Pilot Test Questionnaire
Pilot Test Questionnaire
Pilot Test Questionnaire
. The factors are career development opportunities, supervisor support and work environment. This questionnaire consists of three sections and it will take you approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Please read the instructions carefully before answering the questions. Your participation and contributions will be very much needed to complete this survey successfully. This questionnaire is only for academic purposes. We will assure that the information provided will be kept private and confidential. Your willingness to participate in this survey is deeply appreciated. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND PARTICIPATION IN THIS RESEARCH Kepadaresponden yang dihormati, BETULKAN AYAT DIBAWAH MENGIKUT AYAT ENGLISH DI ATAS. Kami pelajardariUniversiti Selangor (UNISEL) yang sedangmenjalani program IjazahSarjanaMudaPengurusanSumberManusia. Kami sedangmenjalankansatukajian yang bertajuk, "KajianTentangHubungandiantaraAmalanSumberManusiadanPengekalanPekerjadalamSektorSwasta
di Shah Alam, Selangor". Kajianinimerupakansebahagiandaripadaprojekpenyelidikan untuksubjek, PPS 3316 KertasProjekbagimelengkapkan Program IjazahKepujian kami.
Kajianinidijalankanadalahbertujuanuntukmenentukanfaktorfaktorutamaamalansumbermanusiaterhadappengekalanpekerjadalamsektorswasta. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhiadalahpeluangpembangunankerjaya, sokonganpenyeliadanpersekitaranditempatkerja. Soalselidikinimengandungitigabahagiandaniaakanmengambilmasaandakira-kira 5-10 minitsahaja. Silabacaarahandengantelitisebelumandamenjawabsoalan. Penyertaandansumbanganandaamatdiperlukanuntukmelengkapkankajiselidikinidenganjayanya. Soalselidikiniadalahhanyauntuktujuanakademik. Kami akanmemberijaminanbahawamaklumat yang diberikanakandirahsiakan. Kesanggupanandauntukmengambilbahagiandalamkajiselidikiniamatdihargai. SECTION A/ BAHAGIAN A: DEMOGRAPHIC/ DEMOGRAFI Instruction: Please tick () in the appropriate box. 1. Nationality/Kewarganegaraan Malaysian/ Malaysia Others/Lain-lain
3. Age/ Umur Below 25 years old/ Bawah 25tahun 36 45 years old 4. Race/ Bangsa Malay/ Melayu Indian/ India 5. Marital Status/ Status Perkahwinan Single/ Bujang Married/ Berkahwin 6. Total Income/ PurataPendapatan Below RM1500/ Bawah RM1500 RM1501 RM2500 RM 2500 and above/ RM 2500 dankeatas Others/ Lain-lain Chinese/ Cina Others/ Lain-lain 25 35 years old 46 years old and above
7. Years of Service/ TahunPerkhidmatan Less than 1 year/ Kurangdarisetahun 1 5 years/ tahun 6 10 years/ tahun 10 15 years/ tahun 15 years and above/ 15 tahundankeatas TAMBAH SATU LAGI SOALAN MENGENAI JAWATAN/CURRNET POSITION..... SECTION B/ BAHAGIAN B: FACTORS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES QUESTIONNAIRE/ SOAL SELIDIK The following questions are the factors of human resource practices which may influence employees retention in a company. Soalanberikutadalahantarafaktoramalansumbermanusia yang mungkinmempengaruhipengekalanpekerja di sesebuahorganisasi. Instruction: PleaseCIRCLEto indicate whether: Arahan: SilaBULATKANuntukmenunjukkansamaada: 12345Strongly Disagree (SD) / Sangattidaksetuju Disagree (D) / Tidaksetuju Neutral (N) / Neutral Agree (A) / Setuju Strongly Agree (SA) / Sangatsetuju
TAMBAH COLUMN KIRI UNTUK NO SOALAN Career Development Opportunities My direct supervisor takes interest in my career development. Penyeliasayamengambilberatterhadapperkembangankerjayasaya. I would recommend working here to a friend or colleague. Sayaakanmengesyorkankepadarakansayauntukbekerjadisini. SD D N A SA 1 2 3 4 5
10. I see a future for myself in a higher-level role in this organization. Sayadapatlihatmasadepan yang cerahuntuksayakeperingkat yang lebihtinggidi dalamorganisasiini. I have good access to development opportunities in my current job. Sayamempunyaiakses yang baikuntukpeluangpembangunandalamtugassaya.
I am fairly paid for my current performance. Sayadibayarpadakadar yang berpatutandenganprestasikerjasaya. I get the opportunity to attend skills training to improve my current function. Sayamendapatpeluanguntukmenghadirilatihankemahiranbagimeningkatkanfungsisaya.
