Imam Nawawi Wird
Imam Nawawi Wird
Imam Nawawi Wird
may choose whichever du‘ā is most desired to them
and supplicate (through it).’ (Al-Bukhārī)
Many great ‘Ulamā and pious saints had
compilations of selected supplications that they
would recite daily with punctuality. In these
compilations, along with supplications from the
Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, they would include their
own supplications or supplications of their pious
predecessors too. A collection of supplications
of this nature or a collection of regularly recited
supplications is called a ‘wird’ or ‘ḥizb’ in the Arabic
Adopting a ‘wird’ or ‘ḥizb’ is sunnah and
punctuality in reciting or performing it has been
emphasised by Rasūlullāh s. Imām Muslim v
narrates from ‘Umar ibnul-Khaṭṭāb t that
Rasūlullāh s said, ‘Whoever oversleeps at night and
misses his ḥizb (set portion of worship) for the night
or part of it and thereafter, he recites it between the
Fajr and Ẓuhr ṣalāh, it will be written for him as if
he had recited that portion in the night.’ (Muslim)
Commentating on this Ḥadīth, Imām
Nawawī v says, ‘This is proof for punctuality in
‘awrād’ (plural of ‘wird’) and making up for them
when they are missed.’ Imām Nawawī v also
writes, ‘It is appropriate for a person who has a
dhikr for a set time in the day or night or after any
ṣalāh or in certain conditions that when it is missed
they recite it when possible and they should not
forgo it.’ ‘Allāmah Ibn Ḥajar Al-Haytamī v says,
‘Punctuality in one’s ‘awrād’ of ṣalāh, recitation,
dhikr and du‘ā throughout the day and parts of the
night, etc. is the sunnah of Rasūlullāh s and the
pious servants of Allāh S in the past and present.’
From the many compilations of selected
supplications, one is ‘Wirdul-Imām An-
Nawawī v’. Imām Muḥyid-dīn Abū Zakariyyā
Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf An-Nawawī v (631 AH/1233AD
– 676AH/1277AD) is a renowned and accepted
luminary. Distinguished for his immense knowledge
and piety, he holds a lofty status in Islamic history.
Despite passing away at the age of 45, he left behind
a legacy of illustrious works which have attained
widespread acceptance amongst the ‘Ulamā
and general masses. Notably, his compilation of
aḥādīth - Riyāḍuṣ-Ṣāliḥīn, his commentary of
Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim – Al-Minhāj bi Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim
ibnil-Ḥajjāj and his great work on Shāf‘iī fiqh -
Sharḥul-Muhadh’dhab are held in extremely high
regard and are considered to be his great academic
accomplishments. It would be extremely rare to
find an ‘Ālim after Imām Nawawī v who has not
directly or indirectly benefitted from his works and
Allāh S created in him a natural inclination
towards piety and worship from childhood. The
children in his vicinity would try to force him to
play with them, but he would engage in reciting the
Glorious Qur’ān. A saint of the time, Shaykh Yāsīn
ibn Yūsuf Ad-Dimishqī v, upon observing this,
encouraged his teacher to give special attention to
this student as he had hope that he would become
the most knowledgeable and pious personality of
his era. He led a very austere and simple life far from
indulging in any worldly pleasures or acquiring
worldly possessions. His books were his commodity
and his life was spent in acquisition of ‘ilm and its
dissemination. Many biographers write that it is for
this reason he did not marry.
The book in hand is the ‘wird’ of this great
Imām which has been transmitted through an
authentic chain. In his ‘wird’, Imām Nawawī v has,
in a very beautiful and effective manner, implored
Allāh S for protection, goodness and blessings in
his Dīn, Dunyā, family, children, wealth and in all
aspects of life. This ‘wird’ has been blessed with
divine acceptance amongst the pious of the Ummah
throughout centuries and numerous pious ‘Ulamā
and Mashāyikh have mentioned many benefits
of reciting it punctually and have experienced its
blessings in their lives too. It is advised that along
with one’s recitation of the Glorious Qur’ān
and adhkār, it would be highly beneficial if one
could include this blessed compilation in his daily
practices. If not daily, then one should endeavour
to recite it weekly, monthly or at least on blessed
days or nights of the Islamic calendar and when in
blessed places.
I pray that through the barakah of this
compilation and its esteemed compiler, Allāh S
grant this unworthy one, his parents, teachers,
shuyūkh, family, associates and the Ummah
protection and peace and make it a means of our
salvation in the Hereafter. Āmīn.
(Shaykhul-Ḥadīth, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā)
Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (dāmat barakātuhum)
Rajab 1445 / February 2024
...Allāh is the best protector and He is the Most
Merciful of the merciful. (Al-Qur’ān 12:64)
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
)(Recite 3 times
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
ورد اﻹﻣﺎم اﻟﻨّﻮوي
(Recite 7 times)
(Recite 3 times)
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
)(Recite 3 times
The Wird of Imām Nawawī v
May Allāh send His Special Mercy and Peace upon our
Leader, Muḥammad s and upon all his family and
A Way to Ensure Death with Īmān
The one who: (a) goes to bed in the state of wuḍū, (b)
lies down facing towards their right, (c) recites this du‘ā
and (d) thereafter, does not engage in wordly conversation;
if he/she passes away that night then he/she will pass away
with Īmān.