Petty Steve Joni 1987 France

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r-'ellow Workers,
.Gcd's Fellow


Mike Duinrr.


Steve Pe

.10028 Peeble

#Cincinnati, OH. ^52^7


As you may notice from the above notice, our address has changed, also we
now have new forwarding agents. Tim & Janet Miller will be going to the
Ivory Coast, Africa to begin work, so Mike & Bea Dummitt will be taking
over. Mike & Bea are my (Steve's) aunt and uncle. They have two sons, David
and Danny and are both involved in. teaching in the Sunday School Youth De

partment of the White Oak Christian Church where they are members. Mike
has a State Farm insurance agency in Cincinnati.

We've racked up over 20,000 miles since June '86 traveling to eight Bible

colleges from Atlanta, Kentucky, and as far West as Joplin, MO. We also

have visited our 26 supporting churches as well as presented our program

for support to 13 nev; congregations of which 4 have chosen to support us

on a monthly basis. Inspite of the number of churches we have supporting

us, we are still short about $500-

month to meet our $2500. per month

goal. Pray for the remaining 9 churches as they decide on their mission
budgets. Hopefully we can make up the $500. difference. With this in mind,
we ask you to remember that one fourth of our present support is from indi
viduals so you could help by making a monthly committment.

Recruiting for co-workers also has really been prosperous. We have 1? pos
sible interns. I say "possible" because 17 persons have completed applica
tions but now must raise their support; we hope all 17 make it and ask for
your prayers on their behalf. As we mentioned in the last update, Mike &
Brenda Hanson of Christ's Church in France mission will also be joining us

on a full-time basis in addition to the interns. Also John Schirle of Afri

be coming as a coach for

can Christian Mission will

Phere is a list of

The internship program

the summer months only,

begins in June '87 and
this years interns:
man, Dallas Chrt.


SMONTHS: Stan Car-

College; Tim Cole,

College; Lisa Clark,
C.B.G.; Kelly Eexroat,
Dan Small, U, of Al. ;

Cincinnati Bible

C.B.C.; Ken Greene,

Miliigan College;
Paul VanPool, D.C.C,;
Blackmore, St. Louis
Sandra Frazier, Ky.
Vincent, C.B.C.; MarRosem.ary Ruley, Ozark

Christian College;
Christian College; Scott
ilyn Payne, Norton, OH,;

1 YEAR: Chris Hankins,

V j) Springfield, II.;

6M0NTHS: John & Laura

Christian College;

^ Bible College;

Karen Richardson, Roanoke

Dennis 8c Susie Wood,

Greenwich, OH.

know? Can you tell??????

Who's Who?? Do you

Above are two faces from the past or present.

The first to write-in to the

new address will receive an original French 10 franc piece. The possibilities

A) Steve & Joni

E) Joni & Joni

B) Joni & Ze-c

C) Steve & Zac ^D) Steve & Steve

The answer will follow in the next update letter..-^^

God* Fellow Workers, Inc.

Steve Petty/Mike Dummitt


10028 Feeble Creek

CincinsTatl, Ohio 45247


This is our first and hopefully last and only EMERGENCY LETTER
that we will ever have to write.

Since Joni & I came to

Poitiers, back in April, we have continued to look for a meeting

//^place for the church. We have run into such excuses as doors
being too small for public reunions to not wanting to fool with

^ religious cult. The things we were able to rent have been

too small or too expensive, but this will all work out in the
Lord's own time.

The EMERGENCY is this; we have 12 interns this

summer and they are sharing studio apartments. Each one had to

pay a deposit and monthly rent in advance, so I had done this

from mission funds before their arrival and they re-imbursed the

mission upon arrival in Poitiers. Before I had a chance to put

the money in the bank, it was stolen from my briefcase which was
in our car and in broad-daylight.

The sum was 3350 dollars.

We pray that you will aid us in this EMERGENCY.

Your help would be appreciated tremendously and we need to make
the August rent payments before the 5th of August.


action will save us much discomfort.

The NEED - 3350dollars, Note your check with "disaster gift"

Make checks payable to God's Fellow Workers, Inc.


God's Fellow Workers , Inc.

Eleven interns, count 'em, eleven; Tim &

Lisa cole, Stan Carmen, Ken Greene,Mari

lyn Payne, Sandra Frazier, Kelly Rexroat,
Dan Small, Scott Vincent, John and Laura
Blackmore, plus John Schirle, a helping
coach that we borrowed from African Chr.
Mission because of his french skills; all
arrived on June 20th in Poitiers. At that

On August 13th most of the interns re

turned to the States and now there are

just Joni, Zacharie, myself, the Blackmores, Scott Vincent(who leave in January)
and Marilyn Payne (who leaves in October).
We also await the arrival of the Hansons,

time, we had not found a building for our

hopefully they'll be here before you re

ceive this in Sept., Karen Richardson,
end of Sept., and the Woods in October
(Hansons-full-time, Karen and Woods -

church meeting place and the search goes

one year). They will be involved in

on but we think we have something for the

first of September(more news on that next

So for June, July and August we

were able to rent some rooms in a build

ing owned by one of the members of the

Baptist church here in Poitiers. This

the French program at the University

with the other interns and we will all
be working to establish some roots here
in Poitiers for the Lord's church.

well served our summer intern program.

Many contacts have been made which we

hope will help fill our own building when

that time comes.


On July 31st, Aug. 1st and Aug. I4th we


presented contemporary Christian concerts

with the music of Amy Grant, Petra, Dallas

Holm, and White Heart, all translated into
French of course. The program was entitl
ed "Le Rock du Roc" which says "The Rock
of the Rock".

