Lowe Carol Barbara 1971 Brazil PDF

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Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lowe; C.P. 403; Goidnia, GO; Brazil

Restoration Magazine Published

Issue Number 1 of RESTAURA^AO, a bimonthly magazine produced by your ministers to Brazil for our churches, is now in the hands of the people. We are awaiting the "feedback" with great interest. Material is now ready for type to be set on Number
2. We have announced that after four issues we will re-evaluate

the project and decide whether or not to continue publishing the magazine. This decision will depend largely on the acceptance shown by the people in our churches. The periodical is circulated by the Association for Christian Literature (APLIC) as a "public We would like to mention that this project is being financed initially by contributions to the "Earl Hanson Fife Memorial Fund" by friends of the Fife family. Many have sought to honor the father of our co-worker, Tom Fife, through this memorial.

"He being dead yet speaketh" in a language he never learned !


Where we work!

Christian Literature Advances

Distribution during the first four months of this year is over

7 times larger than during the same period last year. In fact, we have already sold and distributed more literature this year than in all of 1970. Our new periodical is printed and in the mails; we

are anxiously awaiting news of its acceptance. We have already

received a number of favorable comments from local people. All

of this is possible because of your stewardship and partnership with

us. May it be to the praise of Jesus' name.

I said that all of this was made possible by your stewardship this is true with the following qualifications (I have recently been asked to share with you in more detail about our financial

operations) : First of all, we are a team effort. Tom Fife is editor

of our materials. He prepares the materials that we are to print and distribute. I see that they are printed, paid for, and distrib uted. I could not do my job without a staff of excellent workers.

We receive money from sales ($1,100 Jan.-April, this year), from dues (about S400 a year), from our print shop ($1,500 Jan.-April, this year), house rent (SlOO a month), and our underwriting through field funds as reported in this monthly report. We are no

longer receiving funds from our missionary members that help us in

our work. All stateside contributions to the Association for

Christian Literature, other than those made through us (APLIC-

Lowe Fund), go to pay off our $4,000 debt to Ed Knowles. For all practical purposes, you and I are carrying the financial load for producing Christian Literature through our stewardship of monies
and abilities.

We are now printing the third edition of a correspondence course entitled EU, DEUS E A VIDA ("Me, God, and my Life")

written by Harry Scates. The demand for this material is indicated by the fact that we have had to reprint it twice already.
ESTUDO DE BOAS NOTlCIAS ("Study of the Good News" which is a study of the Gospel of Mark using a simplified transla
tion like "Good News for Modem Man") by Lynn Cleaveland, and ESTUDOS EM CRISTIANISMO DINAMICO ("Studies in Dynamic

Christianity" ) by the Navigators, are two more Bible study courses which are in great demand. Before going on furlough, I plan a visit with Tom Fife to Navigator headquarters here in Brazil to arrange to publish more of their materials.
One of the teachers at the Vila Fama Sunday School is

writing a series of lessons to be used with our coloring book, CRIANgAS DA BlBLIA ("Children of the Bible"). Olga is a second-year Law School student and is a niece of the mayor of
Goiania. As a labor of love, she has for years taught the pre schoolers at the Vila Fama church, which is in a very poor

neighborhood. Thus, thanks be to God, we are able to publish an original work written by a qualified Brazilian in the Portuguese language. One of our major goals, that of getting away from dependence on translations from English, comes closer. (We will never abandon completely translating from English, any more than Americans have abandoned translating significant works
from German ).

APLIC material is being used all over Brazil, Portugal, and Angola (Africa) to win souls to Christ and to nurture them in the Faith. Pray with us for His continued guidance! Our work is really beginning to grow. Great things are happening. We thank God for you who are jmaking it possible. We are looking forward with great expectations to being with you soon to share with you first hand about our work together. God bless our work together to the glory of His Son.

Furlough Plans
By the time you receive this newsletter, the Lord willing, we will be in the U.S., ready to come and make our personal report of our progress together in publishing the GOOD NEWS. We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your prayers and faithful support. You have made it possible for us to use our specialized talents to the glory of Christ in Brazil. After careful study, we have decided that it would be best for us and our work if we limit our furlough to 4 months. This will enable us to visit all our supporters who give $20 a month or more; visit our families; take 9 weeks of special training in advanced printing technology at Colorado Springs, Colorado; and honor one or two special speaking engagements. We are planning
our furlough in view of the best possible stewardship of our talents and timetrusting that our supporters too will wish to make it possible for us to return to our work in Brazil with Godspeed and the necessary funds to use our time and talents fully for the gjory of Christ.

Lincoln Christian Church

204 North McLean



Lincoln, Illinois 62656



Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duel

APLICLowe Fund
Box 404

Lincoln, Illinois 62656

Mr. & Mrs. Carol Louis Lowe
Caixa Postal 403

Goiania, Goi^s Brazil, S.A. LIBRARIA?^


(Address Correction Requested)

June, 1971

SK/v 50



(Affiliated with APLIC-Association for Christian Literature)

November 11, 1971

Dear Partners in Christ,

Yes, we're still here. Our planned four-month furlough has come and gone; but due to lack of monthly support we have decided in council with the missions committee of Lincoln Christian Church to postpone our return until we have the minimum support necessary for a strategic work {about $400 a month more).

We want to return to Brazil as quickly as possible. Our work is at a critical point In its develop ment. We need to be there to guide its progress these next few months. There are a number of legal matters that need to be ironed out which have come about due to recent changes In Brazilian law and increased activity on our part. Gains made this past year could easily be lost-the need
forus is critical.

During our absence the work of APLIC has continued to grow. For the past 4 months the work has been entirely self-supportingwe have been unable to send any support funds to the field. Due largely to the growth of our commercial work, the shop produced more Christian literature these past 4 months than the 4 months previous with support. This is stewardship in action.
We are happy with the progress being made; but feel that to be good stewards of our talents and our time we need more capital to apply directly into Christian literature. The printing part of our ministry is now self-supporting (indeed, it helps support our literature workpraise God). Since our salary and basic overhead is already subscribed, we need funds that will 100% be used to
produce Christian literature in Brazil.

We want you to pray as you have never prayed before for us and our work together for Jesus Christ. If we are to be strategic for Christ, we must have more regular support.
Fifty people giving $10 a month or 100 giving $5 would make It possible for us to return imme diately to "publish Glad Tidings." The need for our immediate return is critical.

Will you make a commitment now to provide the tools for "Brazilian" evangelism? 100% of your
personal commitment will go to produce Christian literature in Brazil.
Your co-laborers,

Carol Louis and Barbara Dilley Lowe

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