Holley EFI Idle Tuning Notes

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The document discusses various engine control unit (ECU) parameters that can be adjusted to improve idle quality, such as idle speed RPM, target air/fuel ratio, fuel table tuning, and spark table configuration.

Idle speed RPM, target air/fuel ratio, fuel table tuning, spark table configuration, minimum injector opening time, and injector voltage offset are mentioned as ECU parameters that influence idle quality.

Most high performance engines will idle well with a target air/fuel ratio between 13.0:1 and 13.5:1 according to the document.

Holley EFI Idle Tuning Notes

Tuning Notes
I recently spent several days reading (books) about EFI idle tuning and improving my engine's idle quality. I inally ac!ieved" #!at I consider" an e$cellent idling engine...but it #asn't easy. In act" I believe t!e Holley Hp%&ominator E'( is more sensitive to idle tuning (idle algorit!m)" t!an t!e 'ommander )*+ is, meaning it's easier to ac!ieve a good idle #it! t!e ')*+. I tried to disregard #!at I t!oug!t I kne# about idle tuning and start #it! a res! mindset...I'm glad I did. Every engine #ill idle slig!tly di erent and t!e engine combination (components) #ill a ect t!e idling c!aracteristics" especially t!e cams!a t. T!ese E'( parameters in luence t!e idle qualityIdle Speed RPM Increasing t!e idle ./0 provides a smoot!er idle. T!is doesn't mean your engine !as to idle at 1+++ ./0" !o#ever" don't e$pect a race engine #it! a radical cams!a t to idle at 2++ ./0. 3enerally" t!e bigger t!e cams!a t t!e more idle ./0 it needs. 0ost mild per ormance engines s!ould idle #ell at 2++45++ ./0 and most potent street per ormance engines s!ould idle #ell at 5++4)++ ./0. 6erious race engines #it! radical cams!a ts #ill need to idle at )++41+++7 ./0" due to t!e cams!a t's tig!t 869 #!ic! causes a !ig! overlap period (not e icient at idle : lo# ./0s). 9lso" ensure t!e Target Idle 6peed ./0 scale is properly programmed. I t!e !ot engine idles in bet#een t#o temperature cells on t!e Target Idle 6peed scale" set t!e temperature cell be ore : a ter t!e target idle" to t!e same ./0, so t!e E'( doesn't vary t!e idle speed. Target Air/Fuel Ratio 0ost !ig! per ormance engines #ill idle #ell #it! a target air% uel ratio bet#een 1;.+-1 and 1;.*-1. T!is surprised me and I #asn't com ortable #it! it at irst. Ho#ever" #!en I tried it" my engine responded so avorably" especially #!en I s!i ted it in gear. T!is became one o t!e t!ree most signi icant aspects o my idle quality improvement (t!e ot!er t#o being timing advance and Fuel Table tuning). T!is isn't as detrimental to uel economy as one mig!t t!ink" because at idle" t!ere are less in<ection events (engine cycles) over time" t!an at !ig!er ./0s. .emember to also c!eck t!e idle in gear and allo# t!e engine idle or at least a minute #it! eac! c!ange. RPM & kPa Axis Configuration =!en an engine is idling" t!ere's a 'target idle cell' on t!e Fuel : 6park Tables. It's important to identi y t!is single cell" in order to properly con igure t!e ./0 (>) a$is and k/a (?) a$is. Ideally" t!e target idle cell s!ould be in t!e center o t!e ./0 : k/a range t!e engine idles in. 6ome engines e$!ibit better idle stability t!an ot!ers" as seen on t!e Fuel : 6park Tables. T!e goal is to con igure t!e idle area so t!e idle !as equal range above : belo# t!e target value. Fuel :

