Transformer Protection

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PowerIT Liquid-Filled GroundMount Transformer PowerIT Liquid-Filled PoleMount Transformer

Technical Reference Manual

Industrial IT Enabled products from A are buildin! bloc"s for !reater producti#it$ featurin! all the tools necessar$ for lifec$cle product support in consistent electronic form

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Table of contents
,% Technical specification and transformer description%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,%, Technical specification%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (% Transformer description%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . (%, /ermeticall$ *ealed Transformers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . (%( Free breathin! transformers 0with conser#ator tan"1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. (%2 Mechanical *tren!th of Tan"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . (%- Loadin! of Transformers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . (%3 *hort-circuit withstand capacit$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . (%. 4ithstand 5olta!e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 2% Transformer 'onstruction and 6esi!n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 2%, 'ore%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 2%( 4indin!s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 2%2 Tap 'han!er%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 2%- Tan"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 2%3 'o#er%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 2%. 'onser#ator%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 2%7 Transformer 8il%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 -% Transformer accessories and equipment%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9 -%, Thermometer poc"et%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9 -%( 6ouble contact thermometer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9 -%2 *afet$ 5al#e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9 -%- uchhol+ Rela$ 0in free breathin!& conser#ator-t$pe transformers1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9 -%3 6GPT-( 0in hermeticall$ sealed transformers1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9 -%. Au:iliar$ terminal bo:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; 3% Equipment 6escription%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,) 3%, 8il le#el indicator%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,) 3%( Ma!netic 8il Le#el Indicator%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,, 3%2 6ouble contact thermometer with ma: pointer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,, 3%- uchhol+ rela$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,2 3%3 *afet$ #al#e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,3 3%. 6GPT-(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,9

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1. Technical specification and transformer description

1.1 Technical specification
<o Parameter , <ominal power ratin! *$mbol *n unit 6escription ="5A> Apparent output power the transformer has been desi!ned for e:pressed in 5A& "5A& or M5A% In twowindin! transformers each windin! has the same power output equal to the transformer?s nominal power% In multiple windin! transformers nominal power is !i#en b$ addin! nominal power of each windin!% =5> 5olta!e that /5 windin! has been desi!ned for =5> 5olta!e that L5 windin! has been desi!ned for =/+> Frequenc$ a transformer has been desi!ned for 03) or .)/+1 ="5> Insulation le#el of /5 windin! terminals% 'omprises two #olta!es@ li!htnin! impulse and alternatin! current ="5> Insulation le#el of L5 windin! terminals% 'omprises two #olta!es@ li!htnin! impulse and alternatin! current =A> =5> The difference between the hi!hest and the lowest #alue of #olta!e on /5 tap terminals% T$picall$ #olta!e re!ulation ran!e is B-(:(%3A or B(%33 C 2:(%3A <DA 'onnection s$mbol of a two-windin! transformer% It is composed of letter s$mbol of the /5 windin! followed b$ letter s$mbol of the L5 windin! and a number indicatin! phase shift between /5 and L5@ T$pical connection s$mbols@ E+n3& E+n,,& 6$n3& 6$n,,& E$n)& End,, u+ =A> In a two-windin! three-phase transformer& the #olta!e that must be applied to terminals of a windin! while the other is short circuit and nominal current flows throu!h it% =4> Power dissipated b$ a transformer when nominal #olta!e is applied to onl$ one windin! on nominal tap while circuits of all other windin!s are open% =4> In a two-windin! transformer& the power dissipated b$ a transformer on nominal tap with nominal current in one windin! while the other is short circuit% =A> 'urrent in a windin! to whose terminals nominal #olta!e is applied on nominal tap and circuits of all other windin!s are open% <o-load current is e:pressed in percent of nominal current% =d 0A1> <oise le#el !enerated b$ a transformer durin! nominal e:citation of the core% Jsuall$ !i#en as acoustic pressure Lp0A1 or acoustic power lw0A1 at %2m& ,m& or 2m from transformer% <DA The ma:imum ambient temperature a transformer has been desi!ned for% <DA Ma:imum oil temperature rise abo#e the coolin! a!ent 0air1 at nominal load durin! normal operation

( <ominal hi!h #olta!e 2 <ominal low #olta!e - <ominal frequenc$ 3 /5 insulation le#el . L5 insulation le#el 7 8ff-load /5 #olta!e re!ulation

/5 L5 f LIA' LIA'

