Steam Drain Calc.

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X Steam Tables

Excel macros, IF-97 Steam tables. %&' (a$n s )olm$ren www.x-en$.com +%S' This workbook ses macros. Set sec rit& options in Tools'(acro'Sec rit&, to enable macros.

The excel scripts are stored inside this workbook. A complete list of f nctions for se is a!ailable on t

The steam tables are free and pro!ided as is. *e take no responsibilities for an& errors in the code o

Saturation properties given temperature Temperat re 123.00 -# Sat ration press re /0A12E3 bar a Liquid Enthalp& /0A12E3 k45k$ 6ensit& /0A12E3 k$5m7 Entrop& /0A12E3 k45k$8 Vapour 0apo r enthalp& /0A12E3 k45k$ 0apo r densit& /0A12E3 k$5m7 0apo r Entrop& /0A12E3 k45k$8 E!aporation ener$& /0A12E3 k45k$ Properties given pressure and temperature .ress re 25.00 bar a Temperat re 220.00 -# Enthalp& /0A12E3 k45k$ 6ensit& /0A12E3 k$5m7 Entrop& /0A12E3 k45k$8 0apo r fraction /0A12E3 9 IF97 :e$ion /0A12E3 .hase #V$L%&' Isobaric heat capacit& /0A12E3 k45k$ Speed of so nd /0A12E3 m5s

Saturation properties given pressure .ress re 12.570 bar a Sat ration temperat re /0A12E3 -# Liquid Enthalp& /0A12E3 k45k$ 6ensit& /0A12E3 k$5m7 Entrop& /0A12E3 k45k$8 Vapour 0apo r enthalp& /0A12E3 k45k$ 0apo r densit& /0A12E3 k$5m7 !apo r Entrop& /0A12E3 k45k$8 E!aporation ener$& /0A12E3 k45k$ Properties given pressure and ent .ress re 22.00 Enthalp& 2"00.00 Temperat re /0A12E3 6ensit& /0A12E3 Entrop& /0A12E3 0apo r fraction /0A12E3 IF97 :e$ion /0A12E3 .hase #V$L%&' Isobaric heat capacit& /0A12E3 Speed of so nd /0A12E3 alp! bar a k45k$ -# k$5m7 k45k$8 9

k45k$ m5s

of f nctions for se is a!ailable on the "#allin$ f nctions" worksheet

ibilities for an& errors in the code or dama$e thereb&.

acro'Sec rit&, to enable macros.

X Steam Tables
Steam tables b! (agnus )olmgren a**ording to +$P,S +-./7 The excel scripts are stored inside this workbook. ;<o extra files are needed. Start from a cop& of this workbook. This pa$e can be remo!ed= For error-reportin$, feedback, other nits ma$n etc.sAx-en$.com contact' The steam tables are free and pro!ided as is. *e take no responsibilities for an& errors in the code or dama$e thereb&. 01S2 T is 3or4boo4 uses ma*ros. Set se*urit! options in Tools2(a*ro2Se*urit!5 to enable ma*ros.

Tsat6p T6p T6ps T6 s #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' 78 78 78 78 Sat ration temperat re Tempert re as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Tempert re as a f nction of press re and entrop& Tempert re as a f nction of enthalp& and entrop&

psat6T p6 s p6 r o #V$L%&' bar #V$L%&' bar #V$L%&' bar #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g m3:4g m3:4g m3:4g m3:4g m3:4g m3:4g m3:4g 4g:m3 4g:m3 4g:m3 4g:m3 4g:m3 4g:m3 4g:m3 49:<4g => 49:<4g => 49:<4g => 49:<4g => 49:<4g => 49:<4g =>

Sat ration press re .ress re as a f nction of h and s. .ress re as a f nction of h and rho ;densit&=. 0er& nacc rate for s

V6p L6p V6T L6T 6pT 6ps 6p; 6T; 6pr o

Sat rated !apo r enthalp& Sat rated li? id enthalp& Sat rated !apo r enthalp& Sat rated li? id enthalp& Entalp& as a f nction of press re and temperat re. Entalp& as a f nction of press re and entrop&. Entalp& as a f nction of press re and !apo r fraction Entalp& as a f nction of temperat re and !apo r fraction Entalp& as a f nction of press re and densit&. +bser!e for low temp Sat rated !apo r !ol me Sat rated li? id !ol me Sat rated !apo r !ol me Sat rated li? id !ol me Specific !ol me as a f nction of press re and temperat re. Specific !ol me as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Specific !ol me as a f nction of press re and entrop&. Sat rated !apo r densit& Sat rated li? id densit& Sat rated !apo r densit& Sat rated li? id densit& 6ensit& as a f nction of press re and temperat re. 6ensit& as a f nction of press re and enthalp& 6ensit& as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