6park Tables s!ould !ave t!ree ./0 columns and t!ree k/a ro#s, one column%ro# above : belo# t!e target column%ro#. T!e values programmed above : belo# t!e target" depend on !o# t!e engine idles and t!e resolution o t!e Fuel : 6park Tables (e.g. 1@$1@ vs. ;1$;1). Typically" t!e ./0 a$is (idle area) !as increments o 1++41*+ ./0 and t!e k/a a$is (idle area) !as increments o A45 k/a. .emember to c!eck t!e idle in gear" to veri y t!e k/a a$is con iguration above idle" is acceptable. Base Fuel Table 0ost people I !elp" don't kno# !o# to tune t!e idle area o t!e Fuel Table (')*+ or 9venger%H/%&ominator E'(). It !as a big impact on t!e idle stability. T!e Fuel Table can never be lat" meaning you can't !ave t!e same numbers in t!e idle area. (nlike t!e 6park Table" #!ic! s!ould be lat. Here's a sample Fuel Table idle tuning scenario. T!e bold numbers indicate idling #it! no load (1;) : idling in gear and%or accessories on (1@). T!e surrounding cells direct t!e engine idle back to t!e target idle cell (center). 6tudy t!e diagonal pattern o t!e idle numbers, t!at's t!e secret to good Fuel Table idle tuning. Notice !o# t!e values increase with higher load & less RPM and decrease with lower load & more RPM09/ @5...12... !...1* @[email protected]*...1B *@...1*...1B...1; *+...1B... "...1A BB...1;...1A...11 .....2++..5++..)++ ./0 T!e Fuel Table e$ample above is a good one" !o#ever" it illustrates t!e idle segment o a ')*+ Fuel Table #it! large in<ectors (9venger%H/%&ominator Fuel Tables use Clbs%!rC unit o measure). Dn ')*+ Fuel Tables" smaller numbers mean larger in<ectors and larger numbers mean smaller in<ectors. T!ere ore" i your idle values (numbers) are larger t!an #!at's illustrated above (typical in<ector siEing)" t!en t!e number pattern s!ould c!ange in increments o t#o or maybe even t!ree. E$ample09/ @5...;A..." ...A) @A...;1...A)...A2 *@...A)...A2...A* *+...A2...#$...A; BB...A*...A;...A1 .....2++..5++..)++ ./0 6ince t!e ne# 9venger%H/%&ominator E'(s sel 4tune" #!y does t!e idle area o t!e Fase Fuel Table need to be ad<ustedG Fecause t!e 8earn unction can only sel 4tune to t!e Target 9ir%Fuel .atio Table in a loating ;$; cell () block) pattern, and it does so very well. =!en t!e 8earn table sel 4tunes" it's ad<usting t!e entire idle area t!e same amount, just like it's supposed to. In ot!er #ords" t!e Fase Fuel Table is responsible or idle quality and t!e sel 4tuning is responsible

or DA compensation. 6o t!e idle area o t!e Fase Fuel Table still needs to be Ccon iguredC to promote a smoot! idle" or t!e same a orementioned reasons. =!en Holley creates t!e base maps" t!ey can't anticipate t!e e$act location #!ere every engine #ill idle. T!e 9venger%H/%&ominator Fuel Tables use Clbs%!rC unit o measure" so t!e number incrementation #ill not ClookC to be spread out as ar as t!e ')*+. Ho#ever" t!e idle tuning scenario is t!e same. I've ound t!at increments o .A*4.*+ lbs%!r" #ork #ell in t!e idle area o Holley 9venger%H/%&ominator Fuel Tables. E$ample09/ @5...).*+...%&#$...).++ @A...).A*...).++...5.2* *@...).++...5.2*...5.*+ *+...5.2*...'&$(...5.A* BB...5.*+...5.A*...5.++ ......2++....5++....)++ ./0 Closed )oop Co*pensation + E'(s #it!out 8earning capability #ill !ave a 'losed 8oop 'ompensation 8imit o around HA*I and must be tuned so t!e E'( is subtracting about *I rom t!e Fuel Table. =it! a limit o only HA*I" t!e initial tuning procedure #ill most likely need to be repeated eac! time t!e tuning is applied to t!e Fuel Table. ?ou'll never notice t!e E'( subtracting uel but you can notice it adding uel. For initial tuning purposes" allo# t!e ma$imum value in t!e idle area" due to coolant : air temperature modi iers. E'(s #it! 8earning capability #ill !ave a virtually in inite 'losed 8oop 'ompensation 8imit, as muc! as H)))I. T!e reason #!y" is so t!e E'( doesn't need to repeat t!e entire modi ication to t!e Fase Fuel Table (i t!e DA 'ompensation #as limited)" every time it returns to idle or any ot!er area or t!at matter. T!e 8earn Table modi ies t!e Fase Fuel Table by applying its 8earned amount to t!e Fase Fuel Table values. J In some stubborn cases" a better idle may be attained by limiting t!e amount o 'losed 8oop 'ompensation or 8earning" added or subtracted rom t!e idle area. 9lso" large race cams!a ts due to t!eir signi icant amount o overlap" and/or a =FDA sensor near t!e end o an open e$!aust pipe" #ill e$!ibit a luctuating 9F.% alse lean condition at idle : lo# ./0. To recti y t!is" enter 'losed 8oop /arameters and set t!e CEnable ./0 to Enter 'losed 8oopC !ig! enoug! to ignore t!is condition. ?ou'll t!en need to manually tune t!e idle area in Dpen 8oop mode. J 9lso" t!e 9dvanced 'ontrol (14*" 'ustom) sets !o# ast t!e 'losed 8oop control operates. 1 is t!e slo#est and * is t!e astest. T!is depends !eavily on #!ere t!e =FDA sensor is located in t!e e$!aust system. T!e urt!er a#ay t!e =FDA sensor is (a#ay rom t!e engine)" t!e lo#er t!e number s!ould be. I 9dvanced 'ontrol B or !ig!er is selected" one must ensure t!e E'( isn't oscillating t!e 'losed 8oop operation. Kie#ing a datalog is !elp ul. I e$perienced a condition #!ere t!e actual 9F. o ten ClaggedC momentarily" be!ind t!e Target 9F.. I i$ed it by c!anging t!e 'losed 8oop 9dvanced 'ontrol to *. 0y =FDA sensors are located in ull4lengt! !eader collectors.