9 'onnection !roup D s$mbol

; <ominal impedance #olta!e ,) <o-load losses


,, Load losses


,( Fnamionow$ prGd stanu HaIowe!o


,2 <oise le#el


,- Ma:imum ambient temperature ,3 Ma:imum oil temperature rise

t o

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,. Ma:imum a#era!e windin! temperature rise ,7 'oolin! t$pe

<DA Ma:imum a#era!e windin! temperature rise abo#e the coolin! a!ent 0air1 at nominal load durin! normal operation <DA 8<A<@ transformer filled with mineral oil naturall$ cooled b$ the surroundin! air K<A<& L<A<@ transformer filled with s$nthetic oil naturall$ cooled b$ the surroundin! air 0K or L indicate oil i!nition temperatureL K represents hi!her temperature1

8<A<& K<A<& L<A<

,9 Altitude abo#e sea le#el

m asl

=m> T$picall$ transformers operate below ,))) m abo#e sea le#el% At hi!her altitudes ma:imum temperature rises must be reduced b$ (A for each 3))m abo#e ,)))m =mm> 3()mm up to 2,3"5A& .7)mm for 2,3"5A up to 9)) "5A 9()mm for 9))"5A up to ,.)) "5A ,)7)mm abo#e ,.))"5A =mm> ,(3mm up to 2,3"5A& ,(3mm for 2,3"5A up to 9)) "5A ,.))mm for 9))"5A up to ,.)) "5A ())mm abo#e ,.))"5A <DA Applicable norm@ IE' (;. <DA Applicable norm@ 6I<-(32, or other norms for special e:ecutions <DA Applicable norm@ 6I<-(32, or other norms for special e:ecutions <DA hermeticall$ sealed or free breathin! <DA IE' 7. or 6I<-(3)) <DA Thermometer with contacts for alarm and trip <DA A float indicates the oil le#el in the transformer <DA T$picall$ used in free breathin! e:ecution% A float indicates the oil le#el in the transformer?s conser#ator tan" <DA releases pressure inside the transformer tan" abo#e 23"Pa <DA si!nals accumulation of !asses <DA in a free breathin! e:ecution separates transformer internal parts and oil from atmosphere <DA T$picall$ 6GPT-( or 6M'R% oth offer alarm and trip for temperature as well as oil le#el and !as detection <DA All accessories with contacts ma$ be wired to an au:iliar$ connection bo: for eas$ connectin! <DA <DA

,; wheel distance

() wheel diameterI

(, oil t$pe (( /5 bushin! t$pe (2 L5 bushin! t$pe (- Transformer t$pe (3 Applicable norms (. 6ouble contact thermometer (7 Float oil le#el indicator (9 Ma!netic oil le#el indicator (; *afet$ #al#e 2) uchhol+ rela$

Mineral& MI6EL or silicone porcelain or plu!in porcelain or plu!in <DA <DA <DA <DA <DA


2, silica !el breather 2( Protection de#ice 22 Au:iliar$ terminal bo: 2- /5 cable bo: 23 L5 cable bo:

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2. Transformer description
2.1 Hermetically Sealed Transformers
/ermeticall$ sealed transformers are air-ti!ht% <o conser#ator or air cushion will !uarantee that transformer oil does not come into contact with atmosphere& which brin!s about its accelerated deterioration% Transformers are filled with oil at ambient temperature of about ()M' and #er$ low& near-#acuum pressure% This ensures that oil will per#ade transformer windin!s completel$ and no air remains in small cre#ices between coils% After sealin!& pressure inside the transformer is equal to normal atmospheric pressure% 'han!es of oil temperature and #olume durin! normal transformer operation cause either increase or decrease of internal pressure& which is absorbed b$ fle:ible corru!ated walls of transformer tan"% The fins will not deform permanentl$ if transformer is loaded in accordance with !uidelines set out in IE' publication 23-D,;7( or Polish <orms publication P<7,DE-9,)))%

2.2 Free breathing transformers (with conservator tank)

In this t$pe of transformer& a conser#ator 0an additional dedicated tan" mounted on the transformer co#er1 compensates for an$ #olume chan!es in transformer oil& relie#in! radiator fins from this tas"% The conser#ator is connected with transformer tan"% This connection enables flow of oil between both #essels when its #olume chan!es% Transformer oil does not come into direct contact with the atmosphere than"s to silica-!el deh$dratin! breather that absorbs all moisture from air and pre#ents it from enterin! the transformer tan"% 'onser#ator is equipped with a ma!netic oil le#el indicator located on the bottom or the conser#ator tan"%

