2058 w13 Ms 21

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GCE Ordinary Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2013 series

2058/21 Paper 2, maximum raw mark 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2013 series for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level

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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
AO1 (Knowledge part (a) questions)

Question 1(a) has a maximum mark of 4 and questions 25 have a maximum mark of 10.

Level Mark
Question 1
Level Descriptor
4 4 810
Very Good/Excellent. A thorough, well-developed and
substantial response. Demonstrates extensive, relevant and
highly accurate knowledge of the subject in considerable
detail and with evident expertise. Likely to quote Quran
verses and Hadiths to support and illustrate points made.
Comprehensive and thoughtful.
3 3 57
Good. Addresses the question confidently and coherently.
Demonstrates sound, detailed and generally relevant and
accurate knowledge of the subject matter in great detail.
Covers the main points. May quote Quran verses and
Hadiths to support points made.
2 2 34
Satisfactory. A fair, mainly relevant but generally
undeveloped response. The candidate demonstrates some
factual knowledge, which is fairly accurate and slightly wider
than at basic level. Some of the main points are covered but
lack substance.
1 1 12
Basic. An attempt to answer the question, but lacks
potential and/or is unfinished. Very limited knowledge of the
subject. Response includes only a small amount of relevant
material, or mainly irrelevant points. Facts are reported in
basic outline only, often inaccurately, though some credible
points are made.
0 0 0
Irrelevant. No apparent attempt to answer the question set,
or a wholly irrelevant response. Totally illegible.

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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
AO2 (Understanding part (b) questions)

Level Mark Level Descriptor
4 4
Very Good/Excellent. Demonstrates a wide and thorough understanding
of what the question asks. Recognises fully and can explain the
significance of material used in answer. Can reason, evaluate and discuss
in a thoughtful, mature manner.
3 3
Good. Understands the significance of the question. Seeks to move
clearly beyond a purely descriptive approach, demonstrating touches of
maturity and a willingness to engage with and discuss the material.
2 2
Satisfactory. Response is descriptive but makes some effort to offer
evaluation. The candidate attempts, though with limited success, to move
beyond a purely factual approach, with some limited discussion of the
1 1
Basic. Limited understanding of the subject. The candidates response is
descriptive and immature, with no attempt to discuss or evaluate the material.
0 0
Irrelevant. No response submitted, or clearly lacks any understanding of
the subject matter.

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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
Candidates must attempt Question 1, Question 2 and two other Questions.

1 Choose any two of the following Hadiths, and:

(a) Describe their teaching about what Muslims believe; [4]

(b) Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [4]

(i) One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who
exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or
fasts in the day.

(ii) God does not look at your forms and your possessions, but he looks at your
hearts and your deeds.

(iii) He who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to
them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away.

(iv) None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.

1 (a) (i) To attend to the needs of the poor and the vulnerable in society is the main teaching of
this Hadith. Islam is a social religion and lays great stress on the welfare of the
community at large. So much so that caring for the needs of others is compared to ibada
and has also been placed on a par with fighting in the way of God by the Prophet in this

(ii) The teaching of this Hadith is that God is only looking at our intentions and deeds. It is
on the basis of these that we will be judged. The way we look or what we have in this
world is of no importance to God as all that we have is given to us by him. Some
answers may elaborate on how true Muslims are known by their conduct.

(iii) The Quran is a source of all guidance to Muslims. In order to understand their faith and
to follow it in the manner prescribed by God it is vital for all Muslims to read the Quran
and also to understand its teachings. To stay on the path of righteousness it is important
to keep referring back to the Quran and in this Hadith it has been likened to looking after
tethered camels. If you look after your flock you will benefit from them similarly if Muslims
keep reading and actively engaging with the Quran and practice what it tells them then
they will benefit from it in this life and the next.

(iv) The teaching of this Hadith is also related to the concern for the well being of others
being an important aspect of faith. Good answers will highlight the point that care for
others is a sign of sincere belief and belief is only sincere when put into action.

(b) (i) This Hadith can be put into practice by providing resources for the poor, looking after the
vulnerable, especially widows, and fulfilling their needs. Candidates can substantiate
their answer by giving examples. Helping others in need is what has to be reflected in
this answer.

(ii) Purity of heart and good intention are at the crux of this Hadith. Every action of a Muslim
needs to be sincere. When e.g. they give to charity the amount is not important but the
gesture is. This is what should be brought out in the answer, that all Muslims must
endeavour to do the best they can with sincere intentions. Examples may help get higher
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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
(iii) The teachings of this Hadith can be put into practice by Muslims by reading the Quran;
understanding its meanings and putting into practice what it teaches them. Learning
duas from it or becoming a hafiz are also ways of putting into action the teachings of this
Hadith as is teaching the Quran and its meanings to others.

(iv) The answer to this Hadith is not in the literal sense wanting for others what one chooses
for oneself but to want the best for all and to respond to the needs of fellow Muslims.
Examples from everyday life can be given in support of the answer.