Ti*ing Ad,an-e T!e Timing Table must be lat at idle" meaning t!e same value used in t!e entire idle area (especially i using Idle 6park 'ontrol). 0ost street per ormance engines #ill idle #ell #it! 1*L4A*L o timing advance. T!e e$act amount depends !eavily on t!e cams!a t speci ications. 3enerally" tig!ter 869 4 lobe separation angles (overlap) and larger lobe duration igures" require more timing advance at idle. 1+@L41+5L is considered a tig!t 869 (idle quality su ers #it! less idle vacuum)" 1+5L411+L is moderate" 11+L411AL is moderately #ide and 11AL411BL is #ide (idle quality improves #it! more idle vacuum). Dne must pay close attention to !o# muc! timing advance is used at idle. .esist t!e urge to use too muc!, I've made t!is mistake in t!e past. 9dvancing t!e timing" o ers better uel e iciency and raises t!e idle speed" !o#ever" e$cessive timing creates an unstable idle speed due to t!e engine !aving too muc! torque at idle (idle spark control becomes ine ective). .etarded timing lo#ers t!e idle speed" decreases engine torque and increases t!e coolant temperature. E$cessively retarded timing also causes t!e e$!aust !eaders to glo# red !ot. .emember to c!eck t!e idle in gear" to veri y t!e amount used is also acceptable. Idle Spark Control Tuning T!e Idle 6park 'ontrol basically ine tunes t!e idle speed by manipulating t!e timing (quickly increasing : decreasing in accordance to ./0). T!e idle quality must be #ell tuned be ore ad<usting t!ese t#o parameters. It may !elp to datalog various /:& combinations (name t!e datalog by t!e t#o numbers to decip!er t!em) and look or t!e straig!test ./0 line. T!is is because you can't #atc! t!e idle ./0s on t!e &ata 0onitor" since t!ey c!ange too ast and t!e tac!ometer usually isn't an accurate enoug! indicator o idle stability. I've ound values o A+ (/ term) and B+ (& term) are a good start on Holley 9venger%H/%&ominator E'(s. /:& &e initions 4 E$cerpt rom Holley EFI manualJ / Term M T!e speed at #!ic! t!e ignition timing is varied to maintain target idle. J & Term M Eliminates t!e overs!oot. IAC Control Tuning T!e /I& terms must be ine tuned to eac! particular engine. 6tart #it! all t!ree /I& parameters at 1+. Tune t!e /roportional irst" t!e &erivative second" t!e Integral last" t!en ine tune t!e t!ree toget!er. Temporarily disable t!e Idle 6park 'ontrol #!ile tuning t!e idle /I& parameters and ensure t!e Fuel 0ap is #ell tuned in t!e idle area. It may !elp to datalog various /I& combinations (name t!e datalog by t!e t!ree numbers to decip!er t!em) and look or t!e straig!test ./0 line. T!is is because you can't #atc! t!e idle ./0s on t!e &ata 0onitor" since t!ey c!ange too ast and t!e tac!ometer usually isn't an accurate enoug! indicator o idle stability. D course" you don't !ave to datalog t!e number combinations t!at obviously make it idle #orse. Typically" slo#er I9' control promotes better idle stability. /I& &e initions 4 E$cerpt rom t!e Holley EFI manual-