2. !echanical Strength of Tank

8il-immersed transformer tan"s are !uaranteed to withstand without an$ permanent deformation internal pressure of about N2)) hPa%

2." #oading of Transformers

Transformers should be loaded in accordance with standards the$ ha#e been desi!ned to meet% In particular& it is recommended to obser#e re!ulations included in the followin! documents@ O Polish *tandard P<7,DE-9,)))@ Transformers with natural oil circulation O load conditions and operation% O IE' Publication 23-D,;7(@ Loadin! !uide for oil-immersed transformers%

2.$ Short%circ&it withstand capacity

Transformers are desi!ned and !uaranteed to withstand without an$ dama!e all mechanical and thermal effects of short-circuit accordin! to IE' 7. or Polish *tandard P<-IE' 7.-,%

2.' (ithstand )oltage

Transformers are desi!ned and !uaranteed to withstand without an$ dama!e all test #olta!es within the ran!e specified in IE'7. or Polish *tandard P<-IE' 7.-,%

3. Transformer Construction and Design

.1 *ore
Transformer?s core is made of !rain oriented& low loss ma!netic cold-rolled silicon steel% oth sides of steel sheets are laminated with ceramic insulation% The core construction is optimised for cold-rolled steel properties so that best parameters for ma!netic circuit are obtained& i%e% minimum no-load losses and small ma!netisin! power% The core is of column-t$pe%

.2 (indings
Transformer?s windin!s are made of electrol$tic copper% /i!h #olta!e windin!s are multi-la$er t$pe% Interla$er insulation is made from cable insulatin! paper& presspan and transformer oil% Low #olta!e windin!s are wound with profile wire or copper foil insulated with diamond dotted paper and presspan% 4indin!s are wound directl$ onto the core columns and pressed b$ means of top and bottom $o"e clamps%

. Tap *hanger
Transformer is equipped with a three-phase off-load tap chan!er enablin! #olta!e re!ulation when the transformer is deener!ised% The tap chan!er?s dri#e operates s$nchronousl$ on all three phases and its handleDdial is located on the transformer?s top co#er% 5olta!e re!ulation is realised b$ means of turnin! the tap chan!er?s dial to a required position% Tap chan!er ma$ <8T be used when the transformer is ener!ised%

(arning+ Failing to de%energise the transformer prior to voltage reg&lation may res&lt in severe in,&ry or death+

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Tap chan!er?s dial incorporates perforated rin! and loc"in! pins that ensure correct positionin! 0settin!1 of the dial after #olta!e re!ulation% In commutable transformers there are two tap chan!er dials on the co#er% 8ne of them is used for selectin! one or two possible hi!h #olta!e 0/51 settin!s while the other allows small-step #olta!e re!ulation%

." Tank
/ermeticall$ sealed transformers incorporate a tan" with corru!ated walls desi!ned to act as radiator fins% Free breathin! transformers 0conser#ator t$pe1 ma$ ha#e either corru!ated or radiator tan"% In radiator tan"s& the radiators are mounted on the tan" walls% All radiators ha#e #al#es located on a connectin! pipe between the radiator and tan" wall% These #al#es must be open durin! normal transformer operation& as this will allow for natural circulation and coolin! of transformer oil% 0'losed1 5al#es ma"e it possible to replace a radiator without the need to drain transformer oil for the tan"% Transformer tan" has a sturd$ desi!n that allows for normal transportation of an oil-filled transformer without an$ dama!e resultin! from #ibration% Tan"?s undercarria!e has facilities for securin! the transformer firml$ in place durin! transportation b$ means of s$nthetic belts or ropes of hi!h mechanical stren!th% The followin! facilities can be found in the lower part of the tan"@ O drainDsamplin! #al#e% O samplin! #al#e 0optionall$& in addition to drain #al#e1 O undercarria!e frame with bi-directional 0;)M1 wheels and earthin! terminals% The undercarria!e frame has holes desi!ned for pullin! transformer b$ short distances on a smooth surface%

-ttention+ .&lling transformer by the bars reinforcing corr&gated walls of the tank may res&lt in damage to the tank or oil leakage.

