Noel Mike Joann 1982 Korea

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Greensburg Church of Christ

RD box 10b
(ireensburg, FA 15^01
Id, ^
Servants Report
tuace l'(i'(10)
Non-profit OrganizatioT
January 19^2
Hello again everyone! We thought it was time to bring you up-to-date on our progress,
So here goes. , .
We won't be able to leave in January as we first thought. Since we got off to a rather
slow start on our support i-'alsingj we have decided to continue lining up speaking engagements.
We have been asked to De one of the missionary speakers during the bastem fiorth Carolina area
Missions' Rmphasis Week in kebruaiy. We're especially excited about tJds opportunity not
only because of the support we hope to raise, but because it will give us a chance to say good
bye to jigr faiid-ly and friends, have also Just sent out over 60 letters to churches in the
nearby Fennsylvarq.a and West Virginia areas asking if we could oome give our prassntation to
their congregatior.s. We hope to oe hearing from them soon.
As far as support goes, we have qui.t 5 way left to go yet. We're about half way to the
$10,0CK^ but only about a quarter of the way to the ^1,000 a month commi.ttinents-. WS XrlSSii
CUMKi-iiKkNr5 bhruHb wn CAw nBAVJ:;! SoiTietiiae we get ijB5Jat5.ent to leave and then uod reminds us
that Un his perfect timing) rta vi.ll provide all cur needs. He continuea to prepare us vtixJ-e
we wait on iitm. We are learning jnany valuable lessons in patience, trust, faith, obedience,
thankfui.ne3s, service, etc.--thiiiys we all need to grow stronger in' to more effectlv^ly-
-Ha-la- ge good "^d .worthy of our praise.' ~
1 have completed my hdi'i'-l i-rainiing and have been certified. 1 still run with v Ico&l
aflibulance service and continue to gain valuable ejqperience that I'll use on the Mobil Medical
unit. The people there at the station have been a great Dig he.ii) in not only giving me useful
medical advice, but equipment as well, 1 nave also attended a Home I^ursing Course and hope to
be able to receive certification soon.
.-<? i. frj.end o3. ours has been very h^ipfirl in us ^sith factual information
of her country. Inrough her, we have met another Korean who is interested in teaching us some
of tne language. And we have learned of a Korean Church in Fittaburg. We've visited it once
and were warmly weioomea b^* the people. We were also treated to a Korean meal after the service.
And it was very .good! 1 even used chopsticks!
As soon as we can get our pictures taken, we can apply for our visas,
we'll feel like we're almost tnerei
Unce we get these.
Wa also have good news about our forwarding agent Vicki LaValle. She's engaged to De
aifirried in June of this year; Her fianc. Correy Sheffler will shai-e the respoBibility of being
our forwarding agent, 'i'hey are both members at our home ch-urch< Wee come to toow and .,
love them well, e feel Uod has blessed us with a very capable and dependable Christian
couple to handle our business. Until we l0ae.p support can be sent directO^ to us at- our
home address8 RD #2 bos; ii23, Latrobe, rA l5tS0. After thai., |1X money should be
Vickies address: 521 Oakland Ave,s, Oreensburg# tk 15b01until fu^ner notice. Checks
can be made out to us with ^missions" in the memo. If the check is to be used for tasc pur
poses> then the check should be made out to Christ's Korean Mission, Inc, with ''the hoels
written in the memo.
That about does it. We hope to keep you informed by way of newsletter at least once
every three months,
rlease pray for the Kims and the otherjnieaionaj:^ recruit Kerri Augsburger, All are
ha3Pd at work in Korea now,
Ihank you for ail your support and concern, God bless you richly as you serve Him,
d koiHA^ AocrH
a&jjKO se/i
Bdsi' 5e-
Lie. (TO-( 0
r>T*<^ens'burg Cburch of Christ
K //8, Box la-B
f^ensburgj PaH,5601
/ 3o S"
Kr\i^iML 3'T^o;
Non-Frofit Organization
Kay, 1982
"Dear Friends,
bo much has happened since the last newsletter was sent out in January!
Let s back up to the first of the year - the Mission*s Emphasis l/eek vras such
a success, VJe vzere so glad to be able to share the work the Kims are trying to
do with the congregations down south. A t650.00 offering was given to us and
some monthly commitments were made. One couple v/as even interested in adopting
a Korean baby. That wa,s one of the highlights of our trip for me! Another one
was that we were able to meet other missionaries who vrere participating in
the activities of that week, and get to know them better. One man was a veteran
missionary to Thailand and he vras able to give us much helpful advice. Another
couple were missionary recruits like us, V/e really appreciated the opportunity
bo share each others burden concerning the problems V7e face in raising support.
Please pray f or them, Their names are the V/addells. They iione- to go bo llruguay.,.
.^outTTAmerica with T.E.E.K. ministries in August,
^ One of the things we learned from being involved in the Mission's Emphasis