J / Term M (/roportional) 6peed%gain o t!e system #!en t!ere is a large deviation in t!e target idle speed. .aising t!is value increases t!e speed at #!ic! t!e I9' moves in order to remove target idle speed error. I t!is value is too !ig! or a speci ic application" t!e I9' position #ill oscillate (be out o control) and cause t!e engine speed to surge up and do#n. I t!e value is too lo# or a speci ic application" t!e I9' #ill be slo# to react to quick c!anges in idle speed deviation. Ho#ever" it is muc! better or t!is term to be conservatively slo#" rat!er t!an too ast. J I Term M (Integral) speed o t!e system #!en t!e engine speed is near t!e target idle speed. .aising t!is value increases t!e speed at #!ic! t!e I9' moves #!en t!e engine speed is close to target idle speed. I t!is value is too !ig! or a speci ic application" t!ere may be Ntoo muc! I9' activityO around t!e target idle speed. I t!e value is too lo# or a speci ic application" t!e I9' #ill be slo# to react to c!anges near target idle speed. Ho#ever" it is muc! better or t!is term to be conservatively slo#" rat!er t!an too ast. J & Term M (&erivative) Hig!er derivative terms reduce t!e tendency o idle speed overs!oot. 6maller derivative terms slo# do#n t!e I9' movement as target idle speed is approac!ed. IAC Counts or Position ./0 T!e t!rottle blades must be set so t!e engine is breat!ing su icient air on its o#n (#it!out e$cessive I9' intervention)" or idling and starting. T!e I9' motor%valve is supposed to regulate t!e idle air lo# to !elp maintain t!e idle speed. I9' motors !ave an I9' position range o eit!er +4A** counts or +I4 1++I (eac! 1I is t!e equivalent o A.** counts). T!e t!rottle blades (idle speed scre#) is o ten set to position t!e I9' motor at 1+4A+ counts or 1+I41*I at !ot idle. I've ound t!is to be too muc! I9' control #!en it's closing (to#ard Eero). I pre er to urt!er open t!e t!rottle blades to ac!ieve a I9' position o * counts or AI at !ot idle. T!is only allo#s a minute amount o air lo# reduction" #!ic! al#ays seems to promote a more steady idle speed and improve starting. In1e-tor 2nd Angle I also spent some time tuning t!e in<ector end angle timing. E'(s !ave di erent end angle so t#are parameters" so t!ere's an e$cerpt o !o# Holley does it belo#. I like t!e idea o in<ecting uel a little earlier during t!e intake stroke. T!e end angle !as a diminis!ing e ect as t!e in<ector duty cycle reac!es )+I (since t!e in<ectors are ConC or most o t!e engine cycle)" !o#ever" it's nice to tune t!is or optimum idle quality and lo# to mid ./0 torque. Torque" economy" emissions and idle quality are all e ected by t!e in<ector timing. T!e optimum value depends on t!e engine ./0 and load. To notice a di erence" t!e end angle must be ad<usted in large increments" suc! as PB*L or P)+L. T!e in<ection timing can be plotted on paper" i t!e user kno#s t!e in<ector duty cycle in question" and t!e intake valve opening (LFT&') : closing (L9F&') events. J E$cerpt rom t!e Holley EFI manualCIn<ector End 9ngle 4 T!is is t!e cranks!a t angle in degrees #!en t!e in<ectors #ill inis! t!eir in<ection event. 9 value o +L #ill end t!e in<ection event at F&'

