Performance Analysis of The Catalytic Converter: Experimental Work
Performance Analysis of The Catalytic Converter: Experimental Work
Performance Analysis of The Catalytic Converter: Experimental Work
Experimental Setup The test is conducted on a three cylinder MPFI petrol engine with two way catalytic converter. The engine is coupled to the alternator with resistive loading which has the provision for increasing or decreasing of the load in steps there by ensuring the speed of the engine as constantand the readings at different loading conditions can be taken. The exhaust emissions are measured by A ! gas analy"er. #efore the experiments$ the analy"er is calibrated. The schematic view of the test e%uipment is shown in figures &.' and &.&.The thermocouples used are iron(constonton type which can measure upto ')**+,.c The e%uipment used for preparing the set up are the following 'ariable compression ignition engine.
)- Two way catalytic converter. &- .igital temperature indicator. /- A 0 exhaust digas analy"er. 1- 234 tube manometer. 5- 6rifice meter.
The catalytic converter of a Mahindra MINIDOR auto is taken for test. The engine is designed according to suit for the norms of #7A8AT 9TA:; ).
Pr%'e(ure+ Experiment ,it$%ut Se'%n(ar) Air In*e'ti%n The experimental set up is prepared first and verified for any leakages or mismatch. The thermocouples are calibrated to ensure their proper working. The engine is started and 1 to '* minutes are allowed for steady operation The emissions are measured before and after the catalytic converter Pressure drop across the catalytic converter is also measured. arying the load in steps of '.1k<$ again the temperature$ pressure and emissions are measured across the catalytic converter. Initially$ the test is conducted at relatively low temperature and the readings across the catalytic converter are measured. The pressure difference in very little and the temperature is not more than '**+,. ;missions are taken before and after the catalytic converter for analysis purpose. The emissions are not treated in the catalytic converter as it has not reached its lightoff temperature.
Fi !"!- Experimental Arran ement ,it$%ut air in*e'ti%n "!-!- Experiment ,it$ Se'%n(ar) Air In*e'ti%n This time$ secondary air is passed through the catalytic converter and emissions are measured at no load and full load condition. This time also the readings of temperature$ pressure$ exhaust gas checks are made and the results are tabulated. ;xhaust gases are treated significantly as the light off temperature is reached also the pressure drop is more than the earlier case. The lowering the temperature causes the reactions of the 7ydrocarbons and ,arbon monoxide with 6xygen occurs more often and would also stop the formation of!itrogen monoxide from 6xygen and !itrogen in the engine.but to achieve this a complicated cooling systems are needed.
Petrol engine
Temperature indicator
Fi !"!1Experimental &etup
Fi ! "!2AVL 3i a& Anal)4er For measuring the exhaust emission concentration levels$ we used a A 0 digas analy"er which can measure 7ydro carbons$ ,arbon monoxide$ carbon dioxide and !itrogen oxides. #efore measurement$ we need to ensure whether the filters are in good condition or not. The un burned hydro carbons$ carbon monoxide are treated by the converter. The conversion efficiency of the converter can be defined as following
The test is conducted on a three cylinder MPFI petrol engine with two way catalytic converter. The engine is coupled to the alternator with resistive loading which has the provision for increasing or decreasing of the load in steps there by ensuring the speed of the engine as constant and the readings at different temperature are taken. The exhaust emissions are measured by A ! gas analy"er. #efore the experiments$ the analy"er is calibrated.the schematic view of the test e%uipment is shown in figures &.' and &.&.The thermocouples used are iron(constonton type which can measure upto ')**+,.The data recording is commenced from the start of the engine *s to '>**s.
olt age ? -
Temperature ?+,#efor After e conve conve rsion rsion ')& '&) '51 'B) )'& ''' ''5 '/1 'A& 'B1
;mission measurements ,6 ?@vol#efor After e conve conve rsion rsion 5.A) 5.'& B.'& B.A) B.5> B.1B A.A5 B.5) B.'5 B.'' 7, ?ppm#efor After e conve conve rsion rsion /)'* &)&* )'&* /5* &B& &55 'B5) /&> &&A &1' ,6) ?@vol#efor After e conve conve rsion rsion 1.* /.A 5.B >.A B.* B.) 1.B >.A >.A >.A !6 ppm #efor After e conve conve rsion rsion '&' >* '*A )*& '1* )*B >' 'A5 '&1 '/*
The above table shows the emission levels of different gases like ,6$ 7,$ !6.The ,6 varies between B.A) and 5.'& @ volume. 7, varies between /)'* and &1' ppm and !6 varies between )*B and >* ppm. 7ere the secondary air supply is absent also the loads are subCected to change. 9o the exhaust gas temperature is increasing considerably and the main emissions carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons are treated well.