V;eek was that both missionary and minister alike agree that letters are not a
good means of contacting churches for speaking engagements. Since vfe have not
had much success contacting churches in this way, we've begun using the next
best method,. .calling by phone! VJe've already heard from several churches. One
has asked^us if we v/ould be the missionary speaker for their Vacation Bible
School. .Some of you may vronder vihat a speaking engagement involves. Well, vie
have a slide presentation from Korea and display material including objects
from Korea. \ie like to use these to share with others what we will be doing
in Korea,
Many of you have asked 'where we stand on our support now. As of k/lS/82
we have:
b10,000 initial o-oal l 1,000 monthly support
-7*890 have ~ !|20 have
' 2,110 needed s 580 needed
A'e hope to have the money to leave soon. We are anxious to ^.o to help the Kims,
Other needs at this time include the following:
-medical books
-medical supplies for the mobile medical unit (if anyone is interested In
contributing, please contact us for a list of supplies)
-pictures that can be used to teach good hygiene.
_ We began taking Korean lessons before 'we left for North Carolina. Our
teacher is very kind and patient. Now that we've been introduced to the Korean
language, we feel more confident about studying the language more intensely.
We plan to hire a tutor once v/e're in Korea,
Since we've been back from North Carolina, we've accomplished much! Just
a few weeks ago v/e received our visas in the mail, I finished a Home Nursing
Course and was certified. I've already been able to use some of the things I
learned, Mike has had the opportunity to preach and teach a couple of times
in area churches, harch 7th sav/ us celebrating our first wedding anniversary.
V/e were thankful that vje were able to spend it here in Pennsylvania. God richly
blessed this past year. It was a period of much ^^nov/th and change for both of
us. '
A lot of people have been asking us why we chose to go to Korea. It took
us both a long time to reach the point where we Could pray,,."your v/ill be done"
and really mean it. It wasn't long after that Crod began leading us to Korea
through a series of circumstances, acquaintances, etc. ^ven so, it's still
hard for some people to understand why vie going to Korea. Sometimes we even
have to remind ourselves why vre're going. Often, it's easy to get caught up in
the excitement of going to a foreign country and to lose sight of our purpose.
There are many people v/ho still haven't heard the Good Mevfs I By helping the Kims
with their many outreaches into the area, surrounding Taejon, we can share God's
love not only by ministering to physical needs but spiritual as well.
A fevr have also commented on the name of our nev/sletter ~ Servant's Report,
Luke 17: 7-10 says "But vfnich of you having a slave plowing or tending sheep
vjill say to^him when he has come in from the field, come immediately and sit
down to eat? But v;ill he not say to him. Prepare something for me to eat,
and properly clothe yourself and serve me until I have eaten and drunk; and after-
v/ard you will eat and drink? He does not thank the slave because he did the
things which v/ere commanded, does he? So you too, v/hen you do all the things
which are commanded you say, /e are univorthy slaves; we have done only that which
we ought to have done," If only vie wou.ld realize that everything vie do as
expected of us. There is no one thing we can do that deserves
man s praise. If Jesus truly is our Lord and Master, then we gladly do anything
he asks of us. And He asks us to serve one another. We knew he is a good master
anu doesn't require what isn't within our power to do, V/e should always seek
to do those things that are pleasing to God, And let His word be the final
au-chority in our life and not our feelings. A lot of times vie simply don't feel
j.ike doing something though. But if we do vfnat we know vie should, even though
vie don't feel like it - afterwards we v:ill feel good. Let me use an example:
Knowledge of the authority of God's vjord is like the engine of a train
that leads us, ('-/e know v;e should do so vie take a step in faith to get it
done.; Pollov/ing that step in faith cones the strength and pov/er the Holy Spirit
(like a coal car-gives fuel to the engine to make it run)
_nao gooa leeling comes afterwards just like the caboose. Our feelings cannot
^e our motivating factor anymore than a caboose can lead a train. V/e should
strive to let God's word govern our lives and not our feelings.
As of June 12, 1982 our forwarding agent -will have a new name and address!
Please send your inquiries and commitments to:
Vicki L. Sheffler
512 Mace Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
v/e are so thankful for the encouragement we find in God's vrord and also
for your prayers and support, V/e love you!

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