(Fottom &ead 'enter) be ore t!e compression stroke. 9 negative value moves t!e event be ore F&' and a positive value moves t!e event a ter F&'. T!ere could be some improvements in cylinder to cylinder uel distribution by tuning t!is parameter. I modi ying" it is best to move t!is value in a negative direction to start.C In1e-tor Pulse34idt5 It's important to use t!e proper siEe uel in<ectors. In<ectors t!at are too large or your application" #on't idle #ell due to lo# pulse4#idt! operation. &on't decrease uel pressure in order to increase pulse #idt! times at idle. &ecreasing uel pressure results in less t!an optimum in<ector spray patterns. Holley suggests t!e pulse4#idt! at idle s!ouldn't be lo#er t!an 1.2 msec (#!ic! #on't be an issue #!en using t!e appropriate siEe in<ectors) and t!at it s!ouldn't luctuate more t!an .; msec. 9lso" large in<ectors #ill idle better #!en sequentially in<ected" or reasons mentioned in t!is 8ink. Mini*u* In1e-tor 6pening Ti*e T!is parameter can be especially use ul or very large in<ectors t!at !ave poor lo# pulse4#idt! linearity (suc! as t!e Fosc! 1@+ lb%!r in<ectors). T!is msec value programmed by t!e user" #ill prevent t!e in<ector pulse4#idt! rom all belo# t!e setting" #!ic! promotes a muc! more stable idle speed (idle quality). 9 good starting value is 1.++ msec. Ho#ever" unless t!e in<ectors are too big or t!e uel pressure is too !ig!" most in<ectors #on't reac! t!is setting any#ay. In1e-tor 7oltage 6ffset 9ll in<ectors !ave a voltage o 4time%voltage curve and t!is needs to be correctly entered into t!e E'('s so t#are. 6ometimes t!is data can be di icult to ind and contacting t!e manu acturer is t!e only #ay to acquire it. T!e in<ector o 4time values don't !ave to be e$actly correct. In act" some a termarket E'(s <ust provide generic values. 9d<usting t!e uel pressure #ill ske# t!e results some#!at because increasing t!e uel pressure does increase t!e in<ector o 4time values. I t!e data s!eet you ind or receive is a s!ort list" you can mat!ematically ind t!e value in bet#een any t#o consecutive data points" by averaging. E$ample 4 T!e data s!eet gives you t!e values or 5 volts and 1+ volts but you #ant to ind t!e value or ) volts- 1.@@) (5v) 7 1.+*2 (1+v) Q A R 1.;@; ()v) Sust make an educated guess or t!e values beyond 1* volts because you'll never be t!ere any#ay. J 9not!er aspect o proper voltage is t!e alternator. Ensure t!e alternator can maintain t!e battery c!arge at idle. T!is is a big problem #it! older alternator designs (and t!ey output a lot o electrical noise). Ho#ever" modern design alternators are capable o producing most o t!eir po#er (amps) at idle speeds. T!ese modern designs simply !ave larger stators" more #indings" better recti iers" etc or greater idle speed output. Ford o#ners can retro it a Ford ;3 alternator. 30 o#ners can retro it a '641;+%1BB alternator. I believe 0opar o#ners can retro it a certain model &enso alternator.

Alp5a3N 8 Idle 9lp!a4N T idle is a uel in<ection strategy" based on T/6 position and ./0. It's or serious race engines #it! radical cams!a ts t!at can't maintain a steady k/a value because it luctuates too muc!. 9lp!a4N T idle still !as t!e bene its o DA compensation" !o#ever" it can't sense load because it doesn't use t!e 09/ sensor. In 9lp!a4N mode" most E'(s use t!e 09/ sensor as a Farometric sensor. 9lp!a4N T idle s!ould only be used as a last resort. 9dding idle resolution to t!e k/a (?) a$is usually resolves issues #it! a radical cams!a t. D course" orced4 induction applications must use speed4density mode (09/ sensor)" since t!ey need to measure load points under boost. J I !elped a user #it! t!eir 9lp!a4N Idle Fuel tune, #e programmed t!e T/6 a$is #it! +.+" +.B" +.5" 1.A" 1.@" A.+I and t!e ./0 a$is #it! 121" ;BA" *1;" @5;" 5*B" 1+A* ./0. T!e Fuel Flo# table ranged rom 5.* to ).+ lb%!r. (9lp!a4N #as only necessary at actual idle.) T!e de ault 9lp!a4N Idle Fuel table didn't !ave realistic T/6 : ./0 values" so program it to your speci ic application. 0ay 3od's 3race Fless ?ou '25 F.DN'D- *+5C stroker" TF6 !eads" &ominator 0/FI : &I6" cold air induction" dual ;C e$!aust%0agna lo# mu lers" 1++H/ progressive dry direct4 port ND6" 9%'" 8entec! 6trip Terminator #ide4ratio 9D&" ;-1 9tlas II" modi ied &ana BB%@+4lockers4B.1+s" !ydroboost%B4disc brakes" ram4assist%!eim4over steering" 'age long radius arms" custom traction bars" BC li t" ;*C mud tires

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