Ta6le /!- Emi&&i%n mea&urement& ,it$ air in*e'ti%n n% l%a( an( $al. l%a( '%n(iti%n ol ,urr tag ent e ?A? Temperatur e ?+,#ef After ore conv con ersio vers n ion ;mission measurements ,6 ?@vol#efo After re conv conv ersio 7, ?ppm#efo After re conv conv ersio ,6) ?@vol#efo After re conv conv ersio !6 ppm #efo After re conv conv ersio
The table /.) shows the emission treatment at no lad and half load conditions by keeping the air flow rate constant. The temperature variations at different loads are tabulated. The engine speed is kept constant while changing the load on the engine. The temperature varies between )*'+, and'*&+, only. Pressure variation is little and not exceeding /cm of water column.
<hen the secondary air supply is included$ the additional oxygen supplied will help the oxidation reaction and to convert more carbon monoxides and unburnt hydro carbons to carbon dioxides and water respectively. To analy"e the treatment of emissions at no load and half load conditions on the engine$ the above readings show clearly conversion is acceptable.
Ta6le /!" Emi&&i%nmea&urement& ,it$ air in*e'ti%n &tea() &tate '%n(iti%n %. t$e Ex$au&t a&
From the table /.& results$ the emissions ,6$ 7, and !6 are varying in a significant way.,6 is treated very efficiently and it is varying between the range &.5> to >.>& @volumes. 7, also treated effectively and is varying in the range A1) to 1B)* ppm. <e can observe that$ Tim e ?min 1 '* '1 )* )1 &* ,6 ?@vol#efore conversi on >.>& A.>> A.5A A.5' A.1> A.>' After conversi on /.1/ &.A5 &.5> &./& &.B /.)/ 7, ?ppm#efore conversi on '1'A 1&)* /B)* 1>1* 1>/* 1B)* After conversi on A1) )/1* )A>* )'B* &*>* &&A* ,6) ?@vol#efore conversi on A.1 1./ 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.5 After conversi on &.> )./ ).1 )./ ).A & !6 ppm #efore conversi on '*/ )/A )1B &'* &// &>> After conversi on /* '&> '5& '5* 'B5 )*5
!6 is also treated and is varying in the range /* to &>> ppm. The emission treatment is analy"ed by measuring upstream and downstream of the converter by keeping the load on the engine as constant and after successive five minutes$ the readings are taken to ensure that the converter is reached steady state condition. In this condition$ as we kept engine load as constant$ the exhaust gas temperature is considerably low also the emission treatment is satisfactory.
/!# Per.%rman'e %. 'atal)ti' '%n7erter at l%, temperature+ The operation of catalytic converter at low temperature?below '**+,- is almost "ero. 9o for the reactions to occur$ the catalyst must be heated upto certain point technically known as light off
temperature. #eyond which$ the catalytic converter starts working.9o low temperature test indicates no treatment of exhaust gases. /!- Per.%rman'e %. 'atal)ti' '%n7erter at $i $ temperature+ 7igh temperature here indicates above light off temperature usually between '1*+, to )1*+,. ,learly from graphs$ we can see that the converter is operating efficiently above )1*+, and the conversions of ,6$7,with respect to temperature is acceptable. This test should be conducted carefully as the operating temperature increases rapidly also check for proper fitting is needed for no leakages.
/!" C$ara'teri&ti'& %. Catal)ti' C%n7erter
Fi !/!# Variati%n %. CO ,it$ L%a( Fig./.' shows that the variation of ,6 is showing an increasing trend and it is increasing linearly from no load to ).1 k<. 3pper trend line indicates before emission treatment before the catalytic converter and the lower trend line represents the emission treatment after the catalytic converter. As the load increases$ both the trend lines are going parallel and maintaining the same difference.
Fi !/!- Variati%n %. HC ,it$ L%a( Fig./.)shows initially the hydro carbon emission levels are very high and as the time passes$ they will tend to reduce gradually. From the graph$ we can see the gradual reduction of 7, levels and after reaching a certain load here ).1 k<$ emission levels are maintained constantly.
Fi !/!" Variati%n %. NO ,it$ L%a( In fig./.&$ upper trend line indicates before treatment and lower trend line indicates after treatment. <ecansay that the emission treatment after catalytic converter is following almost constant trend after the load of / k<.
Fi !/!/ Variati%n %. CO- ,it$ L%a( Fig././shows the carbon dioxide ?,6)- is a bi product in the catalytic converter. Itslevel increases due to the conversion of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. 7ere the bottom trend line is also continuously increasing and variation is non linear.
Fi !/!0 Variati%n %. CO ,it$ Temperature %. ex$au&t Fig./.1 shows the measured concentrations of ,6 before end after conversion against exhaust gas temperature. #oth variations are following constantly after )**E,.
Fi !/!1 Variati%n%. HC ,it$ Temperature %. ex$au&t Figure /.5shows hydrocarbons are gradually reducing as the temperature increases and at )**+,$ both the trend lines are coinciding to an acceptable emission levels.
Fig./.Ashows !6 is not a regular variation as we are using two way catalytic converter. The irregular trend can be observed from the figure /.A.