2 (a) Write about the structure of a Hadith and describe the main methods used by the
compilers of Hadiths to establish their genuineness. [10]

When answering this question candidates might begin by explaining that the Hadiths consists
of two main parts, the chain of narrators (sanad) and the text (matn). They could then go on
to describe sanad and matn. Examples for both sanad and matn could be given in good
answers. For the second part of the question candidates could say that the chain of
transmitters had to be verified, that they had actually met each other; the chain also had to
be unbroken; it had to go back to a companion, the character of the narrator was also under
scrutiny; the narrator had to have a good memory and be of an be age where they had a
good understanding of what they were reporting. Other rules that they had to conform to
were that the language of the Hadiths had to be in pure Arabic and that the Hadiths should
not conflict with the Quran or other established Hadiths; nor be contrary to common sense;
favour any group or tribe or be against historical facts. Candidates could refer to some or
many of the points given or even other relevant points that have not been included here.
However to get to higher levels the answer needs to be detailed and comprehensive.

(b) What was the significance of the Prophet not allowing the writing down of Hadiths in
the early days of his prophethood? [4]

Candidates could say that the Prophet prevented the companions from writing down the
Hadiths during the early days of prophethood as he wanted to establish Islam and make sure
his sayings were not mixed up with the words of the Quran which was still being revealed.
Good candidates may well mention that when the Prophet was certain that his companions
would be able to distinguish between the Hadiths and the words of the Quran he
encouraged them to write down the Hadiths to pass them down to others.

3 (a) Write about how the four Rightly Guided Caliphs ruled during their caliphates in
accordance with Islamic values. [10]

Here the candidates may well start their response by saying that all four of the Rightly
Guided Caliphs endeavoured to emulate the Prophet. They followed the Quran and the
sunna. They lived very simply and were all humble men. Better answers will discuss how
each caliph on his selection reaffirmed his adherence to the principles of Islam and treated
the caliphate as a trust given to him by God and back the point being made with an
example/quote. It could also be said that the four caliphs were good administrators and
available to the common man at all times. They looked for solutions of problems in ijma and
qiyas. To get to the top end however, candidates need to write about how they executed
justice to all, safeguarded human rights and did not consider the treasury as their personal
asset but drew a small salary. Their loyalty to the Quran and commitment to establishing a
welfare state could be given in the answer.

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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
(b) Choose any one practice of the caliphs from Part (a) and explain how governments
today could act on it. [4]

Here as the question clearly states the candidates need to choose one practice of the
caliphs that they deem would be most useful to todays rulers to follow and explain their

4 (a) Outline the practice of almsgiving (zakat) in Islam. [10]

Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam which became obligatory in the 2
year of hijrah. It is an act
of worship which benefits mankind. Its importance can be judged from the fact that it is
mentioned 32 times in the Quran. Every Muslim who possesses property equal to or
exceeding a laid down minimum has to give away, at the prescribed rate a portion of it to
deserving poor and needy people. Zakat is payable on wealth which remains in the
possession of a believer, for a period of one year, without interruption, and whose value has
reached a certain level, known as nasab. It is calculated at two and a half percent. Zakat is
not levied on buildings, shops or total capital but on savings of the income that may have
been generated from them. Zakat is not payable on precious stones and immovable property
or machinery. Candidates can go on to give a few examples here on how much zakat is due
on various commodities according to their nisab e.g.

Commodity Nisab Rate

Gold 87.48 grams levied at two and a half percent
Cattle 30 to 39 1 goat of a year old
Mines one fifth of the produce

Candidates also need to outline in their answer who zakat is payable to and to whom zakat
cannot be paid. Quotes from the Quran and Hadiths which help develop the answer will help
take the level of the answer higher.

(b) Who do you think benefits more from the payment of zakat and why, the giver or the
receiver? [4]

This is an evaluative question, candidates could say either the giver or the receiver or even
both benefit equally from the payment of zakat. Answers need to reflect the candidates
viewpoint which in turn has to be backed up with reasons for their views.

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Cambridge International Examinations 2013
5 (a) Write a description of the Muslim teachings about jihad. [10]

Candidates may well start their answer by giving the meaning of the word jihad and go on to
say that in religious terminology it means to strive or exert oneself in the way of God. They
could identify the four different kinds of jihad and go on to differentiate between jihad and
qital. Good answers are likely to discuss the conditions under which jihad becomes
obligatory and also the rules of jihad may be given in well developed answers. All valid
responses must be credited.

(b) Why is greater jihad considered the more important? [4]

An evaluative response to why jihad of the self (jihad bil nafs) is considered most important
needs to be given here. Responses could say that it is most important because it is the
struggle to resist temptation to evil and to overcome ones own weaknesses and failings on a
daily basis which many a time is harder to do. All valid answers must be credited.

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