Conversation Questions
Conversation Questions
Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: After a Vacation, Holidays
Have you ever een a road! "here have you een! Are you #lannin$ on $oin$ any%here for your ne&t vacation!
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'f so, %here! "ho %ith! Ho% lon$ %ill you stay!
Are you afraid of $oin$ a road alone! Could you live in another country for the rest of your life! (escri e the most interestin$ #erson you met on one of your travels. "hat %as your est tri#. "hat %as your %orst tri#. (id your class in hi$h school $o on a tri# to$ether!
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'f so, %here did you $o! Ho% lon$ did you stay! Ho% did you $et there!
(o you have a driver)s license! (o you li*e to travel %ith children! "hy or %hy not! (o you li*e to travel %ith your mother! "hy or %hy not! (o you #refer summer vacations or %inter vacations! (o you #refer to travel alone or in a $rou#! "hy! (o you #refer to travel y train, us, #lane or shi#! (o you #refer travelin$ y car or y #lane!
Have you ever een in a difficult situation %hile travelin$! Have you ever een on an air#lane!
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Have you ever een to a forei$n country! Have you ever $otten lost %hile travelin$! 'f so, tell a out it. Have you ever hitchhi*ed! 'f so, ho% many times! Have you ever ta*en a #ac*a$e tour! Ho% do you s#end your time %hen you are on holiday and the %eather is ad! Ho% many countries have you een to! Ho% many states! Ho% many times have you traveled a road! Ho% much lu$$a$e do you usually carry! 'f you traveled to South America, %hat countries %ould li*e to visit! 'f you %ent to +++,'nsert a country name-++, %hat *ind of souvenirs %ould you uy! 'f you %ere $oin$ on a cam#in$ tri# for a %ee*, %hat ./ thin$s %ould you rin$! E&#lain %hy. "hat are some countries that you %ould never visit! "hy %ould you not visit them! "hat are some thin$s that you al%ays ta*e %ith you on a tri#! "hat countries %ould you li*e to visit! "hy! "hat countries %ould you most li*e to visit! "hat countries %ould you not li*e to visit! "hy! "hat country do you most %ant to visit!
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"hat do you need efore you can travel to another country! "hat is the most interestin$ city to visit in your country! "hat is the most interestin$ souvenir that you have ever ou$ht on one of your holidays!
"hat lan$ua$es can you s#ea*! "hat #lace do you %ant to visit someday! "hat %as the most interestin$ #lace you have ever visited! "hat)s the most eautiful #lace you)ve ever een to! "hen %as the last time your traveled! "hen you are on a lon$ car 0ourney do you #lay $ames or sin$ son$s to occu#y your time!
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"hen are you $oin$ to $o! "ho are you $oin$ to $o %ith! Ho% lon$ are you $oin$ to $o for! "hat are you $oin$ to do there! "hat *ind of thin$s do you thin* you %ill uy!
"here did you s#end your last vacation! 1our summer vacation! 1our Christmas vacation! "here %ill you $o on your ne&t vacation! "ould you li*e to ta*e a cruise! "here to! "ith %ho! (o you #refer travelin$ on a hovercraft or a ferry! "ould you #refer to stay at a hotel2motel or cam# %hile on vacation! "ould you rather visit another country or travel %ithin your o%n country! "ould you rather $o to a #lace %here there are a lot of #eo#le or to a #lace %here there are fe% #eo#le!
(o you find more fulfillment from your leisure activities includin$ vacations than from your 0o ! (o you thin* the ty#e of vacation one ta*es reflects one)s social status! "hat are #o#ular tourist destinations in your country!
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Have you een to any of them! "hich %ould you recommend if you could only recommend one! "hy!