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Brendan Spooner Challenge Essay Have you ever seen the TV show Futurama?

I think its funny and entertaining but y parents would not like it be!ause of so e of the sub"e!ts it talks about# So who de!ides whether the progra is good or bad? The sa e thing happens with books$ Books get banned for several reasons# So eti es parents dont want s!hools to tea!h their kids things they should be telling the # So eti es parents are not !o fortable with their kids learning about tou!hy sub"e!ts like se% fro other people# So eti es& adults are not !o fortable with the infor ation for the selves be!ause they "ust dont like talking about it# So eti es !hur!h groups ban books be!ause it goes against what the !hur!h believes# So whether a book is good or bad depends on the reader# Two books that I have re!ently read are The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, (ATDPTI) and The Hunger Games# I thought that both books were eaningful and appropriate for teenagers# 'ot all readers agreed# In (T)*TI& +unior is a teenage Indian who goes to an all white s!hool off the reservation# He wanted a better edu!ation than his parents& so he left his friends and went to a better s!hool# He was open inded enough to go to a different s!hool# If I were hi & I would do the sa e thing be!ause he used his e%perien!es to write a book# ,eading the book ade e think about other people and their feelings# ATDPTI was an assigned book in any high s!hools# In Crook County& -yo ing& Hank .oss saw ATDPTI in his sons ho ework# He pi!ked it up and started reading the book and felt that the aterial was inappropriate to be taught in s!hool# He photo!opied pages he did not like and took the to a s!hool board eeting# The !hair an of the s!hool board& +eff /ansaker& didnt like the graphi! language and pi!tures# The book was te porarily re oved fro the reading list# (nother parent said it was 0se%ual and e%pli!it for teenagers#1 This parent thought the topi!s were 0inappropriate for high s!hool students#1 (nother parent said that the book was trash and that no2 one should read it# The Hunger Games was also !hallenged# (nother parent had a daughter who wanted to read the book# The other said that 0 The Hunger Games gla ori3ed television and peer4audien!e approval#1 She sent an e ail to all of her friends saying that The Hunger Games was a bad book# Both books were !hallenged# ATDPTI is about a teenage Indian who lives on a reservation# He is very s art and !hooses to go to an all2white s!hool to get a better edu!ation# The books is about his struggle to be a!!epted and fit in# The infor ation was so eti es graphi!s be!ause it was

about (le%ies life and hard ti es# The Hunger Games is about self2sa!rifi!e# It was written to show the dangers of reality TV and what happens with too u!h govern ent !ontrol# The ain !hara!ter volunteers to take her sisters spot in the 5a es# The 5a es are entertain ent where volunteers are sele!ted to fight to the death# These two books are related& be!ause they both were !hallenged& yet they are books that !an be positive reading e%perien!es for teens# The reason any teens like to read books is be!ause the ain !hara!ter is like the in so e way& or they are going through so e of the sa e things as the # 6ro a personaI e%perien!e& get y thoughts out in y "ournal# So (T)*TI is "ust like y "ournal but with ore !ontent# The Hunger 5a es ade e en"oy reading# It is the first series that I have ever !o pleted# I read (T)*TI and I would read it again# I en"oyed (T)*TI it was the first s!hool reading assign ent I liked#

Two readers !an read the sa e book and have !o pletely different opinions on it# So eti es& these opinion !an be very strong and led to false infor ation& or thinking their opinion is the only opinion that atters# Having a strong opinion !an lead to !hallenge of a book& aybe unfairly so# This is what happened in the !ase of the ATDPTI# This book is very relatable and tea!hes great orals for teenagers# 'ot allowing teenagers a!!ess to this book would not be fair# It tea!hes teenagers how to resolve proble s between ea!h other& that you !an always !reate a better life for yourself no atter what your !ir!u stan!es are and how to e%press yourself# Sher an (le%ie has stated& 0So& apparently good enough for the e%2 president& not good enough for *rineville1# (le%ie was invited to read his book at *resident Bushs library& but it wasnt good enough to read in a high s!hool# So eti es banning so ething akes it ore popular as (le%ie has pointed out& 0It always a!!o plished the e%a!t opposite of what those seeking to ban it want1# .ake sure to be infor ed before having a strong opinion or letting so eone else strong opinion prevent you fro reading a book# Basi!ally& do not "udge a book by its !over& or in this !ase& its !ontent#

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