0654 w04 Ms 6

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the November 2004 question paper

0653/06, 0654/06 Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical), maximum raw mark 60

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks. It does
not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking
began. Any substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions will be
recorded in the published Report on the Examination.

All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the

CIE will not enter into discussion or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the November 2004 question papers for most IGCSE and
GCE Advanced Level syllabuses.

Grade thresholds taken for Syllabus 0653/0654 (Combined Science/Co-ordinated Sciences) in
the November 2004 examination.

minimum mark required for grade: maximum
Component 6 60 49 37 28 21

The threshold (minimum mark) for B is set halfway between those for Grades A and C.
The threshold (minimum mark) for D is set halfway between those for Grades C and E.
The threshold (minimum mark) for G is set as many marks below the F threshold as the E
threshold is above it.
Grade A* does not exist at the level of an individual component.

November 2004




SYLLABUS/COMPONENT: 0653/06, 0654/06

Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical)

Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE NOVEMBER 2004 0653/0654 6

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

1 (a) 24
C, no tolerance, written correctly in table [1]

(b) Number of bubbles in 2 minutes

28, 24 no tolerance

Number of bubbles in 1 minute,

4 no tolerance

3 correct (2), 2 correct (1) 1 or 0 correct, (0) [2]

(c) suitable scale and axes labelled correctly (1)

all 5 points plotted correctly (+/- 1
and 0.5 bubble) (1)

curve drawn or points joined in straight lines (1)

no penalty if axes reversed [3]

(d) enzyme activity rate increases with temperature (1)

up to the optimum temperature for the enzyme (1)

optimum temperature for the enzyme is around 35
C (1)

decreases because enzyme denatures (reject enzyme is killed)(1)

any 2 points [2]

(e) improvement: repeat readings/keep tube in water bath/measure gas volume/take
readings at intermediate points (1)

explanation: average can be calculated/temperature is constant gas volume more
accurate, optimum temperature can be found more accurately (1)

explanation must match suggested improvement [2]

total 10 marks

2 (a) (i) 3.0, 1.0, no tolerance (penalise lack of first d.p. only once) [2]

(ii) 21, 110 no tolerance [2]

(b) choice of scale, both axes correctly labelled with units given (1)

all points plotted correctly +/- 1
C, 0.05 mol/dm
(e.c.f.) (1)

smooth curve (1)

one mark deducted if axes reversed

(do not penalise axes beginning at values higher than 0) [3]

(c) approximately 32 s (from candidates own graph +/- 2 s) [1]
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE NOVEMBER 2004 0653/0654 6

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

(d) reaction vessel and delivery tube (1)

suitable method of measuring volume e.g. measuring cylinder over water or
graduated syringe (1) [2]

total 10 marks

3 (a) project a (real) image on the screen OWTTE (1)

measure distance lens-screen (1) [2]

(b) 20, 35, 65, 80 in correct positions (-1 for each error) no tolerance [2]

(c) smaller, inverted (1) same size, inverted (1) larger, inverted (1) [3]

(d) (i),(ii),
(iii) both light rays and image correctly drawn (1)

(iv) 16 mm +/-2 mm (e.c.f on students own diagram) (1) [2]

(e) Experiment 3 (1) (allow this even if diagram is incorrectly drawn) [1]

total 10 marks

4 (a) smooth unbroken outer shape larger than original (1)

inner structures copied accurately (1) [2]

(b) (i) height measured accurately +/-1 mm [1]

(ii) 31 mm +/-1 mm [1]

(iii) height of drawing (1) (e.c.f.) correctly calculated (1)
height of cell [2]

(c) (i) chloroplast labelled on candidates diagram OR on Fig. 4.1. [1]

(ii) nucleus labelled similarly [1]

(d) water plant with coloured dye (1)

make (cross- or vertical) section of part of plant and examine under lens or
microscope (1) [2]

total 10 marks

5 (a) Experiment 1: no change, no, no (3)

Experiment 5: powder turned red/brown, yes, no (3) [6]

Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE NOVEMBER 2004 0653/0654 6

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

(b) anhydrous copper sulphate (white) (1) turned blue (1)


anhydrous cobalt chloride (blue) (1) turns pink (1)


boiling point (1) is 100


freezing point (1) is 0
C (1) [2]

(c) named substance undergoes addition (1) by combining with oxygen (1)

named substance undergoes reduction (1) by losing oxygen (1)


explanation based on electron loss e.g. by H atoms and gain e.g. by copper metal

explanations must refer to a reaction from Fig. 5.2.

accept explanations based on two reactions [2]

total 10 marks

6 (a) (i) (gravitational) potential or kinetic

(ii) kinetic

(iii) electrical [3]

(b) 0.8 A, 2.2 V no tolerance [2]

(c) 5 x 10 x 1 = 50 J (accept answer with unit missing) [1]

(d) 2.2 x 0.8 x 10 = 17.6 J (accept answer with unit missing), e.c.f. from (b) [1]

(e) energy lost as heat because of friction (1)

resistance of connecting wire (1)

because the dynamo is not efficient (1)

lost as heat or sound when the mass falls to the bench (1)

(reject lost as heat from the bulb) (any 2) [2]

(f) change in voltage, current, time of falling, brighter bulb,

reject pulley turns faster or change of energy (any 1) [1]

total 10 marks

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