I hope to still be working at this organisation in three years. Sayaberharapuntukmasihterusbekerja di organisasiinidalamtigatahunakan dating.
Supervisor Support My supervisor is willing to listen to my problems in juggling work and non-work life. Penyeliasayabersediauntukmendengarmasalahsayadalamsoalkerjamahupunsoalp eribadi. My supervisor treated me with respect. Penyeliasayamelayansayadenganpenuhhormat. My supervisor is creative in reallocating job duties to help my department work well as ateam. Penyeliasayakreatifdalampembahagiansemulatugastugasuntukmembantujabatansayabekerjasebagaisatupasukan. My supervisor was open-minded in supervision. Penyeliasayaadalahseorang yangberfikiranterbuka. My supervisor is a good role model. Penyeliasayaialahseorangcontoh yang baik. I can depend on my supervisor to help me with scheduling conflicts if I need it. Sayabolehbergantungkepadapenyeliasayauntukmembantusayaberdepandenganko nflikjikasayamemerlukannya. My supervisor was approachable. Penyeliasayamudahuntukdidekati. My supervisor gave me practical support. Penyeliasayamemberikansayasokonganpraktikal.
S D 1
D N A S A 2 3 4 5
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
Work Environment My work environment is not stressful. Persekitarankerjasayabukantekanan. This organisation provides enough access and equipment necessary for performing tasks. Organisasiinimenyediakanaksesdanperalatanyang mencukupiuntukmelaksanakantugas. The atmosphere and facilities here helps me do a good job. Suasanadankemudahandi organisasiiniyang membantusayamelakukankerjadenganbaik. This organisation provides an environment in which I feel safe and secure. Organisasiinimenyediakanpersekitaranyangselamatdanterjamin. My work environment makes most people more productive and organized. Persekitarankerjasayamembuatkankebanyakan orang lebihproduktifdanteratur. I am currently satisfied with the work environment in my company. Sayaberpuashatiterhadappersekitarankerjasaya di dalamorganisasi. My superior encourages and allows me to work to the best of myabilities. Penyeliasayamenggalakkandanmembenarkansayabekerjamegikutkebolehansa ya. My work environment seldom makes employees stressed or jittery. Persekitarankerjasayajarangmembuatkanpekerjaberasatertekanataugelisah.
S D 1
D N A S A 2 3 4 5
SECTION C/ BAHAGIAN C: FIND TITLE FOR THIS SECTIONQUESTIONNAIRE/ SOAL SELIDIK Listed below are the series of questions that represents possible feelings that employee might have about the organisation for which they work. With respect to your own feeling about particular organisation for which you are now working with, please CIRCLEto indicate whether: Senaraidi bawahmenunjukkanbeberapasoalan yang mungkindirasaiolehpekerjaterhadaporganisasi Berdasarkanperasaanandasendiriterhadaporganisasipekerjaananda, untukmenunjukkansamaada: 12345Strongly Disagree (SD) / Sangattidaksetuju Disagree (D) / Tidaksetuju Neutral (N) / Neutral Agree (A) / Setuju Strongly Agree (SA) / Sangatsetuju SD D N A SA mewakiliperasaanyang dimanamerekabekerja. silaBULATKAN
Employee Retention
I think a lot about leaving this organisation. Sayaberfikirpanjanguntukmeninggalkanorganisasiini. I am actively searching for another job. Sayaaktifmencaripekerjaan lain. I feel committed to this organisation. Sayaberasakomitedterhadaporganisasiini. I am satisfied with the amount of recognition that I had receive. Sayaberpuashatidenganjumlahpengiktirafan yang telahsayaterima.
I am satisfied with my current job. Sayaberpuashatidengankerjasayasekarang. I feel that I have future in this company. Sayamerasakansayamempunyaipeluang yang cerah di dalamorganisasiini. Working environment and facilities affects my decision to stay in this organisation. Persekitankerjadankemudahanmempengaruhikeputusansayauntukterusbekerja di organisasiini. If I had another job offer that paid the same as the one I have, Id leave here in a minutes. Jikasayamendapatpeluangpekerjaan lain yang menawarkanbayaran yang samasepertisekarang, sayaakanmeninggalkanorganisasiini.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION Thank you very much for your participation in this survey and as researchers, we assured that all the information provides well be kept private and confidential. Terimakasihdi ataspenyertaananda di dalamkajiselidikinidansebagaipenyelidik, kami memberijaminanbahawasemuamaklumat yang diberikanakandisimpansulitdanrahsia.