Conversation Questions

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The document discusses many potential questions one could ask about travel experiences, preferences, and plans.

Questions cover topics like travel experiences and destinations visited, transportation preferences, planning future trips, difficulties encountered while traveling, and travel with others.

Factors like traveling alone or in groups, destination type or activities, budget, and transportation method can influence travel preferences. People may also consider difficulty level, weather, or social obligations.

Conversation Questions Travel

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: After a Vacation, Holidays

Have you ever een a road! "here have you een! Are you #lannin$ on $oin$ any%here for your ne&t vacation!
o o o

'f so, %here! "ho %ith! Ho% lon$ %ill you stay!

Are you afraid of $oin$ a road alone! Could you live in another country for the rest of your life! (escri e the most interestin$ #erson you met on one of your travels. "hat %as your est tri#. "hat %as your %orst tri#. (id your class in hi$h school $o on a tri# to$ether!
o o o

'f so, %here did you $o! Ho% lon$ did you stay! Ho% did you $et there!

(o you have a driver)s license! (o you li*e to travel %ith children! "hy or %hy not! (o you li*e to travel %ith your mother! "hy or %hy not! (o you #refer summer vacations or %inter vacations! (o you #refer to travel alone or in a $rou#! "hy! (o you #refer to travel y train, us, #lane or shi#! (o you #refer travelin$ y car or y #lane!

Have you ever een in a difficult situation %hile travelin$! Have you ever een on an air#lane!
o o

Ho% many times! "hat airlines have you flo%n %ith!

Have you ever een to a forei$n country! Have you ever $otten lost %hile travelin$! 'f so, tell a out it. Have you ever hitchhi*ed! 'f so, ho% many times! Have you ever ta*en a #ac*a$e tour! Ho% do you s#end your time %hen you are on holiday and the %eather is ad! Ho% many countries have you een to! Ho% many states! Ho% many times have you traveled a road! Ho% much lu$$a$e do you usually carry! 'f you traveled to South America, %hat countries %ould li*e to visit! 'f you %ent to +++,'nsert a country name-++, %hat *ind of souvenirs %ould you uy! 'f you %ere $oin$ on a cam#in$ tri# for a %ee*, %hat ./ thin$s %ould you rin$! E&#lain %hy. "hat are some countries that you %ould never visit! "hy %ould you not visit them! "hat are some thin$s that you al%ays ta*e %ith you on a tri#! "hat countries %ould you li*e to visit! "hy! "hat countries %ould you most li*e to visit! "hat countries %ould you not li*e to visit! "hy! "hat country do you most %ant to visit!
o o

"hy! (o you thin* you %ill ever $o there!

"hat do you need efore you can travel to another country! "hat is the most interestin$ city to visit in your country! "hat is the most interestin$ souvenir that you have ever ou$ht on one of your holidays!

"hat lan$ua$es can you s#ea*! "hat #lace do you %ant to visit someday! "hat %as the most interestin$ #lace you have ever visited! "hat)s the most eautiful #lace you)ve ever een to! "hen %as the last time your traveled! "hen you are on a lon$ car 0ourney do you #lay $ames or sin$ son$s to occu#y your time!
o o

"hat *ind of $ames! "hat son$s!

"here are you $oin$ to $o the ne&t time you travel!

o o o o o

"hen are you $oin$ to $o! "ho are you $oin$ to $o %ith! Ho% lon$ are you $oin$ to $o for! "hat are you $oin$ to do there! "hat *ind of thin$s do you thin* you %ill uy!

"here did you $o on your last vacation!

o o

Ho% did you $o! "ho did you $o %ith!

"here did you s#end your last vacation! 1our summer vacation! 1our Christmas vacation! "here %ill you $o on your ne&t vacation! "ould you li*e to ta*e a cruise! "here to! "ith %ho! (o you #refer travelin$ on a hovercraft or a ferry! "ould you #refer to stay at a hotel2motel or cam# %hile on vacation! "ould you rather visit another country or travel %ithin your o%n country! "ould you rather $o to a #lace %here there are a lot of #eo#le or to a #lace %here there are fe% #eo#le!

(o you find more fulfillment from your leisure activities includin$ vacations than from your 0o ! (o you thin* the ty#e of vacation one ta*es reflects one)s social status! "hat are #o#ular tourist destinations in your country!
o o

Have you een to any of them! "hich %ould you recommend if you could only recommend one! "hy!

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