English Morning Circle
English Morning Circle
English Morning Circle
Good Morning
How are you today?
What day is today?
We are going to sing our National
We are going to recite our rayer
Now! let see who is a"sent today?
When # call your name lease raise u
your hand and say yes! teacher
$han% you&
#' one o' you want to go to the rest
room (toilet)! lease raise u your
hand and say *lease teacher! may #
go to the toilet
# am going to chec% your nails 'or
today& +tand u still&
+how me your nails&
,ong nail - .ou ha/e to cut your nail
$uc% in your shirt roerly
We are going to ha/e our "rea%
,ine u in two lines
Wash your hand
+ay thank you to %a%a% 0 %a%a%
will rely you are welcome
1e'ore we eat! we are going to recite
our rayer&
.ou may eat now&
2%! 3nish eating?
We are going to recite our rayer
Now! line u! we are going to "rush
our teeth&
Field Activity
+entences *attern
Before activity
*ut on your shoes and no tal%ing! lease
,ine u into two lines
2ne line 'or girls and one more line 'or
We are going to ha/e our acti/ity at the
3eld today&
Wal% slowly! don5t run
At the feld
We are going to stretch our sel'
Now in hale and e6 hale
,et5s do some stretching
2%ay! our acti/ity 'or today is 77777777777
End o' the acti/ity
We are going to line u into two lines and
wal% "ac% to our class
8on5t run! wal% slowly
No tal%ing&
Arrange your shoes roerly and enter the
class 9uietly
Greeting and Communication
+entences *atterns:
Good Morning
Good a'ternoon
Good e/ening
Good night
4& $eacher : How are you today?
*uils : #5m 3ne! than% you&
;& $eacher : How old are you?
*uils : # am si6 years old
=& $eacher : What are you?
*uils : # am a "oy > girl
?& $eacher : My name is A"u
What is your name?
*uils : My name is 7777777777
@& *uil : *lease! teacher may # go
the toilet?
$eacher : .es you may&
*uil : $han% you! teacher&
$eacher : .ou are welcome
Song (tune: Hay !irthday):
$eacher : Good Morning to you
Good Morning to you
Good Morning to you
How are you today?
Good Morning to you
"uils : Good Morning to you
Good Morning to you
# am $ne% thank you
Good Morning to you&
$eacher : Good 1ye to you
Good "ye to you
+ee you tomorrow
Good 1ye to you
"uils : Good 'ye% teacher
Good 'ye% (riends
Good !ye Good !ye
See you tomorrow
My !ody
+entences *atterns:
*use pictures
$his is my nose
$his is my mouth
$hese are my eyes
$hese are my 3ngers
+how me your stomach?
*oint to me your nose&
*lease "lin% your eyes
Song: (tune: )ondon !ridge)
Head and shoulders
Knee and toe
Knee and toe
Knee and toe
Head and shoulders
Knee and toes
Eyes! ears! mouth and nose
# ha/e a little nose
And # ha/e a little chin
And # ha/e a little mouth
Aust to ut my dinner in
# ha/e a tooth"rush
Neat and gay
$o "rush my teeth
With e/ery day
# "rush them each morning
# "rush them each night
$ill all are shining
Blean and "right
Hair Hand
$hum" $ongue
Cace El"ow
My Classroom
+entences *atterns
$his is my "ag $his is my ruler
$his is my encil $his is my "oo%
$hat is a cu"oard $hat is a ta"le
4& +how me your "ag?
;& Where is the cu"oard
=& What is the colur o' the ta"le?
Song: (tune: Here we go round the mul'erry
$his is the way we go to school
We go to school! We go to school
$his is the way we go to school
.e carry a 'ag to school
$his is the way we learn to write
We learn to write ! We learn to write
$his is the way we learn to write
.e use a encil to write
$his is the way we learn to read
We learn to read! We learn to read
$his is the way we learn to read
.e learn to read with a 'ook
My (amily
+entences *attern
$his is my 'amily
$his is my 'ather
$his is my mother
# ha/e a "rother
# ha/e a sister
# ha/e sisters
# ha/e "rothers
# lo/e my 'amily
# lo/e my ('ather! mother! sister! "rother)
4& Who is this?
;& How many si"lings do you ha/e?
=& How many "rothers>sisters do you ha/e
?& 8o you lo/e your 'amily?
Mother and (ather% # love you&
Mother and 'ather! # lo/e you
Bome to me when # call you
Gi/e me a %iss when # as% you
Mother and 'ather! # lo/e you&
Mummy /arling
Mummy darling! Mummy darling
# lo/e you! # lo/e you
+ee your "a"y dancing
Aust 'or you
*aa darling! *aa darling
# lo/e you! # lo/e you
+ee your "a"y smiling
Aust 'or you! Eust 'or you&
+entences *atterns
$his "lue
$his is white
$his is "lac%
My 'a/orite colour is 7777777
My 'a/orite colours are 777777777
4& What is the colour o' your uni'orm?
;& What is the colour o' your hair?
=& +how me red
?& Bolour the lea/e green
)ittle !lue !en
,ittle "lue 1en! who li/es in the glen
Kees a "lac% cat and one red hen
Which lays o' green eggs a score and ten
Where shall # 3nd the little "lue 1en?
Red !alloon
My red "alloon
My red "alloon
Clies u! u! to the s%y
# Eumed u high
$o reach the s%y
1ut couldn5t reach itG why?