Specific volume
vV6p vL6p vV6T vL6T v6pT v6p v6ps

r r r r r r r oV6p oL6p oV6T oL6T o6pT o6p o6ps

Specific entropy
sV6p sL6p sV6T sL6T s6pT s6p

Sat rated !apo r entrop& Sat rated li? id entrop& Sat rated !apo r entrop& Sat rated li? id entrop& Specific entrop& as a f nction of press re and temperat re ;:et rn Specific entrop& as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Sat rated !apo r internal ener$& Sat rated li? id internal ener$& Sat rated !apo r internal ener$&

Specific internal energy

uV6p uL6p uV6T #V$L%&' 49:4g #V$L%&' 49:4g #V$L%&' 49:4g

uL6T u6pT u6p u6ps 8pV6p 8pL6p 8pV6T 8pL6T 8p6pT 8p6p 8p6ps 8vV6p 8vL6p 8vV6T 8vL6T 8v6pT 8v6p 8v6ps

#V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&'

49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:4g 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> 49:<4g78> m:s m:s m:s m:s m:s m:s m:s

Sat rated li? id internal ener$& Specific internal ener$& as a f nction of press re and temperat re. Specific internal ener$& as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Specific internal ener$& as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

Specific isobaric heat capacity

Sat rated !apo r heat capacit& Sat rated li? id heat capacit& Sat rated !apo r heat capacit& Sat rated li? id heat capacit& Specific isobaric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and tempe Specific isobaric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and enthal Specific isobaric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and entrop

Specific isochoric heat capacity

Sat rated !apo r isochoric heat capacit& Sat rated li? id isochoric heat capacit& Sat rated !apo r isochoric heat capacit& Sat rated li? id isochoric heat capacit& Specific isochoric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and temp Specific isochoric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and entha Specific isochoric heat capacit& as a f nction of press re and entro Sat rated !apo r speed of so nd Sat rated li? id speed of so nd Sat rated !apo r speed of so nd Sat rated li? id speed of so nd Speed of so nd as a f nction of press re and temperat re. Speed of so nd as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Speed of so nd as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

Speed of sound
3V6p 3L6p 3V6T 3L6T 36pT 36p 36ps

Dynamic Viscosity
m!6pT m!6p m!6ps #V$L%&' Pa s #V$L%&' Pa s #V$L%&' Pa s 0iscosit& as a f nction of press re and temperat re. 0iscosit& as a f nction of press re and enthalp& 0iscosit& as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

0iscosit& is not part of IA.*S Steam IF97. E? ations from ":e!ised :elease on the IA.*S Form lation B9CD for the 0iscosit& of +rdinar& *ater S bst 0iscosit& in the mixed re$ion ;F= is interpolated accordin$ to the densit&. This is not tr e since it will be two fases.

#alc alted as #pGm&5tc

pr6pT pr6p

#V$L%&' . #V$L%&' .

Thermal Conductivity
:e!ised release on the IA.S Form lation B9CD for the Thermal #ond cti!it& of ordinar& water s bstance ;IA.*S B99C=

t*L6p t*V6p t*L6T t*V6T t*6pT t*6p t*6 s

#V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&' #V$L%&'

,:<m => ,:<m => ,:<m => ,:<m => ,:<m => ,:<m => ,:<m =>

Sat rated !apo r thermal cond cti!it& Sat rated li? id thermal cond cti!it& Sat rated !apo r thermal cond cti!it& Sat rated li? id thermal cond cti!it& Thermal cond cti!it& as a f nction of press re and temperat re. Thermal cond cti!it& as a f nction of press re and enthalp& Thermal cond cti!it& as a f nction of enthalp& and entrop&

Surface Tension
IA.*S :elease on S rface Tension of +rdinar& *ater S bstance, September B99F

st6T st6p

#V$L%&' ?:m #V$L%&' ?:m #V$L%&'

S rface tension for two phase water5steam as a f nction of T S rface tension for two phase water5steam as a f nction of T 0apo r fraction as a f nction of press re and enthalp&

Vapour fraction



0apo r fraction as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

Vapour Volume Fraction

v;6p v;6ps #V$L%&' #V$L%&' 0apo r !ol me fraction as a f nction of press re and enthalp& 0apo r !ol me fraction as a f nction of press re and entrop&.

+bser!e that !apo r !ol me fraction is !er& sensiti!e. 0apo r !ol me is abo t BEEE times $reater than li? id !ol me and therfore !apo r !ol me fractio $ets close to the acc ranc& of steam IF-97