.$ *over
The followin! facilities can be found on transformer co#er@ O ( liftin! lu!s for liftin! the transformer or its acti#e part O oil le#el indicator poc"et 0in hermeticall$ sealed transformers1 O fillin! orifice for fillin! the tan" with oil 0in hermeticall$ sealed transformers1 O thermometer poc"et 0optional1 O 6GPT-( poc"et 0optional1 O connectin! soc"et for conser#ator 0in conser#ator-t$pe transformers1 O hi!h and low #olta!e bushin!s O earthin! terminal0s1 0optional1

.' *onservator
The c$lindrical #essel called conser#ator is located hori+ontall$ o#er the co#er% In some #ersions& the pipe connectin! conser#ator and the co#er ma$ be equipped with a !as-flow rela$% Located at the bottom of the conser#ator #essel is a ma!netic oil le#el indicator showin! current oil le#el in the transformer% 8il fillin! inlet can be found at the top of conser#ator #essel% It ma$ be either ti!htl$ sealed with a cap or ha#e a short pipe leadin! to a silica !el breather pro#idin! means of balancin! internal and e:ternal pressure% 'onser#ator #ersions with a sealin! cap onl$ ha#e the silica !el breather built-in and the breather?s air inlet is located underneath the conser#ator #essel% 8ptionall$& conser#ator #essel ma$ be equipped with a drain #al#e for remo#al of sediment or e:cess water%

./ Transformer 0il
Transformers are filled with mineral oil% Prior to fillin!& oil is treated in order to obtain required electrical characteristics and insulatin! properties% The #alue of brea"down #olta!e in a sample of treated new transformer oil should not lower than -3"5D(%3mm in a s$stem defined b$ applicable norms% If measured #alue of brea"down #olta!e is lower oil needs to be re!enerated b$ filterin! or equi#alent method% 8n request transformer ma$ be filled with biode!radable s$nthetic oil%

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4. Transformer accessories and equipment

Please refer to transformer?s technical specification and dimension drawin! for a complete list of installed accessories and additional equipment%

".1 Thermometer pocket

Transformer is equipped with a thermometer poc"et enablin! installation of mercur$ or double contact thermometer% To ta"e a measurement thermometer poc"et must half-filled with transformer oil% Jnused poc"et must be sealed to pre#ent water or air from enterin! the transformer% If not sealed& in temperatures below )M' e:pandin! ice ma$ dama!e the poc"et%

".2 1o&ble contact thermometer

Thermometer is equipped with two switch-o#er electrical contacts that ma$ be connected to trip and alarm circuits% The switcho#er contacts are desi!ned for (3)5 6' or A'% The respecti#e alarm or trip circuit is closed when the pointer 0hand1 crosses the pre-set 0user adHustable1 #alue on the thermometer?s face% Thermometer?s ran!e is@ )M'O,()M'% Thermometer probe has len!th of ,-)mm and is immersed in oil% Thermometer ma$ be mounted in poc"ets with RPQ or R,Q thread% Ma:imum cross-section of connectin! cables is .R,-(%3mm(% Thermometer alarm S trip settin!s@ O alarm ;3M' O trip ,)3M'

". Safety )alve

The transformer tan" filled with coolin! liquid is a container subHect to internal pressure% It needs to be pro#ided with one or more safet$ #al#es suitabl$ calibrated for the ma:imum allowed pressure& so that o#erpressure caused b$ internal faults can be instantaneousl$ relie#ed% This will pre#ent an$ !reater dama!e such as the deformation or e#en e:plosion of the tan" that ma$ result in fire ris"s% *afet$ #al#e?s rated o#erpressure is )%)2)O)%)23 MPa 0)%2O)%23 at1%

"." 2&chhol3 4elay (in free breathing5 conservator%type transformers)

Gas and oil actuated 0 uchhol+1 rela$ is desi!ned to detect faults as well as minimise propa!ation of an$ dama!e& which ma$ occur within oil-filled transformers% uchhol+ rela$ incorporates two floats and two contacts for alarm and trip% It is mounted in on the pipe connectin! transformer and the conser#ator% An arrow on the rela$ co#er must point at the conser#ator% *i!nallin!@ !as accumulation O alarm missin! oil O trip 'onnector characteristics@ #olta!e ratin! (- C (-)5 A' or 6' rated current )%3A

".$ 16.T%2 (in hermetically sealed transformers)