To publicize the concerts

we received permission to sing on the

pedestrian streets where we did a few num


The mornings were dedicated to French

learning for the interns. This was a
frustrating and challenging time for
them but alot of progress was made by
each one and we hope that a part of the
challenge will bring them back to France*

bers while passing out invitations to the

concerts. We had 10 people for the first
and 23 people for the second. We presented
2 of them in activity centers in Poitiers.

That seems like so few people but several

have become close contacts who are now
participating in other activities we have
going. The concert even made the paper
but they called us "Catholic Rockers"
instead of "Christian Rockers".

The lessons were taught by Amina, Noro, &

Charlotte, Christian

gals from the non-

inst. church of Christ in Lille, where

Joni k I were before coming to Poitiers.

Other teachers were, John Schirle, men

tioned above, Jamie Boyer, an american

On the other side of the coin in the

student at the American Institute in

late afternoons, the interns taught

Nantes, France, where she was immersed

English using the Simple English Bible.

As mrny as 18 French people have been

earlier this year while attending the

non-inst. church there, and Xaivier &

Jean Michel, who are both members of

the Baptist Church here in Poitiers.

involved in this program and we will

be continuing them as a part of our

tr-l-jALSe, fill i:: the 5La:^k


Many of you may have received an emer

21000 correspondance cards were distri

buted in the mail boxes of Poitiers and

gency letter telling how the

we have presently received 43 responses.

The course is composed of 2 questionnaires
One on Luke, the other on Acts. Upon com

stolen from our van in broad daylight.

pletion of the two we deliver a Bible per

sonally and hopefully that personal con
tact will lead to further study together.
We will continue the distribution until
the city has been covered.


housing money and deposits had been

Apparently with so many people, a door

was left unlocked since there was no

apparent break-in damage. The exact

amount stolen was 3284.07 dollars and

our supporters came through v/ith fly

ing colors to replace that amount, in
fact,we have received at this point,
(end of Aug.), 3697.19, which is more
than was needed. The extra will go to

HOMERUN?? homerunI
Every Tuesday evening is Softball, which
is a sport not normally played in France.

fixing up the church building and buy

We have as many as 15 french folk coming

that helped in this matter and pray""

to play.

that God blesses you for your giving.

We had a reporter come to take

ing seats. We want to thank everyon^

some photos and I even had an interview

with him but the article never made the

paper; yet anyway, I'm also playing on

a baseball team which was just started

this year and we play on a field which

For the Father in France,:*;

Steve, Joni, & Zacharie PETTY

20 rue de Salvert

was made by the U.S. military when they

were^ still in France. Both the Softball
- and -baseball are working as contact min



Our NWaiAttSi


Please make all checks payable to:

had a few checks returned from banks

that had been written to Steve Petty


because I didn't sign them. Since I

am not there to sign, Mike stamps the

checks with our GFW stamp for deposit,
so if you want your check to be a per
sonal gift for Joni S I,simply place
a note in the envelope saying so but
make your check out to God's Fellow


God's Fellow Workers, Inc.

Mike Dummitt/Steve Petty
10028 Peeble Creek

Cincinnati, OHIO


??? Workers, Inc.

Who's who? Steve(left) Zacharie(right)

and CONGRATULATIONS to Pam Covert of
Portsmouth, Ohio. She was the first to

write in with the correct response.

Hi everyone I I just wanted to put my
two cents in and tell you how I'm get
ting along here in Poitiers.

Next week

I 11 be 9 months old and mommy and daddy

are making a big deal about it.

I know

how to crawl and I do it alot since every

one claps for me.

I'm getting braver

in the afternoon.

Mom seems happier now

that she can rest more.

I love the new

house that mommy and daddy have found and

you ought to see my room - I picked out the
paper and paint my self, you know!

Mom says that I'm developing a real person

ality -whatever that is. I do love to play
but not with those old store bought toys. I
prefer things like books, keys, paper towels,
and that kind of fun stuff.

Mom has found

my tickle spots so I do alot of laughing.

about standing on my own and sometimes

All in all life is great in Poitiers. My

grandma and grandpa will be coming soon,

Oct. 5 so I'm counting the days on my cal-

hold on with one hand.

I want to

tsJte tha"t first step but it seems so risky.

What if I fall?! Mommy has put me on a
rigid schedule and I didn't like it at


first but now I'm getting used to

it and it's really not that bad.

I usu

ally nap one hour in the morning and 2


We arrived in Poitiers back in April and

began searching for a house to buy and
found a couple good deals but after
counting the cost we decided that we

didn't have the money that it would take

to buy so we'll continue to rent, per

haps that's the Lord's will for the

moment. We've found a nice place with

a yard for Zacharie and even a garden
spot for cheaper than our apartment now.

It is exactly what we were looking for,

a yard for Zac and we even have a garage.
The house is actually two separate apts.
and there is a strong possibility that
the Hansons will be able to take the up
stairs in December.
new address!!!

Be sure to check the

endar - only 37 morel!!

OUR father ii^ HEAVFM

next update letter-

their French program

they are

^nd also those

closest contact!


Plaoe. 3) Our

use about 300 dollars'more"n

Elizabeth, Sandra Nataur^th'^

E-lgette, Laurent, Janine:'an'S^Erle?''''

reach our 2500 dollar

remember you all,
9oal. 6) Us, as we

God s Fellow Workers, Inc

n/^,^ I

n- T -1

Mike Dummitt
Steve Petty

10028 Peeble Creek

Cincinnati, OH. ^52-4-7

God's Fellow Workers, Jnc

loolfl Peeble Creek



Cincinnati, QH. ^52'^7



Cincinnati, OH,
Permit No. 7278.



Ut, 77U,
'^^90 (

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