Meeting New People: What Do We Say When We Introduce Ourselves?

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Meeting New People

What do we say when we introduce ourselves?

Hi, Im John. Hello. Im Simon. Simon Davis. Hi there. My name is Samantha Tart. Ni e to meet yo!. Im Gary. Please" to meet yo!. My name is Terry. Its a pleas!re to meet yo!. Im Jenni#er Holmes. Please all me Jen. Ni e to meet yo!, too. %hat "o yo! "o& Please" to meet yo!, too. %here are yo! #rom& Its a pleas!re to meet yo!, too. %hat line o# wor' are yo! in, Jen& Im a n!rse. I wor' in a hospital "owntown. How a(o!t yo!& Im )nglish. Im #rom *ristol. Its in the %est o# )nglan". Do yo! 'now it& Im a Sales Representative. I wor' #or a pharma e!ti al ompany. How a(o!t yo!&




So!n"s +i'e,
1) Im a teacher. //aim a// 2) Nice to meet you, too. //mii tiu// 3) Pleased to meet you. //pliizd//

Pra ti e I- Read the models below, then practice introducin


yoursel!. Hello. My name is Charles Johnson. Im from the UK. I live in London. Im a Businessman. I work for Active Sports Incorporated. My company designs, produces and sells sportswear for the outdoors. b) Hi there. Im Sarah. Im Canadian. Im from Canada. Im married and have two sons. My parents live in oronto. I have one !rother and two sisters. My husband is a dentist. c) Nice to meet you. Im James. James Sherman. I come from "ew #ealand but I live in o$%o. Im a student. I study Japanese Language at o$%o Universit%. In my free time I like to pla% foot!all and watch films. ht with the correct #uestion, then as$ and answer f) g) Do you have any ______? Where do you ______? live work brothers and sisters

Pra ti e II- "atch the words on the ri

each #uestion with your partner. a) %hats yo!r ......& b) Where are you ______? c) What do you ______? d) Whats your ______? e) Where do you ______?

from name

do job

)/er ise i %hoose the best response.

0- Im #rom 1/#or". Do yo! 'now it& a. Im #rom 1sa'a. 2) m Danish. !ow about you? a. "y name is Daniel. 3) Whi%h &art of 'a&an are you from? a. (okyo. )) Where do you work? a. n a bank. *) !ave you been to +ustralia? a. ,o- havent. .) What do you do in your free time? a. work at %ity hall. b. 2es, I "o. b. m from #n$land. b. m 'a&anese. b. m a do%tor. b. ,o- dont. b. like readin$ and %ookin$.

)/er ise ii "atch the countries with the nationalities.

0. 2. 3. ). *. .. 2. 3. 3meri a +ustralia /hili&&ines taly 0ran%e 1ermany !olland 4ietnam a. b. %. d. e. f. $. h. 1erman Dut%h 4ietnamese 0ren%h 3meri an +ustralian 0ili&ino talian

)/er ise iii %hoose the correct word.

0. 2. 3. ). *. .. 4Is she5Does she- #rom )nglan"& 5Do you6+re you) %ome from the 78+? Where 5does6is) she from? 5Do you6+re you) +ustralian? 5 am6 ) work for a 9ank. Where 5do6are) you work?

+istening &aty and &en'i are meetin

each other !or the !irst time. Katy: Hi, Im Katy. Whats your name? Kenji: Hello. My names Kenji. Its nice to meet you. Katy: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? Kenji: Im from Japan. Katy: So, what do you do Kenji? Kenji: Im a teacher I teach engineering at a University in Tokyo. How about you? What do you do? Katy: Well, Im a Childcare Worker I look after pre-school age children. I work for a small Nursery School in Oxford. Kenji: Wow! Do you like it? Katy: Yes, I do. I love working with children theyre a lot of fun. Kenji: What do you like to do in your free time? Katy: Hmm. I guess I like swimming and playing tennis. I also like to cook. How about you? Do you have any hobbies? Kenji: Not really, but I enjoy watching baseball and I sometimes go to karaoke. 1) What does &aty do? 2) (oes &en'i li$e his 'ob? 3) What do they do in their !ree time?

3ppli ation Introduce and tal$ about someone you $now. i.e.
Linda is my friend. Shes Irish. She is from Ireland. Her

full name She is an has three she likes crossword

is Linda Maggie Brogan. She lives in Kamakura. English teacher. She works in Shinagawa. Linda rothers and three sisters. In her free time! to "lay golf! listen to classical music and do "u##les.

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