6GPT-( is a uni#ersal multi-function protection de#ice% Its functions include the followin!@ O detection of !as emissions or small oil lea"a!e O o#erpressure or maHor lea"a!e detectionL detection ran!e@ ,)) O 3))mbar O oil temperature rise detectionL detection ran!e 2) O ,()M' N2M' O oil temperature indication within the ran!e 2) O ,()M' N3M'% 6GPT-( has a set of dedicated electrical terminals for each function% Terminals are either normall$ closed or normall$ open and can tri!!er alarm or trip% All contacts ha#e the capacit$ to withstand loads of at least ,A dependin! on #olta!e and load t$pe%

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".' -&7iliary terminal bo7

Inside the au:iliar$ terminal bo: there is a connection dia!ram clearl$ depictin! how e:ternal control de#ices should be connected%

au:iliar$ connection bo:

au:iliar$ connection bo: #iewed inside

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5. Equipment Description
$.1 0il level indicator

, ( 2 3 . 9 ; ,) ,, ,( ,,3

ma: pointer brass bod$ Float *creen brass rin! sealin! 8-rin! float shaft rin! stopper centre rin! TU23mm brass bod$ float shaft Loc" screw < R !as"et 23:(7:,&3

L, U V B .) mm L( U V B 3) mm

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$.2 !agnetic 0il #evel 8ndicator

$. 1o&ble contact thermometer with ma7 pointer

T/ERM8METER T$pe MT5T 9This instrument is desi!ned to measure and control the temperature in oil filled distribution transformers and is suitable for outdoor installation% Its desi!n !uarantees normal operation in both tropical and arctic climates 0ambient temperature ran!e O -)M'DB7)M'1% All components are made of corrosion resistant or surface treated materials% The thermometer is fitted with , or ( chan!e-o#er 0*P6T1 microswitches wor"in! in both normall$ open and normall$ closed mode 0three terminals for each microswitch1% MT5T-9- is supplied with a Hunction board with 2 or . terminals B earth% Ma:% cable cross-section U (%3mm(% Temperature sensin! s$stem is of e:pansion t$pe 0liquid filled s$stem1& compensated for ambient temperature chan!es b$ means of a bimetallic sprin!% 'asin! is made from aluminium allo$s with powder paintin! of hi!h protection de!ree% 8n request& casin! ma$ be pro#ided with an air breather de#ice for #entilation% *-S896: Powder-Painted Aluminium Allo$ .40T;*T809 1;64;;: IP .3 4-96;: -()'DB,()' #0-1 *-.-*8T< (non%ind&ctive): 3A (3)5 A' (3)mA (3)5 6'

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3))mA ,(35 6' 89S=#-T809 (8THST-91 *-.-*8T<: ()))5 3)/+ between terminals and earth for .) sec% !;-S=4;!;9T -**=4-*<: ,%3A

, ( 2 3 . 7 9 ;

'ase 'o#er 'onnection Probe Ratin! plate 'able !land *witch settin! "nobs Ma: pointer reather de#ice

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$." 2&chhol3 relay

G (3 C 6I< -(3..

,-( 2-3 . 7 9 ; ,) ,, TEPE G (3 A ,;. ,2.

trip terminals alarm terminals earthin! terminal air breather pneumatic test #al#e mechanical test dial for alarm and trip cable !land p! ,. drain plu! plu! p! ,. 6 R,,D(Q *P E ,-) L ,93 * ,. d, (3 Gas #olume ,3) cm2 Mass (%3 "!

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J'//8LF RELAE* TEPE* R (3D3)D9) C 6I< -(3..

,-( 2-3 . 7 9 ; ,) ,,

Trip terminals Alarm terminals Earthin! terminal Air breather Pneumatic test #al#e Mechanical test dial for alarm and trip 'able !land PG ,. 6rain plu! Plu! PG ,.

TEPE A ' 6 E L * d, 6( d2 R (3 ,;. ,2. 93 ,,3 ,-) ()) ,3 (3 ,- .9 R 3) (3) ,.9 ,(3 ,.3 ,-) ,;3 ,9 3) ,9 ,)( R 9) 2)2 ,;2 ,.) ()) ,-) ,;3 ,9 9) ,9 ,29

no of holes -D9

!as #ol Mass ,3) cm2 2%, "!% (3) cm2 -%3 "!% (3) cm2 3%( "!%

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$.$ Safety valve


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*AFETE 5AL5E (Q *P 0female1

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$.' 16.T%2


6ismantlin! dimension @,,)

6-S Total thic"ness @ ,3)

;B H-=ST -91 S-!.#896 90DD#;

14-8 9 T-. T;!. ;4-T=4; 6-=6;



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