Roleplays and Teacher's Prompts: R T ' U 1 U 1

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Roleplays and Teachers prompts

Youre on the train from Southampton to London. Youre sitting in the compartment with a nice-looking person, who is reading a book. You want to start a conversation with her/him. Attract the persons attention by referring to the author of the boo Intro!uce yourse"f As an! ans#er $uestions about your an! the other persons fa%ourite boo s&authors 'in! out #here the other person is fro( an! #here she&he is going


Its ) *book title+, Its a rea""y goo! boo ,&-o you no# this boo . /y na(es )&I( ) Nice to (eet you too, 0hat in! of boo s !o you "i e rea!ing.&-o you ha%e any fa%ourite authors. I( fro( ) An! you. I( going to ) 1o# about you.

Your Australian friends have ust introduced !ou to their classmate who is a ver! successful swimmer. Ask him/her about" ho# he&she beco(e intereste! in s#i((ing his&her !ai"y training routines his&her successes *recor!s&(e!a"s+ his&her hopes&p"ans for the future

I starte! s#i((ing ) I s#i( e%ery !ay&three ti(es a #ee I%e #on ) &I ca(e si3th ) I! "i e to )

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 ! Pearson Lon"man ELT

Youre on holida! in #ngland sta!ing with !our #nglish friend who has a four-!ear-old sister. $he three of !ou are going to spend Saturda! together. You and !our friend are discussing what to do. $alk to !our friend and" (a e a suggestion !isagree #ith your frien!s suggestion (a e an a"ternati%e suggestion agree #ith your frien!s suggestion

I( not sure about that&I "i e the i!ea but ,, 1o# about,,5ing.&0hat !o you thin of ,,. 0e""6 a"right6 if you !ont #ant to !o that6 !o you ha%e any other suggestions. I "i e the i!ea, An! ho# about ) . Thats goo! then, So #e both agree6 is that right.

Youre spending a !ear in %ambridge and attending a secondar! school there. You and !our #nglish friends have started a rock band. Youre now looking for a singer, and have to choose from three candidates &'ike, (ane and )eter*. Youre discussing it with another band member" say #ho you thin the best can!i!ate is gi%e so(e reasons to support your opinion say #hy you thin your frien!s fa%ourite person is not the best can!i!ate su((arise #hat you ha%e both !eci!e!

Rea""y. 0hy !o you thin she&he is the best. 1o# about /i e&8ane&Peter. O96 I can see your point, A"right6 I agree #ith your can!i!ate then, Yes6 thats right,

An #nglish speaking stranger stops !ou in the centre of !our cit!/town/village and asks for directions to the nearest bank. You tr! to be as helpful as possible" te"" hi(&her ho# far the nearest ban is gi%e !etai"e! !irections ho# to get there repeat the (ost i(portant points respon! to his&her than s

E3cuse (e6 ho# !o I get to the ban fro( here.&I( "oo ing for a ban , So first I nee! to ) 6 -o I turn right or "eft at the traffic "ights. ;ou"! you say that again6 p"ease. Than s %ery (uch,

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 ! Pearson Lon"man ELT

$here is a new teacher at !our school. You know that he/she has been living in !our countr! for some time. You had !our first #nglish lesson with him/her toda!. +ow !oure on the bus home and the teacher is sitting ne,t to !ou. You want to find out more about him/her" intro!uce yourse"f again *the teacher (ight not re(e(ber your na(e+ as if its a"right if you as so(e $uestions about hi(&her as #here e3act"y he&she co(es fro( as about the "ength of ti(e he&she has spent in your country *an! p"ans for the future+

Not at a"",&Thats O9, You can as (e any $uestion you #ant, I co(e fro( )&I "i%e! in )&I stu!ie!& #or e! there, I%e been "i%ing here for ) An! I "i e it %ery (uch, I thin I"" stay for another )

Youre doing a language course at a school in #ngland. -ts !our birthda! toda! and !ouve made a cake and brought it to class to share with !our teacher and classmates. .ne of !our foreign friends starts a conversation with !ou" than hi(&her for her co(p"i(ent !escribe a typica" !ish fro( your country respon! to his&her re$uest offer to bring so(e (ore recipes of typica" !ishes fro( your country

I "i e your ca e %ery (uch, Its !e"icious, So #hat is a typica" !ish in your country. ;ou"! you gi%e (e a recipe for it.&0ou"! you (in! gi%ing (e a recipe for it6 p"ease. It soun!s rea""y nice, Yes6 p"ease, Thats %ery in! of you,

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 ! Pearson Lon"man ELT

Youre doing a language course at a school in #ngland. -n toda!s class !oure talking about famous buildings. /escribe a famous building in !our countr!/cit! b! answering !our #nglish teachers 0uestions" te"" the c"ass #hat bui"!ing you #ant to !escribe ta" about its "ocation ta" about the bui"!ings height !escribe its unusua" features

So #hat bui"!ing are you going to !escribe. 0hat in! of bui"!ing is it. 0here is it. 1o# big is it. -oes it ha%e any unusua" features.

Youve got two tickets for a rock concert ne,t Saturda!. )hone !our friend to invite him/her" as hi(&her about her ne#s in%ite hi(&her to a concert agree #here you"" (eet an! #hat ti(e refuse your frien!s in%itation for Sun!ay

E%erything is fine6 than s,&No ne#s rea""y, 1o# about you. That #ou"! be great@ I ha%ent been to a roc concert for ages, 0hat ti(e !oes it start. Sha"" #e (eet at <,AA in the to#n centre then. 0hat are you !oing on Sun!ay. -o you fancy going ) .

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 ! Pearson Lon"man ELT

Youve read an article which claims that newspapers shouldnt be allowed to print information about famous peoples personal lives. Youre discussing this article with !our #nglish friend" present the authors opinion gi%e your opinion e3p"ain your opinion as about your frien!s opinion

So6 #hat !oes the author of the artic"e thin . An! #hat is your persona" opinion.&-o you agree #ith the author. 0hy !o you thin so. 0e""6 I !ont agree actua""y, This #ou"! (ean that )

Youre on holida! in -reland. You want to go to a concert with a group of friends but !ou dont reall! get on with all of them. $alk to !our -rish friend about !our problem" e3p"ain the prob"e( as for a!%ice as for another piece of a!%ice respon! appropriate"y

0hats up&the (atter&the prob"e(. I thin you shou"! ) You shou"! try ) I #ou"!nt )

Youre talking on the phone with !our friend from Scotland. 1e/She tells !ou about a present he/she got for %hristmas. 1e/She uses its name &2ord +anoke!* but !ou have no idea what ob ect he/she is talking about. Ask 0uestions to find out about" its shape its siBe the (ateria" its (a!e of its features

Its rectangu"ar6 si(i"ar in shape to a "aptop eyboar!, Its $uite s(a"" an! f"at6 its s(a""er than a "aptop eyboar!, Its (a!e of p"astic, Its for (a ing an! p"aying (usic,

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 ! Pearson Lon"man ELT

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