Hindi: Section A - Letter, Report, Dialogue or Speech

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

3195 Hindi November 2010

Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
UCLES 2010

Paper 3195/01

General comments

The majority of candidates performed well this year. Most candidates managed their time effectively and
were able to complete their compositions; only a few were unable to finish their essay in Section B. There
were some impressive and imaginative responses, demonstrating originality of thought and competence in
use of language. The answers provided by the majority of candidates were well structured.

At the lower end, there were some scripts with poor spelling and frequent syntactical errors. There were
some candidates who used Urdu and Gujarati words which had a negative effect on the linguistic aspect of
their compositions.

Comments on specific questions

Section A Letter, Report, Dialogue or Speech

Candidates who attempted Question 1 were asked to write a speech. The majority of speeches were
original and effective in engaging the readers interest. The content was valid in most cases, and most
candidates addressed all tasks, thereby scoring good marks for content. A variety of idiomatic phrases were
used appropriately and correctly by a large number of candidates.

The last bullet point was occasionally insufficiently addressed, and a few candidates at the lower end
described a holiday trip instead of addressing the bullet points.

In Question 2 Holi, Diwali and Guru Nanak Dev Jis birthday were the most commonly discussed festivals.
All four bullet points were addressed by almost all candidates, although some responses were more detailed
than others.

Again, appropriate use of idiomatic phrases was evident and some candidates even included short
quotations from relevant poems, which added to the appeal of their reports. Strong candidates wrote clear,
detailed, focused, grammatically accurate and coherent responses, whereas frequent errors in spellings and
grammar were observed at the lower end of the ability range.

In responding to bullet point 4, many candidates at the lower end could not clearly indicate what their views

Section B Essay

Question 3: Candidates were asked to write about the one problem they would choose to resolve and to
offer suggestions for solving it. The most popular choices were global warming, pollution, poverty and
terrorism. A small number of candidates wrote about how they wanted to resolve a personal problem, which
was not an appropriate response to the task.

Many candidates used their imagination very effectively in coming up with practical and original solutions to
their problem. As a result, such responses scored high marks.

Essays at the lower end of the ability range lacked originality and substance; such responses also lacked
focus and were repetitive, which resulted in low scores.

Question 4 required candidates to describe the scene of their neibourhood in the morning and then to
compare it with the scene in the evening.
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
3195 Hindi November 2010
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
UCLES 2010
There were some essays where the morning atmosphere in the neighbourhood was described very
creatively, and changes in the scene in the evening were portrayed and compared very skilfully. These
essays were very interesting to read and usually scored good marks for both content and language.

Some of the essays at the lower end of ability range were usually sufficiently descriptive but they often
lacked a comparison between the morning and the evening. Such essays also tended to be less focused
and often digressed from the topic. Spelling and grammatical errors occurred frequently in these essays.

Question 5: This question required candidates to comment on whether media celebrities are good role
models for young people.

Most candidates related well to this question and chose a variety of role models. Many candidates took a
balanced approach, discussing good, as well as the not so good, aspects of the lives and conduct of their
chosen celebrities. Many of these essays were detailed, focused and coherent and scored high marks.

Some of the essays on this topic which scored lower marks concentrated on describing the lives of media
icons rather than discussing how the lives of these icons might have a good or bad influence on young
people. The weakest candidates did not understand the question and wrote about the advantages and
disadvantages of the media. Their essays were often largely irrelevant, which had a negative influence on
the mark for content.

Most candidates demonstrated good knowledge of key vocabulary and grammatical structures, except a few
candidates at the lower end. There was evidence of poor spelling and grammar, especially in some of the
weaker scripts. The common grammatical errors made by the majority of candidates were in the areas of
subject/verb agreement, the use of plural words, and verb agreement in first person statements.

A number of candidates used correction fluid and ignored the instructions on the answer booklet.
Candidates are reminded to follow the instructions given on the title page of the paper.
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
3195 Hindi November 2010
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
UCLES 2010

Paper 3195/02
Language Usage and Comprehension

General comments

The paper was well received by a majority of the candidates, and nearly all of them managed to answer the
questions in the time given.

Comments on specific questions

Exercise A1

The majority of candidates did well in this exercise. Strong candidates usually scored full marks while other
candidates typically answered one or two questions wrongly. Where candidates made spelling mistakes the
mark was reduced. Mistakes were most commonly made in Question 1

and Question 5

Exercise A2

This exercise required candidates to fill in the blanks by using an idiom, proverb and words in pairs from the
list provided. The majority of candidates did well and scored good marks.

Exercise A3

This exercise was also well attempted by the majority of candidates. A few candidates had difficulty with
using the appropriate agreement between the verb and the subject, and there was sometimes confusion in
the use of masculine and feminine words. The most common mistakes made by these candidates occurred
in Question 13 ( instead of ) and Question 14 ( instead of ).

Exercise A4

A small number of candidates scored full marks on this question while the majority got two or three questions
wrong. Some candidates did not read the rubric correctly and wrote the words instead of the corresponding
numbers in the answer but they were not penalised for this.

Exercise B5

This exercise was well attempted by many candidates, although only a small number scored full marks.
Candidates tended to do very well in Questions 26-30 but Question 31 and Question 32 presented an
extra challenge and a number of candidates lost marks here.

Exercise C6

Question 33

This question was answered well by the majority of candidates. Some candidates missed out some of the
details asked for in the question. The two details most commonly left out were and .
Some candidates scored a low mark for the language used in their answer due to lifting from the text.

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
3195 Hindi November 2010
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
UCLES 2010
Question 34

Candidates were asked to compare two types of cart. Most responses were descriptive rather than
comparative, but many of the candidates who did compare managed to score full marks for the content of
their answer. A number of candidates could not provide all four points to score full content marks, but most
scored two or three. Some candidates scored a low mark for the language used in their answer due to lifting
from the text.

Question 35

This question was attempted well by most of the candidates. As far as the content of their answers is
concerned, many candidates scored good marks. The same cannot be said for the linguistic quality of their
answer as too many relied too much on lifting from the text.

Question 36

This question was generally not very well attempted. A majority of candidates copied the first part about

in their answer.

There was clear evidence of lifting
from the reading passage, which had a negative impact on the marks awarded for language.

Question 37

This question was answered well and the majority of candidates achieved a good score for the content of
their answer. Almost all of these candidates missed out that Marks awarded
for language were often limited as reliance on lifting from the reading passage was evident.

Question 38

The comparative element of this question proved to be quite demanding for some candidates. In some
cases, marks could not be awarded as the comparative details were missing. A large number of candidates
scored a low mark for the language used in their answer due to lifting from the text.

Exercise C7

This exercise was not attempted as well as the other exercises in this paper. Some candidates seemed to
be answering the question without reference to the way the words were used in the text, which meant they
missed vital clues as to their meaning. The most common errors occurred in attempts to describe the
meaning of (Question 41) and (Question 42). In order to improve future performance in this
part of the paper, candidates are strongly advised to practise the skill of describing the meaning of lexical
items in ones own words regularly and thoroughly.

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