Version history
?e3s in V2.@ G Error in !alid re$ion for f nction tcHptrho G Error in f nction h7Hpt for temperat res near the sat ration point. ?e3s in V2.5 G 611 distr b tion for se in other applications G Freebasic translation G Fixed small error in #! :e$ion D pIBEEEbar ?e3s in V2.Aa G ToSI2nit for hHps re$ion F. ;<o effect in SI nit !ersion=. ?e3s in V2.A G F nctions b& p,rho inplemented in matlab also. G (an& missin$ J in matlab ca sin$ printo ts detected. G +pen+ffice !ersion introd ced. ;Fixed calc lation differences in open office and excel= G (atlab error $i!in$ !araible ndefined in some backwards sol tions fixed. ?e3s in V2.3 G +ption Explicit, $i!es more efficient calc lations. G Extensi!e testin$ G m&Hph not defined in re$ion F. G .roblems at re$ion border for hF0Hp to adress sol!er problems at the exact border. G .roblem at fast border check in re$ionHph fixed. ?e3s in V2.2 G Extensi!e testin$ G Fixed error in #pHph G F nction pHhrho added. ;0er& $ood for calc altin$ press re when heatin$ a !ol me with water5steam mixt re.= G Fixed error in THhs ret rn no !al e for !et re$ion bellow the water sat ration line. G .randtl n mber added ?e3s in V2.1 G #allin$ f nction hHprho G Fixed problem with #! reportin$ <a< in re$ion D. G E? i!i!alent to the (atlab !ersion. ;6ownloadable from www.x-en$.com= ?e3s in V2 G #allin$ f nctions of h and s added. G Thermal cond cti!it&, S rface tension added G #allin$ f nctions hHpx and hHtx added. G #p, #! and w ndefined in the mixed re$ion. ;%efore interpolation with the !apor fraction was sed.= G A work sheet ".roperties" for simple look ps added.

$e can be remo!ed=

t&=. 0er& nacc rate for solid water re$ion since it>s almost incompressible3

!apo r fraction sit&. +bser!e for low temperat res ;li? id= this e? ation has @ sol tions. ;<ot !alid33=

and temperat re. and enthalp& and entrop&.

and temperat re ;:et rns sat rated !apo r entalp& if mixt re.= and enthalp&

ess re and temperat re. ess re and enthalp& ess re and entrop&.

on of press re and temperat re. on of press re and enthalp& on of press re and entrop&.

ion of press re and temperat re. ion of press re and enthalp& ion of press re and entrop&.

and temperat re. and enthalp& and entrop&.

scosit& of +rdinar& *ater S bstance", @EE7 are sed.

s re and temperat re. s re and enthalp& alp& and entrop&

m as a f nction of T m as a f nction of T

and enthalp&

and entrop&.

d therfore !apo r !ol me fraction

ess re and enthalp& ess re and entrop&.

condensate when start-up ambient temperature specific heat of pipe steel specific heat ofinsulating material steel pipe weight per meter insulating material weight per meter heating-up rate of steel pipe heating-up rate of insulating material surface temperature of insulating material mean temperature when normal operarting steam temperature when normal operarting steam pressure when stable enthalph of steam enthalph of con*ensate pipe length

insulating material---rock wool ta 20.00 2pipe 2insul 51 52 vpipe vinsul t0 t* t P h! h+ % 0.48 k)/3kg.4 0.84 k)/3kg.4 32.84 kg/m 8.02 kg/m 4.80 /min 2.00 /min 50.00 150.00 250.00 23.00 bara "#$%&'( k)/kg "#$%&'( k)/kg 50.00 m 5/min 1/26pipe

heat release totall when heating heating-up time con*ensate capacit condensate capacity calculate the me*ium pressure steam

, / 0 m t p *o *i 1

2253-4.. 52.08 "#$%&'( ### 250.00 22.00 21..00 20-.40 100.00

k) min kg kg/h *egc barg mm mm mm

thickness of insulation assume set one steam trap per 50 meter

condensate when normal operating *2 e7ternal *iameter of insulation e7ternal *iameter of steel pipe thermal transmission properties of thermal insulations $nnual a6erage win* spee* surface con6ecti6e heat-transfer coefficient heat release totall when normal steam flow rate
sensible heat drop ;DEm=

41..00 21..00 0.05 1.00 10.4: 1--44.: 0.45 10.00

mm mm 5/3m.) m/s 5/3m2.) k;/h k;/kg kg/m3 kpa 0pa k!/kg *egc

flash calculation when normal operating con*ensate capacit flash steam pressure flash steam temperature flash steam enthalph flash steam specific 6olume *rain consensate enthalph heat loss coefficient *r ness fraction falsh steam production steam price annual sa6e on steam *rain steel pipe length *rain steel pipe weight steel pipe price steel pipe cost 6al6e s two year can reach cost-recovery

*1 8 w 9 , <m

3:000.00 kg/h

steam density pressure *rop steam pressure en* steam entalphy end steam temperature en* Ploss pe he /e

1:.80 22..8 #VALUE 24..30

e7ternal *iameter of steel pipe wall thickness of steel pipe *ensit of steel pipe pipe weight per meter thickness of insulation e7ternal *iameter of insualtion *ensit of insulating material insulation weight per meter

21. -.3 :800 32.84 100 41. 80 8.01:

mm mm kg/m3 kg/m mm mm kg/m3 kg/m

hen normal operating "#$%&'( kg/h 5.00 180.00 barg

2:5-.00 k)/kg 0.-0 -:0.00 0..8 0..: ### .040 150 "#$%&'( 40 1-0 : 1120 800 kg/h kg/ 2=>/t 2=> m kg 2=>/kg 2=> 2=> m3/kg k)/kg

?=50 ;ust estimate@ ma be more e7pansi6e

h cost-recovery

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