as soon as
possible. Please continue to pray for us and for our coworkers there in the
Dominican Republic. Thanks to all of you who housed us and fed us along the
In Christ,
Rick and Suzaif^York
Christopher powell, 03:00 PM1/27/2005 -0600, RE: HORIZONS Page 1of 2
Georgia Sharpe
From: Rick York [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 5:29 PM
To: Earl Beaty; Ed Nichols; Ed Smith; Eddy Garrido; [email protected]; Esther Witsman;
Etienne Prophete; Fred Dobbins; Gary Reynolds; Gary Thompson; [email protected]; Gaylord
Crum; Gene and Dixie Kirkpatrick; George Rogers; [email protected]
Subject: RE: Back Home!
Rick and Suzani
From: RickYork [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 6:26 PM
To: Carl and Pat Rhodes ([email protected])
Subject: Back Home!
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings onceagainfrom La Romana- Suzanne and I arrived back homeon September 25 and
what a joy it is to be home again. We are especiallyenjoying being able to sleep in the same bed for
more than a few days at a time. Victor and Yudermy Jimenez(the pastor in La Romana) and one of the
new church members picked us up in Punta Cana and then the leadership team surprised us with a
"welcome home" visit complete with flowers at the apartment. We're really proud of how well the
church has done in our absence and that just reinforces more for us the calling to this new plant in Punta
Cana. We'll still be available for advice and help as needed but we'll not need to spend so much time in
the details of the ministry here now.
As many of you know, we were able to raise funds to purchase a newtruck and we were able to find one
yesterday, a 2006 Mitshubishi, in Santo Domingo. It was a good deal and should be a good work vehicle
for many years, Lord willing. We should be able to pick it up tomorrow, Lord willing. Thanks for your
prayers and help with this special project.
Upcoming events include an "Extreme Makeover" of one of the church members homes here in town-
Amable Rodriguez is a single dad with three daughters and really needs a new home- Northeast
Christian Church from Louisville is goingto makethat possible in one week- we hopeWe're getting
the footing and floor ready for the team so that when they get here on Nov. 4 they can hit the groung
running and get the house up.
We're also starting our next session of college level leadership training on Oct. 21 with a class on Old
Testament Prophecy-should be interesting.
Christopher powell, 03:00 PM 1/27/2005 -0600, RE: HORIZONS Page 2 of2
We'rewell and adjusting tothe heat here- we've sweated more in 10days than wedid all summer inthe
USA! Our apartment was in great shape andwe're really thankful for that!
Take careandwrite when youcan. Ourphone numbers and e-mail and mailing address remain the same.
Rick and Suzanne
Rick and Suzanne York